Manual DCN Lbb3500
Manual DCN Lbb3500
Manual DCN Lbb3500
Security Systems
Installation and Operating Manual en Digital Congress Network
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All rights strictly reserved. Reproduction by third parties in any form is strictly forbidden, unless prior written authorisation has been given. In the continuing quest for product improvement BOSCH reserves the right to change the specification of any article or system without prior notice.
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Prior to installing or operating this product always read the Safety Instructions, which are available as a separate document.
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Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the DCN system, as well as introducing the user to its System Philosophy based on the new technology recently introduced into congress systems.
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Introduction Digital Congress Network (DCN) ............................1-1 Contribution equipment .................................................................................. 1-1 Central Control Equipment ............................................................................ 1-1 Simultaneous Interpretation and Language Distribution Equipment .... 1-2 Information display equipment ....................................................................... 1-2 Application software packages ..................................................................... 1-2 Installation equipment. ..................................................................................... 1-3 Quick reference to DCNs functions ............................................................ 1-4 DCN Software packages ................................................................................ 1-4
LBB 3549/00, LBB 3549/50 Pluggable Microphones ........................ 2-10 LBB 3555/00 Intercom handset ............................................................... 2-10 Flush-mounted Contribution equipment ................................................... 2-11 LBB 3535/00 Dual Audio Interface unit ................................................. 2-12
2.10 LBB 3536/00, /10 Hand-microphones ................................................... 2-15 2.11 LBB 3540/15 Multi-purpose connection unit ........................................ 2-15
1.8.1 1.8.2 1.8.3 1.8.4 1.8.5 1.8.6 1.8.7 1.8.8 1.8.9 1.8.10 1.8.11 1.8.12 1.8.13 1.8.14 1.8.15 1.8.16 1.8.17
1.9 Chapter 2. 2.1
Microphone Management software ....................................... 1-4 Synoptic Microphone Control ................................................ 1-4 Simultaneous Interpretation .................................................... 1-4 Language Distribution .............................................................. 1-4 Voting ............................................................................................ 1-5 Attendance Registration and Access Control .................... 1-5 Intercom ....................................................................................... 1-5 Text/Status Information Displays ............................................ 1-5 Automatic Camera Control ..................................................... 1-5 Delegate Database software .................................................. 1-5 ID-Card Encoder software ...................................................... 1-5 Message Distribution software ............................................... 1-5 System Installation software ................................................... 1-5 Video Display .............................................................................. 1-5 Multi-CCU Control .................................................................... 1-5 DCN Startup ............................................................................... 1-6 DCN Open Interface ................................................................. 1-6
Glossary of Abbreviations and Acronyms ................................................... 1-7 Contribution Equipment ....................................................................2-1 CONTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT .................................................................... 2-1
Table-top Contribution units .................................................... 2-1 Delegate unit ............................................................................... 2-2 Chairman unit ............................................................................. 2-2 Microphone Only Function .................................................... 2-2 Interpreter desk .......................................................................... 2-2 Adjustment setting discussion units ...................................... 2-4 Interconnection details discussion units .............................. 2-5 Mounting discussion units (FIG. 2-6) ................................... 2-5
Removal cable guide (Interpreter desk LBB 3520/10) .....3-4 Installing Intercom Handset to LBB 3520/10......................3-4 LBB 3513/00 Analog Audio Input/output Module .............3-5
Central Control Equipment .............................................................. 4-1 Introduction Central control equipment ....................................................... 4-1 LBB 3500/05, LBB 3500/05(D) Basic Central Control Unit ................ 4-2 LBB 3500/15, LBB 3500/15(D) Central Control Unit ............................ 4-2 LBB 3500/35, LBB 3500/35(D) Multi Central Control Unit .................. 4-2
LBB 3530/xx and LBB 3531/xx Delegate Discussion Unit .................... 2-3 LBB 3533/xx and LBB 3534/xx Chairman Discussion Unit ................... 2-3
LBB 3544/00, LBB 3545/00 and LBB 3546/00 Delegate conference units (Concentus) ..................................................... 2-6
CCU Mains voltage and adjustment .....................................4-5 CCU Mains cable, plug and socket ......................................4-5 CCU Mains fuse rating ............................................................4-5 Table of Contents
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CCU Trunk Communication Board (TCB4) ............................................... 4-6 4.5.1 Installation ........................................................................................... 4-6 4.5.2 S9 DIP-Switch settings .................................................................. 4-7 4.5.3 Jumper settings .................................................................................. 4-7 4.6 CU Protocol and Serial Port settings .......................................................... 4-8 4.6.1 LBB 3500/05 Port 1 for Camera Control ................................... 4-8 4.6.2 LBB 3500/15 and LBB 3500/35 (TCB 4)................................... 4-8 4.7 Multi-CCU card ................................................................................................. 4-9 4.7.1 Installation ............................................................................................ 4-9 4.7.2 DIP-Switches S12 and S13 ............................................................ 4-9 4.7.3 Jumper settings .................................................................................. 4-9 4.7.4 LED indications .................................................................................. 4-9 4.8 Connecting peripheral equipment to the CCU ........................................4-11 4.9 CCU Audio Routing Modes ........................................................................4-12 4.9.1 Audio Routing INSERTION mode .............................................. 4-13 4.10 LBB 4106/00, LBB 4106/00D Extension power supply unit .............4-14 4.11 LBB 3508/00 & LBB 3508/00D Audio Media Interface and Power Supply Unit .........................................................................................4-15 4.12 19 Rack Mounting DCN Control Units ....................................................4-16 Chapter 5. 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 Chapter 6. 6.1 DCN Control using Personal Computers ......................................5-1 Minimum Software and hardware requirements ........................................ 5-1 LBB 3510/00 PC Network card ................................................................. 5-2 5.2.1 Installing PC-Network card ............................................................. 5-3 5.2.2 Interconnections PC Network card ............................................... 5-3 Windows and DCN Software modules ....................................................... 5-3 LBB 3511/00 PC Card for Multi-CCU Systems ..................................... 5-4 5.4.1 Installing PC-Card for Multi-CCU systems ................................. 5-4 5.4.2 LBB 3511/00 DIP-switch S12 and S13 settings ....................... 5-5 Connection PC to CCU .................................................................................. 5-6 PC NETWORK SYSTEM ............................................................................... 5-9 Software configuration Master CCU PC (OS/2) ....................................... 5-9 Connecting Peripheral devices ...................................................................5-13 DCN Camera Control ..........................................................................6-1 Allegiant Video Switcher ................................................................................. 6-1 PC controlled system with single CCU ................. 6-8 Switching options using a personal computer ........................................... 6-8 DCN Installation accessories .......................................................... 7-1 Introduction Installation accessories ............................................................ 7-1 7.1.1 LBB 4114/00 Trunk-cable splitter 7 .................................................-2 7.1.2 LBB 4115/00 Tap-off Unit ............................................................... 7-2 7.1.3 Cable assemblies and connectors ................................................ 7-3 7.1.4 Connectors ......................................................................................... 7-4 7.1.5 LBB 4117/00 Set of 25 cable locking clamps ........................... 7-4 7.1.6 LBB 4118/00 Termination plug for DCN Cable ........................ 7-4 Information Displays ......................................................................... 8-1 LBB 3512/00 Data Distribution Board ...................................................... 8-1 8.1.1 Remote Switching Solutions ........................................................... 8-3 8.1.2 Installing Data Distribution board LBB 3512/00. ....................... 8-4 8.1.3 Connecting Hall Displays to the DCN System ........................... 8-4 8.1.4 Interconnection for Video hall displays and Video Projectors ............................................................................................ 8-5 DCN Peripheral Equipment .............................................................. 9-1 Introduction Peripheral Equipment ............................................................... 9-1 9.1.1 Telos Digital Telephone Interface ................................................... 9-1 Installation Techniques ...................................................................10-1
Chapter 8. 8.1
Allegiant Switcher Control Keyboards .................................. 6-1 Cameras and Monitors ............................................................. 6-1 INSTALLATION .......................................................................... 6-2 Set-up Camera conguration .................................................. 6-5 Virtual Keyboard ......................................................................... 6-6 Camera and Monitor ................................................................. 6-6 Installation ................................................................................... 6-6 Set-up Camera Conguraion .................................................. 6-7 DCN system .................................................... 6-7
10.1 Introduction Installation Techniques .......................................................... 10-1 10.1.1 System design fundamentals ........................................................10-1 10.2 Power Handling Capacity ............................................................................ 10-2 10.3 Trunk outlets and Tap-offs ........................................................................... 10-3 10.3.1 Tap-off limitations .............................................................................10-3 10.3.2 Using Tap-Off unit LBB 4115/00 .................................................10-5 10.3.3 Maximum cable lengths using Trunk-outlets and/or Tap-offs .................................................................................10-5 10.4 Calculating the PCF of a System with respect to cable length .......... 10-6 10.4.1 Calculating Step-by-Step ..............................................................10-6 10.4.2 Graph explanation ...........................................................................10-8 10.4.3 Graph reference examples ............................................................10-9 10.5 Control Capacity ..........................................................................................10-10 10.6 Stand-alone Systems ..................................................................................10-10 10.6.1 Basic System (without extension units) ...................................10-10 10.6.2 System layout (without extension units) ...................................10-11 10.6.3 System with Extension units ........................................................10-11 10.7 Computer Based Systems ........................................................................10-12 10.7.1 PC Network System ......................................................................10-14 10.8 Multi-CCU system .......................................................................................10-15 10.8.1 Multi-CCU and PC interconnection ..........................................10-15
