Anaphylaxis: Phillip Lieberman, MD
Anaphylaxis: Phillip Lieberman, MD
Anaphylaxis: Phillip Lieberman, MD
Phillip Lieberman, MD*
Division of Allergy and Immunology, Departments of Medicine and Pediatrics, University of Tennessee College of Medicine, Memphis, TN, USA
The exact incidence of anaphylaxis is unknown [1]. Perhaps the best insight into incidence is obtained from assessing prescriptions for automatic epinephrine injectors. Using such prescription data, Simons [2] found an overall incidence of approximately 1% of the population of Manitoba, Canada. Regardless of the exact incidence, the incidence of anaphylactic episodes seems to be increasing based on the assessment of admissions to the emergency room in the United Kingdom [3]. Factors aecting incidence are listed in Box 1: Atopy is a risk factor in all general series of anaphylactic events [1]. This is particularly true for agents administered by the mucosal route (eg, food). This is not surprising because atopy is a mucosally expressed and usually mucosally sensitized disease. Atopy, however, does not seem to be a risk factor for agents administered parenterally (eg, penicillin, insulin). It is interesting to note, however, that atopy is even a risk factor for episodes normally considered anaphylactoid (not IgE mediated). This includes anaphylactoid reactions to radiocontrast material and exercise. The reasons for this have not been established, but are thought to be caused by the cytokine milieu with increased production of interleukin-4, -5, and -13 in atopics as compared with nonatopic individuals. These cytokines not only enhance the releasability of mast cells and basophils, but also sensitize the target organs to mediators, such as histamine [4]. Sex clearly exerts an eect on the incidence of anaphylaxis. Males under the age of 16 experience anaphylaxis more frequently than females that age [2], whereas after the age of 30, the incidence is higher in females [5]. The female predominance after puberty may be related to hormonal dierences in that progesterone enhances susceptibility to anaphylaxis in animal models
* Division of Allergy and Immunology, Departments of Medicine and Pediatrics, University of Tennessee College of Medicine, 7205 Wolf River Boulevard, Suite 200, Memphis, TN 38138. E-mail address: 0025-7125/06/$ - see front matter 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.mcna.2005.08.007
Box 1. Factors affecting the incidence of anaphylactic episodes Risk factors Atopy Sex Age Route of administration Constancy of administration Time since previous reaction Economic status Season of the year Not a risk factor Race Geography Chronobiology
and progesterone-related (catamenial) anaphylactic events have been described in humans [6]. As a rule, anaphylactic events seem to be more common in adults than children, probably because of increased use of drugs in the older population [1]. In some series, however, children predominate [2]. In atopic individuals the route of administration is important in that the mucosal route is more sensitizing. The constancy of administration is also important. For example, insulin allergy is more likely to occur after recurrent administrations of insulin with interruptions between each administration as often occur in gestational diabetes [1]. The time since the previous reaction is important in that the longer the duration since the last administration of antigen, the less the likelihood of a recurrence. An unusual observation, but one that has been conrmed, is that there seems to be an increased incidence of anaphylaxis in individuals of higher socioeconomic status. This cannot be related to access to medical care [7]. Anaphylactic episodes show a seasonal predisposition because of the seasonality of insect sting reactions. Anaphylactic reactions are more common in the summer and early fall. Race, geographic location, and chronobiology seem to play no role. As opposed to other atopic conditions, which seem to worsen at night (eg, allergic asthma), there seems to be no increased incidence of anaphylactic episodes at this time [5]. Pathophysiology Anaphylactic events can be dened as acute, generalized reactions caused by the release of mediators from mast cells and basophils secondary to the union of IgE antibody and antigen. Anaphylactoid episodes are clinically
