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Nuclear Weapons Effects National Enterprise

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Report of the

Joint Defense Science Board/

Threat Reduction Advisory Committee
Task Force on

The Nuclear Weapons
Effects National

June 2010

Office of the Under Secretary of Defense
For Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics
Washington, D.C. 20301-3140

This report is a product of the Defense Science Board (DSB).
The DSB is a Federal Advisory Committee established to provide independent advice to
the Secretary of Defense. Statements, opinions, conclusions, and recommendations in
this report do not necessarily represent the official position of the Department of
Defense. The task force on the Nuclear Weapons Effects National Enterprise completed
its information-gathering in June 2007.
This report is unclassified and cleared for public release.
WASHINGTON, DC 203013140

May 28, 2010


SUBJECT: Final Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on Nuclear
Weapons Effects National Enterprise

I am pleased to forward the final report of the Defense Science Board Task
Force on Nuclear Weapons Effects National Enterprise. This report offers
important considerations regarding the state of the nuclear weapons effects
enterprise and the need for leadership awareness and intervention.
Nuclear weapons remain a serious threat to our nations security. The
nations capability to deter against this threat and provide assurance to our allies
requires that US nuclear and conventional forces are able to operate in a nuclear
environment. Unfortunately, the nations expertise and capability to operate in
a nuclear environment have decayed. As a result the Department of Defense and
the nation are not as well prepared as it should be to deter, defend, and mitigate
an attack.
This study serves to renew attention on the nations nuclear weapons
effects enterprise. It offers recommendations for rebuilding critical capabilities,
for improved collaboration throughout government stakeholders, and for
enhanced attention at the leadership level. I endorse all of the studys

Paul G. Kaminski

Table of Contents

Executive Summary ......................................................................................................vii

Chapter 1. Introduction .................................................................................................. 1
Chapter 2. Threats and Challenges.................................................................................3
Chapter 3. Assessment of Radiation Survivability of Critical Capabilities.................. 14
Chapter 4. Military Operations and Capabilities .........................................................18
Chapter 5. The National Nuclear Weapons Effects Enterprise .................................. 28
Chapter 6. Findings and Recommendations............................................................... 40
Chapter 7. Summary .................................................................................................... 50
Appendix A. A Primer on Nuclear Weapons Effects....................................................53
Appendix B. Hardening Microelectronics....................................................................65
Appendix C. Radiation Hardened Foundries...............................................................67

Terms of Reference...................................................................................................... 69
Task Force Membership ...............................................................................................73
Presentations to the Task Force ...................................................................................75


Executive Summary
Actionsboth by others and of our own doingare combining to create
potentially tragic consequences on military operations involving the effects of
nuclear weapons on the survivability of critical systems for mission assurance.
Regional proliferation risks are growing, accompanied by nation state
policy and doctrine that acknowledge limited nuclear use as a legitimate
war fighting option.
U.S. counters, especially defensive measures to ensure continued
operations in radiation environments, are being reducedby our own
Intelligence resources are focused elsewhere.
Leadership is poorly educated on military operations in nuclear
The reliance on commercial off-the-shelf components in U.S. military
systems has grown while nuclear survivability requirements, testing, and
evaluation have declinedboth dramatically.
As a result, the nation lacks a clear understanding of the response to nuclear
radiation exposure of general purpose forces, the Global Information Grid (GIG)
and the GIG-edge, and critical infrastructure on which the Department of
Defense (DOD) relies. Moreover, the technical expertise and infrastructure to
help remedy the situation has decayed significantly. Investments in addressing
nuclear survivability have declined precipitously.
How did this atrophy of attention and capability come about? The root
causes seem to lie deep in the corporate point of view among DOD
leadership that has developed since the end of the Cold War about
these matters. A number of factors have contributed. Nuclear weapons have
not been used, other than in deterrence, for over sixty years. And for the past
twenty years, even the deterrent uses have been less immediate and direct, and
have seemed less important than before. Since the first Gulf War, conventional
operations of great difficulty and importance have consumed DOD and national
attention, and have displaced nuclear deterrence as the reigning paradigm.
Furthermore, there seems to be widespread belief that the United States will be
able to deter enemy use of nuclear weapons. For all these reasons, the possibility
that U.S. forces would have to operate effectively in a nuclear environment simply

seems, in this view, to be extremely remote. Finally, the costs of hardening
military systems, and the difficulty of developing ways of operating forces to be
effective in a nuclear environment, seem larger to many than the likelihood of the
threat warrantsand are assumed to be greater in real dollars than they actually
are. The complicatedand, to many decision-makers, arcanenature of
assessing the nuclear cost/risk trades exacerbates the problem. As a result, fewer
and fewer military and civilian leaders in DOD have had experience with nuclear
weapons and issues around them and the downward spiral continues.
The task force believes that this point of view, though generally tacit (and
often denied when alleged) holds sway widely in DODhow else could one
explain what has happened? The task force also believes this point of view is
profoundly wrong and dangerous. It is wrong in part because, although
deterrence seems to have worked during the Cold War, the situation is different
today. Some adversaries today are prima facie undeterrable. Some may be
desperate. Some may believe that asymmetries in the perceived political stakes of
war, perhaps compounded with perceived U.S. unwillingness to break the
nuclear taboo, will prevent the United States from retaliating forcefully against
their use of nuclear weapons.
One of the enduring lessons from the Cold War is that for deterrence and
assurance of allies to be effective, the United States must be able to control
escalation, which in turn requiresfor deterrenceU.S. nuclear and conventional
forces to be able to operate in a nuclear environment. Furthermore, the shoe is
now on the other foot: it is precisely the superior capability of U.S. conventional
forces that contributes to making nuclear weapons attractive to adversaries.
Finally, hardening against, and operating effectively in, a nuclear environment is
not as costly as often assumed, and technologies are emerging to further reduce
the cost. All in all, we believe it is a prudent price to pay.
The task force is not sure how to change the mind-set just described, other
than to urge DOD leadership to heed the wake-up call that this report is intended
to provide by looking at the strategic landscape with fresh eyes and thinking
harder about the risks of allowing the erosion to continue. But if DOD leadership
does want to heed the wake-up call, the task force offers many recommendations
for action in the body of this report, summarized as follows.

What needs to be done now:
The following is the first and most crucial of all the recommenda-
tions in this report:
Make nuclear survivability a routine issue for leadership attention as it
used to be during the Cold War, but focused in the current context of
growing horizontal proliferation by both state and non-state actors.
Ensure balanced investments among all weapons of mass destruction
modalities, which meansat a minimumincreasing resources
focused on nuclear survivability, both funding and personnel.
Require routine reporting on survivability of critical fielded
capabilities in the Defense Readiness Reporting System.
Restore operational knowledge and reflect it in the planning and
training base.
Understand the operational limitations in a nuclear environment of
existing and near-term additions to general purpose forces, the
Global Information Grid, GIG edge, and critical infrastructure needed
to generate and sustain forces.
Take the first step in establishing a national enterprise by forging an
agreement with the Department of Energy to reverse the decline in the
nuclear weapons effects enterprise. Begin discussions with the Director of
National Intelligence to expand the agreement to the intelligence
What needs to be done in the near term:
Formulate with the Department of Energy a professional nuclear
weapons effects collaboration and mentoring program to expand and
advance the human skills base. Over time expand this to the military and
private sectors.
Improve understanding of both strategic and general purpose force
operations reliant on net-centricity and unmanned systems in nuclear
Establish on-going reviews and threat assessments to update survivability
Pursue radiation hardened advances better coupled to commercial

Expand the agreement with the Department of Energy to the intelligence
Ensure funding to upgrade and especially sustain existing nuclear
simulators and prevent shutting down existing simulators.
What needs to be done in the longer term:
Move to a model-based approach for the weapons effects enterprise to
make up for the lack of underground testing. The approach should take
advantage of advances in both aboveground simulators and high
performance computing developed as part of the Department of Energys
Science Based Stockpile Stewardship Program.
Expand agreements with the Department of Energy and the intelligence
community to other agencies with a stake in the enterprise, especially the
Department of Homeland Security.
Ensure that the minimum national enterprise capability in trained
expertise and aboveground simulators is sustained.
If the recommendations of the task force are implemented, the posture of
critical capabilities for national security can be significantly improved. But more
importantly, leadership will move a long way toward reversing the atrophy in
attention and understanding of nuclear issues that characterizedangerously
the mindset today.

Chapter 1. Introduction
The Nuclear Weapons Effects National Enterprise task force was formed at
the request of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and
Logistics; the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Nuclear, Chemical, and
Biological Matters; and the Director of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency. Its
purpose was to assess progress against an earlier report of the Defense Science
Board, Nuclear Weapons Effects Test, Evaluation, and Simulation (published
April 2005), and to expand upon that reports identification of the need for a
national enterprise across appropriate departments and agencies in the
government. The task force enjoyed the support of the Department of Energys
Under Secretary for Nuclear Security, who also serves as the Administrator of the
National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA).
In this study, enterprise means the full set of expertise, facilities and other
capabilities that can support military planners, acquirers, and operators in
assessing the ability to operate in a radiation environment. That set includes:
knowledgeable military operators and specialists (within the military
assessment and evaluation expertise in key agencies and laboratories
(human and computational)
simulation testing and experimental capabilities (physical machines and
the expertise to operate them)
science and technology, research and development (expertise and
The terms of reference for the study, purposely construed to cast a wide net,
called for the task force to:
Assess standards for nuclear survivability based on an assessment of
current and emerging nuclear capabilities of potential adversaries.
Review the lists of the critical war fighting and enabling systems and
capabilities that must function through, or immediately after, a nuclear
Assess these critical systems and capabilities against the applicable
standards and how well vulnerabilities are being addressed through the
tradeoffs between hardening and other mitigation schemes.

Recommend a national enterprise emphasizing a modeling and
simulation based approach augmented by the necessary experimental
capability required to develop, validate, and verify the models.
Propose a viable business model that would provide sustained support for
a baseline effort coupled to campaigns for new or modified major
systems and surveillance programs that would utilize the national
Evaluate the need for an ongoing oversight body to assure that the
needed transformation to the modern national enterprise occurs.
This broad directive was established because, at the outset of the study, the
sponsoring leadership felt that little progress had been made since publication of
the earlier report. Moreover, proliferation by actors outside of the original five
nuclear powers (United States, Russia, China, United Kingdom, and France)
seemed to be getting more serious. At the same time, Russia was pursuing
modernization of its theater forces and China was expanding its strategic
capabilities. Both concernslack of progress within the U.S. enterprise and
growing horizontal and vertical proliferationproved well founded.
The chapters that follow document the analysis, findings, and
recommendations that result from the task force deliberations. Chapter 2
describes the current and emerging threat environment and the challenges facing
the United States in the nuclear arena. Based on this environment, Chapter 3
contains an assessment of the radiation survivability of critical U.S. capabilities
a reality that calls for action on the part of the Department of Defense and the
nation. Key factors that contribute to this assessmentour current military
operational approaches and capabilities, and the health of the nuclear weapons
effects national enterpriseare discussed in more detail in Chapters 4 and 5.
Findings and recommendations are presented in Chapter 6; the final chapter
summarizes how implementing these recommendations in a time-phased
manner would improve our nations radiation survivability posture.

Chapter 2. Threats and Challenges
The current and emerging threat environment has become more diffuse,
uncertain, and difficult to characterize. Over the past decade the United States has
built up a highly capable conventional force, surpassing that of any other nation.
The strategy of employing nuclear weapons as a hedge against overwhelming U.S.
conventional force superiority has become important to current and potential
adversaries. In fact, the limited use of nuclear weapons as a potential war fighting
tool appears acceptable by many nations and groups, in sharp contrast to the
strategic deterrent role for nuclear weapons in the United States.
Consequently use of a nuclear weapon on the general purpose battlefield is a
growing possibility. Space systems and missile defense must also account for
operations in a radiation environment and, of course, strategic offensive systems
must continue to be survivable to nuclear effects. Besides nuclear weapons, other
radiation threats, both natural and man-made, are creating survivability challenges
that must be addressed. Each system generates its own set of unique requirements,
and many systems, both nuclear and non-nuclear, must be capable of operating in
a nuclear environment. Hardening, redundancy, operational changes from current
baselines, rapid reconstitution, or combinations of these may be necessary to
achieve a sound strategy for operating effectively in a nuclear environment.
In conducting this study, the task force chose to categorize the broad array of
radiation environments into three classes:
Category A. Environments where exposure is certain and the impact
potentially significant.
Category B. Strategic nuclear engagements, where the probability is
extremely low, but the consequences too severe to take the risk.
Category C. Limited use of nuclear weapons by regional powers and
proliferators, with the potential for substantial loss of life, operational
impacts on U.S. general purpose forces and supporting assets, and
escalation to nuclear war.
The task force addressed all three categories, but concentrated on the third
because of growing concerns about proliferation and the accompanying issues
associated with survivability of U.S. conventional war fighting capabilities.

Appendix A provides a primer on the range of nuclear effects that forces might

Category A: Certain Exposure
This class of survivability challenges is characterized by exposure that is
guaranteed and whose consequences, either immediate or over time, can be
serious. Natural radiation exposure in space is one example. It has long been
understood and accommodated in satellite design.
Department of Defense (DOD) forces operate in substantially varied settings
that result in assured exposure to natural and man-made environments. As a
result, they must be designed, fielded, and operated to mitigate or insulate
operators and operations from the effects generated by these environments. A large
number of these effects are similar to those produced by nuclear weapon
detonations with respect to the fundamental particle (e.g., proton, electrons,
neutron, charged nuclei) interactions with the systems or components exposed.
However, environmental magnitudes, time histories, and areas of exposure differ
such that hardening against, or mitigating the effects produced by Category A
sources does not necessarily guarantee survivability to nuclear weapons effects. For
purposes of this report, cases cited and comparisons are confined to classes of so-
called radiation effectsthose produced by environments and their effects derived
from interactions with fundamental particles and electromagnetic radiation.
As an example, the earth, its people, and man-made creations are subjected to
cosmic radiationthat is, extremely high energy nuclei originating galactically and
beyond. These also produce atmospheric showers of high energy fundamental
particles. All create environments of concern, especially for integrated circuit
elements of the electronics proliferated in the world today. The feature size of
components of these elements is now small enough (~ 200 to 300A
) so that
switching and other operations can be upset by cosmic ray interactions.
Clear cases in this category involve space-based platforms, systems, and
systems-of-systems (e.g. Global Positioning System). These systems are subjected
to the solar wind, consisting principally of protons and the environments caused
by its interaction with the earths atmosphere and magnetic field. In addition,
solar flares or coronal mass ejections (heavy ions and electrons) also produce
widespread electromagnetic fields exposing vast areas to an analog of a wide area
nuclear weapon environmentelectromagnetic pulse. On a much smaller and

1. More in-depth threat assessments than presented in this report are classified.

localized scale, both lightning and high-powered microwaves produce similar
electromagnetic field amplitudes, but different time histories.
Some civilian and a variety of military equipment have the potential to either
deliberately or accidentally cause the imposition of high amplitude transient
and/or steady state electromagnetic fields on personnel and/or military equipment
in the vicinity of the generated radiation field. Examples include:
proximity to high-powered radars or communications transmitters
deliberate jamming by traditional and nontraditional means and pathways
employment of non-lethal devices using electromagnetic radiation for
crowd control or security
high power microwave sources, both pulsed and continuous wave
high energy lasers, including short-pulsed and continuous wave
In summary, DOD personnel and equipment are subjected to certain or
highly probable radiation environmentsboth natural and man-made. These
form an exposure base case. DOD has for the most part established and, when
needed, updated standards for design, test, and evaluation to provide adequate
performance for mission assurance. Where technical protection and mitigation
are limited, appropriate architectures (including redundancy); concepts of
operation; and tactics, techniques, and procedures must be employed. The
approaches adopted are usually not sufficient to ensure survivability to radiation
effects produced by a nuclear weapon, however, because the magnitude and
dynamics differ significantly.
Category B: Strategic Nuclear Engagements
This class of survivability challenges focuses on strategic nuclear engagements.
The emergence of stealth, precision, and speed within conventional forces has
blurred the Cold War distinction between strategic and tactical forces. Indeed, the
role of conventional offensive forces for strategic engagements has long been
recognized and reinforced in recent defense policy. As but one example, the 2010
Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) directed further expansion of future long-
range strike capabilities as one means of countering growing threats to forward-
deployed forces and bases and ensuring U.S. power projection capabilities.
the purposes of this report, the task force considered the following assets as critical