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10.9 Remote Controller ....................................................................................... 10-16 10.9.1 Installation ....................................................................................... 10-16 10.9.2 Typical examples using the Remote Controller ...................... 10-17 10.10 Interconnecting Interpretation Equipment ............................................. 10-18 10.10.1 Interconnecting Interpreter desks .............................................. 10-18 10.10.2 Interconnection between booths ............................................... 10-18 10.11 Language Distribution Equipment ........................................................... 10-19 10.11.1 Introduction ..................................................................................... 10-19 10.11.2 Installation .......................................................................................10-20 Chapter 11. System Set-up & Operation .......................................................... 11-1
11.10.1 Incoming Channel Selection .......................................................11-17 11.10.2 Assigning Pre-select keys ............................................................11-17 11.10.3 Incoming Floor switch and Auto-relay .......................................11-17 11.10.4 Language Quality Indication ........................................................11-17 11.10.5 Interpreter desk Listening ............................................................11-18 11.10.6 Outgoing Channel Selection ......................................................11-18 11.10.7 Typical Displays showing outgoing channels ..........................11-19 11.11 Programming the Interpreter desk ...........................................................11-20 11.11.1 Programming the Interpreter desk ............................................ 11-20 11.11.2 Entering the desks programming mode ...................................11-21 11.11.3 Menu Programming procedures .................................................11-21 Chapter 12. Environmental Conditions and Maintenance ...........................12-1
11.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................11-1 11.1.1 Initializing a stand-alone system .................................................... 11-1 11.1.2 Initializing a PC-based system ...................................................... 11-1 11.2 Setting up a stand-alone system .................................................................11-2 11.2.1 System mode selection (Multi-CCU only) ................................. 11-2 11.2.2 Microphone control modes ............................................................ 11-2 11.3 Multi-CCU Set-up for the first-time. ............................................................11-3 11.3.1 Downloading Control PC-software ............................................. 11-3 11.4 Maintenance Menu .........................................................................................11-3 11.4.1 To set system default LANGUAGE ............................................. 11-4 11.4.2 To set system INTERCOM OPERATOR POSITION ............. 11-4 11.5 Sound Management .......................................................................................11-5 11.5.1 Equalizer function ............................................................................ 11-5 11.5.2 Loudspeakers ................................................................................... 11-5 11.6 Additional stand-alone operations (applicable to conference units only) .........................................................................................................11-6 11.6.1 Voting modes .................................................................................... 11-6 11.6.2 Intercom Facilities ............................................................................ 11-6 11.7 Delegate/Chairman unit operation (Conference units only) .................11-7 11.7.1 Introduction ....................................................................................... 11-7 11.7.2 OPERATION Delegate Units LBB 3544/00, LBB 3545/00, LBB 3546/00 ...................................................... 11-8 11.7.3 OPERATION Chairman Unit LBB 3547/00 ........................... 11-11 11.8 Operating Delegate/Chairman units (Discussion units only) ............ 11-14 11.8.1 Microphone ..................................................................................... 11-14 11.8.2 Priority function ( LBB 3533/xx and LBB 3534/xx only) ........................................................................ 11-14 11.8.3 Language channel selection (LBB 3531/.. and LBB 3534/.. only) .................................................................. 11-14 11.9 Interpretation ................................................................................................. 11-15 11.9.1 Incoming channel control (LISTENING) .................................. 11-15 11.9.2 Outgoing channel control (SPEAKING) .................................. 11-15 11.9.3 Microphone (Micro) ...................................................................... 11-15 11.9.4 Microphone locks .......................................................................... 11-15 11.9.5 Override ......................................................................................... 11-15 11.9.6 Relay Interpretation with auto-relay 11-15 11.10 Operating the Interpreter Desk 11-17
12.1 System .............................................................................................................. 12-1 12.2 Public areas ..................................................................................................... 12-1 12.2.1 Lighting ..............................................................................................12-1 12.2.2 Public displays (placement/viewing distance) ..........................12-1 12.2.3 Public walkways ...............................................................................12-1 12.2.4 Headphones with interpreter systems ........................................12-1 12.2.5 Recommended speaking distance ..............................................12-1 12.3 Technical rooms ............................................................................................. 12-1 12.4 Interpreter booths .......................................................................................... 12-2 12.5 Ventilation ........................................................................................................ 12-2 12.6 Cleaning ........................................................................................................... 12-2 12.7 Storage ............................................................................................................. 12-2 Chapter 13. Technical Data ...................................................................................13-1
13.1 Mechanical data ............................................................................................. 13-1 13.1.1 LBB 3500/.. Central Control Units ............................................13-1 13.1.2 Mounting brackets (included with type No.s LBB 3500/xx, LBB 4106/00, LBB 3508) ............................................................13-1 13.1.3 LBB 4106/00 and LBB 4106/00 (D) Extension Power Supply Unit ........................................................13-2 13.1.4 LBB 3508/00 and LBB 3508 (D) Audio Media Interface Unit ............................................................13-2 13.2 Table-top units ................................................................................................ 13-2 13.2.1 Conference Units .............................................................................13-2 13.2.2 Discussion Units ..............................................................................13-2 13.2.3 LBB 3535/00 Dual Audio Interface Unit ..................................13-2 13.2.4 LBB 3536/xx Hand microphones ...............................................13-3 13.2.5 LBB 3555/00 Intercom handset ................................................13-3 13.2.6 LBB 3525/00 Channel Selector housing ................................13-3 13.2.7 LBB 3527/00 Table-top housing for FM loudspeaker panel ...................................................................................................13-3 13.3 Flush Mounted Equipment ........................................................................... 13-4 13.3.1 LBB 3524/00 and LBB 3424/10 FM Electronic Channel Selector Panel .................................................................13-4
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13.3.2 LBB 3526/10 FM Electronic Channel Selector Panel ... 13-4 13.3.3 LBB 3537/00 and LBB 3537/50 Microphone with FM Control Panel ..................................................................... 13-5 13.3.4 LBB 3537/10 FM Chairman Priority Control Panel ........ 13-5 13.3.5 LBB 3539/00 Blank panel ................................................... 13-5 13.3.6 LBB 3537/20 and LBB 3537/50 FM Microphone Control Panel for microphones LBB 3549/00 and LBB 3549/50 ........................................................................... 13-6 13.3.7 LBB 3538/00 FM Loudspeaker panel .............................. 13-6 13.3.8 LBB 3540/15 Multi-purpose Connection Unit ................ 13-7 13.3.9 LBB 3541/00 Delegate Voting Control Panel ................. 13-7 13.3.10 LBB 3542/00 FM Delegate/Chairman Voting Control Panel with LC-display ............................................................. 13-7 13.3.11 LBB 3543/15 Chip Card Reader ....................................... 13-8
13.4 Installation Accessories ................................................................................13-8
13.4.1 LBB 4114/00 Trunk Cable Splitter LBB 4115/00 Tap-off Unit ................................................................................ 13-8
13.5 Electrical data ..................................................................................................13-9
Microphones (General) .......................................................... 13-9 Headphones ............................................................................. 13-9 Transmission links .................................................................... 13-9 Combined units ...................................................................... 13-10 System Electrical and Electro-acoustical characteristics ........................................................................ 13-10 System environmental conditions ...................................... 13-10 Interface data .......................................................................... 13-10 Mains supply ........................................................................... 13-10 Power consumption (nominal) ............................................ 13-10
13.6 System limitations ........................................................................................ 13-11 13.7 Connection details ...................................................................................... 13-11
13.7.1 Mains cable ............................................................................. 13-11 13.7.2 DCN circular connectors ..................................................... 13-11 13.7.3 Cable connection ................................................................. 13-11 13.7.4 Pluggable microphones LBB 3549/xx ............................ 13-11 13.7.5 CONCENTUS units .............................................................. 13-12 13.7.6 CONCENTUS units .............................................................. 13-12 13.7.7 Cable connection ................................................................... 13-12 13.7.8 Jack-plug .................................................................................. 13-12 13.7.9 Interpreter desk (headset socket DIN-type) .................... 13-12 13.7.10 15-pole D-type connector PC Interface ........................... 13-12
13.8 Available Audio Down Link Channels 13-13
13.8.1 Stand-alone systems ............................................................. 13-13 13.8.2 Systems with a PC ................................................................ 13-13
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Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 1 - Introduction to DCN
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Contribution equipment
Contribution equipment describes the units which participants use to contribute to a conference. Depending on the type of contribution unit, delegates can access the DCNs wide range of facilities to listen, speak, register a request-to-speak, receive screen messages, communicate with other delegates via an intercom and to participate in electronic voting sessions. On insertion of an ID-card dedicated software is required giving much more facilities. Contribution units can be used free-standing on a table-top, or ush-mounted in desks, seat backs or armrests. Other microphone types such as lavalier and hand-held are also available, allowing contribution from non seated participants such as a guest speaker for example.