similar but do not involve IgE. Most of these episodes seem to be caused by direct histamine release, not requiring IgE antibody (eg, reactions to opiates or radiocontrast media). There are a number of other mechanisms, however, responsible for anaphylactoid events as listed in Box 2: The mediators of anaphylactic episodes are the well-known contents of mast cells and basophils. These contents and their activities are seen in Table 1. Histamine is probably the most important mediator of the most rapidly occurring symptoms. Histamine acts through both H1 and H2 receptors. The overall eect in the vascular bed is vasodilatation with increased vascular permeability. This causes ushing with a lowering of peripheral resistance along with a shift in uid to the extravascular space. Vasodilatation is mediated by both H1 and H2 receptors. The H2 receptors exert their eect by direct action on vascular smooth muscle. H1 receptors act indirectly by stimulating the production of nitric oxide by endothelial cells [1]. The cardiac eects of histamine are primarily mediated through the H2 receptor but the H1 receptor also plays a role. H2 receptor stimulation increases both the rate and force of atrial and ventricular contraction, probably by enhancing calcium inux. This also increases cardiac oxygen demand. H1 receptor activity increases the heart rate by hastening diastolic depolarization at the sinoatrial node. H1 receptor stimulation also can produce coronary artery vasospasm, which can result in myocardial infarction in spite of normal coronary arteries (the Kounis syndrome) [8]. Histamine produces varying eects on extravascular smooth muscle. It can cause contraction in the bronchial tree, mediated entirely by the H1 receptor. The H1 receptor also produces modest contraction of the human
Box 2. Mechanisms responsible for anaphylactoid events Anaphylaxis: IgE-mediated events Drugs Food Insect bites and stings Anaphylactoid events Direct release of mediators from mast cells and basophils Drugs (eg, opiates and radiocontrast media) Idiopathic Physical causes (cold, heat, sunlight, exercise) Arachidonic acid metabolic abnormalities (nonsteroidal anti-inammatory drug-induced events) Activation of contact and complement systems Reactions caused by rst use of membranes during dialysis Some reactions caused by radiocontrast material
Table 1 Mast cell and basophil mediators and their roles in producing anaphylactic and anaphylactoid events Mediators Histamine and products of arachidonic acid metabolism (leukotrienes, thromboxane, prostaglandins, and platelet-activating factor) Pathophysiologic activity Smooth muscle spasm, mucus secretion, vasodilatation, increased vascular permeability, activation of nociceptive neurons, platelet adherence, eosinophil activation, eosinophil chemotaxis Exert activity via PAR receptors (protease activated cell surface receptors). Cleavage of complement components, chemoattractants for eosinophils and neutrophils, further activation and degranulation of mast cells, cleavage of neuropeptides, conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II. Anticoagulation, inhibition of complement, binding phospholipase A2, chemoattractant for eosinophils, inhibition of cytokine function, activation of kinin pathway. Calls forth cells to the site Clinical correlates Wheeze, urticaria, angioedema, ush, itch, diarrhea and abdominal pain, hypotension, rhinorrhea, and bronchorrhea
May recruit complement by cleaving C3, may ameliorate symptoms by invoking a hypertensive response through the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II and by inactivating neuropeptides. Also, can magnify response because of further mast cell activation.
Can prevent intravascular coagulation and the recruitment of complement. Also can recruit kinins increasing the severity of the reaction.
May be partly responsible for recrudescence of symptoms in late phase reaction or extension and protraction of reaction.
