Black Lives Matter (10 Years Later)
Black Lives Matter (10 Years Later)
Black Lives Matter (10 Years Later)
Ten Years has been some me in the world. Ten years ago, I was just 30 years old living life in 2013. A er the verdict
of the Geroge Zimmerman trial, the Black Lives Ma er movement commenced in audacious vitality. Suddenly, a new
era of the complex, expansive black freedom struggle formed with ac vism, debates, controversies, and a love of
jus ce. During this me of December 9, 2023, we witness the rightwing backlash reaching new heights with book
bans, Trump saying that he will be a dictator on Day 1 if he wins the 2024 Presidency, GOP hypocrisy (i.e. the GOP
Florida Chair being accused of rape when claiming to be for family values) and terrorism against Jewish and Arabic
people in America in the form of hate crimes (including a massive humanitarian crisis in Gaza plus many Israeli
hostages s ll not returning home). So, we can’t sugarcoat the mes that we live in. What we can do is to give charity
about our mes, find solu ons, and help our neighbors out. That is why we are born on this Earth: to help fellow
human beings and be a beacon of light plus hope in the world. The purpose of this work is to show a defini ve
account of BLM and give my personal take on its successes and show legi mate cri que. Cri que is meant to inspire
improvement not to be used as a method for horrendous demoniza on. Black Lives Ma er will con nue to exist
regardless of what far right extremists, those who hate progressives, Hoteps, and bigots have to say. Also, it is
important to make clear that our independent thinking remains paramount in our lives. No poli cal party owns us
as we are free to think independently of what the establishment does. That’s certainly Real Talk.
e Table of Contents
1. Prologue
2. e Start
3. Growing Pains
4. Successes and Problems
5. e Major Scandals
6. Praise and Legitimate
7. Epilogue
The Black Lives Matter movement has been around for 10 years now. It has been a movement that
wants black liberation for all black people being firmly against police brutality and any form of
oppression. It has its supporters and critics. Many conservatives criticize BLM on cultural and social
issues claiming it ignores the value of black fathers and attacks the nuclear family (proponents of
BLM deny this charge). Many progressives criticize BLM on strategic and political issues claiming
that it is too decentralized and was a victim of co-option by the Democratic Party establishment
including capitalist corporations in general. So, the truth is more nuisance. The Black Lives Matter
movement was right to advocate against police brutality and for the freedom of all black people
heroically. The issue is that BLM, as time went on, became too decentralized in not forming a firm,
long-lasting infrastructure to stand up against oppression, its omission of the importance of black
fathers (citing villages is fine but praising black mothers and black fathers equally is also
revolutionary), and many members (not all members) being co-opted by neo-liberal establishment
forces (as we shall show later on). The vast majority of Black Lives Matter members are not frauds.
They are sincere people in the BLM movement who believe that they are just good people in standing
up against oppression, racism, sexism, xenophobia, and injustice. We saw massive protests made by
black people and non-black people legitimately fighting against police brutality, racism, economic
exploitation, bigotry, and all forms of oppression in Norfolk (in Virginia), in NYC, in Philadelphia,
in Dallas, in London, in Berlin, in Los Angeles, in Seattle, in Richmond (in Virginia), in Miami, in
Pittsburgh, etc. back in the year of 2020 during the George Floyd protests. That is inspirational, and
that act should be commended. Many conservatives are wrong to say that the BLM movement
collectively want riots to destroy America when police terror is the definition of a terrorist
riot. Police terror ruins families, readily involves murder, and suppresses the human rights of tons
of human beings of every background.
BLM is right to condemn Donald Trump as an authoritarian fascist (Trump has threatened to come
down on the media, abolish the Constitution, use the military to suppress peaceful domestic protests
in America in violation of Posse Comitatus, and promote more anti-democratic policies overtly).
Trump still believes in the lie that the 2020 election was stolen. The vast majority of anti-racism and
anti-police brutality protests have been peaceful. Likewise, critique (like disagreeing with one
founder saying that she is a Marxist activist. Karl Marx was a racist, a self-loathing anti-Semitic
extremist, and religious bigot who shouldn't be honored as a hero. Marx had explicitly written that
he wanted religion to be abolished in society which is anti-democratic as people have the right to
believe in religion or not in a free and open society) is necessary for any human analysis of social
movements as no human is immune from legitimate critique (without ad hominem attacks).
