New Black Panther Party NBPP Spring Edition 2010
New Black Panther Party NBPP Spring Edition 2010
New Black Panther Party NBPP Spring Edition 2010
T H E LY N C H M O B : W O L F, S M I T H , A D A M S , & B E C K E R O U T T O G E T T H E P A N T H E R S
trict, and is the most senior of they threatened Philadelphia voters, fort to learn about the decision to dis-
Virginia’s eleven Congressmen. both verbally and physically last year. miss this case. I have written Attorney
Rep. Wolf has been called in This case was inexplicably dis- General Holder on six occasions ask-
some circles, a war-monger, a man missed earlier this year over the ar- ing for an explanation for the dismissal
who puts politics ahead of justice and dent objections of the career attorneys of this case. To date, I have received no
a liar who promotes torture. The Lees- overseeing the case as well as the de- response from him. I wrote the DOJ
burg Tomorrow blog wrote “He comes partment’s own appeal office. It is un- inspector general to request a review
across as a kindly grandfather, and is fortunate that Congress must resort to of this decision. He deferred to the
always around for a photo op with oversight resolutions as a means to re- Office of Professional Responsibility –
babies and hardworking families. Of ceive information about the dismissal which reports directly to the attorney
course, that did not prevent him from of this case, but the Congress and the general. I have written the Office of
enabling the Bush administration’s as- American people have a right to know Professional Responsibility seeking in-
sault on the middle class for eight years.” why this case was not prosecuted. formation on its investigation, and the
Rep. Frank Wolf accused Attor- As ranking Republican mem- Office refused to share any information.
ney General Eric Holder of ignoring ber of the House Commerce-Justice-
his requests for an explanation why the Science Appropriations Subcommit- continued on page 30
Justice Department dismissed charges tee that funds the Justice Department,
20 Years of Struggle on
The New Black Pan- er Mike Mgee had also lit a
ther Party and its leadership fire in Milwaukee by form-
has been much misunder- ing the Black Panther Militia
stood and maligned since and threatening violence is
they stormed into Jasper, the city did not meet cer-
Texas in 1998. The New tain demand in helping the
Panthers alliance with the poor Black residents. 1989
popular and fiery Minister Dr. Khallid Muhammad be-
Khallid Muhammad began gan his alliance with, and
in 1994, following an as- mentoring of the Howard
sassination attempt on Mu- University Student Revolu-
hammad’s life. Dr. Khallid tionary Malik Zulu Shabazz,
Muhammad had ran into the current NBPP National
controversy as a right hand Chairman.
man and spokesman for Na- In the Summer of 1998,
tion of Islam leader Louis The New Black Panther Par- Shame on Jamestown, 2007
Farrakhan. ty stormed into Jasper Texas
As the New Black Pan- twice to demonstrate and
Najee Mahammad, Hashim had even sued the party in
ther Party openly embraced take a stand for self-defense
Nzinga and other young the early 1990’s.
in the wake of the
leaders to lay the National In a shocking turn
lynching and behead-
Foundation. Dr. Khallid of events on February 17,
ing of James Byrd.
tapped his mentee and long 2001, Dr. Khallid passed
The Panther militant
time defender and Million from amongst us from seri-
strategy, aided by
ous medical in-
the military prow-
juries or even
ess of David Fore- “There has been no organization more
suspected neg-
man and Robert ‘war’ active on the frontlines in the last 12 years,
ligence or foul
Williams, marked a than the mighty New Black Panther Party.”
play. The entire
clear departure from
controversy and
Civil Rights leaders
Youth March organizer, At- the weight and stress of his
at Byrd’s funeral who
torney Malik Zulu Shabazz mission was turned over to
called for peace and
to be his National Spokes- his student and confidant,
nonviolence. Khal-
Lynching of James Byrd, Jr., TX, 1998 man and Minister of Justice. Attorney Malik Zulu Shaba-
lid Muhammad was
In his tenure as the NBPP zz and the other Panther
Muhammad’s radical teach- named the National Chair-
leader, Dr. Khallid Muham- leaders who remained loyal
ings and activism, the mar- man in 1998. Muhammad’s
mad crisscrossed the coun- to his cause. In 2001 Attor-
riage between them quickly national following and Mil-
try, preaching a militant doc- ney Shabazz as the National
bore fruit. Armed demonstra- lion Youth March recruited
trine of self determination Chairman began a period of
tions dealing with The Texas young leaders into the New
and self defense. The former leadership that marked great
Church Burnings marked Black Panther Party all over
NOI Supreme Captain was advances and maneuvers for
a coming to a birth of into the country. The New Black
a relentless organizer. At a the New Black Panther Party.
national attention by the up- Panther Party spread from
Panther national summit in
start radical outfit. two cities to over twenty-five ( PART 2 NEXT ISSUE)
October, 2000, he stormed
The New Black Pan- (25) cities during the dynam-
the Israeli Em-
ther Party started small in ic times of Muhammad’s
bassy in Wash-
1989, which was not so co- ‘;chairmanship. The Harlem
ington with over
incidentally the year of the Million Youth March of 1998
90 New Black
passing of the Honorable ended in a brawl with po-
Panthers. As the
Huey P. Newton- founder lice and Muhammad’s forc-
influence grew,
of the BPP from Oakland. es and 17 cops were sent to
Dr. Khallid and
Co- founders David Fore- the hospital in a major me-
the New Panthers
man and Aaron Michaels lee. In 1999-2000 Khallid
took intense criti-
began in Dallas, Texas and Muhammad tapped Divine
cism from Bobby
began by combating drugs Allah, Malikah Muhammad,
Seale and some
in the Black Community and Minister Zayid Muhammad,
Original Panther
abuse of power by school Minister Malik Shabazz
members who
board officials. Command- (Detroit), Hiriam Ashantee, Duke University, 2006
20 yrs of Conversations
Hip-Hop has been the subject of much how Tupac was targeted and ultimately
attention. We call clearly see what the assassinated and how the Government and Enter-Views
Problems are within Hip-Hop, Vio- and the media sought to exploit a cre- Professor Griff,
former Minister of
lence, The Promotion of the Sale/Use ated rift between East & West Coasts in Information from the
of Drugs and Guns, Pimp Mentality, order to instigate an internal war among Legendary
Thug/Goon Mentality, Msyogeny and Black People. We have witnessed nu- Revolutionary
the objectification of the Black/Latino merous other deaths and even more Hip-Hop group
Woman. We can also recognize that imprionment of “Rap Stars” Lil Wayne, leases “Analytixz”
Hip-Hop has been under attack and Lil Boosie, Gucci Mane, Remy Ma, Lil
the watchful eyes of the US Govern- Kim, C-Murder, TI and many more.
ment through both the Hip-Hop Cop So there it is again a summary of the
Programs across the US and the overall overall problem. We are well acquaint-
extension of CoIntelPro which we call ed with the problem. Allow us to in-
“RapIntelPro” which seeks to achieve troduce to you the people.... the Solu-
the same goals. The prevention of a tion... Hip-Hop 4 Black Unity!!
