The Hold Me Tight Workbook - Dr. Sue Johnson
The Hold Me Tight Workbook - Dr. Sue Johnson
The Hold Me Tight Workbook - Dr. Sue Johnson
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Across human history, the consensus has generally been that romantic
love is, and always will be, a mystery — something by its very nature
unknowable. Perhaps because love seems so baffling and unruly, our culture
appears to be losing all faith in the viability of stable romantic partnerships.
Skepticism and pessimism regarding long-term love have always been with
us. But now I think we can agree that those feelings have been compounded
by a new kind of stress — one we’ve never known before now — the stress
of the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath, a world in a state of flux.
The time of lockdown and recovery has affected relationships of all
kinds. For some couples, it was a time of coming together, regrouping, and
reconnection. For others, close confinement, uncertainty, and managing
virtual work and school put a strain on already fragile bonds.
As a clinical psychologist, couples therapist, and relationship researcher,
I have grown increasingly alarmed and frustrated by where we are and
where we seem to be going. I attend conferences that are led by “gurus”
who preach new and shiny ideas about how we work through and resolve
issues in coupledom — yet none are rooted in science and biology. For the
past forty-plus years, I’ve been in search of empirical evidence regarding
the way we form attachments, what makes us feel secure, and how to bridge
the gap of couples’ varying attachment needs and fears. I have always
believed that love is exquisitely logical and understandable, adaptive and
functional. Even better, it is malleable, reparable, and durable. This belief in
the science of love was what inspired me to create Emotionally Focused
Therapy — EFT — which is at the center of my 2008 book, Hold Me Tight:
Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love.
I realize that for couples in distressed love relationships, science is the
last thing on their minds. It is not the path they think to take to return to
their healthy state of secure attachment and bonding with one another. But
to echo a popular recent catchphrase, we need to believe the science.
Consider the brain scan study done with psychologist Jim Coan from the
University of Virginia: Women patients having an fMRI brain scan were
told that when a little red light in the machine came on, they might receive a
small electric shock — or they might not. As they anticipated this potential
shock, their partners were prompted to hold their hands and speak words of
compassion and love to them. Coan found that encouraging words and
touch from a loved one completely changed how their brain responded to
the threat of shock — and to the shock itself. Patients registered less stress
and felt less pain.
Based on what this experiment and hundreds of other studies like it
show, being bonded with a loved one acts as a buffer to pain and distress.
So it is precisely this time in our history when romantic love should be
more important than ever. The aftermath of the pandemic has led to an
epidemic of loneliness, anxiety, and depression. Today, adult partnerships
are often the only real human ties we can count on in our virtual and
frenetically multitasking world. Moreover, we seem, in so many ways, to be
working actively against our desire for love and commitment. Our society
exalts emotional independence, and we’re constantly exhorted to love
ourselves first and foremost. It’s a growing trend that worries me, and in the
past few years, I’ve felt the call to offer couples an additional resource that
can help them rediscover one another and strengthen their bond.
I also have become even more firm in my belief in EFT’s universality,
and how the research on its effectiveness proves that we are more alike than
different. Over the decades, I’ve seen firsthand how EFT has helped
couples, no matter their race, ethnicity, faith, sexual orientation, gender
identity, or political affiliation. I’ve heard from couples all around the
world, from a tapestry of experiences and worldviews: from Muslim
couples in Egypt to Evangelicals in the Southern U.S.; white, Black,
cisgender, and queer. Whatever our differences, it’s clear that every human
being is wired for connection — we all share common needs to be seen,
valued, and supported by others. Now more than ever, that’s a truth we need
to be reminded of.
I know it can be hard to begin the work of love and loving. But what I know
is this: The work is well worth it. Our need for others to come close when
we call — to offer us safe haven — is absolute, but not absolutely given. We
must work at it, and you have already begun by simply picking up this
workbook and discussing together the role it can play in your relationship.
It may not lead to a perfect love (because there is no such thing), but it will
lead to a more present love — one that is secure, deep, and lasting.
Love may be the most used and the most potent word in every language
spoken around the world. It is the pinnacle of evolution, the most
compelling survival mechanism of the human species. Not because it
induces us to mate and reproduce, but because love drives us to bond
emotionally with a precious few others who offer us refuge from the storms
of life. Love is our bulwark, designed to provide emotional protection so we
can cope with the ups and downs of existence.
This is the drive to emotionally attach — to find someone to whom we
can say, “Hold me tight.” Emotional connection, a felt sense of closeness, is
biologically coded as a safety cue in our genes, brains, and bodies. It is as
basic to life, health, and happiness as the drives for food, shelter, or sex. We
need emotional attachments with a few irreplaceable others to be physically
and mentally healthy — to survive. Secure connection to a loved one is
empowering. It anchors us in feelings of safety and security. Science from
all fields tells us very clearly that we are not only social animals, but
animals who need a special kind of close connection with others. It’s not
just whether or not we have close relationships in our lives — the quality of
these relationships matters, too. Negative relationships undermine our
health. When we are disconnected emotionally from our partners, we don’t
feel emotionally safe. In a secure bond, we are accessible and responsive.
Secure attachment and bonding make us feel safe, while insecure
attachment makes us afraid. Just as connection and protection act as signals
that tell us we are safe, isolation and emotional separation from our partners
are danger cues.
We all experience fear when we have disagreements or arguments with
our partner. But for those of us with secure bonds, it is a momentary blip.
The fear is quickly and easily tamped down as we realize that there is no
real threat or that our partner will reassure us if we ask. For those of us with
weaker or fraying bonds, the fear can be overwhelming. We are swamped
by what neuroscientist Jaak Panksepp calls primal panic. Then we generally
do one of two things: We either become demanding and clingy in an effort
to draw comfort and reassurance from our partner, or we withdraw and
detach in an attempt to soothe and protect ourselves. No matter the exact
words, what we’re really saying in those reactions is, “Notice me. Be with
me. I need you,” or “I won’t let you hurt me. I will chill out, try to stay in
The exercises in this section will help you discover not just your level of
fear of losing trust and attachment, that safe and emotional connection we
are wired to seek, but also the manner in which you act out in the face of
what you feel is threatening your bond. This is an important step to undergo
before the conversations begin, because before you can communicate
effectively with your partner and your partner with you, it is necessary to
find clarity within oneself regarding your own attachment language in the
form of your needs, patterns, and behaviors. Only then can accountability
come into play, a key driver to hearing and answering with compassion one
another’s calls for attention and connection. When you know how to speak
the language of attachment, you can give clear messages about what you
need and how much you care.