uterus, whereas H2 receptor stimulation can produce uterine relaxation. The predominant eect of histamine on gastrointestinal smooth muscle is contraction by the H1 receptor. Glandular secretion is mediated by both the H1 and H2 receptor. Glycoprotein secretion from goblet cells in bronchial glands is produced by
stimulation of the H2 receptor, whereas stimulation of the H1 receptor increases mucous viscosity. Infusion of histamine into humans causes symptoms similar to those observed during anaphylaxis. It is important to note that for maximal inhibition of ushing, headaches, hypotension, and tachycardia, a combination of H1 and H2 receptor blockade is required [1]. Other mast cell and basophil contents are important in that they recruit the activation of other inammatory pathways. In protracted cases of anaphylaxis, one can see activation of the contact system with the formation of kinins; the coagulation pathway (both clotting and clot lysis); and the complement cascade. During severe and protracted episodes, evidence for activation of all of these occurs as summarized in Table 2. Severe disseminated intravascular coagulation can occur and has been reported as the cause of death in several instances [9]. Successful treatment of this manifestation has been reported with the administration of tranexamic acid [10]. It has recently been recognized that nitric oxide is also produced in large quantities during anaphylactic events. This molecule has both potentially benecial and detrimental eects. It can cause bronchodilatation, vasodilatation of the coronary arteries, and reduced mast cell degranulation. These are salutary in nature. Based on studies using nitric oxide synthesis inhibitors in both animal models and humans [1], however, the sum total of the eects of nitric oxide is detrimental. This molecule produces vasodilatation in the vascular bed and also enhances vascular permeability, worsening shock [1]. The mechanism of production of shock during anaphylaxis is complex. Most cardiovascular parameters progress as one expects. Systemic vascular resistance, however, does not always behave according to expectations. While blood pressure declines, pulse increases, cardiac output declines, and intravascular volume diminishes as shock progresses from the onset of the reaction to a more severe state. Peripheral vascular resistance, however, can vary. One might expect that peripheral vascular resistance, based on the reduction in intravascular volume and vasodilatation, falls as shock progresses; however, in many instances it increases. This increase is presumably caused by the elicitation of endogenous compensatory responses, which include the release of epinephrine, the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II,
Table 2 Findings during anaphylactic events that indicate the activation of multiple inammatory cascades Coagulation pathway Decreased factor V Decreased factor VIII Decreased brinogen Complement cascade Decreased C4 Decreased C3 Decreased C3a Contact system (kinin formation) d Decreased high-molecular-weight kininogen Formation of kallikrein-C1inhibitor complexes, factor XIIa-C1inhibitor complexes
and the production of endothelin (all of which are vasoconstrictive) or the administration of exogenous vasoconstrictors (eg, epinephrine, dopamine). One can be maximally vasoconstricted in the face of shock. The clinical importance of this observation is that patients in this state do not respond to the administration of further vasoconstrictor agents and require large volumes of uid for resuscitation. Signs and symptoms The signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis are listed according to frequency in Table 3. As can be seen, cutaneous symptoms are by far the most common manifestations. In fact, the absence of cutaneous symptoms (unless shock is present) casts doubt on the diagnosis. In the presence of shock, presumably because blood ow is diverted away from the skin, cutaneous symptoms are often absent. In addition, severe respiratory obstruction with death can occur in the absence of reported cutaneous symptoms. It is of note that episodes can present in a biphasic manner. That is, there can be an acute episode, followed by abatement of symptoms, and then a recurrence of manifestations after the asymptomatic period. This is important in that biphasic events impact the duration of observation after successful treatment of the initial phase [11]. Characteristics of biphasic events are listed in Box 3. Dierential diagnosis The diagnosis of the acute event rarely presents a problem when seen in a medical setting (eg, after the administration of a drug in oce). The causes
Table 3 Signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis Signs and symptoms Cutaneous Urticaria and angioedema Flush Pruritus without rash Respiratory Dyspnea and wheeze Upper airway angioedema Dizziness, syncope, hypotension, blurred vision Abdominal: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cramping pain Miscellaneous Headache Substernal pain Seizure Approximate percent of cases O 90 88 26 5 5560 O 25 3035 2530 58 5 12
Data from Webb L, Green E, Lieberman P. Anaphylaxis: a review of 593 cases. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2004;113(2):S240.
