NL Maritime News 06-Mar-13
NL Maritime News 06-Mar-13
NL Maritime News 06-Mar-13
A NewsLink service for Dole Colombia International maritime news for seafarers
Katainen has said that his meeting with the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabor al-Thani was fruitful.
equipment should be so fastened as to permit such movement without risk of damage to working parts. Equipment protection should offer a degree of safety comparable to that of the shell. For offshore tankcontainers, where positioning of service equipment and the design and strength of protection for such equipment is concerned, the increased danger of impact damage when handling such tanks in open seas should be taken into account. All shell openings other than openings for pressure relief devices and inspection openings should be provided with manually operated stop valves situated as near to the shell as is practicable. Moreover, a tank or each of its compartments should be provided with an opening large enough to enable the tank or compartment to be inspected. Whenever possible, external fittings should be grouped together, while all tank connections should be clearly marked to indicate the function of each. Stop valves with screwed spindles should close by clockwise rotation. Each valve should be designed and constructed for a rated pressure not less than the maximum allowable working pressure of the tank at the temperatures expected to be encountered. Source: MCA
The detailed results of the campaign will be further analysed and findings will be presented to the 46th meeting of the PSC Committee in May 2013, after which the report will be submitted to the International Maritime Organisation.
a precaution against a second Spanish Armada but foundered off the island of Alderney, in the Channel. British and French scientists have long argued that the find is a sunstone - a device that fractures the light, enabling seafarers to locate the Sun even when it is behind clouds or has dipped below the horizon. Sunstones, according to a theory first aired 45 years ago, helped the great Norse mariners to navigate their way to Iceland and even perhaps as far as North America during the Viking heyday of 900-1200 AD, way before the magnetic compass was introduced in Europe in the 13th century. But there is only a sketchy reference in ancient Norse literature to a "solarsteinn," which means the idea has remained frustratingly without solid proof. (AFP)
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