British Israelism Exposed
British Israelism Exposed
British Israelism Exposed
The following will prove that the Lost Tribes of Israel aren't British at all. It's based on myth,
legend, and superstition. British Israelism is a belief that all of the Lost Tribes of Israel
migrated from Asia to Europe in order to become the Anglo-Saxons. The proponents of
British Israelism view themselves as the “chosen race” of God, which is a lie. They view
themselves as the true Israelites. This story revolves around how some (not all) of the
tribes of Israel were carried away as captives by the Assyrians in 722 B.C. The British
Israelite proponents also believe that America and Britain are apart of the Lost Tribes of
Israel as well (which consist predominantly of the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh). Most
proponents of British Israelism ideas aren’t racists. Yet, some of its proponents are
racists. The Bible forbids racism as all humans are created equal: “…For as many
of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew
nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are
all one in Christ Jesus…” (Galatians 3:27-28). The racists include the Identity crowd who
are anti-Semitic and some of them are Neo-Nazis. This crowd promotes Aryan racial
superiority. The Christian Identity views are similar to Nazis in terms of ideology. The
difference is that they disagree on who the master race is. British Israelism teaches the
lie that olive to dark skinned Semitic Hebrews transformed over night into lighter
skinned Celts and Anglo-Saxons (including Nordic peoples), which is a lie. Willie
Martin is a famous racist Christian Identity member. Therefore, British Israelism is
similar to New Age thought since both (not all of them) believe that the Aryan people are
God’s chosen people. This doctrine is masked from the more liberal teachings of Brit-Am's
late author Yair Davidy (and Rabbi Avraham Feld) at one end of the Anglo-Israelist
spectrum to the Keltic Knights of the KKK on the other end of the same British-Israel belief
system. Even the Latter Day Saints of Mormonism, touted as the 'fastest growing global
religion' is entirely based around the concept of the 'Ten Lost Tribes of Israel' teachings. The
Mormons believes that Israelites came into ancient America. The lie that Jewish people are
related to Cain or from the Turkish Khazars have its origin from the Gnostic texts as well.
“The doctrine that Cain was the child of Satan and Eve is found in the ancient Gnostic text The
Revelation of Adam, where Adam says to his son Seth: ‘Next, darkness came over our eyes. Next,
the god that made us made a child (begotten) by himself (and) Eve your mother¼.’” (The Gnostic
Scriptures, p.56)
The Bible is perfectly clear that Eve conceived both Seth and Cain. This is found in Genesis
2 which says that: “…And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived,
and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD. And she
again bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain
was a tiller of the ground…” One of the biggest proponents of the heresy of British
Israelism is “Pastor” Arnold Murray. He runs his Shepherd Chapel church that is located in Gravette,
Arkansas. He is very popular in the world as his TV program is seen in over 325 stations all over the
nation, even in Hawaii. He thunders his message in a strong fashion. He mixes truth with errors in his
doctrines. His views are unscriptural. He even has bias against Jewish people, blacks, and non-
Anglo-Saxon peoples. One of his big false teachings is that he believes that the Mark of the Beast is
totally about mental brainwashing and it’s not about a physical tool. In the newsletter that
accompanies it he states “…They could tattoo ‘666’ from your head to your feet and it
would not change your feelings or mind about Christ. This is important. I hope you
understand…” (Newsletter #264 Oct.2000). This is false since the Bible says that taking the
Mark of the Beast on your hand or foreheads equals not allowing you to enter the Kingdom
of God plainly. Rev.13:16 says clearly that: “He causes (forced) all, both small and great,
rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark ON their right hand or on their
foreheads.” The word on is epi in Greek and it means upon. Don' t just read the English, be
a bible student, the Greek word is charagma, and it means “a stamp” or “imprinted mark”
and almost every Bible scholar worth his salt agrees with this interpretation. The Mark is
bigger than the mind, but a real action. Arnold Murray believes in the Serpent Seed
lie. He believes that Kenites (or descendants of Cain) still exist today. The Bible is clear that
the descendants of Cain died via Noah’s flood: “and EVERY LIVING SUBSTANCE THAT I
ALL FLESH DIED that moved on the earth: birds and cattle and beasts and every
creeping thing that creeps on the earth, and every man. ALL in whose nostrils was the
breath of the spirit of life, all that was on the dry land, died” (Gen 7:21-22). The true
Kenites of the Bibles are not from Cain. They are descendants from the Midianites who did
metalwork with extraordinary skill (as found in Genesis 15:19). Hobab, the son of Reuel,
was a Kenite and acted as a guide to Israel in the wilderness (1:16; 4:11). Heber, was a
Kenite (Judges 4:11 and 5:24 “Most blessed among women is Jael, The wife of Heber the
Kenite.” Around the time of Israel's exodus from Egypt, the Kenites showed kindness to
Israel (1 Sam 15:6), and some of the Kenites entered the Promised Land along with the
Israelites in the conquest led by Joshua (Judg 1:16). Murray falsely assume that the Jewish
people today are descendants of the Kenites. Murray is a Modalist or he denies the Trinity.