2. U.S. Department of Defense, Quadrennial Defense Review Report (Washington, D.C.:

Government Printing Office, 2010), p. 32.

to strategic war fightingthat is, their functions must be guaranteed survivable in
order to hold at risk the adversaries highest value targets:
U.S. offensive nuclear forces,
including the warheads, missiles, basing,
bombers, and national command and control with supporting
intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) and networks
strategic missile defense, even against light attacks
conventional strike assets and supporting command, control,
communications, computers, and intelligence, surveillance, and
reconnaissance (C4ISR) systems with strategic missions
While the probability of nuclear attack or exchange can be considered very low,
the consequences of inviting such a scenario by failing to rigorously ensure the
survivability of our own strategic forces would be too enormously damaging to take
the risk. However, since the end of the Cold War, there has been significant
retrenchment from concerns about nuclear survivability of strategic military forces.
Some will claim that the exceptions are U.S. nuclear weapons and related
command and control systems, but even in this case, the attention to individual
elements has become a subject of variation (see Chapters 4 and 5).
Category C: Regional Engagements
The class of survivability challenges of most concern, in the judgment of this
task force, is the growth in regional contingencies in which nuclear weapons
would be in play. Trends that contribute to this possibility are serious.
For the past three decades, U.S. general purpose forces and assets overseas
have been successfully attacked by nation states and terrorists. Irans attack on the
U.S. embassy in Tehran, 241 service members killed in Lebanon, 19 Air Force
personnel killed and 64 wounded at Khobar Towers, 17 sailors killed and 30
wounded on the USS Cole, all serve as examples. While these attacks made use of
conventional explosives, nation states are also facilitating regional nuclear
proliferation. Terrorists are intent on attacking U.S. forces, the homeland, and
allies, by any means and the Taliban have stated their interest in nuclear weapons.
At the top of U.S. concerns should be the fact that foreign nuclear activities
worldwide are not negligible in either size or potential consequence for the

3. The most challenging survivability demands are placed on nuclear warheads and some of the
delivery platforms when required to function in environments that include both adversary
nuclear defensive interceptors and U.S. fratricide effects (from multiply targeted warheads on
the same target).

United States. It is clear that the foreseeable future will not be nuclear free.
Although our nation no longer seems to face the immediate threat of a massive
nuclear exchange, we now live in a much more complex and unpredictable
nuclear world. There has been an unprecedented proliferation of nuclear
technology, nuclear weapons, and potential delivery platforms. The United States
now faces smaller arsenals but more numerous real and potential adversaries
that possess or may acquire nuclear weapons in a geopolitical world where
alliances can, and do, change rapidly.
In addition to traditional powers that are developing nuclear doctrine and
capabilities to match, the United States must effectively deal with nation state
proliferators whose capabilities and intentions are not well understood, as well as
with terrorists with a declared intent to acquire and use nuclear weapons. While
command and control of nuclear weapons remains strong in the United States
and in some of the other major nuclear powers, proliferation in less stable
nations could produce a higher probability of loss of control of special nuclear
materials or of a nuclear weapon itself.
Two concrete examples illustrate the concern. One is the growing potential for
conventional conflict along Russias peripheryas shown by the 2008 Russia-
Georgia warthat could ensnare the United States in a spiral of escalation that
could cross the nuclear threshold. A second potential scenario envisions an
adversary country detonating a nuclear device at high-altitude to deter further U.S.
aid to a potential ally. The burst would produce an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) of
energy that would disrupt electronic systems and impact the infrastructures
required to support U.S. operations in both military and civilian sectors. This type of
high-altitude threat would also likely enhance the earths radiation belts with fission
electrons. Such a phenomenon would reduce satellite lifetimes over subsequent
weeks and months with potentially significant consequences for the reconnaissance,
communications, navigation and commercial space communities all with no direct
loss of life. There would almost certainly be an asymmetric impact on exposed
electronic systems since the United States and its forward deployed forces are
disproportionately dependent on advanced electronics and supporting networks.
Traditional Powers with New Doctrine: A Mirror
Image of NATO Theater Nuclear Forces of the Cold
Russia and China, as well as France and the United Kingdom, continue to
invest in and upgrade their nuclear weapons capabilities. In both Russia and

China, although more so with Russia, there is a troubling consistency in matters
associated with nuclear weapons among:
post-Cold War public rhetoric
expert U.S. analysis and observed peer country research, development,
test, and evaluation (RDT&E) programs
military field exercises and field testing in related programs of new missiles
Taken together, they depict a nuclear weapons future that puts U.S. resources
and interests at risk.
Statements about Russias increased reliance on nuclear weapons have become
commonplace since 1993, when Russia formally dropped its policy of no first use.
Analysis of official documents, as well as official and unofficial statements, suggests
that the main innovation has been a new mission assigned to nuclear weapons, that
of deterrence ofand use duringlimited regional wars.
This new policy has
been codified in the 2010 Russian Military Doctrine
after debate during the Putin
presidency. Missions assigned to nuclear weapons have been confirmed and
detailed. Formal, unclassified Russian statements and official documents
underscore the importance of nuclear use in regional engagements involving
general purpose forces if an adversary were to threaten Russias continued
existence. Even if the United States were not involved in the initial stages of these
kinds of regional conflicts, there is the potential to be drawn in to aid U.S. allies or
friends. The 2008 Russia-Georgia war highlights the growing likelihood of such
conflicts along Russias periphery.
The Russian technical community, in addition to addressing stockpile safety
and reliability issues, is working on modernized designs over a range of
In addition, since 1999, the Russian military has regularly
conducted large-scale maneuvers that have played out several conflict scenarios,

4. Nikolai Sokov, Russias Nuclear Doctrine, Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS)
Report, August 2004.
5. Kontseptsiya natsionalnoy bezopasnosti Rossiikoy Federatsii Utverzhdea Ukazom
Prezidenta RF ot 17 dekabrya 1997 g. No 1300, (http://www.scrf.gov.ru/documents/
6. Voyennaya Doktrina Rossiiskoy Federatsii, Utverzhdena Ukazom Prezidenta, RF ot 21
aprelya 2000 g. No. 706.
6. voyennaya Boktiina Rossiiskoy Feueiatsii, (http:news.kiemlin.iuief_notes461) ot S
fevialya 2u1u.
7. Americas Strategic Posture: The Final Report of the Congressional Commission on the
Strategic Posture of the United States, Hon. William Perry, Chairman, United States Institute
of Peace Press, 2009.
8. U.S. Nuclear Deterrence in the 21st Century: Getting It Right, report of the New Deterrent
Working Group, Center for Security Policy Press, 2009.

including those with the use of nuclear weapons. As a result, many maneuvers
held in the past five years or so, provide important insights into the doctrinal and
operational details missing from key policy documents.
strategies, doctrine, training, and new low yield weaponry are maturing in a
manner that reinforces preparation for operations in a nuclear environment, even
on their own soil, across a range of engagements.
The numbers of public statements that supplement the actions described above
are considerable. For example, in May 1999, during the NATO bombing of the
former Yugoslavia, high-ranking members of the Russian Duma, meeting with a
U.S. congressional delegation to discuss the Balkans conflict, raised the specter of a
Russian EMP attack over the continental United States that would paralyze our
nation. In response to possible U.S. deployments of missile defense systems in
Europe, Russia announced the testing of new missiles that Kremlin officials boast
could penetrate any defense system. First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov has
also repeatedly said that Russia would continue to improve its nuclear arsenals,
including newer, lower yield, advanced nuclear weapons to be delivered with
Finally, in a related dispute over the 1990 Conventional Forces in
Europe (CFE) Treaty, Moscow in 2007, suspended observance of the treaty and has
threatened to withdraw from CFE altogether if the United States and other CFE
states parties do not ratify the 1999 Adapted CFE Treaty.

The evolution of Chinas nuclear doctrine and programs are similarly
ambitious but discussed less openly. Unclassified analyses on Chinas nuclear
capabilities have identified numerous institutes and researchers involved in areas
related to nuclear weapon programs, including electromagnetic pulse research,
sub-critical testing and nuclear materials programs.

10. Nikolai Sokov, Russias New National Security Concept: The Nuclear Angle, Center for
Nonproliferation Studies Report, January 2000.
11. Statement by Sergey Ivanov, available at http://www.mil.ru/articles/article3667.shtml
12. Vladimir Putin, Zakluychitelnoe Slovo na Soveshchanii s Rukovodyashim Sostovom
Vooruzhennykh Sil Rossii, October 2, 2003 (available at htpp://www.president.kremlin.ru/
13. Yuriy Golotuyk, I v Vozdukhe Tozhe Problemy Vremya novostey, February 19, 2001.
14. Strategicheskaya Komandno-Shtabnaya Treniroivka VS Rossii, Nezavisimaya gazeta,
February 17, 2001.
15. Remarks of Defense Minister Ivanov: Russian Views of Nuclear Weapons as a Basis for
Global Stability, Moscow Interfax (in English), July 2004.
16. Statement by the Delegation of the Russian Federation, (http://www.osce.org/documents/
fsc/2007/12/28850_en.pdf December 12, 2007).
17 . Russia Suspends Arms Control Pact, BBC News, July 14, 2007 (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/
18. Brooke Dean and Scott Tatlock, Locust Hunter Project Report: Sub-Critical Testing, DGI-
CIRA Report, May 2007.

Information in the references cited previously point out that China and
Russia now consider nuclear attack options that, unlike their Cold War plans,
employ EMP as a primary or sole means of attack. There is an emphasis on
tactical and regional use of nuclear weapons in addition to the more traditional
strategic employments, which, although lower in priority, have not been
eliminated. Finally, as widely reported in the press, Russia continues to support
nuclear aspirants such as Iran with nuclear reactor development.
Proliferators Whose Capabilities and Intentions We
Dont Understand
Many nations besides Russia and China, particularly those with limitations in
their conventional forces and/or facing hostile neighboring states, view nuclear
weapons as an equalizer to conventional threat superiority. The potential exists
for the United States to be drawn into a conflict in which its troops and systems
would be exposed to a nuclear environment, including both ionizing and
electromagnetic radiation.

The roster of nuclear-capable nations has a growing number of entries.
During the next decade or two, it is likely to lengthen, not shorten, unless positive
outcomes in diplomatic efforts are achieved. The attitudes of these nations
regarding nuclear weapons vary widely, as do their views of the United States.
Moreover, neither is static. For example, views regarding the role of nuclear
weapons in current regimes in North Korea, which aggressively threaten
provocation, proliferation and use for diplomatic and military purposes, contrast
with Indias views, which are largely deterrence based.
The known role of proliferant nation scientists in the further proliferation of
nuclear know-how and technologies cannot be ignored as seeds for the worldwide
global nuclear community of the next decade. Moreover, states such as North
Korea and Iran, which may be unpredictable and difficult to deter, may also be

19. Alison Peet and Susan Puska, LOCUST HUNTER 5.0 Special Report: Electromagnetic
Pulse (EMP) Resistance Testing and Certification, DGI, April 2009.
20. For example, U.S. forces may be particularly vulnerable at times when forces are massed,
e.g., a Navy carrier battle group, a deployed Air Force wing of aircraft, and/or Army or Marine
divisions during debarkation and forward movement operations. Adversaries would seek to
gain significantly in terms of anti-access and overall asymmetric advantage by exploiting such a
situation, which frequently exists in Asia and the Middle East.

developing the capability to pose a nuclear threat to their neighbors and the
United States and its military forces.

Terrorists with Intent
Terrorist groups have no state identity, may have only one or a few weapons,
and are motivated to attack the United States without regard for their own safety.
A growing number of militant Islamic groups continue to advertise their intent to
strike the United States. Since September 11, 2001, the United States has been
primarily focused on thwarting al-Qaeda and its operatives that have been
attacking U.S. interests, primarily overseas.
In the wake of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and our nations continued
long-term commitment to stabilizing and pursuing democracy, other terrorist
organizations, allied with al-Qaeda or not, may also pose a significant threat to
American interests as U.S. policies and strategy evolve in their regions of
operation over time. Non-Islamic terrorist and insurgent groups, such as the
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), may also pose a growing
threat to the United States and its allies. Moreover, non-traditional and potential
emerging threats from non-state actors such as anti-globalization activists and
organized crime could further complicate the U.S. counterterrorism mission, as
well as frustrate other political, economic, and technological goals.
Terrorist attacks are likely to be directed toward civilian and/or urban targets
where heat, blast, and fallout would be the dominant problems. Few, if any, civilian
systems are designed to operate in a nuclear environment. Terrorists may not gain
access to a specifically designed EMP weapon, but even crudely designed nuclear
devices can produce significant impacts on electronic and communications
systems, as well as contaminate large areas. Moreover, in 20 years or so, arms
merchants may be able to obtain most of what the terrorist would need.
High Altitude EMP Attacks
Recent congressional concern has focused attention on the high altitude
EMP threat. The results of a specially legislated commission stated:

21. In fact, a newly released Central Intelligence Agency report indicates that Iran continues to
develop a range of capabilities that could be applied to producing nuclear weapons, if a
decision is made to do so. See: Bill Gertz, CIA Says Iran Has Capability to Produce Nuke
Weapons, Washington Times, March 30, 2010.

The high-altitude nuclear weapon-generated electromagnetic pulse
(EMP) is one of a small number of threats that has the potential to hold our
society seriously at risk and might result in significant degradation to the
operational capability of our military forces.
A single nuclear weapon exploded at high altitude above the United
States will interact with the Earths atmosphere, ionosphere, and magnetic
field to produce an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) radiating down to the Earth
and additionally create electrical currents in the Earth. EMP effects are both
direct and indirect. The former are due to electromagnetic shocking of
electronics and stressing of electrical systems, and the latter arise from the
damage that shockedupset, damaged, and destroyedelectronics controls
then inflict on the systems in which they are embedded. The indirect effects
can be even more severe than the direct effects.
The electromagnetic fields produced by weapons designed and deployed
with the intent to produce EMP have a high likelihood of damaging electrical
power systems, electronics, and information systems upon which the U.S.
military and American society depends. Their effects on dependent systems and
infrastructures could be sufficient to qualify as catastrophic to the Nation.

This type of detonation would likely damage key weapon systems and support
capabilities, including satellite navigation systems, intelligence and targeting
systems, communications resources, and many other militarily significant
platforms. Battlefield impacts would be significant, particularly if our nations large,
technically superior, but electronically dependent force is unprepared to operate in
a severely degraded environment. Contributing to that degradation are not only the
direct effects, but also the likely more widespread effects on logistics and supply,
and if targeted at the United States, the damage to its critical infrastructure.
The likelihood that U.S. forces will have to have the capability to operate
effectively in a nuclear environment has probably increased since the end of the
Cold War. While massive arsenal-exchange scenarios like those of the Cold War are
much less likely, limited nuclear engagements may be more likely. Many potential
adversaries, both state and non-state, have stated that nuclear weapons are a viable
war fighting capability to protect their interests regionally and to counter U.S.
conventional superiority. Declared states, including Russia and China, are
modernizing their capabilities, and in the case of Russia, building new theater

22. Report of the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic
Pulse (EMP) Attack, Volume I, Executive Report, 2004.

weapons and developing the accompanying doctrine and training. Non-state actors
have repeatedly declared their desire to acquire, and intent to use, such weapons in
attacks on U.S. interests, including the homeland. This emerging proliferation
environment, with its complexity and unpredictability, should be motivating plans,
policies, and actions in the U.S. war fighting community as it looks to the future,
not only for EMP, but also for a full range of effects typical of ground and low-
altitude detonations expected in battlefield scenarios.

