Technology Adoption Facto
Technology Adoption Facto
Technology Adoption Facto
) (6)
for Y=1 X . Equation 6 can be expressed as
p e X
i i
+ + =
There is a similarity between equation 7 and equation 1. The outcome of a continuous
random variable, y, is replaced by p the probability
of adoption. But equation 7 is linear,
hence would show probabilities of <0 and >1 at low levels and high levels of X respectively.
To ensure that p is positive and restricted to the [0,1] range, equation 7 is reformulated as:
e X
e X
X Y p
+ +
+ +
= =
) | 1 ( (8)
p(.) =Probability that an IPM technology is adopted
=Constant term
X =A set of core explanatory variables
=A vector of unknown parameters
e =Disturbance term
of equation 8 yields
e X
X Y p
X Y p
+ +
) 1 ( 1
) 1 (
This is the odds ratio, or the probability of adoption of IPM packages divided by the
probability of non-adoption. Transforming Equation 9 into a logistic function gives
+ + =
X e
X Y p
X Y p
i i
) 1 ( 1
) 1 (
The quantitative expression of the chance that an event will occur, or the number of times an event occurs divided
by the number of times the event could occur.
From simple algebra, if
, then ) 1 ( v w v = and w
Equation 10 is also known as the logit(p). By defining
as the odds of adoption and
modeling p with the logistic function above, it is equivalent to estimating a linear
regression model where the continuous outcome y has been replaced by the logarithm of
the odds of adoption.
Thus the logit model is linear in the explanatory variables.
To estimate a logistic model the method of maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) is more
appropriate than Ordinary Least Squares because MLE gives unbiased and efficient
(Amemiya, 1981; Agresti and Finlay, 1997). Maximum likelihood finds the
function that will maximize the ability to predict the probability of the dependent variable
based on what is known about the independent variables. Thus, a maximum likelihood
estimate is the value of the parameter that is most consistent with the observed data in
that if the parameter equaled that estimate, the observed data would have a greater
chance of occurring than if the parameter equaled any other possible value.
One major limitation with logistic regression is that the parameter estimates are difficult to
interpret, as the coefficients do not have a direct interpretation. For instance, in
equation 10 is not the change in probability per unit change in the independent variable.
One way to ease this interpretation issue is to calculate the marginal probabilities for each
parameter estimate. Equation 8 above allows the determination of a change in farmers
adoption behavior if the independent variables change by a given amount and is measured
by taking the first derivative of Equation 8:
X Y p
e Xb
e Xb
) 1 (
) 1 (
Which is,
= )] 1 ( 1 )[ 1 ( X Y p X Y p = = (12)
Thus, the marginal probability for the logistic distribution is the parameter estimate for
the logit multiplied by a standardization factor. The standardized factor is the probability
of adoption multiplied by the probability of non-adoption and is given by:
Or the probability that an event occurs divided by the probability that the event does not occur
Maximum likelihood is an iterative process that starts out with a guestimate of what the logit coefficients should
be and determines the direction and size of the change in logit coefficients which will increase the log likelihood.
The process continues until there are very small improvements in the log likelihood.
[ ]
) exp( 1 (
) exp(
This change in probability of adoption is not constant. It increases or decreases depending
on the value of X. Thus for a continuous variable X, at relatively high values, a large
change will give a relatively smaller change in the probability of adoption (McCullagh and
Nelder, 1989). For instance where farmers characteristics have a mean value and p=0.5, a
straight line drawn tangent to the logistic curve (Figure 3.2) has a slope 0.25 given fixed
levels of the other Xs.
When the value of X is larger than the mean, say p=0.9 (or smaller
than the mean, say p=0.1), then the change in probability is given by 0.09 which is a
smaller value. A convenient measure is to evaluate the change in probability at the sample
means of the explanatory variables (Pascale, 1998).
Probability (p)
Variables (X)
Fig 3.2 Logistic regression curve for [0,1] response models (Source: Agresti and Finlay,
1997 p.577)
However when the independent variables are not continuous, several authors (see Pascale,
1998) suggest a different method for obtaining marginal probabilities. The change in the
probability of a success (Y=1) that results from changing X from zero to one, holding all
other variables at some fixed values, denoted by X
, is given by the difference:
P(Y=1 | X=1, X
) - P(Y=1 | X=0, X
) (14)
When p=0.5, the odds p/(1-p) = 1 and the logit log[1]= 0. At that point the slope would be 0.25 , and X= -
/ . This is also the largest slope of any logistic curve. Simply put, a one unit increase in X relates approximately
to a 0.25 increase in the probability of adoption holding other factors constant. The predicted probability of
adoption of IPM technologies is below 0.5 for X values less than - / and above 0.5 for X values greater than -
/ . This X value is sometimes called the median effective level EL
because it represents a level at which each
outcome has a 50% chance. Values of p range from (0 1), odds are in the range of (0 ), and logits (- ).
An odds ratio r =p/(1-p) of 1 means that both adoption and non-adoption have equal chances of occurring. This text
is adapted from Agresti and Finlay (1997, p.578).
Where X
is the value of all other variables in the model. An approach commonly used is to
set values of X
to represent a "typical case." A "typical case" is defined by setting all
dummy variables to their modal values and all other variables to their mean values
(SHAZAM, 2002).
The sign of an estimated coefficient gives the direction of the effect of a change in the
explanatory variable on the probability of a success (adoption in this case). When >0, the
probability of adoption increases as the level of factors (X) increases. When =0, the
binary response is independent of X. For different variables, the rate of change increases
as the absolute magnitude of increases.
The success of any logistic regression is assessed by establishing several tests: the correct
and incorrect classifications of the dependent variable, the Wald statistic, the pseudo R-
square measures, and the likelihood tests. The difference between the log likelihood of the
constrained model (Log L
) with only the intercept term in the model and the log likelihood
of the unconstrained model (Log L
) is the model chi-square which tests the significance
of the logistic model. Several pseudo R
measures exist including the McFaddens R
known as the likelihood ratio index (LRI) and is obtained by (1-Log L
/ Log L
). Low
values of McFaddens R
are typical in logit models. The number of iterations in a logistic
model is an indication of presence of multicollinearity problems. For a normal dataset
convergence is reached in 4-5 iterations. The Wald statistic is a measure of independence
of response and predictor variables. It is obtained by squaring the ratio of the logit
coefficient to its standard error. Wald statistics tests that individual independent variables
have no effect on the probability of the response occurring. In other words, that the
probability of adoption of IPM technologies is independent of the variables (Xs) in the
3.4 Empirical Model I
Farmers decision to adopt or not to adopt a technology is assumed to be the outcome of a
complex set of factors related to the farmers objectives and constraints. In other words,
there are certain factors including market forces, social, institutional, and management
factors that affect the likelihood that farmers adopt a technology. Thus if each farmer and
each technology can be classified based on a core set of variables, then it is possible that
the probability of a farmer adopting that technology could be estimated.
3.4.1 Explanation of Variables and Apriori Expectations
Variables used in the models are discussed in the following section. The variable
abbreviation used in the model appears in parenthesis following the more descriptive
variable name.
Age (AGE) As farmers advance in age, risk aversion increases and adopting a new
technology seems less likely. This variable is expected to negatively affect the adoption of
most technologies.
Experience (FMEXP) This is measured by the number of years of farming. Experienced
farmers are assumed to have tried out a number of profitable technologies. Hence the
variable is expected to positively affect close spacing, improved variety, early planting, and
fertilizer use but negatively affect intercropping adoption because of this practices
relatively low skill requirement.
Relative Experience (RFMEXP) Age and experience are not the same. The two variables
hence have distinct influences on farmers adjustment to change. In this analysis another
variable is introduced. It is measured by the number of years of farming as a percentage of
farmers age. Older farmers with say 10 years of farming experience and younger farmers
with the same length of farming experience have different relative farming experience.
Higher relative experience will be positively associated with adoption of improved varieties
and less for labor-intensive practices.
Years of Formal Education (EDUC) Respondents exposure to education will increase the
farmers ability to obtain, process and utilize information relevant to the adoption of IPM
technologies. More education is expected to reduce a producers information acquisition
costs. Again, with the exception of intercropping and close spacing, this variable is
expected to have a positive influence on IPM technology adoption. These two practices do
not heavily draw on educational qualities of farmers and thus their adoption is not likely
to be positively correlated with education.
Family Labor (FMLBR) A large number of family members (relative to household size)
working on the farm reduces the farms external labor requirements and is hence assumed
to positively affect adoption of labor-intensive IPM technologies such as close spacing.
Off Farm Labor (OFFLBR) A large number of family members working off the farm for
extra income can increase financial resources available on the farm. It is anticipated that
the effect of this variable on adoption of all practices will be positive.
Respondents Gender (GENDER) Female and male farmers are likely to play different
roles in technology adoption, depending on the nature of the technology. The effect of this
variable is indeterminate.
Number of Information Sources (INFOSC) Sources of information are relevant in
adoption as sources expose the potential adopter to the new technology. The direction of
effect may be mixed. For this study, access to outside information is expected to be
positively correlated with IPM adoption.
Type of Information Source (INFOTYPE) Information from various sources may have a
different impact on farmers perception of farming practices. For exotic practices such as
using improved seed or intercropping sorghum with exotic celosia, information from
research sources such as MUK, MAAIF and farmer organizations (RSCH) may be more
influential than information from neighbors and friends (INFNNF) or from media sources
(MEDIA). These latter sources however may be important in adoption of practices like crop
rotation, timely planting and close spacing.
Perception of Damage by Pesticides (HARM) A negative perception on the effect of
pesticides is likely to positively influence adoption of all technologies that do not have a
chemical component.
Total Farm Size (FMSZ) Farmers total land holding may serve as a good proxy for wealth
and status and income levels. This variable is likely to have a positive effect on adoption of
most practices.
Area under Crops (RACRE) The proportion of land allocated to a specific crop signifies the
importance of that crop to the farmer relative to the others on the farm. For important
crops, adoption is expected to be high therefore this variable is expected to be positively
correlated with adoption.
Crop Yield (YIELD) Higher anticipated yields from a crop may increase the probability of
adoption of even more yield-enhancing technologies. Therefore variables GNYD (groundnut
yield) and CPYD (cowpea yield) are expected to be positively correlated with adoption of
improved varieties of groundnut and cowpea respectively.
Pest Incidence (WEED, INSECT, DZZ) The incidence of pests on farmers fields presents
an economic problem that highlights the need for adoption of control strategies. Thus this
variable is anticipated to have a positive relationship with adoption. However, ex-post, that
is, after farmers adopt the practice (and the problem has been solved) this variable may be
negatively related increased adoption.
Frequency of Extension Contacts (EXTS) Extension is a source of information about
better farming practices. Frequent extension contacts are expected to positively impact
adoption of all IPM technologies on cowpea, sorghum and groundnuts.
3.4.2 IPM Packages on Sorghum, Cowpea, and Groundnuts
Because crops are different in nature and different pests attack them, the IPM CRSP
developed different control strategies for the different crops. Three technologies on
sorghum, three on cowpea and two on groundnuts are analyzed in this study (Figure 3.3).
The individual practice may not be a new phenomenon, however, the particular
combination into a set of practices for pest control is a new idea developed and
disseminated by the IPM CRSP. Consequently the proposed models differ slightly based on
the specific characteristics of the technology for each crop. Variables hypothesized to have
theoretical importance to each model are used in the exploratory stage of model building.
In this section models for each crop and each technology are developed and described.
Sub-section 3.4.3 considers the models for sorghum, 3.4.4 considers those for cowpea and
3.4.5 outlines groundnut models.
Fertilizer application
Crop rotation
Seed coating with herbicides*
Seed dressing*
Minimum spray schedule*
Close spacing*
Early planting**
Improved variety**
Close spacing
Improved variety
Timely planting*
Minimum spray schedule*
Integrated Pest Management
* IPM technologies not investigated
** Non-IPM CRSP pest control technologies investigated
Figure 3.3 Components of the IPM packages on Cowpea, Sorghum, and Groundnuts.
3.4.3 Sorghum models:
Three technologies developed for striga control that are examined in this study are:
Fertilizer application in sorghum fields, intercropping sorghum with celosia argentia, and
crop rotations involving legumes such as cowpea and groundnuts. The following models
are proposed for the preliminary analyses.
Model specification
I a) Fertilizer Use in Sorghum (FTIS)
The sorghum model can be summarized as follows:
Fertilizer use in sorghum is expected to be inversely related to its cost, its high skill,
management time and labor requirements, but positively related to the ability to use it on
any other crops (FTANY), the importance of the crop to be protected (VASKDO), weed
infestation (WEED) and the ability to pay for it (INCMSC).
I b) Intercropping sorghum with celosia argentia (ECAT)
Striga control using an exotic legume celosia is anticipated to be related to sources of
information, contacts with extension personnel, researchers and active participation of
farmers in pest control activities.
These practices were mostly found to have either 100% adoption or 0% adoption. In this case, the dependent
variable becomes a constant, hence does not provide enough variability in models if used. In addition, the fitted
probability is either zero or one and this leads to failure to converge (McCullagh and Nelder, 1989). Finally, some of
these practices are new and it is too early to evaluate their adoption.
The variables are defined in Table 3.2 and explained in detail in section 3.5.
EXTS (16)
I c) Crop rotations involving legumes (ROTN)
Crop rotation adoption is expected to be influenced mainly by social and economic factors
because of the more indigenous aspect of this practice. Institutional and management
aspects of farmers are not expected to be influential.
FMEXP (17)
3.4.4 Cowpea models
A combination of practices involving close spacing of seed, accompanied by 3 sprays at
budding, flowering and podding, in addition to intercropping cowpea with cereal crops
including sorghum were found to significantly reduce pest infestation in cowpea fields. As
explained earlier, defoliation, seed dressing, close spacing and insecticide application on
cowpeas are not analyzed in this study. Although early (timely) planting and growing
improved cowpea variety are not practices disseminated by IPM CRSP on cowpea, farmers
potential to adopt these practices, may be an indicator of their responsiveness to other
technological changes, of which IPM is part. Therefore, adoption of these technologies was
investigated. The following are the hypothesized models:
Model specification
II a) Intercropping cowpea with cereal crops (ICCP)
Intercropping is expected to be influenced by the type of information sources, the presence
of weed problems and availability of hired labor on farms.
HIRE (18)
II b) Timely planting (TPCP)
Planting early at the onset of the planting season is anticipated to be positively related
availability of labor and adequate land at planting time, frequency of extension contacts
and farmers perception of the harmful effect of chemicals in pest control as compared to
cultural methods.
II c) Improved cowpea variety (ICPV)
It is expected that growing an improved cowpea variety is positively influenced by access to
information from researchers, the incidence of diseases and availability of off-farm income
sources to purchase improved seed.
3.4.5 Groundnut models
Groundnut research developed the following technologies for groundnuts: Close spacing,
early planting, minimum spray schedules and planting groundnut rosette resistant
varieties. These are rather inexpensive technologies; therefore chances that relatively less
wealthy farmers may adopt them could be high.
Model specification
III a) Close spacing (CLSP)
TRNNG (21)
III b) Improved Variety (IGNV)
RSCH (22)
3.5 A Two Tiered Analytical Process
The nature of IPM is that an approach often consists of a package of component
technologies, and this nature calls for a two-tiered analytical process of IPM adoption.
Each set of technologies is considered effective in controlling a pest, or a set of pests, and
could thus be individually adopted. Therefore, rather than require that all components of
an IPM package must be employed in order to consider a farmer an adopter, the
discussion above considers the adoption of each practice individually. This approach
allows the use of simple logit models to estimate the relationships between various factors
and the decision to adopt or not to adopt.
However, this approach alone is not sufficient for examining the extent and intensity of
adoption. Feder, J ust and Zilberman (1985) argue that adopters do not have a binary
choice; that there are varying stages of adoption, hence variations even in the class of
adopters. In fact, adopting farmers may choose to adopt a subset of the technological
package, or all of the components of a package. In such a case, the use of dichotomous
models may misrepresent decisions made by these farmers.
A second approach hence considers that technologies can be complementary. From 3.4.3
above, for example, a sorghum farmer can be said to be an adopter of intercropping,
celosia, fertilizer individually, or a combination of one or more other practices. These
options are possible because farmers decisions to use these practices need not be
simultaneous or sequential (unlike in Kebede et al., 1990). In addition, although
technologies are parts of an overall IPM package, they are not necessarily technically
interdependent. In this study thus, unlike several adoption studies, a two-tiered process of
analysis is employed first, to identify adopters and non-adopters of a single technology
(explained in section 3.4. above), and then within the class of adopters, to consider the
level of adoption.
3.5.1 Description of Conceptual Model II
When the outcome of y is able to assume a set of discrete ordinal categories such as 1, 2,
3, etc (also known as multicategory or polytomous responses), binary logistic regression
alone is inappropriate to use to estimate model parameters
(Agresti and Finlay, 1997).
For such responses, cumulative (Ordinal) logit analysis that incorporates orderings in
responses potentially has a greater power to explain behavior than the ordinary
multicategory logits (Agresti, 1996) and is thus considered adequate to ensure that the
statistical assumptions of the model are met.