Arnold Murray denies the rapture when even Enoch was physical
raptured into Heaven as found in these verses: “…And Enoch
walked with God and was not for God TOOK HIM.” (Genesis 5:24)
“By faith Enoch was TRANSLATED that he should not see death and was not because God
had taken (TRANSLATED) him for before (his death), he was taken he had this testimony,
that he pleased God” (Hebrews 11:5). ELIJAH was raptured: “And it came to pass, as they
still went on, and talked, that behold, there appeared a chariot of fire and horses of fire and
separated them, and Elijah WENT UP by a whirlwind into Heaven” (2 Kings 2:1-11). The
Bible in 2 Thes. 4:16 says that believers will be caught up in the air to meet with the
Lord. Arnold Murray is a notorious false prophet. Mr. Murray has also prophesied falsely by
setting a date for the appearance of the Antichrist by 1981. “Lucifer was taken to the
pit...Know from the 2nd chapter of 2 Thessalonians that he shall soon return. The Book of
Daniel very clearly states that it shall happen before the year 1981, if you have any
understanding at all of the wisdom of the elect in the last days” (Seed of the Serpent,
version taped in 1979). Mr. Murray also teaches the doctrine of annihilationism. This view
teaches that all unbelievers will not be tormented eternally in hell, but will completely
disappear. The Book of Revelation is clear that all unbelievers will be punished in the Lake
of Fire forever (not destroyed). Like any cult, he claims that people that legitimately
disagrees with his views as liars, gossips, idiots, etc. So, Arnold Murray and Shepherd
Chapel has false doctrines that they need to change. Arnold Murray needs to wake up
י ִשְׂ ָראֵל אֶ ֶרץ, ERETZ YISRAEL
The problem with this argument (of the Jewish people today being Khazars) is that Ashkenazi Jewish
people existed in Germany during the times of the Roman Empire, which was long before the
Khazars were in prominence at all. Jewish people lived in Germany, referring to Cologne, is
found in imperial decrees issued in 321 and 331 A.D. (according to Encyclopaedia Judaica,
Vol. 7, col. 458). Jewish people lived in Russia in the 100's A.D. Jews arrived in Pannonia
(Yugoslavia) and Romania in the Third Century (according to Encyclopaedia Judaica, Vol.
16, col. 868). The Khazar Empire didn't even exist in parts of Eastern Europe until the 600‘s A.D..
That document of “The Encyclopedia Britannica,“ Ninth Edition, 1903, Volume XIV, pp. 59-60 outline
an accurate portrayal of the Khazars. The Khazars would trade with the Byzantium Empire. The
Khazars existed from 190 A.D. to 1100 A.D. They reached their peak from 600-950 A.D. They
existed from the Caucasus Mountains. One of their capitals was Itil. The Encyclopedia said that there
were lighter skinned (or Ak-Khazars) and darker skinned (or Kara-Khazars) Khazars. One ruling
dynasty in ca. 740 A.D. adopted Judaism for political and commercial reasons (the Jewish people
inspired on their kings named Bulan to convert), yet no evidence existed that the majority of the
Khazarian people adopted the Jewish religion at all. Rabbi Bernard Rosensweig was one of the
leading figures in debunking the Khazar theory of Ashkenazi Jewish origins. Writing in Tradition
(16:5, Fall 1977, pages 139-162), he dismissed it as "wobbly scholarly foundations without historical
support." Likewise, the Swedish archaeologist Bozena Werbart, an expert on the Khazars, wrote: "In
the Khazar kingdom, Koestler wanted to see the origin of the eastern European Jewry. Nevertheless,
all the historical and linguistic facts contradicted his theories."
