Goodbye Eeeee 1
Goodbye Eeeee 1
Goodbye Eeeee 1
A simple set of skirmish rules for the Great War on the Western Front
This is a very simple set of rules for small scale actions in World War One. Games may be played by two or more players, each of which will typically command a force of 20-30 figures commanded by a junior Officer aided by one or more NCOs. FIGURE SCALE One figure or model is 1 man or vehicle. GROUND SCALE Non distance are what work visually and practically in game terms. MEASUREMENTS All measurements between figures are taken from the centre of the figures head. For models it should be to an agreed central point on the model, e.g. turret, gun breech etc. TERRAIN SET UP TROOPS STATISTICS Fighting Skill Luck Terrain should be set up by mutual agreement using whatever system the players prefer. Troops are defined by seven statistics which are presented in a simple grid for each personality and/or group.
The base number a figure adds to his D6 roll to determine outcome of hand to hand combat The number of times a figure may be especially lucky. It requires 1 Luck point to perform and action like re-rolling a dice roll to roll a save against a wound i.e. that was lucky, grannies silver cigarette case stopped the bullet. A character may perform an unusually heroic action for the cost of one Valour point e.g. Move up to double distance, double shooting, melee or other attacks or a combination of what would normally be considered two normal moves e.g. move full and shoot. Move out of sequence by taking the initiative, at any point in the turn a player may use 1 Valour point to take the initiative. If more than 1 player decides to do this at the same time, roll a dice. Using a valour point will affect the figure in question and any figures with 10cm. The number of shooting or melee attacks. Most weapons fire once in a turn, details are in the main weapons table. The number of Wounds or Damage the figure can sustain, typically 1 hit will cause 1 wound, when a figure reaches 0 wounds it is considered to be dead or too badly hurt to continue. How effective a character is at commanding the troops under his command. Figures shoot automatically but require an order to move. To order troops take the Command Value and roll 2D6 if the result is the same or less than the command value the order is passed and the troops will move. If the dice total is more than the command value then the order is failed and the troops stay where they are. If the Command Figures is more than 20cm from any figures there is a -1 modifier. If any troops are suppressed there is a -1 modifier to the roll. If there is no command figure within 40cm troops may use their basic squad value which is normally much lower than an NCO or Officers. How brave a character or group is, to make a morale test roll 2D6 and add the morale factor. If the total is 12 or more the test is passed, if less it is a fail.
There are a number of types of troops in the game, these correspond to military rank.
Private Soldiers The vast majority of figures will be privates who form the bulk of a fighting section, all privates share the same statistics with regard to Valour Luck and Morale and all have a single wound. Where a section is allocated a point of valour or luck then this is a single point which may be used ONCE by any member of the section. Junior NCOs Each section of privates must be commanded by a junior NCO, a corporal or lance corporal. Junior NCOs have either a point of Luck or Valour in their own right and slightly better Morale than common privates. For every two sections of privates there must be an Senior NCO, a sergeant or above, these may command sections in their own right or bolster the authority of a junior NCO. Senior NCOs have either a point of Luck or Valour in their own right and better Morale than common privates. In addition a Senior NCO may have an extra skill, this normally takes the form of an extra attack or competence with a particular weapon.
Senior NCOs
Junior Officers Each side must be commanded by a Junior Officer, normally a Second Lieutenant, Lieutenant or, rarely, a Captain. Officers normally should have extra points of Luck and Valour, good Morale and extra specialist skills which normally take the form of an extra attack, competence with a particular weapon or special ability which can be anything a player/referee can thing up. Morale and Command Table
Troop Type Private Soldiers Junior NCOs Senior NCOs Junior Officers Heavy Tanks Light Tanks Attacks 1 1 2 1 Variable Variable Luck Points 1 (per section) 1 2 2 1 1 Valour Points 1 (per section) 1 1 2 1 1 Wounds 1 1 2 2 5 3 Courage (Morale) 6 8 9 10 7 7 Command 6 8 9 10 8 7 Points 10 30 70 100 150 100
LUCK AND VALOUR Before using a point of Luck or valour the player must state what his intention is and the opponents MUST agree that it is a suitable use of a he Point. In addition to the luck and valour of the Officer and NCOs each squad has one valour point which the player may use to allow a normal private to be attempt an heroic act and/or lead his fellows. TURN SEQUENCE Each turn starts with each player rolling a D10, a roll of a 1 gains a random event (see below) while the highest roll had the initiative and starts the turn. After the player with the initiative has finished all his actions (see below) he decides in which direction around the table the action is to move for that turn. When it is his turn each player: Actions any random event. Makes any Morale Tests for troops supressed in previous turn. Move figures on initiative any figures (not tanks) free to move may move up to 5cm without an order. Makes command rolls to move troops except those which moved on initiative. Moves troops. Fires troops and weapons. Engages in close combat.