Box 3. Characteristics of biphasic reactions Incidence up to 20%; more common when antigen is food May be results of too small a dose of epinephrine or a delay in the administration of epinephrine administered to treat the rst phase Manifestations can be identical, worse, or less severe than initial phase Fatalities have occurred Most episodes occur within the rst 8 hours after resolution of the rst event, but recurrences have been recorded as late as 72 hours after There is no consistent clinical presentation that predicts the recurrence of symptoms (biphasic reactions) The cause of biphasic reactions is unknown Clinical importance relates to the length of time patients are observed after successful treatment of the initial reaction; recommendations have ranged from 2- to 24-hour observation
of shock must be considered. The usual cutaneous manifestations and the frequent occurrence of bronchospasm, however, make most episodes easily diagnosable when the patient is seen during the acute event. The most common condition to be confused with anaphylaxis if the patient is seen during the acute event is a vasodepressor (vasovagal) reaction. The mechanisms underlying the vasodepressor response have not been denitively claried, but such reactions seem to be caused by the activation of the Bezold-Jarisch reex. This reex is thought to be initiated by excessive venous pooling, with resulting decrease in venous ventricular return and the subsequent activation of sensory receptors that respond to wall tension in the inferoposterior portions of the left ventricle. Stimulation of these receptors results in activation of the vagus nerve consequently producing bradycardia with further vasodilatation, hypotension, and quite often syncope. Characteristic features of the vasodepressor reaction are hypotension, pallor, weakness, nausea, vomiting, and diaphoresis. Vasodepressor reactions can be distinguished from anaphylaxis in many instances in that the latter has, as noted, frequent cutaneous manifestations that are absent during the vasodepressor response. The characteristic bradycardia that occurs during vasodepressor reactions has been classically cited as a feature dierentiating these from anaphylactic events. More recently, however, it has been found that bradycardia occurs more often than previously expected during anaphylactic events. In a study of anaphylaxis caused by insect stings, the presence of hypotension was always accompanied by a relative bradycardia [12]. Bradycardia may not be as helpful in dierentiating vasodepressor versus anaphylactic events as previously thought.
The dierential diagnosis is more complex in patients seen after the event, in oce, to solidify the diagnosis and identify the culprit. The dierential diagnosis for such episodes is seen in Box 4. Episodes of ushing can occur in association with anaphylaxis, but such episodes more often occur with other conditions. Flush can occur in a wet and dry form. In the wet form, there is sweating. In the dry form, the skin remains dry. The wet form is mediated by sympathetic cholinergic nerves that supply the sweat glands and is the type that characteristically occurs in postmenopausal ushes. Certain tumors secrete substances that also are present in anaphylactic events. These tumors include the gastrointestinal vasointestinal peptide secreting tumors (eg, from the pancreas) and carcinoid tumors and medullary carcinomas of the thyroid. Alcohol-induced ush occurs quite often in the Asian population (incidence 47%85%) and can also occur in non-Asians (incidence ranging from 3%29%) [1]. This can be related to the simultaneous administration of drugs along with alcohol, but can occur independent of the ingestion of such drugs. In the drug-independent form, it is quite often caused by null alleles for the mitochondrial enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase-2. This enzyme catabolizes acetaldehyde (a metabolic product of alcohol metabolism). In its absence, acetaldehyde accumulates and produces degranulation of mast cells, resulting in what is, in essence, an anaphylactoid reaction. Histamine poisoning (scombroidosis) has become the most common cause of restaurant-induced events. Histamine poisoning is caused by the ingestion of spoiled sh. Most episodes are mild, but severe episodes can occur and can mimic anaphylactic events. Histamine and cis-urocanic acid are produced by bacteria that proliferate within sh stored at elevated temperature. A number of dierent bacteria are capable of producing these substances. When they are present in large amounts, symptoms of histamine poisoning, which are similar to those of anaphylaxis, can occur. Cutaneous manifestations, as in anaphylaxis, are the most common. A clue leading to this diagnosis is that more than one person eating at the same table may have symptoms. Secondly, the cutaneous symptoms are often somewhat dierent than those produced during anaphylaxis. They can consist of a prolonged ush without urticaria. Thirdly, these episodes can be distinguished from anaphylactic events because they are accompanied by elevations of plasma histamine and urinary histamine metabolites, but not by elevated levels of tryptase. In anaphylaxis both tryptase and histamine are elevated (see below). The laboratory may assist in establishing the dierential diagnosis. Tests that may be considered are seen in Table 4. Serum tryptase is probably the most useful test to conrm a diagnosis of anaphylaxis. Serum tryptase exists in two forms. a-Protryptase is secreted constitutively and b (mature) tryptase is released during mast cell degranulation. Serum tryptase levels remain elevated for 6 hours, and occasionally longer. They are usually more useful than plasma histamine determinations, which remain elevated for only up to