Black Messiah who could galvanize the Hip-Hop 4 Black Unity
Black Power Movement. We witnessed
top row (l-r): NYOil, Jasiri X, UNO The Prophet, narcycist, Mujahadeen Team bottom
row (l-r): Maroon Society, Labtekwon, StarChild, X-Clan, Wise Intelligent
Jasiri X
UNO The Prophet
Stahhr The Femcee
available online!!
Narcycist www.
Mujahadeen Team
(featured in film “New Muslim Cool”)
American History X
JASIRI X brings us his latest pro-
Maroon Society
Labtekwon duced by Paradise The Grand Arki-
StarChild tech of Legendary XCLAN
Wise Intelligent
Right-Wing Red-Neck Attack on
New Black Panther Party
Since November 8, 2008 the New Black Panther Par- Maryland), and of host of other lying, deceitful, manipu-
ty For Self Defense has been under direct attack from the lative, racist devils have taken great public offense to the
Republicans involving a so-called voter intimidation law- dropping of the false charges against the NBPP. Recently, in
suit. This incident took place at a polling station in Phil- an historic 15-14 vote, the U.S. House of Representatives
adelphia on national election day. Shortly thereafter the Judiciary Committee barely rejected the Republican de-
United States Justice Department, under George W. Bush, mands for the U.S. Justice Department to open up the files
filed Federal Civil Rights Violation and Voter Intimidation and turn over the litigation documents in the New Black
charges against NBP Philadelphia Chairman Samir Shaba- Panther Case.
zz, Jerry Jackson, The New Black Panther Party and National
Chairman, Attorney Malik Zulu Shabazz. When the Presi- The lynch mob is making a call for a re-prosecution
dency changed hands to Barack Obama, his Attorney Gen- of the Party and Attorney Shabazz and these devils are not
eral Eric Holder’s Justice Department took a fresh look at giving up. The Republicans, as evidenced by Michael Steel’s
the case and decided correctly that the charges should be new book, “Right Now,” are gearing up to use the New
dropped against Mr. Jackson, the New Black Panther Party Black Panther Case as key ammunition in their mid- term
and Chairman Shabazz because the evidence revealed that election advertising and talking points as they wage politi-
New Black Panther Party- nor did its leader- conspire to, cal war against President Obama. Attorney Shabazz, in his-
condone, commit, or perpetrate in any way whatsoever, toric address at the New Black Panther 20 year Reunion in
any acts of voter intimidation-period. Dallas, Texas, warned that he, and New Black Panther, will
not sit back and let the enemy defame and attack us in 2010
The white, right wing enemies of the Obama Admin- and we not fight back. Whether the fight is on Capitol Hill,
istration, led by lynch mob leaders Frank Wolf (R-Virginia), in the halls of Congress or on the devils doorstep, the New
Lamar Smith (R-Texas), The Washington Times Newspaper, Black Panther Party will vigorously defend its reputation,
the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights (wrongs), Republican mission, legacy and leadership; and we will do this BY ANY
National Committee Chairman Michael Steele (Uncle Tom- MEANS NECESSARY.
Assistant Editor:
Regional Min. of Info. Chawn Kweli
Zayid Muhammad, Hughie Rose, Khadijah Shakur, David X, Divine Allah, Sister Jennah, Jamrhl Crawford
organizations and efforts as well as spread the truth that I what I have been getting at all along and that is we must
know about the history of genocide, slavery, colonization, have an African United Front and a Black Power Movement
imperialism and racism practiced on our sisters and broth- because there really is not much beyond symbolism that
ers in Haiti. Obama can offer the Black Nation at this point. Republi-
The New Black Panther Party members and chapters can pressures and victories have forced President Obama
should be doing more to help Haiti. Not enough supplies even more toward the center and everybody is dissatisfied.
and clothes or needed items are being raised by the party. The Blacks, from Congressional members to Civil Rights ad-
Admittedly, Haiti is a huge problem of immense international vocates as well as the working class are dissatisfied. The
proportions, but the New Black Panther Party must get much, Republicans are dissatisfied. The Democrats are divided
and dissatisfied. The independents are dissatisfied. This is
all written in the scriptures and in the words of the most
Honorable Elijah Muhammad who said that “dissatisfaction
is the mother of change,” and that confusion would reign
in America in her last days. This is a modern Rome and
Babylon and the nation cannot unite because it is not writ-
ten that she should unite, despite the leadership of an Afri-
can descendant who was elected, in part on hopes of the
former slaves, and the hopes of many whites who wanted
relief from the devilishment of George W. Bush. Political
prisoners, police brutality, poverty, unemployment, racism,
poor health care, bad schools and a host of other ills have
not been abated, and show no signs of abatement during
the term of this administration or any other. Despite my
respect for what that Presidential Black Family represents
to our people, and despite my desire to see any Black man
successful; I must firmly again say that our hope for free-
dom and independence and a nation of our own does not
come from Washington; our help cometh from the Lord and
from our support from the masses of our people.
9. Dr. Shabazz , Given the fact that you are a Attorney
what is your advice to other brothers and sisters in the
professional field; who want to be a part of the liberation
7. Dr. Shabazz, you recently spoke on the “New direc- struggle of Black People but are afraid to step out with
tion” of the New Black Panther Party. Can you explain to groups like the New Black Panther Party because of affilia-
our readers what you mean by that; and how will the new tions with state or federal positions ?
direction differ from the old direction?
years as Attorney and he “does not want,” as it
is written in Psalms in the 23rd Chapter. I could
even tell you that the white man will respect you
more when he knows you are free and indepen-
dent. My advice to the Black Professional, stand
up sincerely and help your people and God will
bless you; and if you don’t take a stand you may
achieve material success but the devil will have
mastery of your soul and you will not be happy.