Chapter 3. Assessment of Radiation
Survivability of Critical Capabilities
In the context of the categories of the threats and challenges described in the
previous chapter, the task force used its expert judgment to assess the current
state of the major elements of U.S. war fighting capabilities and the infrastructure
on which they depend with respect to their survivability.
That assessment is summarized in general terms in Figure 1. Each element
was judged as to how well it meets its required survivability levels; for example,
nuclear reentry vehicles have an extremely high survivability requirement, which
the task force judged it meets with high confidence, while only a small fraction of
general purpose forces are judged survivable. The figure also indicates the scale
of the problem for each elementnamely how many entities, to an approximate
order of magnitude, are at risk.

Figure 1. Current Survivability Risks of Critical Capabilities Against Nuclear

Weapons Effects


The rationale for the assessment of each element is as follows:
Nuclear reentry vehicles refer to the warheads alone. Very high
survivability requirements derive from the most stressful operational
scenarios. Considerable design, experimentation, simulation, and testing
go into assuring that those requirements are met and maintained.
Strategic offense and defense refers to most of the delivery
platforms/systems (intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarine-
launched ballistic missiles, ballistic missile submarines, interceptors),
which have very high survivability requirements. Legacy strategic offense
platforms, designed with hardened subsystems and deployed with
operational survivability as part of the concept of operations, account for
what green there is, although the status of many of the platforms has not
been tested for some time. Missile defense components vary in how well
survivability requirements have been addressed, from good to untested.
Space systems refer to the full array of satellites to support war fighting
needs. All have to accommodate prolonged exposures to natural radiation
environments in space, but only dedicated DOD and intelligence
community assets have additional hardening requirements to address
space-based threats, and even those are highly variable. Commercial
satellites that support a wide array of military communications needs are
not hardened beyond expected natural operating environments.
Nuclear bombs and cruise missile warheads refer to the bombs or
warheads alone. These have lower survivability requirements than re-
entry vehicles based on expected operational scenarios. Considerable
design, experimental, simulation, and testing go into assuring that those
requirements are met and maintained.
Nuclear command and control network refers to the dedicated
network that if called on, would support the use of U.S. nuclear forces.
Historically these networks are isolated, hardened, redundant, and
protected. Concerns are being raised about planned upgrades and
migration to modern network configurations and protocols.
Air breathers refer to the nuclear capable bombers and cruise missiles.
These have somewhat lower survivability requirements than the nuclear
devices because of stand-off and/or difficulty of detection/intercept by air
defenses. Legacy systems are designed and tested to meet requirements,

but there is some question about how well key hardening features are
Critical infrastructure refers to that part of the civilian and military
infrastructure on which military operations are dependent (e.g.,
commercial communications networks, transportation routes in the
continental United States, and nodes supporting logistics and resupply).
Responsibility for this infrastructure is distributed throughout government
and the private sector according to assignments made by the Department
of Homeland Security. Resources devoted to harden elements of this
infrastructure are directed at more conventional types of attacks and
vulnerabilities, which are not necessarily prioritized consistent with DOD
priorities, nor do they begin to address nuclear survivability.
General purpose forces refer to U.S. conventional war fighting and
indigenous support personnel and equipment subject to harms way at
any given time. For nearly two decades, nuclear survivability via
hardening of equipment and/or operational contingencies to enable
fighting through has been neglected. Some legacy systems are still
operational and the U.S. Army has maintained nuclear survivability as a
key performance parameter for new acquisitions (which, however, can be
waived by proper authorities). Even for those newer Army systems where
survivability has been required for acquisition, a hardness maintenance
and surveillance program has often not been.
Addressing these shortfalls in survivability requires a risk management
approach since physical hardening of every entity within each major element is
not only unaffordable, but in some cases, undoable. Even during the Cold War,
when nuclear survivability was an accepted factor in operational planning and
acquisition, a balanced approach to minimize risk within limited budgets was the
normal practice. The community needs to re-learn that approach.
In those cases where survivability must be guaranteed, there is little choice
but to invest in the expense of hardening. (See Appendix B for a discussion of
what this involves and the impact of ever smaller feature sizes in
microelectronics.) However, where required survivability levels are lower, trades
between the costs of hardening some or all components and other measures can
be made. Other measures include operational mobility; backup and redundant
capabilities not co-located; and/or tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs)
that offer operational alternatives for achieving the same mission outcome.
Figure 2 illustrates these points. Across the board, good design and development

practices can minimize the impact of the pervasive use of commercial-off-the-shelf
components in todays military systems (see the list at the end of Appendix B).

Figure 2. Managing Nuclear Weapons Effects Risks

The next two chapters will describe in more detail the key factors
contributing to this assessment that put critical war fighting assets and supporting
capabilities at riskexamining how current military operational approaches and
capabilities have led to vulnerabilities to nuclear effects and how the health of the
nuclear weapons effects enterprise affects our nations overall survivability posture.

Chapter 4. Military Operations and Capabilities
Not only should the threat picture of Chapter 2 be cause for concern, but
factors of our own nations doing are creating a situation demanding action.
These factors include:
leadership neglect and with it, a military grown thin in nuclear war
fighting expertise
the evolution of general purpose forces to networked, commercial-off-
the-shelf (COTS) dependent systems
the failure to maintain nuclear survivability as a requirement in most
general purpose forces components
This chapter addresses these factors and leads to the not-too-surprising
assessment of the next chapter that the nuclear weapons effects enterprise is in
poor health.
Leadership Neglect
As noted in Chapter 2, the asymmetric appeal for an adversary to employ
nuclear effects may be too good to pass up. Potential U.S. vulnerabilities, as
described in Chapter 3, may be attractive to an enemy who could bring this
country to its knees by possessing the capability to generate nuclear effects.
The term potential vulnerabilities is important in this context. It comes
from the fact that we simply do not know what our nations
vulnerabilities are, particularly those of our general purpose forces. This state
stems from years of little or no testing of U.S. forces and supporting systems,
such as space or command and control. It also results from a DOD requirements
process for new systems in which nuclear survivability is placed in the trade
space and is almost always traded away in the final system design. The situation
is further exacerbated by the failure to include red use of nuclear weapons in
exercises and war games sufficiently to determine needed changes in training,
techniques, and procedures. Behind these actionsor lack thereofis either the
conscious or unknowing dismissal of nuclear survivability by U.S. policy making
and congressional establishments. Statements have been made by senior
decision-makers that U.S. conventional superiority is such that others would not
dare attack our forces or nation with nuclear weapons, or if they did, U.S.

general purpose forces could readily prevail. Such attitudes fail to consider the
potential physical and political cascading effects of limited, regional use of
nuclear weapons. The impacts of these potential vulnerabilities could be far-
reaching, as illustrated by the examples which follow.
Questions about Mission Assurance
Potential vulnerabilities of Americas military forces are most apparent in
its conventional forces. They exist most significantly when these forces are
massed, i.e., when garrisoned at home bases during peacetime or, during crises,
at ports of debarkation for ground forces, at deployed airfield locations for air
forces, and for carrier battle groups deployed in formation. The widespread use
of COTS electronics and the growing dependence on networked systems places
all aspects of U.S. war fighting at risk. (See next section Shift to Networked,
COTSBased Systems.)
Contemporary scenarios involving U.S. defense of Taiwan and U.S. assistance
to South Korea against a North Korean invasion could place U.S. forces and
supporting systems in stressing nuclear effects/radiation environments. For
Conventional fighting platforms and vehicles. These systems are
highly dependent on computers and electrical circuitry for effectiveness.
The danger from radiation induced upset or burnout of improperly or
unshielded computers, radios, and offensive/defensive systems could
render the combat system either partially or fully ineffective.
Command, control, communications and intelligence,
surveillance, and reconnaissance systems. Net centricity and
situational awareness to enable battlefield agility are huge force multipliers
for U.S. forces. If these systems/interfaces are unprotected from nuclear
effects, then U.S. forces could be rendered blind, deaf and mute.
Rear echelon logistics, repair and maintenance capabilities.
Sensitive test and repair equipment, if vulnerable to radiation effects, will
fail, resulting in critically negative effects on U.S. forces staying power. In
addition, the just-in-time nature of modern logistics relies on open
networks and computers operating seamlessly with the information
systems of commercial suppliersall of which are likely to fail in a
nuclear environment.

Mindsets of Decision-Makers
A major concern of the task force is the widespread lack of awareness,
attention, and concern for this issue among senior government leaders. Many of
the post-Cold War generation of decision-makers simply do not have this issue on
their radar scope, while others pay little or no attention to it because they fail to
see it as a legitimate concern. Approaches among todays senior policy and
congressional leadership range from no one would dare use a nuclear weapon
against the United States or its forces, to dismissal of the issue as a legacy of the
Cold War, to its just too expensive to deal with, to anything we do will
promote further proliferation and/or use.
Within the U.S. military there is also a general lack of attention toward
nuclear survivability issues. Although modest programs for nuclear education
exist, they train a very small number of personnel who are assigned typically to
staff positions at combatant command headquarters or agencies and Service
staffs in Washington, D.C. A notable exception is the FA-52 specialists in the
Army, a cadre maintained to assure that critical Army programs properly address
survivability issues.
Aside from non-mandatory courses in personnel survivability in contaminated
environments, there is no evidence of service training or education programs for
understanding and operating on a battlefield where platforms, vehicles, and
supporting systems may be impacted by nuclear weapon effects.
How Did the Atrophy of Attention and Capability
Come About?
The root causes seem to us to lie deep in DOD and its leaderships corporate
point of view that has developed since the end of the Cold War. Nuclear weapons
have not been used, other than in deterrence, for over sixty years. And for the past
twenty years, even the deterrent uses have been less immediate and direct, and
have seemed less important than before. Since the first Gulf War, conventional
operations of great difficulty and importance have consumed DOD and national
attention, and have displaced nuclear deterrence as the reigning paradigm.
Furthermore, there seems to be widespread belief that the United States will
be able to deter enemy use of nuclear weapons, with the exception of terrorist
use. (In that case, however, the impacts of survivability shortfalls tend to be
further dismissed since the canonical nuclear terrorism scenario involves the use
of only one or two weapons against civilian targets.) For all these reasons, the

possibility that U.S. forces would have to operate effectively in a nuclear
environment simply seems, in this view, to be extremely remote.
Finally, the costs of hardening military systems, and the difficulty of developing
ways of operating forces to be effective in a nuclear environment, seem larger to
many than the likelihood of the threat warrants. (For example, as noted in a prior
DSB report,
the Army has maintained a data base that indicates that if hardening
is incorporated as an integral part of the initial design, most equipment suffers a 1
to 2 percent increase in cost.) The complicatedand, to many decision-makers,
arcanenature of assessing the nuclear cost/risk trades exacerbates the problem.
These factors have resulted in fewer and fewer of the military and civilian leaders in
DOD having experience with nuclear weapons and the issues that surround them.
This in turn exacerbates the point of view to which we attribute the problem.
The task force believes that this point of view, though generally tacit (and
often denied when alleged), holds sway widely in DODhow else could one
explain what has happened? We further believe it is profoundly wrong and
dangerous. It is wrong in part because although deterrence seems to have worked
during the Cold War, the situation is different today. Some adversaries today are
prima facie undeterrable. Some may be desperate. Some may believe that
asymmetries in the perceived political stakes of war, perhaps compounded with
perceived U.S. unwillingness to break the nuclear taboo, will prevent our nation
from retaliating forcefully against adversary use of nuclear weapons.
One of the enduring lessons from the Cold War is that for deterrence of
adversaries and assurance of allies to be effective, the United States must be able to
control escalation, which in turn requiresfor deterrenceU.S. nuclear and
conventional forces to be able to operate in a nuclear environment. Furthermore,
the shoe is now on the other foot: it is precisely the great capability of U.S.
conventional forces that contributes to making nuclear weapons attractive to
adversaries. Finally, Army experience through their continued, albeit selective,
attention to survivability continues to reinforce the fact that hardening against, and
operating effectively in, a nuclear environment is not as costly as often assumed.
Technologies are emerging to further reduce the cost, as smaller electronic feature
sizes are forcing commercial developers to build in hardening to guard against
naturally occurring upsets. All in all, we believe renewing the commitment to
nuclear survivability is a prudent and affordable step to take.

23. Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on Nuclear Weapon Effects Test,
Evaluation, and Simulation (Washington, D.C.: Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for
Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics), April 2005.

Shift to Networked, COTSBased Systems
The evolution of U.S. conventional war fighting to highly networked,
information driven concepts of operations, enabled by COTSbased electronics,
has introduced a major reason for concern with respect to nuclear survivability.
There is limited test experience and analysis, almost exclusively for the Armys
specifically hardened platforms, to predict how modern and upgraded war-
fighting capabilities, especially the networked command and control nervous
system, will function should they be subjected to a severe and/or widespread
radiation environment.
Reliance on COTS Electronics
Modern electronics control the operation of all defense systemsyet defense
requirements no longer influence electronics technologies. This asymmetric
relationship is a result of the fact that electronic component availability is driven
by the ~$250 billion worldwide commercial semiconductor component market.
Only 5 percent of the world electronics market is government, which includes
chips for government computers, cell phones, and other office applications. An
even smaller fraction of the government electronics market goes to military-
specific electronics. With such a small market share, government has little to no
influence on semiconductor products, in contrast to the early days of the
integrated-circuit industry.
In 1961, government contracts represented 92 percent of the worlds
integrated-circuit market and drove technology and product development. Today,
International SEMATECH coordinates the development of needed manufacturing
equipment and associated technology based on their best estimate of the worlds
commercial market through the International Technology Roadmap for
Semiconductors (ITRS). Thus, instead of leading semiconductor technology
development as they did in the early days of semiconductor products, U.S. military
systems now adapt what they can from leading-edge chips that target mainstream
commercial applicationsas does every other military in the world.
The ITRS roadmap predicts increasing capability for leading-edge chips
both digital and mixed signalwith increasing processing power that will enable
faster response and more functionality for all electronic systems. While defense
systems benefit from increasing digital processing power, semiconductor
products for most large commercial markets do not have to face the
environments that characterize military applicationsextremes of heat, cold,

shock, and radiation. Typical radiation environments may include nuclear
radiation such as electromagnetic fields, X-rays, gamma rays, electrons and
neutrons, and space radiation such as protons, ionized heavier ions, electrons,
and atmospheric neutrons. These radiation environments establish unique
requirements that not only separate military from commercial systems, but also
place more difficulty and challenges on designers to develop survivable DOD
systems in the future as feature sizes of electronics continue to shrink. These
DOD systems include: (1) telecommunication networks on the ground to serve
command control centers; (2) mobile combat equipment; (3) missile defense
systems; (4) combat ships; (5) surveillance, meteorology, and telecommunication
satellite systems; and (6) ballistic missile systems.
The continuing decrease of feature size in integrated circuits and the
commensurate decrease in stored charge representing information are leading to
an increased sensitivity to single-event-upset (SEU) with device scaling, especially
for any high density memory device. The decrease in the upset threshold of highly
scaled technologies has made them sensitive to alpha particle induced upset. These
factors have made soft errors a significant reliability concern for commercial
integrated circuit manufacturers, not only in space environments, but also in
ground-based systems. Continued scaling of technologies will likely further
exacerbate the SEU problem by increasing the likelihood of multiple bit upsets and
increased upsets due to single-event transients. How serious a problem this creates
for military electronics is not known because components have not been
systematically tested and analyzed, but the bottom line is that each new generation
is more vulnerable to radiation effects than previous ones.
Another important point is that no system is built only with leading-edge
chips. Older technologies are used in electronic systems to condition power,
actuate mechanical devices, and interface to sensors. These technologies are
generally one or two generations behind the latest in the commercial market. The
older technologies tend to have more immunity to ionizing radiation than the
most modern integrated circuits (those made with transistors whose minimum
dimension is 0.18mm or smaller). However, they too may be vulnerable, but in
too many cases, their vulnerabilities have not been characterized. Moreover, in
systems with a range of generations of electronics, where and how failures in the
system will occur are unknown. (Appendix B has a more complete technical
discussion of the upset/failure mechanisms of microelectronics when exposed to
high energy radiation.)

