767-300 Operating Manual Addendum: Level-D Simulations 767-300
767-300 Operating Manual Addendum: Level-D Simulations 767-300
767-300 Operating Manual Addendum: Level-D Simulations 767-300
- RDMI OFF ags. - R ADF receiver added (see also R ADF ident button). - keyboard shortcuts for lights and RMI switches. - Aerosofts EFIS boxes compatibility (updated mcp747.exe provided). - MCP re-pushing ALT HOLD button refreshes the target altitude. - EHSI auto switch to TRUE heading when near poles. - engine bleed air pressure is now biphasic (HP/LP valves). - enhanced SDK (see LVLDSDKDemo.exe for demo). - control surface indicators show droop. - no more cargo overheat messages. - PROBE HEAT message logic. - crossbleed start needs 70% N2. - printing of keyboard shortcuts & quick tips now possible on network printer. - G/S INHIBIT only inhibits glideslope warning. - the ADF needles will always point correctly to ADF station relative to nose when tuned. - the VOR needles will point incorrectly if wrong MAG heading is entered when in ATT mode (the heading card will be incorrect). - when signal or heading ref is lost VOR needles will freeze in place. - when signal is lost ADF needles will freeze in place. - there is now a minimal delay of 15 sec between two aps commands. - Hydraulic uid needs to be relled (ask for failures repair). - PITOT/AoA lights added on overhead. - FWD/AFT CARGO DOOR EICAS messages added. - Keyboard commands for rudder trim. - Rudder trim, Stab Trim & Cabin pressurisation tooltips for value readout (digital). - Air Driven Pump (ADP) logic added - pressure leak failure replaced by uid leak. - Runway STAR transitions implemented. - No cong warning for FLAPS 20 at take-off.
Copy in this folder replacement sounds for B767-300 Level-D. These ones will be used in replacement of the default sounds coded in the gauges. You must use the following valid names: Switches CVR_TEST.WAV ............................. Voice recorder test button CVR_ERASE.WAV ......................... Voice recorder erase button MIC_BUTTONS.WAV ............. Audio selector panel micro buttons AUDIO_BUTTONS.WAV .........Audio selector panel volume buttons AB_SEL.WAV ......................... Autobrake switch selects in RTO AB_TRIP.WAV............................ Autobrake switch trips to OFF OVRD_SWITCH_PUSH.WAV ................. Square black button push OVRD_SWITCH_RELEASE.WAV .......... Square black button release STRIM_SWITCH_CLOSE.WAV ..... L/R Stab Trim cutout switch close STRIM_SWITCH_OPEN.WAV ........L/R Stab Trim cutout swith open FUEL_LEVER_OFF.WAV .................... L/R Fuel lever switch CUT FUEL_LEVER_ON.WAV ..................... L/R Fuel lever switch RUN STARTER_SWITCH.WAV .......... L/R Starter switch trips to AUTO AP_DISCOBAR_UP.WAV .......... MCP A/P Disconnect bar pushed up AP_DISCOBAR_DOWN.WAV.. MCP A/P Disconnect bar pushed down FLAPS_DOWN ............................................ Flap lever down FLAPS_UP ................................................... Flap lever up Gauges ASAIN.WAV ............................. Autoland gauge displays a ag ASAOUT.WAV .............................. Autoland gauge clears a ag HF_HASH.WAV ...................................... Hash on HF receiver HF_UCT.WAV ........... Universal Coordinated Time on HF receiver
Level-D Menu > Panel Dene default panel settings... Option to dene default start-up panel settings. Level-D Menu > Instructor Pause at Top of Descent Check this box to pause the program when the aircraft reaches the FMCs calculated T/D (Top of Descent). An arrival runway must be programmed for this feature to be activated. Simulation rate of 1x only supported.
