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Success PT 2

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Your Self-Esteem By Conquering Challenges

Do you feel as though you're in a rut? Does nothing feel engaging or entertaining? When you want to make sure you're still in the right direction and you don't want to settle for a mundane life, you'll discover that you need to start challenging yourself. When you take on a challenge head first, you're forcing yourself to grow. When your self-esteem needs a boost, challenging yourself can help you see yourself in a new light. What Kind of Challenges Should I Pursue? No matter what type of challenge you undertake, don't assume you're going to get started on it "sometime soon." Think about what steps you need to take to get there today. Whether it involves making some phone calls or getting some certifications, make some time to get it done as soon as possible. * If you have the desire to start a new career, call a career counsellor for guidance or the local university for class schedules. * If you challenge yourself to achieve better health, call a nutritionist or the local gym for rates and advice. * If you always wanted to learn how to play a musical instrument, call the music store to inquire about lessons or rental fees. Don't delay when something is this important, but remember that moving slowly is much better than not moving at all. When you want to make sure you're achieving the results that you deserve, you'll discover that choosing to move at all is a big step. Practice Setting Goals and Holding Yourself Accountable Another way you can start conquering small challenges is by setting some achievable goals. For instance, say you want to improve your writing skills. Then set yourself a goal to write at least a paragraph a day. It's a simple, realistic goal that will help you improve your skills. It's very likely that you will become more productive when you have a limited amount of time to accomplish your simple challenge. So if you only have 15 minutes to concentrate on your challenge, then make the best use of it and simply focus your energy on making it the most productive 15 minutes of your day. Measure Your Progress Regularly In order to build your self-esteem, you regularly need to see how far you've come. Make sure you keep track of your progress on a regular basis. * Keep a diary that lists all you've accomplished in the day. * Keep a list of all books you read last month. * Keep a weight journal to track how many pounds you've lost. Over time, you'll find that this is a great way to keep yourself moving forward. Looking at past progress is a great way to replicate your success, so keep note of how far you've come. The Power of Numbers If you're struggling to challenge yourself, remember that you can get someone else to work with you. Do you have any goals that you and your loved ones share? If so, take some time and see if you can encourage each other. This encouragement will help to build your self-esteem because you'll see progress toward your goal. We must always strive for constant self-improvement. In doing so, we'll see just how capable and competent we really are! To Your Success & Motivation,

Your Success Isn't What You Think It Is - Daily Success Motivation and Self-Improvement Your Success isn't what you think it is. Your success is what you think you are and your motivation for pursuing success is intimately tied to your thoughts about yourself and your place in the world. Defining Success For Yourself Your were created for achievement and success. While our motivations for pursuing success can stem from greed to fear of lack to a sense of right and entitlement, our success is intimately tied to what we think about ourselves. You should first understand that success isn't defined just by material gain. I believe the purest definition of success is being happy what your life, your accomplishments and your relationships. We all define success in many different ways but ultimately we are successful when our life choices, the things we accomplish through our life choices and the relationships we build, all allow us to express our life passions and purpose. Whether we head a company or do volunteer work, when we are expressing ourselves through our sense of purpose and passion and we are happy we the results we are getting...then we are truly experiencing success and our motivation for success all the more clear through our love of the work we do. Defining Motivation for Success When we engage success with any effort other than a love and a passion in the pursuit of happiness our lives become drudgery and our efforts become mechanical. Life becomes dry, routine and seems forced. It seems a lot of people define success by how much money they make and possess. And it also seems that many people dream of doing something different. You know, pursuing that life they really want to live, the business they really want to start or that career they really want to go after but they don't think the can make the change or make enough money to be happy. I have good news for you! Your provision is tied intimately to your passions! You don't have to worry about money when what you do is what you love . Provision or money, will easily flow to you and there is always an audience or client base for just about anything you can think of doing when you consider making money from what you love to do. What I'm saying is that the amount of money you make is not the highest definition or shouldn't be the highest definition of success but you can and should make as much as money your passions and interests can potentially bring to you. Your Wealth Is Who You Think YOU Are There are many people who are rich and miserable and there are many people who are rich and full of joy. The same goes for working-class individuals and the poor. Your state of happiness starts with your state of mind and your success is not rooted in what you think it is, it is rooted in who you think you are. You must think about who you really are and where your place is in the world to find satisfaction in your motivation to define and pursue your personal success. To pursue success soley for the material gain alone is not a compelling enough argument to sustain your efforts to succeed when the going gets tough. You will need a higher purpose that is connected to the joy of being happy with yourself and what you are convinced you can contribute to the improvement of the lives of others and world in which you live. Think about your personal value and unique talents. There is no other you in the whole world and history of the human race. There will never be another like you again. As you pursue your success, start with thinking about who you really are and how your gifts, talents, passions and interests can be used to improve the lives of others. My favorite book says that "A man's gift makes room for him and brings him before great men". What are your gifts (talents, passions, interests)? Think about your gifts, then use them and your success will become reality.