Suppose the dependent variable can take on three values: 1 (one technology adopted), 2
(two technologies), 3 (three technologies adopted), and let
=P(Y=1) and p
=P(Y=2), p
=P(Y=3) (23)
The ordinal logistic regression models the relationship between the cumulative logits of Y,
that is,
1 p
3 2
p p
and (24)
) ( 1
2 1
2 1
p p
p p
| +
2 1
p p
The model assumes a linear relationship for each logit (like in ordinary logit) but with
parallel regression lines, so that for each cumulative logit the parameters of the models are
the same except for the intercept a.
1 p
=a 1 + bX (26)
Described as dependent variables with more than two categories of response.
| +
2 1
p p
=a 2 + bX (27)
From the above equations,
1 p
=exp( 1 a + bX ) and (28)
| +
2 1
p p
=exp( 2 a + bX ) (29)
1 p
Equations 28-30 imply that the odds ratio for Y=1 versus Y=2 or 3 and for Y=1 or Y=2
versus 3 are the same. If parameter b>0 then p
, the predicted probability of (Y=1) as well
as cumulative probability of (Y=1 or Y=2), p
, are higher for higher values of X. If b<0,
and p
are lower for higher values of X
The estimation of a cumulative logit model employs maximum likelihood estimation after
transforming the dependent variable (the decision and level of adoption) into a logit
variable (the natural log of the odds of adoption occurring or not) like in an ordinary
logistic regression. In this way, the model estimates show changes in the log odds of
adoption, and not the changes in adoption itself as OLS regression does.
3.5.2 Empirical Model II
This latter approach gives technology adoption indices based on the level of adoption of
various technologies. The hypothesized relationship that exists between factors affecting
adoption of sorghum (SGTECHS), cowpea (CPTECHS) and groundnut (GNTECHS)
technologies can be represented thus:
The dependent in the CPTECHS model is a multi-category variable with 1 representing
one technology adopted, 2 and 3 representing respective levels of technologies adopted.
For sorghum and groundnut technologies the multi-category dependent variables
SGTECHS and GNTECHS take on two ordered values (1,2).
3.6 Collinearity Diagnosis
Linear dependencies among regression variables make it difficult to separate out the
unique role of each independent variable on the response variable. Each independent
variable may be nearly redundant in the sense that it can be predicted well using the
others. This is the problem of multicollinearity. This problem may dramatically impact the
usefulness of a regression model and lead to inappropriate conclusions being drawn from
incorrect parameter estimates and confidence intervals, particularly, small changes in the
data values may lead to large changes in the estimates of the coefficients. The problem is
more likely to arise the more independent variables that there are in the model. It is thus
important to test for multicollinearity and remedy it prior to regression modeling.
Although simple correlations between continuous variables and associations between non-
continuous variables provide some guidance about potential multicollinearity, the
preferred method to test for multicollinearity is the use of the Variance Inflation Factor
(VIF). VIF is the reciprocal of tolerance and is given by 1/ (1- R
). When the VIF is high, the
value is high and the interpretation of the coefficients becomes unreliable. Although
logistic regression lacks a perfect analogue for R
as in OLS, Garson (1998), Allison, (1999)
suggest the use of collinearity diagnostic statistics produced by linear regression analysis.
Most diagnostics use a VIF of >10 (tolerance <0.1), as rule of thumb. However, for survey
type research, Garson (1998) recommends a more stringent VIF of 4 (tolerance 0.25) to
test for multicollinearity. Hosmer and Lemeshow (1989) suggest examining values of
estimated standard errors, and estimated slope coefficients. Very large values of these
coefficients are an indication of multicollinearity.
3.7 Model selection
The number of regression models to be evaluated when building the best possible model is
often large when the set of candidate regressors is large. Although a number of variables in
the model may serve equally well as predictors, it is redundant to use them all as they
make the model more difficult to interpret. In addition, large models have high potential
for multicollinearity (see above, and Agresti, 1996). To avoid these problems, formal
variable selection is necessary to ensure retention of a model that has a limited number of
explanatory variables that are useful in explaining the relationship. These selection
procedures ensure that the final model contains the best
In linear regression models, two major methods include the all possible regressions except
the intercept and the automated selection procedures such as Forward selection,
Backward selection or step-wise selection. Selection is based on values of R
, R
, and
Mallows C
statistic. A high R
-value shows that the portion of response explained by the
variables in the model is high. The C
statistic describes how well each model fits
compared to the full model with all the predictors (
denotes the number of parameters in
the model) and the lower the C
value the better the model. Backward elimination involves
a step wise approach where the procedure tries to remove the most non-significant
regressor. This process starts with a complex model progressively eliminating variables
that have the largest P-value thus retaining variables that make significant partial
contributions to predicting the outcome. Forward selection methods work in the opposite
direction. Step-wise procedures combine both methods.
However, these automated selection procedures have been criticized because they are not
guaranteed to find the correct (most practical) model. And as many authors (Hosmer and
Lemeshow, 2000; Agresti and Finlay, 1997) suggest, the use of computer algorithm alone
to select variables for the final model is inappropriate. Inclusion of certain variables of
special interest even when they are not statistically significant may be more important
than reliance on computer-generated models. With non-linear regression models, use of R
content procedures may not be possible. As such, model selection procedures in logistic
regression mainly involve stepwise procedures through likelihood ratio tests.
Best here is used to refer to a model that is not too small as to be underfit and not too large as to be overfit.
Underfit models miss important information and may be biased while overfit models may suffer the undesirable
effects of multicollinearity.
adj. corrects R
to closely reflect the goodness of fit of the model.
Clearly, there are many methods of building a regression model. Some authors recommend
beginning with a large model and reducing it to a simpler model with fewer explanatory
variables, while others recommend starting with a more parsimonious model, increasing
its size to incorporate other variables of importance. Hosmer and Lemeshow (1989)
recommend this latter approach through the procedure outlined below:
(1) Univariate analysis; selection of variables of significant relationship individually
with the response variable using chi-square tests of significance, two-sample mean
tests, crosstabs symmetric and directional measures.
(2) Multivariate analysis using all variables retained from the univariate analysis step
and including other variables of theoretical significance,
(3) Elimination of unimportant variables from the multivariate analysis step (using
Wald Tests and Likelihood ratios).
This is the approach followed in the current study. In particular, for this study Figure 3.4
illustrates the model building process.
Test for Multicollinearity
Any Highly Correlated Variables?
Use Judgement
Drop Variables
Use each Variable Separately to
Explain the Response
Run Estimation using all Significant
Run Final Model
Are Any Significant?
Does Explanatory Power Improve?
Are any Theoretically Important?
Figure 3.4 Model building procedure
The procedure ensures retention of variables that explain the underlying complexity with
the simplest model.
The criterion used for entry or removal of a variable from a model is the level. A cut-off
of 0.05 is the preferred significance level for most research. However use of a less stringent
level may be necessary to allow more variables to become candidates for inclusion in the
multivariate model and to ensure the selection procedure does not stop too early resulting
in underfit models (Montgomery, Peck and Vining, 2001). Regressors with p-values greater
than are considered for dropping out of the model.
3.8 Analytical software
Two statistical packages are used to take advantages of different features in both
programs. Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) is especially useful in obtaining
descriptive statistics, comparison of means and running the multivariate logit model. The
Statistical Analysis System (SAS) package was used to test for collinearity and
multicollinearity diagnostics and running cumulative logistic models.
3.9 Summary
This chapter provided a background description of the study area, an explanation of how,
and what data was obtained, and analytical methods used to obtain results for the thesis.
Based on this framework, the chapter highlighted the major strengths of this thesis:
(i) The broad number of technologies analyzed (Figure 3.3)
(ii) The extensive number of explanatory variables considered (Table 3.2), to make
the empirical model more reliable,
(iii) The use of primary data in the analysis, and,
(iv) The studys sufficiently large sample, necessary for reliability in detecting partial
effects of variables on the response using maximum likelihood techniques.
Chapter 4 Results
This chapter is presented in five sections. Section 4.1 summarizes the general descriptive
information from the survey; 4.2 gives results of running univariate empirical models and
4.3 gives multivariate estimations, 4.4 gives results of model fitting procedures. Section
4.5 gives empirical results for conceptual model II of chapter 3, and 4.6 is a concluding
section. Each section is organized into three sub-parts, corresponding to each of the crops
in the study: sorghum, cowpea and groundnuts.
4.1 General Descriptive Analysis
Survey responses were obtained from 212 respondents (104 females and 108 males) from
16 villages in 8 parishes
with a combined farming experience of 4,409 years and 2,090
acres under various crops. Sorghum, cowpea and groundnut acreage accounted for 13%,
12% and 18% of farmers total cropland respectively.
Total acreage owned by producers
was approximately 1,412 acres indicating that producers in the study area rented a large
proportion (at least 32%) of the land they cropped. Tables 4.1-4.3 summarize some of the
descriptive statistics for the sample.
Average household size (HHSZ) was 8.17 people. The mean farm labor (FMLBR) of 4.29
household members shows that over half of the household members worked on the farm.
Twenty eight percent of the producers borrowed to finance crop production (BFCP), while
those who did not borrow cited credit unavailability as a major obstacle to credit
acquisition. Information pertaining to agriculture was obtained from a number of sources
including the Ministry of Agriculture staff (mainly sub-county agriculture/ extension
assistants), from friends, neighbors, and the media (radio). Other information sources
included farmers organizations, bulletins, newspapers, Makerere University researchers,
and NGOs. Thirty two percent of producers belonged to a local farmers organization
(BFMORG). Over 87% of farmers hired laborers (HIRE) to work on their fields. However,
payment for this labor took on many forms including payment in kind (live animals, part
of farm produce, local brew), cash or exchange of labor.
The original sample size was 210 (see Chap. 3). However, two farmers from two different villages in neighboring
Parish asked to be interviewed. Thus in total 212 farmers were interviewed.
1acre = 0.4047ha
Significant differences exist between levels of education (EDUC) for males and females,
with men having more years of formal education (Table 4.1). The means of the other
continuous variables are not significantly different by gender at =0.05. At a less
stringent of 20%, significant differences exit between sorghum acreage (SGACRE) owned
by females and males. As shown in Table 4.2, membership in farmers organizations
(BFMORG), borrowing to finance production (BFCP), and pesticide use on other crops
(PTANY) were significantly different for female and male farmers with more females
belonging to organizations (39% vs. 24%) and borrowing (32% vs. 24%) than males, while
on the other hand, males were more inclined to use pesticides (50% vs. 42%) on crops they
grew than females. None of the other categorical variables presented in Table 4.2 showed a
significant difference by gender.
Half of the respondents had heard of the term Integrated Pest Management
MUK, MAAIF, farmer organizations, and others), and were aware of its benefits and
requirements although only 66 (61.7%) of those who heard of IPM had used IPM
recommendations on the crops they grew. Although 84% of farmers (including those who
had not previously heard of IPM) agreed that pesticides were harmful to crops, animals,
birds, humans and other living creatures, they generally perceived IPM practices to require
more knowledge, more labor, more cost and more management time than current
practices. Indeed a good number, (93%) applied pesticides on crops they grew. Note that
14% of the respondents had participated in some form of on-farm trials (ONFTR). Testing
for association between farmers perception of harm by chemicals (HARM) and their gender
found no significant differences.
Farmers had varying descriptions of their practices, some of which were in fact, IPM practices.
Table 4.1: Summary statistics of continuous variables
Total (N=212) Females (n=104) Males (n=108)
Std. Dev. Mean Std. Dev. Mean Std. Dev. Sig.
AGE (Years) 39.9 15.2 39.31 14.89 40.45 15.55 0.584
EDUC (Years) 5.62 3.83 4.94 3.8 6.28 3.77 0.011
FMEXP (Years) 20.8 13.6 21.57 13.56 20.06 13.61 0.419
INFOSC (Number) 3.33 1.67 3.34 1.81 3.31 1.53 0.925
HHSZ (No. of people) 8.17 4.82 8.1 4.85 8.23 4.82 0.839
FMLBR (No. of people) 4.29 2.5 4.1 2.38 4.47 2.61 0.264
OFFARM (No. of people) 1.31 2.15 1.26 2.12 1.36 2.18 0.732
FMSZ (Acres) 6.66 6.06 6.56 6.29 6.76 5.85 0.803
SGACRE (Acres) 1.12 0.62 1.05 0.56 1.19 0.66 0.112
CPACRE (Acres) 1.29 0.79 1.22 0.75 1.36 0.82 0.207
GNACRE (Acres) 1.75 1.22 1.75 1.22 1.76 1.22 0.935
TOTSGYD (Bags) 2.02 1.61 1.91 1.49 1.71 2.02 0.357
TOTCPYD (Bags) 1.73 1.73 1.62 1.92 1.52 1.51 0.676
TOTGNYD (Bags) 6.67 5.31 6.61 5.11 6.72 5.51 0.878
Table 4.2: Summary statistics of non-continuous variables
Total Females Males
(%) (%) (%)
INCMSC (% yes) 65.0 65.0 64.0 0.467
PTANY (% yes) 46.0 42.0 50.0 0.162
FTANY (% yes) 6.00 6.70 4.60 0.358
BFMORG (% yes) 32.0 39.0 24.0 0.012
HIRE (% yes) 85.0 84.0 86.0 0.379
BFCP (% yes) 28.0 32.0 24.0 0.138
ONFTR (% yes) 14.0 13.0 15.0 0.466
OWNIPM (% yes) 31.0 30.0 32.0 0.398
HARM (% yes) 84.0 80.0 88.0 0.202
HDIPM (% yes) 50.0 45.0 56.0 0.206
TRNNG (% yes) 26.0 23.0 29.0 0.352
During pre-testing of the questionnaires all farmers said that they could not provide an
accurate estimate of farm and off-farm income due to the irregular nature of sales and off-
farm work. These questions were thus eliminated from the survey. However, some income
information was obtained. A significant number of respondents (65%) had sources of
income (INCMSC) outside the farm including petty trading, selling local brew, and
remittances from family members who work off the farm. Cross tabulations by gender
Values indicate the mean of the quantitative attribute.
Testing difference in means between males and females
Values of categorical variables indicate the proportion of farmers taking on particular qualitative attributes.
Testing for significant differences between males and females
revealed no significant association between gender and off-farm income source (Table 4.2).
Appendix Table E1 shows the frequency table of income sources in the study area.
Farmers grew a wide range of crops. All sampled farmers grew groundnuts on plots
ranging from 0.1 to 6 acres. Table 4.3 below shows the summary statistics of crops grown.
Highest total acreage was in groundnuts with a mean of 1.85 acres per farmer. Grain
crops including sorghum, cowpea, groundnuts, millet, maize, beans, greengrammes (a
popular leguminous crop called Choroko), rice, sunflower, soybean, simsim (sesame)
represented over 67% of the farmed area.
Table 4.3: Crops Grown: Summary Statistics
Total area
in crop
Max area Mean
growing crop
Acres Acres Acres Acres
Dev. of
Sorghum 99.06 262.00 0.10 4 1.236 0.62
Cowpea 98.58 278.88 0.13 6 1.315 0.78
Groundnuts 100.00 392.68 0.10 6 1.852 1.22
Cassava 96.23 383.50 0.50 8 1.809 1.27
Millet 78.30 245.53 0.10 7 1.158 1.13
Potatoes 68.87 164.33 0.10 8 0.775 0.94
Maize 60.38 143.30 0.20 8 0.676 0.87
Beans 21.70 35.30 0.25 3 0.167 0.42
Greengrammes 15.09 37.15 0.25 5 0.175 0.55
Cotton 13.68 42.50 0.50 8 0.200 0.76
Rice 13.21 26.90 0.25 2 0.127 0.35
Sunflower 10.85 27.00 0.50 3 0.127 0.43
Tomato 8.96 8.60 0.02 1.5 0.041 0.17
Soybean 5.19 9.15 0.01 2 0.043 0.22
Eucalyptus 3.77 7.20 0.20 3 0.034 0.25
Simsim 2.83 5.00 0.50 1 0.024 0.14
Banana 2.36 1.86 0.01 1 0.009 0.08
Others 5.66 19.55 0.25 8 0.092 0.61
4.2 Adoption of IPM Practices - Univariate Analysis
Figure 4.1 below contains summary statistics some of which relate to components of some
of the IPM practices. Eighty eight percent of farmers did not purchase fertilizers. In
contrast 93% of farmers purchased pesticides, and 96% purchased seed. While more
men than women are sole purchasers of farm supplies, if the percentages in the both
The high percentages of people growing sorghum, cowpea and groundnuts are expected since the selection
procedure targeted these farmers. Nonetheless, these crops popularity in the area can be seen from the mean acreage
devoted to these crops relative to other crops in the farmers fields.
category are added to the female category over all it might be reasonable to say that men
and women have about the same levels of purchasing activities.
Pesticide Purchase
Do not
Seed Purchase
Fertilizer Purchase
Do not
Figure 4.1 Farm input acquisition: distribution of purchase decisions
4.2.1 Sorghum
Farmers generally rotated sorghum some with groundnuts (34%) and with cassava (20%).
The crop was grown mainly in the second season. Popular sorghum varieties included
Seredo, Sekedo - the two improved local varieties, Eidima, other local varieties (that
farmers could name) and other unnamed varieties. Figure 4.2 below shows the
distribution of these varieties. A complete list of local varieties grown in Kumi is presented
in Appendix Table E2
Distr ibution of Sor ghum Var ie tie s
Local variety
49% (135)
8% (22.1)
19% (45.6)
13% (33)
Variety not
11% (26.3)
Figure 4.2: Distribution of sorghum varieties as a percent of total sorghum acreage
(values in parentheses are total acreages by variety) for the sample
Assuming that land attributes and other factors were the same across varieties, Sekedo
had the highest productivity (with 1.76 bags/ acre) compared to Seredo (1.57 bags/ acre) or
Eidima (1.33 bags/ acre). Farmers perceived that growing improved varieties involved high
costs (60%), and had high knowledge requirements (43%) but also felt that labor (87%),
land (83%) and management time (92%) requirements were less than or equal to those for
local varieties.
