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Calculation of Lightning-Induced Voltages in MODELS Including Lossy Ground Effects

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International Conference on Power Systems Transients - IPST 2003 in New Orleans, USA

Calculation of Lightning-induced Voltages in MODELS Including Lossy Ground Effects

Hans Kr. Hidalen
Dept of electrical engineering, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway (e-mail: hans.hoidalen@elkraft.ntnu.no)
Abstract The paper outlines how lightning-induced voltages (LIV) in multi-conductor overhead lines can be calculated in MODELS in the ATP-EMTP. Lossy ground effects on the radial electrical field is taken into account by the CoorayRubinstein approximation, but the overhead line itself is assumed to be lossless. This is a reasonable assumption for line lengths up to 1-3 km, depending on the ground resistivity. The simple transmission line model is used for the lightning channel. This is an "engineering model" and a good compromise between accuracy and complexity, based on measurable parameters. The model is valid for the first few microseconds where the peak voltage mostly occurs. Keywords Lightning induced voltages, MODELS, lossy ground

location this is not a reasonable assumption, however as seen in [13].

The configuration of the system is shown in Fig. 1. The main assumptions in the model are: The lightning channel is straight and vertical. The return stroke current propagates unattenuated upward with a constant velocity, v (TL model). The shape of the lightning current is linear in time. Only the field from the return stroke is considered. The earth is homogenous with constant conductivity and permittivity. The overhead line is considered to be lossless. The lossy ground is assumed to affect the horizontal electrical field only.

Lightning-induced voltage (LIV) in overhead electrical power systems is an important source of failure. The problem increases with reduced voltage level since classically, the LIV is proportional to the overhead line height. Calculation of LIV on overhead lines is addressed by many authors as summarized in [1, 2]. Implementation of LIV in EMTP software is reported in [3-6]. In [3] the source code of M39 is modified, while in [4] an induced voltage term is calculated externally and included as an empirical source [7]. In [5,6] the induced voltage calculation is included in EMTP (and MatLab) using a finite difference approach. The present paper proposes an efficient and analytical method to include LIV calculations via MODELS [8]. Two critical points in the calculation process are the lightning channel model and the handling of lossy ground effects. Among all the lightning channel models the transmission line model (TL) is used in this paper since it is reported to give a reasonable agreement with measurements [9]. It also results in analytical expressions for the electrical fields when integrating the contributions along the lightning channel [10]. The propagation effect on the electromagnetic field is modeled by a simple surface impedance method called the Cooray-Rubinstein approximated which has shown to be a suitable method for LIV calculations over reasonable well conducting ground (sg>0.001 S/m) [11, 12]. Combined with a linear lightning current shape at ground this results in a final solution containing only a single convolution integral. The electromagnetic field from the developing leader is assumed to be semi-static compared to the one from the return stroke. As a consequence only the return stroke field is considered in this paper. Too close to the lightning

v I0

lightning channel


r s, e r

Fig. 1. Geometry of the system.

A. Electrical fields If a constant current I0 is assumed the electromagnetic fields over a lossless ground can be calculated analytically, following the approach from Rusck [10].

E x 0 ( x, y , z , t )

1- 2 0 c I0 1 x z - 3 + 3 2 r 0 c I0 2

(1) (2)

E z 0 ( x, y, z = 0, t ) =

1 - 2 1 - r 0 I0 v t x B y 0 (x, y, z = 0, t ) = 2 r 2

with = (v t ) 2 + (1 - 2 ) r 2 and r = x 2 + y 2 (4)

International Conference on Power Systems Transients - IPST 2003 in New Orleans, USA

Ex0 is directed along the overhead line from terminal B to A. Ez0 is directed upward from ground and By0 is directed perpendicular to the overhead line. A positive lightning current propagates upward. According to the Cooray-Rubinstein approximation the horizontal electric field over a lossy ground is the sum of the lossless field and a surface impedance contribution depending on the horizontal magnetic field:
( x, y , z , t ) = Ex E x 0 (x, y , z , t ) - g 0 (t ) * B y 0 (x, y,0, t )

U ( x, ) = -h E z 0 ( x, y,0, ) + K 1 e x + K 2 e - x x 1 (, y, h, ) e - ( x - ) d (10) + Ex 2 -

