UnitOutline-MM1 2022
UnitOutline-MM1 2022
UnitOutline-MM1 2022
• interpret and evaluate mathematical and statistical information and ascertain the reasonableness of
solutions to problemS
Content Descriptions
Topic 1: Exponential functions
• Indices and the index laws:
o review indices (including fractional indices) and the index laws
o use radicals and convert to and from fractional indices
o understand and use scientific notation and significant figures.
• Exponential functions:
o establish and use the algebraic properties of exponential functions
o recognise the qualitative features of the graph of including asymptotes, and of
its translations ( and )
o identify contexts suitable for modelling by exponential functions and use them to solve
practical problems
o solve equations involving exponential functions using technology, and algebraically in simple
o use the formula for the general term of an arithmetic sequence and
recognise its linear nature
o use arithmetic sequences in contexts involving discrete linear growth or decay, such as simple
o establish and use the formula for the sum of the first n terms of an arithmetic sequence
Geometric sequences:
o recognise and use the recursive definition of a geometric sequence:
o use the formula for the general term of a geometric sequence and recognise its
exponential nature
o understand the limiting behaviour as of the terms in a geometric sequence
and its dependence on the value of the common ratio r
o establish and use the formula for the sum of the first n terms of a geometric
o use geometric sequences in contexts involving geometric growth or decay, such as compound
Assessment Tasks
Name Due Date Weighting
In class Assignment Monday Week 5: 28 February 25%
End-of-unit Test Test Week: 25 March - 31 March 75%
See BSSS Policy and Procedure Manual 4.3.10 for further information.
See BSSS Policy and Procedure Manual 4.3.12 for further information.
External moderation happens twice a year in March and August. Teachers look at portfolios of work from
other colleges, moderate the grades awarded to the students and provide feedback on the assessment tasks.
This ensures that the quality of assessment and the grading of students is consistent across the ACT system.
A student who achieves an A A student who achieves a B A student who achieves a C A student who achieves a D A student who achieves an E
grade typically grade typically grade typically grade typically grade typically
● critically applies mathematical ● applies mathematical concepts in ● applies mathematical concepts in ● applies simple mathematical ● applies simple mathematical
concepts in a variety of complex a variety of contexts to routine and some contexts to routine and non- concepts in limited contexts to routine concepts in structured contexts
Concepts and Techniques
● communicates simple
contexts ● communicates mathematical ● communicates mathematical ● communicates simple mathematical information in oral,
● communicates mathematical judgements and arguments in oral, judgements and arguments in oral, mathematical judgements or written and/or multimodal forms, with
judgements and arguments in oral, written and/or multimodal forms, written and/or multimodal forms, arguments in oral, written and/or limited use of appropriate language
written and/or multimodal forms, which are clear and reasoned, using using appropriate and accurate multimodal forms, with some use of
● identifies solutions to routine
which are succinct and well- appropriate and accurate language language appropriate language
problems in structured contexts
reasoned, using appropriate and
● analyses the reasonableness of ● explains the reasonableness of ● describes the appropriateness of
accurate language
solutions to routine and non-routine solutions to some routine and non- solutions to routine problems ● reflects on their own thinking with
● evaluates the reasonableness of problems routine problems little or no reference to planning, time
solutions to routine and non-routine ● reflects on their own thinking with management, use of appropriate
● reflects on their own thinking and ● reflects on their own thinking and
problems in a variety of contexts some reference to planning, time strategies to work independently and
analyses planning, time explains planning, time management,
● reflects with insight on their own management, use of appropriate use of appropriate strategies to work management, use of appropriate collaboratively
thinking and that of others and strategies to work independently and independently and collaboratively strategies to work independently and
● identifies some ways in which
evaluates planning, time collaboratively collaboratively
● explains the potential of Mathematics is used to generate
management, use of appropriate ● analyses the potential of Mathematics to generate knowledge ● describes the potential of knowledge in the public good
strategies to work independently and Mathematics to generate knowledge in the public good Mathematics to generate knowledge
collaboratively in the public good in the public good
● evaluates the potential of
Mathematics to generate knowledge
in the public good
Maths Methods 1 2022
Text: Cambridge Senior Maths Mathematical Methods Units 1 & 2
Week 8 Revision
21 – 25 Mar
IB Learner Profile Attributes addressed in this unit: Inquirers, Knowledgeable, Thinkers, Communicators, Principled,
Open-Minded, Caring, Risk-Takers, Balanced and Reflective.