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Grace Notes: From The Pastor's Pen

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Grace Notes
April 2019

From the Pastor’s Pen

“For this world either southern France. to God. For this

laughs at us or is Even though his world either laughs
laughed at by us.”
words are some- at us or is laughed
thing like fifteen at by us.”
Ah, it’s April. It’s centuries old, they
April, time for Spring seem pretty timely
and that comes with to me during this Old words but nev-
it in a place like the Lenten Season. He ertheless, timely
Texas Hill Country! writes, words at the begin-
ning of April with
Devoting ourselves three more weeks of
But… Easter is still Lenten sackcloth
three weeks away, to God out of love
for eternal life, dur- and ashes, prayer
and we’ve still got a and amendment,
lot of Lent to get ing these days let us
with all solicitude and for confession
through before we and the amendment
get to the celebra- strive to repair and
compose in the little of our sinful lives. Inside this issue:
tion of our Lord’s
Resurrection Day! ship of our soul
We’ve still got a lot whatever through-
“For this world ei- Grace Noah’s Ark 2
of Lenten days, in- out the year has
been broken, or ther laughs at us or 2
cluding Palm Sun- Women of Grace
destroyed, or dam- is laughed at by us.”
day, Maundy Thurs- In the middle of Easter Sunday 2
day, and Good Fri- aged, or ruined by
many storms, that Lent, I really like the Schedule
day, left before we sound of that!
get to Easter. That is, by the waves of Announcements 3
means we still have sins.
Council Meeting 4
“Devoting ourselves plenty of time for Pax+
sackcloth and ashes, Minutes
to God out of love During these holy
for eternal life, dur- for prayer and
amendment, and for days of Lent if you Church Calendar 5
ing these days let us cannot cut off the The Rev. Timothy
with all solicitude confession and the Brady Eggleston
occupations of this Inside Story 6
strive to repair and amendment of our
sinful lives. world, at least Transitional Pastor
compose in the little Fun Page 7
strive to curtail
ship of our soul them in part. By Stewardship Report 8
whatever through- Not long ago, I ran fleeing from this
out the year has across some Lenten world, through an Community Involve- 9
been broken, or instructions from expedient loss and a ment opportunities
destroyed, or dam- Caesarius of Arles, a most glorious gain
aged, or ruined by Christian monk and you may take away Kairos 10
many storms, that Bishop living and from earthly occu- Via de Cristo 10
is, by the waves of serving our Lord pations a few hours
sins.” from 470 to 542 in in which you can Easter Lily form 11
what is today’s devote yourselves
Contact Us 12
Page 2

Grace Notes

Grace Noah’s Ark by Marcia Schrank

Faith isn’t anything you can see; it nation in the midst of adversity, soul that is protected by faith.
isn’t anything you can touch. But and safety in the midst of trouble.
you can feel it in your heart. Faith For nothing can touch a soul that Bible Verse for April: “It is good
is what keeps you trying when is protected by faith.” Barbara to praise the Lord & make music
Our Easter Party and to His name.” Psalm 19:1
others would have given up. It Cage
Egg Hunt will be on
keeps you believing in the good-
April 18th Jesus’ death on the cross was the April Curriculum:
ness of others and helps you find
it. Faith is trusting in a power ultimate example of faith. He Letters: Q & R Color: Purple
greater than yourself and knowing trusted God to be with him Shape: Egg Numbers: 15
PLEASE REMEMBER through everything, even death on Shape & 16
that whatever happens, this pow-
– WE WILL BE er will carry you through anything. the cross. As we prepare to cele-
April 1 - 5 Gardening
CLOSED ON GOOD It is believing in yourself and hav- brate His glorious resurrection,
April 8 - 12 Birds
ing the courage to stand up for we pray that God will guide and
FRIDAY, APRIL 19th protect you, and strengthen your April 15 - 18 Easter & Flowers
what you believe in. Faith is peace
in the midst of a storm, determi- faith. For nothing can touch a April 22 – 26 Frogs & Toads

Women of Grace by Ruth Reeves

The blessing of our 80+ Lutheran to lunch in Fredericksburg to April 10 & 17.
“Help is needed World Relief quilts will be on celebrate (plus a little shopping on
Sunday, April 7, The quits will be Main Street). Tina and Deb have volunteered to
to check the draped over the back of the pews let us pack quilt boxes in their
computer for the blessing. If someone can volunteer to see if SUV's for hauling to Fredericks-
all of those computer address burg.
address sheets We will take the quilts to Freder- sheets that we have are still valid,
for packaging.” icksburg to Holy Ghost Lutheran I would appreciate it. Further information will be given
for shipping on to Lutheran during the Wednesday meetings.
World Relief on April 23. After Packing, labeling and sealing of the
unloading our quilts, we usually go boxes we are taking will happen
Page 3