The Measure Of A Man...

Daily Success Motivation and Inspiration

I was feeling poetic inspiration today and thought I'd share something that was in my heart today. I hope this inspires you to measure your personal greatness and reach for it with unwavering conviction and belief. The Measure of A Man... The The The The measure measure measure measure the the the the of of of of a a a a man man man man is is is is not was he's done that he has the heart to run his willingness to win it by his focus on his finish

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by his commitment to contribution who rejects retribution who chooses to forgive who lives and let lives man man man man who who who who is is is is not that he messed up that simply gets back up that he never quits not how fast or how quick

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measures his life's cost seeks to save the lost knows responsibility knows his own ability

The measure of a man is what he can become It isn't his past or his falls as said some The measure of a man is that he bounces back That he weathers the storms and gets back on track Measure the man who breaks from the pack who charts his own course and never looks back Measure the man who is about taking action and takes care business leaving nothing lacking So measure the man who by character stands who's willing to work with his own hands Measure that man who loves real hard protects his family, is ready and on guard Are you a measure of the man that will always stand never giving up, keeping committed to your plans? Are you measuring your inner man according the a plan one that reaches for your greatness and declares "you da man!"? Measure yourself by what you can become See your potential and believe that you've won It's not what they said or what they think they know All the difference will be made by where you think you can go.

R. I. P. - Renewing Your Success Motivation

Daily Success Motivation & Positive Thinking

R. I. P. Normally a terminal acronym located and an innumerable amount of graveyard headstones. R. I. P. stands for Rest In Peace. Today I want us to rethink this acronym and apply to our lives as a reminder of who we can literally RIP our dreams of success out of the hands of hands of disappointment, complacency and fear. How many of us have performed a eulogy and put to rest fantastic dreams and goals that for one reason or another we felt were no longer attainable. We will never have peace in our live as long as our biggest dreams are R. I. P. Yes, we can have some level of safety and satisfaction but we will never have that "settled" peace that is associated with people who know for a certainty that they are doing what they were put here to do in life. I don't know about you but I know that my heart aches for the great things imagine everyday I wake up. Sometimes I move from dread and fear to ecstasy and unbreakable and unshakeable excitement and courage! It just plain crazy sometimes the range of emotions the swirl around inside me because of what I "see" in my future and what I desire to step out and do today! I also know the heart ache associated with pushing down my dreams because of fear of failure and the fear of success. I've struggled with complacency and discipline. I've been frustrated by failure and lack of confidence. I've played is safe. And was during these times that I was most miserable inside. I struggled most when I wasn't daring the face my future and when I wasn't challenging my greatness to come forward. Oh I've had dark days just like everyone else. I said Rest In Peace to dreams and goals on many occasions. But I could never really stop the hunger for pursuing something really great with my life. There were times when I stopped dreaming and got caught up with just surviving. You know, paying bills, slave to the 9 to 5, always looking forward to the weekend so that I could just rest from the rat race. Yet, I had this aching inside for something more, something better, something more challenging and satisfying. I was grumpy and found it hard to enjoy everyday life because I wasn't living the life I imagined and I wasn't pursuing my sense of purpose. RIP Yourself A New One I had to change. Instead of getting ripped a new one as the saying goes, by being at the whim of the winds of the changes that life brings I decided to RIP myself a new one instead. I had to Renovate, Innovate, and Pursue a path of my own choosing. I had to resurrect dreams and goals lost through hope and action towards and brighter future. You must realize that the moment you decide that you will live and not die, is the moment that you truly begin to live. Some of us have erected and R.I.P headstone over our lives and we aren't in the grave yet! My friend if you aren't in the ground yet, you've got no business erected and headstone over a grave that you aren't in. That job should be left to those who remain after you are gone.