Network Operations in Radiation Environments
The Department of Defense has underwritten major force application
innovations and improvements in overall force effectiveness and efficiency
through collaboration enablers which are network-based. For the following
discussion, the network focus is on the global common user instantiation called
the Global Information Grid (GIG) and its integrated Edge networks. This
combination serves by far the largest user population including users from other
departments and agencies. The general insights and conclusions derived apply
equally to specialized networks, including space assets, not discussed here.

The nature of the two components of the global networklong haul optical
fiber and the Edge networksare substantially different. The long haul
optical fiber and related facility elements were purchased from commercial
network operators and their suppliers. DOD operations of the long haul
network employ, for the most part, commercial componentsfiber, electronics,
software, concepts of operation, procedures training, and management. DOD can
control topology redundancy and other architectural features. It can also replace
or add to concepts of operations, procedures, and training within the constraints
of the basic facilities hardware and software.
In contrast, the Edge networks are designed, fielded, and operated by the
military services. Although much of their underlying hardware and sometimes
software is commercially derived (servers are but one example), their
architecture; concepts of operations; tactics, techniques, and procedures; and
management and training are Service designed on an integrated rather than an
overlaid basis (as is the long haul portion).
The Service Edge networks are wireless to support a broad spectrum of
maneuver operations on land and sea and in the air. The most sophisticated of
these are MANET networksM(obile) A(dhoc) NET(works) which are intended
to be self-forming and self-healing. The Edge networks must deal with
substantially more challenges than their long haul counterparts, which are
comprised of predominantly fixed facilities and a controlled topology. However,
the smaller scale and separable components of the Edge networks do allow, in
principle, for isolation and characterization with respect to their radiation upset
susceptibility. In contrast, the effects from natural, man-made and/or nuclear

24. For the reader requiring greater detail about the interaction of network performance and
effectsnuclear and conventionalinquiry should be made to the Director, Defense Threat
Reduction Agency relative to its mission activities under a program called Balanced
Survivability Assessment.

weapon environments have a character and scale that goes beyond manageable
complexity for most commercially-based long haul network segments.
In practical terms, while prediction of extended fixed facility exposure
outcome is for the most part inadequate, it is possible to experimentally address
Edge individual network elements. It is feasible in some cases for smaller
longhaul network nodes. Predicting the results of the exposure of large
numbers of nodes in either network is problematic because of both
methodological and computing limitations. Some of the latter may diminish with
the next major computing advances but methodological challenges remain.
It is therefore necessary to develop and complement technical means for
mitigation with a consequence management strategy and to plan, train, rehearse,
and exercise leaders and staffs for operations in degraded environments. In the
end, it is the quality and performance of humans which is the main offset to the
challenges of exposure to both assured and deliberate conventional exposure and
nuclear weapons environments and their effects.
Failure to Assess and/or Maintain Nuclear
With the end of the Cold War, the requirement for nuclear survivability was
quickly put at the bottom of the list of key performance parameters, or largely
dropped altogether. This has impacted both new and already fielded systems. In
both cases, the task force found that little has changed since an earlier Defense
Science Board (DSB) task force addressed this topic,
with one significant
exception. The EMP Commission was successful in helping to motivate a new
department instruction (DoDI 3150.09, The Chemical, Biological, Radiological
and Nuclear [CBRN] Survivability Policy, September 2008) for critical system
survivability in weapons of mass destruction (WMD) environments. The
instruction establishes a management oversight group with responsibility for
implementation of the instruction with respect to nuclear survivability, and
requires a biennial report to Congress on progress with respect to EMP. In turn,
the Air Force has looked into reinstating its defunct oversight function, while the
Marines are working with the Army to understand the EMP hardness of some of
their systems. The Navy is developing an aircraft survivability process with the
help of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). The commission and the
prior DSB task force also raised awareness at U.S. Strategic Command. The

25. Defense Science Board, Nuclear Weapon Effects Test, Evaluation, and Simulation, April

command has reconstituted a capability to assess the survivability of mission
critical components in its strategic systems domain and is motivating remedial
actions by the Services where needed. However, hardness maintenance/hardness
surveillance programs for most fielded systems originally acquired with
survivability requirements are generally not resourced.
New Systems
Many new systems have not been explicitly required to meet nuclear
survivability standards from their inception. Included are the interceptors for
missile defense
and the F-22. Hardening has been postponed to downstream
spirals, which is likely to be cost prohibitive.

Some notable progress, however, is starting to occur. The Army elevated its
watchdog agency, the U.S. Army Nuclear and Combating WMD Agency
(USANCA) to Army Staff reporting. In addition, new designs must address the
EMP requirements of MIL-STD-461/464. New guidance, developed by the Navy
with support from DTRA, for aircraft EMP hardening and testing is in final
review prior to publication. The EMP military standard for protection and test of
maritime assets has been started with a target of 2014 for publication. However,
these military standards cannot be universally applied because of the reliance on
COTS equipment, and they can be dropped in the trade space associated with the
Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) and Capability
Based Planning processes.
Fielded Systems
With the exception of Navy strategic systems, significant cutbacks have
occurred in the area of performance evaluations of other Navy assets in a nuclear
effects environment. While it is anticipated that fielded Navy systems are
expected to perform well in categories of physical stress (shock, wave surges, etc.)
and EMP due to inherent ship and equipment normal operating environments,
testing of survivability in more extreme nuclear environments has not been
undertaken in many years. With the exception of EMP on aircraft (in particular,
the E-6), nuclear survivability requirements are no longer a key performance
parameter in new ship and weapon system designs.

26. The Missile Defense Agency has developed a survivability standard and worked to harden
the ground systems.
27. Army data over several decades indicate that the cost of hardening a new system from the
outset is in the range of 2-10 percent of the base cost of the system. Hardening once the system
is built can be 10s of percent, or even more.

Air Force systems have posed greater concerns in the past decade. The
attention paid by the Navys Strategic Systems Program Office to survivability
maintenance and assessment of its nuclear forces is matched in the Air Force for
its intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) force. However, although visual
inspection of bombers is a requirement, actual testing is not. Conventional forces
elements are not assessed. The Air Force is in the process of reinstating its
survivability assessment program, but it is still to be determined how effective its
efforts will be. Even the Armys relatively influential agency for new system
acquisition, USANCA, has no authority to insist on assessments of fielded systems.
The task force applauds the continuing efforts of the Navy and Air Force
ICBM wings to maintain the survivability of their strategic forces. But even
strategic nuclear systems might be subject to different environments than the
Soviet era threats for which they have been hardened. Other nations are building
different weapons to accomplish different objectives and, therefore, have the
potential to introduce different effects. A revisit of red nuclear environments
should occur routinely as Red Book results are updated.

How the Mix of Old and New Will Perform Together
We simply do not know how the mix of old and new systems will perform
together. At any point in time, the military will be operating with a spectrum of
capabilities spanning vintages from the Cold War to the present. These forces will
have mixed levels of protection, yet they are highly interconnected and
interdependent. Older designs might be expected to be more robust because their
designs incorporated more concern for surviving a nuclear effects environment.
However, that depends strongly on how well critical components, such as seals
and connectors, have been maintained. Without periodic retesting, one cannot
say with certainty. Our nations ignorance of the survivability of new systems
built with modern electronics should create concern for military operators on its
own, but when combined with uncertainties for older systems, operators should
be prepared to be surprised. It is entirely possible that the failure of a single
critical node could take out an entire system.

28. The Red Book, a long term responsibility of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency and its
predecessor agencies, is a compendium of calculated adversary generated nuclear outputs. A
new cycle of revisions is scheduled to be completed in August 2010.

Chapter 5. The National Nuclear Weapons
Effects Enterprise
The factors discussed in the previous chapter have produced a decline in
priority and investments that has created an alarming atrophy in the nuclear
weapons effects enterprise (NWE). The nuclear weapons effects enterprise, as
defined by the task force, is comprised of the following elements:
Knowledgeable military operators and specialists, within the
Services. Operators with sufficient training and understanding of
weapons effects to plan and exercise in ways to assess mission execution in
a nuclear environment, aided by specialists with deep domain knowledge.
Expertise in key agencies, the intelligence community, and
national security laboratories. Technical professionals fluent in the
use of computational tools that allow them to predict potential effects
environments, and assess and evaluate those effects on both humans and
Effects simulators and skilled operators. Expertise and sophisticated
aboveground radiation simulators engaged in experimentation and testing
to validate models and/or to evaluate performance of critical equipment or
Science and technology community. Career professionals dedicated
to advancing the fundamental understanding of effects generated by
nuclear or radiation devices, the interaction of those effects with materials
and components of interest, and approaches to mitigate the impact of those
effects on the systems physical performancethrough a combination of
theory, advanced computations, and experimentationin close partnership
with the assessment and simulation elements. Historically the bulk of
science and technology research has been conducted through the DTRA
and its predecessor agencies (Defense Nuclear Agency and Defense Special
Weapons Agency) and the Department of Energys nuclear weapons
laboratories (Los Alamos National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory, and Sandia National Laboratories).

The elements of the enterprise should be (and were throughout most of the
Cold War) interconnected in a manner to ensure mission success by evaluating the
tradeoffs among the options for defending against and/or recovering from
exposures. DTRA and its predecessors have been the leading DOD organization for
brokering among the various actors in the nuclear weapons effects community.

Table 1 provides the task forces assessment of the state of health of each
element of the enterprise. The assessment distinguishes between general
purpose/conventional force aspects, and strategic forces and assets. With the
exception of some knowledgeable specialists supporting strategic force elements
that reside in the Armys USANCA, Navy strategic systems, and U.S. Strategic
Command, general military understanding of how to plan and execute military
operations in nuclear environments is poor. The result is not surprising given the
neglect this area has suffered for 15 years. For example, DTRAs investment alone
has shrunk by a factor of 10 from its end-of-Cold-War levels. At the same time,
investments in passive defense against chemical and especially biological
weapons have grown five- to seven-fold in DOD, and many more times that
throughout the government, in the same time period. Nuclear survivability
investments are now less than a few percent of the passive WMD defense budget.
(The reader is advised, however, that the growth in investment to counter
biological and chemical threats was long overdue, so that these areas should not
be regarded as a source for remedying the nuclear survivability problem.)
While operator knowledge can be restored in the near term through training,
the reinstatement of technical expertise, and the facilities to enable their work, in
the assessment, simulator, and science and technology communities will take a
decade or more to restore because of the domain knowledge required and the
investment in both computational modeling and simulator experimentation
needed. Even with sustained investment to rebuild both human and physical
capabilities, however, a shift in focus and approach will be needed since a mainstay
of the old program, underground nuclear testing, is no longer an option.

29. It could be argued, appropriately, that the special radiation hardened electronics foundries
supported by the Departments of Defense and Energy should also be a part of the enterprise.
The task force did not focus its attention on this topic, however, because it is the subject of
periodic assessments by DOD on its own. Appendix C provides a brief description of its status.

Table 1. Assessment of State of Health of Elements in the Nuclear Weapons
Effects Enterprise
Nuclear Weapons
Effects Enterprise
General Purpose
Forces Global
Information Grid
National Command
and Control
Critical Infrastructure
Strategic, space
operational military
leaders, planners, and
executors who are
supported with products
and services from rest of
the enterprise
Shortage of
knowledgeable operators;
products and services not
being used (Red)
Some knowledgeable
specialists, but
shortfalls exist in most
places (Yellow/Green)
Assessment and
evaluation experts and
their tools (environmental
and prediction codes, etc.)
supporting operators and
With limited exceptions,
response unknown and
mitigation options not
formulated. Less
experienced workforce
learning in near isolation
from operators
Mix of aging and less
professionals at
Department of Energy
labs; aging expertise in
DOD. Current tools
inadequate for high
confidence designs;
large safety margins
result. (Yellow/Red)
Expertise and facilities for
effects simulation to test
equipment, experiment
with new designs, and
validate new codes
Used in a few cases;
simulator shortfalls now in
Simulator shortfalls now
in evidence
Science and technology
(S&T) and research and
development community
addressing new
challenges, advancing
fundamental knowledge,
and tools used by all other
Already small S&T
program in decline
Already small S&T
program in decline
Note: Green = Sufficient to meet national needs
Yellow = Concerns about future capabilities
Red = Immediate attention needed

Understanding Weapons Effects without
Underground Testing
During the Cold War, the principal scenarios of interest focused on massive
engagements involving tens to hundreds of high-yield weapons detonated in a
relatively short period of time. The knowledge base, codes, and simulators
focused on the extremes of performance demanded for rapid penetration against
nuclear defenses, fratricide avoidance, and nuclear pin down of enemy assets.
Valuable and irreplaceable data were collected on system and component
performance in nuclear environments, but fundamental understanding of the
physics of nuclear weapons effects and the ability to predict the response of
systems to the effects was not the focus. As such, large gaps in our nations
knowledge base remain.
A prime example is the Fish Bowl series of atmospheric tests that produced a
widespread high-altitude electromagnetic pulse (HEMP). These tests were hastily
planned and among the last to occur prior to the 1962 moratorium on nuclear
testing in the atmosphere. The data recording equipment for Starfish, a 1.4
megaton burst at 400 kilometer altitude, was not optimally set to capture the
unexpected phenomenon. After the tests were concluded, the observations in that
test series were explained, but it was no longer possible to obtain additional data
from well-planned experiments to improve understanding of the complex
phenomenon. Atmospheric tests to explore variations in HEMP levels and system
response for different weapon yields and burst altitudes did not occur. The
observed effects on systems at the time of the U.S. tests are largely anecdotal.
Almost all of the system response data on which subsequent designs have been
qualified have resulted from tests in HEMP simulators at Cold War threat levels.
Extrapolation of the Cold War era data to determine how modern day
electronics might respond to likely nuclear scenarios today is hampered by large
uncertainties. For example, the ability to draw conclusions on the impact of
HEMP on modern communications networks, e.g. the Global Information Grid or
the commercial Internet, is constrained by limited knowledge about the weapons
of potential adversaries, rapidly occurring changes in electronics technology, and
the lack of physics-based codes and high-fidelity simulators for analyzing and
testing complex networks. Past experience has demonstrated that such
constraints result in system response prediction errors that can be two to three
orders of magnitude or greater. Figure 3 shows the estimated uncertainties in
understanding system effects as a function of the degree of knowledge of the
system gained through testing.


Figure 3. Uncertainties in Understanding System Effects

Protecting systems against hostile nuclear environments relies on a
combination of modeling and simulation and testing. Typical nuclear
environments of interest are shown in Figure 4. From 1962 to the early 1990s,
testing was conducted in aboveground tests (AGTs) in laboratories or nuclear
weapon effects simulators, and in underground nuclear tests (UGTs). The
cessation of UGTs in the early 1990s has made it necessary to rely on AGTs and
models. Data collected in past UGTs has proved of little value because of limited
instrumentation and measurements made on components no longer available. In
DOD, the inability to sustain the AGT test infrastructure for high fidelity, threat
level testing is now driving the community to depend more on modeling and
simulation than ever before. This commonly called model-based approach
relies on AGTs to validate the models on well characterized, small-scale systems.
The models are then used to validate the hardness of larger scale systems.
Engineering solutions to reduce system vulnerabilities to nuclear effects have
been developed, demonstrated, and applied to many types of systems. In addition
to the use of codes and simulators, design margin is used to compensate for
uncertainties in threat levels, system response, and test limitations. Hardening
design approaches for reducing system vulnerabilities must balance the protection
requirements at the component, subsystem and system levels. Tradeoffs between
performance and protection, e.g., the amount of shielding and the use of radiation
hardened parts, must also be made.