DCN equipment is also complemented by external equipment such as video and character displays, TV cameras, personal computers, monitors, PA ampliers, loudspeakers and printers all of which are fully compatible and easily integrated into the DCN system.
Contribution equipment
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Using the same trunk-line cabling DCNs interpreter desks can easily be integrated into existing systems, offering comprehensive facilities for simultaneous interpretation. The desk can accommodate up to 15 different language channels, plus the original oor language. A maximum of six desks can be installed per interpreter booth. They can be used stand-alone or as part of a more comprehensive system. When used stand-alone, the units built-in microprocessor is manually programmed to allocate language channels, channel routing and interlocks. In PC operator-controlled systems, the desk is used in combination with DCN dedicated software, and other interpreter desks (if required) to form a completely integrated interpretation network. An in-built facility enables direct or auto-relay interpretation to cater for less well known languages. Each desk has two output channels, one for the normal interpretation and one for second or auto-relay translation.
Language Distribution
Distribution of languages to individual delegates can be by wired or wireless language distribution systems. A wired language distribution system uses delegate contribution units that include a language channel selector, or dedicated language channel selector units. A wireless language distribution system uses the Infra-red transmission technique.
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Network cabling
Channel selector unit (language distribution) ACN 1 - up/down ACN 2 - up/down ACN 3 - down only
The integrated circuit (IC), PRAEDIC (Professional Audio Encoder Decoder Integrated Circuit) combines a built-in amplier with both Analogue-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analogue convertors. The IC converts analogue signals (such as from a delegates microphone) and digitizes them for distribution throughout the DCN network cabling. In return the digitize signal is then fed back to the Praedic and converted back to an analogue signal for distribution throughout the DCN units - such as delegate loudspeakers and headphones.
FIG 1-1
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A discussion system; delegates control their own microphone actions - without the need of a nonparticipating operator. Discussion systems cater for smaller groups, although the number of delegates can be extended to the total capacity of the DCN system. A discussion system therefore is ideal for small meeting halls, boardrooms, and hotels etc. where clear and concise speech intelligibility through sound amplication is required.
PC Controlled System
Delegates microphone actions are controlled by a none participating operator using a personal computer.
Microphone Management
Method by which delegates/operator control the microphone units. Microphone Management control therefore is needed in order to conduct civilised and disciplined discussions/conferences. The DCN system has its own built-in standard microphone control functions. These functions are usually sufcient for use in discussion groups using a stand-alone system. In conference systems however a central PC operator has extended microphone management capabilities when using DCNs dedicated microphone management software. Microphone Management Operation Modes: OPEN (AUTO) The OPEN mode allows up to 1, 2 or 4 delegates (Active Micros) to control the on/off state of their own microphones unit simultaneously without the use of operator intervention. When more than the number of Active Micros has been reached, delegates requesting to speak join a requestto-speak list. OVERRIDE (First-In-First-Out) The Override mode allows up to 1, 2 or 4 delegates to speak on a FIRST-IN FIRST-OUT basis i.e Override. With the override mode, their is no request-to-speak list, only the pre-selected number of Active Micros may be switched on simultaneously. This means that if another delegate should switch on his microphone unit, the microphone of the rst delegate having joined the group will be switched off, allowing the latest delegate to join in the discussion. VOICE ACTIVATION The Voice activation mode is an automatic method for activating the microphones of the delegate and chairman units by voice. The maximum number of voice activated units available for selection in a stand-alone system is 2 or 4. This mode of operation is intended for free discussion amongst participating delegates. For enhanced operation an additional Public Address system is highly recommended.
REFERENCE: For more information refer to the LBB 3570 software manual
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 1 - Introduction to DCN
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Display facilities for video signals and graphic information such as seating plans and statistical voting representations can also be added to the system, using hall displays such as projection or direct view TV receivers, or giant-screen VidiWalls for larger audiences. Personal video displays can also be added in the form of LCD TV displays. REFERENCE: For more information refer to the LBB 3583 software manual
1.8.5 Voting
Parliamentary voting Parliamentary voting allows delegates to vote NO, ABSTAIN or YES. It provides facilities for vote registration and display, with a choice of OPEN (non-secret) and CLOSED (secret) voting modes and selectable interim voting functions. Up to 9999 voting motions can be prepared in advance in a single script le and recalled instantly during a voting session (available with PC systems only). In PC based systems, editing facilities are also provided to simplify the preparation of updating script les. REFERENCE: For more information refer to the LBB 3575 software manual Multi voting Multi-voting software allows up to 6 voting methods to be selected, Parliamentary, Audience response, Multiple choice, Opinion poll, Rating and For/against. Vote related parameters can be specied for each individual voting method, such as: vote type, result display type, interim display, screen and print legends, hall display, vote weighting, roll call, voting LEDs and abstain options. The user is able to print the nal result and automatically export it to an MS-DOS le. For more information refer to the LBB 3576 software manual. REFERENCE: For more information refer to the LBB 3576 software manual
1.8.7 Intercom
An intercom handsets allows two-way vocal communication between conference participants, interpreters and operator. REFERENCE: For more information refer to the LBB 3573 software manual
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 1 - Introduction to DCN
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Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 1 - Introduction to DCN
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P PC PCF PCF value PRAEDIC Passive Unit R Rack-mounted Request accepted Request Request cancelled Restart Response S Speaker Speak now T Trunk-line Trunk-outlet Table-top V Voting Voting on-hold
Personal Computer Power Consumption Factor The value assigned to a specic unit or system Professional Audio Encoder Decoder IC. DCN unit that Receives data on the down link only
Denes units that are capable of being mounted in a 19-inch cabinet Displayed on a delegate unit informing the delegate the delegate that his request-to-speak has been accepted Initiated by a delegate requesting to speak Displayed on delegate units informing the delegate that his request-tospeak has been cancelled or rejected Voting session restarted after being on Hold Initiated by a delegate wishing to respond. Floor speaker Displayed on delegate units to inform the delegate that he may speak Cabling between units run in a loop-through chain Used for trunk-cable splitting and pulse regeneration purposes Units placed on top of a table or similar type surface
End of Voting Displayed on the delegate unit to inform delegates that the voting session has ended Units that are built into tabletops or the arm rests of seats
To cast one vote, exercise a choice or decision, express an opinion Displayed on a delegate unit when a voting session has been temporarily suspended
Display showing related conference information Pre-programmed settings for use in interpretation procedures The art of interpreting one language into another Interpretation (simultaneous) The art of interpreting one language into another at the same time One who translates orally for people speaking in different languages See Trunk-line
Systems using more than one CCU, linked using a Multi-CCU link.