Until then, you MUST LIVE! What a tragedy to die before we've truly lived. What a tragedy to die yet while we still live! I'm talking about renewed hope for bigger and better living right now. I'm talking about the reclaiming of dreams lost and promises broken. You are not a lost cause and your cause isn't lost either. Decide to today that you discover and recover new life today. Start RIP-ing! Here are a few quick tips to getting started. Instead of resting in peace... 1. Renovate the activity in your life. You must restore new life and vigor to your daily activity. You do this by rebuilding purpose in what you do each day. Why are you doing what you do? What is the value in it? What satisfaction do you find in what you do? What matters most to you and what you do you really see yourself adding the most value to yourself, your loved and the world? Bottom line here is that you have reset your goals and dream bigger and better than before. You must will it!. Don't wait until you feel like it or until you situation looks most favorable or until the sun, moon and stars line up or until...well, I hope you get my point here. To revive and rebuild positive success motivation and thinking you must know the what and the why each waking moment of your life. Pick up your dreams and go for it! No one is going to help you until you first help yourself. When you believe, others become believers and unbelievers fall in the face of your determination and will. 2. Innovate your approach to reaching your goals and making your dreams come true. Out with the old in with new. You have to be willing to change and be willing to let go of old thinking and old ways of doing things. Innovation is doing something in a new way and as I like to say rethinking what already is so that you can get a fresh approach. How about innovating your very persona? Why not? Why not speak in a new way, think in a new way and dress in a new way? Do you think that if you did this that you would indeed reach your goals and dreams in a new way as well? I say this because sometimes we approach our goals in the 3rd person and there is a disconnect there. We may see that dream and goal as attainable...by someone else. You must become the goal. You must become the dream. It is what you become in the pursuit of the dream that is most important. So think about the transformation in you that will result as your reach for your dreams and become one with your purpose. Do something and do something differently or in a new way. Innovate and change! 3. Pursue your dream. Live your purpose. The power to do comes in doing!. Your vision has all the supply you need. Once you start pursuing your dream you will have the fulfillment of all the promises, provision, power and protection necessary to finish your journey and to Finish Strong! There is no need to fear. There is only the need for courage and action. You can do this! We can do this! Think well and finish strong!

How do you measure success?

People measure success in many different ways and on many different levels. When setting goals in life, its important that we identify what success means to us personally, so that when we succeed we will know it. For example, most people measure success in business according to their income; however this may not be an accurate assessment. If your business efforts provide a substantial monetary reward but you dont enjoy what you do, can this really be called success? If on the other hand, if we were measuring financial success then income would be an accurate indicator. Knowing what you expect from your business in advance gives you a way of gauging your progress.