Our fears are wired into our brains. Everyone has them. Can you
pinpoint or identify your fears? Listen to the feelings you have, and
find, at the core, any fear or anxiety that involves being rejected or
abandoned by your partner. To help you get in touch with your internal
experience, here are a few of the common feelings or qualities of
demanders and withdrawers. Check off the ones you resonate with.
CHECKPOINT: What Your Words Might Mean
Demanders say:
I’m dying here. I am shut down. My feelings don’t matter. It’s
lonelier than living alone. By myself. Dismissed. I get no
response. I’m hammering on their door. I yell to get a response
— any response. We’re roommates. I don’t matter to them.
Withdrawers say:
I never get it right — can’t please. I give up, space out. Best to
avoid a fight — try to keep things calm. I’m failing here.
Paralyzed. No point. Go behind my wall. I try to fix it — but it
doesn’t work. I numb out.
Becoming critical
Blaming or pointing out your mistakes
Telling you how to improve
Becoming angry — blowing up
Insisting on making my point even if I get pushy
Expressing frustration in an angry way
Expressing disapproval
Defining you as being the problem
Pursuing — insisting that you pay attention
Telling you how to change
Making threats
Our actions have more impact on our partners than we think. How do you
think your partner sees you in these moments? For instance, if you often get
angry and demanding, you might think your partner would describe you as
scary? Or, if you are continually telling them that they are inadequate as a
partner and a person, pushing them away, rejecting them and the
relationship, then you might be seen by your partner as abandoning them, as
not needing them, as being easily able to shut them out as if they don’t
matter, leaving them painfully alone.
See if you can agree on your main response. Do you mainly demand
or withdraw?
We will further explore and dissect this in the next chapter with exercises
that are all about the three different types of dances that couples take part
in, depending on their primal panic responses. But first, let’s map your
individual moves using the following worksheet.
Partner 1:
When _ ____________________________________________
____________________________________________, I do
not feel safely connected to you.
Partner 2:
When _____________________________________________
___________________________________________, I do not
feel safely connected to you.
Partner 1:
1. For the following statement, choose a verb, e.g.,
complain, nag, zone out, ignore you, run, move away.
I tend to _______________________________________.
I move this way to try to cope with difficult feelings and find a
way to change our dance.
2. State the hope that pulls you into the dance, e.g., We will
avoid more conflict, or I will persuade you to respond
more to me.
Partner 2:
1. For the following statement, choose a verb, e.g.,
complain, nag, zone out, ignore you, run, move away.
I tend to _______________________________________.
I move this way to try to cope with difficult feelings and find a
way to change our dance.
2. State the hope that pulls you into the dance, e.g., We will
avoid more conflict, or I will persuade you to respond
more to me.
I do it in the hope that ______________________________
3. Identify a feeling. The usual ones people identify at this
point are frustrated, angry, numb, empty, or confused.
5. Choose a phrase that best describes the action of your
partner, e.g., shut down, push me to respond.
6. Insert verbs that describe your and your partner’s
moves in the dance, e.g., The more I hide out, the more
you harp on me to be heard.
The more I ____________________________________,
the more you __________________________________.
We are then both trapped in pain and isolation.
Once you can identify these negative cycles and recognize that they trap
you both, give a name to the kind of dance you are in. I’ve had couples call
their dance the Spiral, the Tornado, and the Black Hole. Whatever you call
it, this is your Demon Dialogue.
You have just explored your attachment needs and panic responses, and
those of your partner. When we do not understand love and our attachment
needs, we remain blind to the impact that our primal panic responses have
on our partner and vice versa. If we cannot reach and connect, we try
secondary strategies. We either try to turn off our attachment feelings and
needs and withdraw (we turn away from our partner), or we turn up our
feelings and demand or criticize our partner (we turn against them to gain a
sense of control). Through countless sessions with couples, I have seen how
this out-of-step dance plays out during intense conversations. You might
recall from Hold Me Tight that the demand–withdraw dance typically
results in three different dialogues, which I call Demon Dialogues.
Sketch out the circle of hostile criticism and labeling that trapped you
both. How did each of you begin to define the other? How did each of
you wind up and enrage the other? Was there a winner? (Probably
What happened after your Find the Bad Guy fight? For instance, “We
iced one another out for two days. One partner took a dive into
hopelessness and depression, and we both felt so alone and hopeless.”
How did you feel about yourself, your partner, the connection between
Were you able to go back and talk about the fight and console one
another? If not, how did you deal with the loss of safety between you?
Next time you find yourselves in fight-to-win mode, engage in the
following corrective dialogue:
“We are starting to label one another to prove the other one is the
bad guy. We are just going to get hurt more if we get stuck in this
dance. Let’s not get caught in an attack-attack dance with one another.
Maybe we can talk about what happened without it being anyone’s
The Protest Polka is:
The dominant, most often occurring dance of distress.
Deadly to love relationships.
All about attachment — both partners are protesting
Ambiguous messages, such as, “Well, maybe I don’t want to be
here, so…” or “Perhaps I am just not enough for you, so
then…” or “I should just give up and…”
An endless dance, driven by a primal survival code of
attachment, and fueled by high-octane emotions.
I can never get it right with my partner, so I just give up. It all
seems hopeless.
I feel numb. Don’t know how I feel. So I just freeze up and
space out.
I get that I am flawed somehow. I am a failure as a partner.
Somehow that truth just paralyzes me.
I shut down and wait for my partner to calm down. I try to keep
everything calm, not rock the boat. That is my way of taking
care of the relationship. Don’t rock the boat.
I go into my shell where it’s safe. I go behind my wall. I try to
shut the door on all my partner’s angry comments. I am the
prisoner and my partner’s the judge.
I feel like nothing in this relationship. Inadequate. So I run to
my computer, job, or hobbies. At work, I am somebody. I don’t
think I am anything special to my partner at all.
I don’t matter to my partner. I am way down on the list. I come
somewhere after the kids, the house, and friends. Hell, even the
dog comes before me! I just help pay the bills. So I end up
feeling empty. You never know if the love will be there.
I don’t feel that I need anyone the way my partner does. I am
just not as needy. I was always taught that it’s weak to let
yourself need someone like that, childish. So I try to handle
things on my own. I just walk away.
I don’t know what my partner is talking about. We are fine. This
is what marriage is all about. You just become friends. I am not
sure I know what is meant by close, anyway.
I try to solve the problem in concrete ways. Try to fix it. I deal
with it in my head. It doesn’t work. My partner doesn’t want
that. I don’t know what my partner wants.
If you feel comfortable, see if you can pin down each person’s
moves in the Protest Polka. Can you see the feedback loop?