Box 4. Differential diagnosis of anaphylaxis and anaphylactoid reactions Anaphylaxis and anaphylactoid reactions To exogenously administered agents Caused by physical factors Idiopathic Vasodepressor (vasovagal) reactions Flush syndromes Carcinoid Postmenopausal Chlorpropamide: alcohol Medullary carcinoma thyroid Epilepsy Vasointestinal polypeptidesecreting tumors Restaurant syndromes Monosodium glutamate Sultes Scombroidosis Other forms of shock Hemorrhagic Cardiogenic Endotoxic Excess endogenous production of histamine syndromes Systemic mastocytosis Urticaria pigmentosa Basophilic leukemia Acute promyelocytic leukemia (tretinoin treatment) Hydatid cyst Nonorganic disease Panic attacks Munchausen stridor Vocal cord dysfunction syndrome Globus hystericus Undifferentiated somatoform anaphylaxis Miscellaneous Hereditary angioedema Progesterone anaphylaxis Urticarial vasculitis Pheochromocytoma Hyperimmunoglobulin E, urticaria syndrome Neurologic (seizure, stroke) Pseudoanaphylaxis Red-man syndrome (vancomycin) Capillary leak syndrome
60 minutes. Elevation of baseline tryptase (the a-protryptase or immature form) indicates the presence of mastocytosis as a cause of an anaphylactic episode because the increased mast cell burden results in secretion of constitutively elevated amounts. The other tests, such as metanephrine and serotonin, seen in Table 4 are useful in ruling out conditions that mimic anaphylaxis. Prevention of the acute event In patients predisposed to anaphylactic episodes, preventive measures as noted in Box 5 are indicated. A thorough history for drug allergy is necessary. Proper interpretation of this history requires knowledge of the immunologic and biochemical cross-reactivity among drugs. Whenever possible, if the history suggests a reaction to a specic agent, a substitute, noncrossreactive drug should be administered. Parenteral administration usually
Table 4 Laboratory tests to be considered in establishing the dierential diagnosis of anaphylaxis and anaphylactoid events Test Serum tryptase Comment Levels peak 6090 min after the onset of anaphylaxis and can persist several hours (R 6). Levels usually peak between 12 h after the intiation of symptoms, this is the ideal time to obtain a serum sample. Levels rise more rapidly than serum tryptase, 510 min after symptom onset. They remain elevated for a very limited period of time, however, usually only 3060 min, and are usually less useful than serum tryptase because more patients are seen after histamine levels decline. They are of little help if the patient is seen as long as an hour after the onset of the event. May be found in the urine for up to 24 h after symptom onset. Rules out paradoxical pheochromocytoma. Also useful in ruling out paradoxical response to pheochromocytoma. Carcinoid syndrome Rules out carcinoid syndrome Rules out gastrointestinal tumor or medullary carcinoma of the thyroid, both of which can secrete vasoactive peptides.
Plasma histamine
24-h Urinary histamine metabolites (methylhistamine) Plasma-free metanephrine Urinary vanillylmandelic acid Serum serotonin Urinary 5-hydroxindoleacetic acid Serum vasointestinal polypeptide hormone panel: pacreastatin, vasintestinal polpeptide hormone, substance P, neurokinin
Box 5. Measures to reduce the incidence of anaphylaxis and anaphylactic deaths General measures Obtain thorough history for drug allergy. Avoid drugs with immunologic or biochemical cross-reactivity with any agents to which the patient is sensitive. Administer drugs orally rather than parenterally when possible. Check all drugs for proper labeling. Keep patients in ofce 20 to 30 minutes after injections. Consider a waiting period of 2 hours if the patient has been given the drug in ofce, which they have never before received, by mouth. Measures for patients at risk Have patient wear and carry warning identication. Teach self-injection of epinephrine and caution patients to keep epinephrine kit with them. Discontinue b-adrenergic blocking agents, angiotensinconverting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin-converting enzyme blockers, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, and certain tricyclic antidepressants when possible. Use preventive techniques when patients are required to undergo a procedure or take an agent that places them at risk. Such techniques include pretreatment, provocative challenge, and desensitization.