1 Ex (, y, h, ) e ( x - ) d 2 x

where = jC '( R'+ jL' ) . K1 and K2 are constants determined by the boundary conditions. At the terminal A, the last integral in (10) vanishes. A term called the inducing voltage U ind 0 ( x A , ) is now defined which is composed of both the integrals of the horizontal field and the vertical field at both terminals. The remaining integral is split in two terms based on (5).
U ind 0 ( x A , ) = xA xB


where the sign '*' denotes a convolution and g0(t) is the surface function in the time domain. The surface function is in the frequency domain [11] 0 j g 0 () = c + r 0 j (6)

E x ( , y , h , ) e

- ( x - )

d (11)

where s is the conductivity and er is the relative permittivity of the ground. The lossy ground effect on the vertical electrical field and the magnetic field is further ignored. This is a good approximation within 10 km distance. B. Coupling to overhead line Fig. 2 shows the orientation of the overhead line. The end A of the overhead line is oriented so that xA > xB. The overhead line has length L and height z = h above ground.
observation point (x, y, z) overhead line

- h E z 0 ( x A , y,0, ) + h E z 0 ( x B , y,0, ) e - L = U 0 ( x A , ) - g 0 ( j) U ( x A , ) where


U 0 ( x A , ) =

- h E z 0 ( x A , y,0, ) + h E z 0 ( x B , y,0, ) e is the lossless part and



E x 0 ( , y , h , ) e

- ( x - )

- L


U ( x A , ) =


B y 0 (, y,0, ) e

- ( x - )


is the lossy ground contribution. C. Implementation


xB x

stroke position

Fig. 2. The co-ordinate system and the line orientation.

The Agrawal coupling model [14] is further used to calculate the LIV in an overhead line. The total line voltage is a sum of the scattered voltage US and the incident voltage Ui U ( x, t ) = U S ( x, t ) + U i ( x, t ) (7) where

To be able to implement the calculation of induced voltages in MODELS a fundamental assumption is that the overhead line itself is lossless which is reasonable for short lines (<2 km) [15]. With this lossless line assumption the integrals in (12) can actually be solved analytically in the time domain as shown in [16], since g =jw/c. The overhead line can then further be modeled with the classical Bergeron model as shown in fig. 3. iA + UA Z'
+ UrA -

+ UrB -

U i ( x, t ) = - E z ( x, y, z, t ) dz -h E z ( x, y ,0, t ) (8)

iB + UB -

and U S ( x, t ) ( x, y, h, t ) + R'+ L' i( x, t ) = E x t x i ( x, t ) + C ' U S ( x, t ) = 0 x t

Fig. 3. Electric model of overhead line.

Where the voltage sources are formulated [17]:

U rA (t ) = U ind 0 ( x A , t ) + U B (t - ) + Z 'i B (t - ) U rB (t ) = U ind 0 ( - x B , t ) + U A (t - ) + Z 'i A (t - )


The general solution in the frequency domain to these equations is

International Conference on Power Systems Transients - IPST 2003 in New Orleans, USA

The source UrA at terminal A consists of a resultant and the inducing voltage term called U ind 0 (x A , t ) reflection from terminal B delayed the traveling time t. So far a step current is assumed. An arbitrary current shape can be taken into account by a final convolution integral ( x, t ) = (14) where I 1 i (t ) g 1 (t ) = = m (1 - H (t - t c ) b ) (15) I 0 t I 0 tc The last part of (15) applies to a linear rising lightning current. tc is the time to crest while b is the current tail factor, b = (t h - t c / 2) /(t h - t c ) . H is the unit step function. Based on (11) the total inducing voltages becomes
0 U ind ( x, t ) = U ind ( x, t ) + U ind ( x, t ) where 0 U ind ( x, t ) = g 1 (t ) *U 0 ( x, t ) U ind U ind g1 (t ) *U ind 0 ( x, t )



Fig. 4 Implementation in ATPDraw.

(16a) (16b) (16c)

The overhead line is further modeled with type 51..52 branches with the resistances equal to the characteristic impedances. Type 60 sources are used to represent the UrA and UrB voltages [7]. Only the terminal voltages can be calculated and to obtain voltages along the line it must be sectioned. The model also handles the orientation of the overhead line. If the positions of the overhead line terminals A, B is given by (xA', yA') and (xB', yB') and the lightning position by (x0', y0') in a global system, the co-ordinates in the specific induced voltage co-ordinate system in fig. 2 will be:

x A = ( x A' - x 0' ) cos() + ( y A' - y 0' ) sin() x B = ( x B' - x 0' ) cos() + ( y B' - y 0' ) sin() (18) y = ( y A' - y 0' ) cos() - ( x A' - x 0' ) sin()