GENERAL RULES Command To issue orders the squad commander must roll 2D6 and score equal or less than his command value, if the squad commander is out of action the squad may still move on initiative (max 5cm) or try to roll against its generic squad command, normally a 6. Pinned troops may not be commanded. Other Factors Movement Infantry Move 15cm (To climb 1 level costs 5cm and roll a D6, 1 or 2 is a fail and figure may not move). Getting up from prone costs 5cm. Infantry may move up to 25cm but may not fire this round or move next round, firing in next round is at -1 to hit. Heavy Weapons MGs, LMGs, Mortars, AT Rifles and Flamethrowers etc. may not Dash. Infantry who may move can do so without the need for an order but only for a distance of 5cm, basically to allow them to get into a better firing position. Figures which have used initiative are excluded from normal move orders. MG & LMG NO movement and firing Rifles, Grenades, SMG & Flame Throwers move up to 5cm and fire. Pistols & Shotguns full move and fire If troops are attacked they may attempt to shoot at their attackers as they close, roll courage to see if the defender gets a shot off. All Closing Fire is at short range but -1 to hit. LMG only fire twice. MG fire 4 times. Move 10cm cross country 15cm on road Move 15cm cross country 20cm on road Under LMG fire -1, Under MG fire -2, 20cm or more from command fig -1.
Initiative Moves
Closing Fire
Machine Guns of various types fire multiple times, see below, all other weapons fire once unless a figure has a skill which allows multiple shots. For each shot:~ Roll to Hit Roll for any cover in the way, 1-3 cover interrupts bullet, 4-6 bullet gets through, figures in the open but prone count as in cover but only get a save on 1 or 2. Roll to Kill Closing Fire If charged the target may shoot at one charger if the chargee makes a morale test. This is a snap shot and the to hit dice roll is at -1. Covering/Overwatch Fire
Figures which have moved less than 5cm and do not fire in their turn may take up an over-watch position to cover a particular area for enemy activity. The area covered is 45o of a line straight ahead of the figure. Enemy moving in or through this area can be shot as a snap shot at -1 to hit. It is recommended that figures on over-watch have a suitably coloured counter placed next to them. HAND TO HAND Combat is simultaneous:~ Take Fighting Skill, +1 If figure has initiative (initiated the combat) -1 for each of: supressed, prone or fighting multiple opponents, Add D6 Winner wounds/subdues opponent. If character has multiple attacks the other figure has to beat BOTH attacks +4 if tank in combat (rolling over enemy). If both would be killed or not killed combat is a draw and both sides fall back 3cm. If fighting multiple opponents figure fights all but can only kill first opponent, all others are simply driven off 3 cm. COURAGE (MORALE) SEE ALSO SUPPRESSION IN SPECIAL RULES If squad is faced by terrifying weapons (Flame Throwers and Tanks) or if the unit is reduced to 50% or less it must test morale, start with highest ranking figure e.g. a sergeant. Officers and NCOs rolls will include any lesser ranks within 15cm. Any figures not within 15cm of an officer or NCO roll as individuals using basic squad morale. Roll 2D6 if result is the same or less than the testing figure/s courage factor, more morale is ok, otherwise it is failed figure becomes pinned or if squad strength is 50% or less the figures rout and retire for two turns towards original table edge at DASH speed abandoning heavy weapons like MGs, LMGs Mortars etc. Pinned Troops If a shot was on target but failed to wound then the figure must test its courage (morale), if this fails the figure is pinned. Pinned figures may retest their courage at the start of their turn but if they remain pinned they may not move or fire and if charged may not shoot at their attacker and fight at -1. When testing Courage use any officer/nco within 20cm, if non available use the squad Courage factor. Pinned troops are considered to be seeking the maximum cover and are generally not eligible as targets unless an enemy figure has gone out of its way to seek out the pinned figure. Stand To In the orders phase figures may be give a stand to order instead of moving. Figures on a stand to order DO NOT shoot in their turn, rather they are watching for enemy movement. During the enemys next turn any figures which present themselves to the figure on stand to potentially can be shot at by that figure. Each player rolls a D6, if the figure on stand to wins he may fire at the moving enemy; if the moving figure wins then he has moved before the figure on stand to has noticed. The basic dice roll may be altered in either sides favour by adding +1 or more to the roll depending on circumstances, these should be discussed by the players before the dice are rolled. For instance if a figure is making a short dash across a small section of open terrain the moving player may justifiably ask for a +1 bonus to his roll.