Making Black Power A Reality Through Politics
By Chawn Kweli
One on One with Khallid Greene ing to assist. Anyone who is interested a younger brother, whom I checked
Written by Chawn Kweli can receive training by IN-CERT to pre- on when Hurricane Rita was headed
Photo courtesy of IN-CERT pare them to be first responders in di- to the city. We were told to evacuate
saster situations. Enjoy the text of this the city, and in so doing, a lot of elders
When most major disasters occur across powerful interview. and wheelchair bound people were
the country, you see and hear respons- left stranded. At that time, Houston,
es from the Red Cross or Blue Shield. CK: What is the name of your organiza- TX was like a ghost town. We cleared
Seldom do you here about the heroes tion? roads to ensure it was safe and secure.
in our own community who “brave the KG: The Name is In-cert. Also known We had a team of three guys experi-
storm” and go wherever they are need- as the Inner City Emergency Response enced in law enforcement and child
ed. Read and learn about your own Team. protective services.
survival team called “IN-CERT.” Based
in Houston, Texas, In-CERT stands for CK: How did INCERT come about? That was the day we decided “we need
Inner City Emergency Response Team. KG: In 2004, the year before hurricane to take care of our community in the
The team is headed by Mr. Khallid Katrina, we started initially as “Help- event of man made and natural disas-
Greene. IN-CERT is about being pre- ing Hands” for the elders, helping them ters.” We took classes, prepared
pared; people helping people; disaster with their yards and other chores. I had Continued on page 35
safety and being considerate and will-
Ms. Burroughs has led a very colorful life and is remembered as a Black edu-
cator, orator, businesswoman and religious leader. In 1896, she graduated
with honors in business and domestic science from the Colored High School
on M Street (now Dunbar High School) and worked with other women (Jose-
phine Rffin and Mary Church Terrell )to establish the National Association of
Colored Women (NACW) the same year. In 1900, Ms. Burroughs moved to
Louisville, Kentucky to work with the Foreign Mission Board of the National
Baptist Convention. In 1907, she received an honorary M.A. degree from
Eckstein-Norton University in Kentucky, and two years later in 1909, she
founded the National Training School for Women and Girls in Washington,
DC, which was later renamed in her honor as “The Nannie Helen Burroughs
School” after her death in 1961 at the age of 82.
In 1976, Mayor Walter E. Washington and Councilwoman Willie Hardy (Disrict of Columbia, Ward 7) proclaimed May
10th as Nannie Helen Burroughs Day. Councilwoman Hardy’s legislation to change Deane Avenue and Grant Street
(from Minnesota Avenue to Eastern Avenue) to Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue, Northeast was presented. This legisla-
tion was unanimously approved by the City Council on May 3, 1976; the dedication ceremonies were held on May 10,
Nina Simone recorded over 40 live and studio albums, the greatest body of her
work being released between 1958 (when she made her debut with Little Girl Blue) and 1974. Songs she is best known
for include “My Baby Just Cares for Me”, “I Put a Spell on You”, “Four Women”, “I Loves You Porgy”, “Feeling Good”,
“Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood”, “Sinnerman”, “To Be Young, Gifted and Black”, “Mississippi Goddam”, “Ain’t Got
No, I Got Life” and “I Want a Little Sugar in My Bowl”. Her music and message made a strong and lasting impact on
culture,[3] illustrated by the numerous contemporary artists who cite her as an important influence (see Legacy and influ-
ence). Several hip hop musicians and other modern artists sample and remix Simone’s rhythms and beats on their tracks.
In particular, Talib Kweli and Mos Def routinely pay tribute to her outstanding and soulful musical style. Many of her
songs are featured on motion picture soundtracks, as well as in video games, commercials and TV series.
Voter Intimidation, pretty close to ridiculous.” At- which was widely distributed with those who fight with
continued from page 3 torney General Eric Holder via internet around the world, us. If it is the right-wing that
has a record of standing strong did not even show voters being opens fire; then we return righ-
In fact, the only response I re- against injustice and has been intimidated; only people go- teous fire in defense of our-
ceived is from a legislative af- fair minded and consistent in ing about their daily business selves and the black nation.
fairs staffer, and was woefully his dealings. Attorney General and a man with a cell phone
incomplete and, in places, in- Holder, in a speech delivered harassing members of the New Relevance of the NBPP,
accurate. Two months ago, I on February 18, indicated that Black Panther Party who were continued from page 19
met with House Judicia- we do not talk to each other otherwise minding their own
ry Chairman Conyers to enough about race because business. The Department with very little social orienta-
ask for his assistance in ob “it is an issue we have never of justice spokeswoman also tion on this issue. We intro-
taining this information, but been at ease with.” Mr. Hold- added,” The decision to end duced this subject because this
he has yet to take any action. er has candidly called Ameri- the investigation was made by is where our expertise lies. If
This is a shameful failure to cans “cowards” to American career officials, not political we are not the experts in black
provide necessary congres- efforts in the realm of race appointees.” Rep. Wolf comes Liberation, then someone
sional oversight. It is not only relations and serious mat- from a long line of right wing needs to inform me who has
Congress that is being stone- ters like voter intimidation. pundits who share the Presi- divinely been prepared. And
walled by the attorney gen- Rep. Frank Wolf has dent George W. Bush theory if we have not been divinely
eral; the U.S. Commission on been heartless in his pursuit of “War now, Peace Later.” prepared to deliver divine lib-
Civil Rights has repeatedly against the New Black Panther If the New Black Pan- eration, then who will? If not
sought this same information, Party and its National Chair- ther Party received the same now, when?
in fulfillment of its statutory man Malik Zulu Shabazz. In kind of media and newspaper
responsibility to ensure the en- a letter to Holder on June 8, coverage for its efforts in black There exists a network
forcement of civil rights law. Rep. Wolf wrote “he could not America, such as mentorship of Negro and congressional
After being similarly re- understand how the depart- programs, educational classes, leadership who have avoided
buffed, the commission filed ment could drop the case.” juvenile reformation, feeding our divine black liberation in
subpoenas with the depart- Clearly showing the per- the homeless, free food, free the face of opportunity to suc-
ment for this information, as sonal motive of Mr. Wolf and clothes, housing programs and cessfully achieve our black lib-
well as to interview the career members of the right wing, its push for self-determina- eration, if we would just unite.
attorneys that handled the case. Mr. Wolf later goes on to at- tion, every chapter of the New “The eternal question we must
However, we understand that tack the leadership credibil- Black Panther Party would all deal with is; how are we
the attorney general has in- ity of Attorney General Holder swell to capacity. This is why behaving in the face of our di-
structed his department to ig- and continued his allegations the right wing has to work so vine opportunity?”
nore these subpoenas. The by saying, “I worry that the hard to keep our work and im-
nation’s chief law enforcement department’s commitment to age smeared with flimsy tales It is our social and polit-
officer is forcing these career protecting the ‘fundamental about voter intimidation and ical circumstances which will
attorneys to choose between right to vote’ is wavering un- make the New Black Pan- be evaluated and perhaps even
complying with the law and der your leadership. I fail to ther Party the boogieman they diagnosed in this crucial hour.
