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Vietnam Platoon Patrol

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20 MM FIGURES 1 Figure equal to 1 Figure otherwise 1 to 5 ,10 15 20
NO NEED FOR BASES for Tanks Mortars Artillery Helicopters Machine Guns
180cm x 120cm split into 24 SECTORS of 30cm x 30cm, then each sector
split into 9 Zones of 10cm x 10cm.Always number from the Top left edged
square with 1 to 4 etc.
Total Total SECTORS 24 Total ZONES 216
Before turns begin the Viet Cong player can map out 2 tunnels in 4 adjoining
Sectors each with 2 exit/entrances ending inside a zone. Movement in
tunnels is always at 3cm.. The NVA/Viet Cong always starts on the edge
opposite U.S They can also map out up to 10 booby traps (x marks the spot)
When a figure moves over or onto the area check that figures D6 score if it
is less than 5 the figure loses 1 life.
Players involved:- 1 against 1 or U.S 1 player per squad and if more
players 1 playing the Platoon HQ and 1 the weapons squad. Vietnamese
players 1 per squad or extra players with 4 squads or cells plus Combat
Support plus HQ . To pick type of U.S. platoon throw 1xD6 to see which
Platoon i.e 1Ranger ,2 Special, 3 Rifle, 4 Airborne , 5 Light , 6 Air Assault.
1 SEQUENCE equals 1 U.S players turn then 1 Vietnamese players turn
THE U.S always goes first from any edge.
Before each SEQUENCE starts each figure throws
1xD3 1xD3(use different colour dice) 1xD6 1xD8 1xD10 1xD12 These
scores last for 1 Sequence unless troop types permit a reroll at the beginning
of the sequence (your turn and your opponents turn)