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 1 - Introduction to DCN
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Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 2 - Contribution Equipment
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The DCN range of contribution equipment falls into 3 categories: table-top, table-top + ush mounted (universal) and ush mounted.
NOTE: DCN offers two different styles of table-top contribution units. Therefore for clarity throughout this manual, they will be divided into conference and discussion units.
The range of DCNs table top equipment includes the following units:
Unit Description
Active units Delegate unit Chairmans unit Microphones for conference units Interpreter desk Intercom handset Multi-purpose connection unit Hand microphones Dual Audio Interface Electronic channel selector
Type No.
LBB 3530/xx LBB 3531/xx LBB 3544/00 LBB 3545/00 LBB 3546/00 LBB 3533/xx LBB 3534/xx LBB 3547/00 LBB 3549/00 LBB 3549/50 LBB 3520/10 LBB 3555/00 with mounting plate LBB 3556/00 LBB 3540/15 (Flush-mounted applications only)
Unit Type.
Discussion Conference Discussion Conference Conference Conference Interpretation
A Microphone only function is also available using the following: LBB 3536/00, /10 (Flush-mounted applications only) LBB 3535/00 (Flush-mounted applications only) LBB 3524/00*, LBB 3524/10*, LBB 3526/10
Note: *The electronic channel selector is a ush-mounted unit but can also be used in table-top
installations (using the LBB 3525/00 housing).
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 2 - Contribution Equipment
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Interpretation DCN Concentus unit (conference) FIG. 2-2 Interpreter desk LBB 3520/10
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 2 - Contribution Equipment
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Delegate units LBB 3530/xx and LBB 3531/xx enable delegates to speak, register a request-to-speak and listen to the oor speaker. Delegate unit LBB 3531/xx includes a built-in channel selector, for use in discussions where more than one language is used and simultaneous interpretation is available. The channel selector includes up/down select keys and a 1.5-digit LC-display for rapid selection of the required language channel. Channel selection is limited to the number of channels available.
The Chairman units LBB 3533/xx and LBB 3534/xx have the same functions as a delegate unit with the exception of a Priority button. This button when pressed enables its user to control the discussion by temporarily or permanently overruling and muting all active microphones. Chairman unit LBB 3534/xx also includes a built-in channel selector (see delegate unit). In permanent mode, all delegates waiting to speak are also removed from the request-list.
NOTE: Micr. stem length LBB 3533/00, LBB 3534/00 (310 mm/2.20 in) incl. microphone. LBB 3533/50, LBB 3534/50 (480 mm/18.89 in) incl. microphone.
For rear view see FIG. 2-6 For side view see FIG. 2-3
NOTE: Mic. stem length LBB 3530/00, LBB 3531/00 (310mm/12.20 in) incl. microphone.
LBB 3530/50, LBB 3531/50 (480mm/18.89 in) incl. microphone. For rear view see FIG. 2-6. 1 Side view
3 4
4 LBB 3533/00 LBB 3533/50 LBB 3531/00 LBB 3531/50 8 LBB 3534/00 8 LBB 3534/50
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 2 - Contribution Equipment
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Solder spot J1
Solder spot J1
Open (default) : Loudspeaker connector Closed : Normal operation Microphone LED ring will begin to ash when the last 60 seconds of speech time remains
NOTE: If J1 is closed when the Voice activation mode is selected, the microphone LED ring will remain lit when speaking into the microphone.
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Trunk Cable Splitter LBB 4114/00 Discussion unit (rear view) LBB 3530/xx LBB 3531/xx LBB 3533/xx LBB 3534/xx
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 2 - Contribution Equipment
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LBB 3544/00, LBB 3545/00 and LBB 3546/00 Delegate conference units (Concentus)
Rear, side and under views (FIG. 2-9 and FIG. 2-10)
12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. *1 x 3.5 mm jack socket for headset/external microphone 2 x 3.5 mm stereo jack sockets for headphones (1 at each side of the unit). 2 x Rotary volume control for headphones (1 at each side of the unit) Securing screw M3 for pluggable microphone (use Allen-key) 6-pole socket for loop-through from other system units 2 m (6.5ft.) long cable terminated with 6-pole circular connector Modular jack-socket for intercom handset LBB 3555/00 2x M3 guide holes for unit mounting (using custom built xing bracket/strap) Recessed micro-switch for resetting the units address (DE-INIT). 4 x securing screws for unit housing LBB 3544/00 LBB 3545/00
Intended for table-top and ush-mounting, the delegate conference units enable participants to actively join in a discussion (i.e. speaking and listening). The unit includes a connection for a pluggable microphone type LBB 3549/00 or LBB 3549/50 and a microphone on/off button. Delegate unit types LBB 3545/00 and LBB 3546/00 includes a language channel selector, and LC-display to select the required language channel when used in combination with an interpretation system.
NOTE: Delegate unit LBB 3544/00 does not include a language channel selector, headphone/headset connections and volume controls.
Controls and Indicators (FIG. 2-7) (version illustrated LBB 3546/00) * Not applicable to delegate units LBB 3544/00 ** Not applicable to delegate units LBB 3545/00
1. XLR socket for uni-directional condenser microphone (LBB 3549/00 or LBB 3549/50 (see 2.6) with illuminated LED light-ring to indicate microphone active (not active in Voice activated mode). See Chapter 2.3.1 Adjustment settings discussion units. 2. Loudspeaker. The loudspeaker is automatically muted when the microphone is on. 3. Microphone ON indication (RED) 4. * **ID-chip-card reader for delegate identication. 5. *Numeric 1.5-digit LC-display for visual indication of the selected language channel. The display is activated once headphones are inserted in to the units jack socket. 6. *Up/down channel select keys for use in combination with the numeric display. 7. Microphone On/Off or request-to-speak button. 8. Microphone- ON indication (bi-colour LED green = request-to-speak, red = microphone ON) 9. 5 soft-keys with conrmation indicators (yellow LEDs) for use in combination with the units graphic LC-display provides the following (not applicable for *LBB 3544/00 and **LBB 3545/00): To display: - Conference information - User information - Individual messages To participate in the following voting procedures - Parliamentary voting (PRESENT, No, Abstain, Yes) - Multiple choice or opinion poll voting (Numerals: 1 to 24 max.) - Audience response voting (Rating scale - -, -, O, +, + +) 10. * **Graphical 2-line x 40 character LC-display (15 Chinese characters only) with back-lighting for displaying the following: - Conference related information - User information - Individual messages - Voting information and results
2 1
LBB 3546/00
FIG. 2-7 Delegate conference units LBB 3544/00, LBB 3545/00 and LBB 3546/00
Bosch Security Systems | 04-2003 | 3922 988 43318 en LBB 3544/00, LBB 3545/00 and LBB 3546/00 Delegate conference units (Concentus)
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Rear, side and under views (FIG. 2-9 and FIG. 2-10)
12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 1 x 3.5 mm jack socket for headset/external microphone 2 x 3.5 mm stereo jack sockets for headphones (1 at each side of the unit). 2 x Rotary volume control for headphones (1 at each side of the unit) Securing screw M3 for pluggable microphone (use Allen-key) 6-pole socket for loop-through from other system units 2 m (6.5ft.) long cable terminated with 6-pole circular connector Modular jack-socket for intercom handset LBB 3555/00 2x M3 guide holes for unit mounting (using custom built xing bracket/strap) Recessed micro-switch for resetting the units address (DE-INIT). 4 x securing screws for unit housing 1 2 Front view 3 4
The unit provides access to the DCN systems main functions of listening to the oor via the units built-in loudspeaker, speaking and control of delegate microphones using a priority key, control of voting sessions, the viewing of displayed messages, language channel selection and monitoring via headphones and an ID card reader facility.The ID-card reader - for insertion of an ID-card - allows the chairman to be identied by the system allowing access to the functions of the chairman unit. The chairman unit uses a pluggable microphone LBB 3549/00 or LBB 3549/50 (not included), microphone on/off button, built-in graphical LC-display, ve soft-keys with LED indicators, and a priority key. The priority key sets all currently active delegate microphones in the system to off allowing the chairman to take over the control of the meeting.