In the crop season preceding this survey, 66% of sorghum farmers reported that their crop
was harmed by insects, mainly sorghum shoot fly (Atherigona soccata) (41%) and stem
borers (Chilo partellus, Busseola fusca and Sessamia calamistis) (22%). Notable in Table
4.4 below is that although the occurrence of problems was slightly higher with insects,
more farmers focused on controlling weeds than insects. This finding might suggest that
insects are not destructive during sorghum development, that is, why even though
incidence is higher compared to weeds and diseases, controlling them is not as high a
priority to farmers as controlling weeds is. The major weed in sorghum fields was striga
found in 40% of farmers fields. Other common weeds included star grass (Cynodon
dactylon), spear grass (Imperata cylindrica), couch grass (Digitaria scalarum) and goat weed
(Epimedium grandiflorum). Appendix Table E3 gives the complete list of weed species
reported in farmers fields.
Control strategies on striga varied tremendously. Celosia argentia, an exotic legume that is
reported by farmers to chase striga was a fairly new strategy and was employed by about
3% of respondents. However, physical weeding, rotation with cassava (migyera variety),
sweet potatoes and other unidentified local weeds were common striga control practices.
Also effective against striga is fertilizer use and crop rotations involving legume crops like
cowpea and groundnuts. These were practiced by 3% and 92% of sorghum farmers
respectively. Adverse impacts of disease on sorghum were reported by only 40% of the
Table 4.4: Pest Incidence on Sorghum (n=210)
Pest problems
n (%)
Control Attempted
n (%)
Insects 139 (66%) 51 (36.7%)
Weeds 131 (62%) 103 (78.6%)
Diseases 84 (40%) 15 (17.9%)
69 Fertilizer use (FTIS)
Farmers in the study area generally do not apply fertilizer on sorghum. Although not
significantly different (Table 4.5), producers who use fertilizer on sorghum tended to be
younger (AGE), with more years of formal education (EDUC) than non-adopters. In
addition, these farmers had less farming experience (FMEXP) and smaller total farm sizes
(FMSZ). As might have been anticipated, as indicated in Table 4.6 if farmers use fertilizer
on other crops (FTANY), they are likely to use it on sorghum. Tables 4.5 and 4.6 show
comparative statistics of other social and economic features for the two types of farmers.
Table 4.5: Characteristics of Fertilizer Adopters and Non-Adopters in Sorghum
Production Continuous Variables
Total (N=210) Non adopters (n=204) Adopters (n=6)
Mean Std. Dev. Mean Std. Dev. Mean Std. Dev.
AGE (Years) 39.89 15.20 40.03 15.19 35.17 16.22
EDUC (Years) 5.62 3.83 5.59 3.79 6.50 5.58
HHSZ (No. of people) 8.13 4.83 8.14 4.87 7.86 3.67
FMSZ (Acres) 6.66 6.06 6.75 6.11 3.53 1.89
FMEXP (Years) 20.80 13.57 20.87 13.54 18.33 16.00
TOTCROPS (Number) 6.99 1.66 6.98 6.14 7.29 2.06
SGACRE (Acres) 1.13 0.61 1.13 0.62 1.14 0.38
INFOSC (Number) 3.33 1.66 3.00 1.29 3.34 1.68
FMLBR (Number) 4.27 2.52 4.25 2.53 4.86 2.27
OFFARM (Number) 1.32 2.15 1.34 2.18 0.86 1.07
TOTSGYD (Bags threshed) 2.04 1.60 2.03 1.62 2.18 0.98
* Testing for significant differences between adopters and non-adopters
Table 4.6: Characteristics of Fertilizer Adopters and Non-adopters in Sorghum
Production Non-continuous Variables
Total Non-adopters Adopters
(N=210) (n=204) (n=6)
FTANY (% yes) 5.70 4.40 50.0
BFCP (% yes) 28.0 29.0 00.0
BFMORG (% yes) 32.0 33.0 00.0
TRNNG (% yes) 26.0 27.0 00.0 0.164
ONFTR (% yes) 14.0 15.0 00.0
HARM (% yes) 84.0 84.0 83.0
FTPURCH (% yes) 7.14 6.37 33.0
FTISLBR (% yes) 41.0 40.0 83.0
RSCH (% yes) 69.0 70.0 33.0
WEED (% yes) 69.0 69.0 83.0
OWNIPM (% yes) 31.0 31.0 33.0
GENDER (% Males) 50.0 50.0 50.0
** Testing for significant differences between adopters and non-adopters.
70 Intercropping with root crops, cel osi a and other striga chasers (ECAT)
Eleven percent of interviewed farmers practiced striga control using one or more of these
methods. Table 4.7 shows no significant differences between adopters and non-adopters in
terms of the continuous variables. However, in Table 4.8 it can be seen that adopters were
more likely to belong to farmer organizations (BFMORG), to have participated in some form
of on farm trials (ONFTR), and to have had some form of (even non-IPM) pest management
training (TRNNG) than non-adopters. Forty six percent of striga control adopters obtained
agricultural information from Makerere University researchers, compared to 19% for non-
adopters while 92% of adopters obtained their information for Ministry of Agriculture
extension staff. Not surprisingly, since more adopters belonged to farmer organizations
than non-adopters, significantly more adopters obtained agricultural information from
these organizations than non-adopters.
Table 4.7: Stri ga adopters versus non- adopters continuous variables
Adopters (n=24) Non-Adopters (n=186)
Variable Mean Std. Dev. Mean Std. Dev.
AGE (Years) 40.13 18.48 39.95 14.83 0.937
EDUC (Years) 5.92 3.51 5.59 3.89 0.691
FMEXP (Years) 21.75 16.68 20.68 13.17 0.716
FMSZ (Acres) 7.83 7.98 6.51 5.78 0.316
HHSZ (No. of people) 7.63 6.27 8.23 4.62 0.562
FMLBR (No. of people) 3.54 1.86 4.37 2.57 0.128
* Testing for significant differences between adopters and non-adopters.
Table 4.8: Stri ga adopters versus non- adopters comparison with non-continuous
Adopters Non-Adopters
Variable Mean (n=24) Mean (n=186)
BFMORG (% yes) 58.0 28.0 0.004
GENDER (% Males) 75.0 47.0 0.011
HDIPM (%yes) 71.0 48.0 0.099
ONFTR (%yes) 38.0 11.0 0.002
OWNIPM (%yes) 63.0 27.0 0.001
TRNNG (%yes) 67.0 21.0 0.000
Neighbors (%yes)*
88.0 74.0 0.106
Radio (%yes)*
79.0 72.0 0.319
MAAIF (%yes)*
92.0 62.0 0.002
Friends (%yes) *
67.0 56.0 0.233
Newspapers (%yes) *
25.0 23.0 0.319
MUK (%yes) *
46.0 19.0 0.006
Farmers organizations (%yes) *
37.5 17.0 0.023
NGOs (%yes) *
33.0 18.0 0.076
SGDZZ (%yes) 50.0 74.0 0.153
HARM (%yes) 96.0 82.0 0.313
* Testing for significant differences between adopters and non-adopters.
, *
and, *
aggregated into MEDIA, INFNNF and RSCH respectively in multivariate analysis.
71 Sorghum and Crop rotation (ROTN)
This practice involved rotation of sorghum with legume crops including cowpea and
groundnuts. No significant difference was found between adopters and non-adopters when
examining continuous variables (Table 4.9). As indicated in Table 4.10, there was no
significant difference between where adopters and non-adopters obtained agricultural
information. At of 0.2, there are significant differences in off-farm labor (OFFARM),
management time constraint (MGT), availability of off-farm income (INCMSC) and weed
incidence (WEED) between farmers who used crop rotation and those who did not (Table
4.10). Non-adopters considered crop rotation as management time demanding, and had
higher weed incidence than adopters.
Table 4.9: Characteristics of crop rotators and non-crop rotators Continuous variables
Adopters (n=194) Non-Adopters (n=16)
Mean Std. Dev. Mean Std. Dev.
AGE (Years) 40.32 15.37 35.75 13.37 0.179
EDUC (Years) 5.70 3.88 4.69 3.36 0.397
FMEXP (Years) 21.04 13.65 18.00 13.61 0.401
OFFARM (No. of people) 1.40 2.20 0.37 1.02 0.066
FMSZ (Acres) 6.74 6.03 6.14 6.76 0.566
INFOSC (Number) 3.30 1.67 3.56 1.65 0.542
* Testing for significant differences between adopters and non-adopters.
Table 4.10: Characteristics of crop rotators and non-crop rotators non-continuous
Adopters Non-Adopters
Mean (n=194) Mean (n=16)
Radio (%yes) 72.0 88.0 0.139
Newspaper (%yes) 23.0 19.0 0.481
Friends (%yes) 58.0 50.0 0.349
Neighbors (%yes) 74.0 88.0 0.192
Farmers organization (%yes) 20.0 13.0 0.361
MAAIF (%yes) 64.0 81.0 0.128
MUK (%yes) 22.0 25.0 0.500
BFMORG (%yes) 32.0 25.0 0.395
MGT (%yes) 22.1 38.0 0.189
COST (%yes) 28.0 25.0 0.253
KNOW (%yes) 24.0 13.0 0.604
LBR (%yes) 18.0 31.0 0.464
LND (%yes) 09.0 13.0 0.803
ONFTR (%yes) 14.0 19.0 0.407
INCMSC (%yes) 63.0 81.0 0.120
IMPLPURCH (%yes) 45.0 75.0 0.023
WEED (%yes) 67.0 94.0 0.058
* Testing for significant differences between adopters and non-adopters.
4.2.2 Cowpea
Cowpea is generally grown in the second season, sowing two weeks after the start of rains.
The seed is mainly broadcast rather than precision planted. Although cowpea has
outstanding potential for intercropping, the crop in the study area is seldom intercropped.
However, when intercropped, maize or sorghum is sparsely spaced within the cowpea plot.
This finding is similar to that of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural
Research (CGIAR) findings in West Africa where cowpea is intercropped with millet, maize,
yam and sorghum (CGIAR, 2002).
Figure 4.3 Reasons for Cowpea Defoliation
During growth, the plant is defoliated several times for reasons ranging from the food
value of the leaves, better health of the plant, and as a control strategy for pests. Figure
4.3 shows the breakdown of these reasons.
Ebelat, a local but highly improved variety is popular among the farmers, grown on fields
ranging from 0.13 to 6 acres (Table 4.3). Other varieties included Large White, Brown tan,
Ecirikukwai and a black seeded type from Kenya, popular for its high yield (Table 4.11).
Pest Control
Good Yield
Good Plant
Food Value
Table 4.11. Distribution of Cowpea varieties in study area
Varieties grown Total Acreage
Total Yield
(Bags threshed)
Average Yield
(Bags/ acre)
Ecirikukwai 23.00 26.33 1.14
Ebelat 210.13 246.36 1.17
Large white 14.50 14.27 0.97
Brown tan 0.75 1.00 0.98
Black seeded Kenyan 26.50 32.95 1.24
Un-named varieties 4.00 4.17 1.04
Pest occurrence on the cowpea crop was high. Major insect pests included aphids (A.
craccivora), bollworms (Heliothis armigera), pod-borers (M. testularis) and stinkbugs
(Nezara viridula). Diseases on cowpea were diverse including cowpea mosaic virus (CMV),
leaf rust (Uromyces vignae), and anthracnose (Colletotrichum lindemuthianum). However,
disease control was not as intense as insect control probably because the vectors of the
disease were the insect pests. Disease control strategies were directly employed on only
15% of disease infected cowpea plots compared to 79% of insect-infested plots. Timely planting (TPCP)
Farmers who practiced early planting sowed cowpea seed at the first sign of rains in either
rainy season. Adopters had smaller households (HHSZ), and were less likely to borrow
(BFCP) than non-adopters. However, as indicated in Table 4.12, these differences were not
significant. At a less stringent cut-off of 20%, FMEXP, INCMSC, FMLBR, ONFTR and
OWNIPM were significant (Table 4.12 and 4.13).
Table 4.12: Characteristics of adopters and non-adopters of timely planting for cowpea
production continuous variables
Adopters of Timely
Non-Adopters of Timely
Mean (n=43)
Std. Dev.
Mean (n=169)
Std. Dev. Sig.*
AGE (Years) 41.96
39.52 14.99
EDUC (Years) 5.67 3.63 5.63 3.89 0.921
HHSZ (Number of people) 7.49 3.47 8.35 5.15 0.304
FMEXP (Years) 23.47 15.07 20.20 13.20 0.149
FMSZ (Acres) 7.34 7.88 6.53 5.53 0.412
INFOSC (Number) 3.42 1.68 3.30 1.67 0.683
FMLBR (Number of people) 3.81 2.29 4.41 2.59 0.145
OFFARM (Number of people) 0.95 1.70 1.39 2.25 0.221
* Testing for significant differences between adopters and non-adopters.
Table 4.13: Characteristics of adopters and non-adopters of timely planting for cowpea
production non-continuous variables
Adopters of
Timely planting
Non-Adopters of
Timely planting
% %
BFMORG (%yes) 35.0 31.0
BFCP (%yes) 23.0 28.0
HIRE (%yes) 89.0 87.0
INCMSC (%yes) 74.0 62.0
ONFTR (%yes) 21.0 13.0
OWNIPM (%yes) 42.0 29.0
** Testing for significant differences between adopters and non-adopters. Intercropping with cereals (ICCP)
At of 20%, farmers who intercropped cowpea (adopters) were significantly younger
(AGE), and had shorter farming experience (FMEXP) (Table 4.14). Significantly more
adopters than non-adopters hired labor (HIRE), applied fertilizer on other crops (FTANY)
and had used some IPM recommendation on their farm (Table 4.15). There was no
significant difference between adopters and non-adopters and their use of the other
sources of information except the media.
Table 4.14: Characteristics of adopters and non-adopters of intercropping with cereals
for cowpea production continuous variables
Adopters (n=48)
Non-adopters (n=161)
Mean Std. Dev Mean Std. Dev
AGE (Years) 36.38
EDUC (Years) 6.10 3.73 5.50 3.86 0.323
HHSZ (Number of people) 7.50 3.76 8.37 5.13 0.279
FMEXP (Years) 18.02 13.42 21.73 13.62 0.107
FMSZ (acres) 6.18 4.83 6.85 6.40 0.533
INFOSC (Number) 3.44 1.62 3.29 1.68 0.598
FMLBR (Number of people) 4.00 2.21 4.37 2.61 0.378
OFFARM (Number of people) 1.27 1.65 1.31 2.29 0.911
* Testing for significant differences between adopters and non-adopters.
Table 4.15: Characteristics of adopters and non-adopters of intercropping with cereals
for cowpea production categorical variables
Adopters (n=48)
Intercropping Non-
adopters (n=161)
% %
Radio (% yes) 83.0 70.0 0.049
Newspaper (%yes) 29.0 21.0 0.116
Friends (%yes) 58.0 57.0 0.479
Neighbors (%yes) 73.0 76.0 0.410
Farmer organization (%yes) 19.0 21.0 0.485
MAAIF (%yes) 69.0 64.0 0.334
MUK (%yes) 27.0 21.0 0.219
NGO (%) 15.0 21.0 0.216
BFMORG (%yes) 31.0 32.0 0.551
BFCP (%yes) 25.0 28.0 0.382
HIRE (%yes) 92.0 86.0 0.092
ONFTR (%yes) 19.0 13.0 0.208
OWNIPM (%yes) 44.0 28.0 0.026
TRNNG (%yes) 21.0 28.0 0.235
HARM (%yes) 87.0 83.0 0.304
FTANY (%yes) 10.0 04.0 0.112
** Testing for significant differences between adopters and non-adopters. Improved Variety (ICPV)
The improved local high yielding cowpea variety Ebelat was grown by over 90% of
producers in the study area. Though not significantly different (Tables 4.16 and 4.17),
generally these farmers were younger (AGE) and had less education (EDUC). There were
significant differences between adopters and non-adopters and their membership in
farming organizations (BFMORG), and access to off-farm income sources (INCMSC). More
adopters than non-adopters had off-farm income sources, while non-adopters belonged
more to organizations than adopters.
Table 4.16 Characteristics of adopters and non-adopters of Improved variety for cowpea
production continuous variables
Adopters Non Adopters
Mean (n=191) Std. Dev. Mean (n=18) Std. Dev.
AGE (Years) 39.77 14.89 41.00 18.19 0.729
EDUC (Years) 5.60 3.79 5.86 4.32 0.768
HHSZ (Number) 8.31 4.91 6.81 3.83 0.176
FMEXP (Years) 20.72 13.46 21.52 14.94 0.797
FMSZ (Acres) 6.67 6.03 6.58 6.45 0.946
FMLBR (Number) 4.31 2.53 4.06 2.36 0.684
CPACRE (Acres) 1.30 0.77 1.21 0.93 0.635
* Testing for significant differences between adopters and non-adopters.