complying with the attorney understand how you could dis- must defeat to ‘remain heroes.’ They tend to force feed failed
general’s obstruction. At least miss a legitimate case against The most heinous of social political prescriptions
one of the attorneys has been a party that deployed armed crimes is the push to re-file the which have proven themselves
compelled to obtain private men to a polling station -- one charges against an innocent useless to the black man, wom-
counsel. I urge the House Judi- of whom brandished a weapon man, Atty. Malik Zulu Shaba- an and child trapped by social
ciary Committee to report this to voters -- who harassed and zz and the New Black Panther circumstances in “The Hells
resolution out favor- intimidated voters, and could Party. There is NO EVIDENCE of North America.” However,
ably and to demand then decide such actions do Atty. Malik Zulu Shabazz or- when we decide to take our
that the attorney general an- not constitute a violation.” dered, condoned or suggested black liberation, I believe the
swer the questions surround- Rep. Frank Wolf is a anything to the result of alleged same divine power will aid us
ing this case. The career attor- prehistoric right wing agent of voter intimidation. To say the in “Taking Black Our Divine
neys and Appellate Division war, who is being propped up least, Atty. Shabazz was no- Black Liberation and Black
within the department sought by internal forces to take aim at where near the polling station. Power! Allahu-Akbar!
to demonstrate the federal Atty. Malik Zulu Shabazz and He never spoke words to the
government’s commitment the New Black Panther Party, public that would incite voter Shaka Zulu raised an
to protecting voting rights by by using a meritless case of intimidation, nor did he give army to check the bloody Brits
vigorously prosecuting any voter intimidation to achieve orders to members of the New and said “To hell with that
individual or group that seeks his bigger goal of discrediting Black Panther Party to intimi- bloody Brit” and other Eurals
to undermine this right. The Atty. Malik Zulu Shabazz. Fox date any voter. Atty. Malik Zulu (Europeans). We have raised
House must not turn a blind news reported a Justice De- Shabazz was clearly named an army. No matter what oth-
eye to the attorney general’s partment spokeswoman told for political reasons due to his ers may think of us, we have a
obstruction. He has an obliga- the hill newspaper, the facts activism against the injustices black army. Even Obama ad-
tion to answer the legitimate don’t back charges that NBPP in this country and abroad. mits there will be armies here
questions of the House and the National Chairman Malik Zulu The Neo-Conservatives in the hells of North America
Civil Rights Commission. It is Shabazz and party member Jer- and Militant right-wing ele- which are not paid by the
imperative that we protect the ry Jackson violated the law or ments have been trying for U.S. government. Ask Hugo
right of all Americans to vote attempted to intimidate, threat- years to figure out a way to Chavez if he is Commander &
- the sacrosanct and inalien- en or coerce voters. get Atty. Malik Zulu Shabazz Chief at CITGO in Venezuela.
able right of any democracy. Why have so many tied up in court, but their dirty He stated “George W Bush is
“The idea that a Demo- agreed there was no voter in- tactics will only serve as their not a devil, but the Devil.”
cratic U.S. attorney is going to timidation, but Rep. Frank own undoing. With the help
do something different than Wolf continues to insist there of our GOD and the spirit of
a Republican U.S. attorney is was? The YouTube video our ancestors, we will fight
Right Wing, continued that Mr. Fine and OPR con- From the strong stand brothers plantation owners from their
from page 2 ducted simultaneous and Aaron Michaels and Captain homes tearing off their limbs,
complementary investigations David Foreman made in the strapping them to racks and
It appears that Rep. into the firing of eight U.S. early 1990’s starting the NBPP, sawing them in half.
Frank Wolf wants to see Attor- attorneys by the Bush admin- to the revolutionary leadership White Plantation own-
ney Malik Zulu Shabazz and istration when some of the the Honorable Dr. Khallid Ab- ers in America knew of the “po-
the Philadelphia members of same considerations applied. dul Muhammad displayed as tential” for trouble, but only af-
the New Black Panther Party One way or another, the truth he ushered the NBPP to the ter the Haitian revolution did
punished above the means of will get out. It doesn’t take In- national scene; to the many the threat become real. After
the “alleged” crime. Wolf said spector Clouseau to figure out unnamed servants, soldiers, the slave revolution of 1791,
the committee’s failure to ap- that if the Justice Department comrades and warriors who slave uprisings in the United
prove the resolution has set a has the image of springing currently make up the rank States increased greatly. When
“troubling precedent.”The day Panthers from the penalty box, and file of the NBPP - the idea the great Denmark Vesey or-
has finally arrived in which you it looks mighty suspicious. of self-determination of the ganized to burn Charleston,
cannot do anything you want original Black Panther Party South Carolina, there is strong
to black people and not expect Summit, continued from of the 60’s era, stands firm in evidence that Vesey, commu-
them to defend themselves. page 6 the hells of North America nicated with black Haitians
Wolf went on to say, “Congress Considered one of the and even believed that black
and the American people have Power Summit held May last ones still standing strong, Haitians would support his up-
a right to know why this case 22-24 in Atlanta, Georgia, dedicated to Black Power, Pan rising with an invasion.
was not prosecuted.” National Geographic began Africanism and Black Nation- The strong example of
airing a slanderous national alism, the NBPP has answered Toussaint, led a revolt that
The case went to court TV documentary on the New the call numerous times to forced the oppressor to take
and the matter was decided Black Panther Party in which righteously defend the rights of note. In reaction to the black
Mr. Wolf, so let it rest. Rep- the New Black Panther Party black People, and ensure the revolution in Haiti, the United
resentatives Wolf and Smith, was accused of a number of saturated white racist histories States enacted several laws
through their behavior, have things, including racism and and theologies of the educa- and regulations keeping con-
exposed themselves as the rac- distorting the legacy of the tional system do not go unchal- tact with Haitian slaves to a
ist cowards we suspected all Black Panther Party of the 60’s. lenged in the hearts and minds minimum. The People of Haiti
along. We thank them for the The positive contributions of of black and African people in have set strong liberation ex-
confirmation. the NBPP, such as consistent the United States and the World. amples for oppressed blacks in
food and clothing drives, po- As we celebrate 20 years America. Now, in their time
WOLF, continued from litical education classes, self- of struggle, we will forge ahead of need, black people in the
page 4 defense training, marches, ral- until we win the ultimate strug- North America, whose condi-
lies and acts of service to the gle called the liberation and tions are not far removed from
the IG to reconsider because needy, were totally ignored salvation of the black Nation. theirs, must set a strong exam-
of “the host of troubling ques- by enemies in the mainstream ple for them.
tions about whether the De- media, as well as party oppo- Haitian Revolution, References
partment’s political appointees sition within the ADL and the continued from page 10 Bell, M.S. (2007). Toussaint
abused their power in this case Southern Poverty Law Center. Louverture: A Biography. New
for political purposes.” They Most recently, Repub- With whites in the col- York, NY: Pantheon Books.