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1 15 3 16 Under 17 18 Microphone release screw (for transportation)
Right side
14 20
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NOTE: If 1170 is closed, the functionality of solder spots 1171 and 1172 is available
(for example - an external make contact can be connected to PINS 1 and 2 of the intercom connector for FRAude (Fraud push_button) and FINger (Finger print reader) operation.
NOTE: If solder spot 1170 is closed a choice of only one of the functions is available
FRAude or FINger NOT both.
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The pluggable exible stem microphones LBB 3549/00 and LBB 3549/50 are unidirectional microphones intended for use with delegate units LBB 3544/00, LBB 3545/00, LBB 3546/00, chairman unit LBB 3547/00 and ush mounted microphone control panel LBB 3537/20.
The Intercom handset enables private two-way vocal communication between conference participants. The handset is hard-wired to the cradle by a coiled cable (0.5 m (19.68 in) coiled, 2 m uncoiled (78.74 in) hard wired to the cradle (FIG. 2-13). The cradle output cable is terminated with a 6-pole modular jack connector for connection to a conference units, interpreter desks, Multi-purpose connection units and the PC Network card. When used in permanent installations, the handset is easily mounted to a table-top or wall using the screw holes in the cradle. In portable systems the handset can be simply attached to an Interpreter desk with the aid of a mounting plate LBB 3556/00. For installing on an Interpreter desk LBB 3520 refer to Chapter 3.1.2.
NOTE: See also Chapter 2.1.2 LBB 3537/20 Pluggable Microphone control panels.
2. 5-pole XLR-connector for connection to the delegate units LBB 3544/00, LBB 3545/00, LBB 3546/00, chairman unit LBB 3547/00 and microphone control panel LBB 3537/20.
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DCNs broad range of ush mounted units form the building blocks for creating individual system contribution units for use in custom built solutions. The ush-mounted units are intended for use in xed installations, where portability is not required. The units can be neatly installed in to either tabletops or seat armrests. The range of ush-mounted units available, provides all the functions and facilities offered by the table-top contribution units. For example a delegate unit can be created by combining a Multi-purpose connection unit LBB 3540/15 or Dual Audio Interface Unit LBB 3535/00. These units being the main components when creating ush-mounted solutions in combination with the following units:
All ush-mounted units are available in standard sizes of 40 x 120 mm (1.57 x 4.72 in) with the exception of the ush-mounted loudspeaker unit LBB 3538/00 which has a dimension of 80 x 120 mm (3.14 x 4.72 in) and the Delegate/chairman voting control panel LBB 3542/00 which has a dimension of 80 x 240 mm (3.14 x 9.44 in). The dimensions of the ush-mounted units allow units to be neatly installed and positioned along side each other in either a portrait or landscape type conguration.
All DCNs ush-mounted units include a click-to-t mechanism, enabling units to be secured into cutouts on table-tops or the armrest of seats in a landscape or portrait type format. Two methods are used to mount the ush-mounted units. Method 1 is used when mounting units into a metal surface and method 2, used when mounting units into a wooden surface.
Type No.
LBB 3536/00-/10 Hand microphones LBB 3537/00, /50 Microphone control panel LBB 3537/10 Chairman microphone control panel with priority LBB 3537/20 Pluggable microphone control panel LBB 3538/00 Loudspeaker panel LBB 3539/00 Blank mounting panel LBB 3541/00 Delegate voting control panel* LBB 3542/00 Delegate/chairman voting control panel with LC-display* LBB 3543/15 Chip-Card reader panel* LBB 3555/00 Intercom handset* LBB 3524/xx + Electronic Channel Selector Panel (connected to DCN trunk-line) LBB 3526/10 * Applicable to Multi-purpose Connection Unit LBB 3540/15 only Portrait
Method 1 (mounting into a metal surface) The click-to-t mechanism available on all ush mounting unit is used to secure the units into cutouts on table-tops or the armrests of seats etc. Additional screws are needed when mounting LBB 3537/xx Control Panel with microphone. The recommended method when installing the units, is to install them into a 2 mm (0.07 in) thick metal panel. The metal panel is used as the platform for securing the units. The panel needs to be cut-out according to the units template. NOTE: Table top mounting is also possible for certain units with the Table-top housing LBB 3527/00. Refer to Chapter 2.24. Method 2 (mounting into a wooden surface)
Units are secured by screws using the holes available on each unit. All units include drill guide holes located under the front cover of each ush-mounted unit. The guide holes are used for guidance when drilling the units screw holes.
For cut-out templates and dimensions when physically installing the units refer to Chapter 13. Mechanical data. Metal mounting Landscape Click-to-fit mechanism 2mm (0.07) Metal plate Wood surface Wood mounting Drillholes
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The LBB 3535/00 allows a variety of microphones, as well as line sources, to be connected to the DCN system. The unit can be used in combination with the LBB 3536/xx Hand microphone when mounting in seat armrest etc., or with the LBB 3537/xx Microphone with Control Panel when ushmounting into table-tops etc. The unit includes two separate inputs, each selectable for use with either a microphone or line input source. Each input can be assigned with its own seat number, providing two delegate or chairman positions. Two 3.5 mm jack sockets provide the connection to headphones or to loudspeaker panels LBB 3538/ 00, or a combination of both. The output is switched off when the corresponding input is switched on.
10. Initialization LED indicator. The LED illuminates when the unit is not being initialized. The LED is Off when the unit has been initialized. 11. Selector switch for selecting an asymmetrical microphone input, or a symmetrical microphone/ line level input, or a symmetrical microphone input with Phantom power supply (12 V/680 Ohm). 12. Input attenuation selection of: 0, 6, 12 or 18 dB. Factory setting: 6 dB. 13. Microphone or line level select switch. 1 2 3
1 2
10 11
dB 18
7 5
12 6
dB 18 12
-12 dBV -60 dBV
-12 dBV -60 dBV
J2 J1 IC 1 IC 8
Mic. on inputs 1 and 2 (factory setting) Chairman mic. on input 2, priority panel on input 1
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Connection details: 8-pole 262 DIN-socket PIN 1 - 3 Symmetrical input (PIN 1(signal +), PIN 3 (signal -) PIN 2 Screen 0V PIN 4 Mic. On LED (red) PIN 5 Request-to-speak LED (green) PIN 6 Mic. switch PIN 7 +5 volt PIN 8 Light-ring indicator (LBB 3537/xx)
Flush mounted solution No.1 (serving two delegate positions) FIG. 2-18
LBB 3535/00 2 x LBB 3537/00 2 x LBB 3537/50 2 x LBB 3537/20 Dual Audio Interface Unit Microphone control panel with microphone stem (310mm/12.2 in) Microphone control panel with microphone stem (480mm/18.8 in) Microphone control panel for pluggable microphones types: - LBB 3549/00 Microphone with stem length (310mm/12.2 in) or - LBB 3549/50 Microphone with stem length (480mm/18.8 in) Loudspeaker panel or or
NOTE: PINS 1 and 3 provide a symmetrical input and PINS 1 and 2 provide an asymmetrical input. For custom built solutions the following connections are required: PIN 4 to PIN 7 for mic. On LED(pin 4 = cathode, pin 7 = anode) PIN 5 to PIN 7 for Request-to-speak LED(pin 5 = cathode, pin 7 = anode) PIN 6 to PIN 7 for mic. switch
2 x LBB 3538/00
or or
NOTE: Two solder spots J1 and J2 are used when assigning the unit for use as either a delegate unit, chairman unit, or as an ambient microphone. When used as a chairman unit, one input is used to connect microphone LBB 3537/xx, and the other input is used for the Chairman Priority control panel LBB 3537/10. Refer to Chapter 2.17 for the solder spots and their settings.
LBB 3537/10
LBB 3537/00
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Flush mounted solution No.3 (oor stand with (interruption) microphones FIG. 2-20
LBB 3535/00 Dual Audio Interface Unit Hand held microphone with 5 m cable Hand held microphone with coiled cable or LBB 3536/00 LBB 3536/10
A hand-held microphone LBB 3536/00 with 5 m cable or LBB 3536/10 with coiled cable can be used instead of a ush mounted Microphone Control Panel with microphone (xed or pluggable).