Describe it very simply by filling in the blanks in the following
sentences. For example:
Partner 2: The more I reply with sarcasm, the more you yell
and then the more I walk away, and round and round we go.
2. You must both grasp how the moves of each partner pull
the other into the dance. Each of you is trapped in the
dance and unwittingly helps to trap the other.
Mantra: I will take note of how you are responding to my
attack or withdrawal. I will stop to notice the ripple effects that
my actions and behavior have on you.
3. The Protest Polka is all about attachment distress. It
cannot be stopped with logical problem-solving or formal
communication. You have to know the nature of the
dance if you are to change the key elements and return
to safe connection.
Mantra: We will learn to recognize calls for connection and
how desperation turns into “I push, I poke, anything for a
response.” We will remember these patterns are universal
because our needs and fears, and our responses to
perceived loss and separation, are universal.
4. You need to understand the nature of love, and tune in to
these moments of disconnection and the protest and
distress that are the key part of the Protest Polka.
Mantra: We can learn to see the Protest Polka as the enemy,
not our partner.
Does the Freeze and Flee pattern seem familiar to you? If so, where
did you learn to ignore and discount your need for emotional
connection? Who taught you to do this? When do you feel most alone?
Can you dare to share your answers to these questions with your
partner? Can you share the one cue that sparks the distancing dance? It
can be as simple as a turn of the head at a particular moment or not
being looked at when you are speaking.
Can you identify exactly how you push your partner away from you or
make it dangerous for them to come closer?
What do you tell yourself once you have emotionally withdrawn to
justify separation and to discourage yourself from reaching out to your
partner? Sometimes these pronouncements signal what you think love
is and how you think you ought to act in love relationships, often
formed by what you might have learned as a child from your parents
or even cues from a particular culture. For example, some are taught
rules like, “If you can’t say anything nice then don’t say anything at
all,” or, “Men just cannot be responsive or intimate.” Can you share
these with your partner?
On the next page, make a list of all the things this dance has taken away
from you as a couple. Maybe you are losing your faith that you can count
on this relationship; perhaps your sense of being special to one another has
diminished, or your ability to play and have fun. Perhaps you’re not getting
those special hugs anymore. We usually have glimpses of emotional
closeness when we first become infatuated with a person and are willing to
take any risk to be with them. We can remember these moments, just as we
remember our hopes and longings. Reflect on how this negative dance may
have eroded these things.
Purpose: To get a response that connects and reassures
∘ One partner is demanding, actively protesting the disconnection; the
other is withdrawing, quietly protesting the implied criticism.
∘ Each partner is missing the other’s signals.
Raw spots can surface because of past wounds, even in generally happy
relationships. Raw spots mark our vulnerable places — places where we
have been wounded before. They represent the fears that are easily
triggered. When a raw spot is rubbed, it sends a danger signal and fear
immediately overwhelms and floods us. Raw spots can occur during big
transitions or crises — for instance, when becoming a parent, becoming ill,
or losing a job. Maybe when you were younger and you asked for
reassurance of your mother’s love, she said you were “being silly.” It’s
more than likely that to be called silly now that you’re an adult causes you
to spiral into the same insecure feeling you had as a child. Raw spots can
also develop when a partner seems chronically indifferent, producing an
overwhelming sense of hurt that then infuses even small issues. The failure
of our loved one to respond scrapes our emotional skin raw.
Think of a moment when your raw spot was rubbed. Did you
get defensive when your partner asked whether you made a
withdrawal from the bank, or insult your partner after your
request for something fell on deaf ears? Or, like me, were your
partner’s drooping eyes seen as a signal for their disinterest
and disregard? What happened to your body? You might have
felt spacey, detached, hot, breathless, tight in the chest, small,
empty, shaky, tearful, or cold.
One client said, “I just get all agitated. I react like a cat
thrown in a tub of water. What my partner sees is me being
mad. But deep down that agitated feeling is more like shaky,
What did your brain decide about the meaning of all this?
What did you say to yourself when this happened? Did you
make it a catastrophe?
Another client put it this way: “In my head I said to myself,
‘she’s judging me.’”
Partner 1:
Now consider the cue that triggered you, your initial
response, and whether it was actually the true emotion you
were feeling.
In my head I said to myself, ____________________________
What did you do then? How did you move into action? Did
you yell, accuse, or walk out of the room? You can say, “I
yelled and shouted,” “I left the house,” or “I threw the
paper towel roll at them.” Now include your action:
I _________________________________________________
Partner 2:
Now consider the cue that triggered you, your initial
response, and whether it was actually the true emotion you
were feeling.
In my head I said to myself, ____________________________
What did you do then? How did you move into action? Did
you yell, accuse, or walk out of the room? You can say, “I
yelled and shouted,” “I left the house,” or “I threw the
paper towel roll at them.” Now include your action:
I _________________________________________________
Tie all these elements together by filling in the blanks below:
Your history: Did your raw spot arise in your relationship with your
parents, your siblings, in another romantic relationship, or even in
your relationships with your peers as you grew up? Or is it a
sensitivity that was born in your current relationship?
Your partner: Do you think your partner sees this vulnerability in
you? Or do they just see the reactive surface feeling or the action
Flip the script: Can you guess one of your partner’s raw spots? Do
you know exactly what you do to irritate them?
We want and need our lovers to respond to our hurt, but they can’t do
that if we don’t express it. Are you preventing your lover from getting
close? You will never create a strong, secure connection if you do not allow
your lover to know you fully, or if your lover is unwilling to know you. The
following list of statements can help you see if you are exhibiting actions
that keep your lover at arm’s length, preventing your raw spots from being
Partner 1:
Identify a specific moment during a fight or time of
distance when you suddenly felt more vulnerable or on
Pick the word that best describes the softer feeling (deeper
emotion) that came up for you in that moment (e.g.,
scared, inadequate, failing, ashamed, isolated). A word
that comes to mind for you will often be some kind of fear
about yourself or your partner and how they feel about
you. It may be some kind of anguish or hurt.
During this past incident, did you show you felt this way?
If not, what feeling did you show? (Most often when we
feel unsafe, we show anger, frustration, or no feeling at
What did you learn from responding to these questions?
Partner 2:
Identify a specific moment during a fight or time of
distance when you suddenly felt more vulnerable or on
What is the most negative thought that went through your
head? What is the worst, most catastrophic thought you
had about your partner, yourself, and your relationship
when you remember that moment? (For example, They just
didn’t care. I was just never going to make it right. We were
going to fight and split up.)