produces a more severe reaction than oral administration, and the latter is the route of choice in reference to preventing anaphylactic episodes. When receiving a drug in oce, the patient should remain a minimum of 20 to 30 minutes after the drug is given if it is administered by injection, and 2 hours if the drug is administered orally. Patients subject to anaphylaxis (eg, those with recurrent idiopathic episodes, caused by foods or insect stings) should wear MedicAlert jewelry (available at: http// and should keep an identication card in their wallet or purse. Such patients should also be supplied with automatic epinephrine injectors and should be told clearly to keep the injector with them at all times and renew the prescription when the expiration date is reached. Certain drugs diminish the eect of endogenous compensatory responses (the endogenous production of epinephrine or the formation of angiotensin) and worsen episodes. In addition b-blockers tend to block the eect of exogenously administered epinephrine. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors, which
prevent the metabolism of epinephrine, and tricyclic antidepressants, which prevent the reuptake of catecholamines at peripheral nerve endings, can complicate therapy by exaggerating the eect of epinephrine given for treatment. Although this, at rst blush, may not seem to be important, it is of note that epinephrine overdoses have been the cause of death in some instances [9]. In patients who are required to take medications or receive diagnostic agents to which they have experienced previous reactions, specic preventive measures should be considered. They include pretreatment protocols, provocative challenges, or desensitization. In most instances, with the possible exception of the institution of a pretreatment regimen, such procedures should be performed by an allergist or immunologist. An example of a pretreatment regimen that has proved eective in diminishing the severity or preventing reactions to the readministration of radiocontrast and the prevention of cold-induced anaphylactic events during bypass surgery is seen in Box 6. Management of the acute event An algorithm for management of the acute episode of anaphylaxis is seen in Fig. 1. Box 7 summarizes the actions to be taken on diagnosis of the acute event.
Box 6. Treatment protocol to prevent a recurrence of anaphylaxis or diminish symptoms during an occurrence when a patient must receive a diagnostic agent to which they have previously reacted Prednisone, 50 mg by mouth given 13, 7, and 1 hour before the procedure. Diphenhydramine, 50 mg intramuscularly (IM) given 1 hour before the procedure. Consider ephedrine, 25 mg by mouth given 1 hour before the procedure. Consider an H2 antagonist, such as ranitidine, 300 mg given 3 hours before the procedure.a
Has been shown to be effective for the readministration of radiocontrast material and to prevent cold-induced anaphylactic episodes during bypass surgery. It is not always effective, and has been shown to be ineffective in other venues (eg, prevention of latex-induced reactions during surgery). a It should be noted that the use of an H2 antagonist is controversial in that in some instances it has proved benecial and in others has increased the frequency of events [1].
Immediate actions
Establish airway Check vital signs Administer epinephrine Administer oxygen Place supine with elevation of feet
If incomplete response
Good response
Readminister epinephrine every 10-15 min to three to five doses and assess specific problems
If cutaneous symptoms present, give H1 and H2 antagonist and consider corticosteroid If wheezing, use inhaled albuterol and consider corticosteroid If hypotensive, give fluids and consider vasopressor and corticosteroid If taking -blocker, consider glucagon and/or atropine and consider corticosteroid
Observe 2 hours
The initial step in the management of anaphylaxis is rapid assessment of the patients status with emphasis on evaluation of the airway and the state of consciousness. If the airway is compromised, it should be secured immediately. Blood pressure and pulse measurements should be obtained. The patient should be placed in the supine position with feet elevated. This is extremely important because recently it has been noted that assuming the sitting position can be associated with fatality [9]. It is presumed that this occurs because there is no venous return to the heart when the sitting position is assumed. This in turn produces pulseless mechanical contraction of the heart and predisposes to arrhythmias. In several instances death occurred immediately after assuming the sitting position [13]. It has been suggested that if the antigen was injected a tourniquet should be placed proximal to the injection site and that site inltrated with 0.3 mL epinephrine to slow absorption. There are no data, however, to conrm the ecacy of either of these two procedures. If a tourniquet is used, care should
Box 7. Therapy of the anaphylactic event Immediate action Assessment Check airway and secure if needed Rapid assessment of level of consciousness Vital signs Treatment Epinephrine Supine position, legs elevated Oxygen Tourniquet proximal to injection site Dependent on evaluation Start peripheral intravenous (IV) uids H1 and H2 antagonist Vasopressors Corticosteroids Aminophylline Glucagon Atropine Electrocardiographic monitoring Transfer to hospital Hospital management Medical antishock trousers Continued therapy with previously noted agents and management of complications
be taken to release it every 5 minutes (for a minimum of 3 minutes) during therapy. Epinephrine is the drug of choice and the mainstay of therapy. It has been shown that IM injection in the lateral thigh (vastus lateralis muscle) results in a more rapid rise in serum levels than subcutaneous or IM (deltoid) injection in the arm. It has been recommended that lateral thigh injection (as one does with automatic epinephrine injectors) is the route of choice [2]. It should be noted, however, that there are no outcome studies to date that compare various routes of administration. Regardless of the route, epinephrine should be administered simultaneously while the patient is being assessed. It is clear that delays in administration have been associated with worse outcomes. The IM dose of epinephrine in adults is 0.3 mL to 0.5 mL (0.30.5 mg) of a 1:1000 solution. In children the dose is 0.1 mg/kg. This initial dose can be repeated two to three times at 10- to 15-minute intervals.