Flush mounted solution No.4 (Rostrum with one microphone position) FIG. 2-21
LBB 3535/00 LBB 3537/00 LBB 3537/50 LBB 3537/20 Dual Audio Interface Unit Microphone control panel with microphone stem (310mm/12.2 in) Microphone control panel with microphone stem (480mm/18.8 in) Microphone control panel for pluggable microphones types: - LBB 3549/00 Microphone with stem length (310mm/12.2 in) or - LBB 3549/50 Microphone with stem length (480mm/18.8 in) Loudspeaker panel or or
LBB 3538/00
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The LBB 3540/15 is intended for use in tailored ush mounted solutions. Its versatility enables a number of functions to be added, making it ideal for both delegate and chairman positions. Functions include voting control panel, with or without LC-display (LBB 3541/00 or LBB 3542/00) and an IDChip Card Reader LBB 3543/15. Two mixed audio input sockets with phantom supply enables up to two microphones to be connected. The sensitivity of the microphones can be adjusted simultaneously in 4 steps of 6 dB and a ne adjustment of 3dB. Facilities are also available for connecting an intercom handset LBB 3555/ 00. A 3.5 mm stereo jack socket is provided for connection to headphones or to a loudspeaker panel LBB 3538/00. The loudspeaker output is switched off when the microphone is switched on.
NOTE: The maximum length of extension cable that can be used is 5 m. (16.4 ft.).
1. A jumper on selection panel (FIG. 2-25 (11) is used when assigning the unit for use as either a delegate or chairman unit. When used as a chairman unit, MIC 2 input is for microphone (LBB 3537/xx) and MIC 1 input for priority control (LBB 3537/10). The unit can also be used as an entrance or exit unit for registration and access purposes
4. Cable terminated with an 8-pole 262 DIN-type plug.
Clamps are available for mounting on oor stands For oor stands: Universal mic. clamp LBC 1215/01
3 LBB 3536/00
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4. 20-pole Micromatch connector for connection to: - LBB 3541/00 FM Delegate voting control panel - LBB 3542/00 FM Delegate/Chairman voting control panel with LC-display - Custom-built solutions including push-button and LEDs 5. 6-pole modular jack for LBB 3555/00 Intercom handset. 6. 10-pole Micromatch connector for connection to: - ID Chip Card reader panel LBB 3543/15. 7. 2 m long cable terminated with a 6-pole circular connector for connection to the trunk-line. 8. Screw holes for securing the unit. 9. Switch cover panel. 10. Tie-wrap holes for securing attached cables. Tie--wraps are included with the unit. 11. Jumper for assigning the unit as either a delegate or as a chairman unit. 12. Initialization button (Init) used for initializing the unit during installation. Also used to reset the units address (De-Init). 13. Input level potentiometer: 3 dB. 14. Initialization indicator (LED) indicating the unit requires initializing. 15. Selector switch for selecting: - Asymmetrical microphone input or Symmetrical microphone input or Symmetrical microphone input with Phantom power supply (applicable to both inputs). 16. Input attenuation selection of: 0, 6, 12 or 18 dB (applicable to both inputs). Default setting: 6 dB. 17. Jumper J01for assigning connected units as either an entrance or exit unit. (See Table. 2-1.)
3 1
1 2 1 2
12 13
Init +/- 3dB
2 4 5 6 7
Chairman Delegate dB 18 12
16 9
1. Jack socket marked (2) is ideally suited for loudspeaker panel LBB 3538/00 because its output is switched off when a microphone is switched on (preventing acoustic feedback). Jack socket output marked (1) is not muted when a microphone is switched-on 2. For connection details of the input sockets see LBB 3535/00 Dual Audio Interface Unit 6 7
Installation Solder spot J01See table below Solder spot J02 Open (default) Solder spot J02 Closed (To set LED light ring Indication to ash for the last minute of remaining speech time). Solder spot J03 Open (default) Solder spot J03 Closed (no display unit connected) Table 2-1. Jumper J01
Jumper Chairman/delegate J01 Function
J03 ND
Assigned as Chairman unit Assigned as Chairman unit Assigned as Delegate unit Assigned as Entrance unit Assigned as Entrance unit Assigned as Exit unit
4 10
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* A hand-held microphone LBB 3536/00 with 5 m cable or LBB 3536/10 with coiled cable can be used instead of a ush mounted Microphone Control Panel with microphone (xed or pluggable). Portrait To previous unit
LBB 3540/15
1 2 1 2
LBB 3540/15
1 2 1 2
From next unit LBB 3538/00 Landscape LBB 3537/xx Landscape LBB 3543/15 LBB 3537/xx
LBB 3538/00
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LBB 3537/10 LBB 3538/00 LBB 3543/15 LBB 3542/00 LBB 3542/20 LBB 3524/xx To previous unit
LBB 3540/15
1 2 1 2
From next unit Portrait LBB 3543/15 LBB 3537/xx Portrait LBB 3538/00
From next unit LBB 3543/15 LBB 3537/10 (see Note) LBB 3538/00 LBB 3537/xx
Landscape Landscape
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NOTE: Using the LBB 3540/15 in combination with the range of ush-mounted units, any
number of congurations can be achieved to suit any conference requirement. The examples given, cater for both delegate and chairman positions with all the functions of a conference unit.
Flush mounted solution No.9 (Rostrum with two microphones) FIG. 2-30
LBB 3540/15 2 x LBB 3537/00 2 x LBB 3537/50 2 x LBB 3537/20 Multi-purpose connection unit Microphone control panel with microphone stem (310mm/12.2 in) Microphone control panel with microphone stem (480mm/18.8 in) Microphone control panel for pluggable microphones types: - LBB 3549/00 Microphone with stem length (310mm/12.2 in) - LBB 3549/50 Microphone with stem length (480mm/18.8 in) Loudspeaker panel or or or
LBB 3538/00
A hand-held microphone LBB 3536/00 with 5 m cable or LBB 3536/10 with coiled cable can be used instead of a ush mounted Microphone Control Panel with microphone (xed or pluggable).
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2.12 LBB 3537/00, LBB 3537/50 Delegate microphone with control panel
The LBB 3537/00 and LBB 3537/50 are uni-directional condenser microphones, mounted on a ush mounted control panel by means of a exible stem. The microphones have a built-in plop- and windshield, as well as a light ring indicator which illuminates when the microphone is on. The control panel can be connected to a Multi-purpose connection unit LBB 3540/15, or to an input of the Dual Audio Interface unit LBB 3535/00.
Microphone stem length: LBB 3537/00 (310 mm / 12.2 in) LBB 3537/50 (480 mm / 18.8 in)
2 m (6.5 ft.) long cable terminated with an 8-pole 262 DIN-type plug for connection to the Multi-purpose connection unit LBB 3540/15, or the Dual Audio Interface unit LBB 3535/00. LBB 3537/00 and LBB 3537/50
FIG. 2-31 LBB 3537/00 and LBB 3537/50 FM Microphone control panels
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2 m (6.5 ft.) long cable terminated with an 8-pole 262 DIN-type connector for connection to the Multi-purpose connection unit LBB 3540/15 or Dual Audio Interface Unit LBB 3535/00.
1. 2 m (6.5 ft.) long cable terminated with an 8-pole 262 DIN-type connector for connection to the Multi-purpose connection unit LBB 3540/15 or Dual Audio Interface Unit LBB 3535/00.
2 1 2 3 4
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The LBB 3538/00 is used to distribute the oor signal when used with ush-mounted units. The panel is intended for ush mounting into table-tops or the back-rests of seats or for table-top placement using Table-top housing LBB 3527/00.The panel is intended for use with the Dual Audio Interface unit LBB 3535/00 or the Multi-purpose connection unit LBB 3540/15.
2 m (6.5 ft.) long cable terminated with a 3.5 mm stereo jackplug.
Recommended angle: 45 - 60
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2.17 LBB 3542/00, LBB 3542/20 FM Delegate/Chairman voting control panel with LC-display
The LBB 3542/00 and LBB 3542/20 include voting functions and message display facilities. The panel includes an alphanumeric 2-line by 40 character LC-display. The LBB 3542/20 is for display of Cyrillic characters. The panel can be connected to Multi-purpose connection unit LBB 3540/15. The panel can be used for both delegate and chairman positions. The LC-display provides for conference related information, general user instructions, and text messages to be viewed by a delegate or chairman.
