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MTH 510 Outline

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Ryerson University - Department of Mathematics MTH 510/501: Numerical Analysis Fall 2011 - Course Management Form

Instructor: Dr. K. Rohlf Oce: ENG 240 Oce Hours: Mon 3-5pm Calendar Description: E-mail: krohlf@ryerson.ca Phone: (416) 979-5000 Ext. 6976 Web Site: www.math.ryerson.ca/krohlf

Review of Taylors formula, truncation error and roundo error. Solutions of Non-linear Equations in one variable. Linear Equations. LU-decomposition. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel methods. Interpolation and curve tting. Numerical integration. Numerical solution of ordinary dierential equations. (Initial value problems.)

Prerequisites: Course Text:

See the Undergraduate Calendar.

Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists (3rd Edition) by Steven C. Chapra. McGraw Hill. ISBN 978-0-07-340110-2 (2012).

Teaching Methods: Lectures 3 hrs/week; Lab 1 hr/week.

Course Website: MTH510 Blackboard web page. You are responsible to check Blackboard regularly for posted materials and administrative announcements.

20 % Assignments 15 % Test 1 (Ch. 2-6, 9-10), October 28, 12:10 pm (50 min), Rooms TBA 15 % Test 2 (Ch. 10-15), November 18, 12:10 pm (50 min), Rooms TBA 50 % Final Exam (Ch.2-6, 9-15, 17-22) , (3 h) during EXAM PERIOD. (Not all sections will be covered. See the Recommended Homework Questions, Assignments, Labs and Lecture Notes.)

Evaluation Guideline: (see also http://www.ryerson.ca/senate/policies/pol135.pdf)

The Tests and Final exam will be closed-book. Non-programmable scientic calculators will be permitted, as well as one 8.5x11 sheet (one side) for Test 1, one 8.5x11 sheet (both sides) for Test 2, and two 8.5x11 sheets (both sides) for the nal exam. Cheat sheets must be handwritten, and prepared individually by each student. Sharing of Cheat Sheets is not permitted. Assignments must be completed individually, and the answers must be every students own original work. You are allowed to work as teams or groups to solve the problems, and this is in fact highly encouraged. In this case, simply acknowledge your colleagues (by name) so as to avoid plagiarism issues. However, every student is required to hand in their own Assignment. Grades will be assigned as per the Ryerson 2011/2012 Calendar. Tests written in pencil or erasable pen are ineligible for remarking. If a test is submitted for re-marking, the entire test will be remarked. Students must read and comply with the Student Code of Academic Conduct found in the Ryerson Calendar or at http://www.ryerson.ca/senate/policies/pol60.pdf Sharing of pencils, pens, erasers or scientic calculators is NOT PERMITTED during an evaluation. PDAs, cell phones, computers and pagers must be turned o and out of reach. You must bring your Ryerson Photo ID to the Tests and the Final exam.

Missing of a Test or Final exam:

Students who are unable to be present for a Test or nal exam due to illness must contact the instructor by email or in person prior to the time of the evaluation or within the time period stated in policy 134. A Ryerson-approved medical certicate must be lled out (including date of certicate, date(s) of illness, expected duration of illness). Ocial Ryerson Student Medical Certicates can be found on the web at http://www.ryerson.ca/senate/forms/medical.pdf. If a test was missed for any other reason than illness, proper documentation must be presented. For more information on this, see the Ryerson Calendar or Policies 134 and 150 available at www.ryerson.ca/senate/policies/ Requests for accommodation of Student Religious Observances must be made formally within the rst two weeks of class, and/or as soon as the nal exam schedule is posted. In the case that changes in a tentative date for a Test leads to such necessary accommodation, the requests must be made to the instructor at least 2 days prior to the new date of evaluation. Failure to provide the appropriate documentation in time will lead to a grade of zero for the missed evaluation. Students utilizing the Access Centre must present appropriate documentation to the instructor as soon as it makes sense to do so. The instructor has to receive this documentation prior to the scheduled date of evaluation. If a Test was missed for a valid reason with appropriate documentation, the weight of the missed test will be added to the weight of the Final Exam.

Course Contents:
MATLAB Fundamentals and Programming (Ch. 2,3); Roundo and Truncation Errors (Ch. 4) Part II Roots: Bisection method (Ch. 5), Newton-Raphson, and secant method (Ch. 6) Part III Linear Systems: Gaussian elimination (Ch. 9), LU factorization (Ch. 10), Matrix inverse and condition (Ch. 11), Iterative methods (Ch. 12), Eigenvalues (Ch. 13) Part IV Curve Fitting: Linear Regression (Ch. 14), General Linear Least-squares (Ch. 15), Polynomial Interpolation (Ch. 17), Splines and Piecewise Interpolation (Ch. 18) Part V Numerical Integration: trapezoidal and Simpsons rule (Ch. 19), Romberg Integration and Gaussian quadrature (Ch. 20); Numerical Dierentiation (Ch. 21) Part VI Ordinary Dierential Equations: Initial-Value problems and Linear Systems of equations (Ch. 22), Sti systems (Ch. 23, time permitting) All chapter references are to the course text. Part I

Assignments, Recommended Homework, Solutions and Handouts:

Assignments will be due at the beginning of your scheduled Lab section in the week of the Due Date as indicated on the Assignment. Assignments will contain a combination of textbook questions, and others. Solutions will be made available in Blackboard. The Recommended Homework questions are not to be handed in for marking, and only some solutions/answers will be posted. Handouts and test/assignment solutions will be available in Blackboard. Some lectures and most Labs will involve the use of MATLAB. There will be a portion of test/exam material devoted to MATLAB.

Changes Any changes to, and clarications of, the details in this course management form
(such as room numbers, topics covered, tentative dates, etc.) will be announced in class.

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