Flight Instruments
Heading Reference Switch
Located on the First Ofcers Panel (<SHIFT><4> or F/O button) and 3D Virtual Cockpit. Manually switching to a true north reference is annunciated by a green box around the word TRU on the HSI. A TRUE heading reference can be selected with the heading reference switch when outside the polar region. NORM References each compass card to magnetic north when operating outside polar regions. References each HSI to true north and causes each RDMI heading ag to appear when operating within polar regions. TRUE References each compass card to true north regardless of latitude.
By default the waypoints are Fly-By, with the FMC commanding the shortest turn direction to that waypoint. You can change these waypoints to Fly-Over and specify a Turn direction.
1. VOR Tuning The tuned frequency and 3 status of the left and right VOR receivers is shown at the 1L and 1R positions. Displayed for each radio are the frequency, tuning status, and navaid identication. Tuning status indicates: A The radio is set to AUTO. The FMC automatically tunes the VOR R The radio has been remotely tuned in the FMC. M The radio is set to MAN. Automatic and remote tuning are not available. To remotely tune the VOR, type the frequency or identier for a navaid into the scratchpad and press the 1L or 1R LSK to tune it. To cancel a remotely tuned selection, press DELETE followed by the respective LSK. Alternatively, type A into the scratchpad and press the respective LSK. In the example above, VOR L is tuned to 108.8, the radio is set to AUTO, and the VOR identier is BDR. VOR R is tuned to 117.7, the radio is set to AUTO, and the VOR identier is DPK. 2. Radial Displays the current radial to the aircraft from the respective VOR station. 3. Preselect Use the 6L & 6R LSK to place identiers for future use along the routing. Press the LSK abeam the identiers to reenter to the scratchpad, then press the 1L or 1R LSK to place the identiers to the desired position.
1. Alternate Airports Displays the identier of the four alternate airports in ETA order when airborne. If a route (RTE1) has been executed, displays the identier of the four alternate airports in distance order when on the ground. You can manually enter any alternate airport that is included in the navigation database. The manual entry replaces the alternate where the entry is made and is shown in large font. After entry, the four airports are resequenced according to ETA. Use the DELETE function key remove manually entered alternate airports from the ALTN page. 2. Selected (<SEL>), Automatically Selected (<A>) <SEL> indicates a manually selected alternate airport. A manual selection of an alternate airport is made by pushing the line select key left of the airport identier. When there is no manually selected alternate the FMC automatically selects the alternate airport with the earliest ETA. Automatically selected alternates are indicated by <A> next to the airport identier. 3. ETA Displays the alternate airport estimated time of arrival, which is calculated based on the routing, altitude, and speed shown on the ICAO ALTN page. Blank when the airplane is on the ground and during the climb phase. 4. Fuel Displays the alternate airport predicted arrival fuel, which is calculated based on the routing, altitude, and speed shown on the ICAO ALTN page. Fuel values are blank when the airplane is on the ground & during the climb phase. 5. Alternate Select Pressing any of the 4 right line select keys (LSKs) will display the corresponding ICAO ALTN page, which contains more data about the specic airport. 6. Alternate Inhibit (ALTN INHIBIT) Entering a valid ICAO airport code at the 5R LSK will not allow those airelds to be selected as an alternate destination airport. One or two airports can be entered. ...Continued next page
7. DIVERT NOW The DIVERT NOW selection modies the route to go from the present position to the selected alternate using the route shown on the ICAO ALTN page. Press DIVERT NOW: makes an LNAV route modication for a divert to the selected alternate automatically displays the MOD ICAO ALTN page for the selected alternate displays SELECTED in this position on the CDUs not involved with the modication blank on ground blank in the air when a diversion is not permitted The DIVERT NOW selection changes the display to the ICAO ALTN page for the diversion airport. The details of the route can be conrmed or modied before the diversion is executed. Execution of the diversion: changes the route destination airport. includes the route modication into the active ight plan. deletes all parts of the original route that are not part of the diversion. if a descent path exists, deletes all descent constraints (the scratchpad message DESCENT PATH DELETED is shown when DIVERT NOW is selected). After a divert is executed the ICAO ALTN page is not updated until all CDUs are selected off of the ICAO ALTN page.