Pick the word that best describes the softer feeling (deeper
emotion) that came up for you in that moment (e.g.,
scared, inadequate, failing, ashamed, isolated). A word
that comes to mind for you will often be some kind of fear
about yourself or your partner and how they feel about
you. It may be some kind of anguish or hurt.
During this past incident, did you show you felt this way?
If not, what feeling did you show? (Most often when we
feel unsafe, we show anger, frustration, or no feeling at
What did you learn from responding to these questions?
Partner 1:
When we get stuck in our Demon Dialogue I often show you
______________ but underneath I feel ______________. It
feels ______________ to tell you this right now. If you wanted
to help me with this feeling you could ____________________
Partner 2:
When we get stuck in our Demon Dialogue I often show you
______________ but underneath I feel ______________. It
feels ______________ to tell you this right now. If you wanted
to help me with this feeling you could ____________________
Lonely Dismissed
Unimportant Helpless
Scared Hurt
Hopeless Intimidated
Panicked Rejected
Inadequate Sad
Failing Ashamed
Lost Confused
Isolated Let down
Humiliated Small/Insignificant
Overwhelmed Unwanted
Vulnerable Worried/Shaky
Partner 1:
In these moments, my most vulnerable feeling is ___________
___________________________ and my worst (catastrophic)
thought is (e.g. You will want to break up, you will cheat on me,
you will find me unattractive.)
Partner 2:
In these moments, my most vulnerable feeling is ___________
___________________________ and my worst (catastrophic)
thought is ______________. (e.g. You will want to break up,
you will cheat on me, you will find me unattractive.)
If this exercise is too hard for you, then try sharing with your
partner your uncertainty about this kind of confiding.
Can you think of a time when you shared a sense of
vulnerability or a hurt feeling with your partner and they
responded in a way that helped you feel close? What did
your lover do that really made a difference? Perhaps you
were hugged or called a special name.
Partner 1:
Partner 2:
Partner 2:
My phrase: ______________________________________
Partner 1:
Partner 2:
Partner 1:
Disagree/Agree (circle a number)
1 2 3 4 I want to talk about my more vulnerable emotions
5 right now.
1 2 3 4 I have fearful thoughts about sharing these emotions.
1 2 3 4 It was a relief to pinpoint your emotion and open with
5 it.
Partner 2:
Disagree/Agree (circle a number)
Partner 1:
Partner 2:
Partner 1:
Partner 2:
Ask your partner how they feel when you share this way.
How do they help you feel safe enough to share? What
impact do you both feel this kind of sharing has on the
Partner 1:
Partner 2:
Partner 1:
I moved in my dance by ______________________________,
____________________________________________ and I
felt ______________________________
Partner 2:
I moved in my dance by ______________________________,
____________________________________________ and I
felt ______________________________
Now we can go a little deeper. Try to add the specific
attachment cue that sparked the powerful emotions you
circled in the list of softer feelings here. Perhaps it was
something you thought you heard in your partner’s voice
or that you didn’t receive a card for your birthday. Then
add the feelings that you circled.
Partner 1:
When I heard/saw _________________________ [attachment
cue], I just felt _________________________ [softer feeling].
Partner 2:
When I heard/saw _________________________ [attachment
cue], I just felt _________________________ [softer feeling].
Try to stay with simple, concrete language. Big,
ambiguous words or labels scramble this conversation. If
you get stuck, just share that with one another, try to go
back to the last place that was clear, and start again.
Now we can put all these elements together.
Partner 1:
When we get stuck in our cycle and I ______________ [use an
action word, e.g., push], I feel ______________ [surface
feeling]. The emotional trigger for my sense of disconnection is
when I see/sense/hear ______________ [attachment cue]. On
a deeper level, I am feeling ____________________________
__________________ [softer feeling]. It is
__________________________ [e.g. hard/easy,
pleasurable/scary, strange/comfortable] to tell you this. If you
want to help me with this feeling, then right now you could
_________________________ [e.g. hold me, engage with me,
tell me you love me].
Partner 2:
When we get stuck in our cycle and I ______________ [use an
action word, e.g., push], I feel ______________ [surface
feeling]. The emotional trigger for my sense of disconnection is
when I see/sense/hear ______________ [attachment cue]. On
a deeper level, I am feeling ____________________________
__________________ [softer feeling]. It is
_____________________ [e.g. hard/easy, pleasurable/scary,
strange/comfortable] to tell you this. If you want to help me with
this feeling, then right now you could _____________________
[e.g. hold me, engage with me, tell me you love me].
What did each of you just learn about the other person’s
raw spots? Share your answers with one another. See if
you can validate one another for the risks you’ve both
taken by being open and honest.
Partner 1:
Partner 2:
In any interaction, even if both of you are paying attention, you cannot
be tuned in all the time. Signals get missed, and there will be moments
when attachment vulnerability takes center stage. The secret is to recognize
and deal with raw spots in ways that don’t get you into negative patterns. In
the next chapter, you will learn more about how to work with these
attachment feelings to de-escalate the destructive patterns we fall into.
All couples argue. Some couples can cut short a fight and change direction
because on most days, their relationship is a safe haven of loving
responsiveness. People who feel secure with their partner find it easier to do
this. They can stand back and reflect on the process between them, and they
can also own their part in that process. For distressed lovers, this is much
harder to do. They are caught up in the emotional chaos at the surface of the
relationship, in seeing one another as threats, as the enemy.
To reconnect, lovers have to be able to de-escalate the conflict and
actively create a basic emotional safety. They need to be able to work in
concert to curtail their negative dialogues and defuse their fundamental
insecurities. They may not be as close as they crave to be, but they can stop
stepping on one another’s toes. They can have their differences and not
careen helplessly into Demon Dialogues. They can rub one another’s raw
spots and not slide into anxious demands or numbing withdrawal. They can
deal better with the disorienting ambiguity that their loved one, who is the
solution to fear, can also suddenly become a source of fear. In short, they
can hold on to their emotional balance a lot more often and a lot more
easily. This creates a platform for repairing rifts in their relationship and
creating a truly loving connection.
We can all recall a drama we encountered with our partners. There is always
a pivotal point where the Demon Dialogue sets in and the conversation
turns contentious, taking on a life of its own. Up to now, we’ve discussed
and determined why and how this happens, which means we now have the
tools to create a new kind of dance. Here are the steps that can set you on
the path to greater harmony, when you’re in the thick of it.
Step 1: Seeing and Stopping the Dance. This involves moving from,
“You are attacking and hurting me,” or “No, you are shutting me out
and dismissing me,” to “We are trapped here.”