Table 4.17 Characteristics of adopters and non-adopters of Improved variety for cowpea
production non-continuous variables
Non Adopters
% %
INCMSC (% yes) 66.0 48.0 0.057
BFCP (% yes) 26.0 43.0 0.187
BFMORG (% yes) 30.0 48.0 0.071
Farmer organization (% yes) 19.0 28.0 0.282
MAAIF (% yes) 64.0 78.0 0.179
MUK (% yes) 23.0 11.0 0.196
** Testing for significant differences between adopters and non-adopters.
4.2.3 Groundnut
All 212 respondents grew groundnuts, sowing two weeks after the onset of the first rains.
Three planting methods were used: measuring plant spacing within and between rows
(36%), chop and drop method without specific plant to plant measurement (45%), and
broadcasting the seed into the ground (24%). A few producers had groundnuts under two
different planting systems. Measurement of plant spacing was perceived as time
consuming, labor intensive, and costly. In addition, the practice was perceived to require
more land and knowledge for correct plant spacing. Fifty five percent of farmers
intercropped groundnuts, mostly with Maize. Intercropping was perceived to be a land-
saving practice. Eight varieties of groundnuts were grown in the study area. The popular
variety Igola-1, a hybrid from India is resistant to most fungal and bacterial diseases and
was grown by over 76% respondents (Table 4.18). Land resources were not constraints to
growing Igola-1, although the cost of purchasing seed was perceived to be high. Etesot, a
local improved variety was not popular because of persistent crop failure due to pests.
Table 4.18 contains summary statistics on area and yield estimates of the varieties grown.
Table 4.18: Groundnut varieties, and their performance in the study area
farmers with
Total Area in
Total Yield
(Bags threshed)
(Bags/ acre)
Erudurudu Red 12.7% 30.00 140.50 4.64
Igola-1 76.9% 185.68 712.55 3.84
Otira 17.9% 43.25 147.00 3.39
Matudda 1.9% 4.00 13.50 3.38
Etesot 38.2% 82.70 282.75 3.41
Serenut 1 2.4% 6.25 20.00 3.20
Ebaya 7.5% 16.30 46.50 2.85
Erudurudu White 10.8% 22.25 49.91 2.24
Serenut 2 0.4% 2.25 1.00 0.44 Close spacing (CLSP)
Close spacing involved sowing seed in measured plots of 10cm by 30cm or 15cm by 30cm.
Table 4.19 shows that significant differences exist between adopters and non-adopters of
close spacing in terms of yield of groundnuts (TOTGNYD), with adopters of close spacing
obtaining higher yield than non-adopters. Adopters tended to grow the improved Igola-1
(and on a wider scale), had off-farm income sources (INCMSC), and belonged more to
farmer organizations (BFMORG) than non-adopters (Table 4.20).
Table 4.19. Characteristics of adopters and non-adopters of close spacing in Groundnut
production - Non-continuous variables
Low plant density Close Spacing
Variables Mean (n=187) Std. Dev. Mean (n=25) Std. Dev.
EDUC (Years) 5.71 3.79 5.00 4.19 0.323
FMSZ (Acres) 6.48 5.82 8.01 7.63 0.237
GNACRE (Acres) 1.76 1.21 1.72 1.28 0.881
FMLBR (Number) 4.22 2.56 4.80 2.22 0.273
OFFARM (Number) 1.26 1.84 1.72 3.76 0.312
IGOLAYD (Bags threshed) 3.46 3.91 2.76 2.36 0.393
IGOLACRE (Acres) 0.87 0.89 0.99 0.73 0.496
TOTGNYD 6.21 4.86 7.32 5.85 0.132
* Testing for significant differences between adopters and non-adopters.
Does not necessarily add up to 100% as individual farmers often planted more than one variety
Table 4.20. Characteristics of adopters and non-adopters of close spacing in Groundnut
production - non-continuous variables
Low Plant Density
Close Spacing
Ministry of agric (% yes) 63.6 76.0 0.160
Makerere Univ. researchers (% yes) 19.8 40.0 0.026
HIRE (% yes) 84.5 84.0 0.543
IGNV (% yes) 74.9 92.0 0.040
GENDER (% male) 48.0 56.0 0.245
INCMSC ((% yes) 57.0 75.0 0.008
BFMORG (% yes) 24.0 42.0 0.005
INSECT (% yes) 63.1 64.0 0.913
DZZ (% yes) 58.3 48.0 0.809
WEED (% yes) 57.8 72.0 0.085
** Testing for significant differences between adopters and non-adopters. Resistant variety (IGNV)
Igola-1 was grown by about 77% of the respondents on plots averaging 1.15 acres
representing over 64% of all groundnut acreage in the sample area. Igola-1 average yield
was 4.4bags/ farmer. Of significant difference (Table 4.21) was that adopters had bigger
households (HHSZ) than non-adopters and had a greater number of household members
providing farm labor (FMLBR). These improved variety adopters also did less broadcasting
than the non-adopters. Most Igola-1 farmers used close spacing. No differences existed
between adopters and non-adopters in terms of non-continuous variables.
Table 4.21: Characteristics of Adopters and Non-adopters of Improved Variety in
Groundnut Production Continuous variables
With Igola-1 Without Igola-1
Mean (n=163) Std. Dev. Mean (n=49) Std. Dev.
EDUC (Years) 5.712 3.839 5.327 3.832
FMSZ (Acres) 6.887 6.246 5.913 5.371
HHSZ (No. of people) 8.59 4.91 6.76 4.27
AGE (Years) 40.34 15.55 38.41 14.05
FMLBR (No. of people) 4.48 2.52 3.63 2.32
GNACRE (Acres) 1.78 1.27 1.67 1.03
TOTGNYD (Bags shelled) 6.87 5.20 5.99 5.67
FMEXP (Years) 21.37 14.04 18.88 11.80
* Testing for significant differences between adopters and non-adopters.
Pest incidence on groundnuts was fairly high, although little effort was put into controlling
them (Figure 4.4). The common practice for controlling weeds and diseases involved hand
removal of weeds and rouging out of diseased plants while 88% of control practices on
insect pests involved spraying the crop with pesticides (Table 4.22). The most reported
constraint to chemical use was the high knowledge requirement involved in the practice.
Figure 4.4 shows pest incidence and the relatively low level of control efforts. Note that
although insect incidence was highest, control practices were more focused on weeds. This
may not suggest that weed incidence was more severe, rather that weed control practices
were more accessible to farmers than other pest controls.
Weeds Insects Diseases
Pest and Disease Occurrence and Control
(Percent of Farmers reporting)
Incidence (%) Control efforts (%)
Figure 4.4: Pest occurrence and control
Table 4.22 below shows a comparative summary of pest occurrences and control efforts on
the three crops considered in this study in the study area.
Table 4.22 Comparison of pest occurrence and control efforts among sorghum, cowpea
and groundnut crops
Sorghum Cowpea Groundnuts
Insects 66.2 36.7
92.2 79.3
63.2 24.6
Diseases 40.0 17.9
93.3 15.4
57.1 7.4
Weeds 62.4 80.2
77.0 40.4
59.4 65.1
Predominantly rouging
Predominantly hand removal
Predominantly chemical spray
4.3 Adoption of IPM Practices - Multivariate Analysis
This section presents results of multivariate estimations in tabular form. Tables 4.23-4.25
give results of the estimations for sorghum, cowpea and groundnut adoption models
respectively. Model goodness-of-fit tests and model implications are presented in tables for
each model. The marginal probability is evaluated at the mean of the continuous variable
and mode of the non-continuous variables.
Correlation analysis (between quantitative variables) and measures of associations
(between qualitative variables) were run prior to logit regression modeling. Examination of
correlation coefficients and measures of association indicate that models were subject to
multicollinearity. For instance FMEXP (length of farming experience) was highly correlated
with relative length of farming experience RFMEXP (r=0.88) and AGE (r=0.87), and also
HHSZ (household size) was correlated with size of family labor FMLBR (r=0.73). Therefore,
RFMEXP, AGE and HHSZ were eliminated from models. Appendix Table E4 shows these
associations and variables retained for estimating logit models.
4.3.1 Multivariate analysis results: Sorghum Fertilizer use (FTIS)
From Table 4.23a below, Wald tests show that three factors are significant in explaining
adoption of fertilizer in sorghum. Overall, the estimated model has a strong explanatory
power, as the included variables correctly predict 97.6% of the observations. The model
chi-square of 19.888 corresponds to a p-value of 0.001 [df=5]. This shows that the model
is significant, that variables in the model other than the intercept term are useful in
explaining fertilizer adoption.
The test of the null hypothesis that FTANY (fertilizer use on other crops) coefficient is zero
against the alternative hypothesis has a Wald test statistic of 7.474 corresponding to
p=0.006 therefore the null hypothesis is rejected in favor of the alternative. The sign of the
coefficient for FTANY is as expected. Based on this data set, on average using fertilizer on
other crops in the producers fields is likely to increase the probability of its use on
sorghum by 0.025. High labor requirement involved in fertilizer application does not
discourage its use as seen from the FTISLBR (fertilizer labor constraint) variables positive
Important to note is the sign of the coefficient on RSCH (information from researchers)
that suggests that information from researchers may be negatively associated with
fertilizer use. Farmers obtain information that the use of a high cost input on relatively low
value sorghum results in minimal net returns. Such information is more likely obtained
from researchers than from other sources, hence explaining the sign of the RSCH
coefficient. Neither gendered differentiated input acquisition (FTPURCH) nor size of land
holdings (FMSZ) had an effect on fertilizer adoption.
Table 4.23a Maximum Likelihood Estimates for Fertilizer (FTIS)Adoption Model
Logit Standard Significance
Variables Coefficient Errors Wald Odds Ratio Level
Constant -3.916 1.556 6.333 0.020 0.012
FMSZ -0.204 0.203 1.009 0.815 0.315 -0.0002
FTISLBR 2.081 1.262 2.720 8.015 0.099 0.0077
FTANY 3.164 1.157 7.474 23.656 0.006 0.0246
FTPURCH 0.639 1.260 0.258 1.895 0.612 0.0010
RSCH -1.524 1.033 2.176 0.218 0.140 -0.0040
Goodness-of-fit tests
Initial 2log likelihood =54.491
-2log likelihood =34.603
Model chi-sq. =19.888 (0.001)[df=5]
Classification =97.6%
McFaddens R
Iterations =7 Intercropping with Cel osi a
Results of the celosia adoption model in Table 4.23b indicate that five variables: gender
(GENDER), family labor (FMLBR), membership in farm organizations (BFMORG), disease
incidence (DZZ) and prior training in pest control (TRNNG) have a significant influence on
celosia adoption (at the 20% level). The model overall correctly predicts 91.0% of the
variations in the response and is highly significant (p=0.000).
The positive value on the gender coefficient indicates that males are more likely to adopt
this practice. Farmers prior training in pest control increased their likelihood of adopting
celosia strategies. The variable farm labor size (FMLBR) was significant at 1%. A one-
person increase in family labor multiplies the odds of adopting celosia by 0.792 (which is a
Because the level of adoption of this technology was extremely low only a few individually significant variables
from univariate estimation are used in the multivariate estimation (Amemiya, 1981, Hosmer and Lemeshow, 2000)
See section 3.3 for a description of goodness-of-fit tests
20.8% decrease in likelihood of adoption). There is a significant difference between
producers whose fields had disease occurrence DZZ(1) and those without DZZ(0). High
disease incidence in sorghum crops is negatively related to celosia adoption implying that
producers who do not adopt the practice would more likely have higher disease incidence
than those who adopt. The positive value on BFMORG indicates that membership in local
farm organizations increases the likelihood of adoption of celosia technologies.
Table 4.23b. Maximum Likelihood Estimates for ECAT (Celosia) Adoption Model
Constant -5.116 1.774 8.318 0.004 0.006
FMLBR -0.233 0.137 2.879 0.090 0.792 -0.0204
INFOSCES 0.248 0.216 1.317 0.251 1.281 0.0217
SKDOYD 0.124 0.269 0.212 0.646 1.131 0.0108
GENDER 1.937 0.660 8.623 0.003 6.939 0.0816
BFMORG 0.868 0.648 1.796 0.180 2.382 0.1604
ONFTR 0.770 0.643 1.432 0.231 2.159 0.1408
TRNNG 1.182 0.566 4.360 0.037 3.262 0.2273
INFNNF 0.405 1.303 0.097 0.756 1.500 0.0301
RSCH 1.361 1.186 1.316 0.251 3.898 0.0701
WEED (1) -0.692 0.594 1.359 0.244 0.501 -0.1255
WEED (2) 0.190 1.467 0.017 0.897 1.209 0.0333
DZZ (1)
-1.082 0.626 2.988 0.084 0.339 -0.2053
DZZ (2) -0.538 0.890 0.365 0.546 0.584 -0.0962
Goodness of fit tests
Initial 2log likelihood =149.261
-2log likelihood =100.721
Model chi-sq.=48.539 (0.000)[df=13],
Classification =91.0%,
McFaddens R
Iterations=6 Crop Rotation
Influence of the explanatory variables on the probability of adopting crop rotation is shown
in Table 4.23c. This model containing eight variables correctly predicts 92.9% of the
variation in adoption probability. From Wald statistic tests, all economic variables except
pesticide use on other crops (PTANY) are significant at least at the 20% level. Insignificant
variables include borrowing potential of farmers (BFCP) and sources of information
The reference category with dummy variables is the absence of the value category, that is, when the value of the
category is zero, that category is used as the reference, in this case, DZZ(0) represents farmers without disease
incidence and the other categories are compared with it. DZZ(1) variable compares farmers who had the disease
with those who did not.
INCMSC has a negative coefficient implying that having off-farm income sources reduces
the likelihood of adopting crop rotation by 65.8%. This conforms to this practices
relatively low resource requirements practicing crop rotation does not usually require
large cash outlays. As expected, high management requirements involved in crop rotation
(ROTNMGT) reduce this practices adoption. In addition, producers who adopted crop
rotation had lower weed incidences (WEED) than non-adopters. Switching from male farm
implement purchases to female-purchases (IMPLPURCH) has a positive effect on adoption
of the practice. When males purchase farm implements, the probability of adoption
decreases by 0.0185, ceteris paribus.
Table 4.23c. Maximum Likelihood Estimates for ROTN (Crop Rotation) Adoption Model
Variables B S.E Wald Exp(B) Significance Marginal
Constant 5.919 1.381 18.368 372.005 0.000
INCMSC -1.072 0.709 2.288 0.342 0.130 -0.0123
PTANY -0.589 0.580 1.030 0.555 0.310 -0.0052
IMPLPURC -1.367 0.650 4.420 0.255 0.036 -0.0185
BFCP -0.610 0.587 1.080 0.544 0.299 -0.0054
MEDIA -0.638 0.839 0.577 0.529 0.447 -0.0031
RSCH -0.450 0.712 0.400 0.638 0.527 -0.0023
ROTNMGT -1.090 0.615 3.143 0.336 0.076 -0.0126
WEED (1) -0.513 0.720 0.509 0.599 0.476 -0.0026
WEED (2) -1.955 1.151 2.883 0.142 0.090 -0.0377
Goodness-of-fit tests
Initial 2log likelihood =113.133
-2log likelihood =89.746
Model chi-sq.=23.387 (0.009) [df=9]
Classification =92.9%
McFaddens R
4.3.2 Multivariate analysis results: Cowpea Early Planting
Four economic factors: pest (INSECT and WEED) occurrences that suggest the need for
pest control, availability of off-farm income sources (INCMSC) and seasonal labor
constraints (TPCPLBR) affect the adoption of timely planting. The other variables in the
model are not significant at the 20% level (Table 4.24a). The model correctly predicts
82.8% of the observations.
The positive coefficient on the WEED variable implies that a high weed incidence in
farmers plots may induce producers to practice timely planting as a control strategy,
increasing the probability of adoption by 0.043. There is a significant difference between
producers whose crop was not affected (WEED(1)) and those who do not know if insect
pests affected their crop (WEED(2)). Sowing is a labor-intensive agronomic practice. Thus
producers plant early to avoid the peak labor requirement season hence the positive
coefficient on TPCPLBR (seasonal labor constraints). Results also show that having off
farm sources of income (INCMSC) positively influences adoption of timely planting. As
measured by the marginal probability, insect incidence (INSECT) had the largest impact on
adoption of timely planting.