Figure 4. Typical Nuclear Environments of Interest

Future system protection strategies that depend more on codes to guide the
design will require much better understanding of physical phenomena than what
is known today. Examples include thin-air system-generated electromagnetic
pulse (SGEMP), upset in distributed electronics and networks, lightweight mirror
deformation, material response at cryogenic temperatures, and thermal/
structural responses of new materials or new fabrications. Formidable challenges
exist to migrate from a test-based to a model-based system hardness validation
paradigm. The role of AGT will become even more important as the use of
simulators expands from component hardware qualification to include more
sophisticated measurements on well characterized small-scale systems which
help validate the models. Examples of phenomena that currently cannot be easily
modeled or simulated in AGTs include SGEMP response of large or complex
antennas, potential enhanced SGEMP response in cables and potted circuits, and
the response of complex interdependent networks to HEMP.

In some cases, analysis may be the only way to investigate system hardness.
Two examples are radiation effects on microelectronics exposed to very high
fluences and determining the hardness of large complex systems to prompt x-
rays effects. Very high fluence levels exceed what simulators can produce today.
Existing test facilities, including the National Ignition Facility, cannot yet provide
the test volume and the highest fluences that might be needed for full system-
level testing.
Modeling new systems will face special challenges not previously encountered.
Future systems will have increased performance requirements, e.g. system-on-a-
chip, and use novel materials and faster and smaller electronic components. With
each passing year, the AGT/UGT database becomes less relevant. A new generation
of modern electronics enters the marketplace about every two years. Confidence in
existing models is strongly dependent on code and data comparisons from AGT
and UGT data and, in some cases, the correlation of the two data sets. As this data
approaches obsolescence, extrapolation to support code validation will become
increasingly difficult. Ever more sophisticated testing will be required to provide
response data for new materials and components, assess vulnerabilities and revise
models, and develop new hardening methods.
Progress in Computational and Simulation
In spite of all the challenges noted in the prior section for migrating to a
model-based approach to survivability design and assessment, the advances in
computational and aboveground testing capabilities gave the task force optimism
in the potential for success.
Advances starting in the mid-1990s associated with microelectronic processors
of ever increasing speed, high density memories, and high speed interconnects
made feasible the development of massively parallel computers at a scale to
support simulation of the fundamental phenomena of a nuclear explosion. The
timing was fortuitous in that the moratorium on underground nuclear testing
initiated in October 1992 was forcing a shift to a model-based approach for
designing weapons and assessing their performance and reliability. The
Department of Energy initiated the Science Based Stockpile Stewardship (SBSS)
Program comprised of two major elements:
The Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative (ASCI) program to build
state-of-the-art codes and computers. (It matured into the Advanced
Simulation and Computing (ASC) Program.)

Improved aboveground simulators, both new (e.g., the National Ignition
Facility) and existing (e.g., Z-Refurbished), to augment legacy
underground test data for validating the codes.
Although predominantly focused on predicting the yield and performance of
U.S. nuclear weapons, a small part of the ASC program provided a number of
modeling and simulation capabilities related to nuclear weapons effects. These
physics-based codes advanced the ability to model the response of critical
components in a nuclear warhead to radiation exposure. The codes have been
used successfully, in combination with simulator and laboratory testing, to
support replacement component certifications (e.g., various neutron generators)
as well as certification of the arming, fuzing, and firing subsystem for the W76.
These accomplishments have provided confidence in a model-based approach for
qualifying hardware components for nuclear survivability.
The DOD has the opportunity to leverage these codes, as well as contribute to
expanding model and simulation capabilities. The ASC effects codes provide the
capability to model difficult geometries and allow a designer to assess performance
in a wider range of environments not possible through physical testing alone.
However, many more phenomena remain to be modeled and the introduction of
new materials and components, both in our weapons and those of others, make the
modeling challenge one that should be ongoing. Moreover, extending validated
component modeling to complex, dynamic networks is a challenge that is yet to be
addressed outside of preliminary assessments by DTRA.
Along with the models, continued upgrading of the simulators is also needed.
The National Ignition Facility and Z-Refurbished fill only part of the needs.
Figure 5 illustrates the photon energy range for various x-ray spectra of interest.
The radiation effects are highlighted and identified above the graph. There are
cold x-ray effects that generate thermal shock and impulse effects, whereas at
higher energies, one observes cable SGEMP (system generated EMP) and BOX
IEMP (internal EMP) or internal package effects in the warm x-ray regime
between 10 to 100 keV. At even higher energies for simulation and penetration
reasons, one studies transient radiation electronic effects (TREE). This is where
many of the simulators lie today. None of the simulators have the capability like a
nuclear underground test to provide a cold threat spectrum for large volumes of
the size of a missile or a satellite, but modest investments in existing facilities
have allowed them to continue to maintain their capabilities. The National
Ignition Facility offers the opportunity for larger scale experiments and tests.


Figure 5. Radiation Effects versus Photon Energy and Test Facilities

In order to study the radiation response of electronics at an affordable cost
where a number of shots can be taken to study the effect of orientation, a high-
energy photon source is the choice. However, high-energy penetrating photon
sources may not generate the same response as that produced by photons in the
medium energy range. Such an example is in the case of internal EMP or cable
responses. Here the electrons that are emitted by the surfaces of metals either
buried deep within materials or from metals only shielded lightly generate
responses that have different signatures or polarities. At energies below 10 keV,
much of the photons are absorbed in the surfaces of packages where thermal
heating and thermal shock effects are important.

Core Simulator Capabilities
The task force took advantage of the efforts of the Joint Simulator Working
Group (JSWG),
which undertook its assessment near the same time as the task
forces initial information gathering activities. The task force agreed with the
working group conclusion that a core set of weapons effects simulators would be
needed in the future. The Working Groups recommendations are summarized in
Table 2.
The simulators would continue to serve their historic role for selective
component testing and qualification, but they should also assume ever larger
roles for validating model development as the enterprise shifts to a model-based
approach. Particular issues identified included the following:
The capabilities provided by the West Coast FacilityDouble-EAGLE,
Pithon, Modular Bremsstrahlung Source (MBS), and PR1150need to be
retained to support future requirements. If the new GFE commercially
funded West Coast Facility business model does not prove viable, then
Sandias Saturn machine becomes a critical asset to substitute for the
Pithon and Double-EAGLE capabilities, along with the Air Force Little
Mountain facility for the Pulserad and MBS capabilities. Alternatively,
DTRA would need to re-assume stewardship of the West Coast Facility.
The NNSA facilities, which have been used primarily for the Stockpile
Stewardship Program and Inertial Confinement Fusion program, have
the potential to provide high-fidelity and/or high-fluence radiation
sources for code validation and system-level experiments. These facilities
include the Z-Refurbished (ZR) pulsed power machine at Sandia National
Laboratory; and the National Ignition Facility at Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory.
There is the need to establish a path to eliminate the shortfall due to the
shut-down of Sandia Pulsed Reactor (SPR) III. The Quantification of
Alternatives to SPR (QASPR) program at Sandia National Labs is a
potential pathway to close a portion of the shortfall for specific
component technologies. However, presently QASPR remains unproven

30. The Joint Simulator Working Group (JSWG) was a joint effort of the National Nuclear
Security Administration, the Department of Defense, and the United Kingdoms Ministry of
Defense. The JSWG objective was to develop a business model for the national enterprise to
sustain the minimum suite of nuclear weapons effects simulator capabilities needed to support
the development and certification of survivable strategic systems using a combination of
modeling and simulation and testing. A more comprehensive assessment to include needs for
general purpose forces would include thermal radiation and other testing capabilities found in
the Services.

and would have to be expanded to a broader range of current and
emerging technologies to fully replace SPR III. Consequently, several core
facilities are needed for QASPR (Annular Core Research Reactor, Ion
Beam Laboratory, and an appropriate linear accelerator [e.g., Medusa at
Hill Air Force Base]). If QASPR does not meet its objectives, a pathway for
a reconstituted SPR or new fast neutron facility at a Department of Energy
or DOD facility that could share the high security costs with other activities
should be developed.
Dwindling Expertise
Progress in computer codes and more capable effects simulators, largely for
other purposes (i.e., weapon design), gave the task force some hope for
transforming the weapons effects enterprise. But without the technical expertise, it
simply will not happen. The technical complexity of this area requires a highly
trained cadre of multidisciplinary scientists and engineers who are willing to
dedicate their talents and careers to the nuclear weapons effects mission.
Attracting new talent will require recognition at the highest levels of government
that a different kind of nuclear threat has emerged and that it presents technical
challenges not encountered before. Recreating the enterprise, adapted to current
national security needs, could serve as the first tangible indication of that mandate.
But time is of the essence! Post-Cold War investments, especially by DOD,
have not attracted the next generation workforce to enter the nuclear weapon
effects career field. The continued erosion of the nations intellectual capacity to
deal with the new and mounting challenges adds to the urgency of taking action
now. The specialized skills needed for nuclear weapons effects take many years to
acquire. Only a handful of experts remain who developed the theoretical
underpinnings to explain nuclear phenomena, designed and fielded the AGT and
UGT experiments to understand effects, and developed and applied the hardening
technology for systems protection. Most of the experienced members of the nuclear
weapons effects community that might serve as mentors for the future workforce
have passed on, left the field, retired, or are nearing retirement. The residual skill
base is an aging workforce with few replacements in the pipeline.

Table 2. Nuclear Weapons Effects Simulator Capabilities
Nuclear Weapon
Test Facilities Comments
Prompt and modified
Sandia Pulsed Reactor III
(or equivalent)*
Annular Core Research Reactor
White Sands Missile Range Fast
Burst Reactor (also combined
Los Alamos Neutron Science
Center, Ion Beam Laboratory,
and Rotating Target Neutron
For nuclear warhead subsystem
space simulations
For nuclear warhead components
For ground systems, satellites, and
For component tests and model
Prompt cold X-rays
(plasma radiation source)
Upgraded Saturn and/or Double
Eagle National Ignition Facility
and/or Z-Refurbished (ZR)
For space system
For future re-entry vehicle/re-entry
body (RV/RB) material and
Prompt warm/hot X-rays
(Bremsstrahlung source)
Upgraded Saturn and/or Pithon
Modular Bremsstrahlung Source
For medium-dose electronics and
For hardness surveillance and low-
dose boxes
Prompt gamma High-Energy Radiation Megavolt
Electron Source (HERMES) III
Pulserad (1150 or 958)
High dose-rates for strategic
Low dose-rates for satellites and
Electromagnetic pulse White Sands Missile Range
Horizontally Polarized Dipole
(HPD) Facility (2
Naval Air Warfare Center HPD
Facility, Vertically Polarized
Bounded Wave
For Army systems
For aircraft and missiles
Source region
electromagnetic pulse
HERMES III For Army vehicles and field
command, control, and
communication systems
Impulse Light Initiated High Explosive
(LIHE) at Sandia National Labs
Flyer-plate (magnetic or LIHE)*
For RV/RB internal
For future RV/RB aeroshells
Blast and shock Large Blast Thermal Simulator
Sandia National Laboratory
Thunder Range
For ground vehicles, structures,
non-ideal air blast (NIAB)
For RV/RB systems
Disturbed atmospheric
radio frequency/infrared/
Communication Chanel Scintillation
(Wide-band Channel Simulator)
Optical background (Nuclear
Optical Dynamic Display
For military satellite
communications, interceptor in-
flight communications, and
*Not currently available.

Chapter 6. Findings and Recommendations
Principal Findings
A near perfect storm is brewingone in which the threat of nuclear use
against U.S. forces is growing at the same time that our nations understanding of
if/how we can operate in such environments has all but disappeared. Yet it is not
possible or advisable to go back to the Cold War approach that relied heavily on
over-design and testingfar too much has changed.
Driven by political exigencies, the United States continues to reduce the
number of strategic systems deployed as the ultimate instrument of
deterrence. These actions in turn place an ever higher premium on the
reliability of the remaining deployed systems, or conversely, a greater
demand on understanding uncertainties in their performance across an
ever widening set of potential operating environments.
General purpose forces and the GIG are becoming targets of current or
potential adversaries. Reliance on COTS in critical war fighting systems
has grown dramatically, with the commercial components themselves
evolving even within a single procurement cycle. Today, systems are
generally manned and/or stationary or slow moving, making radiation
exposure mitigation difficult to achieve. On the other hand, as our
military shifts to greater reliance on unmanned systems with their
inherent dependence on the networks through which they operate, little,
if any attention, has been given to their survivability or to operational
concepts that ensure the critical functionality they provide should they be
unable to perform.
We no longer have the ultimate proof afforded by underground testing.
The scale of aboveground simulators will not allow exposure of large,
complex systems.
At the same time, there have been technical advances that offer promise in
addressing the security complexities, and budget realities, the nation faces.

The National Nuclear Security Administrations successes in its Science
Based Stockpile Stewardship Program have laid a foundation for a model-
basedapproach to assessing and ensuring nuclear survivability, one in
which testing and qualification where possible with aboveground
simulators remains important, but the simulators also assume an
expanded role in model validation. The computational hardware
continues to advance in both capacity and speed to allow addressing
phenomena at the fundamental physics level. And models at that
fundamental level are unraveling previously unexplained mysteries of
While simulators and testing are still required, their use is expanded from
pass/fail testing of hardware to support for model validation and
establishing performance margins at the device and component levels.
New and/or modified simulators, with significantly improved diagnostics,
are coming on line that could be pushed even further in this direction.
Although still a long way from full system qualification through modeling
and simulation, experimentally validated models specific to some new life
extension weapon components have been utilized to qualify, with high
confidence, those components for the radiation environments for which
they are designed. The model-based approach, by allowing exploration of a
much broader part of the operating parameter space, is helping to quantify
the uncertainties, as well as the expected performance of key components.
This is true not only in cases where integrated testing is no longer feasible,
but also to extend from integrated test results that are available to the full
set of potential radiation environments systems may encounter.
Ever smaller feature sizes in commercial electronics are leading to a need
for some level of designed-in hardening because of upsets caused from
natural sources. This offers an opportunity for DOD to work proactively
with commercial chip designers early in the development process where
hardening can be much more cost-effective.
In short, the path forward not only cannot, but indeed should not,
replicate the past.

Recommendations: Military Operations and
This first set of recommendations is targeted to and for military operators.
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Service Chiefs, in line-of-sight
fashion, should issue unambiguous guidance that restates the importance of
nuclear survivability, as evidenced by the following steps:
Nuclear scenarios should be re-introduced into Service and Joint
experimentation, games, planning, rehearsal, and exercises.
An education program on radiation effects and operating in nuclear
environments should be implemented in the schools.
Critical functions/capabilities that must be assured to operate through a
nuclear environment should be identified by each combatant command.
Annual reporting in the Defense Readiness Reporting System (DRRS) for
nuclear survivability of critical functions/capabilities, to include how the
assessment was made, should be required.

Where missing or inadequate, but required, hardness maintenance/
hardness surveillance programs should be properly resourced.
The Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (USD
[AT&L]) should ensure that appropriate technical expertise and capabilities are
available to the Services by:
Assigning DTRA responsibility for technical support to experimentation,
gaming, exercises, education, and DRRS assessments related to nuclear
Ensuring through DTRA, the Army, and the Department of Energy, that
testing capabilities are available, and through the Office of the Secretary
of Defense, Operational Test and Evaluation, that critical systems can be,
and are, assessed if needed.

31. The task force observed that the Survivability Assessment group at U.S. Strategic Command
offers an excellent model for leadership commitment and a balanced assessment process.

The Services should evaluate, and where needed, test smartly fielded platforms
and systems for radiation survivability.
The initial focus should be to separate what is already known (e.g., some
legacy systems) from what is not known, but should be (e.g., networks
and unmanned systems). DTRA should serve as the principal Department
resource for technical expertise and for arranging access to test and
evaluation capabilities which may reside in other agencies or
departments. The different requirements between strategic and most
general purpose force components suggest that each category be
addressed on its own terms, but opportunities for synergy and/or
integration should also be identified.
Given the dont know list regarding the survivability of key systems
and/or the pathways for assuring mission functionality, the Services and
Joint community should use experimentation and/or gaming to prioritize
analysis and testing.

