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Giving: Peebl Es Baptis T Chur CH

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September 2013

They also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?' "He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.' Matthew 25: 4445

he River Tweed is not warm. I know, because I went paddling in it today to try to work out where it would be deep enough to baptise someone - as were planning to do in a couple of weeks time. Its not warm, and its not very clean either - there was a rather unpleasant foamy scum floating down the river, not to mention the years of accumulated duck and fish poo that my (sandalled) feet stirred up. Yes - cold, dirty... and rather embarrassing. I could see some very strange looks coming from dog walkers passing by, wondering what this strange man was doing in the river. I dont think anyone actually called the police, but I didnt hang around too long just in case. I wonder if those would be the thoughts uppermost in my mind if I were a pastor in Afghanistan. In June 2010, the deputy secretary of the Afghan Parliament called for the execution of Christian converts, after seeing baptisms of Afghan Christians on television. Afghanistan is only one of several countries where to publicly confess Jesus Christ as Lord is tantamount to inviting real, physical, violent persecution. Baptism is at its heart a deeply subversive act - it is a counter-cultural statement, an act of revolution against the status quo. In baptism we say to the watching world: Enough of your wars and greed and violence and revenge and torture and racism and homophobia and self-worship and sexism and xenophobia. It stops here in my life. I choose the path of Christ and his commandment of love. So, whos next?


If youd like to know more about what our friends in the other Peebles churches are doing, you can find some of their own magazines online: Old Parish Church: topcopmag.wordpress.com St Peters: www.stpeterspeebles.org.uk/netmagazine.php St Josephs: www.stjosephschurch.org.uk/?Home%3A:Current_Newsletter The St Andrews Leckie magazine isnt online yet, but theyre working on it...

From the Editor

This magazine seems to have a lot to say about aid overseas, at least the last six pages are all about it.

BMS World Mission General Director David Kerrigan responds to questions regarding foreign aid after comments made by MP Godfrey Bloom dismissing it as a flawed attempt at helping other countries. There is also an update from the Scottish Bible Society regarding the situation in Egypt and the destruction of Bible Society bookshops there.

Not all aid goes abroad though, and we powdered) Milk (UHT or must remember the opportunities we Sugar (500g) arton) have through our own church for the Fruit Juice (c community we live in. For example our Soup Pasta Sauces work with the elderly and less able at (Tinned) ponge Pudding S Dovecot Court and Vickys Tearoom. ned) Tomatoes (Tin Please also remember the Peebleshire Cereals inned) Foodbank that started up recently; to Rice Pudding (T nt coffee Tea Bags/insta enable this work, we need to continue to Potato Instant Mash donate simple food products (you can Rice/Pasta bring these to church on Sunday and they Fish Tinned Meat/ t will be dropped off at the Foodbank the Tinned Frui Jam following day). Theyre particularly short ack bars Biscuits or sn at the moment of the items shown in red!


Special Guests eptemOn Sunday 1st S rvice ber, our morning se ds will be led by frien Baptist from Tillicoultry Church.

ether at Singing Tog rt Dovecot Cou

September Wednesday 4 3.00 PM or Linda for See Christine ion more informat

Mens Group This months M ens Group event has yet to be confirmed - w atch this space for upd ates!

Diversity Saturday 1 September Haystoun Estate MacMillan Walk 2.30 PM Junction of Drovers Way/ Glen Road

Meadow s g n i K e Th the hase for p t x e n e Th ly potential n e d r a g ity iscommun ng perm i n n a l p l unci e needs Co ng will b i t e e M h c Chur sion. The ans and l p s u o i r g va discussin orward. f y a w e ng th consideri