Therefore, I wanted to show what Black Lives Matter did right and show critiques to put the historic
movement into context. That is just poignant and fair.
The Start
How did the Black Lives Matter movement black America was at a crossroads. The Civil
start? First, it started in phases. Everything begins Rights Movement from 1954 to 1968 was the
with Africa. Black people are the original people Moses Generation seeing the end of overt
on Earth. Without us, there is no other human bondage but not witnessing the Promised Land
life in every area on Earth. The Maafa caused yet. The era of Moses was the time when black
unspeakable horror against innocent black people in a grassroots fashion executed
human beings via rape, torture, suppression of unprecedented boycotts, self-defense, and mass
culture, divisions, and total terrorism that demonstrations to call for equality and justice.
resulted in the murder of millions of human lives. Just before the late Dr. King died, he shifted a
Racist Europeans, racist Arabic people, and others little and called for reparations for black
are complicit in the Maafa completely. Yet, black Americans, an end to the Vietnam War, a boycott
people fought back against tyranny with slave of the 1968 Olympics, the building of black-
revolts, protests, being involved in the American owned institutions, and a radical redistribution of
Civil War, and setting up institutions to grow self- economic and political power.
determination and black ingenuity (that inspire us
all today). After the deaths of Malcolm X in 1965, The Joshua Generation is part of us. We,
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968, Fred who are in this Joshua Generation, saw the Jordan
Hampton in 1969, and countless black people, River and crossed it into the beginning steps of
the Promised Land. Yet, we have not seen justice
for all or the full breadth of the Promised Land Alicia Garza, and Opal Tometi. At first, the Black
yet (as economic inequality, book bans, voter Lives Matter Network was an online platform that
suppression, education disparities, health existed to provide activists with a shared set of
disparities, etc. exist in 2023). During this time, principles and goals. It came after the verdict of
we saw black people reach the heights of George Zimmerman after he murdered Trayvon
popularity, influence, and cultural growth (with Martin (in 2012 in Florida. I was 29 years old
people like Michael Jordan, Oprah Winfrey, Mae during that time and remember that time like
Jemison, Maya Angelou, Denzel Washington, yesterday) which caused huge outrage in the black
LeBron James, Jennifer Hudson, Imani Perry, community and freedom-loving people
etc.). Yet, our overall wealth has stagnated as everywhere. By July of 2013, the hashtag of
economic inequality has grown worldwide. It is #BlackLivesMatter was on social media. The jury
fine to have a job but ultimately, we need to have acquitted George Zimmerman.
institutions, we need a better environment, we
need to fight poverty, we need to improve our This caused a massive movement to grow.
health care, and we need the overall structure of Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi
society to change in benefiting the people were adamantly clear in opposing the police
collectively (not just a small minority of human killings of innocent black people. Garza made the
beings in the 1%). hashtag of #BlackLivesMatter. The campaign of
Black Lives Matter grew. In 2013, the Black Lives
The Black Lives Matter movement Matter organization was starting to bloom, and
combined the grassroots, decentralized institution 2014 would change everything for Black Lives
of SNCC mixed with the progressive segment of Matter and the black freedom movement in
the Black Power Movement combined. The Black general. In 2014, Michael Brown was shot and
Lives Matter movement was created in July 2013 killed by the police in Ferguson, Missouri.
by three human beings who are Patrisse Cullors,
Johne a Elzie DeRay Bri any Samuel Alisha Fran Griffin Bassem
Mckesson Packne Sinyangwe Sonnier Masri
The Department of Justice would later at racism and police brutality without apology.
document massive racism and economic People have every right to protest, use civil
oppression done by law enforcement against the disobedience, and use self-defense. The vast
people of Ferguson (especially against the black majority of the Ferguson protests were peaceful.
residents of Ferguson, Missouri). In that year of
2014, Black Lives Matter members and activists Later, Darren Wilson, the officer who
from all over the globe came to Ferguson to killed Michael Brown would not be convicted. In
protest injustice. Many rebellions happened in July of 2014, Eric Garner was killed in New York
Ferguson on such a scale never witnessed in City after a policeman put him in a chokehold
American history since the 1992 rebellion in Los while arresting him. Protests existed in New York
Angeles. The National Guard came into Ferguson City and globally over such a cowardly act. Later,
and used tear gas, sound weapons, and other Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors
tactics to control the crowds. Yet, no one can stop organized the Black Life Matters Ride, which had
freedom and truth. about 600 people and sparked the founding of
more localized Black Lives Matter groups. Soon,
Much of the rebellions included unjust Black Lives Matter would have international
violence against innocent property. I don't agree chapters in many countries on the Earth.