Table 5 Drugs and other agents used to treat anaphylaxis Drug/agent Epinephrine Dose and route of administration 1:1000 0.30.5 mL IM (adult); 1:1000 0.01 mg/kg or 0.10.3 mL IM (child) 0.11.0 mL of 1:1000 aqueous epinephrine diluted in 10 mL normal saline IV (see text for details) Comment Initial drug of choice for all episodes; should be given immediately; may repeat every 1015 min If no response to IM administration and patient in shock with cardiovascular collapse
Antihistamines Diphenhydramine 2550 mg IM or IV (adult); 12.525 mg PO, IM, or IV (child) Ranitidine, cimetidine 1 mg/kg IV ranitidine; 4 mg/kg IV cimetidine
Route of administration depends on severity of episode Cimetidine should be administered slowly because rapid administration has been associated with hypotension; doses shown are for adults; dose in children less well-established Exact dose not established; other preparations such as methyl-prednisolone can be used as well; for milder episodes, prednisone 3060 mg may be given (see text) Useful for bronchospasm not responding to epinephrine
Corticosteroids Hydrocortisone
Drugs for resistant bronchospasm Dose as for asthma Aerosolized (0.250.5 mL in b-agonist 1.52 mL saline every (albuterol, 4 h, when needed) metaproterenol) Aminophylline Dose as for asthma
Rarely indicated for recalcitrant bronchospasm; b-agonist is drug of choice Rate of administration titrated against blood pressure response for IV volume expander; after initial infusion, further administration requires tertiary care monitoring; in patients who are b-blocked, larger amounts may be needed. (continued on next page)
92 Table 5 (continued ) Drug/agent Colloids (hydroxyethyl starch) Vasopressors Dopamine Dose and route of administration
500 mL rapidly followed by slow infusion (adult) 400 mg in 500 mL; dextrose 5% in water as IV infusion; 220 mcg/kg/min Dopamine is probably the drug of choice; the rate of infusion should be titered against the blood pressure response; continued infusion requires intensive care monitoring
Drugs used in patients who are b-blocked Atropine 0.30.5 mg IV; may sulfate repeat every 10 min to a maximum of 2 mg (adult) Glucagon Initial dose of 15 mg Glucagon is probably the drug of IV followed by infusion choice with atropine useful only for of 515 mcg/min titrated treatment of bradycardia. against blood pressure Ipratropium Ipratropium might be considered as an alternative or added to inhaled beta-adrenergics for wheezing.