( x, t ) = - g 1 (t ) * g 0 (t ) *U ( x, t )

Assuming a linear lightning current the convolution g1(t)*g0(t) can be solved analytically. This results in a Bessel function which is further simplified with its large argument approximation as shown in [16]. Equation (13) is now efficiently reformulated into a recursive expression without the overhead line current and the characteristic impedance matrix [16]. The lossless 0 contribution U ind (x A , t ) is scaled with the height of the
(x A , t ) conductor j, hj (the lossy ground contribution U ind is height independent). It is assumed that all conductors have the same distance y to the lightning stroke.

y A '- yB ' (full 4-quadrant solutions) x A ' - xB ' The x co-ordinates xA and xB now satisfy the requirement xA>xB and the line length is L=xA-xB. tan(a ) =
E. Verification Fig. 5 shows calculations of LIV in a matched overhead line similar to fig. 6b compared with a calculation by Rachidie et.al. [15] where the modified transmission line model is used and the calculations are performed numerically. The agreement is very good for the first few microseconds.

j U rA (t) =

Induced voltage [kV]

hj 0 U ind (x A , t ) + U ind (x A , t ) h j j + 2 U B (t - ) - U rB (t - )


60 40 20 0 -20 -40

hj j 0 U rB (t) = , , ( ) ( ) U x t + U x t ind B ind B h j j + 2 U A (t - ) - U rA (t - ) where j is the phase number (1..n).


When the overhead line is matched with its characteristic impedance the total induced line voltage will be half of the inducing voltage formulated in (16). D. Practical considerations The calculation of the voltages sources UrA and UrB is implemented in the MODELS language [8] as shown in appendix A. This results in an ATPDraw circuit as shown in fig. 4, where two phases are supported.

4 6 time [ms]


Fig. 5. Induced voltage at the terminals A and B in overhead line terminated with its characteristic impedance. Dotted line: lossless. Solid line: lossy ground (s=0.001 S/m, er=10). , : values from [Rachidie et. al., 1996 [15]].

International Conference on Power Systems Transients - IPST 2003 in New Orleans, USA

The induced voltage from a return stroke is very dependent on the orientation and terminations of the overhead line. If the lightning strike is located near one of the terminal the inducing voltage at this terminal is a sum of a large positive vertical field contribution and a negative horizontal field contribution, while the situation at the other terminal is the opposite. When the ground becomes lossy the radial electrical field is reduced. This will result in a higher voltage at the near end and a lower voltage at the far end, that in fact can change sign. When the overhead line is matched with it's characteristic impedance the resulting induced voltage will be half the value of the inducing voltage, and when the line terminal is open the induced voltage will be initially doubled. The lightning current has in all cases amplitude 30 kA, a front time of 2 ms, a time to half value 50 ms and a velocity v=c/2=1.5108 m/s. The height of the overhead line is h=10 m and it's characteristic impedance is 400 W. lightning location 100 m B overhead line 1000 m
Fig. 6a) Configuration 1.

Fig. 8 shows the inducing voltage at the end- and midpoint of configuration 2. The inducing voltage at the midpoint in the lossless situation will be almost the voltage calculated by Rusck [10]. The reduction is caused by the 2 ms front time. The amplitude according to Rusck would h = 248 kV . result in U max 60 I m 1 + 2 y 2-
400 [kV] 300

s=0.001 S/m s=0.01 S/m s=



-100 0

5 10 15 20 [us] 25

Fig. 8 Inducing voltage at the end- (A=B) and mid-point (M) of configuration 2.
75 [kV]

100 m B

lightning location 500 m overhead line A


ZM = 0 W ZM = 100 W ZM = 200 W

1000 m
Fig. 6b) Configuration 2.


Fig. 7 shows the inducing voltage from (16) at the near and far end of configuration 1 in fig. 6a.
200 [kV] 150 100 50 0 -50 -100 -150 -200 0 5 10 15 20 [us] 25



s=0.001 S/m s=0.01 S/m s=

-15 0

5 10 15 20 [us] 25

Fig. 9 Induced voltage at the phase wire, config. 1 including a grounded conductor. Ground conductivity is 0.01 S/m.