DTRA should also get ahead of current system assessments by working with the
combatant commands and Service program offices to develop and assess new
options for the use of potentially more survivable capabilities, such as unmanned
platforms and alternative networks. (Table 3 illustrates the scope of challenge in
understanding the survivability of a typical unmanned platform.)

Table 3. Nuclear Radiation Effects for Unmanned Systems
Occurrence of Effects
Radiation Effect Part Board Package System
Thermal mechanical shock X-ray X X X X
Prompt X-ray/gamma dose rate
Rail-span collapse
Photoionization burnout
Secondary breakdown
High versus low dose rate
Total ionizing dose e, X-ray,


Neutron displacement damage X
Neutron single event upset X
Internal electromagnetic pulse X-ray X X X X
System generated electromagnetic pulse
Electromagnetic pulse X X X X
Thermal X X
Recommendations: Creating a Nuclear Weapons
Effects National Enterprise
The more diffuse nature of both threats and targets led the task force to the
conclusion that the nation can no longer afford the stove-piped approach of the
Cold War. Instead todays environment calls out for a national enterprise to
address nuclear survivability because of the complexity of the problem and the
expense needed to address itboth in dollars and intellect.
Several departments have requirements and/or capabilities for nuclear
survivability (see Table 4), but DOD is the majority stakeholder. The Services
resource existing forces and programs of record, and Health Affairs has principal
responsibility for understanding human response in extreme exposure
environments. The Services are responsible for maintaining a test and evaluation
infrastructure, although that infrastructure is at a significantly reduced level from
Cold War capabilities, to support assessments. DOD also has responsibility,
among the critical infrastructure sectors for homeland security, for the defense
industrial base.

Table 4. Primary Department and Agency Responsibilities for Assuring

Department of
Department of
Nuclear Security
Department of
Stockpile X X
Strategic Offense
(Air Force & Navy)

Strategic Defense
(Services, Missile
Defense Agency)

Space Assets X X

General Purpose


National Command,
Control, and


Science and
Technology, Tech

(Defense Threat
Reduction Agency,
Army, Navy)
Industry Design
The Department of Energy has responsibility for ensuring the survivability of
the nuclear stockpile and the nations energy infrastructure. It has maintained a
significant fraction of its Cold War simulator capability and technical expertise
and built new capabilities, as well, as part of its Stockpile Stewardship Program of
the last decade and a half. In addition, it has laid the foundation for the model-
based approach the task force believes is the right path forward.
Other important departments or agencies include the intelligence community,
most especially those agencies with space asset ownership and special network
responsibilities, and the Department of Homeland Security, where the lead for
critical infrastructure and the National Command, Control, and Communications
system is assigned.
With these factors in mind, the task force developed the following
recommendations for establishing a national enterprise.

To lay a foundation for a National Nuclear Weapons Effects Enterprise, the
Secretaries of Defense and Energy, and the Director of National Intelligence
should enter into a memorandum of understanding that addresses the military,
intelligence, programmatic, and technical requirements for such an enterprise
and its transformation to meet future national security requirements.
aspects of the memorandum should include:
Reestablishing an aggressive program of threat assessment, evaluation of
uncertainties, and red teaming.
Correcting the under-resourcing in both expertise and infrastructure to
support the enterprise through development and implementation of a 10-
year interdepartmental plan for rebuilding the science and technology
and test and evaluation elements of the enterprise. Attention and
investment related to nuclear survivability should be on par with that
given to chemical or biological defense.
Establishing the model-based approach as the technical foundation for
the future enterprise.
Waiver of all non-interference clauses, such that each departments or
agencys capabilities can be tapped seamlessly by the governing body of
the enterprise.
Continued oversight function by independent expertise until the enterprise
matures, with annual reporting to the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense
for Nuclear and Chemical and Biological Defense Programs (ATSD [NCB])
on the health and progress against the 10-year plan.
The annual assessments called for in the previous set of recommendations
related to military operations can serve as the driver for prioritizing both near-
term activities and longer-term investments. DTRA can serve a pivotal role in
compiling and sorting the various combatant command and Service assessments
and advising enterprise leadership on priorities.

32. By the time this report was drafted, DTRA and NNSA had negotiated and successfully signed
a memorandum of understanding for mutual cooperation and threshold funding to support a
number of nuclear related missions of common interest. Nuclear weapons effects is included.

Several institutional steps are recommended to ensure the deliberate and informed
assessment and achievement of nuclear survivability in new system acquisition:
The Office of the Secretary of Defense, with support from the Joint Staff
J8 Directorate (Force Structure, Resources, and Assessment), should re-
institutionalize the Nuclear Effects/Weapons of Mass Destruction
Survivability in the DOD Acquisition Guide by placing a DOD Instruction
at the 5000 level and ensuring its flow down to subordinate documents.

J8 should monitor that reliable operations in nuclear environments is
explicitly addressed by any program in the Joint Capabilities Integration
and Development System (JCIDS).
The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy should ensure
that nuclear deterrence and use scenarios are a prominent part of the
Defense Planning Scenarios.
USD (AT&L) and the Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff should
assume joint decision authority for waiving survivability
requirements, on the recommendation of ATSD (NCB), for all
programs critical to joint mission assurance.
USD (AT&L) and the Administrator of NNSA should ensure the
availability and evolution of design tools and unique validation
capabilities. (See near term technical recommendations following.)
DTRA should continue to work with the Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency and NNSA to seek alternatives to captive commercial
foundries for radiation hardened micro-electronics, including support
for research and development in innovative technologies that are
inherently hard.

Near term recommendations to provide stop-gaps for the technical part of the
enterprise include:
DTRA has transitioned the West Coast Facility to L-3 to operate as a
commercial, fee-for-service facility, but is maintaining ownership of the

33. As this report was being drafted, DOD issued DODI 3150.09 The Chemical, Biological,
Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Survivability Policy.

machines and monitoring their use, operational status, and
modernization needs. Should this business model not prove viable, then
DTRA should be prepared to reassess options for maintaining capabilities
which the West Coast Facility currently provides in support of a wide
range of government and defense industrial base customers.
The task force was not convinced of the long term adequacy of the QASPR
approach for fast neutron exposure qualification. A sustainable, long term
strategy should be developed between the Departments of Energy and
Defense. Until that is settled, Sandias Annular Core Research Reactor
(ACRR) and White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) capabilities must be
The Deputy Secretary of Defense should ensure continued commitment
by the Army and Navy, respectively, to maintain weapons effects testing
capabilities at White Sands (Fast Burst Reactor, Electromagnetic
Environmental Effects, etc.) and Pax River (Vertically and Horizontally
Polarized Simulators).
NNSA should clarify the access model and user requirements to DOD for
use of the National Ignition Facility.
The NNSA-DTRA Modeling and Simulation Working Groups roadmap
for model development should be independently reviewed and integrated
with the plans of the Simulator Working Groups to create the initial draft
of the technical part of the 10-year enterprise plan called for in
recommendation 5.
DOD (principally DTRA and the Services) and NNSA should establish a
continuing program to develop and advance the people with the advanced
expertise needed for the nations nuclear weapons effects capability.

The initial basis of the program should be an exchange of personnel
among the Departments of Defense and Energy and the NNSA
laboratories to teach operations, system design, code development,
simulator advancement and hardening innovations.
The Military Research Assistant program, in which the Services
assigned promising, advanced degree junior officers to the
Department of Energy weapons laboratories for a tour of duty, should
be resurrected.

34. The task force did not see this as limited only to nuclear weapons effects, but that should be
the minimum focus.

In the longer term, but starting immediately, the technical basis of the enterprise
should transition to one that is model-based. This will require several actions:
USD (AT&L) should require that the science and technology and design
communities shift to the new approach where they:
emphasize understanding basic science underlying radiation effects
encode that understanding in computer simulations with predictive
capabilities well beyond current codes
extend the models to address distributed, networked systems
expand the role of experimental facilities from hardware testing to
validation of physics models in simulated, well characterized
radiation environments
quantify margins and uncertainties to guide design and operational
practices, as well as prioritize future scientific directions
ATSD (NCB) should charter a joint DOD-NNSA working group to update
prior modeling and simulation, and simulator capability needs that would
address the broad set of survivability needs (e.g., strategic and general
purpose forces, infrastructure, space, networks, etc.) discussed in this
report. As the basis for the enterprise 10-year plan, the working group
recommendations should be vetted by an independent oversight group
and enlist the input and support of the Defense Test Resource
Management Center.
DTRA and NNSA should develop and implement a long-term plan for
rebuilding and maintaining technical talent required to support the
The memorandum of understanding among the Departments of Defense
and Energy and the intelligence community should be expanded to bring
in the Department of Homeland Security. The enterprise should expand
its focus to address intelligence and critical infrastructure issues.

Chapter 7. Summary
The task force urges DOD leadership to heed the wake-up call that this report
is intended to provide.
Regional proliferation risks are growing, accompanied by nation state policy
and doctrine that acknowledge limited nuclear use as a legitimate war fighting
option. U.S. counters, especially defensive measures to ensure continued
operations in radiation environments, are being reducedby our own choices.
Intelligence resources are focused elsewhere. The leadership is poorly educated on
military operations in nuclear environments. The reliance on COTS in U.S. military
systems has grown while nuclear survivability requirements, testing, and/or
evaluation have declinedboth dramatically. As a result, the nation lacks a clear
understanding of the response to nuclear radiation exposure of general purpose
forces, the Global Information Grid and the GIG-edge, and critical infrastructure
on which DOD relies. Moreover, the technical expertise and infrastructure to help
remedy the situation has decayed significantly. Investments in addressing nuclear
survivability have declined precipitously while investments in addressing other
WMD modalities, especially biological, have increased.
Recasting the recommendations of the previous chapter into a time-phased
set of actions, DOD should immediately:
Make nuclear survivability a routine issue for leadership attention as it
used to be in the Cold War, but focused in the current context.
Ensure balanced investments among all WMD modalities, which
means increasing resources focused on nuclear survivabilityboth
funding and personnel.
Require routine reporting on survivability of critical fielded
capabilities in the Defense Readiness Reporting System.
Restore operational knowledge and reflect it in the planning and
training base.
Understand the limitations of existing and near-term additions to
general purpose forces, the GIG, GIG edge, and critical infrastructure
needed to generate and sustain forces.
Take the first step in establishing a national enterprise by forging an
agreement with the Department of Energy to reverse the decline in the
nuclear weapons effects enterprise. Begin discussions with the Director,

National Intelligence, to expand the agreement to the intelligence
Over the next two to three years, DOD should:
Formulate with the Department of Energy a professional nuclear weapons
effects collaboration and mentoring program to expand and advance the
human skills base.
Improve understanding of both strategic and general purpose force
operations reliant on net-centricity and unmanned systems in nuclear
Establish on-going reviews and threat assessments to update survivability
Pursue radiation hardened advances better coupled to commercial
Expand the agreement with the Department of Energy to the intelligence
In the longer term, DOD should:
Move to a model-based approach for the weapons effects enterprise to
make up for the lack of underground testing. The approach should take
advantage of the advances in both aboveground simulators and high
performance computing developed as part of the Department of Energys
Science Based Stockpile Stewardship Program.
Expand agreements with the Department of Energy and the intelligence
community to other agencies with a stake in the enterprise, especially the
Department of Homeland Security.
Ensure that the minimum national enterprise capability in trained
expertise and aboveground simulators is sustained.
Implementing the recommendations of this task force can lead to significant
improvements in the posture of critical capabilities for national security. The
reds of the task forces current assessment can indeed shift to yellow to green
(Figure 6).


Figure 6. The Ten Year Picture, If Action is Taken

Appendix A. A Primer on Nuclear Weapons
This appendix serves as a primer for nuclear weapon output, environments,
and effects. To this end, this document relies heavily on existing literature, in
particular on the Nuclear Weapon Effects Technology, Section VI (Reference 1).
The authors have arranged the sections and have additional information, as
needed, to make it an effective primer.
The companion bibliography provides a
set of reference documents that cover this topic.
A nuclear detonation is characterized by an immediate, rapid, and brief release
of nuclear radiations (immediate and residual), followed by a rapidly developing
fireball (if in the atmosphere), which emits intense thermal radiation (heat and
light), and generates a powerful pressure pulse, which travels out from the point of
burst (shock or blast wave). It also causes ionization of the upper atmosphere,
which is the fourth output of a nuclear detonationthe electromagnetic pulse
(EMP). All pose problems for the survival of friendly systems and can lead to the
destruction or neutralization of hostile assets. Understanding nuclear weapon
effects requires knowledge of three related components. They are nuclear weapon:
1. output
2. environments
3. effects
Combined together, they become what are known generally as nuclear
weapon effects. Nuclear explosions are generally classified as air bursts, surface
bursts, subsurface bursts, or high altitude bursts.
A nuclear detonation creates severe effects including blast, thermal pulse,
neutrons, x- and gamma-rays, radiation, EMP, and ionization of the upper
atmosphere. Depending upon the environment (air, surface,) in which the
nuclear device is detonated, blast effects are manifested as ground shock, water
shock, blueout, cratering, and large amounts of dust and radioactive fallout. All

35. This appendix was prepared by A. Sharif Heger and Robert P. Weaver of Los Alamos
National Laboratory, and Todd J. Hoover of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

pose problems for the survival of friendly systems and can lead to the destruction
or neutralization of hostile assets.
Nuclear detonations can be the most devastating of the weapons of mass
destruction. To make this point one need only recall the pictures from Hiroshima
or the international furor over the accidental but enormous radiation release
from the Chernobyl power plant. The contamination from Chernobyl was
significantly larger than would have been expected from a nuclear detonation of
about 20 kilotons (kt) at ground level, but was comparable in extent to what
might result from a small nuclear war in which a dozen or so weapons of
nominal yield were exploded at altitudes intended to maximize blast damage.
Hence, for those nations concerned about being the victims of a nuclear attack,
the requirement for understanding and implementing ways of mitigating nuclear
weapons effects is important. It is just as important for the user of a nuclear
weapon to understand (and be able to mitigate) nuclear weapon effects on its
own forces, not merely on the delivery vehicle, unless it can be certain that there
will be no nuclear retaliatory strike.
Some important nuclear weapons effects are subtle in their action, producing
no obvious visible damage to targeted systems. If these effects are to be employed
deliberately, the using state must understand them well. To do so, requires
experimental simulation and substantiated computation codes. In the absence of
nuclear testing, simulation equipment, numerical simulation, and theoretical
analysis of nuclear weapons effects are the only means states can verify how these
effects will affect their own forces and those of their opponents in a nuclear
environment. Nuclear weapon effects simulation, as well as survivability and
hardening programs, have both offensive and defensive aspects, and may be
desired by both nuclear possessor states and those with neither nuclear weapons
nor plans to build them.
Although some nuclear weapons effects such as blast and cratering have
analogs in the effects of conventional weapons, many nuclear weapons effects are
unique to nuclear use. In addition, blast and other common weapons effects are
likely to be much more powerful in the nuclear case than in the realm of
conventional weapons. Nuclear weapon effects are so severe and complex that
combinations of two or more simultaneously (as in a real event) may not add
linearly, complicating the design and construction of physical simulators or the
writing and validation of computer simulation codes (predictability).