listed at least five major ques- licans in Congress have been ony living well, and the blacks
tions they think the IG, not pressuring U.S. Attorney Gen- living low and working for little New York NBPP,
OPR, can best answer, includ- or nothing, it produced a ha- continued from page 29
ing “whether White House of- tred and resentment during the
ficials attempted for partisan hot night of August 22, 1791. flavor, coalition build-
political purposes to influence The colony of St. Domingue ing with other groups and
the [Black Panther] case [and] was set ablaze. Hundreds of therefore our efforts have
whether senior Department thousands of slaves set fire a more powerful and last-
management officials and to plantations, torched cit- ing impact.” According to
political appointees actually ies and righteously killed the Shaka Shakur, the 14 groups
colluded for these purposes oppressive white population. brought together under the
with White House officials The events of that night are People Survival Program are:
to derail the [Black Panther] regarded as the most success- the Almighty Universal Zulu
case or cases against minority ful revolts in history by slaves, Nation, The Fraternal Order
defendants in general.” They lasting 12 years of Black Spades, Black Law
wrote that those “larger is- The black Haitian revo- Enforcement Alliance, Street
sues in this affair, whether for Rock of the Southeast, Mnister lution established the second Corner Resources, Harlem
the pursuit of impartial justice, Najee Muhammad independent nation in the Single Stop, Harlem Tenants
the pursuit of criminal jus- Western Hemisphere, produc- Council, Church of El Bar-
tice for government officials eral Eric Holder to re-open and ing the first black governed re- rio, Black Student Union of
or the credibility of the STELE re-file charges against Attorney public. The Haitian Revolt was City College, Safyia Bukhari
This point is important. Malik Zulu Shabazz and the felt as far as the United States. and Albert Nuh Foundation,
New Black Panther Party. At no Forcing Slaves here in the Unit- Black Panther Commemo-
At some level, there time has it been directly or in- ed States to contemplate and ration Committee, United
needs to be some indepen- directly suggested or otherwise act on behalf of their own free- Muslim Alliance, Mosque
dent authority, untainted by implied for any member of the dom. Stories told of revolution of Islamic Brotherhood, Dr.
political entanglements, who New Black Panther Party to vi- waged on the island of Haiti Barbara Ann Teer’s National
can investigate allegations of olate the laws, rules or regula- detailed young white children Black Theater, and the New
improper political entangle- tions of the laws of any state in at the knife point of bayonets Black Panther Party.
ments. The congressmen note the United States of America. and slaves dragging off white
Haiti account, continued CESSFUL HAITIAN REVOLU- ther exploit Haitian labor. racist, refusing to recognize the
from page 8 TION !!! LONG LIVE THE latest genetic science proving
SPIRIT OF DR. KHALLID AB- Racism in coverage that race is a fiction, a stupid
The slow response and construct. We are one human
My heart is still there in DUL MUHAMMAD!
the level of aid all points to species that originated in sub-
Haiti, for all the MRE’s ,wheat
the kind of racist attitudes we Saharan Africa; our differences
crackers, trail mix, water, coke ASHE
saw during the Katrina trag- are essentially cultural and of-
a colas and sardines and pro-
Castro, continued from edy – the devaluing of black ten political. If we were to rec-
tein bars I ate, for all the ex-
page 9 lives. About this same time of ognize this, we would clearly
haustion and sorrow I felt I
massive death and destruction see that Haitians are among
would do it all again to go
black to Haiti. An example of such (the worst quake in 250 years), the most vibrant, creatively ar-
mainstream media is having a tistic, socially conscious, cou-
I want to give a shout American corporate greed is
fit about racist comments re- rageous and resilient people
out to the sister that lived the case of Disney using Hai-
corded in a new book about on the planet earth.
across from where we stayed tian labor to make their gar-
the presidential campaign of
who cooked dinner for us ments at 27 cents an hour.
2008. Let s/he who is without Obama’s pledge of assistance
before we went to work at Haitians organized and de-
racism cast the first stone. Pres. Obama has
night……May Allah keep her manded a raise to 50 cents.
Senate Majority Leader pledged $100 million in aide
and her babies safe and bless Disney threatened to move to
Harry Reid’s statement that to Haiti, days after its worst
her with prosperity and suc- China (where labor was even
a “light-skinned” black who disaster ever with a climbing
cess. To Luna Charles, Chief of cheaper) - and they did.
Operations from the Bed Stuy On his re-election in doesn’t speak a “negro dialect” death toll of tens of thousands,
could win the Presidency was severe and life-threatening in-
Volunteer Ambulance Corp 2000, Aristide built schools,
simply the truth. Moreover, it juries, incalculable suffering,
for taking care of the logistics hospitals and clinics, a medi-
helps if he’s male. History’s les- no infrastructure, no food, wa-
there in Haiti for us lodging, cal school to train doctors with
sons testify to the preference of ter, electricity, shelters, or even
negotiations..etc and for the help from Cuba, and demand-
black men over women of any tents with some three million
vision, passion and love that ed restitution from France for
hue. In fact, Sojourner Truth homeless.
Commander James “Rocky” the main reason Haiti is the
warned Frederick Douglas that True to form, main-
Robinson CEO and Founder of poorest country in the West
if he didn’t stand up for univer- stream pundits are praising
the Bedford Stuyvesant Volun- – France’s extortion of (in to-
sal suffrage instead of compro- Obama’s contribution. I was
teer Ambulance Corp shows day’s currency) $21 billion,
mising to allow black men to not impressed, so I decided
for his people and life itself. the total paid to the French be-
get the vote without women, to find out what $100 million
For those that thought about tween 1925 and 1946 as loss-
it would be a long time before will buy, with the help of my
me and wondered if I was okay es France suffered whenended
women would have equal vot- assistant, Nedzada.
and tried to help me on my and their richest, sugar-produc-
ing rights. It took another 50 We discovered that
journey to this mission, Thank ing colony was liberated. The
years, 1870 until 1920! So it Obama threw a party that cost
You for concern over my health guns of Britain, Canada and
was predictable that Hillary $50 million more than he’s
as I was sick as a dog ( with the U.S backed France’s rob-
couldn’t win over Barack. But sending to Haiti. Yup! He
a bad cough and stuffy nose, bery. This same quartet contin-
I digress. spent $150 million on his In-
and fatigue) calling every day ues to occupy Haiti through its
Just how many dark- augural Ball.
to see if I was okay. Bro Zayid UN Peacekeepers, a misnomer
skinned black people do you We also learned the fol-
Muhammad National Minis- if ever there were one. Their
see in the media? It’s kind of lowing: Top U.S. Firms are on
ter of Culture of the NBPP, Sis. brutality is well known among
comical to watch light-skinned pace to award $148.85 Billion
Sheena Afrika Regional Field Haitians.