Fig. 7. Inducing voltage at the near and far end according to configuration 1. 4

The effect of the ground conductivity is clearly seen in fig. 7 and 8. For a lightning stroke near the line's terminal the effect is large; the voltage at the near end is increased and at the far end reduced to actually change sign. For a lightning stroke near the mid-point of the line the lossy ground effect is less pronounced, resulting in a minor reduction of the induced voltage. The developed model can handle multiple phases. Usually two phases is sufficient since the zero sequence

International Conference on Power Systems Transients - IPST 2003 in New Orleans, USA

system is of greatest importance. The phase conductors can thus be merged into one and the ground or neutral conductor taken as the other. The effect of a grounded second wire is demonstrated in fig. 9, using configuration 1. The phase wire is matched at both ends with it's characteristic impedance ZL of 400 W. The neutral wire also has impedance ZN = 400 W and it is ideally grounded at both ends. The mutual impedance ZM varies between 0 and 200 W. Without the neutral wire (ZM = 0) the induced voltage is half the values in fig. 7. A ground conductivity of s=0.01 S/m is assumed. At the near end the maximum induced voltage is reached before any reflections from the far side. The maximum voltage is therefor reduced by a factor c due to the grounded conductor. At the far end the reduction is larger and more complicated since the voltage reaches its maximum after reflections from the near end.
UL 2 Z L (1 - Z M / Z N ) = 2 Ur / 2 2ZL - ZM / ZN is based on the terminal model = ZL + IL UL (19)

The presented model is a reasonable engineering model that enables calculation of lightning induced voltages in overhead line systems in the ATP-EMTP. The analytical formulation results in a fast and stable calculation. The model is reasonable for distances of 100 m -10 km and line lengths up to 2 km.


In the model Indloss the inducing voltages are calculated in the INIT section. The variables UindA0[i] and UindAD[i] represent the lossless and lossy ground contributions respectively, as a function of time. In order to allocate sufficient memory the number of time steps in the simulation is here declared as a constant Tmax. Due to the special handling of the g1(t)*g0(t) convolution function at small times [16] the following restriction applies to the time step: Dt > e r e 0 /(p s ) , which is reasonable in most cases.
MODEL indloss CONST Tmax {VAL:500} --num. time steps n {VAL:2} --num. phases c {VAL:3.e8} --speed of light I0 {VAL:1} --step current ampl. eps0 {val:8.85e-12}--permittivity INPUT UA[1..n],UB[1..n] --terminal voltages DATA XA0,YA0,XB0,YB0 --line positions z[1..n] {DFLT:10} --phase heights Im {DFLT:3e4} --current amplitude tc {DFLT:5e-5} --time to half value th {DFLT:2e-6} --time to crest v {DFLT:1.5e8} --current velocity X0 {DFLT:0.0} --lightning x-pos Y0 {DFLT:0.0} --lightning y-pos sigma {DFLT:0.01} --ground conductivity epsr {DFLT:10} --rel. permittivity OUTPUT UrA[1..n],UrB[1..n] --type 60 sources VAR UindA0[0..Tmax],UindB0[0..Tmax],g1,g2,g2s, UindAD[0..Tmax],UindBD[0..Tmax],Ui0,UiD, UrA[1..n],UrB[1..n],Tr,Te,i,AB,dt,uk[1..4], b,L,x,tau,a1,b1,c0,c1,c2,c3,Y,XA,XB,a FUNCTION F0(x,tr):= (c*tr-x)/ (y*y+(b*(c*tr-x))**2) FUNCTION F1(x,tr):= (x+b*b*(c*tr-x))/ sqrt((v*tr)**2+(1-b*b)*(x*x+y*y)) FUNCTION F2(x,tr):= x+b*b*(c*tr-x)+ sqrt((v*tr)**2+(1-b*b)*(x*x+y*y)) FUNCTION F3(x,tr):= (v*tr+sqrt((v*tr)**2+(1b*b)*(x*x+y*y)))/sqrt(x*x+y*y) FUNCTION t0(x):= sqrt(x*x+y*y)/c HISTORY UrA[1..n] {dflt:0}, UrB[1..n] {dflt:0} UA[1..n] {dflt:0}, UB[1..n] {dflt:0} DELAY CELLS DFLT: (sqrt((XA0-XB0)**2+(YA0YB0)**2))/(c*timestep)+1 INIT a:=atan2(YA0-YB0,XA0-XB0) XA:=(XA0-X0)*cos(a)+(YA0-Y0)*sin(a) XB:=(XB0-X0)*cos(a)+(YB0-Y0)*sin(a) Y :=(YA0-Y0)*cos(a)-(XA0-X0)*sin(a) dt:= timestep b:=v/c L:=XA-XB tau:=L/c a1:=Im/(I0*tc) b1:=0.5*tc/(th-tc)+1 c0:=PI*sigma/(eps0*epsr) c1:=a1/sqrt(epsr) c2:=-1.0736/c0+0.2153/(dt*c0**2)+ 4/3*sqrt(dt/c0) c3:=-0.2153/(dt*c0**2)+1/6*sqrt(dt/c0)


U - ZI =Ur - Z I U = L L 0

and the assumption that incoming voltage waves to the line and neutral terminals are initially equal (same line height and no reflections).