To Wound a Man To Damage Tank, Roll D6 -1 if wearing Armoured Car etc. armour
3+ Short ~ 4+ Long 4+ 4+ Short ~ 5+ Long 4+ 4+ Short ~ 5+ Long 3+ Short ~ 6+ Long 6 followed by 4+ 6 followed by 5+ No 6 followed by 5+ No No
Hand Grenade - 4cm radius Rifle Grenade - 4cm radius Cluster Grenade 6cm blast radius Sniper If no move Antitank Rifle -1 to hit man size targets Flame Thrower 5cm Grantenwerfer etc. Light Mortar 3/75mm Field Artillery If shooting at Tank 4/5/6 To hit depending on range 6ld/37mm Tank Gun Tank LMG (2 Shots)
4+ 4+ 3+
6 followed by 5+ 6 followed by 5+ 1-6 attacks, then 5+ to damage for each 6 followed by 5+ 4 (1-3 damage) 5 (1-3 damage) 6 followed by 3+ 6 (1D6 points of damage) 4 (2D6 Points of damage)
0-40 0-40
40-80 40-80
3+ 4+
4+ 3+ Cover only on 1 or 2 3+
Area is 25cm long by 6cm wide 20-50 30-70 0-60 50-100 70-120 60-120 100-150 120-200 120-200
Use scatter die plus 4+ 2,3 or 4 D6 3+ depending on range 3+ band. See detailed notes below. 4+ 4+ 5+ Cover only on 1 or 2 4+
0-25 0-25
25-50 25-50
SPECIAL RULES Suppression: Men hit but not wounded duck into cover/fall prone on a failed Morale test. At the start of their next movement they must pass a Morale test to recover, supressed troops may not perform any action except defend in HtH Combat at -1 When shot at by MG test at -1. GRENADES o o o o o Grenades and Rifle grenades have a blast diameter of 8cm.. There are no to hit roll for grenades, instead roll scatter die and 1D6 at short range, scatter die and 2D6 at long range. If there are any obstructions walls etc. add an extra D6 for each obstruction. Grenade specialists discount 1D6 and have an Maximum long range of 30cm. Rifle Grenades add an extra D6. This means that if its on target all is well otherwise it can go anywhere. If grenade is thrown into confined area (building, trench etc.) it will wound on a 3+ although cover may still apply.
In a cant miss situation e.g. dropped through a window which the figure is beside roll scatter and 1D6 distance die twice and player may choose which one to use.
Light Machine Guns (LMG): Can fire 3 shots per turn (2 shots if only 1 crew). A LMG may fire three times in a turn, generally at the same target. However if the first shot is fatal to the target the LMG looses its second shot but may switch its last shot to a second target which must be within 5cm of the first target. A LMG jams if rolls 2 or more 1s on hit dice (if there is only 1 crew then any roll of 1 will jam). One full turn needed to clear jam. Tank LMGs may fire after moving but have a -1 penalty due to the rough ride.