Grace Notes

March Council Meeting Minutes by Carol Edwards

The March 3, 2019, meeting of coun- President's report-- Roger has spo- Sunday School for our middle school-
cil was called to order by President ken to our musicians and we will ers, 6th thru 8th grade.
Roger Schrank at 11:50 am; pastor continue with the current roster and
opened with prayer. Also attending schedule, with Esther filling in for mid Financial Secretary—Marge Muniz:
were: Patti Garza, Lindsay Bostain, -week and/or other services as need- We are now operating at or near the
Marsha Schrank, Linda James, Dina ed. Larry is replacing the fluorescent approved 2019 budget, running about
“Linda is working Buettner, Marge Muniz, Debbie lites in the church and Noah's Ark. $500 short in giving v. expenses
Dougherty and Carolyn Edwards. monthly.
on name tags with Treasurer's report-- Dina Buettner:
Grace Lutheran on Pastor's report—The church re- Thanks to the success of the Wild Fellowship—Patti Garza: Dina
them so members ceived a thank you from Bishop Game Dinner, the Scholarship Com- moved, and Marsha seconded, that
Briner for getting all our annual re- mittee increased the amount of the Patti buy a new fridge for flower stor-
can wear them to ports in to the synod office on time. award from $750 to $800. Applica- age and more. Motion carried. The
fundraisers held by Dina volunteered to head up God's tions have been sent to all county youth yard sale is tentatively set for
Work Our Hands in September. We high schools and home schoolers for Saturday, May 4, organized by Patti,
other non-profits to will work on Saturday, Sept. 7 and this year. All bills are paid Dina, Lindsay and Marsha.
show our support.” hold Rally Day on Sunday, Sept. 8.
Pastor will be away Sunday, March Outreach—Linda James: Linda is Noah's Ark—Marsha Schrank:
24 and 31. SAMs will do the services. working on name tags with Grace Marsha is completing the application
Pastor's absence for the mid-week Lutheran on them so members can for assistance from Home Depot. The
Lenten services on those weeks will wear them to fundraisers held by Bandera Wranglers is a service group
be covered by retired pastors Glenn other non-profits to show our support. that may also offer assistance. Anna
Moehring and Sam Radoman. is recovering from a bad fall from the
Holy Week begins Palm Sunday, Worship and Music—Erlene Dex- attic storage area. GNALC's attorney
April 14. Maundy Thursday worship ter: Wanted to know if we need to advised there is no need to worry
with communion and stripping the sing or recite the Lord's Prayer and about the pending EEOC case as it is
altar will be April 18. Easter is April who decides on Sunday. Council felt normal for such things to move very
21. it was often played too slowly, making slowly.
Pastor encouraged council to contin- it hard to sing. Whoever is doing the
ue to think about steps to take to service can decide with the musician The next council meeting will be held
carry out our mission statement. whether to sing or recite. April 7.

Youth rep. Lindsay Bostain– Christian Ed--Deb Dougherty: VBS The meeting adjourned at 1 pm and
Shared some ideas for reaching out will be held June 10-14 with a pro- closed with the Lord's Prayer.
to young people. She is looking at the gram called Roar.
possibility of a teen lock-in, a concert, Adult Sunday School classes are Carolyn B. Edwards,
retreats, bowling and pizza. growing. Confirmation classes begin Council Secretary
in the fall as a three year program of

April Scripture Readings

April 7, 2019 April 21, 2019 Easter Sunday
Isaiah 43:16-21 April 18, 2019 Maundy Thursday Acts 10:34-43
Psalm 126 Exodus 12:1-4 [5-10] 11-14 Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24
Philippians 3:4b-14 Psalm 116:1-2, 12-19 1 Corinthians 15:19-26
John 12:1-8 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 Luke 24:1-12
John 13:1-17, 31b-35
April 14, 2019 Palm Sunday April 28, 2019
Processional Gospel April 19, 2019 Good Friday Acts 5:27-32
Luke 19:28-40 Isaiah 52:13--53:12 Psalm 118:14-29
Isaiah 50:4-9a Psalm 22 Revelation 1:4-8
Psalm 31:9-16 Hebrews 10:16-25 John 20:19-31
Philippians 2:5-11 John 18:1--19:42
Luke 22:14--23:56
Grace Lutheran Opportunities Page 4
APRIL 2019
Page 5