The developed model is based on some fundamental assumptions. The lightning channel is modelled as a transmission line. This is an engineering approach that gives reasonable agreement with measurements [9]. An extension called the modified transmission line model is used in for example [15]. This model seems to give better results for the fields, but the effect on the induced voltage is limited and the peak value is almost unaffected. It is important to realise that the lightning channel in reality is very complicated with a stochastic nature, so the level of accuracy for these calculations is anyhow limited. The overhead line is lossless. This is a fundamental assumption which is reasonable for shorter lines (1-3 km) [15]. It seems very complicated at this moment to solve the full integral in (12) in MODELS. Longer lines can as a first approximation be modelled with line sections interconnected by concentrated and constant resistances. A modification of the Vance approximation (large frequency approximation) [15] is suggested in [16] with the frequency replaced by 1/4tc): 0 1 [/m] . R' 2 h 4 t c

Only the induced voltage from the return stroke is

considered. This is doubtful for nearby lightning since the field from the leader becomes important as seen in [13].

International Conference on Power Systems Transients - IPST 2003 in New Orleans, USA
FOR AB:=1 TO 2 DO if AB=1 then x:=XA else x:=-XB endif FOR i:=0 TO Tmax DO Tr:=i*dt if Tr>t0(x) then if Tr>t0(x-L)+tau then Ui0:=f0(x,Tr)* (f1(x,Tr)-f1(x-L,Tr-tau)) UiD:=ln( f2(x,Tr)/f2(x-L,Tr-tau) ) -1/b*ln( f3(x,Tr)/f3(x-L,Tr-tau) ) else Ui0:=f0(x,Tr)*(f1(x,Tr)+1) UiD:=ln( f2(x,Tr)*f0(x,Tr) ) -1/b*ln( f3(x,Tr)/(1+b) ) endif else Ui0:=0, UiD:=0 endif if AB=1 then UindA0[i]:=Ui0 UindAD[i]:=UiD else UindB0[i]:=Ui0 UindBD[i]:=UiD endif ENDFOR ENDFOR g1:=a1*dt g2:=g1*sqrt(eps0/(PI*sigma*dt)) i:=Tmax WHILE i>1 DO uk[1..4]:=0 FOR Tr:=1 TO i-1 DO g2s:=sqrt(i-Tr) uk[1]:=uk[1]+UindA0[Tr] uk[2]:=uk[2]+UindB0[Tr] uk[3]:=uk[3]+UindAD[Tr]/g2s uk[4]:=uk[4]+UindBD[Tr]/g2s ENDFOR UindA0[i]:=(uk[1]+0.5*UindA0[i])*g1 UindB0[i]:=(uk[2]+0.5*UindB0[i])*g1 UindAD[i]:=uk[3]*g2+ (UindAD[i]*c2+UindAD[i-1]*c3)*c1 UindBD[i]:=uk[4]*g2+ (UindBD[i]*c2+UindBD[i-1]*c3)*c1 i:=i-1 ENDWHILE Tr:=trunc(tc/dt) Te:=trunc(2*th/dt) FOR i:=Tmax TO Tr BY -1 DO if i>Te then UindA0[i]:=0, UindB0[i]:=0 UindAD[i]:=0, UindBD[i]:=0 else UindA0[i]:=UindA0[i]-b1*UindA0[i-Tr] UindB0[i]:=UindB0[i]-b1*UindB0[i-Tr] UindAD[i]:=UindAD[i]-b1*UindAD[i-Tr] UindBD[i]:=UindBD[i]-b1*UindBD[i-Tr] endif ENDFOR ENDINIT EXEC FOR i:=1 to n DO UrA[i]:=60*I0*b* (z[i]*UindA0[t/dt] - UindAD[t/dt]) + 2*delay(UB[i],tau-dt,1)-delay(UrB[i],tau,1) UrB[i]:=60*I0*b* (z[i]*UindB0[t/dt] - UindBD[t/dt]) + 2*delay(UA[i],tau-dt,1)-delay(UrA[i],tau,1) ENDFOR ENDEXEC ENDMODEL

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[4] [5]


[7] [8] [9] [10]








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