The Khazar being Jews living in Israel lie is going to be refuted now. The Khazars are Turkish tribes
(with links to Ugrian peoples) who were phallic worshippers. Their Kings converted to Judaism to
trade more efficiently between Christian and Muslim peoples in the Caucasus region. This area
where the Khazars lived was between the Black and Caspian Sea. Later, the Khazars were mostly
gone by intermarriage with Europeans. Arthur claims that the Ashkenazi tribes are related to the
Khazars completely and they therefore are false Jewish people. This is fantasy since the Ashkenazi
Jewish tribes lived in Germany plus genetically they are related to Middle Eastern people.
Some Freemasons and the Masonic Orange Order accept British Israelism. According to Professor
E. Oldum, MA, BSc., the Orange Order taught that Europeans were the blood descended child of
Abraham. Many British-Israel supporters though are working with leaders to try to create a New
World Order. One example is that British Israelite proponent & occultist John Dee centuries ago
wanted to create a new world order with the British Empire being global. Dee popularized the concept
of "Brittania" or the British Empire. It is true that some Jewish people intermarried with some
Europeans, but this doesn’t mean that all Jewish people don’t exist anymore. They existed then and
Even the leadership of Herbert W. Armstrong's Worldwide Church of God discarded British Israelism
as unbiblical. The Anglo-Saxons being Jewish people is a lie for tons of reasons. Anglo-Saxons
never were circumcised in ancient times, so they aren’t related to God’s natural blessing given to the
Hebrews in Genesis 17:14. The Anglo-Saxons have mingled with many other people (like the
Normans, Celts, Jutes, etc.) and they haven’t tried to keep separate as the Jewish people have. The
Lost Tribes of Israel have spread into Africa (i.e. Lemba), Asia (i.e. India,
Central Asia, China, Japan), and Europe (i.e. Sephardim, Ashkenazi, etc.). So,
the Anglo-Saxons can never be the totality of all of the tribes of Israel at all
[even if they are truly related to Isreal, which they are not]. The ancient
Hebrews had no blond hair and blue eyes originally as many Anglo-Saxons
had during even the early Medieval period. The ancient Hebrews came from
Egypt to Israel after the Exodus. At a bare minimum, they had an olive to dark
skin complexion being Semitic as seen in archaeological images. Anglo-Saxons
are related genetically and linguistically to the Indo-Europeans from Central Asia. The Israeli Captivity
was done first by the Assyrians. Usually, the Assyrian rulers did not take into captivity the common
people, but only the ruling class and the notables and those who were skilled in sciences, artists,
craftsmen and warriors, in order to appoint them to serve the Empire. Indeed, King Sargon II, who
actually completed the siege of Samaria after the death of Shalmaneser V, declared that he deported
only 27,290 people from Israel (according to the inscription found at Khorsabad, his capital). There
are overwhelming scriptural, archaeological and historical proofs that the Northern Israelites sent to
exile by the Assyrians were not the whole population, and not even most of them. It is also clear that
among those who returned back to the Land of Israel all the twelve Tribes were present. Those of the
Northern Tribes may have been the descent of those already dwelling in Judah before the
deportation to Babylon, but they may have been also among the exiles of the Kingdom of Samaria.
They were the Jews mentioned by Ezra, their descendants were the Jews of the Roman times and
are Jews today. British Israelites falsely believe that the tribes from the Kingdom of Israel never
returned back into Israel after the Assyrian captivity as did Judah and Benjamin did after the 70 years
of captivity in Babylon. The Kingdom of Israel is made up of 10 tribes. Some of them believe that the
Jewish people are under a curse for rejecting the Messiah (which is false since Jesus ended the
curse of the Law). The Bible says that:
“…But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The
just shall live by faith. And the law is not of faith: but, The man that doeth them shall
live in them. Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for
us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: That the blessing of
Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the
promise of the Spirit through faith…” (Galatians 3:11-14)
The modern theory of British Israelism existed in the 1500's. Richard Brothers, who lived in
England between 1757 to 1824, created much of the modern British Israelism doctrine.
He was a lieutenant in the British navy for a while. He quit to serve in religious
matters. He made false predictions and accurate ones. He soon supported the view that
there were Israelite links to the Saxons, which was false. Things did not continue to go well
for Brothers, for by order of the government he was finally committed to Bedlam as a
dangerous lunatic. He died in 1824 with his new Jerusalem prediction being rebuilt not
coming to pass soon. British Israelists believe that the kingly line of Judah (Genesis 49:10) reached
Britain when a daughter of Zedekiah, the last king of Judah before the fall of Jerusalem, who in their
minds arrived with Jeremiah in 569 B.C. This princess, Tea-Tephi, married the king of Ireland, who
also happened to be a descendant of Judah through Zarah, Judah's younger son (Genesis 38:30).
