Tithe (10% of All Income) Used To Support The Marked Offering (Love Offering of Any Amount) Is
Tithe (10% of All Income) Used To Support The Marked Offering (Love Offering of Any Amount) Is
Tithe (10% of All Income) Used To Support The Marked Offering (Love Offering of Any Amount) Is
SABBATH SCHOOL 9:15AM S UPERINTENDANT : Norma Francis Song Service: Shelly Hynds Opening Song: Opening Prayer Scripture Reading: Matthew 9:18-26 Welcome Mission Report: Scott Solorzano Program: WHAT IS THE ESSENCE OF FAITH
SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON REVIEW 10:00-10:50AM Adult ClassMain SanctuaryIrwin Dixon Young Adult Class (18+)Public LibraryJenna Hyde Youth Class (15-18)BalconyRaquel Bodden Earliteen Class (13-14)VestryEleanor Hynds Cradle Roll to Junior Classes available in the little church
Irwin Dixon
Shelly Hynds
o Todays Revived by His Word reading is Psalm 38. o Please keep reverence in Gods house. o This years Ingathering Campaign goal is $800 by the end of September. Help support ADRA. o Pathfinder Club meets TODAY at 5:00pm o NEXT WEEK: English District Pathfinder Campout! o TONIGHT: Regular Board Meeting at 7:oopm o SUNDAY: Good Samaritan garage sale at Elwins Plaza beginning at SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYS 9am! Daneik Dixon 2 o 2nd Annual Crhsitina Connor 16 19 Honduras Youth Eldon Hyde Darcely Martinez 21 Congress will be Delano Mejia 21 held in Pea Eleanor Hynds 23 Blanca, Cortes Stella Ruel 23 October 3-6, 2013. Aidan Galindo 24 Sign up at the Bay Sam Sarmiento 28 Delina Hyde 29 Islands Conference SEPTEMBER ANNIVERSARIES office by Sept. 13.
The Cheerful Givers Plan: Tithe (10% of all income) Used to support the worldwide mission of the church Marked Offering (love offering of any amount) is used in the following ways: o Unspecified: 60% Local church Budget 20% Local conference development 20% World Missions o You may also specify your offering to fund specific departments such as: church budget, education, radio, poor fund, etc. Loose offering: Local church budget PLEASE MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO MISION ADVENTISTA
Jerry & Eleanor Hynds 20 SPIRIT OF PROPHECY GEM We need to understand how necessary it is that we die to self. Self-crucifixion will place souls on vantage ground. I entreat those [of you] who profess to be Christians to die to self that you may be stirred with a new life by the Holy Spirit's power. Satan is working with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish. Daily we need the converting power of God, or we cannot walk in the footprints of Christ. As the mind is enlightened in regard to what is purity and sanctification, and the heart responds to the strivings of the Holy Spirit, a daily conversion will be the result. In the day of final award two classes will stand before the Judge of all the earth. To those who have failed to walk in the footsteps of Christ the words will be spoken, "Depart from me, ye that work iniquity" (Matthew 7:23). Those who have brought the pure, unadulterated truths of the Word of God into the practical life will hear the benediction, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant:...enter thou into the joy of thy lord" (chap. 25:21). We can never enter the City of God until we have learned to die to self, and there dwells within the soul the spirit of Christ.Manuscript 69, September 12, 1909, "The Helpers in Our Sanitariums."
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Welcome to the
Mission:! The Mission of the Seventh-day Adventist church is to proclaim to all peoples the everlasting gospel in the context of the Three Angels messages of Revelation 14:612, leading them to accept Jesus as their personal Savior and unite with His church, and nurturing them in preparation for His soon return. Meetings Sunday Night Evangelism at 7:00pm Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting at 7:00pm AY Meeting Friday at 7:00pm Sabbath School 9:00am Sabbath Church Service 11:ooam