Step 2: Claiming Your Own Moves. You have learned to do this in
previous chapters, in both Before the Conversations and
Conversation #1: Recognizing the Demon Dialogues. It helps when
partners can agree upon names to describe these moves.
Step 3: Claiming Your Own Feelings. You have learned to do this in
Conversation #2: Finding the Raw Spots. It is best to start with
surface reactive feelings and then to admit to the deeper, softer
feelings. We can be angry on the surface and hurt and vulnerable on a
deeper level. It’s important to remember that these tsunami emotions
are just a part of love. We all struggle with them, but we can start
owning them.
Step 4: Owning How You Shape Your Partner’s Feelings. We have
enormous impact on our partners. It is still hard for most of us to
really grasp this, especially if we are used to hearing only surface
signals from our loved one. For most of us, it is a relief that we do
impact our partner, but then this is also a responsibility. Our partner
does have to help us here. We cannot rely on guesswork.
Step 5: Asking About Our Partner’s Deeper Emotions. You have
begun to listen to and hopefully explore your own and your partner’s
deeper emotions in Conversation #2. In that chapter, you hopefully
became more comfortable with this process of vulnerability. It helps
to have the framework that tells us what the emotional landscape of
love is like and names the normal fears and longings that all of us
Step 6: Sharing Your Deeper Emotions. You became more familiar
with acknowledging and naming the emotions you have discovered
through Demon Dialogues and raw spots, and now you can validate
them through revisiting a Rocky Moment. Each time we do this, we
become more comfortable and our emotions become clearer and so,
less overwhelming.
Step 7: Standing Together. This is the endgame. You can now come
back to common ground even after emotion earthquakes have
occurred. When you can do it, it is so powerful that it offers you a
platform of safety, a secure base in your relationship from which to
launch into a positive Hold Me Tight conversation, which is coming
up in the next chapter. You can help one another find an exit from
Demon Dialogues and feel safe.
Partner 1:
How are you feeling? (For example, did you wake up
feeling a sense of foreboding? Do you feel refreshed? Are
you excited about something or eager to do something or
see someone?)
If you are feeling down or happy, what is making you feel
that way? (You might say, “I am feeling happy because I
woke up realizing I was holding my partner for the first
time in a long while.”)
Can you learn from a mistake or faux pas you made this
week? What is the lesson? How can you be grateful for the
mistake and make the lesson enhance your life? (For
example, maybe you made a joke that offended someone
or didn’t validate your partner’s stress by actively listening
to an account about an incident.)
Partner 2:
How are you feeling? (For example, did you wake up
feeling a sense of foreboding? Do you feel refreshed? Are
you excited about something or eager to do something or
see someone?)
If you are feeling down or happy, what is making you feel
that way? (You might say, “I am feeling happy because I
woke up realizing I was holding my partner for the first
time in a long while.”)
Can you learn from a mistake or faux pas you made this
week? What is the lesson? How can you be grateful for the
mistake and make the lesson enhance your life? (For
example, maybe you made a joke that offended someone
or didn’t validate your partner’s stress by actively listening
to an account about an incident.)
What inspires you? (Is it a sunset, your pet, reading about
a contemporary hero?)
What can you forgive yourself for? (You might tell yourself
that it’s okay that you made an offending joke; you didn’t
mean any harm and you now know better.)
The ability to engage in this conversation is based on the safety that you
both have created in the first three conversations. The Hold Me Tight
conversation and the two questions within it are immensely rewarding for
couples and offer an antidote to Demon Dialogues and moments of
deprivation and desertion. In this conversation, the more withdrawn partner
moves closer, moving from a powerless position and closing the gap of
distance between them. This partner becomes engaged.
The more blaming partner, therefore, moves away from a controlling
position. This partner enters a softer emotional state, reaching for closeness
in a positive way. Withdrawers re-engage, while blamers soften.
The reason that these kinds of interactions are so positive is probably
that they turn on the cuddle hormone oxytocin. This hormone produces a
sense of calm contentment and facilitates bonding. It also increases our
tendency to trust another person. Oxytocin is a key factor in the chemistry
of love. It is part of the bliss of orgasm and of breastfeeding a baby.
When we can tune in to and respond to a loved one in an A.R.E. manner,
we can intuit one another’s intentions and realities, and dance as one. This
means that we must learn to do two things: disclose our feelings, as well as
attend to our partner’s disclosures. The idea is that once a disclosing partner
feels attended to in a safe and loving way, the deeper both partners can
move into their feelings and communicate them more clearly. EFT
researchers have found that when couples can do this, they can solve
problems and bridge differences together as a team. This is not only
because they feel safer, but also because problems are no longer barometers
of love and belonging; they are just problems.
Finding a chore not done and moving into, “You didn’t do… You just
don’t listen and you don’t care about me at all.”
Finding a difference of opinion and making it a relational issue, as in,
“You don’t want to build the shelves the way I asked so you just
dismiss me and my wishes. If you cared about me…”
Taking a momentary mismatch in intimacy and making it into a
verdict, as in, “You fell asleep after we agreed to make love on
Saturday night, so this means our agreements mean nothing and we
are losing all our sexiness.”
The word attend comes from the Latin ad tendere, which means
to reach toward. We want to reach toward one another, and the
Hold Me Tight conversation helps partners do just that.
Now it’s your turn. Can you turn your feelings into a more
vulnerable handle? Remember your handle doesn’t have to be
an action; it can be an image or a phrase. The idea is to have
your handle be something you remember and can call upon to
anchor you when you are slipping into a Demon Dialogue.
Check in with your body. Do you notice any changes that you
can identify as signals to how you are feeling? For instance,
when you share your handle, do you notice your leg shaking or
foot wagging? Do you begin playing with your hair or picking at
your fingernails? The next time you notice one of these
physical changes, you can ask yourself, “Is this my handle
Partner 1:
My feelings ________________________________________
My handle _________________________________________
Partner 2:
My feelings ________________________________________
My handle _________________________________________
See if you can identify the handles each partner uses in this
sample dialogue between Micah and Taylor. Circle words that
resonate and those that help go deeper.
Micah: When you came home late, I told you I was upset,
and you said, “Now don’t get all crazy on me,” and that if my
outbursts didn’t stop, you might need to leave. That threat was
the bottom line for me. I cannot always stay calm and logical.
Taylor: Sorry.
Micah: I feel very sad we cannot seem to come together
Taylor: But you shouldn’t be because we are working on our
relationship. What was the worst moment, the worst feeling for
you? [You might recognize this question from Conversation #3:
Revisiting a Rocky Moment.]
Micah: [Sits, thinking.]
Taylor: I only say you are crazy because I get scared of the
bad feelings between us.