Three route options to the airport can be selected: DIRECT TO direct to alternate OFFSET ight plan route with an offset OVERHEAD ight plan route to a waypoint then direct to alternate. The selected route option is identied by <SEL>. ETA and fuel remaining are calculated based on the selected option. Selection of a route option for one alternate selects the same route option for the other three alternates. 1. VIA DIRECT TO Pressing the LSK selects present position DIRECT TO alternate route option. All ight plan waypoints are deleted. 2. VIA OFFSET Press: with scratchpad empty, selects OFFSET route option with offset data in scratchpad, enters offset data. Entry and exit to the offset is the same as for the RTE page offset. All ight plan waypoints are kept. (Not modelled at this time) ...Continued next page
3. VIA OVERHEAD Press: with scratchpad empty, selects OVERHEAD option with overhead data in scratchpad, enters overhead data. Does not select route option. Displays active waypoint in ight plan. The waypoints up to the selected or entered overhead waypoint are kept, then routing is direct to the alternate airport. All waypoints after overhead waypoint are deleted. Enter any waypoint in the active or modied route. 4. ERASE Prompt Erases most recently entered data. 5. Altitude (ALT) Entry of any valid altitude or ight level into this line recalculates the ETA and arrival fuel. Altitude entries do not become part of the diversion modication. Altitude entries apply to all four alternates. 6. Speed (SPD) Entry of speed or Mach number into this line causes a recomputation of ETA and arrival fuel. Speed entries do not become part of the diversion modication. Speed entries apply to all four alternates. Speed modes available are: ECON (economy) LRC (long range cruise) any CAS or Mach. 7. WIND Entry of data into these lines causes a recomputation of ETA and arrival fuel. A separate wind entry may be made for each of the four alternates. Displays the estimated average wind for the divert route. Valid entry is a direction in degrees/speed in knots from 1 to 999. 8. Altitude/Outside Air Temperature (ALT/OAT) Entry of data into these lines causes a recomputation of ETA and arrival fuel. A separate ALT/OAT entry may be made for each of the four alternates. Displays the OAT for a specic altitude. Valid entry is an altitude/temperature in degrees C. (Not modelled at this time) 9. Alternate Airport ETA/Fuel (ICAO ETA/FUEL) Displays the calculated airport ETA and arrival fuel based on the selected route, altitude, and speed shown on this page. 10. DIVERT ICAO SELECTED This prompt performs the same function as described on the ALTN page. Note: After a divert is executed, the ICAO ALTN page data is not updated until all CDUs change to a page other than the ICAO ALTN page.
Route Offset
Route offsets are selected on the RTE page. The OFFSET prompt is displayed on the RTE page when the airplane is airborne and not on a SID, STAR, or transition. Entering a distance value into the OFFSET dashes creates the selected offset. An offset propagates along the route from the active waypoint until a discontinuity, approach, approach transition, holding pattern, course change of greater than 135, or end of route is reached. An offset can be removed by deleting the offset, proceeding direct, or entering an offset value of zero. After execution, the offset route is shown as a dashed magenta line on the map display. The original route remains a solid magenta line. If LNAV is engaged when the offset is executed, the airplane turns to an intercept heading and captures the offset course. 1. OFFSET Route Prompt Enter the necessary offset. Valid entries are L (left) or R (right) followed by a distance from 0 to 99 in nautical miles.
HF Radio Controls
Situated on the Overhead Panel. OFF Power removed from unit. USB Sets the upper side band (USB) mode. AM Sets the amplitude modulation (AM) mode.
This panel can be used for ground and ight crew interaction without having to select the Level-D menu. The SELCAL buttons have no function in the sim. 1. Cabin Call A request from the cabin crew generates an aural tone and causes one of the CABIN CALL lights to illuminate. Pressing the illuminated light displays a dialogue box to control the ight crew interaction. Select a number in the presented dialogue box for the desired response to a ight crew request.