Know what success means to you

For you, being successful in business may include not only enjoying what you do but also creating value for others. So in addition to being profitable and enjoyable, you also need a way to gauge whether or not you are actually creating value for other people. When we set goals in any area of our life, we need to determine beforehand what our intended result is and how we will recognize it when we get there. Establishing ahead of time what success looks like and feels also gives us the opportunity to program our nervous system with the exact feelings that success will bring. This creates anticipation that, in turn, helps us to take consistent action in the direction of our goals. You are the one who decides exactly what it means to be successful in any area of your life. The time to make that decision is during the goal setting process. Doing so will allow you to identify and celebrate each personal success along the way.

Here are 7 ways to define success that are guaranteed to make you feel like crap: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Your bank balance. How fancy your car is. How fancy your house is. How fancy your clothes are. The shape of your body. How other people see you. How popular you are.

Here is a definition of success that, if you believe and practice it, will allow you to feel great (and be great) no matter what your external circumstances might be:

Letting go of grudges
On a piece of blank paper, draw a circle in the center of the page and record a few words that capture the essence of the situation that caused your child to hold the grudge (e.g. Maggie went to Sarahs house instead of coming with me to the movies.) Then, fill the rest of the page with blank circles 15 or more. The object is for your child to fill each of these circles with a word or phrase that describes:

something about the person for which your child is grateful something he/she said, did, etc. something important to your child about the relationship small things, big things, current things, historical things something about the person or relationship that brings your child happiness

After you and your child have filled in each of the circles, use the questions below to discuss what your child has experienced through this activity.

How have your feelings changed about the person and situation? What positive aspects of the relationship and person do you now remember? What, if anything, might you want to say to the other person? What, if anything, do you want to do about the situation?


About a hundred years ago, a man looked at the morning newspaper and to his surprise and horror, read his name in the obituary column. The news papers had reported the death of the wrong person by mistake. His first response was shock. Am I here or there? When he regained his composure, his second thought was to find out what people had said about him. The obituary read, "Dynamite King Dies." And also "He was the merchant of death." This man was the inventor of dynamite and when he read the words "merchant of death," he asked himself a question, "Is this how I am going to be remembered?" He got in touch with his feelings and decided that this was not the way he wanted to be remembered. From that day on, he started working toward peace. His name was Alfred Nobel and he is remembered today by the great Nobel Prize. Just as Alfred Nobel got in touch with his feelings and redefined his values, we should step back and do the same. What is your legacy? How would you like to be remembered? Will you be spoken well of? Will you be remembered with love and respect? Will you be missed?

If you ask most people what is their one major objective in life, they would probably give you a vague answer, such as, "I want to be successful, be happy, make a good living," and that is it. They are all wishes and none of them are clear goals. Goals must be SMART: 1. S--specific. For example, "I want to lose weight." This is wishful thinking. It becomes a goal when I pin myself down to "I will lose 10 pounds in 90 days." 2. M--must be measurable. If we cannot measure it, we cannot accomplish it. Measurement is a way of monitoring our progress. 3. A--must be achievable. Achievable means that it should be out of reach enough to be challenging but it should not be out of sight, otherwise it becomes disheartening. 4. R--realistic. A person who wants to lose 50 pounds in~30 days is being unrealistic. 5. T--time-bound. There should be a starting date and a finishing date. Trial and error are usually the prime means of solving lifes problems. Yet many people are afraid to undertake the trial because theyre too afraid of experiencing the error. They make the mistake of believing that all error is wrong and harmful, when most of it is both helpful and necessary. Error provides the feedback that points the way to success. Only error pushes people to put together a new and better trial, leading through yet more errors and trials until they can ultimately find a viable and creative solution. To meet with an error is not to fail, but to take one more step on the path to final success. No errors means no successes either. In fact, one of the greatest misfortunes you can meet early in a project is prematureyet inevitably still partialsuccess. When that happens, the temptation is to fix on what seemed to work so quickly and easily and look no further. Later, maybe, a competitor will come along and continue the exploration process that you aborted, pushing on to find a much better solution that will quickly push your partial one aside. Cultures of perfection Too many organizations today have cultures of perfection: a set of organizational beliefs that any failure is unacceptable. Only pure, untainted success will do. To retain your reputation as an achiever, you must reach every goal and never, ever make a mistake that you cant hide or blame on someone else.