Micah: The worst moments were when you hung up on me,
and later when you said you would leave. I was so
“unreasonable,” you said.
Taylor: I don’t know how to make this better. What should I
Micah: I just want to know if you care that you hurt my
feelings. If I get scared or upset with you, you just turn off, like
you’re hanging up on me. You don’t comfort me. And you don’t
make love to me or hold me, either. Just when I need you, you
go off in your disapproval. You turn away and discard me. I am
not the person you want.
Taylor: [Sits quietly.]
Micah: It kills me when you pass over me, turn to your rules.
I have never been more alone. Taylor, you are not there for me,
with me. So I panic. Do you hear me?
Taylor: [Reaching for Micah’s hands.] Yes, yes, yes. This is
sad to hear. I’m sad.
Taylor is sad. Taylor’s emotional presence is as tangible as
the chair Taylor sits on. Micah has revealed a deep pain, the
primal code of loss and panic that sounds when our loved one
is not there for us, and they have heard one another. Both
partners have connected with their own emotional realities and
opened up to one another.
Now, consider a past relationship where you did not feel securely
connected. Maybe you had a best friend in high school who excluded
you from social activities, making you feel abandoned or outcast, not
enough or less than enough. What was it you really needed from this
person? Acceptance? Reassurance? Non-judgment? Write to this
person now, in two sentences or less, what you needed. Take note of
your body’s movement, posture, or internal sensations, like tingling,
heat, or butterflies in the stomach.
Moving on to your relationship with your current partner, think about
what you most need in order to feel secure and loved. Write it here.
The Worksheet following this exercise will help you to begin this
conversation with your partner.
Now, consider a past relationship where you did not feel securely
connected. Maybe you had a best friend in high school who excluded
you from social activities, making you feel abandoned or outcast, not
enough, or less than enough. What was it you really needed from this
person? Acceptance? Reassurance? Non-judgment? Write to this
person now, in two sentences or less, what you needed. Take note of
your body’s movement, posture, or internal sensations, like tingling,
heat, or butterflies in the stomach.
Moving on to your relationship with your current partner, think about
what you most need in order to feel secure and loved. Write it here.
The Worksheet following this exercise will help you to begin this
conversation with your partner.
WORKSHEET: Fill in the Blanks
Partner 1:
I need to feel ______________________________________,
as a partner and a lover, and that ______________ is
important to you.
Partner 2:
I need to feel ______________________________________,
as a partner and a lover, and that ______________ is
important to you.
Forgiving Injuries
Whoever first made the claim, “We hurt the ones we love the most,” must
have definitely been in a long-term relationship. When I ask a room full of
couples whether they have been on the giving or receiving end of hurt,
disconnect, blame, or resentment with their partners, every hand goes up.
It’s impossible to be in an intimate long-term relationship without incident.
Forming an attachment requires vulnerability, so it’s absolutely normal that
fear will rear its ugly head; it’s how we respond and react that makes the
difference between losing one another to our fear or using these incidents as
opportunities for deeper connection.
Throughout the last four conversations, vulnerability, past hurts, and
insecurities have been released and replaced with compassion,
understanding, and attunement. Bad behavior has been exposed, raw spots
have come to the surface, and needs have been expressed. It is inevitable
that through one or several of these conversations, partners will bring up an
event (as in Conversation #3: Revisiting a Rocky Moment), sometimes an
apparently minor one, and it’s as if all the oxygen has been sucked out of
the room. All at once, the warm hope garnered over time is exchanged for a
chilly despair. How can one small incident have this kind of overwhelming
power to set us back? Clearly, it’s not a minor incident. To one partner at
least, it is a grievous event.
Over decades of research and therapy, I’ve discovered that certain
incidents do more than just touch our raw spots or hurt our feelings. They
injure us so deeply that they overturn our world. They are relationship
traumas. A trauma is defined as a wound that plunges us into fear and
helplessness, which challenges all our assumptions of predictability and
control. Indeed, there is no greater trauma than to be wounded by the very
people we count on to support and protect us.
In couples with an insecure bond, many transgressions can pose a threat
to the future stability and trust of the couple. However, not all
transgressions are equal to traumatic events. Traumatic wounds are
especially severe, according to Judith Herman, professor of psychiatry at
Harvard Medical School, because they involve a “violation of human
connection.” Throughout the last four conversations, you might have come
face-to-face with a relationship trauma. You might find that bringing up
something that may have happened three years ago remains very much alive
as a raw spot, nixing any possibility of feeling safe enough to reach for your
partner. More likely, depending on your primal panic mode, a past trauma
will cause you to either lash out or retreat.
When a partner regresses into a primal panic based on a past traumatic
event in the relationship, it is as if an alarm sounds, and that person has an
overwhelming urge to retreat further so as to not explore the pain or fear. I
call this the Never Again moment: They never again want to feel the way
they felt in that original moment.
Lack of an emotionally supportive response by a loved one at a moment
of threat can affect a whole relationship; it can eclipse hundreds of smaller
positive events, and in one swipe demolish the security of a love
relationship. The power of such incidents lies in the searing negative
answer they offer to the eternal questions “Are you there for me when I am
most in need?” and “Do you care about my pain?”
There isn’t much room for compromise or an ambiguous answer when
we feel this kind of urgent need for our loved one’s support. The test is pass
or fail. These moments can shatter all our positive assumptions about love
itself and our loved one’s dependability, beginning the fall into relationship
distress or further fraying an already fragile bond. Until these incidents are
confronted and resolved, true accessibility and emotional engagement are
out of the question.
Partners often try to handle relationship traumas (also called injuries) by
ignoring or burying them. That is a big mistake. Everyday hurts are easily
dismissed and raw spots can fade if we stop rubbing them in Demon
Dialogues, but unresolved traumas do not heal. The helplessness and fear
they engender are almost indelible; they set off our survival instincts.
Injured feelings break out at some point when attachment needs come to the
fore. Often what we think has been forgotten has not been forgiven, and
many times, the opposite is true. The only way out of these attachment
injuries is to confront them and heal them together.
Injured partner:
I need time to muster the courage Often Sometimes Never
to speak about a past injury.
I mention I want to talk and then I Often Sometimes Never
change my mind.
I assume my partner will belittle, Often Sometimes Never
rage, accuse, or tell me it’s all in
my head.
When I share, I feel like my partner Often Sometimes Never
is making a case against me and
my feelings.
After I share, I feel worse and more Often Sometimes Never
alone than before I shared.
I believe our private conversations Often Sometimes Never
are not kept private by my partner.
I feel physically ill, nervous, or Often Sometimes Never
jittery when I try to speak my mind.