The Big Issue Sunday 29 Septem ber 6.308.30 PM

Open Doors Tuesday 10 September 10 AM

Special Events
August 31st - 7pm Carol and Davids Wedding Neidpath Castle September 15th - 11am Open air service and Baptism in the River - by the Swimming Pool September 29th - 11am Blessing and Thanksgiving for Orla Taylor, as part of our Morning Service

ers Church Memb Meeting Wednesday th @ September 25 e TBC 7.30pm - venu

Vickys Tearoom Sunday 8 Sept 3 4 PM

E100: Any Questi


Messy Church
st Saturday 31 August 3.30 - 5.30pm t up, cook, Helpers needed to se clean serve, play, chat, and lable. see Ian if youre avai

Sunday 15 Septe Send any question


6.30 8.30 PM s to Ian in advance, if possib le pastor@peeblesbap tistchurch.org

Jim Wallis in Scotland

What Religion forgets an

about serving the

Personal/political, religion/politics, faith/power, ideology/ pragmatism . . . Jim Wallis is a wrestler of values, ideas, and policies and how they interact to shape the world we live in. His deep, melodious voice is easy to listen to, but what he says takes a harder commitment to live by. Bono, lead singer of U2; cofounder of ONE.org

nd Politics hasnt learned

.for One Night Only

Thursday 29th August
Doors Open 7.30pm
Ps & Gs Church, 46 York Place Reserve tickets at: jimwallis.eventbrite.co.uk
2 entry (on the door)

e Common Good!

Tour of Britain Cycling Event

Sunday 15th September 2013 Notification of closures
In Peebles, the High Street will be closed from Sunday morning 3am to at least 1.00pm on Sunday 15th September. There will be no parking or through traffic availability on the High Street during these times. During the main activity of the Grand Depart from 10.15 10.35am, there will be a rolling road closure from the west end of the High Street, onto the Neidpath Road (A72 Glasgow Rd)/ Young Street/ March Street/ Edinburgh Road/ exiting Peebles via the A72 east towards Glentress and Innerleithen. Parking will also be suspended around this route. The road will open immediately after the cyclists and the support vehicles have passed and I anticipate approximately 10 minutes of road closure on these roads in the town centre. Whilst there are restrictions on parking in the town centre, please note that the main car parks in Peebles will still be open and parking will still available on those streets not affected by the closures. The route continues through Innerleithen over the Nest to Selkirk, turning onto the A7 towards Hawick, Newcastleton and finishing in Drumlanrig Castle in Dumfries and Galloway.

On September 15th, we will be holding a service of believers baptism in the River Tweed! Believers baptism is, as the name suggests, for people who are old enough to decide for themselves that they want to follow Jesus Christ, and make a public declaration of that fact by being fully immersed in water. Baptists believe that this is the only form of baptism that the Bible teaches, and we strongly encourage all those who seek to follow Jesus to obey his command to be baptised. Of course, in many countries around the world, people risk being shunned by their families, sacked from their jobs, thrown into prison or even worse, by declaring their faith in Jesus in this way. There will therefore be no morning service in the Victoria Park Centre that day - our service will be beside the Swimming Pool, where the Cuddy joins the Tweed (see the yellow dot on the map to the left). If you are driving to the service, please be aware of the parking restrictions in force that day because of the Tour of Britain - all the roads edged in red will be no waiting that morning, and Tweed Green will be two -way rather than its usual one-way. Obviously we have to be careful of safety, and if rain during the preceding hours or days means that the river would be hazardous we may have to revert to the VPC. Last minute changes will be posted on the church website - peeblesbaptistchurch.org. Please check there, or call one of the deacons, if you are in any doubt. Please do invite friends along to this service - it should be lots of fun, and the fact that Peebles will be swamped with spectators for the cycle race means that we will be very much in the public eye! Most of all, therefore, please pray for Carol as she prepares for baptism, for those who see it, and for the planning of the whole event.