with that (as people, building our own
infrastructure and institutions is better than In 2014, the police killed Dontre
burning and destroying innocent property. Hamilton, John Crawford III, Ezell Ford, Laquan
Destroying innocent property has nothing to do McDonald, Akai Gurley, Antonio Martin, Jerame
with self-defense or fighting a just cause because Reid, etc. By December of 2014, many people
the state readily exploits that to pass even more protested the killing of unarmed black people by
authoritarian laws which makes oppression even the police in the Mall of America in Bloomington,
worse), but people have every right to be outraged Minnesota in 2000-3000 people in protest.
Growing Pains
In the year of 2015, there were more murdered by the police and other folks. They
incidents of police killings of black people in made people be aware of the deaths of Meagan
America. In that year, Freddie Gray died in Hockaday, Aiyana Jones, Rekia Boyd, and other
custody in Baltimore, Maryland (where many of human beings. You can’t be a freedom lover
my relatives live at. I visited Baltimore in 2016). without showing empathy for the lives of black
Baltimore later experienced its largest rebellion girls and black women period.
since 1968. Freddie Gray was a victim of
economic oppression and racial injustice. By June of 2015, the racist Dylann Roof
Economic inequality has been found in many murdered many black people in a historically
areas of Baltimore and worldwide. This economic black church in Charleston, South Carolina. The
inequality contributed heavily to many of the black victims of the Charleston church just
social and political problems founded in wanted to peacefully worship God in their own
oppressed, marginalized communities. capacities. They were innocent people who loved
life, and their souls are always valuable in the
Walter Scott, Meagan Hockaday were also Universe. Many people protested and held vigils
killed by the police. Black Lives Matters readily in Charleston, South Carolina. The city of
acknowledges the LGBTQ+ community (as Charleston came today in a spirit of unity to stand
Cullors and Garza are part of the LGBTQ+ for inclusion in opposing murder and bigotry.
community) which is why they make it known About 800 people protested in McKinney, Texas
about the 21 transgender people who were killed after a video showed officers pinning down a girl
in America in 2015 alone (13 of the victims were at a pool party in Texas. People protested the
black people). By May of 2015, a Black Lives death of Sandra Bland too who was found hanged
Matter in San Francisco was part of the in a jail cell in Waller County, Texas. By August
SayHerName movement. SayHerName is about of 2015, Janelle Monae, Jidenna, and other BLM
the goal of shining the light on the plight of black activists marched through North Philadelphia to
women and black girls being abused, raped, and
bring awareness of police brutality and Black Lives
Colin Kaepernick and other human beings inspired many in the younger generation to not only kneel in protest but to be active in
social justice efforts. We must know about the law, organize, and do just action in getting justice for all that we all seek.
In 2016, Black Lives Matter grew further Black History Month in the state of Virginia. It
organizing protests against police brutality and featured the work of over 30 black artists and
racism against black people. The police killings of creators. Black Lives Matter protests continue in
Deborah Danner, Korryn Gaines, Sylville Smith, America after the officer accused of killing
Terence Crucher, Alfred Olango, Alton Sterling, Philando Castile was found not guilty.
and other black human beings happened. Early
July of 2016 witnessed over 100 protests across 2017 was the historic year of the first year
America after Sterling's death on July 5th, 2016, of the racist Trump Presidency. It would be the
and Philando Castile's shooting the next day. Summer of 2017 when anti-Semites and white
2016 also saw an increased number of celebrities racists were involved in the Unite The Right rally
like athletes speaking out in favor of Black Lives in Charlottesville, Virginia to promote racist
Matter like LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, and Confederate monuments on public lands. I am a
Carmelo Anthony (who opened the awards black man from Virginia, so I know racism
ceremony in July 2016 by saying "Enough is firsthand in Virginia. By August of 2017, Black
Enough"). Lives Matter were among the counter-protestors
who desired racial justice. Later, racists assaulted
From 2016, in August onward, many peaceful anti-racist protesters, and one innocent
people knelled to protest the national anthem at woman was murdered by a Neo-Nazi in
sports games. It started with Colin Kaepernick Charlottesville. The woman's name is Heather
who knelt during the anthem ahead of an NFL Meyer. Donald Trump said the evil statement that
game. The USA national anthem was created by a there were good people on both sides causing
white racist slave owner from Baltimore named widespread condemnation. In 2018, Cullors told
Francis Scott Key (the original national anthem ABC News in an interview that Black Lives Matter
condoned slavery overtly). By February 2017 (on helped to promote civil disobedience in America.