Heavy Machine Guns. o o o o No move and fire. Need 1 turn to set-up before firing. Fires 9 shots per turn in a beaten zone 10cm wide -1 shot per crew lost). Roll D6 for each figure in beaten zone starting with nearest, this is the number of shots potentially hitting the figure, roll for each figure until all 9 shots have been allocated, if allocation dice for the available figures does not add up to 9 then the remaining shots are considered lost. After allocating shots work out to hit, cover and wound rolls as normal. Jams if rolls 3 or more 1s on hit dice (if crew number is 1 then any roll of 1 will jam). One full turn needed to clear jam.
o o
Sniper: Better to hit (see shooting table) 0-40 short range, 40-80 long range, only gain sniper bonus on range if didnt move. Can re-roll 1 cover roll. Every turn fires, enemy rolls to spot needing 5+ to be able to return fire. Flamethrower: uses template 25cm long and 5cm wide. Ignores cover. Terror: Test Courage (-2) if facing flame thrower. o If flame thrower is fired into a confined area (building, trench etc.) it will wound on a 3+. o BOOM! When operator or tank man hit, roll again. On a 4+, explode, killing operators and place grenade template over figure, hitting all under it as above.
Stormtroopers/Trench Raiders/Veterans Move 20. Assault Fire: Can move > and fire. Full move in difficult terrain. Anti Tank Rifle Templates MORTARS -1 to hit a man due to low rate of fire but cover only counts on 1 or 2 Grenades, tanks and 50mm mortars firing HE have a blast radius of 8cm Either the mortar crew must be able to see the intended target OR the mortar NCO must be able to see the intended target AND the mortar. Mortars have 3 range bands, to hit roll scatter die and 2,3 or 4 dice when firing. If firing at same place where the previous round landed then roll 2 scatter die and choose which to use AND reduce number of range dice by 2, thus at close range a second shot to where the last shell landed will always be on target (no distance deviation dice), while medium and long ranges roll 2 scatter and 1 or 2 dice.
Tank Critical Hit If a tank is damaged by Anti-tank Rifle, Cluster Grenade, Mortar or Field Gun, roll for Critical Hit: Heavy o o o o Tank 1-3 no Critical 4 LMG knocked out 5 Heavy Gun knocked out If no heavy gun then LMG knocked out 6 Engine Damaged Crew must test courage to remain on board and roll 4+ next to restart the engine.
Renault Light Tank o 1-3 no Critical o 4 Sponson/Turret/Gun Mount Jammed Crew must roll 4+ to unjam. o 5 Sponson/Turret/Gun knocked out o 6 Engine Damaged Crew must test courage to remain on board and roll 4+ next to restart the engine. If they fail the courage roll the crew abandons the tank, they may re-roll courage at the start of each turn if the player wishes them to re-enter the CHARACTERS SPECIAL ABILITIES TROOP QUALITY
The above factors are for average troops only, specialists and troops of higher or lower quality may be accommodated by either adding or subtracting to hit factors or by increasing the range bands for individuals use of particular weapons.
RANDOM EVENTS Any player who scores a natural 1 when rolling for initiative is dealt a playing card face down. When it is that players turn he turns the card over and actions the result before starting his turn, NB remove all cards below 9.
HEARTS - ACE HEARTS KING HEARTS QUEEN HEARTS JACK HEARTS TEN HEARTS NINE CLUBS ACE Thank God you found me! Section come across a lost soldier whos been stuck in no-mans land. He joins the section as an ordinary rifleman. I Shall Impose my Will on the Field of Battle! Gain initiative Keep until needed then play after rolling D10 to gain the initiative for that turn Its only a scratch Keep until needed, Play to reduce one Wound on any figure to nothing more than a minor scratch. Luck Sod Keep until needed then play as a LUCK point May be used to re-roll an initiative roll. Voice of Command keep until needed then add +2 to an order roll. Voice of Command keep until needed then add +1 to an order roll. DAKA DAKA DAKA!!! Stray burst of machine gun fire from off table catches section. Roll for each member of section; 1-3 no effect, 4-5 figure is suppressed, 6 figure is killed. NB Cover saves will apply, roll any such saves before rolling for effect. Not a Good Day to be a Hero! Lose 1 HERO point from a figure or group, work down in seniority. BANG Stray Artillery shell lands 