MTH 510 Outline
MTH 510 Outline
MTH 510 Outline
Instructor: Dr. K. Rohlf Oce: ENG 240 Oce Hours: Mon 3-5pm Calendar Description: E-mail: Phone: (416) 979-5000 Ext. 6976 Web Site:
Review of Taylors formula, truncation error and roundo error. Solutions of Non-linear Equations in one variable. Linear Equations. LU-decomposition. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel methods. Interpolation and curve tting. Numerical integration. Numerical solution of ordinary dierential equations. (Initial value problems.)
Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists (3rd Edition) by Steven C. Chapra. McGraw Hill. ISBN 978-0-07-340110-2 (2012).
20 % Assignments 15 % Test 1 (Ch. 2-6, 9-10), October 28, 12:10 pm (50 min), Rooms TBA 15 % Test 2 (Ch. 10-15), November 18, 12:10 pm (50 min), Rooms TBA 50 % Final Exam (Ch.2-6, 9-15, 17-22) , (3 h) during EXAM PERIOD. (Not all sections will be covered. See the Recommended Homework Questions, Assignments, Labs and Lecture Notes.)
Course Contents:
MATLAB Fundamentals and Programming (Ch. 2,3); Roundo and Truncation Errors (Ch. 4) Part II Roots: Bisection method (Ch. 5), Newton-Raphson, and secant method (Ch. 6) Part III Linear Systems: Gaussian elimination (Ch. 9), LU factorization (Ch. 10), Matrix inverse and condition (Ch. 11), Iterative methods (Ch. 12), Eigenvalues (Ch. 13) Part IV Curve Fitting: Linear Regression (Ch. 14), General Linear Least-squares (Ch. 15), Polynomial Interpolation (Ch. 17), Splines and Piecewise Interpolation (Ch. 18) Part V Numerical Integration: trapezoidal and Simpsons rule (Ch. 19), Romberg Integration and Gaussian quadrature (Ch. 20); Numerical Dierentiation (Ch. 21) Part VI Ordinary Dierential Equations: Initial-Value problems and Linear Systems of equations (Ch. 22), Sti systems (Ch. 23, time permitting) All chapter references are to the course text. Part I
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(such as room numbers, topics covered, tentative dates, etc.) will be announced in class.