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Each Sunday: 1 2 3 4 5 6

9:30 Sunday Larry Lindner 1 PM Hand & Foot Hannah Buettner

School 9 AM Women of Lawrence & Mary
10:15 Gathering Grace Lidner
Time 5:30 PM Lenten
10:30 Worship
6 PM Mid-week
Lenten Service
7 Church Council 8 9 10 11 12 13

9 AM Women of Margaret Muniz

Robert & Margaret
5:30 PM Lenten

6 PM Mid-week
Lenten Service

14 Palm Sunday 15 16 17 18 Maundy Thursday 19 Good Friday 20

Martin & Teresa Larry & Shanna Patti Garza

Huegele Lindner Maundy Thursday
9 AM Women of Service at 6 PM

5:30 PM Bible Study

in Dickens Wing

21 Easter 22 Articles for 23 24 25 26 27

9:30 Decorating of Grace Notes are due

Steve Sells Oliver Gibson Michelle Cummings
the flower cross in the Church office.
9 AM Women of
9:30 Easter Breakfast Grace
in the Dickens Wing
5:30 PM Bible Study
10:30 Worship in Dickens Wing
11:45 Easter Egg

28 Guitar Sunday 29 30 "Birthdays are

Crystal Westmeyer Birthdays are in good for your
this color health. Studies
show that people
who have more
are in this color
birthdays live
Worship Assistants - APRIL 2019
Altar Guild: Dorothy Taylor, Elinor Meyer, Evie Fordahl, Susan Neuenschwander, Tracey Kloster
Date Fellowship Cantor Usher Reader Communion Poster Projection

Carole Gage
Jerry Neu- Roger & Marsha Carolyn Edwards Marge Muniz Kim Elkins
April 7 needed enschwander Schrank Susan Henry

Dina Buettner Sam & Sharon Marsha Schrank Ronnie & Kathy Erlene Dexter Belinda Bostain
April 14 needed Radoman Hacker

Jerry Neu- James & Patti Gar- Susan Neu- Larry & Shanna Marge Muniz Kim Elkins
April 21 needed enschwander za enschwander Lindner
Page 6

Linda James
Not needed Kim Elkins Pat & Glenn Erlene Dexter Belinda Bostain
April 28 needed Marge Muniz Moehring

Acolytes: 7th: Ariana Elkins

14th: Lauren Bostain Note: If you cannot be here to do your scheduled duties, please
21st: Ariana Elkins get a replacement or email/call the church office for assistance.
28th: Lauren Bostain
Page 7


Most people assume WWJD is for “What would Jesus do?”

But the initials really stand for “What would Jesus drive?”
One theory is that Jesus would tool around in an old
Plymouth because the Bible says, “God drove Adam and
Eve out of the Garden of Eden in a Fury.” But in Psalm 83,
the almighty clearly owns a Pontiac and a Geo. The
passage urges the Lord to “pursue your enemies with your
Tempest and terrify them with your Storm.” Perhaps God
favors Dodge pickup trucks, because Moses’ followers are
warned not to go up a mountain “until the Ram’s horn
sounds a long blast.” Some scholars insist that Jesus drove
a Honda but didn’t like to talk about it. As proof, they cite
a verse in John’s gospel where Christ tells the crowd, “For I
did not speak of my own Accord.” Meanwhile, Moses rode
an old British motorcycle, as evidenced by a Bible passage
declaring that “the roar of Moses’ Triumph is heard in the
hills.” Joshua drove a Triumph sports car with a hole in its
muffler, “Joshua’s Triumph was heard throughout the
land.” And, following the Master’s lead, the Apostles car
pooled in a Honda. “The Apostles were in one Accord.”

Take the Purim Challenge...(answers at bottom of page ??)

1. How many times is the Megillah (Scroll of
Esther) traditionally read aloud on Purim?
a: Once, in the evening.
b: Once, in the morning.
c: Three times, in the evening, in the morning, and in the afternoon.
d: Twice, in the evening and in the morning.

2. What is a Purim shpiel?

a: A festive meal eaten on Purim.
b: A humorous play or show performed on Purim.
c: A long sermon or speech given on Purim.
d: A decorative costume or mask worn on Purim.