Marshal,Sis Maati Sekmet Lo- Media gives undue blacks along with lighter- in payouts for 2009, according
skinned whites attacking Reid to a Wall Street Journal Study.
cal Chief of Staff in Trenton, NJ, credit to Bill Clinton in both
since they’d be unlikely to Billions with a B! You can
and David X our MOI. A shout his former role as President
have their jobs were they dark- also buy a Beverly Hills man-
out to Dr. Ikuhara from North- and his current position as
er skinned. Skin color in col- sion, a yacht, or a painting for
Western University Hospital UN Special Envoy (a first-time
or-struck America is nearly al- more than the relatively mea-
who was so helpful,walked post). While it’s true that Clin-
ways the elephant in the room. ger sum Obama is donating.
with all the meds we needed, ton helped pave the way for
When I was a young Obviously, we cannot rely on
did all the dressings and start- Aristide’s return in 1994 fol-
woman entering the employ- this government to do the right
ed all the IV’s that needed to lowing massive international
ment offices of NYC in the thing by Haitians in their hour
be restarted, what a blessing pressure, it was not without
for Nursing that night. preconditions that tied Aris- late 1950s, early ‘60s, I knew of need. It never has.
after being hired that I was of- So I would implore you
For the elder man that tide’s hands in solving Haiti’s
ten breaking the color barrier to give all you possibly can,
died on me as I dressed his enormous problems. After all,
- finding myself the only col- making sure you’re getting
open sores May Allah alleviate it was the U.S. that backed the
ored girl in the company (the your contribution to the best
your suffering and receive you 1991 military coup in the first
spook who sat by the [elevator] possible agents for direct assis-
into paradise. For the 20 year place. The regime change in-
door) or one of two or three tance to the Haitian people.
old Queen that died of TB, stalled Gen. Raul Cedras, who
light-skinned office workers. Finally, if you’re plan-
for the 13 month young boy unleashed the death squads on
Those were the days when the ning to go to Haiti, I hope
who died, for the sistah who Aristide’s Fanmi Lavalas party,
generally lighter ethnic groups you’re planning to wear jeans
died of Meningitis, for the el- and conducted a reign of terror
hadn’t yet replaced us as do- and carry a shovel. Haitians
der who died of Malaria. And resulting in some 10,000 Hai-
mestics. Now, as blacks fill the need real help trying to dig out
for all those that died, in your tians deaths and the maiming
prisons, we’re seeing a cradle victims who may still be alive,
memory I, Khadijah J. Shakur of countless others. The U.S.
to prison pipeline. And it was not opportunistic posturing
dedicate this story of my expe- arranged for the General’s asy-
just reported this morning (Jan. and photo ops.
rience to you and May the An- lum in Panama and his golden
15) that African children in May the Haitian people
cestors receive you with love exile, with impunity for his
massive crimes. America have a 50% poverty turn grief into strength and
and light.
More recently, Clin- rate. keep their faith in the people,
So what has changed? not governments. All power to
LONG LIVE THE SPIRIT OF ton has been busy setting up
Not much. America and the the people.
THE HAITIAN PEOPLE, LONG investment opportunities for
world are still color struck and
LIVE THE SPIRIT OF THE SUC- Wall Street corporations to fur-
Gambia, continued from transparency and commitment Penn., and confiscated files re- mation gathered by O’Neal to
page 11 to the liberation of our people. vealing the hidden operation. murder Hampton. Hampton’s
We see The Gambia as a bea- murder was part of a pattern
On the occasion of the na- con of hope and true model in As the Civil Rights move- of police raids, false imprison-
tional day of the Republic of which other African countries ment advanced, galvanizing ment and executions of Black
The Gambia, I extend to you can adhere too. strength from all sectors of the Panthers. COINTELPRO docu-
and to The Gambia govern- population (which broke the ments proved that assassination
ment and people, cordial The NBPP has recognized and despicable Jim Crow laws and of black leaders was among its
congratulations and reaffirm adore your dynamic leader- compelled the U.S. Congress aims. Fred Hampton and the
to you the resolve to continue ship which has been exempla- to pass other progressive leg- Black Panther Party had to be
and enhancing the relations ry, and we are proud to con- islation), the FBI increasingly eliminated simply because
of friendship and cooperation gratulate you on this historic turned its attention to the black they had touched upon capi-
existing between Cuba and occasion. Wishing you pros- liberation struggle. The Black talism’s greatest weakness - the
that sisterly nation. perity and long life. May Allah Panther Party openly advocat- decisiveness and strength that
continue to guide and protect ed for socialist revolution, and a multi-national movement
Please receive the assurances you to achieve Vision 2020 on openly supported the Chinese has in a battle against this sys-
of my highest consideration. behalf of all our people. and Cuban revolutions. The tem.
Panthers’ breakfast program
Raul Castro Ruz Dr. Malik Zulu Shabazz for children, among other so- The Black Panther Party
President of Councils of State Chairman, NBPP cial programs, underlined their arose from the struggles of the
and Minister of the Republic Author: Daily Observer commitment to meet the needs African American people, his-
of Cuba of communities that received torically the most oppressed
--------------------------------------- Hampton, continued from nothing but oppression and and exploited group in the
The celebration of your coun- page 14 neglect from the government. United States. They symbol-
trys national day gives me the ized hope and received the
greatest opportunity to address The Black Panther Party set The staunch anti-cap- greatest affection. They attrib-
to you my warmest congratu- standards for waging strug- italist stance of these young uted black oppression to the
lations as well as best wishes gle. Their enthusiastic projec- revolutionaries who declared capitalist system, and dared to
for your continued good tion of socialism allowed many themselves Marxist-Leninists pick up arms against the state.
health and happiness. I am to envision its relevance to Af- made them the target of the The militancy and defiance
also pleased to pray for the rican Americans and other op- most ruthless, racist elements of these young revolutionar-
progress and prosperity of the pressed nationalities. in power. On numerous oc- ies deeply impacted the Civil
brotherly people of the Sister casions, FBI Director J. Edgar Rights and socialist move-
Republic of The Gambia. The white, racist U.S. Hoover expressed a special ments.
ruling class was appalled. disdain for the black struggle,
I am convinced that the excel- How dare the descendents of particularly towards Dr. Martin Hampton and the Black
lent relations of friendship and African slaves call themselves Luther King Jr. and Malcolm Panthers believed all would
cooperation that happily bind socialists and aim to achieve X. Many were not surprised benefit if the banner of the
our two countries will con- black people’s right to repara- when Hoover declared the struggle against racism and
tinue to grow from strength to tions! Even more daring was Black Panther Party “the great- national oppression was taken
strenght for the mutual interest the Black Panther Party’s call for est threat to national security.” up by the white masses as their
of our peoples. the overthrow of capitalism—a own. Hampton knew that it
demand the ruling class could The slanderous editori- was possible to smash the ra-
Please accept, Mr. President never tolerate. Their ability to als against the Panthers in the cial barriers created by capital-
and Dear Brother, the assur- forge unity in struggle was a capitalist-owned mass media, ism to divide and conquer the
ances of my highest consider- threat in itself. All this was combined with Hoover’s fre- working class. His confidence
ation. happening while resentment quent verbal attacks, reflected was based on the strong be-
for the war in Vietnam was on the wishes of the ruling class lief that this system provides a
Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz the rise. The men of privilege who sought the complete de- motive for all to unite and en-
President of the Islamic Re- and wealth, with a stake in pre- struction of the Black Panther gage in revolutionary struggle.
public Mauritania serving the imperialist system, Party and the ideals it embod- Long live the memory of Fred
--------------------------------------- grew apprehensive the more it ied. Internal FBI memos show Hampton and the Black Pan-
On behalf of the New Black became apparent that a mass that the government had a spe- ther Party!