Black History Month), Black History Month was She said that the Black Lives Matter movement is
celebrated in America. In 2017, Black Lives the foundation of movements like Women's
Matter put on their first art exhibition to celebrate March, Me Too, and March for Our Lives
(fighting for gun control). This was the 5th year convened a group of 60 high-profile stars from the
anniversary of Black Lives Matter. music and entertainment arenas to advocate for
his release. In May of 2019, Oklahoma teenager
Greachrio Mack and Kenneth Ross Jr. were killed Isaiah Lewis was shot by the police and killed.
by the police in 2018. By February of 2019, hip- Days later. Black Lives Matter held a 100-strong
hop artist 21 Savage was arrested and detained by rally in protest.
the U.S. Immigration agency of ICE. Cullors
Black Lives Matter helped to cause a policy discussion and some laws
being changed involving implicit bias training, body cameras, bans on no
knock warrants, and other legal issues.
Black Lives Matter helped the victims and the victims’ families to receive
just economic compensation after being victims of police brutality.
Black Lives Matter helped to grow more federal oversight over cities
whose police departments have documented incidents of racism, police
misconduct, and economic exploitation in areas like Ferguson, St. Louis,
Louisville, Baltimore, Minneapolis, etc.
By November of 2020, Joe Biden won the ATLANTA
Presidential election winning Nevada, Georgia, One Black Mecca
Arizona, and other states in a historic fashion.
Black people voted in large numbers to cause As the most populous city of the state of Georgia,
Biden to win against Trump. After the 2021 Atlanta represents a large part of black humanity with
January 6th insurrection, the Black Lives Matter its massive culture, music, businesses, religious
institutions, and excellence. The following images
movement was nominated for the Nobel Peace below show many of Atlanta’s vital infrastructure.
Prize by Norwegian MP Petter Eide.
The other scandal is the obvious one. It's By April 13, 2021, the Black Lives Matter
the elephant in the room. This came about years Global Network Foundation denied that it had
ago. The BLM co-founder Patrisse Marie Khan- paid for her purchases of real estate. They said
Cullors Birgnac has been accused by many on the that didn't paid her since 2019 and she only
far right of many things. It started in 2021. Some received $120,000 since 2013 for carrying out her
media circles accused Cullors or people associated work related to the organization. Her other
with her for purchasing many homes during a five- brother Paul, a graffiti artist and founded Cullors
year period. Her critics say that she is using the Protection LLC, received $840,000 from
Black Lives Matter movement to enrich herself BLMGNF for security and consulting. Cullors
and her family while calling her a hypocrite for defended hiring her brother, saying registered
purchasing the houses as someone who calls security firms that hired former police officers
herself a Marxist. Cullors has responded forcibly could not be trusted.
Some BLM activists accused her of promote her own documentaries and stories?
"monopolizing and capitalizing our fight." Ten Warner Brothers is the epitome of a capitalist
local chapters of the Foundation claimed that enterprise. Also, Karl Marx is no role model for
Cullors became its executive director “against the any progressive or anyone of any background. Karl
will of most chapters and without their Marx was a racist, anti-Semitic religious bigot who
knowledge,” that chapter organizers were spewed hatred of humanity constantly in his life.
prevented from influencing the group's direction, In The Communist Manifesto, Marx announced
and that the national organization provided little a war on eternal truths, religion, and morality in
to no financial support for local chapters since its his own following quotation, “There are, besides,
inception in 2013. Cullors resigned from eternal truths, such as Freedom, Justice, etc., that
leadership of the Foundation the next month, are common to all states of society. But
and later revealed psychological exhaustion from Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes
the controversy, stating that she was receiving all religion, and all morality, instead of
treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder. constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts
in contradiction to all past historical experience.”