Table 4.24a. Maximum Likelihood Estimates for TPCP (Timely Planting) Adoption Model
Constant -1.198 1.031 1.349 0.245 0.302
FMEXP 0.017 0.014 1.373 0.241 1.017 0.0008
FMLBR -0.121 0.095 1.629 0.202 0.886 -0.0062
TOTCROPS -0.105 0.133 0.627 0.428 0.900 -0.0054
GENDER -0.327 0.398 0.672 0.412 0.721 -0.0195
INCMSC 0.614 0.440 1.952 0.162 1.848 0.0417
FTPURCH -1.081 1.114 0.941 0.332 0.339 -0.0353
IMPLPURCH -0.006 0.409 0.000 0.989 0.994 -0.0003
ONFTR 0.211 0.549 0.147 0.701 1.235 0.0119
TRNNG 0.577 0.474 1.479 0.224 1.781 0.0385
TPCPLBR 0.983 0.441 4.959 0.026 2.672 0.0788
TPCPLND 0.699 0.680 1.057 0.304 2.012 0.0493
INSECT (1) -0.434 0.567 0.584 0.445 0.648 -0.0271
INSECT (2) 2.250 1.374 2.684 0.101 9.489 0.2986
WEED (1) 0.632 0.423 2.228 0.136 1.881 0.0432
WEED (2) -0.922 0.755 1.492 0.222 0.398 -0.0320
Goodness-of-fit tests
Initial 2log likelihood =212.453
-2log likelihood =179.048
Model chi-sq. =33.405 (0.004) [df=15]
Classification =82.8%,
McFaddens R
Iterations=4 Intercropping
In this model (Table 4.24b), from the Wald tests, four variables are significant at least at
the 20% level. The model correctly predicts 78.9% of the observations. The level of farmers
experience (FMEXP) is significant at 20%. FMEXP, a social factor, in many technology
studies is found to positively affect adoption. In the statistical sense, however, the
hypothesis is not supported in this adoption model. The marginal effect of FMEXP is
0.0029 implying that a one year increase in FMEXP decreases the probability of adoption
of intercropping by 0.29%. Two economic factors, fertilizer use on other crops (FTANY) and
weed incidences (WEED) are significant in predicting adoption of this practice. Fertilizer
use on other crops increases the odds of adoption of intercropping. The effect of this
variable is unexpected. However, since, intercropping involves growing cowpea with other
crops, fertilizer application may be for other components in the intercrop and not
necessarily for cowpea. A high incidence of weeds (WEEDS) on cowpea may influence
farmers to adopt intercropping practices as a weed control strategy.
Table 4.24b. Maximum Likelihood Estimates for ICCP (Intercropping) Adoption Model
Constant -3.072 1.023 9.011 0.003 0.046
FMEXP -0.021 0.014 2.135 0.144 0.980 -0.0029
TOTCROPS 0.111 0.105 1.115 0.291 1.118 0.0153
FTANY 0.908 0.687 1.750 0.186 2.480 0.1633
HIRE 0.643 0.606 1.126 0.289 1.903 0.0705
MEDIA 0.464 0.456 1.035 0.309 1.590 0.0542
ICCPLBR 0.070 0.390 0.032 0.858 1.072 0.0098
ICCPLND 0.770 0.716 1.157 0.282 2.160 0.1336
WEED (1) 0.749 0.381 3.874 0.049 2.116 0.1293
WEED (2) 0.796 0.518 2.361 0.124 2.217 0.1391
Goodness-of-fit tests
Initial 2log likelihood =225.248
-2log likelihood =209.132
Model chi-sq. =16.117 (0.064) [df=9]
Classification =78.9%,
McFaddens R
Iterations=4 Improved Variety
From the Wald tests, three variables are important in explaining the Ebelat variety
adoption. The model correctly predicts 91.9% of the variations in the response. Having off-
farm income sources (INCMSC) increases the likelihood of adoption of improved cowpea
varieties (Table 4.24c). Information from informal sources including friends, NGOs and
neighbors (INFNNF) increase the probability of adoption by 0.17 while information from
researchers (RSCH) does not have the same effect. Information from Makerere University,
Ministry of Agriculture staff and farmers organizations (RSCH) had a negative impact on
adoption of Ebelat variety. Holding other factors constant, farmers membership in local
organizations (BFMORG), and their borrowing concerns (BFCP) were not related to their
decision to grow the improved Ebelat variety.
Table 4.24c. Maximum Likelihood Estimates for ICPV (Intercropping) Adoption Model
Variables B S.E. Wald Sig. Exp(B)
Constant 2.271 1.293 3.084 0.079 9.693
FMLBR 0.120 0.114 1.111 0.292 1.127 0.0175
INCMSC 1.061 0.526 4.073 0.044 2.888 0.1081
BFMORG -0.310 0.554 0.312 0.576 0.734 -0.0499
IMPLPURCH 0.704 0.554 1.611 0.204 2.021 0.0811
BFCP -0.305 0.567 0.290 0.590 0.737 -0.0490
INFNNF 0.907 0.633 2.055 0.152 2.478 0.1710
RSCH -2.161 1.076 4.030 0.045 0.115 -0.1534
Goodness-of-fit tests
Initial 2log likelihood =122.674
-2log likelihood =104.956
Model chi-sq. =17.718 (0.013)[df=7]
Classification =91.9%
McFaddens R
4.3.3 Multivariate analysis results: Groundnut Close spacing
From the Wald statistic test eight factors are significant in explaining the adoption of close
spacing. The model correctly predicts 68.9% of the variations in the response.
Membership in local farm organizations (BFMORG), having off-farm employment
(INCMSC), informal information sources (INFNNF), and growing the improved Igola-1
(IGNV) increase the likelihood of adoption of close spacing. Males are more likely to adopt
the practice while fertilizer use on other crops (FTANY) is negatively related to close
spacing. Producers ability to hire labor (HIRE) for farm operations involving close spacing
was positively significant at 20%. Land constraints (CLSPLND) had a positive effect on
practicing close spacing.
Table 4.25a. Maximum Likelihood Estimates for CLSP (Close spacing) Adoption Model
Variables B S.E. Wald Sig. Exp(B)
Constant -1.786 0.773 5.336 0.021 0.168
IGOLAYD -0.037 0.053 0.496 0.481 0.963 -0.0222
GENDER 0.411 0.316 1.698 0.193 1.509 0.0745
INCMSC 0.890 0.335 7.049 0.008 2.436 0.1984
FTANY -1.236 0.824 2.250 0.134 0.291 -0.1692
BFMORG 0.792 0.377 4.420 0.036 2.208 0.1902
HIRE 0.636 0.485 1.720 0.190 1.888 0.0913
IGNV 1.081 0.458 5.564 0.018 2.948 0.1717
BFCP 0.052 0.359 0.021 0.885 1.053 0.0189
TRNNG 0.480 0.398 1.453 0.228 1.616 0.0865
INFNNF -0.732 0.475 2.377 0.123 0.481 -0.1558
RSCH -0.287 0.374 0.590 0.443 0.750 -0.0728
CLSPLBR -0.340 0.345 0.970 0.325 0.712 -0.1450
CLSPLND 0.676 0.465 2.114 0.146 1.966 0.1081
Goodness-of-fit tests
Initial 2log likelihood =287.751
-2log likelihood =253.436
Model chi-sq. =34.316 (0.001)[df=13]
Classification =69.8%
McFaddens R
Iterations=3 Igola
In Table 5.25b below, results showed that all explanatory variables, except farmers
practice of close spacing (CLSP) and number of family members providing family labor
(FMLBR) were insignificant at the 20% level. The positive estimated coefficients of CLSP
and (FMLBR) imply that, ceteris paribus, adoption of Igola-1 is expected to be higher if
producers plant under high density and if the number of family members providing farm
labor increases. This result is nor surprising as for better performance of Igola-1, growing
it at high plant densities (close spacing) is necessary. This shows that the two IPM
technologies (CLSP and IGNV) are complementary.
Table 4.25b. Maximum Likelihood Estimates for IGNV (Igola) Adoption Model
Variables B S.E. Wald Sig. Exp(B)
Constant 0.604 0.744 0.658 0.417 1.829
FMLBR 0.140 0.080 3.064 0.080 1.150 0.0309
INCMSC 0.365 0.354 1.064 0.302 1.441 0.0749
ONFTR 0.626 0.592 1.119 0.290 1.870 0.1210
INFNNF -0.547 0.590 0.860 0.354 0.578 -0.1077
RSCH 0.060 0.375 0.026 0.873 1.062 0.0133
CLSP 0.768 0.373 4.246 0.039 2.156 0.1433
DZZ (1) -0.126 0.423 0.089 0.765 0.881 -0.0283
DZZ (2) -0.507 0.509 0.992 0.319 0.602 -0.1196
Goodness-of-fit tests
Initial 2log likelihood =229.232
-2log likelihood =214.074
Model chi-sq. =15.158 (0.056)[df=8]
Classification =77.4%
McFaddens R
4.4 Adoption of IPM Practices - Model Fitting
While there may be many independent variables that could potentially be included in the
model, including all possible variables does not always lead to the best predictions. The
results shown below are an attempt to obtain the best fitting model while minimizing the
number of parameters through model selection procedures suggested by Hosmer and
Lemeshow (1989). Tables 4.26, 4.28 and 4.30 are aggregated summary tables of results of
this procedure for sorghum, cowpea and groundnut models respectively. Tables 4.27, 4.29
and 4.31 show summary statistics of respective goodness-of-fit tests.
4.4.1 Sorghum
Table 4.26. Maximum Likelihood Estimates for the fitted sorghum IPM Adoption Models
Test Sig.
FTIS Constant -4.845 1.196 16.423 0.000 0.008
FTANY 3.255 1.013 10.322 0.001 25.922 0.0333
FTISLBR 2.294 1.218 3.546 0.060 9.913 0.0022
RSCH -1.737 1.006 2.983 0.084 0.176 -0.0064
ECAT Constant -4.538 1.176 14.885 0.000 0.011
FMLBR -0.253 0.137 3.428 0.064 0.776 -0.0224
GENDER 1.399 0.547 6.535 0.011 4.051 0.0721
BFMORG 0.888 0.540 2.702 0.100 0.411 0.1666
ONFTR 0.967 0.561 2.971 0.085 2.630 0.1831
TRNNG 1.493 0.517 8.342 0.004 4.451 0.3028
RSCH 2.008 1.068 3.534 0.060 7.446 0.0840
ROTN Constant 4.581 1.000 20.994 0.000 97.617
INCMSC -1.169 0.696 2.823 0.093 0.311 -0.0104
IMPLPURCH -1.345 0.636 4.473 0.034 0.260 -0.0132
ROTNMGT -1.083 0.595 3.316 0.069 0.339 -0.0091
WEED (2) -2.211 1.096 4.071 0.044 0.110 -0.0370
Table 4.27 Summary Goodness-of-fit tests for sorghum models
Sorghum Technologies
Initial 2log likelihood 54.491 149.261 113.133
-2 log likelihood 36.960 109.334 93.398
Model Chi-sq
Percent Prediction 98.1% 91.0% 92.9%
McFaddens R
0.32 0.267 0.174
Comparing Table 4.23a and Table 4.26 shows that by refitting the fertilizer adoption model
the correct percent prediction increases by 0.5%, and the Wald tests show that all retained
variables are significant at =0.1. The overall model is highly significant (p=0.001). The
fitted ECAT and ROTN models do not show an improvement in correctly predicted
responses. However, since they contain fewer variables they are better since they are less
costly in terms of data collection
and in simplicity compared to the full models.
For the current study, the cost of data collection including all variables is considered a sunk cost. However, for
future research on these technologies, results of this procedure are important.
The retained variables do not show any change in direction of effect, that is, they retain
the same sign. However, the magnitude of their effect changes. In the fitted fertilizer
adoption model, the effects of variables FTANY and RSCH are enhanced while the effect of
farm labor (FMLBR) decreases. For the crop rotation model, all variables retained exerted a
reduced effect. In the fitted celosia adoption model, the effect of gender was diminished
while the other variables exerted an increased effect in the fitted model compared to the
full model.
4.4.2 Cowpea
Table 4.28. Maximum Likelihood Estimates for the Fitted cowpea IPM Adoption Models
Test Sig.
TPCP Constant -1.453 0.644 5.082 0.024 0.234
FMEXP 0.024 0.014 3.178 0.075 1.025 0.0033
FMLBR -0.153 0.085 3.216 0.073 0.858 -0.0212
TPCPLBR 0.885 0.386 5.250 0.022 2.423 0.1597
INSECT (2) 2.634 1.338 3.874 0.049 13.924 0.5692
WEED (1) 0.752 0.402 3.504 0.061 2.121 0.1312
ICCP Constant -2.150 0.826 6.774 0.009 0.116
FMEXP -0.025 0.014 3.296 0.069 0.976 -0.0032
TOTCROPS 0.136 0.102 1.769 0.184 1.145 0.0175
WEED (1) 0.841 0.371 5.142 0.023 2.318 0.1416
WEED (2) 0.869 0.508 2.929 0.087 2.384 0.1472
ICPV Constant 2.882 1.220 5.584 0.018 17.846
INFNNF 1.016 0.602 2.846 0.092 2.762 0.0606
RSCH -2.185 1.045 4.369 0.037 0.112 -0.3935
Table 4.29 Summary Goodness-of-fit tests for cowpea models
Cowpea Technologies
Initial 2log likelihood 212.453 225.248 122.674
-2 log likelihood 186.869 214.466 111.189
Model Chi-sq 25.584
Percent Prediction 81.3% 77.5% 91.4%
McFaddens R
0.12 0.048 0.091
At 10% all five variables of the TPCP model are significant. The fitted model correctly
predicts 81.3% of the variation in adoption and is significant at 0.1%. The full model has a
higher correct prediction percentage. On grounds of goodness-of-fit tests, the fitted model
might be said to be a poorer model than the full model. However, for practical
considerations this five-variable model performs better than the 16-variable model (Table
4.24a). The eight-variable full ICCP model has a correct classification of 78.9% which is
only 1.4% higher than that for the smaller fitted model. The fitted model is still significant
and is hence better in terms of data collection cost than the full model. Fitting the ICPV
model with just three variables results in a lower model chi-sq, but higher percent
classification. This is a better model than the full model and significance is higher
In this analysis no change in directional effects of the retained variables is noticed. The
effect of all variables in the fitted TPCP and ICCP models is enhanced while in the ICPV
model the effect of informal information (INFNNF) is reduced while that of researcher
information (RSCH) is enhanced.
4.4.3 Groundnuts
Table 4.30. Maximum Likelihood Estimates for the groundnut IPM Adoption Models
CLSP Constant -2.019 0.460 19.260 0.000 0.133
INCMSC 0.795 0.320 6.187 0.013 2.215 0.1922
FTANY -1.349 0.808 2.790 0.095 0.260 -0.2191
BFMORG 0.900 0.322 7.817 0.005 2.459 0.2183
IGNV 0.844 0.377 5.015 0.025 2.325 0.1568
GENDER 0.487 0.304 2.561 0.110 1.627 0.0985
IGNV Constant 0.196 0.359 0.298 0.585 1.216
FMLBR 0.154 0.077 3.972 0.046 1.166 0.0322
ONFTR 0.690 0.574 1.448 0.229 1.994 0.1225
CLSP 0.850 0.364 5.452 0.020 2.340 0.1444
Table 4.31 Summary Goodness-of-fit tests for groundnut models
Groundnut Technologies
Statistic CLSP IGNV
Initial 2log likelihood 287.751 229.232
-2 log likelihood -261.714 216.734
Model Chi-sq 26.038
Percent Prediction 67.9 76.9%
McFaddens R
0.09 0.05
The fitted CLSP model contains 3 variables significant at 5%. This model is highly
significant [Model Chi-sq is 26.038 (p=0.000)]. Percent correct prediction is lower in the
fitted model by 1.9%. Two variables in the fitted IGNV model are significant at the 5% level
and percent correct prediction is lower than that for the full model by 0.5%.
The effect of the retained variables in the fitted IGNV model is increased compared to the
full model. With the CLSP model, the retained variables have a mixed effect. The impact of
variables FTANY (fertilizer use), BFMORG (membership in farmers organizations) and
GENDER are increased, while that of INCMSC (sources of off-farm income) and IGNV
(growing Igola-1) is reduced.
4.5 Technology adoption indices.
Table 4.32 below gives simple summary statistics of technology adoption indices.
Table 4.32 Distribution of technologies
Description Sorghum (n=210) Cowpea (n=209) Groundnuts (n=212)
No sorghum technology
adopted (n=15)
No cowpea technology
adopted (n=14)
No groundnut
technology adopted
One Tech Any one of (celosia,
fertilizer use, crop
rotation) technologies
adopted (n=166)
Any one of (improved
variety, intercropping,
Timely planting)
technologies adopted
Any one of (close
spacing, improved
variety) technologies
adopted (n=101)
Two Tech Any combination of two
technologies adopted
Any combination of two
technologies adopted
Two technologies
adopted (n=75)
Three Tech Three technologies
adopted (n=0)
Three technologies
adopted (n=9)
Three technologies
adopted (n=0)
Variables for the cumulative logit models were obtained using procedures explained in
Fig 3.4.
Table 4.33 Cumulative Logit Model Estimates for Adoption of ONETECH and
TWOTECH Sorghum Technologies
Std. Error
Chi Sq
INTERCEPT =2 -2.892 1.050 7.584 0.006 0.055
INTERCEPT =1 1.895 1.033 3.362 0.067 6.653
GENDER 0.579 0.362 2.560 0.110 1.784 0.1275
BFMORG 0.595 0.427 1.943 0.163 1.813 0.1471
BFCP -0.798 0.406 3.876 0.049 0.450 -0.1684
ONFTR 0.427 0.520 0.673 0.412 1.533 0.1053
TRNNG 0.809 0.429 3.560 0.059 2.246 0.1995
WEED (1) -1.277 0.956 1.785 0.182 0.279 -0.2419
From the analysis above in Table 4.33, only the variable ONFTR (participation of farmers
in on-farm trials) does not have a significant effect on adoption of TWOTECH and
ONETECH, but variables BFMORG (membership in farmers organizations), GENDER,
TRNNG (prior training in pest control) and WEED (weed incidence) do at the 20% level.