Imagine the stress and terror in an organization like that. The constant covering up of the smallest blemishes. The wild finger-pointing as everyone tries to shift the blame for the inevitable cock-ups and messes onto someone else. The rapid turnover as people rise high, then fall abruptly from grace. The lying, cheating, falsification of data, and hiding of problemsuntil they become crises that defy being hidden any longer. Clinging to the past If some people fail to reach a complete answer because of the lure of some early success, many more fail because of their ego-driven commitment to what worked in the past. You often see this with senior people, especially those who made their names by introducing some critical change years ago. They shy away from further innovation, afraid that this time they might fail, diminishing the luster they try to keep around their names from past triumph. Besides, they reason, the success of something new might even prove that those achievements they made in the past werent so great after all. Why take the risk when you can hang on to your reputation by doing nothing? Such people are so deeply invested in their egos and the glories of their past that they prefer to set aside opportunities for future glory rather than risk even the possibility of failure. Why high achievers fail Every strength can become a weakness. Every talent contains an opposite that sometimes makes it into a handicap. Successful people like to win and achieve high standards. This can make them so terrified of failure it ruins their lives. When a positive trait, like achievement, becomes too strong in someones life, its on the way to becoming a major handicap. Achievement is a powerful value for many successful people. Theyve built their lives on it. They achieve at everything they do: school, college, sports, the arts, hobbies, work. Each fresh achievement adds to the power of the value in their lives. Gradually, failure becomes unthinkable. Maybe theyve never failed yet in anything that theyve done, so have no experience of rising above it. Failure becomes the supreme nightmare: a frightful horror they must avoid at any cost. The simplest way to do this is never to take a risk. Stick rigidly to what you know you can do. Protect your butt. Work the longest hours. Double and triple check everything. Be the most conscientious and conservative person in the universe. And if constant hard work, diligence, brutal working schedules, and harrying subordinates wont ward off the possibility of failing, use every other possible means to to keep it away. Falsify numbers, hide anything negative, conceal errors, avoid customer feedback, constantly shift the blame for errors onto anyone too weak to fight back. The problems with ethical standards in major US corporations has, I believe, more to do with fear of failure among long-term high achievers than any criminal intent. Many of those guys at Enron and Arthur Andersen were supreme high-fliers, basking in the flattery of the media. Failure was an impossible prospect, worth doing just about anything to avoid. Why balance is essential Beware of unbalanced values in your life. Beware when any one valuehowever benign in itself becomes too powerful. Over-achievers destroy their own peace of mind and the lives of those who work for them. People too attached to goodness and morality become self-righteous bigots. Those whose values for building close relationships become unbalanced slide into smothering their friends and family with constant expressions of affection and demands for love in return. Everyone likes to succeed. The problem comes when fear of failure is dominant. When you can no longer accept the inevitability of making mistakes, nor recognize the importance of trial and error in finding the best and most creative solution. The more creative you are, the more errors you are going to make. Get used to it. Deciding to avoid the errors will destroy your creativity too.

Balance counts more than you think. Some tartness must season the sweetest dish. A little selfishness is valuable even in the most caring person. And a little failure is essential to preserve everyones perspective on success. We hear a lot about being positive. Maybe we also need to recognize that the negative parts of our lives and experience have just as important a role to play in finding success, in work and in life.