So, both branches of the kingly line were established as the Royal House of Ireland according
to them. This kingdom was transferred to Scotland and then to England with James I (James
VI of Scotland) in 1603. British Israelites believe that Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain,
therefore is a direct descendant of King David and recipient of his throne. They believe that the
pillar stone of Jacob resides today in the royal coronation chair of Great Britain in Westminster
Here's a refutation of this. The stone of scone is not a true pillar stone of Israel at all. God strictly
forbade the use of hewn stone in altars as found in Exodus 20:5. Secondly, however, Professor
A.C. Ramsey of the Geology Department of London University inspected the stone and
identified it as red sandstone, probably of Scottish origin. The nearest red sandstone to
Bethel, where Jacob found his stone is in Petra (Petra is nearly one hundred miles to the
south). The stone which was around Bethel where Jacob slept is white limestone. The scriptures
know nothing of this fake event of a stone traveling from Israel to the British Isles via Egypt. The
Bible is clear that the true cornerstone is Jesus Christ not a stone in the
UK. There is no need to make a false stone at all. Also, Israel, Jews, and
Hebrews have been interchangeable throughout the Scriptures. Genesis 12
outline Abraham as the ancestor of the Hebrews. Israel was connected to Abraham's grandson by
the name of Jacob (Genesis 32:28). The term of "Judah" was used in relation to one of Jacob's sons
(Genesis 29:35) and Judah was still part of "Israel" Genesis 49:28 says that: "All these are the twelve
tribes of Israel." Also, in the dispersal of the Jews into Babylon, they maintained their unique
national identity. Also, America and the USA are more heterogeneous than any nation in the
world. That’s definitely true and a reality. Therefore Americans are not fully related to Ephraim
and Manasseh at all. Did the dispersal of the "ten lost tribes" disorient them enough to start writing
to left to right instead of right to left as was done for centuries (by the ancient Hebrews)? The answer
is no. The Bible says that Abraham's covenant is extended unto Jews and Gentiles (i.e. it isn't limited
to Anglo-Saxons):
Galatians 3:27-29 says, "For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on
Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor
female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed,
and heirs according to the promise."
Under the King Cyrus of Iran, Israelites were allowed to return back to their homeland as a fulfillment
of Bible prophecy. There in Jerusalem, the Temple was rebuilt by the Hebrews. This was the start of
the rebuilding of the Second Temple. The return is recorded by Ezra and Nehemyah, and the twelve
Tribes are present:
"Then the children of Yisrael, the Kohanim and the Levites, and the rest of the sons
of the captivity, kept the dedication of this House with joy, and offered ... as a sin
offering for all Yisrael twelve male goats, according to the number of the Tribes of
Yisrael". (Ezra 6:16,17)
"The sons of the exile, who had come from the captivity, brought burnt offerings to
the Elohim of Yisrael: twelve bulls for all Yisrael,... and twelve male goats as a sin
offering". (Ezra 8:35)
These returning people were both Jews and Israelites. They are the ancestors of modern Jewish
people.Really the tribes aren’t lost since the OT and NT mentioned the
tribes of Asher, Benjamin, etc. found in Luke 2:36, Acts 1:39, Ezra 10:5,
Nehemiah 12:47, Nehemiah 11:34, and the smoking gun of Ezra 7:13
proving that God never lost Israel since he knew them to this day. The
Apostle Paul called himself a Hebrew (in Phil. 3:5), an Israelite (in 2 Cor. 11:22), and a Jew (in Acts
21:39, 22:3). All of these terms are interchangeable. Anglo-Saxons write from left to right, but Israel
wrote from right to left with no evidence of Hebrews changing their method of writing at all. Most
creditable historians and records like Encyclopedia Britannica don’t view Anglo-Saxons as Semitic.
Even the Britain nation embrace New Age belief in many circles, plus its old empire had a
conglomeration of false faiths like Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Atheism, and Roman Catholicism.