Prayer Points

Thank GOD that Chattabox was such a fun, well-run event and that many children heard about Jesus. Give thanks for those who were willing to give up a week of their time (and more for the organisers), and ask that they will be given time and opportunity to rejuvenateand for us all to be encouraged by GODS good works. Messy Church returns after the summer on August 31st. Pray that new families would come along to this following Chattabox. Please also pray for new leaders and helpers to come forward for this exciting ministry. Please continue to pray for Jennifer as she continues her recovery at Hay Lodge Hospital. Pray for the Kings Meadow community garden, for this period of planning while grant applications are discussed, formed and submitted. Pray for wise prioritisation of what any grant money should be used for, and, most of all, pray that the garden will create opportunities for engagement with the community. Continue to pray for the Peebleshire Foodbank: for the practical arrangements, for the volunteers, and for the clients who use the service, and that there will be a regular series of prayer evenings regarding this. Pray for our friend John Blyth, Bill Speirs son-in-law, as he continues to battle illness. Pray for the families of the victims caught up in the massacre in Cairo; and also the devastation of human life in Syria caused by conflict. May God in His Mercy Intervene. Pray for the folks in our fellowship and friends of our fellowship who are feeling poorly- Margaret McLeod, Janette Dow, Jane

and John from Lerwick.

Pray for the induction of new minister George Mackenzie, on Saturday 31st August at Hawick. Dr Jane Bentley is leading another Singing workshop in St Josephs Neighbourhood centre on Sept 3rd at 2PM. Please pray about this, and for the older folk who will receive the benefit from it, as people are trained. Thank God and praise Him for the Baptismal Service on 15th September; pray that all will go well and that through the Witness and public testimony people will come to Christ. Our BUS prayer links this month are

September 1 Army Chaplains David Middlemiss and Chris Withers September 8 Bridge of Don (Aberdeen), and Bristo Baptist Church, Edinburgh September 15 Broughty Ferry (Dundee), and Broxburn September 22 Buckhaven, and Buckie September 29 Burra Isle, and Calderwood Baptist (East Kilbride)

Revelation 21:5 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new.

Prayer Time before Sunday services Please remember that there is a group of people who meet Sunday mornings at 10.30 AM to pray for the service. This is really important and we would urge you to join us just follow the signs in the foyer.

Renewal Group
For the past nine years I have gone on a retreat to St Marys Monastery on Kinoull Hill in Perth. The first time I went it was on a private retreat, the idea being to spend time with GOD, listening more than interceding, away from the busyness of everyday life. I first got the idea from the book Listening to God by Joyce Huggett, and Ive found a few days spent in this way so beneficial; the blessings are so out of proportion to the time spent in GODS presence. Eight years ago, when I tried to book up, the weekend that I wanted had already been booked by, wait for it, A Roman Catholic, Charismatic, Intercessory, Renewal Prayer Group from Aberdeenshire. I had to phone back in a few days to see if there was room for my friend and me; I was really keen to join them, and prayed to that end. We did manage to go, and found it a wonderful experience. The folk there came from traditional Roman Catholic churches but would meet together once week for praise, worship and prayer. During the weekends, there are meetings for praise, worship and teaching, each of the three leaders giving a talk. The gifts of the spirit are encouraged, with words of wisdom, knowledge, prophecy and discernment being used. On Saturday afternoons there is a time for individual prayer ministry, which I have gone to each time. The last time Charles and I went, one of the leaders, Ged, and his wife Margaret prayed for us and then asked us to pray for them. In fact, once I was asked to be part of the prayer ministry team and to read the Bible in church. I felt so privileged and honoured as that year I was the only protestant in the place. During the main meetings there is also an opportunity to go forward for prayer ministry from the leadership team; last year Janus, one of the leaders, came and laid hands on each person individually and spoke words from GOD for that person. Just before I went to Kinoull a few years ago, I was talking to Christine on the phone and telling her where Charles and I were going for the weekend. She said Oh, that will make Jesus really happy. I was a bit bemused, so she said Well, arent you happy when all your children get on together and accept each other despite their differences?. How true, but I just hadnt thought how it would please Jesus (John 17:20 23).