The 2 fitted regression lines are as follows:
) = 1.895 +0.579GENDER +0.595BFMORG - 0.798BFCP +
) = -2.892 +0.579GENDER +0.595BFMORG - 0.798BFCP +
Where p
is the probability of adoption of any one sorghum technology and p
is the
probability of adoption of two technologies. Positive coefficients on the variable BFMORG
indicate that farmers membership in farm organizations is associated with increased
adoption of at least one sorghum technology. Estimated odds of 1.81 for this variable
indicate that the likelihood of adoption increase almost two-fold when farmers belong to
organizations than when they do not. The adoption of TWOTECH and ONETECH decline
when the availability of crop financing (BFCP) increases, that is, when producers switch
from not borrowing, to borrowing for crop production, adoption decreases. The positive
coefficient on TRNNG variable indicates that the more training farmers obtain, the more
likely they are to adopt one or two IPM sorghum technologies.
The likelihood ratio test statistic is equal to 24.9887, which corresponds to a p-value of
0.0003 hence the model is significant.
Table 4.34 Cumulative Logit Model Estimates for Adoption of ONETECH TWOTECH
and THREETECH Cowpea Technologies
Std. Error
Chi Sq.
INTERCEPT =3 -7.191 1.202 35.764 0.000 0.0007
INTERCEPT=2 -3.770 1.146 10.821 0.001 0.0231
NTERCEPT =1 -0.754 1.090 0.478 0.489 0.4705
FMLBR -0.110 0.059 3.522 0.061 0.8958 -0.00000
EBACRE 0.632 0.227 7.741 0.005 1.8814 0.00006
ONFTR 0.378 0.399 0.897 0.343 1.4594 0.00005
TPCPLBR 0.618 0.322 3.679 0.055 1.8552 0.00047
TPCPLND 2.009 0.589 11.624 0.001 7.4559 0.00006
INSECT 2.028 0.997 4.138 0.042 7.5989 0.00006
From Table 4.34, at the 20% level, Chi square tests show that participation in on-farm
trials (ONFTR) is not significant in explaining the adoption of various levels of cowpea
technologies. However, availability of family labor (FMLBR), the acreage in improved variety
(EBACRE), insect incidence (INSECT) and labor and land constraints at the time of
planting (TPCPLBR and TPCPLND) are significant in explaining the three levels of cowpea
technology adoption. The negative coefficient on FMLBR (the availability of farm labor on
farms) indicates that the variable is associated with reduced adoption of any cowpea
Fitted logit models are thus:
) = -0.754- 0.110FMLBR +0.632EBACRE +0.378ONFTR
) = -3.770- 0.110FMLBR +0.632EBACRE +0.378ONFTR
) =-7.191 - 0.110FMLBR +0.632EBACRE +0.378ONFTR
Table 4.35 Cumulative Logit Model Estimates for Adoption of ONETECH and TWOTECH
Groundnut Technologies
Std. Error
Chi Sq.
Odds Ratio
INTERCEPT =2 -1.897 0.464 16.708 0.000 0.150
INTERCEPT =1 0.671 0.441 2.318 0.128 1.956
IGOLAYD 0.243 0.054 20.052 0.000 1.275 0.0548
INCMSC 0.826 0.290 8.104 0.004 2.284 0.2010
BFMORG 0.775 0.338 5.241 0.022 2.171 0.1883
ONFTR -0.144 0.428 0.113 0.737 0.866 -0.0317
RSCH 0.153 0.310 0.244 0.621 1.165 0.0336
CLSPLBR -0.390 0.300 1.694 0.193 0.677 -0.0924
Based on the Chi square test, at the 0.05 level RSCH and ONFTR do not have a significant
effect on the probability of adoption of ONETECH and TWOTECH. In this model, higher
yield of Igola-1 (IGOLAYD) is positively related to adoption of groundnut pest control
technologies. Availability of off-farm income (INCMSC) and farmers membership in farm
organizations (BFMORG) positively influences their adoption of technologies.
From Table 4.35 the odds ratio indicate that the likelihood of adoption of two technologies
(TWOTECH) versus adoption of one (ONETECH) or none (ZERO TECH) increase by 27.5%
for a unit increase in yield of the improved variety (IGOLAYD). This is also true for
likelihood of adopting two or one technology versus adoption of none.
The fitted logit models are thus:
) = 0.671+0.243IGOLAYD+0.826INCMSC+0.775BFMORG-
) =-1.897+0.243IGOLAYD+0.826INCMSC+0.775BFMORG-
The model with the independent variables included is significant. The likelihood ratio test
statistic of 46.66 corresponds to a p-value less than 0.0001 indicating that variables in the
model were important in explaining adoption.
4.6 Summary
Based on both univariate and multivariate estimations, measures of the overall fit of
estimated equations are relatively high. Results show that the variables included in each
model explain the variability of the dependent variables, as shown by the values of the
McFaddens R
. In addition, the correctly predicted percent is high, ranging from 69.8% to
97.6%. Overall, models were significant at the 0.05 level (except ICCP and IGNV,
significant at the 0.1 level). For both univariate and multivariate models however,
coefficients of many variables are not different from zero (at the 0.05 level), as shown by
the Wald tests.
The model fitting procedures attempted to find the most important variables explaining
adoption. From section 4.4, some models performed relatively poorly in terms of goodness-
of-fit in relation to the full model. For these models (with the exception of Ebelat adoption
model (ICPV), crop rotation adoption model (ROTN) and Igola-1 adoption models (IGNV)),
the McFaddens R
and the correctly predicted percentage was lower than the full models.
The overall significance of the fitted models was improved ranging from p=0.000 to
p=0.029. These fitted models (Tables 4.26, 4.28 and 4.30) have substantially fewer
variables, yield better estimates of the effect of the significant variables and therefore are
empirically better than the full more complex models in Tables 4.23-4.25. The results
indicate the importance of parsimony that emphasis needs to be placed only on a few
important variables, as this is less costly in terms of data collection.
Chapter 5 Discussion and Conclusions
5.1 Introduction
This chapter summarizes the study, gives policy implications and recommendations for
future research. Section 5.2 gives the summary of objectives of the research, and the
thrust of the thesis. Section 5.3 summarizes analytical methods used and a comparison of
these methods, while section 5.4 and 5.5 give a summary of level of adoption and
discussion of factors affecting IPM technology adoption. Section 5.6 presents policy
implications and study highlights. Section 5.7 provides implications for further research.
5.2 Summary of Thesis
Improper use of pesticides in controlling pests on crops can cause adverse effects on
humans and livestock through ingestion, inhalation and contact; degradation of soils,
water, and the general environment wherein it acts as a non-point pollution source.
Integrated pest management practices emphasize minimal use of pesticides in controlling
pests on farmers fields. Thus the adoption of IPM can reduce the use of pesticides and
their accompanying problems. In addition IPM has been commended for its role in
increasing farm production, net farm incomes and environmental benefits. In general, IPM
methods have been demonstrated to be profitable. The introduction of IPM CRSP activities
in Uganda to institutionalize IPM methods as pest control practices focused mainly on
sorghum, cowpea and groundnuts. These crops have priority status in terms of
agricultural area devoted to their production and their production levels.
Among the technologies encouraged to control striga on sorghum were intercropping the
crop with celosia argentia, fertilizer application and crop rotation with legumes; while in
controlling several cowpea pests including aphids (A. craccivora), blister beetles (Epicauta
spp.), pod-borers (M. testularis), thrips (M. sjostedti) and leafhoppers, intercropping the
crop with cereals, close spacing, defoliation and timely planting were identified as potential
methods. In groundnut production, planting at high plant densities and growing improved
Igola-1 were methods found to control groundnut rosette virus (GRV) and cercospora leaf
spot (Cercospora arachidicola), the two being the most important diseases affecting
groundnuts in Uganda.
The emphasis of this study was to determine the level of IPM technology adoption and the
economic, social, management and institutional factors that influence farmers decision to
adopt these practices. In Uganda, where pests are the leading cause of crop loss, this
study is important in a number of ways:
(i) The adoption of the integrated pest management technologies acts as a measure of
success of IPM CRSP research efforts. Thus, establishing the level of adoption of
these technologies indicates to IPM researchers farmers preferences of alternative
pest control practices. This might suggest to program administrators ways to direct
IPM research efforts to those preferred practices to enhance their increased
(ii) Determining the unsuccessful IPM strategies could contribute to increased research
on reducing problems associated with those IPM practices and enhance their
(iii) IPM practices, like other technologies, are not introduced in a vacuum: the
intended adopters have their own pest control systems. Their pest control practices
are expected to change upon introduction of IPM technologies. In order to effectively
introduce technologies requires that researchers understand the social, economic
and management factors of targeted adopters and the institutional characteristics
that may either inhibit or enhance IPM adoption. Such an understanding might
highlight the importance of integrating effective management, social and economic
aspects of the introduced IPM program into farmers current farming systems.
Results from this study may be important in explaining adoption of similar technologies in
other areas with similar economic, social and other characteristics.
Chapter 2 presented background information on the agricultural and research system in
Uganda. It also reviewed literature pertaining to studies establishing factors affecting
agricultural technology. The review of literature revealed an extensive number of studies
related to adoption of technologies mainly in developed countries. Limited studies on
adoption of agricultural technologies in Uganda were found, and in particular the body of
literature on factors regarding IPM adoption was generally lacking. The review revealed
many factors related to technology adoption elsewhere, pointing to the importance of
incorporating them in IPM adoption studies in the Ugandan context.
5.3 Summary of Methods:
Using a pre-tested questionnaire, primary data was collected from 212 farmers in sixteen
villages in eight parishes in Kumi district, Eastern Uganda. Simple statistics on the data
and testing for multicollinearity problems was done prior to advanced econometric
modeling. SPSS and SAS statistical packages were used to run univariate and multivariate
analyses. Univariate analysis established whether there were significant differences
between adopters and non-adopters in terms of various characteristics. Multivariate logit
analysis was deemed appropriate to use to model farmers decisions to adopt or not to
adopt. Ordered logit estimation was done to find the factors that are responsible in
explaining varying levels of adoption. Model fitting procedures attempted to find the
smallest model that best explained adoption. Using marginal probabilities, the most
influential factors affecting each technology adoption pattern were determined.
Important to note is that the three procedures resulted in approximately the same
outcomes. For a given model, variables from either procedure retained the same sign on
their coefficients (although different in magnitude) indicating a similar effect on the
response regardless of the method used. Thus, conclusions drawn from each method apply
to all methods employing the same model. However the above analytical methods
progressively yielded smaller models and for practical considerations, smaller models,
which are generally less costly in terms of data collection, are preferable. Thus, results of
model fitting procedures were considered most appropriate and were discussed.
5.4 Summary of Level of IPM Adoption:
Figure 5.1 shows levels of adoption of the eight IPM practices studied.
Practice % Practice % Practice %
Fig 5.1 Levels of IPM Adoption
In Figure 5.1 FTIS, ECAT, ROTN, TPCP, ICCP, ICPV, CLSP and IGNV are the IPM practices: fertilizer use in
sorghum, intercropping with celosia, crop rotation, timely planting, intercropping cowpea with cereals, growing
improved cowpea varieties, close spacing and growing an improved groundnut variety respectively.
The level of adoption was measured as the percent of farmers taking on a particular
practice. Farmers in the study area generally tended not to apply fertilizers on sorghum.
The high expense involved in fertilizer input purchase may be a limiting factor in its wide
adoption. In terms of marketability, sorghum is considered a low-value crop, and use of an
expensive input would not be consistent with economic rationality of producers decision
Intercropping with sorghum with celosia and other weed chasers also had a low level of
adoption. Eleven percent of farmers intercrop the sorghum crop with weed chasers.
However, considering the short time span since the release of this technology, the 11%
level of adoption might be an indicator of the attractiveness of this technology.
Consequently in time its adoption rate might be quite high.
Both crop rotations involving legumes and intercropping with cereals are considered
indigenous practices. These practices are important in providing carbohydrates and
proteins in alternate seasons or in the same growing season, in improving soil conditions
in addition to reducing pest populations. Twenty three percent and 92% of farmers in the
study area practiced intercropping and crop rotation respectively, suggesting a low
preference for intercropping as compared to crop rotation.
Timely planting involves planting early at the on-set of rains. The importance of this
practice was explained above. Twenty one percent of cowpea farmers planted early. This
level of adoption is the lowest of the three cowpea pest technologies, the highest being 91%
with improved cowpea variety adoption.
Reasons for having high plant density groundnut plots were presented. Close spacing
involved measuring plant-to-plant distance both within rows and between rows. Twelve
percent of farmers practiced close spacing in groundnut production.
The highest levels of adoption were registered with crop rotation and improved varieties of
cowpea and groundnut. Ninety two percent, 91% and 77% of farmers practiced crop
rotation, grew Ebelat and Igola-1 respectively.
5.5 Summary of Factors Affecting Adoption:
To summarize the factors affecting IPM adoption requires revisiting the hypotheses of the
study in chapter 1. Results of hypothesis tests vary depending on the technology.
Hypothesis 1 stated that cost of a technology was negatively associated with IPM adoption.
In this study, the direct cost of a technology was not important in explaining its adoption.
However, test of this hypothesis through proxies such as labor, land and skill availability
showed mixed effects of these variables depending on technology. Labor constraints at
planting time positively influenced timely planting while availability of fertilizer as input
positively influenced its adoption in sorghum but negatively influenced the adoption of
close spacing in groundnuts. The availability of off-farm income to farmers had mixed
effect on adoption. It was positively related to adoption of close spacing but negatively with
adoption of crop rotation. Hypothesis two stated that the size of farm holdings positively
influences adoption does not hold true. Farm size was not important in IPM adoption. The
level of education did not show significance with adoption. Hypothesis three is proved
correct in the intercropping model but the reverse holds true with the timely planting
model. The size of household labor force negatively influences celosia adoption but
positively affects growing improved cowpea and groundnut varieties. Hypothesis four holds
true for all technologies except for celosia adoption model.
Practice Economic Social Management Institutional
Groundnut IGNV FMLBR+
Fig 5.2 Factors Affecting IPM Technology Adoption
Figure 5.2 above
gives a summary of significant factors affecting IPM adoption (using
a) Economic factors:
Two economic factors affect fertilizer adoption in sorghum. Fertilizer use on other crops
(FTANY) in the farmers cropping system promotes its use in sorghum. This is in fact the
most influential factor in fertilizer adoption as gauged from the high value of its marginal
probability. The positive coefficient on the variable representing labor constraints in
fertilizer use (FTISLBR) is unexpected as it indicates that high labor requirements involved
in fertilizer use do not negatively influence its adoption.
Economic factors that are important in explaining adoption of celosia and other Striga
chasers include availability of farm labor and disease incidence, both factors affecting
adoption negatively. High availability of unpaid family labor (FMLBR) negatively affects
adoption of celosia technologies. The negative sign on the disease variable (DZZ) shows the
positive relationship between celosia adoption and disease control, that is, farmers who
adopt celosia have a low level of disease as they are more likely to be actively engaged in
disease control on their farms.
In the sorghum crop rotation model, 80% of the significant variables are economic factors.
The most important variable explaining the adoption of crop rotation was weed incidence.
The negative sign of the coefficients for the weed variable (WEED) imply that farmers who
adopt crop rotation are less prone to experience weed problems. This variable is a proxy for
the level of expected benefits from adoption of a technology. Availability of off-farm income
(INCMSC) acts as a hindrance to adoption of crop rotation. That is, farmers with more
income appear to prefer to use their finances in other practices other than crop rotation.
High management time requirements involved in crop rotation (ROTNMGT) also act as a
barrier to this practices adoption.
A number of economic factors are important in IPM adoption in cowpea production. Crop
losses due to high pest incidences (WEED and INSECT) provide an incentive for pest
control through practicing timely planting. In addition labor constraints at planting time
The sign on each variable indicates the direction of each factor on adoption of IPM practices. FTANY, FMLBR,
respectively are the variables: Fertilizer use on other crops, size of family labor resource, disease, weed and insect
incidence, availability of off-farm income, labor constraint at time of planting, sex of farmer is male, length of
farming experience, on-farm trial participation, male-driven input purchase decisions, information from researchers
and farmers prior attainment of pest control training.
(TPCPLBR) induce farmers to plant early to avoid peak labor demands. This is important to
ensure the cowpea crop reaches maturity before the pest populations peak.
Intercropping cowpea with cereals is positively influenced by weed incidence (WEED) in the
cowpea plots implying that perhaps, as a weed control strategy, farmers who experience
high weed incidences are induced to intercrop. Farmers growing many crops (TOTCROPS)
perceive the need to intercrop cowpea as a way of reducing land availability constraints;
hence it is probable that they practice intercropping both as a land-saving technology and
as a pest control strategy.
None of the economic factors examined in the study were related to improved cowpea
adoption. In groundnuts, close spacing was positively influenced by availability of off-farm
income (INCMSC), but negatively by use of fertilizer on other crops (FTANY). High farm
labor availability (FMLBR) positively influences adoption of the improved groundnut
b) Social factors:
Social factors were generally not related to sorghum technology adoption except celosia.
The positive coefficient on the gender variable (GENDER) indicates that males were more
likely to adopt celosia than females. In groundnut production the gender variable was
positively associated with practicing close spacing.
