Agosto Stop811
Agosto Stop811
Agosto Stop811
August 2011
Roger D. Campbell
ithout any fanfare, the apostle Paul by inspiration wrote
about a brother named Epaphras (pronounced with the accent
on the first syllable) in both the Book
of Colossians and the Book of Philemon. Paul was a prisoner in Rome
when he wrote both of these epistles.
Epaphras was his fellowprisoner at
the time (Philemon 23). We learn a
number of truths about brother Epaphras in the only three Bible passages in which he is mentioned (Col.
1:7; 4:12-13; Philemon 23). Let us
take a look at the Bibles record of his
First, Epaphras was a teacher of
the word. Colossians 1:5,6 states that
the Gospel had come to Colosse, helping the people there to know the
grace of God in truth. How had they
learned the Gospel message? The
next verse says, As ye also learned of
Epaphras. We know little about
Epaphras personal life, but we know
that he taught the Gospel in Colosse.
In one way or another, all of us ought
to be teachers of the word (Heb.
5:12). Each of us needs to seek out
opportunities to sow the seed. Jesus
said, the sower soweth the word
(Mark 4:14). Let us all be more diligent in teaching the Gospel in the
time that we have remaining on the
Second, Epaphras was Pauls
dear fellowservant (Col. 1:7). This
expression has a ring of close camaraderie to it. Paul and Epaphras
served together in the same Cause
a Cause which is too big for any single person to carry out by him/her-
Brother Epaphras
Anonymous ...................................$50
Anonymous ...................................$50
Lewis & Christine Blair ............$100
Arlington C/C,
McMinnville, TN....................$50
Jack & Sarah Webb....................$100
Chuck & Nancy Verkist ...............$25
Anonymous ...................................$25
Ralph Thompson (in Memory
of Eva Thompson)..................$65
Anonymous ...................................$20
Dorothy Stout ...............................$10
Marie Moore ...............................$100
Bobby & Mary Lawrence...........$100
Anonymous ...................................$50
Saratoga C/C, Saratoga, AR ......$100
Central C/C, Denison, TX ............$20
Bobby & Mary Lawrence...........$100
Del Brantley ...............................$100
Larry & Mary Ann Martin........$100
Baker C/C, Baker, FL...................$25
Doug Brazzell .............................$100
Jackson Street C/C,
Alexandria, LA.....................$100
Sharon S. Cudo.............................$20
Berea C/C,
McMinnville, TN..................$100
Beginning Balance.............$4,976.61
Postage .........................$2,111.20
Ending Balance ..................$4,147.97
asically, all modern-day religious beliefs and practices are based
upon claims for present-day revelations from God.
Brother Epaphras
(Continued from page 57)
G. K. Wallace, deceased
How can one accept Christ and at the same time refuse
to be baptized? Accepting Christ has always meant
accepting what Christ taught.
ords are signs of ideas. It is
important then that we ask,
What is the idea conveyed
by the words that are being used?
We constantly hear such expressions
as accepting Christ, total commitment, a full surrender, and receiving Christ as your personal Saviour.
What do men mean by these terms?
I have been listening to denominational preachers for 40 or 50 years
and I think I know what they are
saying. There was a time when sectarian preachers were constantly
making fun of what Jesus said in
Mark 16:16 and what Peter said in
Acts 2:38. They would refer to my
brethren as water ducks and mossbacks. They would laugh at John 3:5
and say only three things are born of
water. They are mosquitoes, tadpoles
and Campbellites. Of course, Jesus
did not say be born of water. He said
be born of water and the Spirit. I
am neither a mosquito, tadpole nor a
Campbellite, and I was not born of
water. I was born of water and the
In generations past and present,
denominational preachers have used
special terms to deny that a person is
to be born of water and the Spirit and
that baptism is for the remission of
sins. Their approach to this is by saying you must accept Christ. By this
they mean you are to skip baptism
because they say baptism is not part
of the grace of God....
When they talk about preaching
Christ, they mean you are to disregard the words of Christ. When
they talk about a total commitment, they skip the commandments
of Jesus Christ and let your conscience be your guide. When sectarian preachers talk about surrendering to Christ, they mean avoid obedience to the Gospel of Christ. When
sectarian preachers talk about
receiving a personal Saviour, they
mean, Christ comes into the life of
Forasmuch then as
Christ hath suffered for
us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the
same mind: for he that
hath suffered in the flesh
hath ceased from sin;
That he no longer should
live the rest of [his] time
in the flesh to the lusts of
men, but to the will of
God. For the time past of
[our] life may suffice us to
have wrought the will of
the Gentiles, when we
walked in lasciviousness,
lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and
abominable idolatries:
Wherein they think it
strange that ye run not
with [them] to the same
excess of riot, speaking
evil of [you]
(1 Peter 4:1-4).
Jesus suffered for us while He
was in the flesh the mental suffering of the rejection of his people and
the Garden of Gethsemane; as well
as the physical and mental suffering
of his trials and crucifixion. He suffered as our Passover (Paschal) Lamb
that by his blood, God might
passover us in judgment. He gave
everything for us: his position in
heaven, and his life (Phil. 2:5-8).
We are to follow his example
suffering for others and for Christ.
Realizing what Jesus has done for us,
we ought to cease from sin: QUIT IT.
Our lives are not to be lived to fulfill
and lewd behavior, basically everything that has been listed above by
Peter. This would include many celebrations after championship sports
games, or rivalry games, and even
some wakes and weddings. Whether
it is done in private or as a public celebration, your actions are your
Banquetings (drinking parties) getting together to drink.
Wine tasting, bar socializing, keg
parties, beer parties, etc. This can
include some revelry, but also
includes less wild situations which
include drinking.
Abominable idolatries participation in any service to a god
other than the true and living God or
the use of icons. This would include
things like a statute of Buddha, but
would also include statutes, crucifixes and pictures of God and/or Jesus.
Any graven, molded or drawn image
that is worshipped (there are times
this would also include the wearing
of crosses, fishes and other religious
paraphernalia). When these images
are used in religious service and/or
bowed before, these icons are idols.
This includes Roman Catholicism,
but also a great number of Protestants.
Your friends, your acquaintances,
the public at large, think it is strange
that you stay away from these things
because everybody does it, everybody cant be wrong. Do you think
you are the only one who is right?
Who made you so high and holy?
Quit being a prude. These are the
type of statements you may hear.
They think you are weird, old fashioned, holier-than-thou and a myriad
of epitaphs.
They operate under a different
mindset and by different rules. As a
Christian, you are concerned with
the will of God and serving others.
You are concerned with right and
wrong. They are concerned with the
lusts of the flesh, the lusts of the
eyes, and the pride of life.
What mindset do you operate
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