If there is no response after several injections, IV epinephrine should be considered. There is no denitively established dose and numerous regimens have been suggested. The amount administered depends on the severity of the episode and should be titrated against the response. During the administration of IV epinephrine constant monitoring with whatever means are available is necessary. A suggested dose for IV preparation can be prepared by diluting 0.1 mL (0.1 mg) of a 1:1000 aqueous epinephrine solution in 10 mL of normal saline. This 10-mL preparation can be infused over 5 to 10 minutes and repeated depending on the response. The dose can be increased in more critical situations to 1 mL (1 mg) of a 1:1000 solution of epinephrine diluted in 10 mL of normal saline (for a concentration of 0.1 mg/ mL) and a dose of 1 to 2 mL (0.10.2 mg) administered every 5 to 20 minutes by bolus. An alternative is to prepare an epinephrine infusion by adding 1 mL (1 mg) of a 1:1000 dilution of epinephrine to 250 mL of dextrose 5% in water to yield a concentration of 4 mg/mL. This 1:250,000 solution is infused at a rate of 1 to 4 mg per minute (1560 drops/min with a microdrop apparatus [60 drops per minute 1 mL 60 mL/h]). The dose can be increased to a maximum of 10 mg per minute. Antihistamine therapy can be useful as adjunctive treatment but should not be administered as monotherapy. Based on the known eects of histamine on the H1 and H2 receptors as previously mentioned, a combination
Box 8. Equipment and medication suggested to be kept in ofce for potential use in the management of an anaphylactic event Primary Tourniquet 1-mL and 5-mL disposable syringes Oxygen tank and mask or nasal prongs Epinephrine solution (aqueous) 1:1000 (1-mL amps and multidose vials) Epinephrine solution (aqueous) 1:10,000 (commercially available preloaded in a syringe) Diphenhydramine injectable Ranitidine or cimetidine injectable Injectable corticosteroids Ambu-bag, oral airway, laryngoscope, endotracheal tube, No. 12 needle IV setup with large-bore catheter IV uids, 2000 mL crystalloid, 1000 mL hydroxyethyl starch Aerosol beta-II bronchodilator and compressor nebulizer Glucagon Electrocardiogram Normal saline 10-mL vial for epinephrine dilution Supporting Suction apparatus Dopamine Sodium bicarbonate Aminophylline Atropine IV set-up with needles, tape, and tubing Nonlatex gloves Optional Debrillator Calcium gluconate Neuroleptics for seizures Lidocaine
of an H1 and H2 antagonist is often superior to an H1 antagonist alone. This is especially true for symptoms of ush, hypotension, and urticaria. Diphenhydramine can be administered at a dose of 1 to 2 mg/kg or 25 to 50 mg given parenterally (IM or IV). Ranitidine, as an H2 antagonist, is given at a dose of 1 mg/kg. Ranitidine can be diluted in 5% dextrose to a total
volume of 20 mL and injected IV over 5 minutes. Cimetidine at a dose of 4 mg/kg can also be used in adults. Shock can be caused by uid shifts from the intravascular to the extravascular space. In these instances vasoconstrictor agents may not be eective and volume resuscitation is necessary. There is no clear preference for a colloid or a crystalloid. The most important component of uid therapy is the volume of the uid itself. Large volumes of crystalloid are often required. A total of 1000 to 2000 mL of lactated Ringers or normal saline should be given rapidly in an adult, depending on the blood pressure, at a rate of 5 to 10 mL/kg in the rst 5 minutes. An alternative to crystalloids is hydroxyethyl starch. Adults should receive rapid infusion of 500 mL followed by a slow infusion thereafter. In patients who are taking a b-blocker, the amount of uid may be greater (57 L) before stabilization occurs. Such large volumes of uid require transfer as soon as possible to an ICU where extensive monitoring can be performed. The role of corticosteroids in the management of anaphylaxis has not been clearly established. Based on extrapolation of their eects in other allergic diseases, however, their administration is indicated. Patients with severe anaphylactic episodes and those patients who have received systemic corticosteroids in the past several months should be given IV corticosteroids. The exact time of onset of activity of corticosteroids is unknown, and it is unclear whether they prevent a biphasic response, but there is theoretic rationale for their use. b-Adrenergically blocked patients may also require glucagon as a substitute for epinephrine. The initial dose is 1 to 5 mg IV followed by an infusion of 5 mg/min to 15 mg/min titrated against the blood pressure response. For bradycardia, atropine sulfate can be used at a dose of 0.3 mg to 0.5 mg IV repeated every 10 minutes to a maximum of 2 mg in adults. This dose may also be helpful in treating a vasodepressor (vasovagal) reaction. Table 5 suggests possible agents to be used to treat an anaphylactic event, giving the doses and comments regarding the use of each drug. Although there is no clear-cut consensus as to the equipment one needs in an oce to prepare to treat anaphylactic reactions, Box 8 presents suggestions in this regard.
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