I feel like I repeat myself over and Often Sometimes Never
over and my partner doesn’t hear
When it comes to sharing, I think, Often Sometimes Never
“What’s the point?”
Injuring partner:
My partner makes mountains out of Often Sometimes Never
My partner makes it seem like Often Sometimes Never
everything is my fault.
My partner doesn’t listen to me Often Sometimes Never
when I try to explain the issue.
I feel like I hear the same Often Sometimes Never
complaints over and over again.
I feel guilty or to blame when my Often Sometimes Never
partner shares with me.
I don’t feel like I should apologize. Often Sometimes Never
Regarding my partner sharing an Often Sometimes Never
incident, I feel like my partner is
playing games with me.
When it comes to listening, I think, Often Sometimes Never
“What’s the point?”
Share with your partner the statements that you believe most
fit, then share how and when you each get stuck in this
1. The hurt partner needs to speak about the pain as openly and simply
as possible.
2. The injuring partner stays emotionally present and acknowledges the
wounded partner’s pain and their role in it.
3. Together, partners start revising their script and stop the cycle of
Never Again.
4. The injuring partner now takes ownership of how they inflicted this
injury on their partner and expresses regret and remorse.
5. A Hold Me Tight conversation takes place, centering on the
attachment injury.
6. The couple now creates a new story that captures the injuring event
— how it happened, eroded trust and connection, and shaped
Demon Dialogues.
Injuries may be forgiven, but they never disappear. Instead, in the best
outcomes, they become integrated into couples’ attachment stories as
demonstrations of renewal and connection.
Now ask yourself, what were you longing for when you were
wounded? If this is hard to articulate, see if you can figure out what
you think would have been the ideal response. What protective moves
did you find yourself taking? For example, did you change the subject
and walk out of the room? Or did you become aggressive and demand
an explanation?
Now, ask yourself, “Did I feel deprived of support? Did my pain or
fear get dismissed? Did I feel deserted? Did I feel devalued? Did I
suddenly see this person as a source of danger, as taking advantage of
me, or as betraying me?”
Now ask yourself, what were you longing for when you were
wounded? If this is hard to articulate, see if you can figure out what
you think would have been the ideal response. What protective moves
did you find yourself taking? For example, did you change the subject
and walk out of the room? Or did you become aggressive and demand
an explanation?
Can you think of a time when you hurt a loved one? A time
when they might have felt deprived of your support or comfort,
even deserted by you? A time where you might even have
seemed dangerous or rejecting to them? Can you imagine
sincerely acknowledging this to them? What might you say?
What might be hard for you in acknowledging the injury?
Partners often use the following simple statements when they
talk about having hurt a loved one. Circle T or F to indicate
whether the sentiment is true or false for you.
See if you can now tell your partner what you hoped for in that hurtful
incident, and how it felt to not get that response. You might also share what
it feels like right now to take the risk and express what you longed for. As
you do this, try to avoid indicting your partner for causing you pain. That
will only sabotage the conversation. As the listening partner, try to hear
your partner’s vulnerability and share what this evokes in you. Usually,
when we really listen to someone we love who is expressing a need for us,
we respond with caring.
If you are the partner who has hurt your lover, see if you can help your
partner understand why you responded the way you did at the moment of
injury. Think of this as a step in making your actions more predictable to
your partner.
As the partner who did the hurting, can you now recognize your
partner’s experience, how you inflicted pain, and can you (the big A word!)
apologize? This is hard to do. It takes courage to admit that we are
disappointed in our own behavior; it is humbling to confess that we have
been insensitive or uncaring. Perhaps we can only apologize when we allow
ourselves to be moved by our loved ones’ hurts and fears. If we can do this
with sincerity, we are giving our loved ones a great gift.
As the injured partner, can you accept the apology? If you can, it puts
the two of you on a new footing. Trust can begin to grow again. You can
comfortably seek reassurance when echoes of this injury occur in the future,
knowing that your partner will try to respond sensitively. And the
apologizing partner can now offer the love that went astray in the original
Finally, sum up this conversation with your partner in a short story about
the painful event, the impact it had on your relationship, and how you both
recovered and intend to ensure that it doesn’t happen again.
• We will hurt those we love — it’s how we deal with this that matters.
• Only one kind of apology works: one based on acknowledgment,
sincerity, and accountability, with an effort to not repeat the behavior.
• Understanding attachment traumas and knowing that you can find and
offer forgiveness if you need to gives you incredible power to create a
resilient, lasting bond.
Solace Sex occurs when we are seeking reassurance that we are valued and
desired; the sex act is just a tagalong. The goal is to alleviate our attachment
fears. There is more emotional involvement than in Sealed-Off Sex, but the
main emotion directing the sexual dance is anxiety.
Solace Sex often happens when partners are battling Demon Dialogues,
and regular, safe, comforting touch — the most basic bonding connection
— is missing.
When partners tell me that they cannot be considerate of one another
with everyday acts of caring, I worry. When they tell me that they are not
making love, I am concerned. But when they tell me that they don’t touch, I
know they are really in trouble.
Synchrony Sex is when emotional openness and responsiveness, and tender
touch and erotic exploration, all come together. This is the way sex is
supposed to be. This is the sex that fulfills, satisfies, and connects. When
partners have a secure emotional connection, physical intimacy can retain
all of this initial ardor and creativity, and then some. Lovers can be tender
and playful one moment, fiery and erotic another. Emotional safety shapes
physical synchrony, and physical synchrony shapes emotional safety.
Responsiveness outside the bedroom carries over into it. Connected
partners can reveal their sexual vulnerabilities and desires without fear of
being rejected. Secure, loving partners can relax, let go, and immerse
themselves in the pleasure of lovemaking. They can talk openly, without
getting embarrassed or offended, about what turns them off or on.
Secure partners can soothe and comfort one another and pull together to
overcome unavoidable problems that are never shown in the movies but are
part of everybody’s life. My experiences have shown me that people can
connect and reconnect, falling in love again and again, and that eroticism is
essentially play and the ability to let go and surrender to sensation. For this,
we need emotional safety.
When experts suggest that only brand-new relationships can offer
exciting sex, I think of an older, long-married couple that I know and how
they dance the Argentine tango. They are completely present and engaged
with one another. Their moves are achingly deliberate, totally playful, and
stunningly erotic. They are so attuned and responsive to one another that
even though the dance is fluid, improvised, and in the moment, they never
miss a beat or a turn, nor step on each other’s toes. They move as one, with
grace and flair.
In bed with your partner, do you generally feel emotionally safe and
connected? What helps you feel this way? When you do not feel this
way, how could your partner help you?