No Rerolls if Civilians, for any Crew, New Recruits .
Can Reroll D8 D10 Regulars U.S Infantry Foreign Troops
Can Reroll D8 D10 D12 Viet Cong /NVA
Can Reroll D8 D10 D12 Special Forces Snipers Elite Forces
Repeat same procedure and reroll the dice again in the next Sequence
Squad Leaders are no different from any other figure.
D3 the score equals the number of actions for 1 figure ( move fire or melee)
in 1 Sequence. i.e score a 2 so 1 figure is allowed 2 actions.
D3 (different colour dice) the score equals the number of lives a figure has
in 1 Sequence i.e a roll of 3 means the figure has 3 lives this sequence . you
lose lives to firing and melee. This is the same for Oxen/Mules only use D3
D3 (different colour dice ) per sequence
D6 the score to save 1 figure from firing in 1 Sequence a score of 4 5 or 6
saves from Rifle firing 5 from Machine guns and any automatic weapons
6 from Grenades /artillery fire
D8 (1 Action) Up to 3 Actions , the score to hit in firing in 1 Sequence a
score of 4 is a hit in the open 5 is a hit in soft cover 6 is a hit in hard cover.
a score of 5 is a hit in the open if enemy figure is crawling or prone 6 is a hit
in soft cover if figure is crawling or prone 7 is a hit if figure is in hard cover
and is crawling or prone. A 3 is needed if firing automatic weapons i.e so to
hit in the open would be 3 a hit in soft cover would be 4 etc. EVERY FIGURE
Line of Sight only Pick your target 360 degrees, 45 degrees of machine gun
barrel. All artillery and air strikes are classed as from off the battlefield
All hits on Vehicles are to the Crew, when no Crew are left the Vehicle is
classed as destroyed. Crew in Soft skin Vehicles are classed as in soft cover
Crew in light tanks , APC are classed as in Hard Cover .AFV you need a 8
Soft skinned Vehicle Crew can be killed by all firing Light Tanks ,APC and
AFV Crew can be killed by RPGs Recoiless Rifles Heavy Mortars Artillery
Bazookas M72 law Airstrikes.
D10 the score you use to attack or defend in melee in 1 sequence
MELEE (1 Action) D10 Up to 3 Actions Your D10 score against your
opponents D10 score the highest score is the winner . The difference
deduct off opponents lives D3 If opponents score is higher no deductions
If even Opponent can continue in melee or move away +2 to attacker if
defending figure is crawling or prone +1 if defender behind hard cover.
Base to Base contact You still melee if in soft hard/cover so long as both
figures are contacting between soft/hard cover
D12 the score you use to observe an enemy in soft or hard cover in 1
sequence Your figure picks only 1 enemy figure and uses his observation
score to see if his score is higher , if even or lower then your figure cannot
see the enemy figure and cannot move or fire or melee with that
figure.Your opponent does not reveal his score to you This is based on
Example :- A U.S infantry figure rolls D3 D3 D6 D8 D10 D12
Scores are 1 2 6 4 7 3
This means he has 1 movement action 2 lives , a save he can reroll his D8
even though he has a hit in the open, can leave his D10 as it is an average
score and his observation skills in this sequence are poor.
The Defending player does not tell the Attacker his dice scores . Based on
Trust The Attacker will know when a figure is killed when it is taken off.
If you lose any lives and are down to 1 life on your D3 in your current turn
and your D3 throw in your next Sequence is 1 ( if squad leader is killed it is
2) then you cannot move towards any enemy and must move backwards for
1 move You can still fight in melee if attacked but you cannot fire.
You can go back to normal if you do not throw 1 (2 If Squad Leader is killed)
on you next D3
Irregular force of peasants, farmers and women and children.
North Vietnamese Army regular soldiers reasonably well trained and usually
formed in larger numbers and took over from the Viet Cong when they were
virtually destroyed ( lost 30000 troops) in the Tet Offensive
Viet Cong Guerrillas usually to young or old to fight for the Viet Cong
usually setting booby traps scouting and sniping and ranged from a single 3
man cell to a platoon of 3-4 squads. Usually operated in a squad of 12 men.
Regional VC operated as independent companies but would be split up into
platoons squads and cells and would fight in their local area
NVA Main force Regulars organised into battalions of 3 Rifle Companies and
a Combat Support Company.
On larger operations they could be organised into regiments of 2-3
VC Main Force Company (Take bits out for a regional force)
1xCompany HQ Section
3x Rifle Platoons (each 1x Platoon HQ Section , 4 x Rifle Squad
Combat Support Elements (attached)
Company HQ Section
1x Captain
1 x Lieutenant
1x RTO ( Radio Telephone Operator)
2x Runner
Rifle Platoon HQ Section
1x Lieutenant
1x Senior Sergeant
1x Runner
Rifle Squad
1x Sergeant
1x Corporal
1x RPD 7.62mm MG (1x Rifleman)
6x Riflemen
Combat Support
1x Sergeant
1x Corporal
1x.30mm MG (3crew)
1x60mm Mortar (3crew)
1x 57mm RR (3crew)
3x Riflemen
VC also used a lot of RPG.s mainly the RPG-2 RPG-7
Heavy Weapon Platoons usually consisted of 12.7mmAAMG.s 81/82mm
Mortars and Recoilless Rifles normally 75mm
Higher Formation BATTALION
Battalion HQ , Political Staff, 3x Rifle Companies, 1xCombat Support
Company, 1xSignal Platoon, 1x Recon Platoon, 1x Sapper Platoon
Viet Cong carried an assortment of arms SKS carbines vintage rifles SMG
but few AK-47