British Israelists claim that Ephraim and Manasseh went to America, but America is the most diverse
nation on the face of the Earth. The King of David’s throne is the Lord Jesus Christ, not the British
Monarch as British Israelism believes. One of the most common claims of British Israelism is that the
word British comes from b’rith ish meaning “man of the covenant” according to them, which is false.
This is false for the correct Hebrew phrase for the “man of the covenant” is ish bah’rith. From their
reasoning, Britain comes from b’rith ‘ayin meaning “without a covenant.” The British nation as history
and scholars like Arthur Custance‘s “Noah’s Three Sons” and William Cooper’s “After the Flood,”
detail outline that the Indo-Europeans are the true ancestors of most British people (which includes
the Celts, Saxons, Angles, Normans, etc.). These peoples are descended from Japheth not Shem.
Semitic Jewish and Arabic peoples descend from Shem:
Some point to Tautha de Danann as related to the tribe of Dan, but the official chronology of Tuatha
existed before Dan was born (if the chronology ever existed). Danaan relates to Aryan tribes. Just
because locations are similar in pronouncements to Dan, doesn’t mean they are related to the tribe
of Dan. So Dan marked the Africans as well as the Englishmen. Then Din-ka—actually Dan-
ka—belongs to the Nile section; and Dongola— Dan-gola?—is also in Egypt. The British-
Israelite proponents would probably never make a connection of these African locations to
the tribe of Dan at all. The British Israelites are claim that the Saxon tribe comes from Isaac.
‘Saxon’ is a Germanic word probably coming from the name of the weapon they used,
according to the Oxford English Dictionary. It may come from the Latin saxum meaning
‘rock’ (thus weapon made of rock), or from secare to cut. There is no link to any non-Indo-
European language among the Hebrew word of Isaac. The alleged derivation from Isaac’s
Sons is simply untenable—‘Isaac’ is the Greek form of the name (Ισαακ Ισαακ the original
Hebrew form of the name is Yits-khaq (with four consonants: yod, tsadhe, cheth, qoph).
One thing is certain: "Saxon" is not related to the Hebrew Yits-haq, which sounds
nothing like Sax. In Hebrew the word for son is ben, as in Benjamin. The form "sons
of Isaac" would be expressed in Hebrew as ben-ei Yits-haq (cf. "sons of Jacob" ben-ei
Ya-acov, Genesis 34:27) —certainly not "Saq's sons." It boggles the mind that Israelite
tribes allegedly lost centuries before Christ would adopt a name that is a contraction of a
fairly modern English grammatical construction based on the Greek form of the name of
Israel’s father! Numerous Anglo-Saxon and Irish genealogies trace their origin to Magog (in the
Milesian one) not to Dan. Magog in traditions were an ancestor of the Scythians and the Irish peoples
according to British scholars. Irish legends don't say a word about Jeremiah. As for Prophet
Jeremiah, the Scriptures say that he was carried by the Jews to Egypt, and other ancient sources
(like Elmakin, Epiphanius, Abulpharagius, Jerome, Tertullian, etc.) say that Jeremiah died in Egypt.
There are some Irish legends that speak about a group of Egyptians, including a descendant of the
Pharaoh, that landed in Ireland (These events are many centuries before both David and Jeremiah
were born, perhaps before Mosheh also). The ancient Irish were pagans and worshipped the sun,
not the Holy One of Israel. The Scythians and Celts used imprinting marks throughout their bodies.
This practice is forbidden in the Torah. The Scythians obviously had not the slightest knowledge
about Mosaic rules, neither practiced circumcision, nor kept Shabath or kashrut, nor any other
Israelite custom. Even for the Ark of the Covenant, Jeremiah says that:
"...they shall say no more: The Ark of the Covenant of Adonay; neither shall it come to mind;
nor shall they remember it; nor shall they visit it; nor shall that be made again" (Yirmeyahu
Yirmeyahu is Hebrew for Jeremiah. When you look at the Queen's line, it is Germanic not Jewish at
all. The British Monarchy is related to the Hannover-Saxe-Coburg-Gotha Germanic line. Elizabeth II
married Philip, who is of the royal house of Greece and Germany. Now, many of these Kings are
related to ancient Greece, ancient Rome, and ancient Egyptian leaders. Some of these Windsor
Royals have Tuetonic blood and not directly related to Hebrews at all. In Ezekiel 37:15-28 God
promises that He will unite all twelve tribes in the last days as part of His Covenant of Peace with
them. Therefore, there is no such thing as Lost Tribes in God's eyes at all. Race hatred is totally
unbiblical since God create human beings in great diversity. The reason is that God loves diversity or
variety in life. All humanity has sinned (Rom. 3:23; 5:12-20); thus, as William H. Baker
states, "The so-called races must be equal, because sin is what produces undesirable traits,
not race" (Moody Monthly, "Equal Before God," p. 19, 1-87). Racism is not only not of God,
because it is a sin to hate your fellow man by virtue of his skin color or race. The recent shooting
inside of the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. proves that there are racist extremists in
our society still. Racism is a key part of the new world order agenda that is promoted by the same
elitists (with ties to the Skulls and Bones, social Darwinists, eugenicists, and those who funded the
Nazi Empire decades ago) who would you least expect would be racist. This is why Freemason C.