2. Ground Call Press the GND CALL button to display a ground crew interaction box. This box contains the same selections found in the Level-D Ground requests menu. Press the number on the keyboard that corresponds to the desired interaction. Further dialogue boxes are displayed when required for each item. These interactions are the same as described previously under Ground requests. Note When a request is being processed (after selection), the ground requests menu is not available until the requested process has been completed.
1. From the CREATE A FLIGHT screen/menu, choose any Level-D 767 aircraft. No need to worry about location, weather, time & season or fuel. Choose Fly Now. The simulator will load with the engines running. 2. Shut down the aircraft. Follow the Shutdown & Complete Shutdown Checklist(s). Once youre satised with the panel state... 3. Save the ight. ALT+F, Save Flight, or use the semi-colon key < ; >. The Save Flight dialog will appear. Save the Title of Flight as Cold & Dark. Choose OK. Thats it. The le has been saved, and the NEXT TIME you go ying simply follow these steps to load the panel state: 1. From the CREATE A FLIGHT screen/menu set the aircraft, exact location, weather, time & season, fuel, etc. Choose Fly Now! After the simulator loads (with the engines will be running)... 2. From the LEVEL-D menu select PANEL---> IMPORT PANEL DATA FROM A FLIGHT, select the Cold & Dark le you have created. 3. Choose IMPORT and press OK. 4. The panel (and aircraft) will revert to a cold and dark state (the exact settings you have saved), and you can begin your workday just like the professionals do.
Conguration Manager
The Level-D 767 includes a Conguration Manager utility to facilitate aircraft setup. By default the program is installed to the desktop. It is important run and save Conguration Manager settings prior to your rst ight.
Conguration Manager
1. Choose the Panel setup. Include Virtual Cockpit
VC with Wing View and Reective Windows No Virtual Cockpit If you choose to include the Virtual Cockpit, check the dialog box to enable the High Resolution VC Gauge. 2. Select the type of ight: Empty Short Haul Flight Long Haul Flight 3. Select Load type (select seating diagrams): Empty Random Full.
4. Choose Cargo Load: Click on the Cargo Load button. A cargo subcreen page will display. The cargo holds can be loaded by holding and dragging the mouse over each of the ve cargo areas. 4a. Click on the Passenger Load button to RETURN to the main page. 5. Choose fuel quantity: Propose the amount of fuel you will need for your ight by pressing on the MINUS or PLUS buttons located to the left and right. This is a proposed fuel amount only. Once FS2004 is started and the Level-D 767 loads, you will have to manually load the fuel via the menu bar to match the amount you have proposed. However, setting the fuel load will return a %MAC and CG for TO trim that will allow for correct weight/balance calculations. Watch your weight! The Conguration Manager will display incorrect weights in red. Do not exceeds these limits: Max Takeoff Weight 408000 lbs 185454 kg Max Zero Fuel Weight 288000 lbs 130909 kg 6. Choose Save Settings. The conguration manager records the Zero Fuel Weight and Takeoff Weight within the aircraft.cfg. It it does not record the fuel amount. A loadsheet text le entitled 767loadsheet.txt will be generated with this information. The 767loadsheet.txt le is saved (by default) to the Aircraft>LVLD_763 folder.
Level-D Simulations 767-300ER Load Sheet Dry Operating Weight Passenger Passenger Passenger Passenger Cargo Cargo Cargo Cargo Cargo Hold Hold Hold Hold Hold Zone Zone Zone Zone 1 2 3 4 5 A B C D 197000 lbs (89359 kgs) lbs lbs lbs lbs (686 kgs) (4115 kgs) (3277 kgs) (3048 kgs)
(3788 kgs) (3464 kgs) (3943 kgs) (2594 kgs) (925 kgs)
Proposed Takeoff Fuel 40000 lbs (18144 kgs) Takeoff Weight Takeoff %MAC Takeoff Trim 293967 lbs (133343 kgs) 20% 3.5
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