In 2022, she denied allegations of misusing The previous words from Karl Marx in quotations
donations given to the Black Lives Matter Global are from his book The Communist Manifesto in
Network Foundation but admitted that she Chapter 2.
hosted two parties at a mansion the BLM
Foundation purchased for $6 million, which she The reality is that we believe in morality,
regretted. The lesson about these stories is that eternal truths, and religious freedom. Marx spoke
any social movement must have advisors (in of his own son-in-law, Paul Lafargue, husband of
dealing with leadership, accountability, his daughter Laura in offensive terms. Paul came
economics, and having plans to deal with from Cuba, born in Santiago, and Marx thus
controversies). You can't be too decentralized Marx called him slurs like “Negrillo” or “the
which increases the risk of errors to exist. As the Gorilla.” In November 1882, still 14 years after
viewer, look at all the evidence and make up your Lafargue and Laura married, Marx wrote to Engels
own mind. What are my views? My view is that the following racist words, “Lafargue has the
Patrisse should have used more wise judgments blemish customarily found in the negro tribe — no
financially, even if she did nothing illegal or sense of shame, by which I mean shame about
immoral. Also, how can she claim to be a Marxist making a fool of oneself.” So, no black person or
and want to have a deal with Warner Brothers to
any person of any color period should respect Karl than the rest of us, he is undoubtedly the most
Marx at all. appropriate representative of that district.”
Jessica Hylton-Leckie
has been a self-taught
home chef. She loves
to cook vegetarian
foods recipes for In black culture, the black chef is a
The cookout in the black
breakfast, lunch, major anchor in our community.
community is a place filled with
dinner, dessert, They help to provide us with food
the me of joy, relaxing, humor,
snacks, etc. She and give vibrant strength in life
and feeling authen c camaraderie.
survived being sick (like chef Robert W. Lee who is on
Steaks, hot dogs, chicken, water,
and having doctors’ the le ). The Sister on the right is
vegetables, and other foods are
chef Mariya Russell being the first
found in cookouts worldwide. appointments to
black woman to receive the
living her best life.
Michelin star.
The largest populations of Black Americans by State (in 10
the milions)
1990 2000 2010 2020
1 11
The Supreme Court Massive Hands Up, Don’t Paulette Brown was the The National Museum Deborah Archer is
decision of Shelby Shoot demonstrations rst African American of African American the rst African
County v. Holder gutted existed nationwide in woman President of the History and Culture American President
part of the Voting Rights America plus American Bar (NMAAC) opened on of the American Civil
Act in a disgraceful internationally in 2014 Association. September 14, 2016, Liberties Union
fashion on June 23, being a monumental (ACLU).
2013 historic event.
2013 2014 2015 2016 2021
Massive culture always deals with the Black Lives Matter movement. Literature, athletics, movies, TV shows,
fashion, art, protests, and other environments have encouraged many themes from BLM and the black freedom
struggle in their everyday lives. Black culture has always been international in scope, and that greatness has
resulted in some of the most important human innovations of all of world history. I always feel blessed to have
this opportunity to not only express my views but to inspire good energy in the Universe.
Prince gave a speech in Beyonce and Kendrick Lamar Art can be used as a One of the most
favor of code and in favor gave an emotional performance revolutionary expression. in uential books in our
of black human lives. He of “Freedom” in favor of black e image above shows generation is e Hate U
passed away in 2016, but liberation. Beyonce and her artwork in Minneapolis to Give by Angie omas. It
he had a strong sense of dancers celebrated the 60th year make us aware that we have is a personal story about
consciousness to speak anniversary of the Black Panther a problem in the world that a young 16-year-old girl
out on important issues Party during the Super Bowl (in can’t be solved by Starr seeing her friend
from ownership of the song of Formation). compromise or Khalil killed by the
resources by artists Kendrick Lamar made the Black moderation. Revolutionary police. Starr and her
against corporate Lives Matter anthem song of solutions are necessary to family discuss issues in
corruption to standing up Alright (in opposing police combat systematic racism nding ways to core and
for the freedom of black terrorism and celebrating black and economic injustices. use their power to stand
people. resiliency). up for truth and justice.