2D6 and a scatter die from unit leader. Blast Radius DIAMETER 12cm. Roll for every figure in blast zone, 1 no effect, 2-4 suppressed for this and next turn, 5 or 6 blown to pieces. Tank 1-2 no effect 3-5 suppressed and 1 weapon knocked out. 6 tank destroyed. If player has more than 1 section roll to which is affected. Damn Mud! Mud has got into firing mechanisms. No shooting for MG, LMG, Mortars or Flamethrowers this turn, no move until mud is cleared. Its Too Quiet Sudden and eerie silence, players troops must make a morale test, pass = half move, fail = no more. Players figures may not shoot. Better Him than Me Keep until needed then play at start of turn to drop a random shell on any other player. Blast Radius DIAMETER 12cm. Roll for every figure in blast zone, 1 no effect, 2-4 suppressed for this and next turn, 5 or 6 blown to pieces. Tank 1-2 no effect 3-5 suppressed and 1 weapon knocked out. 6 tank destroyed. Stirling Chaps Keep until needed then play to pass any Morale test Full of Vim and Vigour Keep until needed then play to add +2 to a hand to hand combat. Dead Eye Keep until needed then play when 1 figure shoots. +1 to Hit, -1 for cover +1 to Wound rolls Voice of Command keep until needed then add +2 to an order roll. Voice of Command keep until needed then add +1 to an order roll. BIG BANG Stray Artillery shell lands 3D6 and a scatter die from unit leader. Blast Radius DIAMETER 20cm. Roll for every figure in blast zone, 1 no effect, 2-3 suppressed for this and next turn, 4 - 6 blown to pieces. Tank 1-2 no effect 3-4 suppressed and 1 weapon knocked out. 5-6 tank destroyed. GAS BOYS! Gas shell lands 2D6 and a scatter die from unit leader. Blast Radius 10cm. Roll for every figure in gas cloud, 1-3 no effect,4-5 suppressed for this turn, 6 gassed to death. Roll 2D6 +10 for wind Speed and Scatter for direction, gas cloud will continue to move in this direction for rest of game. Loss of Moral Fibre! Whole section and any Officers and Sergeants within 20cm filled with sudden irrational fear of death. All figures DASH back towards own start table edge for 1 turn then become suppressed need to pass moral test to move. Sniper random off table sniper has a pot shot at unit. Player who drew card rolls D3, that player to the card drawers left may pick a figure for the sniper to shoot at. 1-3 no effect, 4-5 Suppressed for next turn, 6 Brains splattered all over France. Smitten by Indecision Commander cant decide what to do No move this turn to allow player to think about next move. KIASER/KITCHENERS Quickstep No Move this turn while squad leader answers natures call, squad members may fire.
SPECIAL SKILLS POINTS SYSTEM If desired a points system can be used to help produce a balanced game. Forces should follow historical precedent whenever possible but some leeway may be taken in special circumstances for example when putting together a trench raiding party which might include shotguns, extra bombers and some troops with body armour. The following are the costs are for specialist skills and or equipment which may be allocated to forces, they are in addition to the cost of the basic figure which is 10 points in all instances. Attacking troops should have approximately a 25% advantage as defending troops have a major advantage. Officer Senior NCO Junior NCO Flamethrower Sniper Rifle Grenadier LMG Grenadier (Bomber) Antitank Rifle Heavy Tank Light Tank Small 50mm mortar 3/75mm mortar Heavy Machinegun Extra Melee Attack Extra Shooting Attack Extra Wound +1 Bonus to Hit Body Armour 90 60 20 20 20 20 20 10 20 200 150 50 100 150 10 10 10 10 10 (Troops in body armour may not dash).
Veteran and elite troops should be represented by adding extra attacks, wounds and bonuses to hit. Specualtive British Platoon Rifle Section 1 Lance Corporal at 30pts 8 Riflemen at 10 points 1 Rifleman upgraded to sniper at 20 points Bomb Section 130 points 130 points
1 Lance Corporal at 30pts 6 Riflemen at 10 points 2 Rifleman upgraded to bomber at 20 points (+1 to hit) LMG Section 150 points
1 Lance Corporal at 30pts 6 Riflemen at 10 points (includes LMG number 2s) 2 Rifleman upgraded to LMG at 30 points Rifle Grenade Section 150 points
1 Lance Corporal at 30pts 6 Riflemen at 10 points 2 Rifleman upgraded to Rifle bomber at 30 points (Non specialist have extra D6 scatter) Command Section 1 2nd Lieutenant at 100pts 2 Sergeants at 70 points TOTAL 800 points 240 points