1. Assigned Delegate
5 soft-keys marked 1-5 with conrmation indicators (yellow LEDs) for use in combination with the units LC-display provides the following functions: - Conference information - User information - Individual messages Participation in the following voting procedures: - Parliamentary voting (Present, No, Abstain, Yes) - Multiple choice or opinion poll voting (Numerals: 1 to 24 max.) - Audience response voting (Rating scale - -, -, O, +, + +) 2. Alphanumeric 2-line x 40 character LC-display. * LBB 3542/20 Alphanumeric 2-line x 40 character Cyrillic LC-display.
2 m (6.5 ft.) long at-ribbon cable terminated with a 20-pole Micro-match connector for connection to the Multi-purpose Connection Unit LBB 3540/15.
FIG. 2-37 LBB 3542/00 & LBB 3542/20 FM Delegate/chairman voting control panel
Controls and indicators (FIG. 2-37): 1. Assigned Chairman
5 soft-keys each with conrmation indicators (yellow LEDs) in combination with the units LC-display provides some-or-all of the following functions: - Microphone control - Voting control - Voting participating function - Messages - Intercom
LBB 3542/00, LBB 3542/20 FM Delegate/Chairman voting control panel with LC-display
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Intended for use with the Multi-Purpose Connection UnIt LBB 3540/15, the Flush Mounted Chip Card Reader LBB 3543/15 provides electronic identication of delegates to the DCN system as well as ensuring that only authorized delegates participate in voting sessions or general conference proceedings - such as the use of a microphone.
Card specication
Number of cards: Label area: Memory Characteristics Dimensions Code Position 100 72 x 24 mm (2.8 x 0.9 in) 4096 bits (512 bytes) Conform: ISO 7816 1-2 (H x W)54 x 85.7 mm (2.1 x 3.3 in) Thickness:0.76 mm 0.08 (0.02 in)
2 m (6.5 ft.) long at-ribbon cable terminated with a 10-pole Micromatch connector.
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The encoder is used in combination with DCNs ID Card Encoder Software package LBB 3581/00. The software can detect whether a Chip Card encoder or Magnetic stripe card encoder is connected.
ON 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
DIP switches
FIG. 2-41 Bottom view DIP compartment FIG. 2-40 LBB 4157/00 Chip Card Encoder Technical specication
Chip Card Interface: Serial Interface: Internal architecture: Power consumption: Compliance: - 8-contact friction connector (ISO location) - Protection against unexpected card withdrawal, short circuits and over consumption - RS232 interface to the DCN PC on RJ45 connector (connector 2) - RS232 interface on DB9 connector reserved for future use (connector 1) - 8-bit microcontroller - 128-Kbyte OTP memory - 32-Kbyte static RAM - 200 mA maximum on 5V The LBB 4157/00 complies with the following security and EMC directives and international standards: - 73/23/CEE, ISO/IEC 7816-1/2/3 and CEM 89/336/CEE, modied by the 92/31/CEE directive. - EN 55022 Class B, EN 60950 and EN 50082-1, provided that cables supplied by BOSCH and an EC-certied computer are used. 1 2
The Chip Card Encoder is a SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage) equipment and must be connected to a PC of the same kind.
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Installing the External Encoder (see FIG. 2-43): CAUTION: Prior to any installation switch-off the computer and remove the mains supply.
Serial cable 3
5 6
1. Connect the serial cable by plugging the RJ46 connector (3) to the encoder connector (2) and the DB9 connector (5) to the serial port of the PC, tightening the screws. 2. Disconnect either the PC keyboard or mouse. Connect it to part (7) of the power supply cable 3. Connect the mini jack (4) to the serial cables jack socket (5) 4. Connect part (6) of the power supply cable to the PCs mouse or keyboard port.
NOTE: The Chip Card Encoder and the DCN Magnetic Stripe Encoder can only be used alternatively and not at the same time. Do not stick anything on the DIPs compartment
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2.21 LBB 3524/00, LBB 3524/10 and LBB 3526/10 FM Electronic channel selector panel
All channel selector panels include a 1.5-digit numeric built-in display with up/down select keys for selection of the required language channel. A headphone socket is provided for discrete listening via headphones. The unit is intended for mounting into table-tops or seat armrests. The LBB 3524/10* is identical to the LBB 3524/00 but includes two 1 m (3.2 ft.) long integrated input and output cables for ease of installation, and a backlit LC-display for easy viewing in darkened congress venues. The LBB 3426/10 is identical to the LBB 3524/10 but has a longer width (144 mm (5.6 in) instead of 120 mm (4.72 in) (for the LBB 3524/00 and LBB 3524/10). NOTE: *an unused output cable must be terminated using a termination plug LBB 4118/00.
FIG. 2-45 LBB 3524/00 FM Electronic channel selector panel (bottom view)
LBB 3524/10 LBB 3526/10
FIG. 2-46 LBB 3524/10 and LBB 3526/10 FM Electronic channel selector panels
5 6
Female Male
LBB 3526/10
5 6
Female Male
LBB 3524/10
LBB 3524/00, LBB 3524/10 and LBB 3526/10 FM Electronic channel selector panel
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LBB 3524/xx and LBB 3526/10 Jumper and Resistor conguration (FIG. 2-48) Solder spots J70 and J71 sets the channel selectors volume up and down controls. The volume-up
and volume-down can be set independently. The Auto Switch-Off function is enabled or disabled using solder spot J72.
IMPORTANT: The last panel (LBB 3524/10, LBB 3526/10) connected (daisy-chain) must be terminated with a termination plug LBB 4118/00.
LBB 3524/00, LBB 3524/10 and LBB 3526/10 FM Electronic channel selector panel
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2.22 LBB 3525/00 Table top housing for Channel selector or Voting control panel
The housing is intended for use in portable/table-top systems. It is designed to neatly accommodate the Electronic Channel Selector panels LBB 3524/00 or LBB 3524/10 or Voting control panel LBB 3541/00
NOTE: Remove the snap-off lugs before installing the relevant unit.
6 108
50 40 73
LBB 3525/00 Table top housing for Channel selector or Voting control panel
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The interpreter desks provides each interpreter with all the necessary facilities according to internationally agreed standards. The microprocessor controlled desk (A-B type) can handle up to 15 different language channels plus the original oor language. Up to six desks can be tted per booth. The desk includes an intercom facility where an intercom handset can be mounted for two-way vocal communication between interpreters, the chairman and delegates. Being microprocessor controlled, with a built-in LC-display, the desk in stand-alone systems can be programmed manually, to preset the allocation of the language channels, channel distribution, and interlocks. In PC operator controlled systems the desk in combination with dedicated software can be programmed by the operator to set all functional interlocks and channel allocation parameters. An innovative function of the interpreter desk is its three personal incoming language pre-select keys. Instead of having to manually select from all the available channels, the interpreter can quickly preselect the three incoming languages which are most relevant as well as the oor language. This allows quick, secure switching between the preferred languages and reduces the chance of operating errors. The alphanumeric display gives an at-a-glance indication of the selected language in plain text form. A further renement is an indication of the quality level of the incoming channels. Up to now, interpreters often had no way of knowing if they were receiving a direct or an indirect interpretation. This facility gives them the option of avoiding the use of an INDIRECT interpretation if a DIRECT interpretation is available in a language which is known to the interpreter. The desk also provides for convenient transfer or relay interpretation, to enable the handling of exotic languages for which sufcient qualied interpreters are not available. In this case, the DCNs unique auto-relay function automatically transmits the relay language to all the other interpreter desks for onward interpretation.
FIG 3-1
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Controls and Indicators LBB 3520/10 (see FIG 3-2): LISTENING FUNCTIONS Loudspeaker Controls
18. Alphanumeric 2-line by 40-character LC-display with back-lighting
1. Built-in loudspeaker. 2. Loudspeaker volume control for distribution of the oor language when all the microphones in the booth are switched off. 3. Volume, treble and bass controls for headphones and headset.