William Smith and others want a new order of the ages where so-called "Aryans" would reign
supreme in the new world order. This is similar to the Nazis' agenda of allowing the "Aryans" to rule
the world. One essence of British Israelism is the embrace of false, long genealogies (which are
found in legends). I
Timothy 1:4 says clearly that: " ... take no heed to fables
and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly
edifying which is in the faith." (Col 3:11-13).
Jewish people (like Arabic people and all people) possess a history that consists of triumph,
contributions, and make up a key part of the human family. Israel declared its independence on May
14, 1948 or Iyar 5, 5708. That day was just near when the British Mandate expired on midnight. The
event is a national holiday called Yom Ha'atzmaut (Hebrew: העצמאות יום, lit. Independence
Day). The Palestinians of course commemorate the event as Nakba Day (Arabic: يوم
النكبة, Yawm al-nakba, lit. Catastrophe Day) on May 15th every year. Before and after
1948, both Israelis and Palestinians did the right thing and made mistakes toward each other.
Immediately after Israel declared its Independence, there was the 1948 Arab-Israeli war.
This war lasted from May 1948 to July of 1949. This was when Arabic mostly Muslim nations
fought Israel, because they believed that Israel stole land (while the Israelis claimed that they didn’t).
Although the United States vigorously supported the partition resolution, the State Department did not
want to provide the Jews with the means to defend themselves. All parties ended major hostilities in
the 1949 Armistice Agreements. The Agreements allows boundaries of Israel, Lebanon, Syria, and
Egypt. The United Nations established supervising and reporting agencies to monitor the established
armistice lines. In addition, discussions related to the armistice enforcement, led to the signing of the
separate Tripartite Declaration of 1950 between the United States, Britain and France. In it, they
pledged to take action within and outside the United Nations to prevent violations of the frontiers or
armistice lines. This lines held firm until the Six Day War of 1967. Jewish people, Arabic people, and
all people have a right to live in Israel if they want to. There are many Jewish and Arabic Christians in
that region as well. I recently read an article from National Geographic talking about how Arabic
Christians living in the Middle East since the time of the Roman Empire. The Israelis and Palestinians
ultimately have the basic responsibility to solve their own problems in the Middle East. No one can do
it except for those 2 groups of people. Some believe that British Israelism is promoted as an
excuse to demonize Jewish people covertly, while the European elite can control the Middle
East (and control the construction of a future Third Temple, while disregarding the promises
God gave unto the Hebrew people). While this is occurring, the Antichrist might use a
British/Merovingian tie to Israel lie (in his bloodline) in order to justify his claims of being the Messiah
when he isn’t the Messiah at all. As for me, I will forever reject bigotry and lies. I will never agree with
British Israelism at all. There are those who legitimately expose the working of the Rothschilds (who
are powerful, but not the most powerful entity in the world. The Rothschilds are supporters of the
Vatican. The Rothschilds certainly aren’t more powerful than the Pilgrim Society, the
Constantinian Order, etc.) in international finance. Some would talk about the Rothschilds but
won’t say a thing about the Vatican/Jesuit connection to the new world order (plus their role
in WWI, WWII, the Ecumenical Movement, the U.S. Supreme Court, the Global Religion
agenda, etc.). Authors have described the evils of the leadership of the Vatican for centuries.
The Knights of Malta were key in funding the Nazi Empire and being heads of major
international corporations to this very day. The SMOMs, high level Freemasonry, and the
Pilgrims making up millions of people globally are more powerful than the Rothschild family.
We know the people omit this link to new world order agenda. Anyway, I will continue to expose all of
the truth without omission.
"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall
prosper that love thee."
-Psalm 122:6
By Timothy