27 Facts You Don't Know About Your Personality and Future. But Should! Numerologist.com

Very often the best way to test an idea is not to analyze it but to try it. The organization that implements lots of ideas will most likely have many failures but the chances are, it will reap some mighty successes too. By trying numerous initiatives we improve our chances that one of them will be a star. As Tom Kelley of IDEO puts it, Fail often to succeed sooner. Deborah Bull is the artistic Director at the Royal Opera House in London. She is keen to encourage small companies of artists to come out with mad ideas and to try them. She says, We need to get away from the idea that everything has to be a hit at the box office and a hit with the critics. If everything we do succeeds, then we are failing, because it means we are not taking enough risks. Honda Motor Company entered the US market in 1959 with its range of low-powered motorcycles. It endured failure after failure as it learned the hard way that little motorcycles popular in the Tokyo suburbs were not well received on the wide open roads of the USA. They eventually brought out a range of high powered bikes that became very popular. Soichiro Honda, the founder of Honda said, Many people dream of success. Success can only be achieved through repeated failure and introspection. Success represents the 1 per cent of your work that results from the 99 per cent that is called failure. What makes Silicon Valley so successful as the engine of high-tech growth? It is the Darwinian process of failure. Author Mike Malone puts it like this, Outsiders think of Silicon Valley as a success, but it is, in truth, a graveyard. Failure is Silicon Valleys greatest strength. Every failed product or enterprise is a lesson stored in the collective memory. We dont stigmatize failure; we admire it. Venture Capitalists like to see a little failure in the rsums of entrepreneurs. In order to develop the concept of the benefits of failure, Penn State University has a course for engineering students called Failure 101. The students have to take risks and do experiments. The more failures they have, the sooner they can get an A grade!

Many great successes started out as failures. Columbus failed when he set out to find a new route to India. He found America instead (and because he thought it was India he called the natives Indians). Champagne was invented by a monk called Dom Perignon when a bottle of wine accidentally had a secondary fermentation. 3M invented glue that was a failure it did not stick. But it became the basis for the Post-it note, which was a huge success. Tips for succeeding through failure:

Recognise and communicate that when you give people freedom to succeed, you give them freedom to fail too. Distinguish between two kinds of failure honourable failure where an honest attempt at something new or different has been tried unsuccessfully and incompetent failure where people fail for lack of effort or competence in standard operations. Make sure people know that honourable failures will not be criticized. Get people to admit to or even boast about failures they have had where they tried something innovative that did not succeed. Make these into learning experiences. In a culture that is very risk averse and keen to apportion blame take the issue head on by rewarding honourable failures. Publicly praise and reward those who have had them.

Even if the failure does not lead directly to a success it can be seen as a step along the way. Edisons attitude to failure is salutary. When asked why so many of his experiments failed he explained that they were not failures. Each time he had discovered a method that did not work. The innovative leader encourages a culture of experimentation. You must teach people that each failure is a step along the road to success. To be truly agile, you must give people the freedom to innovate, the freedom to experiment, the freedom to succeed. That means you must give them the freedom to fail too.

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27 Traits Of Successful People

Is it really possible to become a successful person in just one day? I actually believe you can become a successful person in just one second. Why? Because to be a successful person you only have to change your thoughts and start to think like a successful person. Your have to program your brain to respond differently to situations that it was previously refusing. But how exactly are successful people made and how do they think? Ive read and studied a lot of books on the subject, as well as experimenting and asking around. The following is list of 27 traits that distinguish successful people from ordinary people. If you take the commitment to apply every day each principle in your life, youll start to see amazing results in no time.

1. They are positive. Successful people dont let negative events alter their ego. They see the glass half full and not half empty. They are known as the ones who raises positiveness among others. Benefits: other people want to stay with them because they make them feel better.

2. They say yes to everything. They take every opportunity they can. They are not afraid of doing something new, like giving a talk in public. They take everything like a challenge with themselves. Update: what I really mean is that they are not afraid of trying something new, but at the same time they still focus on those few activities with the highest return.

3. They dont say no. Of course they cant say yes to everything. But instead of just saying no, they explain their answer instead of finding excuses.

4. They never criticize others. Successful people dont criticize others when when they are not listening, because otherwise people among them will recognize them as persons who tend to talk behind others.