Panther Party Central Com- revolutionary movement was cial interest in Hampton’s po-
mittee, under the leadership arising. These circumstances litical activities and his asso- New Years, continued
of Dr. Malik Zulu Sabazz, we compelled the government to ciations; Chicago police were from page 18
want to send our well wishes destroy the Black Panther Party. encouraged by the FBI to find
and greetings to you and the a way to lock up Hampton. If we can’t truly live life, then
Gambian people, with soli- . Operation COINTEL- we must give our life for the
darity and African love on this PRO, an acronym for Counter Prior to Hampton’s salvation of our people. May
45th Independence Day of The Intelligence Program, was es- death, police raided the Pan- the Creator and the ancestors
Gambia. tablished in the mid-1950s to thers’ Chicago office on three continue to bless you and keep
deter the development of any separate occasions. William you close. Forward forever;
We wish you success in your movement deemed a threat to O’Neal, Fred Hampton’s body- backward never! “They got
implementation of your 40- the existing social, economic guard, was a police informant money for war, but can’t feed
year vision for Gambia. We en- and political order. It remained who was instructed to draw the poor.” Tupac Shakur
deavour for all African nations secret until 1971, when anti- up a floor plan of the targeted
to be modelled on honesty, repression activists broke into apartment weeks earlier. Law
an FBI field office in Media, enforcement used the infor-
Mumia, continued from African-American district at- As they were being deliv- the New Black Panther Party
page 15 torney, Seth Williams, who ered, Orie Ross of Brooklyn was meted out by members
vowed to pursue the rein- asked them if they were fa- of the Republican Party. A
To drive that home, statement of Mumia’s death miliar with the case. When Texan representative, Lamar
demonstrators delivered at sentence. they admitted they were not, Smith, Virginian representa-
least 25,000 letters and peti- Serious legal observ- Ross, in a straightforward tive Frank Wolf, the epitome
tions calling for a civil rights ers believe the Supreme matter of fact manner very of an “Uncle Tom Negro,”
investigation into this incred- Court may even use the case reminiscent of Rev. CT Viv- Michael Steele Republican
ible case. While many were of a neo-Nazi, Frank Spisak, ian’s confrontation with Bull Chairman, Bill O’ Reilly and
from all parts of the United who is on death row in Ohio Connor many years ago on racist affiliated Sean Hannity
States, a considerable num- with a similar fact pattern, to the right to vote, laid out the and a few other misfits, all
ber were from abroad, from reinstate his death sentence background of Mumia’s or- thought it would be a good
places like Japan, Spain, by ruling against Spivak, and deal, especially when detail- idea to take aim at the New
Mexico, Greece, France, then reinstate Mumia’s death ing the new evidence and Black Panther Party. Not a
Germany and South Africa. sentence, without even hear- the extreme racial bias of the wise idea, for we now have
In a press conference ing the case directly. The late presiding trial judge Al- the good fortune to expose
before the demonstration tireless Pan African bottom bert Sabo’s “I’m gonna help these deceivers as the hypo-
and delivery of the letters, lined the status of the case in them fry the nigger,” com- crites they really are.
Fignole St.Cyr, a trade union this way. pelling Mijar to blush with
leader from Haiti who came embarrassment. Frank Wolf’s efforts to
to personally deliver nearly “Mumia is innocent. keep the pressure up by ral-
a thousand letters, said that They are about to commit Nerve of Devils, contin- lying behind some trumped
“the world should observe out and out murder,” she ued from page 19 up charges for a National
American justice because said emphatically. Zayid Chairman with no record of
the U.S. is supposed to stand Muhammad, a national of- The New Black Pan- violence or voter intimida-
for democracy. Justice ficial of the New Black Pan- ther Party, who roots are in tion. Given the plethora of
should not be two-faced. ther Party, joined the New Bush’s home state of Texas, wire taps bestowed upon the
Justice for black people and York delegation and person- has been a resource of pride NBPP, courtesy of Homeland
for white people should be ally delivered his organiza- and protection for the black Security, rest assured that if
equal.” tion’s letter and pleaded with Community when needed. the National Chairman of
Attorney General Holder not It isn’t the state killing black the New Black Panther Par-
On the positive side, to allow “political conven- folks; it is black folks de- ty, Malik Zulu Shabazz had
this enormous demonstra- tion” to get in the way of de- fending themselves indeed ordered soldiers on
tion comes on the heels of livering justice to Mumia. the ground to “intimidate”
the NAACP, the nation’s old- Ever since Doctor Khallid voters, it would have been
est civil rights organization “The affirmation of Abdul Muhammad marched known prior to Novem-
now in its centennial year, slavery and the property the streets of Jasper, Texas ber 2008.
passing a resolution at their holding rights of slave mas- in 1998 with an armed
national convention stating ters was once the political cadre of New Black Panther Black people suffer
their new interest and com- convention of the day,” his members and community daily in this country and if
mitment. They were best letter read. “Jim Crow seg- members, George W. Bush as much time was invested
represented by Marvin ‘Doc’ regation and the practice of has been intent on destroy- working to eradicate dis-
Cheatam of the Baltimore lynch mob terror to enforce ing the New Black Panther enfranchised, as opposed
Chapter of the NAACP, the that order was also once Party. Bush modeled his to politicizing trumped up
biggest chapter to not only the political convention of behavior after former FBI charges, our country would
come out for Mumia, but to the day. However, on this director J. Edgar Hoover, be in a much better place.
also come out for other polit- date, at this incredible hour, who became obsessed with
ical prisoners. Under Chea- in this enormous historical destroying the
tam, the Baltimore Chapter moment, with the eyes of Black Panther party
has been steadfast in its call the world upon us all, we, in the 1960’s. The
for justice for Marshall Ed- not just as in we, the inter- right wing loved
die Conway, the Baltimore national human rights com- George W. Bush
Panther now imprisoned on munity, but we, as in ‘we the when he was in
account of a COINTELPRO people,’ simply cannot al- office; not so with
driven prosecution since low this to happen!” President Obama.
1969. No assuring, up-
The most poignant lifting words have
Internationally, the point in the demonstration been forthcoming
demonstration also comes occurred at the end with the for him.Besides
on the heels of the City Coun- delivery of the letters and finding a dress to
cil of Munich, Germany, one petitions. The Justice De- match his high
of Europe’s largest, coming partment sent out a phalanx heels, destroying
out for Mumia. Dangerously, of African-American officers the Black Panther
it comes on the heels of the at the Department’s entrance Party became J. Ed-
Philadelphia District Attor- to prevent the demonstrator’s gar Hoover’s num-
ney Lynne Abraham’s pursuit entrance with the petitions, ber one priority.