Farm experience (FMEXP) positively influenced timely planting of cowpea. Farmers with
accumulated farming experience probably acquire knowledge of seasonal changes that
signal the approaching sowing season and thus prepare resources necessary for sowing. In
addition, these farmers may have acquired encouraging returns from the practice and thus
continue with it anticipating continued benefits. Both these aspects could influence
farmers inclination to plant at the on-set of rains. On the other hand, accumulated
farming experience acted as a barrier to intercropping cowpea with cereal crops. It is
probable that past experience with poor performance of cowpea intercrops may discourage
increased practice of intercropping.
c) Management related factors:
In the fertilizer model, management factors played no significant role, while with celosia,
farmers participation in on-farm trials (ONFTR) increased the likelihood of the practices
adoption in sorghum. In the crop rotation model, when males purchase implements
(IMPLPURCH) the probability of practicing crop rotation in sorghum reduces, as seen from
this variables negative coefficient.
None of the management factors analyzed in this study were related to cowpea technology
adoption. In groundnut production, however, results show that adoption of close spacing
was induced by farmers membership in organizations, participation in on-farm
demonstrations, and the variety farmers grew. Farmers who grow the improved groundnut
variety or belong to farmers organizations are more inclined to practice close spacing.
Ideas obtained from farmers organizations may be related to planting at high plant density
because of the benefits gained from either improved yields or from less pest pressure on
the close spaced crop.
d) Institutional factors:
In sorghum models, three institutional factors affect the adoption of celosia and fertilizer
adoption. Information from researchers does not positively influence farmers to use
fertilizer, while it has a pronounced positive effect on celosia adoption. In addition,
attaining pest control training increases the probability of celosia adoption
Adoption of improved Ebelat cowpea variety does not seem to be positively influenced by
information from researchers. This finding is not unexpected. Growing an improved
cowpea variety as a pest control strategy was not an IPM recommendation in the study
area (see Section 3.4.4). This technology was included in this analysis to examine how
responsive farmers were of other potential technological changes. Nonetheless, farmers
access to informal sources of information like friends, neighbors and others had a positive
effect on the likelihood of this technologys adoption. Groundnut technologies were
generally not affected by institutional factors.
5.6 Policy Implications and Conclusions
Results from this analysis reinforce similar findings by other researchers. That labor is
important in adoption models is evident in Bartel and Lichtenberg (1987) and in Green
and Ngongola (1993) among others. Bartel and Lichtenberg (1987) found that it is not the
availability of labor, but rather how skilled the labor is that would be important in
technology adoption. In their study of factors affecting fertilizer adoption in Malawi, Green
and Ngongola (1993) found that the availability of regular labor positively influenced a
practices adoption.
Farm labor availability in this study positively influenced growing of improved groundnut
variety Igola-1. This variable was positively correlated with household size suggesting that
a big household yielded a large family labor force. In general, big households have larger
food demands than smaller ones. The improved disease-resistant varieties were also high
yielding. Therefore the high involvement of family members in growing high yielding
varieties is consistent with households food consumption requirements.
The most influential variables in celosia adoption are institutional/ informational factors,
including farmers access to information from researchers and training in pest control
activities. These services have been part of an ongoing IPM CRSP study involving farmer
field schools. The big influence they have suggests that continuing and/ or intensifying
their activities would further enhance technology adoption.
Another important factor with a positive influence on celosia technology adoption was
farmers participation in on-farm trial demonstrations. It should be noted that celosia
technology is largely a new technology, and farmers are likely to attach a higher risk
premium on such a technology than on the more indigenous practices. Its adoption is
thus expected to be enhanced more through farmers having hands-on experience than
would be the case with the more indigenous technologies. This suggests that the
introduction of such exotic practices should be preceded by encouraging higher farmer
participation in on-farm trial demonstrations as a means of increasing farmers practical
experience with the introduced technologies.
The most important variable that was related to fertilizer use in sorghum was the
availability of fertilizer for use on other crops (FTANY) with the largest associated change in
probability. This variable is a measure of farmers willingness to pay for a high cost input
in production. The positive sign of the variable implies that availability of fertilizer input
for the producers other crops would benefit the sorghum crop in terms of pest control if
adopted in sorghum production.
The positive effect that the variable off-farm income (INCMSC) had on adoption of close
spacing highlights how essential availability of non-farm earnings may be in financing the
purchase of inputs necessary for practicing close spacing. Results also showed that
females were more inclined to borrow to finance crop production than males. In the event
that the borrowed capital is directed to purchasing these inputs, then providing accessible
credit to women farmers would enhance the adoption of this practice.
Males were more likely than females to adopt celosia technology. Celosia technology is an
exotic control method and accessibility to such technologies is mostly a preserve for males.
To change this, programs that target both gender groups would be necessary to ensure
equitable adoption of practices between males and females.
None of the management factors analyzed in the study were related to cowpea technology
adoption. This suggests that high managerial capacity of farmers may not be an important
aspect in efforts to disseminate cowpea technologies. Management factors in several
studies (McNamara, Wetzstein, and Douce, 1991; Waller et al., 1998) were found to hinder
technology adoption. In the latter study the more intensive management effort required for
integrated pest management hindered potato farmers from adopting these technologies.
The finding here that management factors do not play an important role in cowpea
technology adoption implies that introduction of cowpea IPM technology in Uganda can
take place regardless of cowpea farmers managerial capability.
Many factors that were theoretically hypothesized to be influential in explaining adoption
patterns of technologies showed no relationship with the dependent variable. Farmers
perception of the harmful effect of chemicals did not influence farmers decisions in regard
to IPM technology adoption. This is in spite of farmers high knowledge about this issue. A
plausible explanation would be that these farmers do not consider environmental and
health impacts important considerations when choosing farming practices. A similar result
was also found in the analysis of adoption of non-chemical methods for controlling olive
pests in Albania (Daku, 2002). Educational programs geared to increasing awareness
about the effects of chemicals and the effectiveness of alternative methods of pest control
could transform this attitude and hence influence farmers to adopt IPM practices.
Recall: Factors under this broad category of management included ability for farmers to borrow for crop
production, membership in farmers organizations, input purchase decision making, and participation in on-farm
trial demonstrations.
The level of education was not an important factor in explaining adoption. The variable
EXTS (contacts of farmers with extension personnel) showed multicollinearity with other
variables and was eliminated in models. This is not to say that this factor does not
influence technology adoption. The variable that it was correlated with: accessibility to
information from Makerere University and Ministry of Agriculture researchers (RSCH) was
important in explaining adoption of fertilizer, improved cowpea variety and celosia. In
studies on adoption of sweep net and treatment thresholds in Texas (Harper et al, 1990),
producers contacts with extension were significant but negative in their effect on
technology adoption. In this study, the effect of information from researchers (RSCH) on
adoption of fertilizer and improved cowpea variety was negative.
The effect of size of farm holdings (FMSZ) was unimportant in adoption decisions. A study
analyzing factors affecting adoption of new bean varieties in Uganda found a similar result
(Mugisa-Mutetikka, 2000). In the current study, in the fertilizer adoption model where this
variable was not eliminated at the preliminary analysis stage, its effect was negative
(although insignificant). That this variable was not significant in explaining adoption might
suggest that IPM technologies are mostly scale neutral. This finding is particularly
important for IPM dissemination in the study area implying that IPM practices could be
introduced to farming systems regardless of the farmers scale of operation.
Females were less educated than males. And perhaps to make up for this, they strive to
acquire information and skills by belonging in farmers organizations. However,
membership in farmers organization was not a significant factor in adoption of many
practices except close spacing of groundnuts (CLSP) and celosia (ECAT). In fact, for the
case of celosia adoption, this variable exerted a negative influence on the probability of
adoption. The most plausible explanation is that information obtained in the organizations
may not have contained IPM-content. Providing IPM-content information at farm
organization meetings might enhance dissemination of these technologies and in
particular this would target women farmers whose membership in farm organizations was
significantly higher than males, subsequently promoting their adoption of IPM practices.
Overall, it appears that these policy changes are mostly applicable to institutional and
management factors. Economic and social factors could be effected through institutional
changes. Also important to note is that it appears that the more exotic an introduced
practice is, the more its adoption will be dependent on informational aspects of the
implementing program. This argues for the intensification of training and educational
programs for potential adopters of that practice.
5.7 Future Research Direction
Adoption of IPM technologies is dependent on a number of factors which are dynamic both
in terms of geographic setting and in time. Thus adoption can be said to be site specific.
The site specificity of adoption has an implication on the extensive applicability of the
policy implications stated in this study in that they may have a somewhat limited bearing
over a large area. According to Yaron, Dinar and Voet (1992) the site specificity of adoption
argues for region specific adoption studies.
In addition, as social, economic and other factors change, it is imperative that this study
be revisited in line with the changing socio-economic and other demographic changes.
Subsequent to establishment of the level adoption and factors affecting adoption, rate of
adoption studies may be appropriate to examine the effect time has on adoption of IPM
Subsequent to establishing factors influencing adoption, a study on adaptation of farmers
to IPM practices may be a necessary step. Such a study would examine how farmers
adjust their economic, social and other conditions to accommodate the introduced IPM
To take this study further, a study to examine the effect of distance of farmers from the
focal points on adoption is necessary. It is anticipated that close proximity of farmers to
IPM activities (with focal farmers) may increase the likelihood of adoption of IPM
technologies. In addition, exposure of farmers to IPM activities over a wider geographical
space might facilitate more widespread adoption. However at this point these assertions
cannot be explicitly made. Therefore, examining the level and intensity of adoption of
farmers in various locations relative to the focal points may be important in highlighting
the importance of distance in adoption studies. An initial objective of this study was to
conduct such an analysis. However, limited availability of (GPS) Global Positioning System
units precluded the collection of this data.
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ANOVA Analysis Of Variance
BIFAD Board for International Food and Agriculture Development
CGIAR Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
CIA Central Intelligence Agency
EIU Economic Intelligence Unit
FARMESA Farm-Level Applied Research Methods in Eastern and Southern Africa
FAO Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations
FoB Free on Board
GDP Gross Domestic Product
HIPC Heavily Indebted Poor Countries
IFPRI International Food Policy Research Institute
IITA International Institute of Tropical Agriculture
IMF International Monetary Fund
IPM Integrated Pest Management
IPM CRSP Integrated Pest Management Collaborative Research Support Program
MAAIF Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries (Uganda)
MUK Makerere University (Uganda)
NARO National Agricultural Research Organization (Uganda)
NARS National Agricultural Research System
NGO Non-Governmental Organization
OLS Ordinary Least Squares
SAS Statistical Analytical System
SPSS Statistical Package for Social Scientists
UN United Nations
US United States
USAID United States Agency for International Development
USDA United States Department of Agriculture
VIF Variance Inflation Factor
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Uganda districts
Vegatation types
Built-up Areas
Butyrospermum Savanna
Dry Acacia Savanna
Dry Combretum Savanna
Dry Thickets
Forest/Savanna Mosaics
Grass Savanna
Grass Steppe
Herbacious Swamp
High Alt Forest
High Alt Moor & Heath
Med Alt Moist Ever For
Med Alt Moist Semi-dec For
Moist Acacia Savanna
Moist Combretum Savanna
Moist Thickets
Open Water
Palm Savanna
Seasonal Wetlands
Swamp Forest
Tree & Shrub Steppe
Latitude and Longitudes
200 0 200 Miles
Uganda: Vegetati on
Appendix B1: Map of Uganda showing vegetation
Source: ArcView GIS, 2002
ppendix A2: Map of Kumi District Showing Location of Focal Points and surrounding area: Respondent Locations
Uganda Districts
KUMI District
90 0 90 180 Miles
Appendix B2: Map of Uganda showing Study Area
Kumi District Counties
Distance from Focal Points
5000 - 10000
10000 - 15000
# Focal Farmers
20 0 20 Miles
Map of Kumi
Appendix B3: Map of Kumi District Showing Location of Focal Points and surrounding areas
Appendix C: Introductory Letter
Dear Farmer,
As you may already know, your district is one of the areas in the country where
the USAID-supported Integrated Pest Management (IPM) project has been
operating for the past several years. With this projects effort the use of IPM
has been advanced as an alternative to conventional pest and disease control.
Scientists on the project working initially with pioneering farmers have
developed practices that are available for use by farmers. However it is not
clear how the developed practices are currently being used and what the
perception of farmers regarding these technologies in the projects area of
influence are.
This questionnaire is designed to obtain this information. You have been
selected as a source of this information. The attached questionnaire will ask
about several aspects of your farming. Confidentiality will prevail if you so wish
since your name will not appear on the questionnaire. Results of this study will
be used by IPM researchers and program administrators to evaluate the
program in the areas of its operation.
Feel free to provide any additional information that you think may be useful in
this analysis. Your responses will be highly appreciated.
Jackline Bonabana
Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics,
Virginia Tech
Appendix D: Factors Affecting Adoption of IPM Technologies in Kumi-Uganda
- Survey Form
This questionnaire is designed to solicit for your responses on factors affecting adoption on
IPM. Your responses will be used for academic purposes only and are highly appreciated.
Date of Interview _________________________ Interviewer___________________
District _________________________ County:______________________
Sub-county: __________________________ Parish_______________________
Village: _________________________ Respondent ID_________________
A: Demographic Information
1. Age ________ Years (Code:A1)
2. Marital status (Code:A2)
_5___ Separated
_6___ Other specify __________________________________
3. Gender ____Female (1)_____Male (2) (Code:A3)
4. Total number of years of schooling ____________________ (Code:A4)
5. Number of people living in your household? ____________________ (Code:A5)
6. For how long have you been a farmer? ____________________Years (Code:A6)
B: General/ Background
7. What is the total size of your farm? ____________________Hectares (Code:B7)
8. What crops do you grow? (Tick all that apply) ______________ What is the acreage on each
Crop Yes (1) No (2) Code (B81) Acreage Code (B82)
1 Cowpea (B811) (B821)
2 Sorghum (B812) (B822)
3 S. Potato (B813) (B823)
4 G. Nuts (B814) (B824)
5 Millet (B815) (B825)
6 Beans (B816) (B826)
7 Maize (B817) (B827)
8 Bananas (B818) (B828)
9 Tomato (B819) (B829)
10 Cotton (B8110) (B8210)
11 Simsim (B8111) (B8211)
12 Rice (B8112) (B8212)
13 Soyabean (B8113) (B8213)
14 Cassava (B8114) (B8214)
15 Eucalyptus (B8115) (B8215)
16 Sunflower (B8116) (B8216)
Others (Specify)
17 (B8117) (B8217)
9. How do you access agricultural information?
Sources Yes (1) No (2)
1 Radio B91
2 Newspapers B92
3 Bulletins B93
4 Friends B94
5 Neighbours B95
6 Farmers organisations B96
7 MAAIF Extension staff B97
8 MUK researchers B98
9 NGO B99
10 Others B910
10. How many extension/ NGO contacts do you have in a period of a year
___None (1) ___Few (2) ___Many (3) ___Dont know (4) (Code:B10)
11. Do you belong to a farmer organization? ___Yes (1) ___No (2) (Go to 13) (Code:B11)
12. How many times do you attend meetings in a period of one year? ___________ (Code:B12)
13. Do you ever borrow to finance crop production? ____Yes (1) ____No (2) (Code:B13)
13.1. If no, why?
Reason Yes (1) No (2) Code
1 Not available B1311
2 Interest Rate is high B1312
3 Dont know B1313
4 Other reason B1314
13.2 What rate is normally charged _______(Code:B132)
14. How many household members work on the farm _______(Code:B14)
15. How many household members work off the farm? _______(Code:B15)
16. Do you ever hire laborers to work on your farm? ____Yes (1) ____No (2) (Code:B16)
17. Who decides what inputs to buy?
Male(1) Female(2) Both(3) Do not
buy (4)
1 Fertilizers B171
2 Seed B172
3 Pesticides B173
4 Farm Implements B174
C. Knowledge of IPM
18. Have you ever heard of the term IPM? (Enumerator prompts by defining IPM)
___Yes (1) ___No (2) (Go to 27) ___Dont Know (3) Go to 27 (Code:C18)
19. When and where did you first hear of the term IPM?
When (Code:C191) Yes (1) No (2)
1 1994-1996
2 1997-1999
3 2000-2002
Where (Code:C192) Yes (1) No (2)
1 Makerere University
3 Farmer Organisation meetings
20. Have you ever been invited to attend IPM meetings?
___Yes (1) ___No (2) (Go to 24) (Code:C20)
21. How many times? ___ (Code:C21)
22. Did you attend? ___Yes(1) ___No(2) (Go to 24) (Code:C22)
23. How many times? ___ (Code:C23)
24. Have you ever participated in IPM on-farm trial demonstrations?
___Yes(1) ___No(2) (Code:C24)
25. Have you ever tried out any of the methods as specified by IPM?
___Yes(1) ___No(2) (Code:C25)
26. What is your view on the requirements of practicing IPM? (Tick all that apply).
Compared to the conventional means, practicing general IPM involves
1. Mgt time
2. Cost
3. Knowledge
4. Labor
5. Land
6. Other
(Specify) (C266)
More (1)
Equal (2)
Less (3)
Dont Know (4)
27. Have you ever attended other training on pest control? ___Yes (1) ___No (2)
(Go to 29) ___Dont know (3) (Go to 29) (Code: C27)
28. What was the training about? Explain (Code: C28)
2. _________________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________________
29. Do you think chemicals can sometimes be harmful? (Code: C29)
___Yes (1) ___No (2) (Go to next section) ___Dont know (3) (Go to next section)
30. Do you think chemicals can harm crops? (Code: C30)
___Yes (1) ___No (2) ___Dont know (3)
31. Do you think chemicals can cause sickness to humans? (Code: C31)
___Yes (1) ___No (2) ___Dont know (3)
32. Do you think chemicals can cause sickness to farm animals? (Code: C32)
___Yes (1) ___No (2) ___Dont know (3)
33. Do you think chemicals can contaminate drinking water? (Code: C33)
___Yes (1) ___No (2) ___Dont know (3)
34. Do you think chemicals can cause sickness to other living organisms, birds, fish and
water creatures, including natural enemies of insects?