The Black Lives Matter movement came about in 2013. The reality is that BLM is in the early stages
of its growth. For example, the NAACP has been around for over 100 years. The Chicago Defender
newspaper has been around for decades. Ebony and Jet have been around for decades too. So, we
must wait and see what Black Lives Matter will evolve into to comprehensively evaluate its long-
term legacy. During the times of the Hamas and Israeli war, BLM has been clear to defend
Palestinian human rights. What Hamas did to Israeli civilians has no justification. Hamas is a
terrorist organization whose leaders want to not only make Israel not exist at all, but one leader said
that they want Christians and Jewish people to be ruled by radical extremists. For example, Senior
Hamas Official Mahmoud Al-Zahar on December 12, 2022, said that he wants the entire planet to
follow Hamas's law and desire no more Jewish people and no more Christian "traitors." That will
never happen. Also, the dignity of Palestinian human life must be respected. There is no excuse for
the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. There is no excuse for some far-right Israelis advocating
leveling Gaza and other racist rhetoric against Palestinian people. There is no excuse for cutting off
water, electricity, etc. in Gaza that will harm human life. There is no excuse for massive checkpoints,
massive travel restrictions, and other anti-democratic policies against Palestinians in the West Bank.
Medgar Evers stood tall against Eroseanna Robinson was a great Erica Garner was an activist for the end
the fascists during World War II, social activist who was a track and of police brutality and all oppression in
as a veteran of the Normandy field star (being a leading high general. She is the daughter of Eric
invasion, during the 1940’s. He jumper and winning the National Garner, who was a victim of a deadly
also fought to end Jim Crow AAU Championships in 1958. She chokehold placed upon him by a NYPD
apartheid in Mississippi in joined the U.S. Track and Field officer. She lived from 1990 to 2017.
desiring voting rights for black team). He used nonviolent Erica Garner grew up in Brooklyn, New
human beings and total equality resistance to oppose racial York City. She was constantly in the
worldwide. He sacrificed his life discrimination and imperialism in streets to speak truth to power and
for our freedom, and he loved his the world. She used hunger strikes seek justice that we all desire in our
wife and children. A man with a in resisting war efforts. She refused time in the 2020’s too.
great love for his wife and to stand for the national anthem in
children is a blessed man. protest of injustice.
Therefore, we must be real in the situation and advocate for real liberation for Israelis and
Palestinians in the region without occupation. People shouldn't blame every action by the Israeli
government on every Israeli or every Jewish person on Earth. The humanitarian crisis in Gaza is just
a tragedy (with over 17,700 Palestinians who are dead), and there should be an immediate ceasefire.
Isaac Herzog is a liar to blame the Palestinian people for Hamas's evil actions. There is a distinction
between Hamas terrorists (I don't agree with one chapter of BLM showing an image of a Hamas
glider when Hamas murdered innocent men, women, children, and babies. That chapter used
sarcasm, not a true apology later as well) and Palestinian people fighting for survival literally.
Therefore, as a black person, I believe in Black Lives. I believe in oppressed people being free from
injustice worldwide without exceptions. Like always, Black Lives Matter.
By Timothy
Malcolm X and Nation of Islam
members on April 14 stand up for New
York Temple member Johnson Hinton
On May 19, 1925, Malcolm X was sent to prison
who was brutally beaten by the police.
Malcolm X was born in Charlestown,
Malcolm X led a protest, created a
in Omaha, Massachusetts for grand
lawsuit, and won the case for a
Nebraska to Earl larceny, breaking and
settlement in New York City which was
and Louise Lettle, entering, and rearms
very miraculous during that time in
being the fourth possession.
child. His parents
followed Garveyism.
Malcolm X was
great scholar early
Malcolm X
used power,
“I’m going to
ac vism,
tell it like it debate, and
is. I hope you organiza on
can take it to promote
like it is.” black
libera on as
-Malcolm X he loved the
cause of
jus ce. His
memory is
by us forever.
In 2020, the rst The rst full time African Damian Williams is the The rst Afro- Dr. Melissa L. Gilliam
African American American woman NFL rst African American Caribbean American is the rst black
Professor of Poetry, coach is Jennifer King of U.S. Attorney for the woman elected to American woman
the rst African the Washington Southern District of New Speaker of the New President of Boston
American woman Commanders in 2021. York in 2021. York City Council is University in October
Professor, and the Adrienne Adams in of 2023.
rst Distinguished 2022.
Visting Poetry
Professor at Iowa
Writer’s Workshop is
Tracie Morris.
These black women won the 4 X 100m relay race in the 2023 World Track and Field
Championships. Their names are: Tamari Davis, Twanisha Terry, Gabrielle Thomas, and
Sha’Carri Richardson.
These black men won the the 4 X 100m relay race in the 2023 World Track and Field
Championships. Their names are: Noah Lyles, Fred Kerley, Brandon Carnes, and Christian
Peace and Blessings Y’all