The first evening after the praise and worship time, Ged asked if anyone had anything to share that GOD had given them before arriving at Kinoull. I shared what my friend had said, and another lady confirmed that GOD had said the same to her through scripture before she left home. I have phoned Tony, the organiser of the retreat, in Keith a few times with prayer requests, and he has also asked me to pray for his family, church etc. How true Psalm 133 is. I will be joining the Aberdeen group in Perth again this year (1113 October), so if anyone is interested in coming along, please speak to Charles. There are forty to fifty of us altogether, the group is very friendly, accommodation is very comfortable and the food is great! Mairi Tulloch

Designer Shades and Foreign Aid: Q&A with David Kerrigan

How allegedly racist language from a politician and a Christian perspective on sending money overseas relate to BMS World Mission, according to our General Director. Giving 1bn a month to Bongo Bongo Land thats how a British MEP described foreign aid this week. The UKIP politician suggested that aid money ended up paying for designer sunglasses, sports cars and apartments in Paris. He also argued that he objected to the Government essentially forcing taxpayers to give to charity overseas. BMS has long provided aid overseas with little Government assistance, so we asked our General Director, David Kerrigan, what he thought

What do you think of using terms like Bongo Bongo Land to refer to countries that receive aid? I think that, irrespective of what Godfrey Bloom actually says, the reality is that that kind of phrase betrays a very old world attitude of superiority towards the rest of the world. And whilst he may say it is not in any way overtly racist, it is a coded comment for a disparaging view of developing countries or countries simply a long way from the UK.

What should Christians make of it? I believe that we should have absolutely no truck with that kind of perspective on other parts of the world. Irrespective of whether they are economically poorer than ours, culturally different from ours or speak a different language, we are all part of humankind and respect between nations and between peoples is fundamental to a Christian worldview. What about the substance of what he was saying: that aid sent to the developing world ends up paying for designer sunglasses and apartments in Paris? If we were being ruthlessly honest, we could go back in history and find examples where the UK and other countries did give aid to dictatorships and turned a blind eye as to how that was used. Perhaps in BMS experience, the worst example of that was in Zaire (now D R Congo) where billions of pounds were given to President Mobutu over many years. He spent that money hiring Concorde to fly him to and from Paris with suitcase loads of cash for shopping expeditions. I dont believe that kind of abuse is happening today and I would say that DfID is far more accountable and demands the same level of accountability from its partners. And what about the argument that such aid is making a better life for people in other countries, while people in this country have their own problems? If you take that to its extreme, then you will never help people in other parts of the world while there is any need in our own country. A Christian world view would demand that we seek to help our neighbour, irrespective of where that neighbour is and irrespective of whether we have needs closer to home. Having said that, we also have to address issues of poverty and injustice at home. I dont believe they should be mutually exclusive. I certainly dont believe that we can afford to say that we will only address world problems when we have sorted out every problem at home. Thats a recipe for inaction and selfishness.

As the head of a mission that sends aid overseas, how do you respond to people who say they are happy to give money to charities like BMS, but not to have their taxes used for overseas charity? I can understand why some people are not happy to see some of their taxes going in aid to other parts of the world. I might not be happy that part of my taxes is used to fund nuclear weapons. But part of the strength and weakness of a democracy is that we set aside men and women to govern and they are entitled to make decisions on things like foreign aid. If we dont like that, I dont think we can have a pick and choose mentality when it comes to taxes. You have the option to exercise that at the ballot box, and thats the way to make that choice. Why should our government spend our taxes on helping people overseas? There are many reasons why countries should be involved in giving aid. There are some problems whose scale and enormity demand the scale of involvement that only nation states can bring. We see this regularly in the wake of natural disasters, where in the early weeks, you need a multinational response in order to address the scale of the problem.

BMS relief work following a cyclone in India

We should not think of nation states as being devoid of conscience or ethics either. It should matter to a government when they see chronic poverty and a lack of access to education and opportunity in other parts of the world. Some of this is a question of selfinterest: we have seen in the past how young people can easily be radicalised if they do not have employment and educational opportunities in their own countries. There is a practical reason for overseas aid, but I believe it is possible to speak about the conscience of a nation and the United Kingdom has a long and honourable history of being generous towards countries that lack the wealth and opportunity that we have.

