AR T, "C O C D I V, W W O F ": Esponse O Hurches F Hrist ROP Solationist IEW ORK ITH Ther Aiths
AR T, "C O C D I V, W W O F ": Esponse O Hurches F Hrist ROP Solationist IEW ORK ITH Ther Aiths
AR T, "C O C D I V, W W O F ": Esponse O Hurches F Hrist ROP Solationist IEW ORK ITH Ther Aiths
March 2010
no such passage!
It is misleading to claim that
churches of Christ believe in interpreting the Bible literally, as Mr.
Smietana claimed. There are many,
many passages that require a figurative interpretation. Jesus said, I am
the door... (John 10:9). Was he a literal door? If so, of what material was
he made? Oak? Pine? Obviously,
Jesus was speaking of his being the
way into which all must enter to be
saved. No, churches of Christ DO
NOT interpret the Bible literally in
all passages and/or places. We do
believe that God meant what he said,
and it is what he said in his word
that we literally believe.
Communion (the Lords supper)
was observed by the first century
church every Lords day (Acts 20:7).
The issue of the role of women in the
church was settled by the apostle
Paul (1 Tim. 2:11,12). And, all who
respect the authority of the scriptures have no problem with following
that which is authorized by the scriptures. The feminist movement in our
country has had an impact on some
churches. Those who reject what the
scriptures teach face a woeful judgment at the last day.
(Continued on page 27)
A Response
A Response
(Continued from page 25)
Bobby & Mary Lawrence...........$100
Geneva Stark................................$10
Bill & Jean Willard ......................$10
Donald & Weda White .................$60
Berea C/C, Rives, TN .................$100
Murriel C. Windham ....................$20
William & Jean Mayfield ............$10
Old Hope C/C,
Thompsons Station, TN ........$50
Mt. Olivet C/C,
Greeneville, TN....................$150
Anonymous ...................................$50
Russell & Imogene Billings.........$25
Mt. Judea C/C,
Mount Judea, AR...................$50
Church of Christ,
Maysville, OK.......................$100
William & Susan Trees................$20
Chuck & Nancy Verkist...............$25
Lords Way C/C,
Springfield, VT.......................$50
Corrine Young...............................$25
Anonymous ...................................$20
Anonymous .................................$200
Hester Riffe...................................$25
Chuck & Nancy Verkist ...............$25
Ernest & Sandra Armstrong.....$500
Arlington C/C,
McMinnville, TN....................$50
Saks C/C, Anniston, AL ...............$50
Jamie Hampton............................$50
Robert M. Price ..........................$200
Robert M. Price ..........................$200
B. G. & Barbara Benton ..............$25
Anonymous .................................$100
Anonymous .................................$100
Anonymous ...................................$10
Ruby York ...................................$185
Patricia A. Chadwell ....................$20
Beginning Balance...........$10,869.42
Postage .........................$1,946.65
Paper ............................$1,875.00
Ending Balance ..................$9,439.19
David Dalton
reacheritis and unpreacheritis
are two sad diseases which
have become predominant in
the church. Both of these diseases
center around how congregations
and individual Christians look at
preachers. These diseases cause congregations to build around the
preacher instead of the congregation
being built around Jesus Christ.
These diseases also can cause congregations to disintegrate because of
the preacher instead of being unified
because of Christ. Because of these
diseases, many Christians either recommend a congregation or complain
about a congregation in terms of the
Preacheritis infects the church in
a variety of ways. Frequently it is
heard that one should come to a particular congregation to hear the
preacher. It is never the preacher
that needs to be heard; instead, it is
the message or Gospel of Christ that
needs to be heard (Rom. 10:10-17).
Instead of inviting individuals to
come and hear the preacher, they
should be invited to come and hear
about Jesus Christ (Matt. 11:28-30).
Frequently it is said that preachers should be heard because of the
delivery of their sermons. Some are
bragged about because they can
quote scriptures and preach without
notes. Some are bragged about
because they interlace their sermons
with a variety of stories that attract
attention. Some are deemed to be
worthy of hearing because they are
known because of their media work
on television, radio or in publications.
Others are said to be exceptional
because they use graphs, charts or
computer presentations during their
lessons. When the preacheritis is
stripped away, only one thing really
matters. Did the preacher, to the best
declare good news. Rom. 10:15;
Luke 2:10-11
present the Truth. Gal. 4:16;
John 8:31-32;
To inform the listener. Acts 2:40 41;
Mark 16:15-16; 1 Cor. 1:18-21
To show the consequences of sin.
6:23; Rev. 21:27; Isa. 59:2
faith. Rom. 10:13-17;
Acts 15:7; John
condemn error and rebuke the
erring. 2 Tim. 4:2; 1 Tim. 5:20;
Eph. 5:11
To edify the hearer. 1 Thess. 5:11;
Rom. 14:19; 1 Cor. 14:12
To encourage Christian living. 2
Peter 1:5-11; Eph. 6:10-17; 1 Peter
To comfort those in sorrow. Rom.
12:15; 15:4; 2 Cor. 1:3-4; John
people back to God before its too late. Were talking about the U.S. in
the past tense. Now the politicians are working to make Washington,
DC a state! Its already passed in the senate and no one is talking
about it. Our government is so corrupt, its hard to believe. We had a
very traumatic experience months ago. We had a letter stating that
our investments were on hold because the company was being investigated for fraud. If anything happens to my husband I would have no
income, so we have to have investments. It also gave us back-up security to be able to make donations to churches and worthy charities.
Weve heard nothing to update the situation and would appreciate
your prayers. We know God cares and knows the needs of his children.
You are in our prayers always. May God bless you in many more years
of work in his Kingdom. Sincerely ...Name withheld by request,
ID. Dear brethren, Greetings from the church that meets in Allenhurst, GA! Thank you so much for the work you are doing in publishing Seek the Old Paths. It is certainly a blessing to have your sound
publication that all can read and find Bible truth. We have been
receiving your publication for some years. We request that you continue to send us a bundle of twenty copies each month. Please accept the
enclosed check and use it in whatever way you deem best for the publishing and distribution of this good work. May God continue to bless
you in this noble effort. In His service of Christ at Allenhurst, Bob Miller, Secretary, Allenhurst, GA. I have only recently been receiving your paper and I appreciate it so much. It is so good
to know that there are other sound people out there. I am enclosing a
small check to help with the paper. Please send it to these addresses
...Name withheld by request, TN. Please put me on your STOP
mailing list. I came into contact with this publication while sitting
with my husband in the hospital. Thanks ...Georg A. Fields,
Pikeville, KY. Please send a copy of the most recent publication.
Thanks ...Kay Williams.
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