5. They never complain. Every one is able to complain about things. Bad things happen and complaining about them its not a good solution to stop them to happen.

6. They offer their help for free. Successful people offer their help for free whenever they can. Some examples include blogging and free consulting. They do so to rise their popularity and interest among other people.

7. They smile. They smile often and genuinely to rise positiveness and build strong relationships.

8. They offer solutions. Successful people are problem solvers. When something doesnt work as expected they try to find solutions instead of complaining about the problem.

9. They give more than whats expected. When you pay for something, you usually receive only what you paid for. Nothing wrong, but what if you receive something more? Of course you would be happier and you would buy more (or recommend) in the future. Successful people know this and give more than whats expected so that other people will remember them.

10. They are genuinely interested in other people. Successfully people are genuinely interested on building strong relationship with others, they dont just do it because its networking is important.

11. They know how to listen. People like to talk. Why? Because they think there is someone listening, so in reality people like to be listened. Successful people talk less and listen more. If they dont know what to say, they ask questions instead of talking about themselves.

12. They make others feel important. They make other feel important by letting them figure out important things themselves. By doing so, they are recognized as intelligent people.

13. They are calm and they think a lot. They pause before talking, they dont say everything that comes out from their brain just because they can. By doing so they appear more intelligent and interested in the argument being discussed.

14. If theyre wrong, they admit it. Whats the worst thing that could happen if you say that you were wrong? I dont know, but I do know that admitting to be wrong is a sign of superiority, and thats what successful people do.

15. They dont say that youre wrong. Whats the point? Seriously, how do you feel when someone points out that you are wrong? So why would you want to have all reasons at all costs? What about saying something like: Hey, I thought something else, lets try to dig deeper and figure out something more?

16. They encourage other people. They inspire others to follow their path. They teach how to became successful at something. Many people do this with blogs to reach the highest number of people possible.

17. They take responsibility. Successful people are responsible for what they do. Even when something out of their control affects their feelings, they promptly act and take responsibility for improving the situation.

18. They are excited in everything they do. Can you imagine being excited to hear the sound of your alarm clock in the morning? Its an awesome sensation and it can be reality if you are excited about what youll do today. Successful people are excited in everything they do, and they try to deliver the best possible outcome with every opportunity.

19. They fail. You cant be always right the first time, everyone fails, and those who win more are those who fails more. Failure its an integrant part of success, and successful people try and fail until they reach their goals.

20. They learn everything they can. Successful people are avid learners. They try to learn everything they can get their hands on. But they dont spend their whole days on books because they put in practice what they learnt to see if it really works or not.

21. They network with other people. Youll have an hard time becoming successful without the help of other people. Dont skip this part. Start today and make as many genuine connections as possible. Successful people know this, and they all agree that a huge part of success is built with the help of others.

22. They are persistent. If you want to see results, you have to persistent and try for a long enough period of time. Successful businesses as well as successful person, are not built over night. They had to work long hours before enjoying the four hour work week.

23. They are optimistic. Having an optimistic mentality is everything. Scientists are telling us that people who are optimistic are getting the most out of their actions. Being optimistic helps in every situation from

work to life. Successful people know this and they are optimistic when they start a new project.

24. They know how to focus. Probably the most important element in productivity, focus is essential for the completion of your goals. Successful people dont like to be distracted when they are working, and for a good reason.

25. They do less, and they do it well. Successful people think that its highly unproductive to have a lots of projects going on. To contrast this, they get rid of all the projects where they are wasting time and they focus on the few that are providing the highest value in return.

26. They are open mind. Everything changes. Twenty years ago nobody was using computers and internet, but today its an essential tool for every business. Still, there are many people who dont know how to properly use one. Successful people embrace changes and take advantage of technology to improve their business.

27. They are confident. Successful people believe in themselves and in their actions. They know that everything will turn right if you give it enough time and passion.

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