There is, of course, another dimension to all this. And that is that much of our nations wealth has, over centuries, been the fruit of the reach of empire and the way in which we have taken advantage of the resources and the people in other parts of the world. So there are historical reasons, too, why we should be willing to fulfil our international obligations, as I believe we do. We could always do more, but I don't believe we should do less. Is money donated to BMS being spent on designer sunglasses and apartments in Paris? Absolutely not. BMS takes stringent precautions from the very outset to ensure that all our project partners are capable of delivering quality work and that they do fulfil the purposes for which any grant is given. We have internationally recognised money-laundering checks to ensure the strength and integrity of any organisation we work with. We vet written reports on how money has been spent and we make regular visits to projects in order to see with our own eyes the difference that the work is making to people who desperately need it. And if we had questions about the ability of a partner to fulfil their obligations, we wouldnt hesitate to cease funding that piece of work. 08/08/2013

We started a new initiative at the Thirsty all-age service on July 28th. Everyone was invited to take a bottle of water home, and to use it to collect any small change. On the first Sunday of each month First Thirsty - we will have a thirsty collection, where people can bring in their bottles and the children will collect up the change. The money will be sent to BMS World Mission, who will use it to help children who would consider a bottle of clean water more valuable than a bottle of money to save their lives.

Dear friends, Its with great sadness that I have to inform you of the burning and destruction of Bible Society bookshops in amongst the violence in Egypt over recent days. Fortunately, the bookshops were closed at the time and no harm came to Bible Society staff or customers. However, in Assiut and Minia (two of the largest cities in southern Egypt) attackers demolished the metal doors protecting the bookshops, broke the store windows behind them and set the bookshops on fire. The same happened to many stores next to the bookshops as well. You may have heard through the news that there have been attacks on churches and Christian schools too.

I would like to ask your church to join us in prayer for this situation and for our work in Egypt. In addition to prayer, if your church is able and willing to give generously to help our brothers and sisters in Egypt to rebuild these bookshops and provide support to Christians in these communities, we would value this greatly. We know our supporters are consistently generous in their financial giving to Bible Society projects but we are asking them to respond during this time of crisis. Please will you consider the following:

Please join us in prayer this Sunday:

That the government manages to disperse further protests as peacefully as

possible, with few injuries and without loss of lives.

For protection for all Christian properties across Egypt. That these sad incidents would not increase the alienation of the Muslim BrothFor Christians to have a spirit of forgiveness and love towards those who are

erhood but that they would somehow be re -integrated into Egyptian society. perceived as being our enemies. Give thanks for the Bible Society of Egypt and its 129 years of operation. Pray for the protection and work of its staff as they seek to rebuild their bookshops and find ways to support their communities in the midst of the crisis.

In addition to asking your congregation to join us in prayer, please ask them to consider giving generously to the rebuilding of the bookshops and work of the Bible Society. You can do this in the following ways:

You may wish to ask your church to pray and consider this on Sunday and for You may wish to take up a collection this Sunday upon sharing this news and

them to come prepared the following Sunday when you take up a collection.

praying together. You may wish to ask people to contact the Scottish Bible Society directly to make a donation at www.scottishbiblesociety.org or 0131 337 9701.

We can provide a short PowerPoint presentation and printable fact sheet. Please email us at:info@scottishbiblesociety.org to request this. Thank you for your time and prayerful consideration to help us in our work. Elaine Duncan Chief Executive
Scottish Bible Society - Scottish Charity Number SC010767 7 Hampton Terrace, Edinburgh, EH12 5XU

Church Members Meeting

The next regular Members Meeting will be held on Wednesday 25th September, at 7.30pm. Venue to be confirmed.

Church members meetings are an important part of our life together in the Baptist Church. The church meeting is an illustration of the priesthood of all believers - it is the occasion when members come together to prayerfully discern Gods will for their life together. In Baptist churches the final authority rests not with the ministers or deacons but with the members gathered together in church meetings. It is the church meeting which, for instance, appoints ministers, elders, deacons and others who exercise various forms of leadership within a local congregation, agrees financial policy and determines mission strategy. Our next church members meeting, will amongst other things be looking at the next steps for the Kings Meadow. Please make this meeting a priority, and ensure that you give some time to preparing for it in prayer.


