Bible Study Aid - Overcoming Pornography Addiction
Bible Study Aid - Overcoming Pornography Addiction
Bible Study Aid - Overcoming Pornography Addiction
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Its a problem
Wanting to overcome is easy. Actually overcoming a sexual addiction is hard. Porn rewires your
brain. The chemicals released while viewing porn
are so psychologically addictive that porn addiction has been compared to heroin addiction. It can
seem impossible to stop.
Jeff is sitting at his computer. His cursor hovers above the address bar. Before he starts to type
in his favorite adult website address, he stops. He
reaches out to God in prayer. With new resolve he
closes the Web browser. He pushes his chair away
from his computer. Jeff is overcoming. With Gods
love and guiding hand, hes turning his back on
his former addiction. Hes choosing a life of loving
obedience to His heavenly Father and enjoying the
benefits of a life free from sexual addiction.
Pornography is addictive!
affects Christians
By now we are used to hearing statistics such as a fifth of our
youth are solicited while surfing the
Internet and that a virtual flood of
pornography is increasingly available to online users.
But one fact many may not be
aware of is the debilitating effect
of pornography on Christians. The
Southern California Christian Times
reported that those who have dealt
with the issue of sexual addictions
say the Christian community is far
from exempt when it comes to the
lure of pornography on the Internet.
Unlike other addictive behaviors,
sex carries an enormous stigma that
is not easily bridged in Christian
But how extensive is this particular problem? This article continued:
Although securing data is difficult
because of the nature of the lifestyle,
other studies suggest that 10 percent
of the Christian community is sexually addicted.
And yet Christians hesitate to ask
for needed help partially because,
as Steve Watters, Internet expert for
Focus on the Family, stated: There
is an increased pressure in the
church for people to look their best
and not demonstrate anything that
represents weakness, especially if its
sexual addiction.
But this is no time to put our
heads in the sand. The salvation of
sufferers may be at stake. Addicts
should be able to consult confidentially with their pastors and other
competent professional counselors
without fear.
Sources: Southern California
Christian Times, The Washington
Powerlessness and
Compulsivity and
How pornography
progresses from bad to
In John 8:34, Jesus said, Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin
is a slave of sin. Repeated sins quickly
enslave us, much more than most
people realize. Sins quickly begin to
affect us and those we love, put distance
between God and us, and increasingly
control us.
In Romans 6, Paul explains about
being slaves to sin. He said that as
Christ died for us, we must put to death
our old sinful way of life and should
walk in newness of life (verse 4). To
grow spiritually, we should no longer
be slaves to sin (verse 6). In verse 12,
he concludes: Therefore do not let sin
ence, I have found that the most powerful change agent in the recovery process
from addictions is the role of God the
Father and His Son Jesus Christ. It is
obvious that the founders of Alcoholics
Anonymous and the subsequent 12
step programs found the spiritual component essential to the process. Have
others succeeded without this spiritual
component? Absolutely, but the programs and processes that have endured
the longest and helped the most have
had this spiritual component.
Step 1: The first of the 12 steps is one
of acknowledgement. We admit we are
powerless over our compulsive behavior
and that our lives have become unmanageable.
Step 2: As Christians, we believe that
power comes from the Creator God,
the God of the Bible. True Christians
know that through repentance (sorrow
and a change of direction) of our sins,
including pornography or other forms
of sexual sin, we can receive Gods forgiveness, grace and blessings. In John
10:10, Jesus said: The thief [Satan] does
not come except to steal, and to kill, and
to destroy. I have come that they may
have life, and that they may have it more
abundantly. BT
Emotional triggers
emotional states that are infinitely better than pornography or any kind of
escapism. This often involves a holistic
approachaddressing mind, body,
and spirit. Nutritional enhancements
including foods, vitamins and herbs can
positively affect mood and brain chemistry. Exercising regularly can help with
mood issues and stress management.
In situations where extreme forms of
depression or other mental issues exist,
medication might be needed along with
counseling. In these cases, seeking the
appropriate medical or professional
help is recommended. Often people will
self-medicate by using drugs, alcohol,
or engagement in behaviors to elevate
mood or cope with stress when there
are more effective means of coping with
these conditions.
Electronic triggers
Visual triggers
When real people in ones environment have a provocative effect, this can
be more challenging. But with all triggers, there are solutions. One obvious
solution is to never let your eyes linger
on the tempting sight, but move out
of eyesight from the person who has
become a spiritual stumbling block. This
is implied by what Jesus said in Matthew
5:27-30. Another concept that works,
if applied consistently, is bouncing of
the eyes. This strategy merely means
making a conscious decision to look
the other way when one sees something
that has a sexually erotic effect. This is
in contrast to ogling and lusting for a
person who is sexually stimulating and/
or provocatively dressed. Taking second
and third looks should also be avoided.
