"T S T W W A B ": O Peak HY ORD ITH LL Oldness
"T S T W W A B ": O Peak HY ORD ITH LL Oldness
"T S T W W A B ": O Peak HY ORD ITH LL Oldness
August 2009
Boldness will cause men and women to speak when it is unpopular, even to
the extent that such speech brings injury or harm to the one so speaking.
he above title is found in a
prayer recorded in Acts 4:24-30
and is worded fully in this fashion: And now, Lord, look upon their
threatenings: and grant unto thy servants to speak thy word with all boldness.
Upon this occasion, the apostles
Peter and John had just recently
been released from prison after being
examined by the Sanhedrin, the
grand council of the Jews (Acts 4:15).
This event transpired due to the
healing of the lame beggar at the
gate called Beautiful (Acts 3:2-7) and
the subsequent sermon spoken by
Peter as the multitude gathered
around in astonishment at the miracle performed in their presence. In
this sermon, Peter powerfully proclaimed Jesus as Christ and
unflinchingly convicted the men of
Israel of not only murdering the
Prince of life, whom God raised from
the dead (Acts 3:15), but of also possessing the unmitigated audacity to
ask for a murderer to be given them
in the place of Jesus (Acts 3:14). For
this and other instruction given to
the people (specifically that of the
resurrection from the dead as proclaimed in Jesus), Peter and John
were arrested and put in ward (Acts
4:2-3). The next day, after a brief
inquiry by the Sanhedrin council and
threats to the effect that Peter and
John should no longer speak or teach
in the name of Jesus, the two faithful
Lloyd Gale
n a recent column of the Christian
Science Monitor, Michael Spencer
wrote; We Evangelicals have failed
to pass on to our young people an orthodox form of faith that can take root and
survive the secular onslaught. Ironically, the billion dollars we have spent on
our youth ministers, Christian music,
publishing, and media has produced a
culture of young Christians who know
next to nothing about their own faith
except how they feel about it.
We read, I exhort therefore, that,
first of all, supplications, prayers,
intercessions, and giving of thanks, be
made for all men: For kings, and for
all that are in authority (1 Tim. 2:12). The word exhort means to call
for. By inspiration, Paul was calling
Timothy and others to pray for leaders. Paul knew that government was
ordained of God to be a minister for
good (Rom. 13). However, he knew
that government was dependent
upon the prayers of Christians (Ezra
6:10; 7:23).
Paul exhorted Timothy and us to
pray for those in power so that we
may lead a quiet and peaceable life in
all godliness and honesty (1 Tim.
2:2). Quiet means tranquil and
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ing I was baptized in a large trash can. Call it trash can salvation if you
will. Of course some people, for their own reasons, dont agree, but all
that matters to me is on that morning I was added to the church of
Christ and that is what was important to me, being obedient to him. So
to the fellow from Arkansas (I think it might be church of Christ at 102
S Walnut Warren, AR), I am a Christian and I am a warrior for Jesus
Christ. I do seek the fellowship with you and all who are in His service.
There is a lot of work to be done right here and I ask for any and all help
I can get if anyone out there has any tracts or other material, please,
please, send it to me so I can pass on to others in here. I love all of you
and I thank God for you. Thank you Mr. Robinson for your work! When
I get out, one of the first things Id like to do is contribute to your works
for Him. Until then, you have my time at your disposal. All you have to
do is ask. Thank you and God bless you ...Danny Frazier #662263 A11, 96 Horsley Mill Rd., Carrollton, GA 30117. Dear brethren,
Greetings from our congregation Nempi Church of Christ. Brethren, I
am writing to request for some Bible literature from you that will help
our congregation like, new or used bibles, leaflets, sermon tapes or Cds,
bible class materials, sermon books, song books and other materials
within your reach for our use and our Christian library. Please send in
bulk, we doesnt get literature easily so I hope you will help our congregation for the materials mentioned above. Praying for the fund for shipping it here. In Christ ...Mr. Ezehael L. Mbaenyi, NEMPI CHURCH
474004 NIGERIA. Keep up the good work. Here are some funds to
help ...Jim Parsley, Columbus, NE. You are doing a great work that
is needed so much in this world today. We have been getting Seek the Old
Paths for many years ...Buddy & Charlotte Smith, Hornbeak, TN.
I need to get the STOP paper going again to my mother-in-law, now in
assisted living. Her paper has stopped and it used to come to my house
directly to her. Please resume the mailing to Hibernia Weaver. Thanks
...Cathy Weaver, Springdale, AR.