Underground Nuclear Weapons Testing
Underground testing has provided much insight into weapon design,
radiation effectsthose from gammas, neutrons, and x-rayson military
systems, selected aspects of shock and blast, thermal effects, and source region
EMP (SREMP). Countries with limited defense budgets are less likely than the
major nuclear powers to have had exhaustive underground testing programs.
The energy of a nuclear explosion is transferred to the surrounding medium
in three distinct forms: blast, thermal radiation, and nuclear radiation. The
distribution of energy among these three forms will depend on the yield of the
weapon, the location of the burst, and the characteristics of the environment. For
a low-altitude atmospheric detonation of a moderate sized weapon in the kiloton
range, the energy is distributed roughly as follows:
Thermal radiation: 30-50 percent of total energy made up of a wide
range of the electromagnetic spectrum, including infrared, visible, and
ultraviolet light and some soft x-ray emitted at the time of the explosion.
Blast: 40-60 percent of total energy.
Ionizing radiation: 5 percent of total energy initial ionizing radiation
consisting chiefly of neutrons and gamma rays emitted within the first
minute after detonation.
Residual radiation: 5-10 percent of total energy. Residual nuclear
radiation is the hazard in fallout. Considerable variation from this
distribution will occur with changes in yield or location of the detonation.
Although it is convenient to characterize the output of a nuclear weapon in
the order of thermal, blast, radiation, and EMP, these phenomena do not occur in
that sequence and there is indeed a considerable overlap in their time history.
Environment Created by the Fireball
Immediately upon formation, the fireball begins to grow rapidly and rise like a
hot air balloon. Within a millisecond after detonation, the diameter of the fireball
from a 1 megaton (Mt) air burst is 150 meters. This increases to a maximum of
2,200 meters within 10 seconds, at which time the fireball is also rising at the rate

of 100 meters/second. The initial rapid expansion of the fireball severely
compresses the surrounding atmosphere, producing a powerful blast wave.
As it expands toward its maximum diameter, the fireball cools, and after
about a minute its temperature has decreased to such an extent that it no longer
emits significant amounts of thermal radiation. The combination of the upward
movement and the cooling of the fireball give rise to the formation of the
characteristic mushroom-shaped cloud.
As the fireball cools, the vaporized materials in it condense to form a cloud of
solid particles. Following an air burst, condensed droplets of water give it a
typical white cloudlike appearance. In the case of a surface burst, this cloud will
also contain large quantities of dirt and other debris which are vaporized when
the fireball touches the earths surface or are sucked up by the strong updrafts
afterwards, giving the cloud a dirty brown appearance.
The dirt and debris become contaminated with the radioisotopes generated
by the explosion or activated by neutron radiation and fall to earth as fallout. The
relative effects of blast, heat, and nuclear radiation will largely be determined by
the altitude at which the weapon is detonated.
Blast and Shock Effects from Nuclear Detonations
Although thermal radiation, EMP, and ionizing radiation from a nuclear blast
are all damage producing, at yields below about a megaton the blast and shock
produced by a nuclear weapon are the predominant means of damaging a target.
For some targets, such as underground bunkers and missile silos, blast and shock
are virtually the only effective destructive mechanisms.
Nuclear Thermal Radiation Effects
The intensity of thermal radiation decreases only as the inverse square of
the distance from a nuclear detonation, while blast, shock, and prompt ionizing
radiation effects decrease more rapidly. Thus, high-yield weapons are primarily
incendiary weapons, able to start fires and do other thermal damage at
distances well beyond the radius at which they can topple buildings or overturn
armored vehicles.

Transient Radiation Effects in Electronics and
System-Generated Electromagnetic Pulse
An understanding of transient radiation effects in electronics (TREE) and
system generated electromagnetic pulse (SGEMP) is of critical importance in
designing and building equipment that can survive a nuclear attack. It is not clear,
however, that a nation having limited financial and technical resources could
develop unique radiation-hardened devices and/or systems. These countries could,
however, test a few critical subsystems or systems in an established foreign
simulation facility. Although there are certain aspects of TREE and SGEMP
technology that are of general scientific interest, for nations which have interests in
the acquisition of nuclear weapons, the desire to evaluate and test systems at
SGEMP and TREE dose rate levels typical of nuclear weapons is a useful indicator
that they plan on nuclear combat, whether as a user or as a victim of the weapon.
The quantification of both phenomena is critical to the design of optical and
electronic packages which can survive these effects. Ideally, such subsystems
should be produced without significant increases in either cost or weight.
Because the radiation that causes TREE and SGEMP is relatively strongly
absorbed in the atmosphere, both phenomena are of primary importance to space
systems exposed to high-altitude, high-yield nuclear detonations. Survivability
analysis of semiconductor electronics requires quantitative understanding of at
least the following:
Ionization effects (both total dose and dose rate) which produce enhanced
photocurrents in the transient state and can also cause permanent trapping
of free charge in metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) devices.
Displacement effects (displacement of lattice atoms leading to changes in
the bandgap energy levels) and thermomechanical shock induced by the
rapid deposition of energy from the nuclear detonation.
These effects depend not merely on total dose but also on dose rate. Naturally
occurring effects include total dose from electrons and protons trapped in the Van
Allen belts and single-event upset (SEU) or even single-event burnout. SEU results
when enough ionization charge is deposited by a high-energy particle (natural or
man-produced) in a device to change the state of the circuitfor example, flipping
a bit from zero to one. The effect on a power transistor can be so severe that the
device burns out permanently. Large x- and gamma-ray dose rates can cause
transient upset and permanent failure. These dose rates are delivered over a 10 to
100 nanosecond time period. Delayed gammas in a 1 to 10 microsecond period at
the same dose rate can cause latchup and burnout of devices. Latchup is the

initiation of a high-current, low-voltage path within the integrated circuit and
causes the circuit to malfunction or burnout by joule heating.
Electromagnetic Signal Propagation
The large quantities of ionizing radiation produced by a high-altitude, high-
yield nuclear detonation can severely change the environment of the upper
atmosphere, producing heavily ionized regions, which can disrupt electromagnetic
waves passing through those zones. These disturbed regions can easily be the size
of North America and can persist for tens of hours. The trapping mechanism for
these high-energy electrons may be similar to that which produces the Van Allen
radiation belts. The actual degree of communications interruption is dependent
upon the scenario and includes weapon yield and height of burst, time of day, cloud
cover, latitude and longitude of the burst, the specific communications path, and
the time after the detonation. Other systems which may be affected by nuclear
weapons effects on electromagnetic wave propagation include sensors in the
infrared (IR), visible, and ultra violet regions, and laser communications which
may be affected by the background infrared. A very hot (but transparent) region of
the atmosphere can act as a lens to refract a laser communications beam off of its
intended receiver.
Radar beams are both attenuated and refracted when passing through a
nuclear fireball at altitudes below 25 kilometers. At these altitudes the mean free
path is small, and it is reasonable to speak of the fireball as being in local thermal
equilibrium. Under these circumstances it is difficult to track incoming reentry
vehicles. Optical systems will suffer increased noise levels both because of ionized
regions and from blackbody radiation from the fireball, and long-wave infrared
systems may be unable to see through the fireball to a reentry vehicle in the
distance and may not be able to see a reentry vehicle nearer to the sensor than
the fireball because of the background.
No high-altitude nuclear tests have been carried out by the United States
since the ratification of the 1963 Limited Test Ban Treaty. Apparently, few IR
data were obtained from the Checkmate, Kingfish, Orange, and Starfish high-
altitude tests, so the visual information from those tests has been extrapolated to
the IR regime. The main sources of high-altitude IR which would produce clutter
include plasma emission, molecular and atomic emission from excited states, and
emission from uranium oxide. All of these are functions of electron density. At
frequencies above about 300 megahertz (ultra high frequency, super high
frequency, and extremely high frequency), signals may be disrupted by

scintillation, primarily characterized by intermittent fading and multipath
transmission. These effects may persist for long periods and can degrade and
distort a signal almost beyond recognition (for example, the plasma clouds are
dispersive so that the speed of all frequencies of electromagnetic radiation is not
equal in the cloud). Temporal and frequency coherence can both be destroyed.
High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse
A high-altitude nuclear detonation produces an immediate flux of gamma
rays from the nuclear reactions within the device. These photons in turn produce
high energy free electrons by Compton scattering at altitudes between (roughly)
20 and 40 kilometers. These electrons are then trapped in the earths magnetic
field, giving rise to an oscillating electric current. This current is asymmetric in
general and gives rise to a rapidly rising radiated electromagnetic field called an
electromagnetic pulse (EMP). Because the electrons are trapped essentially
simultaneously, a very large electromagnetic source radiates coherently.
The pulse can easily span continent-sized areas, and this radiation can affect
systems on land, sea, and air. The first recorded EMP incident accompanied a
high-altitude nuclear test over the South Pacific and resulted in power system
failures as far away as Hawaii. A large device detonated at 400500 kilometers
over Kansas would affect all of the continental United States. The signal from
such an event extends to the visual horizon as seen from the burst point.
The EMP produced by the Compton electrons typically lasts for about one
microsecond, and this signal is called HEMP. In addition to the prompt EMP,
scattered gammas and inelastic gammas produced by weapon neutrons produce
an intermediate time signal from about one microsecond to one second. The
energetic debris entering the ionosphere produces ionization and heating of the
E-region. In turn, this causes the geomagnetic field to heave, producing a late-
time magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) EMP generally called a heave signal.
Initially, the plasma from the weapon is slightly conducting; the geomagnetic
field cannot penetrate this volume and is displaced as a result. This impulsive
distortion of the geomagnetic field was observed worldwide in the case of the
Starfish test. To be sure, the size of the signal from this process is not large, but
systems connected to long lines (e.g., power lines, telephone wires, and tracking
wire antennas) are at risk because of the large size of the induced current. The
additive effects of the MHD-EMP can cause damage to unprotected civilian and
military systems that depend on or use long-line cables. Small, isolated systems
tend to be unaffected.

Military systems must survive all aspects of the EMP, from the rapid spike of
the early time events to the longer duration heave signal. One of the principal
problems in assuring such survival is the lack of test data from actual high-altitude
nuclear explosions. Only a few such experiments were carried out before the
Limited Test Ban Treaty took effect, and at that time the theoretical understanding
of the phenomenon of HEMP was relatively poor. No high-altitude tests have been
conducted by the United States since 1963.
The acid test of the response of
modern military systems to EMP is their performance in simulators, particularly
where a large number of components are involved. So many cables, pins,
connectors, and devices are to be found in real hardware that computation of the
progress of the EMP signal cannot be predicted, even conceptually, after the field
enters a real system. System failures or upsets will depend upon the most intricate
details of current paths and interior electrical connections, and one cannot analyze
these beforehand. Threat-level field illumination from simulators combined with
pulsed-current injection is used to evaluate the survivability of a real system
against a HEMP threat.
Source Region Electromagnetic Pulse
Source region electromagnetic pulse (SREMP) is produced by low-altitude
nuclear bursts. An effective net vertical electron current is formed by the
asymmetric deposition of electrons in the atmosphere and the ground, and the
formation and decay of this current emits a pulse of electromagnetic radiation in
directions perpendicular to the current. The asymmetry from a low-altitude
explosion occurs because some electrons emitted downward are trapped in the
upper millimeter of the earths surface while others, moving upward and outward,
can travel long distances in the atmosphere, producing ionization and charge
separation. A weaker asymmetry can exist for higher altitude explosions due to the
density gradient of the atmosphere.
Within the source region, peak electric fields are much larger than those from
HEMP and pose a considerable threat to military or civilian systems in the affected
region. The ground is also a conductor of electricity and provides a return path for
electrons at the outer part of the deposition region toward the burst point. Positive
ions, which travel shorter distances than electrons and at lower velocities, remain
behind and recombine with the electrons returning through the ground. Thus,
strong magnetic fields are produced in the region of ground zero.

36. In addition to the more familiar high-yield tests mentioned above, three small devices were
exploded in the Van Allen belts as part of Project Argus. That experiment was intended to
explore the methods by which electrons were trapped and traveled along magnetic field lines.

When the nuclear detonation occurs near to the ground, the SREMP target
may not be located in the electromagnetic far field but may instead lie within the
electromagnetic induction region. In this regime the electric and magnetic fields
of the radiation are no longer perpendicular to one another, and many of the
analytic tools with which we understand electromagnetic coupling in the simple
plane-wave case no longer apply. The radiated electromagnetic field falls off
rapidly with increasing distance from the deposition region (near to the currents
the EMP does not appear to come from a point source). As a result, the region
where the greatest damage can be produced is from about 3 to 8 kilometer from
ground zero. In this same region structures housing electrical equipment are also
likely to be severely damaged by blast and shock. The threat to electrical and
electronic systems from a surface-burst EMP may extend as far as the distance at
which the peak overpressure from a 1-megaton burst is 2 pounds per square inch
(Glasstone and Dolan).
One of the unique features of SREMP is the high late-time voltage which can
be produced on long lines in the first 0.1 second. This stress can produce large
late-time currents on the exterior shields of systems, and shielding against the
stress is very difficult. Components sensitive to magnetic fields may have to be
especially hardened. SREMP effects are uniquely nuclear weapons effects.
During the Cold War, SREMP was conceived primarily as a threat to the
electronic and electrical systems within hardened targets such as missile launch
facilities. Clearly, SREMP effects are only important if the targeted systems are
expected to survive the primary damage-causing mechanisms of blast, shock, and
thermal pulse.
Blast and Shock
Blast and shock waves produced by nuclear explosions are the principal
means for destroying soft targets. Ground shock from a low-altitude, surface, or
underground burst may be the only way to destroy hardened underground
structures such as command facilities or missile silos. In the absence of
atmospheric and underground nuclear testing to determine the survivability of
structures, means must be found to simulate the phenomena associated with a
nuclear explosion.
For blast and shock this can be done either in a large-scale, open-air test
employing chemical explosives or in a specially designed test facility which can
also produce thermal fluxes comparable to those from a nuclear weapon. The air
blast from a nuclear explosion is, however, different from that produced by

conventional explosives. Because of the intense thermal pulse, the surface and
near-surface air mass surrounding ground zero is heated rapidly. Within this
heated region, the blast wave travels more rapidly than it does in the cooler air
above. As a result, blast waves reflected from the ground travel outward and
merge with the direct blast wave from the explosion. This produces a nearly
vertical shock front called the Mach stem, which is more intense than that from
the direct blast.
To simulate the Mach stem with tests using high explosives, scientists have
employed helium-filled bags at ground level surrounding the high explosives used
in the test. Because such tests can only be scaled and do not replicate the actual
effects of a nuclear explosion, only scale models of test objects could normally be
used. More recently, national attention has focused on a higher pressure regime
than can be attained in open-air testing and on the construction of large simulators
capable of reproducing simultaneously the blast and the thermal pulse from a
nuclear detonation. These simulators typically employ a fuel-oxygen mixture, for
example, liquid oxygen and finely powdered aluminum, and consist of long
semicircular tubes. These simulators can even approximate the effects of soil type
on blast wave propagation as well as the entraining of dust in the blast wave.
Thermal Radiation
Thermal radiation decays only as the inverse square of the distance from the
detonation. Thus, weapons in the megaton class and above are primarily
incendiary weapons, able to start fires and do other thermal damage at distances
well beyond the radius at which they can topple buildings or overturn armored
vehicles. The effect of thermal radiation on unprotected human beings is likely to
be very serious, producing flash burns over large areas of the body. The response of
a structure to the thermal pulse from a nuclear weapon depends upon its
composition (wood, masonry, concrete); the type and albedo of any exterior paint;
the transparency of any windows facing the burst; the type, texture, and
composition of roofing; and even the presence or absence of awnings and shades.
For weapons in the 1 to 200-kiloton region used against structures commonly
found in the West, blast effects are likely to predominate; larger weapons will have
the ability to start fires at distances far greater than they can inflict significant blast
damage. Films of tests conducted in Nevada in the 1950s confirm that at the
extreme distance at which wood-frame houses can be ignited by lower yield
weapons, the buildings are blown apart seconds later by the blast wave, while
structures which survive the blast do not ignite after the blast. Tests conducted in

the Pacific using megaton-class weapons show the opposite effect. Secondary fires
started by broken gas mains, electrical short circuits, etc., are not considered here.
Summary of the Effects
Table A-1 summarizes the most important effects of nuclear explosions under
certain conditions.
Table A-1. Important Nuclear Explosion Effects
Explosive Yield/Height of Burst
1 kt/
200 m
20 kt/
540 m
1 Mt/
2.0 km
20 Mt/
5.4 km
Blasteffective ground range (GR/km)
Urban areas almost completely leveled
(20 PSI)
0.2 0.6 2.4 6.4
Destruction of most civil buildings
(5 PSI)
0.6 1.7 6.2 17
Moderate damage to civil buildings
(1 PSI)
1.7 4.7 17 47
Thermal radiationeffective ground range (GR/km)
Conflagration 0.5 2.0 10 30
Third degree burns 0.6 2.5 12 38
Second degree burns 0.8 3.2 15 44
First degree burns 1.1 4.2 19 53
Effects of instant nuclear radiationeffective slant range* (SR/km)
Lethal** total dose (neutrons and
gamma rays)
0.8 1.4 2.3 4.7
Total dose for acute radiation
1.2 1.8 2.9 5.4

* For the direct radiation effects the slant range instead of the ground range is shown here,
because some effects are not given even at ground zero for some burst heights. If the effect
occurs at ground zero the ground range can simply be derived from slant range and burst
** Acute radiation syndrome corresponds here to a total dose of one gray, lethal to ten
grays. Note that this is only a rough estimate since biological conditions are neglected here.