One finds something else to look at
or just look away. Job was a good role
model. He said he made a covenant
with his eyes (Job 31:1). For that verse,
the Good News Bible says: I have made
a solemn promise never to look with
lust at a woman.
Matthew 6:22-24 offers a principle
that can be applied to the idolatry of
sexual sin. The lamp of the body is the
eye. If, therefore, your eye is good, your
whole body will be full of light. But if
your eye is bad, your whole body will be
full of darkness. If, therefore, the light
that is in you is full of darkness, how
great is that darkness? No one can serve
two masters; for either he will hate the
one and love the other, or else he will be
loyal to the one and despise the other.
You cannot serve God and mammon.
The principle here is specifically about
serving God versus materialism and the
lust for money. However, when we put
the lust of the flesh through our visual
When you can identify the triggers in your own life, you can
begin to develop safeguards and alternative responses to
these triggers. These plans are an integral part of recovery
or emancipation from sexual slavery or idolatry.
sense ahead of righteousness and our
love of God, we are in a similar place
with the same question to answer: What
do we want to serve, God or pornography?
3 Bible tips
on avoiding
and lust
1. Looking with lust is mental
You have heard that it was
said to those of old, You shall
not commit adultery. But I say
to you that whoever looks at a
woman to lust for her has already
committed adultery with her in
his heart. If your right eye causes
you to sin, pluck it out and cast
it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your
members perish, than for your
whole body to be cast into hell
(Matthew 5:27-29).
Jesus used hyperbole here to
make a strong point: If the only
way to avoid lust were to pluck
out an eye, that would be better
than eternal death. Thankfully
thats not the only way!
2. Like all sins, the best way
to avoid pornography
is to avoid the source.
Block such sites on your
computer, etc.
Flee sexual immorality. Every
sin that a man does is outside the
body, but he who commits sexual
immorality sins against his own
body (1 Corinthians 6:18).
3. Gods Spirit can give us
help to avoid giving in to
I say then: Walk in the Spirit,
and you shall not fulfill the lust
of the flesh (Galatians 5:16).
Tools of Recovery
A. Michael Johnson, Ph.D., lists the
following tools and more on his website
Accountability Partners and
Being accountable to someone is
an important anchor for sobriety.
Make an agreement with someone
to check in daily if at all possible.
That person should have a list of
questionsvery specific questionsto ask you and that you
have agreed to answer honestly.
Your partner may be a member of
your group, a friend in recovery,
your therapist or a good friend.
An accountability partner must
be someone you trust and with
whom you feel safe. It is not recommended that you ask your life
partner to be your accountability
partner. Related tools include
sponsors and a support network.
Avoid Triggering Situations:
You dont have to go to business meetings at nude bars. You
can tell the others that going to
such places interferes with your
spiritual growth. If you cant avoid
some triggers such as working
on a computer, make it safe for
yourself. Install blocking software
(so that you dont know the password), keep your door open, turn
the screen toward the door, put
the computer at home in a public
area and never go online when
you are alone.
Balance Your Life and
Interacting faulty beliefs produce distorted views of reality. Denial leads the list. Slicing
through this mental fog to both recognize and deal with denial and self-deception is
essential to recovery and overcoming.
damental momentum necessary for the
development of sexual addictions.
What are some of these irrational
beliefs? Perhaps the most common is
the perception of not being a worthwhile person. Addicts believe that
other people would not value them as a
person if everything about themselves
was known, including their addiction.
They also believe that sex is their most
important need. Sex is viewed as the
only thing that makes their isolation
bearable. Consequently, faulty personal
core beliefs become the anchor points
for sexual addiction.
Impaired thinking
Addictive experiences tend to progress through a four-step cycle, intensifying with each repetition:
1. Preoccupation is the mood or trance
A self-perpetuating cycle
Since the end result is very disappointing and very painful, why would
anyone repeat this addiction cycle?
The reason is that the cycle becomes
self-perpetuating. Ironically, much
Levels of addiction
Breaking free
Battling a pornography
Overcoming sexual
Contributors: Milan Bizic, John Cafourek, Roy Fouch, Jonathan Magee, Darris
McNeely, John Ross Schroeder, Melvin Rhodes, Jim Tuck. Reviewers: Peter
Eddington, Darris McNeely, Steve Myers. Design: Mitchell Moss