U.S. Army
All dismounted infantry units use the same basic ideas in combat ,but some
differences exist between organisations.
The Company Weapons Platoon provided Marine 6x M60, 6xanti-
tankM72LAAW , 3x60mm mortar)Army was M72LAW, Army 81mm mortar.
Usually mortar fire was called in to a specific area like Artillery before
advancing. 3 men per Mortar.
Special Forces A-Team were units of between 20-40men usually dropped by
helicopter or parachuted in the drop zone.
Each Platoon has 1 forward observer attached to the radio operator and 1
Platoon aidman.
Light Infantry Rifle Platoon
1 Platoon HQ (Platoon Leader ,Platoon Sergeant, Platoon radio operator M14
M16) with 2 Machine Gun teams (Each Machine Gun has 2 men, a Machine
gunner and an assistant).
3 Rifle Squads
Infantry Rifle Platoon
1 Platoon HQ (Platoon Leader, Platoon Sergeant, Platoon radio operator
M14 M16)
3 Rifle Squads
1 Weapons Squad of 1 squad leader and ((2 Machine Gun teams ), 2 anti-
armour teams each consisting of 1 anti-armour gunner and 1 assistant))
Air Assault Rifle Platoon same as Infantry Rifle Platoon
Airborne Rifle Platoon same as Infantry Rifle Platoon
Ranger Rifle Platoon
1 Platoon HQ (Platoon Leader, Platoon Sergeant, Platoon radio operator M14
3 Rifle Squads
1 Weapons Squad of 1 squad leader and 3 machine gun teams (each
machine gun has 3 men ( 1 machine gunner ,1assistant machine gunner, and
1ammunition bearer)
The most common Rifle Squad has 9 soldiers (but could be 10) consisting of
1 squad leader, 2 fire team leaders M14,M16 with 2 automatic riflemen 2
riflemen 2 grenadiers (1 Rifleman extra if 10 soldiers)
Marines Marines had larger squads
1 squad leader with M14/M16 Grenadier with M79
1 Fire Team of 4 marines (Corporal with M14/M16 1 Automatic Rifleman 2
1 Squad of 3 fire teams (12 men per squad)
1 Rifle Platoon of 3 squads
1 Rifle Company of 3 rifle platoons
Rifle Platoon
1Platoon HQ (1 Officer 3 other ranks)
3x Rifle Sections
1xRifle Section
10 other ranks
Cavalry Regiment ( 2/3 of helicopters were Hueys)
Squad of 4 troops
A Troop
3x M48
5x M113
1x M113 81mm Mortar
1x M113 Command Vehicle
B Troop as above
C Troop as above
D Troop
Air Cavalry Troop
Troop HQ
Weapons Platoon (RED)
11x AH-1 Cobra Attack Helicopter (adjust to newer Helicopters and weapons
Scout Platoon (WHITE)
10x 0H-6 Cayuse Scout Helicopters (adjust to newer Helicopters and
weapons etc)
Aero Rifle Platoon (BLUE)
5x UH-1 Huey Transport
1x HQ section
4x Rifle Squads
1 Squad of
10-12 men
Inclusive of 1x M60 1x M79 and 1 pack radio.

