Grace Notes: From The Pastor's Pen
Grace Notes: From The Pastor's Pen
Grace Notes: From The Pastor's Pen
Grace Notes
April 2019
Grace Notes
Grace Notes
Youth rep. Lindsay Bostain– Christian Ed--Deb Dougherty: VBS The meeting adjourned at 1 pm and
Shared some ideas for reaching out will be held June 10-14 with a pro- closed with the Lord's Prayer.
to young people. She is looking at the gram called Roar.
possibility of a teen lock-in, a concert, Adult Sunday School classes are Carolyn B. Edwards,
retreats, bowling and pizza. growing. Confirmation classes begin Council Secretary
in the fall as a three year program of
Each Sunday: 1 2 3 4 5 6
6 PM Mid-week
Lenten Service
Carole Gage
Jerry Neu- Roger & Marsha Carolyn Edwards Marge Muniz Kim Elkins
April 7 needed enschwander Schrank Susan Henry
Dina Buettner Sam & Sharon Marsha Schrank Ronnie & Kathy Erlene Dexter Belinda Bostain
April 14 needed Radoman Hacker
Jerry Neu- James & Patti Gar- Susan Neu- Larry & Shanna Marge Muniz Kim Elkins
April 21 needed enschwander za enschwander Lindner
Page 6
Linda James
Not needed Kim Elkins Pat & Glenn Erlene Dexter Belinda Bostain
April 28 needed Marge Muniz Moehring
5. What is a gragger?
a: Triangular pastry eaten on Purim
b: A prayer for the Purim victims
c: Gifts to the poor
d: A Purim noisemaker
Grace Notes
Church Council
President: Roger Schrank 830-328-6444 Christian Ed: Debbie Dougherty 303-521-8906
Vice President: Marge Muniz 830-796-3557 Facilities: Larry Lindner 210-775-8205
Secretary: Carolyn Edwards 830-688-9804 Fellowship: Patti Garza 830-688-9688
Financial Secretary: Marge Muniz 830-796-3557 Evangelism/Outreach: Linda James 830-688-9048
Treasure: Dina Buettner 830-796-1363 Worship/Music: Erlene Dexter 830-796-5225
Your Name:_____________________________________________________________________________________________
Dedication information: Please print clearly, and make sure information is exactly as you want it to appear in the
bulletin. Note: there is an 8 word limit for each line due to print space limitations.
Given by:_______________________________________________________________________________________________
(Choose “In honor of” if you are dedicating your lily to someone still living, or “In memory of” if you are dedicating it to someone
who has passed away.)
In honor of:_____________________________________________________________________________________________
In memory of:___________________________________________________________________________________________
This year we are NOT ordering Easter Lilies. We are asking each family to purchase their own, and bring it to church
marked with your name if you would like to have it after our Easter Day service.
Please DO NOT bring your lily(s) to the church before Easter Sunday, April 21st. We will place any and all lilies in
the sanctuary at that time.
Grace Lutheran Church
PO Box 1226 Phone: 830-796-3091
Come visit us on the 451 Hwy 173 North Fax: 830-796-3092
Bandera TX 78003 E-mail:
web at:
Office Hours: M-Th 8 am - 3:30 pm F 8-10 am
Faithfully equipping God's disciples to do God's work in our church, our community, and our world.