What is your usual sexual style — Sealed-Off Sex, Solace Sex, or
Synchrony Sex? In any relationship all three will probably occur
sometimes. But if you habitually move into Sealed-Off Sex or Solace
Sex, then this tells you something about your sense of safety in your
Partner 1:
Partner 2:
Partner 1:
Partner 2:
Partner 1:
Partner 2:
Partner 1:
Partner 2:
Partner 1:
Partner 2:
What is the most stirring way for your lover to move you
and stimulate the deepest engagement in lovemaking?
Can you ask for this?
Partner 1:
Partner 2:
What makes sex most satisfying for you? (This may not be
orgasm or even intercourse.)
Partner 1:
Partner 2:
When do you feel most unsure or uncomfortable during
Partner 1:
Partner 2:
Partner 1:
Partner 2:
If you can talk about the above with your partner, great. If not,
then maybe you can begin a conversation about how hard it is
to share this kind of information.
When sex isn’t working for you physically, what is it that you want to
be able to do as a couple? What do you do when sex isn’t working for
you emotionally? How can your partner help you here? Create a movie
scenario of what this would look like on the silver screen, describing
the perfect scene. Of course, there’s no such thing as perfect, but it
gets the conversation going! The scene begins:
If I were perfect in bed, I would ___________________________,
_________________________________________ and then you
would feel more _____________________________
See if you can share some of your responses. Then tell one another one
way in which the other is already sexually perfect for you in bed and
out of bed.
Partner 1:
Partner 2:
Think of all the ways sex can show up in your relationship. Can
it be simply fun, a way of getting close, a straight physical
release, a comforting way to deal with stress or upset, a route
into romance and escape from the world, an erotic adventure, a
place of tender connection, a burst of passion? Do you feel
safe experiencing all of these with your lover? What might be a
risk that you would like to take in bed?
Can you tell one another the risk and explain how you
might respond if things went badly or if things went well?
Partner 1:
The risk I would take in bed: ___________________________
There are no “perfect” lovers. Given this fact, how would you like
to be and see yourself as a lover? Can you share this with your
How do you each deal with the inevitable times when you want to
make love and your partner is not in the mood or is too tired or not
aroused? What do you say? This is a sensitive moment for most of us.
We teeter on the brink of rejection and hurt. What would have to
happen for this kind of sensitive moment to occur and for you to still
feel loved and safely connected? How can your partner make this
Hold These Tight
• Safe emotional connection fosters great sex. Great sex creates deeper
emotional connection.
• Sex is intimate play and a safe adventure.
• Touch and chemistry link sex and attachment.
Why is it that we tend to focus on the negative things and fail to give
credence to the wins, even the smallest ones, in our lives? You have
probably witnessed this phenomenon in your own life. Maybe you
harp on the negative email that came from a colleague, completely
forgetting the congratulations you received in yesterday’s meeting.
Your child missing curfew took the air out of the good news about
making the dean’s list. You feel like a failure for walking most of the
5K instead of celebrating the fact that you got up and did the race at
all! The same happens in our relationships — we misfocus our
attention from the positive and loving ways we treat one another onto
the latest snafu. We don’t tell our partners the specific small ways that
they touch us with a spontaneous word or gesture and create a sense of
belonging. These A.R.E. moments are opportunities to positively
reinforce behaviors that connect us and keep us securely attached. This
exercise is about celebrating small moments of connection.
See if you can come up with ways to acknowledge and express that
you notice the turning points when love suddenly comes into sharper
focus. Can you name a key moment in your last rift when your partner
made a physical gesture that signaled compassion, even during a
Demon Dialogue? For instance, reaching for your hand, handing you a
tissue, offering you a glass of water?
During a Demon Dialogue, did your partner speak words of empathy
that showed you that you were being actively listened to and heard?
For instance, using phrases like “I think I understand,” or, “You must
feel unimportant when I don’t call you from my overnight work trips,”
or, “I can see how that would offend you.”
Can you name some actions or words your partner typically exhibits or
says that you think you should validate? Something they do or say that
is inherently part of their nature that anchors you in their love? Think
about the behaviors that occur habitually, even when stuck in a Demon
Dialogue or a darker period, that you could remember to celebrate in
order to spark a moment of connection. For instance, does your partner
do chores around the house that you take for granted? Is it your
partner’s way to always have a hot meal ready or make sure the tires
are filled with air before a trip, even if you are both angry?
WORKSHEET: Creating Rituals
Partner 2: _________________________________________
When I came home from work, you used to acknowledge me
by (e.g. walking to the front door to open it for me, coming in
from another room to see me, or yelling from the backyard,
“Hello, I’ll be right in.”)
Partner 1: _________________________________________
Partner 2: _________________________________________
Before you left our bed, you used to (e.g., kiss me on the
cheek, whisper “goodbye,” hold me)
Partner 1: _________________________________________
Partner 2: _________________________________________
When you left for trips, you always (e.g., left me a short note
telling me you’d miss me, called me throughout the day while
you were gone, told me you hated to leave me)
Partner 1: _________________________________________
Partner 2: _________________________________________
Now that you have remembered that you did have loving
rituals, see if you can agree on some of the suggestions below
to create or reinstate connective moments together. An idea
that one couple shared with me is lighting a candle before bed
to signify “connect time,” or “heart-to-heart time.” This is the
time of the evening that they knew they could hold one another
and share their softer places — especially sharing the times
they felt close or the times they lost their connection. Another
couple, after dinner, especially on Fridays, spends at least forty
minutes sharing their week, including the ups and downs, all
while consciously attempting to support and validate one
another and to explore deep emotions.
One thing you are doing to keep your connection with one
another open and growing. (e.g., cuddling before we fall
asleep, kissing when we wake up)
When you move into new ways of connecting with your partner,
it is useful to take the new emotions, perceptions, and
responses and integrate them into a narrative that captures all
these changes. Your Resilient Relationship Story gives you a
coherent way of reflecting on your relationship drama, a drama
that is always unfolding no matter how clear your focus.
Revisiting your story makes it easier to hold on to the positive
changes you’ve made and gives you a model of your
relationship as a safe haven that you build together and can
rebuild again.
Partner 1:
Partner 2:
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May you continue to hold one another tight, for a lifetime of love!
Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love
Love Sense: The Revolutionary New Science of Romantic
Relationships Created for Connection
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Love Sense:
Hold Me Tight
“There is much in Love Sense that any couple who has ever felt out
of tune will relate to, and good advice for building harmony for the
long haul.”
— The Wall Street Journal
Created for Connection