Parentletter Alg2 16-17
Parentletter Alg2 16-17
Parentletter Alg2 16-17
Pre-AP Algebra 2 takes you on a journey rich in mathematical investigations and applications
that encourage the exploration of ideas, data, patterns, and algebraic relationships. The goal is
to develop advanced algebraic tools and mathematical power that will help you make
connections between algebra and the world around you. Important decision-making situations
will confront you in life, and your ability to use mathematics and algebra can help you make
informed decisions.
PreCalculus: This course is required for all high school students and provides a foundation for
further studies in mathematics. It is a study of basic skills and applications of polynomial,
rational, radical, exponential and logarithmic functions, solving systems of equations using a
variety of methods, and trigonometry. Additional topics such as sequences, series, probability,
conics, and calculus may be included. A student will earn one credit upon successful
completion of this course. Prerequisites: Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2
2 binder
College rule paper
Pencils Only (For notes, tests, etc.)
Map Colored Pencils
Purple Grading Pen
Calculator (TI-83/84)
Some supplies will be available during class. However, you are expected to have supplies of
your own.
Student Responsibilities:
You are expected to have all of your supplies with you each day. As well as,
(1) being in class, (absences are costly in terms of missing important material),
(2) being rested and in the proper frame of mind to concentrate during class, and
(3) finding daily time to study the concepts and complete the homework. (Doing all of the
homework the
night before the test will not lead to success.)
You are also expected to follow the guidelines in the Student Handbook including make-up
work following absences and guidelines for tardiness and final exam exemptions. If you
know that you will be absent, you are responsible for being prepared upon your
return to class. You are expected to taking notes and participating in classroom lectures
and activities.
Grading Period:
Your six weeks averages will be determined using the following system:
1. In-class assignments/Homework
2. Quizzes
3. Calendar Grade
Major work grades include:
1. Exams
2. Projects
3. Binder Grades
Parents: If you have email, please email a brief note (just say hi) that includes your
students name and your name. I will then copy your address into my address
book so that we can communicate 47easily. Please feel free to email me at any
Academic honesty: It is expected and encouraged for students to work together and help
each other on homework assignments with the goal of learning the material and not just
copying work. However, students are expected to do their own work on all quizzes, tests or
major projects. Any student guilty of dishonesty in academic work is subject to disciplinary
action as provided by the student code of conduct at Goose Creek CISD may receive a failing
grade on the assignment. Other penalties may also apply. Cheating is a serious offense with
serious consequences. Consult the student handbook for more details.
Curriculum Outline (Algebra 2/Pre-Calculus)
First Semester
First Six WeeksUnit 1: Functions
First Six Weeks
o Arithmetic Sequences and Series
o Geometric Sequences and Series
o Exponential Growth Functions
o Exponential Decay Functions
o The Base e
Chapter 14: Modeling with
Exponential and Other Functions
o Fitting Exponential Functions to
o Choosing Among Linear, Quadratic,
and Exponential Models
***Possible Project***
Sixth Six Weeks: Exponential and
Logarithm Functions and Equations
Chapter 15: Logarithm Functions
o Defining and Evaluating Logarithm
o Graphing Logarithm Functions
Chapter 16: Logarithm
Properties; Exponential and
Logarithmic Equations
o Properties of Logarithms
o Solving Exponential Equations
o Solving Logarithm Equations
Introduction to Conic Sections
o Parabolas
o Circles
o Hyperbolas
o Ellipses
Law of Sine
Law of Cosines
Parents and Students, please sign up for Remind to get the latest update on
assignments, quizzes, exams, etc.
Algebra 2: Text the message @nguyalg2 to the number 81010. If you are having trouble with
81010, try texting @nguyalg2 to (832) 924-0181
PreCalculus: Text the message @nguypre to the number 81010. If you are having trouble with
81010, try texting @nguypre to (832) 924-0181.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Please read and study the above pages with a parent/guardian. Please sign below
indicating your understanding and acceptance of these pages. Please return by
Friday, August 26, 2016 (This will be the First grade in the gradebook!).
Class period________
Thank You,
Ms. Cam Nhi Nguyen
Algebra 2 & Pre-Cal