Terrain is placed by the invaded i.e Viet Cong 2 hills, 2 woods, 3 Jungle 1
river if required , 1 village with 2 paddy fields and 2 swamps
1 Sequence equals up to 3 Actions (D3) you can move 3 times or fire move
melee or melee 3 Actions , or fire 3 actions, move 1 Action melee 2
Actions , Melee 1 Move 2 etc
D3 MOVEMENT (1760yards)1625metres x4miles divided by60minutes
divided by 11metres x 2cm divided by 3 actions
Each D3 movement action for a Foot/art figure is 6cm walk crawl 3cm
No deductions for moving through Hard cover for foot/art figure.
No deductions for moving through Soft Cover for foot /art figure
Each 1 movement action for Soft skin vehicles, AFV ,APC ,Light Tanks on
track/road is 52cm
Each 1 movement action for Soft skin vehicles ,AFV ,APC, Light Tanks off
road is 26 cm
Each 1 movement action for AFV,APC Light Tanks swimming is 6cm
Half all the above movements except swimming for PT-76, BTR 50
Each 1 movement action for PBR is 44cm
Each 1 movement action for Helicopters is 157cm
Each 1 movement action for a Oxen/Mule is trot 11cm gallop 13cm
Each 1 movement action for an oxen/mule with Wagon/Cart or if laden with
supplies is 6cm (up to 2 Oxen/mule per wagon/cart.
You can only go across soft cover/hard cover at halve speed for AFV/ Light
Tanks. Soft Skin vehicles keep to tracks and roads.
When totally in bush /jungle unless using tracks , use a direction dice for
movement till you can see a pathway or open ground.
Unlimber limber enter leave building or tunnel
Dismount mount enter/leave vehicle.
Radio incoming/outgoing call is 1 ACTION so you would need 1 action
to order a bombardment or airstrike and 1 action for the actual
bombardment or airstrike so you would need at least a 2 on your D3 if
you get a 3 on your D3 then you would get 2 actions of bombardment or
airstrike.. On a score of 10 or more on the Radio figures observation dice
you can order a bombardment or airstrike to a Zone. A zone is split into 9
areas of 10cmx10cm NOW this is the exception to the rule Throw 1 x
D10 0 is a direct hit so you can choose which of the 9 squares to hit with
the bombardment or airstrike,a score of 1 to 9 is an allocation of 1 square
you start with 1 in the top left hand corner then 2 is next right etc. If any
figures are hit check their D6 and deduct 1 life of their D3 score , repeat
again if you get 2 actions. Your forward observer is placed at the
beginning of the game in a Sector of your choosing. To use his
observation score if radio operator has failed with his score, observer
has to be in any adjacent sector. A bombardment or airstrike is classed as
1 turn.
Medics Base to Base 3 Actions to recover 1 lost life (D3) for 1 figure in 1
turn Your medic must always get a 3 on a D3 to recover 1 lost life for 1
figure you cannot carry over actions.
To pull something down i.e like a high fence or barricade section throw
1xD10 This is the number of actions you need to succeed for infantry and
artillery to make a path width of 1 figure Throw for each section. Up to 5
figures are allowed to throw per section per one action. You choose how
strong cover is so you might decide it is 2xD10 if it is a big barricade. Etc.
Trucks will be able to carry 2 Squads (up to 18 men)
APC will be able to carry 1 Squad.. (up to 11 men)
Jeeps will be able to carry 4 men. Helicopters can carry 14 men or 6
Soft Cover Fence Bush Paddy Fields Jungle Swamp Behind Jeeps/soft skins
Hard Cover Wall bridge woods buildings trench sand bag and boxes
construction fieldworks overturned wagons Bunkers Behind Tanks / APC
Allocation of Crews
2 Crew for Soft-skins trucks jeeps etc and APC,s
3 Crew for Light Tanks
4 Crew for Artillery Battery (no need if off table artillery strike)
4 Crew for Tanks AFV
4 Crew for Helicopters (Hueys)
2 Crew for aircraft (no need if off table Airstrike)
Firing with Crews
Up to 2 Crew figures per machine gun if stationary
1 Crew figure driving when required
1 Crew figure flying Helicopters but can fire Rockets so main gun would be
Up to 4 Crew figures per main gun if stationary
Example: if stationary
T55 1 Crew figure for main gun 1 Crew figure for HMG
1 Crew figure for MG 1 Crew figure for MG
Example : if moving
T55 1 Crew figure driving 1 Crew figure main gun 1 Crew figure for HMG
1 Crew figure for MG
Example: Stationary and firing main gun
4 Crew figures firing main gun

There are no Squad Leaders/Unit Leaders for any Vehicles .

Ranges U.S.
Mk2 Mk61 Mk34 (White Phosphorus for trenches and tunnels )Grenades
sighted up to 4.5cm (25metres)
Pistol /Shotgun sighted up to 9cm (50 metres )
All Artillery, (4 Crew ) AND Air Strikes( 2 Crew) occur off Board.
M14 M16 sighted up to 100cm (550 metres)
M14 Sniper sighted up to 125cm (640 metres) U.S Navy Seals
Thompson Sub Machine Gun sighted up to 9cm (50metres)
Stoner sighted up to 182cm (1000 metres) U.S Navy Seals
M31 HEAT Anti-Tank Rifle Grenade sighted up to 34cm (185metres)
M67 Recoilless Rifle 90mm Anti-Tank sighted up to 382cm (2100metres)
M72 LAW Light Anti-Tank Portable sighted up to 25cm (200metres)
Claymore Mine 60* arc sighted up to 182cm (1000metres)
M60(7.62mm ) Machine Gun sighted up to 200cm (1100metres) U.S Marine
7.62mm Minigun sighted up to 182cm (1000metres)
M79 Grenade Launchers /M203 attachment sighted up to 73cm (400metres)
L2A1AR self loading Battle Rifle sighted up to 109cm (600metres)
M1919(.30mm )Browning Medium Machine Gun sighted up to 249cm
M2 .50mm Machine Gun sighted up to 1231cm (6770metres)effective 364cm
M19 Belt fed Grenade Launcher sighted up to 364cm (2000metres) kills
radius of 5metres (1cm)
M2A1-7 Flamethrower sighted up to 7cm (40metres)
M40 Recoilless Rifle (105mm Anti-Tank and Flechette sighted up to 245cm
M29 Mortar 81mm sighted up to 863cm (4745metres)
M30 Mortar (Mounted) Mortar sighted 1236cm (6000metres)