___Yes (1) ___No (2) ___Dont know (3) (Code: C34)
D. Crop Specific Sorghum
I. Technologies
a. Crop Rotation technology
1. The last time you grew sorghum, are there crops that you grew on that piece of land before
you planted sorghum? ___Yes (1) ___No (2) ___Dont know (3) (Code:D1)
2. What rotation did you use?
Yes(1) No(2) Code:D2
1 Groundnuts/ Sorghum D21
2 Groundnut/ Sorghum/ Cassava D22
3 Sorghum/ Cotton D23
4 Cotton/ Sorghum/ Cowpea D24
2.1. What is your view on the requirements of rotating sorghum/ cowpeas? (Tick all that
apply). If rotating Sorghum with Cowpeas is not your conventional means, compared to the
conventional means, it involves
1. Mgt time
2. Cost
3. Knowledge
4. Labor
5. Land
6. Other
More (1)
Equal (2)
Less (3)
2.2. If given a random choice to rotate sorghum/ cowpea or not to rotate them, which one
would you choose? ___Rotate (1) ___Not rotate (2) (CodeD221)
b. Variety technology
3. What varieties did you grow last season? And on what amount of land?
Variety Yes
Amount of land on
which it was grown
Code: D32
1 Seredo D311 D321
2 Sekedo D312 D322
3 Eidima D313 D323
4 Local D314 D324
5 Dont know D315 D325
6 D316 D326
3.1. What is your view on the requirements of growing improved Sorghum varieties?
(Tick all that apply). Compared to the conventional means, it involves
1. Mgt time
2. Cost
3. Knowledge
4. Labor
5. Land
6. Other
More (1)
Equal (2)
Less (3)
c. Cel osi a Argentia technology
4. Have you heard about the plant that controls (chases) the striga weed?
___Yes (1) ___No (2) (Go to 6) (Code: D41)
What is it? ___Celosia(1) ___Local weed (2) (Code: D42)
5. Did you grow that plant in your/ sorghum field the last season you grew sorghum?
___Yes (1) ___No (2) (Code: D5)
6. In what season did you grow sorghum the last time you grew sorghum?
___First (1) ___Second (2) ___Both (3) ___Dont know (4) (Code: D6)
d. Fertilizer technology
7. Do you use fertilizer in sorghum fields? ___Yes (1) ___No (2) (Code: D7)
7.1 What is your view on the requirements of fertilizer use? (Tick all that apply).
If fertilizer use on sorghum is not your conventional means, compared to the
conventional means, fertilizer use involves
1. Mgt time
2. Cost
3. Knowledge
4. Labor
5. Land
6. Other (Specify)
More (1)
Equal (2)
Less (3)
Dont know
II. General
8. How much was the total sorghum yield last season
Variety Yield the last time you
grew crop (bags)
Yield Code:
1 Seredo D81
2 Sekedo D82
3 Eidima D83
4 Local2 D84
5 Dont know D85
6 Other (specify) D86
9. In the last crop season that you grew sorghum, was your sorghum crop harmed by
insects/ diseases/ weeds?
Yes (1) No (2) Dont know (3)
Code: D9
1 Insects D91
2 Diseases D92
3 Weeds D93
10. Name the most important weed/ insect/ disease on the Sorghum crop the last season you
grew the crop____
Name Code
1 Insects D101
2 Diseases D102
3 Weeds D103
11. How did you get rid of the problem?
Removal/ rouging
Changed Variety
in next season
1 Insects D1111 D1121 D1131
2 Diseases D1113 D1122 D1132
3 Weeds D1123 D1133
Insecticide Code D1141 Fungicide Code D1151 Did not control
No. of sprays
Yes(1) No(2) No. of sprays
Code (D1152)
Tick Code
1 Insects D1161
2 Diseases D1162
3 Weeds
E. Crop Specific: Cowpea
I. Technologies
a. Time of planting
12. In what season did you grow cowpea the last time you grew the crop?
___First (1) ___Second (2) ___ Both (3) ___Dont know (4) (Code: E12)
13. In the last crop season, when did you plant cowpea in the field relative to the start of
Time of planting First Code (E131) Second Code (E132)
1 First sign of rains E1311 E1321
2 One week after first sign of rains E1312 E1322
3 Two weeks after first sign of rains E1313 E1323
4 Towards the end of the rainy
E1314 E1324
13.1. What is your view on the requirements of timely planting? (Tick all that apply).
Compared to the conventional means, timely planting involves
1. Mgt time
2. Cost
3. Knowledge
4. Labor
5. Land
6. Other (Specify)
More (1)
Equal (2)
Less (3)
Dont know
b. Plant Spacing
14. How did you plant cowpea in the ground?
Yes No (Code: E14)
1 Broadcast E141
2 Chop and drop E142
3 In lines E143
4 Other E144
15. Would you please show me how you space your cowpea seeds when planting?
(Enumerator takes measurements)
Yes (1) No (2)
Code E15
1 (15x30) cm E151
2 (15x45) cm E152
3 (15x60) cm E153
4 (30x10) cm E154
5 (30x45) cm E155
15.1. What is your view on the requirements of close spacing plants at (30X10)? (Tick all that
apply). Compared to the conventional means, it involves
1. Mgt time
2. Cost
3. Knowledge
4. Labor
5. Land
6. Other (Specify)
More (1)
Equal (2)
Less (3)
Dont know
c. Intercropping
16. Did you intercrop cowpea the last time you grew the crop? ___Yes(1) ___No (2)
(Go to 18) (Code E16)
17. What crops did you intercrop cowpea with? (Code: E17)
Crops Yes (1) No (2)
1 Beans E171
2 Maize E172
3 Groundnuts E173
4 Sorghum E174
5 S. Potato E175
6 Soyabean E176
7 Cotton E177
8 Millet E178
17.1. What is your view on the requirements of practicing IPM? (Tick all that apply). If
intercropping is not your conventional means, compared to the conventional means,
intercropping involves
1. Mgt time
2. Cost
3. Knowledge
4. Labor
5. Land
6. Other
More (1)
Equal (2)
Less (3)
Dont know
d. Defoliation
18. Do you ever remove cowpea leaves from the plant in the field? ___Yes (1) ___No (2)
(Go to 21) (Code: E18)
19. How many times do you do this in a growing season? ___ (Code E19)
20. What reason did you have for doing this? (Enumerators not to prompt) (Code: E20)
Reason Yes (1) No (2) (Code: E20)
1 Food value E201
2 Pest control E202
3 Disease control E203
4 Medicinal value E204
5 Weed control E205
6 Flowering/ Plant Health E206
7 Other E207
e. Variety
21. What varieties of Cowpea do you usually grow? (Code: D21)
Variety Yes (1) No (2)
1 Ecirikukwai E211
2 Ebelat E212
3 Large White E213
4 Brown Tan E214
5 Other. E215
21.1 What is your view on the requirements of growing an improved cowpea variety?
(Tick all that apply). If growing improved cowpea varieties is not the conventional
means, compared to the conventional means, growing an improved variety involves
1. Mgt time
2. Cost
3. Knowledge
4. Labor
5. Land
6. Other
(Specify) (S2116)
More (1)
Equal (2)
Less (3)
Dont Know
II. General
22. How much was the total cowpea yield the last time you grew the crop? (Code:E22)
Variety Yield (bags) Yield code
1 Ecirikukwai E221
2 Ebelat E222
3 Large White E223
4 Brown Tan E224
5 Other E225
23. In the last crop season was your crop harmed by insects/ diseases/ weeds?
Yes (1) No (2) (Go to 26) Dont know
(3) (Go to 26)
Code: E23
1 Insects E231
2 Diseases E232
3 Weeds E233
24 Which was the most important weed/ insect/ disease on the cowpea crop?
Name Code: E24
1 Insects E241
2 Diseases E242
3 Weeds E243
25. How did you get rid of the problem? (Code E25)
Changed Variety
in next season
1 Insects E2511 E2521 E2531
2 Diseases E2522 E2532
3 Weeds E2513 E2523 E2533
Insecticide Code (E2541) Fungicide (Code E2551) Did not control
No. of sprays
Code (E2542)
No. of sprays
Code (E2552)
Tick Code
1 Insects E2561
2 Diseases E2562
3 Weeds
F. Crop Specific: Groundnuts
I. Technologies
a. Time of planting
26. In what season did you grow groundnuts the last time you grew the crop? ___First (1)
___Second (2) ___Both (3) ___Dont know (4) (Code: F26)
27. In the last crop season, when did you plant cowpea in the field relative to the start of
Time of planting First Code (F271) Second Code (F272)
1 First sign of rains F2711 F2721
2 One week after first sign of rains F2712 F2722
3 Two weeks after first sign of rains F2713 F2723
4 Towards the end of the rainy
F2714 F2724
b. Plant Spacing
28. How did you plant groundnuts in the ground?
Yes No Code (F28)
1 Broadcast F281
2 Chop and drop F282
3 In lines F283
4 Other F284
29. Would you please show me how you space your groundnut seeds when planting?
(Enumerator takes measurements)
Measurements Yes (1) No (2)
Code F29
1 (15x30) cm F291
2 (15x45) cm F292
3 (15x60) cm F293
4 (30x10) cm F294
5 (30x45) cm F295
29.1 What is your view on the requirements of measuring plant spacing? (Tick all that apply).
Compared to the conventional means, it involves
1. Mgt time
2. Cost
3. Knowledge
4. Labor
5. Land
6. Other Specify
More (1)
Equal (2)
Less (3)
Dont know
c. Intercropping
30. Did you intercrop groundnuts the last time you grew the crop? ___Yes(1) ___No (2)
(Go to 32 ) (Code F30)
31. What crops did you intercrop groundnuts with? (Code: F31)
Crops Yes (1) No (2)
1 Beans F311
2 Maize F312
3 Cowpeas F313
4 Sorghum F314
5 S. Potato F315
6 Soyabean F316
7 Cotton F317
8 Millet F318
31.1 What is your view on the requirements of, intercropping? (Tick all that apply).
If intercropping is not the conventional means, compared to the conventional means, it
1. Mgt time
2. Cost
3. Knowledge
4. Labor
5. Land
6. Other Specify
More (1)
Equal (2)
Less (3)
Dont Know
d. Variety technology
32. What varieties did you grow last season and on what amount of land? (Code: F32)
Variety Yes
Code: F321
Amount of land on which
it was grown (Acres)
Acreage Code:
1 Igola1 F3211 F3221
2 Rudu White F3212 F3222
3 Rudu (Red) F3213 F3223
4 Etesot F3214 F3224
5 Serenut1 F3215 F3225
6 Serenut2 F3216 F3226
7 Tanto F3217 F3227
8 Matudda F3218 F3228
9 Roxo F3219 F3229
10 Dont know F32110 F32210
32.1 What is your view on the requirements of growing improved groundnut varieties?
(Tick all that apply). If growing improved groundnut varieties is not the conventional
means, compared to the conventional means, variety change involves
6. Other (Specify) 1. Mgt time
2. Cost
3. Knowledge
4. Labor
5. Land
More (1)
Equal (2)
Less (3)
e. Spray Schedule
33. Do you use any chemical spray on groundnut fields (by variety)? ___Yes
(Tick all that apply) ___No (Go to 38)
Variety Yes (1) No (2) Variety
Code: F331
Number of sprays in the
last season you grew crop
Code: F332
1 Igola1 F3311 F3321
2 Rudu White F3312 F3322
3 Rudu (Red) F3313 F3323
4 Etesot F3314 F3324
5 Serenut1 F3315 F3325
6 Serenut2 F3316 F3326
7 Tanto F3317 F3327
8 Matudda F3318 F3328
9 Roxo F3319 F3329
10 Dont know F33110 F33210
34. How do you decide which chemical to use?
_____________________________________________________________________ (Code: F34)
35. How do you decide how much to use?
_____________________________________________________________________(Code: F35)
36. How do you decide when to spray?
_____________________________________________________________________(Code: F36)
37. At what stage of crop development did you use them in the last season?
__________________________________________________________ (Code: F37)
37.1 What is your view on the requirements of spraying using the IPM recommended
practice? (Tick all that apply). Compared to the conventional means, it involves
1. Mgt time
2. Cost
3. Knowledge
4. Labor
5. Land
6.Other (Specify)
More (1)
Equal (2)
Less (3)
Dont Know
II. General
38. How much was the total (In shell) groundnut yield the last time you grew the crop?
Variety Yield the last time you
grew crop (Bags) (In-shell)
Yield Code: F38
1 Igola1 F381
2 Rudu White F382
3 Rudu (Red) F383
4 Etesot F384
5 Serenut1 F385
6 Serenut2 F386
7 Tanto F387
8 Matudda F388
9 Roxo F389
39. In the last crop season was your crop affected by insects/ diseases/ weeds?
No (2)
(Go to 42)
Dont know (3)
(Go to 41)
Code: F39
1 Insects F391
2 Diseases F392
3 Weeds F393
40. Which was the most important weed/ insect/ disease on the groundnut crop?
Code: F40
1 Insects F401
2 Diseases F402
3 Weeds F403
41. How did you get rid of the problem? (Code F41)
Changed Variety
in next season
1 Insects F4111 F4121 F4131
2 Diseases F4112 F4122 F4132
3 Weeds F4113 F4123 F4133
Insecticide Code F4141
Fungicide Code F4151
Did not control
No. of sprays
Code (F4142)
No. of sprays
Tick Code
1 Insects F4161
2 Diseases F4162
3 Weeds
G: General for all crops
42. Did you use any chemicals on any other crops in the last growing season?
Yes (1) No (2) Code (G42)
1 Pesticides G421
2 Fertilizers G422
H: Household Income (We do not want to know the amount, but just the sources)
43. Do you have other sources of household income outside the farm? ___Yes (1)___No (2)
If Yes, please name them_______________________________________________ (Code H43)
Appendix E: Tables
Appendix Table E1: Distribution and Sources of off-farm income in study area.
Farmers with income source Off-farm income source
n %
Professional/ Skill 5.18
Salary/ Pension 7 3.30
Allowance from LC 2 0.94
Contracts for feeder road construction 2 0.94
Manual jobs 30.66
Casual labor 31 14.62
Selling out labor 11 5.19
Building 1 0.47
Charcoal burning 4 1.89
Brick making 8 3.77
Bicycle riding (Bodaboda) 10 4.72
Remittances 8.02
From children, sisters 12 5.66
From friends 5 2.36
Business 45.28
Petty trading 15 7.08
Local brew 68 32.08
Food vending 7 3.30
Selling sisal 2 0.94
Arts and Crafts 1 0.47
Baking 1 0.47
Selling firewood 1 0.47
Grinding mill 1 0.47
Appendix Table E2: Sorghum varieties grown in Kumi District
Variety Farmers with variety
n %
Abili 4 1.90
Eera 17 8.10
Ekoli 10 4.76
Emumwailo arengan 3 1.43
Epurpur 1 0.48
Erepet 24 11.43
Serena 20 9.52
Etanzaniat 1 0.48
Ilungole 2 0.95
Ilodir 18 8.57
Eterai 1 0.48
Red head 3 1.43
Ekonokamu 1 0.48
Ikanyawa 1 0.48
Black variety 2 0.95
White head 4 1.90
Appendix Table E3: Weed species in sorghum in the study area
Frequency of Occurrence Weed name (local)
n %
Striga 83 39.52
Spear grass 16 7.62
Couch grass 13 6.19
Ekolet 4 1.90
Goat weed 2 0.95
Esioto 1 0.48
Simama 3 1.43
Emuriat 1 0.48
Ekosile 1 0.48
Ipunuka 1 0.48
Ekoropot 1 0.48
Emoppim 2 0.95
Esirike 2 0.95
Esisio 1 0.48
Appendix Table E4: Collinearity Diagnostics Results
Retai ned Dropped*
FMEXP RFMEXP (r=0.82), AGE (r=0.87)
FMLBR HHSZ (r=0.72)
RSCH EXTS (r=0.56)
ONFTR OWNIPM (r=0.49), HDIPM (r=0.40)
EBACRE EBYD (r=0.51)
EBMGT EBLBR (r=0.52)
ICCPLBR (r=0.59)
GNDZZ GNINSECT (r=0.57), GNWEED (r=0.53)
CLSPMGT (r=0.46)
* The dropped vari ables are correlated wi th the retai ned vari ables
(as measured by the value of thecorrelati on coeffi ci ent)
Correlations between Variables
J ackline Bonabana-Wabbi was born in Kampala, Uganda to Mr. and Mrs. J .
Baitwababo in 1972 and went through the education system in Uganda. She was
awarded a two-year high-school scholarship that saw her through to University
education. She completed her Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from Makerere
University in 1997. After graduating, she worked in the Office of the Vice President
under contract with the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA). Her
duties involved providing technical agricultural support to the Office of the Vice
President through research on agricultural issues and linking the Office to the
Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries. At the end of the
contractual arrangement, she was hired as an Assistant Lecturer by Makerere
University. She received her Master of Science in Agricultural and Applied
Economics at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in December
2002. After graduation, she resumed her duties at Makerere University.