Nuclear Weapon Effects Technology, Section VI, www.fas.org/irp/threat/
Glasstone, S. and P. Dolan, The Effects of Nuclear Weapons, Third Edition,
prepared and published by the Department of Defense and the Department of
Energy, 1977.
A Guide to Nuclear Weapons Phenomena and Effects Literature (1996 Edition),
Kaman Sciences Corp., DASIAC-SR-95-013, September 1996.
Nuclear Weapons Effects Technology, The Militarily Critical Technologies List
(MCTL), Part II: Weapons of Mass Destruction Technologies, Security Awareness
Bulletin, Number 2-95. Richmond, VA: Department of Defense Security Institute.
The Effects of Nuclear War, Office of Technology Assessment, May 1979.
NATO Handbook on the Medical Aspects of NBC Defensive Operations, Part I
Nuclear, Field Manual 8-9, AMedP-6(B).
Nuclear Attack Planning Base 1990, Final Project Report, Executive Summary,
April 1987.
Bridgeman, C.J., Introduction to the Physics of Nuclear Weapon Effects, Air
Force Institute of Technology, August 2001.
Northrop, J., Handbook of Nuclear Weapon Effects, Calculations Tools,
Abstracted from DSWAs Effects Manual One (EM-1), September 1996.
McNaught, L. W., Nuclear Weapons and Their Effects (Battlefield Weapons
Systems & Technology), Potomac Books, July 1984.

Appendix B. Hardening Microelectronics
Radiation Threats to Performance of Integrated
High-energy radiation (the kind that penetrates the package surrounding the
semiconductor chip) causes three major threats to integrated circuits.

The first threat category consists of dose-rate exposure, in which
ionizing radiation generates on-chip currents that compete with and
interfere with the desired currents that control the functionality of
integrated circuits. Photocurrents generated may cause temporary loss of
stored information or disrupt functional operation of an integrated circuit
or in some cases cause permanent damage to a device.
The second threat category consists of total-dose effects, in
which incoming radiation disorders the very semiconductor material
itself to change the operating characteristics of the transistors that
comprise the integrated circuit.
The final threat category consists of single-event effects, in which
a space environment particle, such as a cosmic ray (an energetic nucleus
with millions of electron volts of energy for each nuclear subparticle)
strikes a single transistor, creating localized currents that are not present
during normal operation. Energetic particles (e.g., protons, neutrons, and
heavier ions) can also cause displacement damage in silicon and other
semiconductor materials as the size of the transistor shrinks. In addition to
causing total dose ionization degradation and displacement damage, these
energetic particles can also cause single-event effects. As a single high-
energy particle strikes a material, it generates a dense plasma of electron-
hole pairs along the path of the particle, which can trigger a variety of
single-event effects. Single-event effects are classified into two types: soft
errors, which cause no permanent damage and may be correctable, and
hard errors, which result in permanent damage to the device.

37. More detailed explanations of the phenomena described in this section are considered
sensitive and have not been presented in this report.

Prudent Design Practices
A number of practices and tools can help address concerns about maintaining
the integrity and continuity of microcircuit operations in radiation environments.
The list in the text box, although not exhaustive, illustrates that much can done, but
each may come with some expense. That expense is most wisely incurred at the
outset of the design. The task force noted that Army data suggest that radiation
hardening of key components in new acquisitions typically adds fractions to a few
percent to design costs, while retrofits are most typically unaffordable.

How Do We Harden" with Commercial-off-the-Shelf?
Good Design Practices and Tools That Help

Parts selection through up-screening by radiation characterization
Process technology selection, i.e., CMOS/bulk, CMOS/epitaxial, CMOS/SOI, bipolar
dielectric, bipolar bulk
Design using radiation-degraded parameters caused by neutron and ionizing dose effects
Dose rate characterization at high and very low rates
Current limiting
Shielding or localized shielding
Software and hardware error detection and correction
Constant refreshing
Redundancy or triple voting logic
Minimize the number of selected suppliers and part count
Minimize the number of active components
Use hardened parts in critical circuits of a system, i.e., PROMs, custom ASICs
Use of power and ground planes to isolate noise
Conformal coating of the multilayered boards
Minimize large cross-coupling capacitance, careful routing of traces
Watch-dog timer for microprocessor
EDAC to scrub SRAMs
Detection, recycle power and recovery circuitry against latch-up
Use hardened nonvolatile memory, energy storage backup, or ROM for storing critical
Test, test, test!

Appendix C. Radiation Hardened Foundries
A number of hardening techniques can be implemented at the parts, board,
subsystem, and system levels. At the semiconductor level, a number of foundries
have been dedicated over the past several decades to developing and designing
hardened chips. Some military programs had captive lines to maintain the
hardness assurance of the parts. In the 1990s, with reduced defense spending,
many programs were cut and the threat requirements were reevaluated.
A declining demand for radiation hardened systems led to a downsizing in
the number of radiation hardened (rad hard) foundries. In the late 1980s, the
United States had about twenty foundries capable of developing rad hard
semiconductor devices with ionizing dose hardness greater than 300 krad(Si).
Some of them included Honeywell, Harris, UTMC, LM Manassas, TRW, Texas
Instruments, National Semiconductor, RCA, Westinghouse, IBM, AMI, and
Motorola. Today Honeywell, Intersil (formerly Harris), and BAE (formerly LM
Manassas) are the few commercial foundries that can demonstrate ionizing dose
hardness greater than 300 krad(Si). Honeywell is the only commercial supplier
that has advertised their parts hardness to 1 Mrad(Si). The number of foundries
that are continuing to provide strategic radiation tolerant parts has dropped
dramatically (Figure C-1). In addition, the number of available nuclear simulators
has significantly been reduced, along with the cadre of expertise that understood
nuclear hardening design at the parts and system levels.


Figure C-1. Radiation Hardened Foundries in the United States

Terms of Reference

Task Force Membership
Dr. Joseph Braddock Private Consultant
Dr. Miriam John Private Consultant
Mr. Franco Cristadoro Northrop Grumman/U.S. Air Force
Mr. Bill Delaney MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Dr. John Foster Private Consultant
Dr. Bryan Gabbard Defense Group, Inc.
Dr. Gary Lum Lockheed Martin
Maj Gen Thomas Neary (ret) SAIC
Gen Jack Vessey (ret) Private Consultant
Dr. Rich Wagner Los Alamos National Laboratory
Dr. Stephen Younger Department of Energy
Executive Secretaries
Ms. Joan Ma Pierre Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Dr. Ralph Schneider National Nuclear Security Administration
Government Advisors
Dr. Wendee Brunish Los Alamos National Laboratory
Mr. Curtis Buckles OPNAV/N514
Lt Col Steven Creighton Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Mr. Dwayne Curtiss Navy Strategic Systems Programs
Dr. Christopher Deeney National Nuclear Security Administration
Mr. John Franco Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Lt Col Kathy Gilmartin U.S. Army/Nuclear and Combating WMD Agency
Mr. John Gipson U.S. Strategic Command
Col Brian Groft U.S. Army/Nuclear and Combating WMD Agency
Dr. Sharif Heger Los Alamos National Laboratory
Dr. John Kuspa Office of the Secretary of Defense, Nuclear Matters
Dr. James Lee Sandia National Laboratories
Dr. David Lojewski Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Dr. Len Lorence Sandia National Laboratories
Mr. James McComb Missile Defense Agency
Mr. Andy Metzger U.S. Strategic Command
Dr. Billy Mullins U.S. Air Force/A3S
Mr. John OKuma U.S. Army/White Sands Missile Range
Ms. Marlene Owens Office of the Secretary of Defense/Test Resource
Management Center
Mr. Darrell Palmer U.S. Air Force /A3S

Government Advisors (continued)
Mr. Fred Sexton National Nuclear Security Administration
Dr. Richard Singer Office of the Director, Defense Research and
Mr. Jan Smith Office of the Secretary of Defense/Test Resource
Management Center
Dr. Tom Thomson Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Mr. Robert Webb Missile Defense Agency
Dr. Sharif Heger Los Alamos National Laboratory
DSB Representative
CDR Clifton Phillips, USN Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for
Acquisition, Technology and Logistics
Barbara Bicksler Strategic Analysis, Inc.
Ms. Stacy OMara Strategic Analysis, Inc.

Presentations to the Task Force
November 89, 2006
Ms. Judy Kim DOD General Counsel Briefing
Dr. Charles Craft Global Profile of Nuclear Activities
Mr. Scott Petrakis Test Activities
Ms. Lacey Muhlfeld Test Activities
Mr. Fred Celec
Electromagnetic Pulse Commission, Military
Dr. John Kuspa & Mr. Steven Henry DOD Plans for Electromagnetic Pulse Survivability
Dr. Jim Tegnelia
Defense Threat Reduction Agencys (DTRA)
Desired Results
Mr. Randy Davis Red Book Program Support to DOD Missions
Mr. Todd Hoover
Red Book Activities at Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory
Dr. Bob Weaver
Red Book Activities at Los Alamos National
December 45, 2006
Col Brian Groft Army Nuclear Survivability
Mr. Bill Cooper
Capabilities Based Planning/Joint Capabilities
Integration and Development System (JCIDS)
Mr. Robert Webb
Missile Defense Agency High Altitude Exo-
Atmospheric Nuclear Survivability (HAENS)
Mr. John Franco NNSA/DTRA Simulator Working Group
Dr. David Crandall NNSA Nuclear Survivability Program
Mr. Andy Metzger
U.S. Strategic Command Requirements for Nuclear
Dr. Joe Braddock Red-Blue Perspectives on Nuclear Weapons
Mr. John Ingram Vulnerability and Hardening
January 810, 2007
Dr. Victor Gavron
Review of Los Alamos Neutron Science Center
Lt Col Steve Creighton
Defense Threat Reduction Agency Modeling and
Dr. Brian Aubert
Assessment of Weapon Effects (Los Alamos
National Laboratory)


January 810, 2007 (continued)

Mr. Ron Parker
Weapon Qualification Tests (Los Alamos National
Mr. John Franco DTRA/NNSA IPT Results Update
Mr. Cliff Giles Foreign Electromagnetic Pulse Simulators
Dr. Chris Wallace Conventional Electromagnetic Pulse
Dr. James Lee Weapon Reliability in Nuclear Environments
Dr. Mark Hedemann W76-1 Design and Qualification
Dr. Len Lorence Predictive Capabilities Framework
Dr. Charles Barbour & Dr. James Lee Design and Qualification without SPR
Dr. David Price Welcome to Pulse Sciences
Dr. Peter Sincerny
Customer Base and Business Model for West
Coast Facility
Dr. Peter Coakley Systems, Simulation, and Modeling
Mr. Ed Moses National Ignition Facility Overview
Mr. Tom Thomson Outputs, Environments, and Effects
Mr. Kevin Fournier & Mr. Mike Tobin
Nuclear Weapons Effects Testing at the National
Ignition Facility
Mr. Jon Fisher
X-ray Effects Testing at OMEGA and National
Ignition Facility
Mr. Brian MacGowan National Ignition Facility as a Facility User
Mr. Todd Hoover Red Book Work
February 1416, 2007
Dr. Ronald Jost Overview of the Global Information Grid
Mr. John OKuma
Army Nuclear Weapons Effects Facilities and
Ms. Phyllis Ferguson Business Model for Major Test Facilities
Lt Col Christopher Kinnan Air Force Survivability Assurance
Mr. Curt Buckles Navy Survivability Assurance
Dr. Len Lorence Update on Modeling and Simulation IPT
Ms. Joan Ma Pierre Update on L-3 Projections of X-ray Facility Use
Dr. Joe Braddock Army-DTRA-ASB Workshop
DIA Representatives
Current Assessment Plan/Electromagnetic Pulse
LLNL, LANL, and Sandia Representatives Lab Contributions/Electromagnetic Pulse

March 2930, 2007
Dr. Peter Sincerny L-3 Simulator Privatization Plan
Dr. Tom Mahnken Defense Planning Scenarios
Mr. William Keller SCI Discussion
Mr. Mike Tobin Testing at the National Ignition Facility
April 30May 1, 2007
Mr. Fred Sexton Strategy to Develop a Nuclear Weapons Effects
Mr. Adrian Gannon UK Weapon Effects Simulator & Analysis
May 1718, 2007
Lt Col Steve Creighton IPT Update
Dr. John Zolper
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agencys
Radiation Hard by Design Program
June 2122, 2007
Mr. William Thoms Defense Information Systems Agency Discussion
Dr. Bryan Gabbard Assuring Future DOD Nuclear Capabilities

ACRR Annular Core Research Reactor
AGT aboveground test
ASC Advanced Simulation and Computing
ASCI Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative
Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Nuclear and Chemical and Biological
Defense Programs
command, control, communications, and computers, and intelligence, surveillance,
and reconnaissance
CBRN chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear
CFE Conventional Forces in Europe
COTS commercial off-the-shelf
CMOS complementary metal oxide semiconductor
CNS Center for Nonproliferation Studies
DEMP dispersed electromagnetic pulse
DOD Department of Defense
DRRS Defense Readiness Reporting System
DSB Defense Science Board
DTRA Defense Threat Reduction Agency
ECEMP electron caused electromagnetic pulse
EMP electromagnetic pulse
FARC Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
GIG Global Information Grid
HAENS High Altitude Exo-atmospheric Nuclear Survivability
HEMP high-altitude electromagnetic pulse
HERMES High-Energy Radiation Megavolt Electron Source
HPD Horizontally Polarized Dipold
IEMP internal electromagnetic pulse
ICBM intercontinental ballistic missile
IR infrared
ISR intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance
ITRS International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors
JCIDS Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System
JSWG Joint Simulator Working Group
keV kiloelectron volt

kt kiloton
LHE light initiated high explosive
MANET mobile adhoc networks
MBS Modular Bremsstrahlung Source
MCTL Militarily Critical Technologies List
MHD magnetohydrodynamic
MOS metal oxide semiconductor
Mt megaton
NIAB non-ideal air blast
NNSA National Nuclear Security Administration
NWE nuclear weapons effects
QASPR Quantification of Alternatives to SPR
RB reentry body
RDT&E research, development, test, and evaluation
RV reentry vehicle
S&T science and technology
SBSS Science Based Stockpile Stewardship [Program]
SEU single-event-update
SGEMP system generated electromagnetic pulse
SOI silicon-on-insulator
SPR Sandia Pulsed Reactor
SREMP source region electromagnetic pulse
TREE transient radiation electronic effects
UGT underground test
USANCA U.S. Army Nuclear and Combating WMD Agency
USD (AT&L) Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics
WMD weapons of mass destruction
WSMR White Sands Missile Range
ZR Z-Refurbished

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