M41 76mm 32gun (1x *50mm mg 1x*30mm mg)sighted up to 336cm
M48 90mm gun (1x*50mm mg 1x *30mm mg) sighted to 587cm
M551 Sheridan 152mm gun (7.62mm mg ) sighted to 909cm (5000metres)
PBR Patrol Boat Riverine includes 4men
1x MK19 grenade launcher sighted up to 364cm
1 or 2 M60 7,62mm mg
Rear 1x.50mm mg
Front m2 Browning mg (TwinM2HB) sighted up to 6770metres ,effective
Huey Helicopters
1-4 men 2x M60 2x7round or 19round 70mm Rockets sighted up to
618cm(3400metres) Fired in pairs Mk4 Folding Fin Aerial Rocket (FFAR)
Carry 14men or 6 stretchers
Range Viet Cong NVA
Viet Cong usually had Warsaw Pact weapons while NVA usually had Chinese
TT CZ Pistols all Pistols sighted to 9cm (50metres)
MAT 49 PP SH 41 all sub machine guns sighted to 27cm (150metres)
RG42 RGD-5 F1 Grenades sighted up to 4.5cm (25metres)
Karbiner 98K sighted up to 91cm (500metres) optics 145cm (800metres)
SKS Carbine sighted to 73cm (400metres)
VZ58 7.62mm assault rifle sighted to 145cm (800metres)
STG44 viet cong sighted up to 55cm (300metres)
Mosin-nagant rifle sighted to eye 91cm (500metres) scope 145cm
Dragunov sniper rifle sighted to eye 145cm (800metres) scope 236cm
Soviet AK-47 full auto sighted to 55cm (300metres) semi-auto 73cm
China type 56 assault rifle 145cm (800metres)
Light Machine Guns RPK RPD MG-42 DEGTYARYOV sighted up to 182cm
BTR-60 Heavy Machine Gun14.5mm sighted up to 364cm (2000metres)
82-PM-41 mortar minimum 36cm(200metres) sighted up to 727cm
Soviet 107mm Mortar sighted up to 1145cm (6300metres)
120mm towed mortar sighted up to 1090cm (6000metres)
122mm Katyusha Rockets sighted up to 1000cm (5500metres)
B10 ,B11 Recoilless Rifle sighted up to 73cm (400metres)
Rocket Propelled Grenades RPG RPG-2 sighted up to 36cm (200metres) 2
RPG-7 1 man portable sighted up to 167cm (920metres)
TYPE 69-RPG 1or 2 man sighted up to 36cm (200metres)
BM P-1 Armoured Personnel Carrier
2A28 Grom, 73mm gun sighted up to 236cm (1300metres)

1x7.62mm mg sighted up to 200cm (1100metres)
T55 DT100mm Rifled Gun sighted up to 2909cm (16000metres)
2x 7.62mm mg
1x12.7mm dslk hmg sighted up to 364cm (2000metres)
PT-76 Amphibious Light Tank
D-56t 76.2mm Rifled gun sighted up to 273cm (1500metres)
7.62mm mg sighted up to 200cm (1100metres)
Rat Patrol jeep (Shotgun driver, Shotgun driver with M79 Gunner with M60
Gunner with M16)

Artillery Fire USED different types:-
White Phosphorus Carpet Bombing Agent Orange H.E Rocket Fire
UH-1 Slicks Beehive Flecthettes

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