National Asst., Amirah Shabazz is dedicated
to have Mumia’s death sen- and sent out a Latino repre-
and consistent on her post
tence reinstated. Philadel- sentative, Alejandro Mijar, The most recent vi-
phia also just elected its first to actually receive them. cious onslaught for
Divine for Council, con- These are only a few of the Public relations number is
tinued from page 24 Our National Chairman, Attor- rescue projects we are proud 713-294-7331; the Dispatch
ney Malik Zulu Shabazz and to have assisted with during line is 832-352-6192. We
regular basis. I’ve cultivated a the spirit of the Black Panthers 2004-2008. can be reached on the web at
connection with the commu- will always be my number
nity over the years and it’s a one influence. Councilman CK: What is the day to day life
great thing. I am excited at the Charles Barron out of Brook- like for IN-CERT and Khallid Made in America, contin-
opportunity to play an integral lyn, New York is a political role Greene? ued from page 28
role in building and uplifting model in our region right now.
my community, by utilizing Ras Baraka out of Newark, KG: After Hurricane Ike, after change in Mr. Clemmons life.
the skills and knowledge I’ve New Jersey, Congresswoman a man made disaster, people The Seattle Times reported,
mastered over the years. Cynthia McKinney, Chokwe turn the community back into “Clemmons was known to offer
Lumumba out of Mississippi, the hands of unwanted ele- his car to relatives who needed
Winning the election would and all young brothers and sis- ments. We set up daily neigh- it.” This kindhearted brother
definitely give us more of a ters who are considering the borhood watches and citizens is the same man shown to the
consistent base of power to political arena as a means to patrols, our E.M.S runs daily. world as a monster. Maurice
educate, mobilize, and orga- mobilize towards self-determi- It was really easy because we Clemmons was arrested for as-
nize the community. I aspire nation. never thought about the extra saulting a sheriff’s deputy. He
to use my position to inspire time we have in between our told the officer, “Here’s what I
the younger brothers and sis- For Anyone Who Wants To days. We teach communities want your report to say, “Presi-
ters who admire what we do as Help You In Your Campaign, that instead of taking the regu- dent Obama, he’s my brother.”
Panthers, revolutionaries and What Can They Do? lar route to work drive around Many reports of his kind deeds
activists, and to become ac- your neighborhood and check preceded Mr. Clemmons.
tively involved in the politics The election is on Tuesday, it out. You may become the Later, Clemmons would
that affects their community. I May 11th. For those who re- eyes and ears of your commu- write while incarcerated, that
would strive to create a politi- side on the East Region, please nity. That part of our program he “fell in with the wrong
cal rites of passage program for call your relatives in the Tren- has been in operation for a crowd,” and wanted to “fit in
young brothers ‘in the hood’ ton, NJ area and let them know year. Since then, we have tak- and be accepted.” After serv-
who choose not to play ball they have a committed, dedi- en a mile stretch of neighbor- ing 11 years, Clemmons ap-
or attend college. They may cated candidate on the ballot hood and cleaned it up, when pealed for clemency to state
choose a different route and for North Ward City Council, many people said could it not Governor, Mike Huckabee.
delve into the political arena, Divine Allah. Your vote is be done. According to the Seattle Times,
to affect change with the day needed and most appreciated. Mr. Clemmons wrote in his pe-
to day social injustices that If you would like to contact CK: How important is the re- tition that there was “absolute-
many young men deal with. us, volunteer, or donate to my covery progress after a Natu- ly no excuse” for his criminal
campaign, address your inqui- ral Disaster? past, and he lamented about
What Has This Campaign ries and contributions to: 966 the shame he had brought to
Taught You About The Present Princeton Ave. Trenton, New KG: One thing that is impor- his family’s name.
Politics In America? Jersey 08638 (609)338-2236. tant with the recovery process, On losing his mother
Do You Have A Website Or people will rush in with search while in prison, Clemmons
I now have a greater under- Headquarters Address? and rescue teams. Since these wrote, “I was not able to be
standing regarding the lasting My website is www.divine- recovery efforts could possibly with her and make her proud
effects of local politics, which On Face- hinder our people after a man of me before she passed away.”
has taught me that we still have book: divineforcouncil. made or natural disaster, we Prosecutors pushed twice for
a tremendous amount of work pattern our programs by the Clemmons to remain behind
to do. A lot of our people are Is There Anything Else You old adage “teach men to fish.” bars. Marion Humphrey a Pu-
seeking substantive change, as Would Like The Readers To laski County judge pushed for
they are still caught up in that Know? We teach people to do for clemency saying, “Clemmons
moment of inspiration that sur- themselves through self de- cumulative sentence was too
rounded the election of Presi- This is our time! WUCUSU termination; that in order to long.” Gov. Mike Huckabee
dent Barack Obama. People (Wake Up, Clean Up, Stand recover, they will need food, granted the request in May
have an earnest desire to give Up). I want to thank everyone clothing, shelter and medi- 2000, citing Clemmons “youth
to this administration the ben- in advance for your support, cine. In the recovery effort, if when the crimes were commit-
efit of a doubt. Many brothers donations to my campaign you cannot assist in providing ted.”
and sisters in my neighborhood and your willingness to believe supplies, medicine, etc., then Before his death, Clem-
previously had no interests in in my abilities to serve your take the expertise you have mons said “Many white people
politics, but now they’re talk- community. I look forward to and use it for the recovery ef- will be killed” if they do not
ing politics and staying abreast meeting each of you on Tues- fort because in recovery, all as- right their ways.” I think it is
of local, state, national and in- day, May 11, 2010. Let your sistance is appreciated. safe to say Maurice Clemmons
ternational events. Each time vote be heard. was “Made in America.” No
they see me and the ‘Divine CK: How can people get in matter what you may think
for Council’ team, they eagerly IN-CERT, Continued from contact with you and IN- about the actions of Mr. Mau-
want to hear our views on cur- page 25 CERT? rice Clemmons, one thing is
rent issues and how they may certain, Maurice Clemmons
be a part of the issues that im- ourselves and had several inci- KG: The basic classes we give is a product of the racism, ha-
pact their communities. dents we responded to. Hur- are free of charge, and the tred and bigotry black people
ricane Ike was a major one in equipment you use is free of face every day in America and
Who Have Been Some Of Your which we rescued and fed 400 charge. The excuses are taken the elements of hatred will not
Influences And Motivation people. Keep in mind this was out; all you have to do is get prevail, until black people re-
Thus Far? when the city was shut down. the people to show up. The ceive equal justice.
Contact us now to
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