3. The Hebrew word Purim literally means...

a: Lots
b: Masks
c: Paper
d: Persia

4. Which of the following is NOT a Purim custom?

a: Lighting Candles
b: Dressing in costume
c: Gifts of food
d: Drinking alcohol

5. What is a gragger?
a: Triangular pastry eaten on Purim
b: A prayer for the Purim victims
c: Gifts to the poor
d: A Purim noisemaker

6. What Jewish holiday follows Purim?

a: Rosh Hashana
b: Yom Kippur
c: Shabbat Shuva
d: Passover

Answers: 1/d 2/b 3/a 4/a 5/d 6/d

Page 8
Page 9
Community Involvement Opportunities
Page 10

Grace Notes

Worship & Music by Erlene Dexter

Thank you, Rhonda Balsley, for needs volunteers. We thank Belin-
volunteering to be the new Wor- da Bostain, Kim Elkins, and Dianne
Could you always ship Assistants Coordinator. Irvin for selflessly filling this roll,
do just the second Rhonda will step into this roll the but we need at least two or three
beginning of September. more to volunteer. If we have at
Sunday of the
least four people, the commit-
month? Great! We Help is still needed in several ment would be One Sunday a
need you! This posi- areas to help our service run month. Could you always do just
tion is open to any- smoothly from week to week. the second Sunday of the month?
one who is a teen Would you consider signing up to Great! We need you! This posi-
or older. Training be on the alter guild? This job isn’t tion is open to anyone who is a
excessively time consuming nor teen or older. Training will be
will be provided.
difficult especially when there are provided.
many hands help.
Call or see Erlene at church to get
Running of the projector during more information.
the service is another area that

Kairos & Via de Cristo by Jack Balsley

“Help is needed Kairos is the witness of Christ in I would love to talk to you on the
to make cookies our prison system. Grace Luther- Sunday’s that I’m at Grace to
an serves on the team that hosts share more information with you..
at an approved
the first and third Sunday of the
certified kitchen.” month.

Cookies are still needed, but are

now done in approved certified
kitchens. We gather on Saturdays
as a group to bake and have fun.
Page 11

Church Council
President: Roger Schrank roger.schrank@gmail.com 830-328-6444 Christian Ed: Debbie Dougherty dkdougherty5@gmail.com 303-521-8906

Vice President: Marge Muniz munizmarge@gmail.com 830-796-3557 Facilities: Larry Lindner d-lindner@sbcglobal.net 210-775-8205

Secretary: Carolyn Edwards cbedwards@78003.com 830-688-9804 Fellowship: Patti Garza garzapatti63@gmail.com 830-688-9688

Financial Secretary: Marge Muniz munizmarge@gmail.com 830-796-3557 Evangelism/Outreach: Linda James kjames.bandera@gmail.com 830-688-9048

Treasure: Dina Buettner buettner_4@yahoo.com 830-796-1363 Worship/Music: Erlene Dexter dexter.michael54@yahoo.com 830-796-5225

Easter Lily Order Form: Easter 2019

Please complete the dedication form and get it to the church office no later than April 10, 2019.
Additional forms are available in the narthex or the church office.

Your Name:_____________________________________________________________________________________________

Your phone number or email address:_____________________________________________________________________

Dedication information: Please print clearly, and make sure information is exactly as you want it to appear in the
bulletin. Note: there is an 8 word limit for each line due to print space limitations.

Given by:_______________________________________________________________________________________________
(Choose “In honor of” if you are dedicating your lily to someone still living, or “In memory of” if you are dedicating it to someone
who has passed away.)

In honor of:_____________________________________________________________________________________________
In memory of:___________________________________________________________________________________________

This year we are NOT ordering Easter Lilies. We are asking each family to purchase their own, and bring it to church
marked with your name if you would like to have it after our Easter Day service.
Please DO NOT bring your lily(s) to the church before Easter Sunday, April 21st. We will place any and all lilies in
the sanctuary at that time.
Grace Lutheran Church
PO Box 1226 Phone: 830-796-3091
Come visit us on the 451 Hwy 173 North Fax: 830-796-3092
Bandera TX 78003 E-mail: gracebandera@sbcglobal.net
web at:
Office Hours: M-Th 8 am - 3:30 pm
www.gracebandera.org F 8-10 am

Faithfully equipping God's disciples to do God's work in our church, our community, and our world.

Grace Lutheran Church

451 Hwy 173 North –
P.O. Box 1226
Bandera, Texas 78003
Pastor Brady Eggleston

Sunday School- 9:30 am

Gathering Time- 10:15 am /
Answers for Purim Worship 10:30 am
Quiz on pg. 7
1. D
2. B Pastor Brady Eggleston-cell: 210-
3. A 323-9522
4. A
Email: grace.pastor@sbcglobal.net
5. D
6. D

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