KAOS stands for Kids Around On Sundays PBCs group for younger children. On Saturday September 21st, KAOS will be going for a visit to the Purves Puppet Theatre to see Pips and Panda meet the Tooth-Fairy - a show for the under sevens. If you want to find out more about the trip, see Lindsey, Bill or Christine.

Pips and Panda

- for women of all ages (and this time, men too!)
On Sunday, September 1st, Diversity are organising a fundraising walk for Macmillan, for the whole church family (and anyone else you want to bring along!) Well be walking around the Haystoun Estate meet at 2.30pm on the grassy bit where Drovers Way meets Glen Road. Well end up back at the Drummonds for cake and tea, where you can make a donation to Macmillan. More Diversity events are planned for the Autumn if you want to find out more, or if have any questions about the walk, please see Morag Bramhall or Lindsey Gray.

Sunday 1 September Childrens talk: Bill Jacobs KAOS: Bill Jacobs, Carlyn McCall & Kirstin Gray Communion Servers: Christine Drummond, Moira Dalrymple Flowers: Helen Henderson Stewards: Jacqueline Wilson, Lindsey Gray Teas: Margaret Cowan Transport & Setup: Team 2 Sunday 8 September Childrens talk: Jacqueline Wilson KAOS: Jennie Jacobs, Pat Hamilton & Wilma Wintour Flowers: Hazel Hoggan Stewards: Linda Bell, Kirstin Gray Teas: Christine Drummond Transport & Setup: Team 1 Sunday 15 September Childrens talk: Rab Bramhall Transport & Setup: Team 2 N.B. This is scheduled to be an open air service. If weather forces us back to the VPC, then: KAOS: Rab Bramhall, Charles Tulloch & Christine Drummond Flowers: Carlyn McCall Stewards: Vi Brown, Stan Henderson Teas: Kenny Hamilton

Services in Victoria Park Centre (unless otherwise indicated)

Pastor: Ian Gray 07881 518854 pastor@peeblesbaptistchurch.org

Sunday 22 September Childrens talk: Christine Drummond KAOS: Christine Drummond, Janlyn Townley & Moira Dalrymple Communion Servers: Fergus Brown, John Dalrymple Flowers: Margaret McLennan Stewards: Margaret Cowan, Willie & Wilma Wintour Teas: Helen Henderson Transport & Setup: Team 1 Sunday 29 September Childrens talk: Linda Bell KAOS: Bill Jacobs, Carlyn McCall & Kirstin Gray Flowers: Wilma Wintour Stewards: Christine Drummond, Gordon Craig Teas: Hazel Hoggan Transport & Setup: Team 2 Transport Team 1 Douglas McCall, Lindsey Gray, Margaret Cowan Team 2 Christine Drummond, Margaret Cowan Setting up Team 1 David Tidder, Frank Drummond, Janet Smith, Team 2 Janet Smith, Bill Jacobs, Jacqueline Wilson Laying Communion Table in August Lindsey Gray Secretary: Christine Drummond 01721 722062 Treasurer: Liz Keiro 01721 730217 Website: http://peeblesbaptistchurch.org

Articles for the magazine

We would like the magazine to be as informative and relevant as possible. We aim to provide news about Peebles Baptist Church, its wider concerns and involvement, and Peebles Churches Together. If you have anything you feel you could provide a regular report about, or something you feel should be included in the magazine one month, a Christian book review, a report on an event etc., please do get in touch with us at magazine@peeblesbaptistchurch.org. All articles should be sent to this email address by the 12th of every month. If you do not have internet access or if you think you might have a problem meeting the deadline one month, please dont let that put you off; speak to Morag Bramhall to see how best you can supply something. We would love to have you involved in this project and enhance our church community.

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