All interpreter desks include connectors for loop-through connection of one unit to the other (i.e. daisy chain). FIG 3-2 shows the connectors and the interconnection method used. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 6.3 mm jack headphone connector. Headphone or headset connector (5-pole 180 DIN-type socket) (according IEC 268-11). 3.5 mm jack headphone connector. Selector switch to select an external headset microphone or built-in microphone. 2 m (6.5 ft.) long cable terminated with a moulded 6-pole circular connector. 6-pole circular connector for loop-through connections. Modular jack connector for connection to intercom handset LBB 3555. Recess microswitch for resetting the units address (De-Init).
Incoming Channel Controls 4. Rotary selector switch, for selection of the incoming language channel. 5. Three Preselect relay keys a, b and c with a green LED indication for quick access to the interpreters personal designated incoming language channels. 6. Floor language indication (green LED). 7. Select key for selection of the original oor language or auto-relay language when available. 8. Auto-relay indication (green LED). SPEAKING FUNCTIONS Outgoing Channel Controls
9. Outgoing A-channel and B-channel select keys with channel select indicators (red LED). 10. Uni-directional condenser microphone on a fold-away stem with an illuminated red light ring to indicate microphone status. The microphone itself includes a built-in pop and windshield. 11. Clear message/ Speak-to-fast key. 12. Call key (voice) two-way communication between interpreter and chairman/operator. 13. Outgoing B-channel selection keys (forward/reverse). 14. Microphone Mute key. 15. Channel engaged indicators for A and B outputs (yellow LEDs). 16. Microphone On/Off lever-type switch. 17. Microphone status indicator (red LED bar).
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LBB 3520/10 1
23 To previous unit
FIG 3-2
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3.1.1 Removal cable guide (FIG 3-3) (Interpreter desk LBB 3520/10)
To access the cable guide proceed as follows: 1. Wrap a small cord round the cable guide and pull rmly in the direction shown. 2. Place the head of a screwdriver in the cable guide groove as shown and twist gently. Underside Interpreter desk LBB 3520/10 1 2 2
Key to Symbols 1. Screws A 2. For mounting spire speed nuts 3. Handset 4. Handset cradle 5. Screws B 6. For ush and table top mounting 7. Mounting plate LBB 3556/00 8. To intercom handset LBB 3555/00
FIG 3-3
NOTE: When mounting the handset, spire speed nuts need to be mounted on the unit
after rst removing the units cable guides (see FIG 3-4). Using the available mounting facilities, handsets can be mounted for both left and right hand users. In systems using ush-mounted units, handsets with cradles can be table-top mounted or xed to an adjacent wall using the screw-holes on the handset cradle. 8
FIG 3-4
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FIG 3-5
The module is ideally suited for the following applications: Audio/music input for distribution via DCNs language channels. Distribution of one of DCNs distribution channels to a PA system, monitoring or recording facilities. Connecting an interpreter at a remote site via standard communication links e.g. telephone line. Connecting to a remote DCN system. The module also includes a remote control facility for custom built panel solutions where channel selection and various signal indications are available on a 25-pole SUB-D connector.
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Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 4 - Central Control Equipment
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Stand-alone systems
For use in smaller systems where an operator is not essential, the Central Control Unit type LBB 3500/05 is used as a stand-alone unit providing basic microphone operational modes, basic parliamentary voting procedures, and facilities for organizing interpretation channels and basic intercom functions. A dedicated RS 232 port is used for automatic camera control (default) and can also be set for test and diagnostic purposes. LBB 3500/35 and LBB 3500/35(D)
PC control
For use in larger systems requiring a central operator, Central Control Units type LBB 3500/15 and LBB 3500/35 are used allowing a PC to be used as the interface between an operator and the DCN system. A wide range of Windows based DCN application software modules are available to run on the PC to provide comprehensive facilities for conference control and management. Each CCU has a dedicated built-in RS232 port for DIRECT connection to a PC ( the PC does NOT require a PCNetwork card LBB 3510/00). See Chapter 5. DCN Control using Personal Computers.
IMPORTANT: (D) versions are intended for the North American market only.
All controls and indicators described for DCN Control equipment (i.e. LBB 3500/05, LBB 3500/15, LBB 3500/35, LBB 4106/00 and LBB 3508/00) are also valid (unless mentioned) for (D) type versions with the exception of the power supply. See Chapter 4.4.1.
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The LBB 3500/05 is intended for use in stand-alone discussion systems only (i.e. no central PC operator). Its built in control facilities can control up to 240 active contribution units, while its power handling capacity can handle up to 90 PCF points*. *The gure stated represents the number of units rated with a Power Consumption Factor (PCF) of 1. For further information regarding the Power Consumption Factor refer to Chapter 10.1.1: System design fundamentals.
The LBB 3500/15 can be used for use in both stand-alone discussion systems and PC controlled systems
NOTE: For Control and Indicators see Chapter 4.4 and FIG 4-2. The units built-in functions include:
Power supply to supply up to a maximum of 90 PCF points Control facilities for controlling up to 240 contribution units Digital audio control and processing facilities for 2 x 15 HiQ digital audio channels, used for contribution, distribution and interpretation units Automatic audio equalizer for adjusting the frequency response of the delegate and chairman loudspeaker channels Three basic microphone Operational modes (Operation) including: (1) Open: Microphone key-control (2) Override: Microphone key-control with override (First-In-First-Out) (3) Voice activated: Microphone control activated by voice-sample Each mode of Microphone operation allows the selection of 1,2 or 4 microphones to be switched on concurrently (in Voice activated mode 2 or 4 microphones can only be selected). Control for basic electronic parliamentary voting procedures with Present, Yes, No and Abstain. Basic Simultaneous Interpretation facilities providing control for as many as 11 interpretation channels plus the oor channel. Basic intercom facilities for one two-way communication channel between Delegate, Chairman and Interpreters.
The Multi-CCU LBB 3500/35 is functionally identical to the LBB 3500/15 Central Control Unit and is used to extend the capacity of the DCN system when more than 240 contribution units are required. Each subsequent slave CCU (max. 16) added, increases the system capacity by a further 240 units. The unit can be used stand-alone and function as an LBB 3500/15 CCU. If the software package installed allows, the Single operating mode can be selected by means of a front-panel push-button switch. The exibility of the unit means that it can cater for virtually every conference requirement. When the CCU is set to the Multi CCU system mode, a dedicated PC must be connected which acts as the master to all slave Multi-CCUs connected. This PC must be tted with a Multi-CCU PC card type LBB 3511/00 and Multi-CCU software type LBB 3586 (see Chapter 5.4). The units built-in functions for the Multi-CCU system mode include: (see also Chapter 4.6).
NOTE: For Control and Indicators see Chapter 4.4 and FIG 4-2
NOTE: When set to Single system mode, the Multi-CCUs built-in functions are identical to those of the Extended CCU, type LBB 3500/15.
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Front panel
1. Mains On/Off switch with indicator (green LED). 2. Active Micros 3 indicators (yellow LEDs) and a push-button selector switch to select the maximum number of delegate microphones which may be activated concurrently 1, 2 or 4. 3. Operation 3 indicators (yellow LEDs) and a push-button selector switch to select the microphone mode of operation: Open, Override or Voice. 4. Equalizer 1 x Microswitch (start) to initiate audio equalizer adjustment. 1 x Equalizer On indicator (green LED) 1 x Equalizer Busy indicator (red LED) 1 x Equalizer On/Off button 5. Unit loudspeakers tone control (bass). 6. Unit loudspeakers tone control (treble). 7. Unit loudspeakers volume control. Units include: Delegate, Chairman units and Flush mounted units with loudspeaker. 8. **Selection switch to select single or Multi-CCU systems, with error indication. (not applicable for CCUs LBB 3500/05 and LBB 3500/15)
Rear panel:
9. *COM Port 2. RS232 connection for automatic camera control (default) (see Chapter 5.) 10. *COM Port 1. RS232 DIRECT connection to DCN control PC (Default) (see Chapter 5.) IMPORTANT: Port 1 on the CCU type LBB 3500/05 is NOT available for DCN PC control, but set (default) for camera control. 11. Tape/cassette recorder Input and output (cinch-type) for oor input and output. 12. 2 x Asymmetrical line input connectors (cinch-type) (oor input). 13. 3 x outlet trunk-line cable connectors for connection of contribution, distribution, and interpretation units, plus extension power supplies. (3 x 6-pole circular connectors) 14. Euro-mains socket with in-built fuse (a.c. mains voltage selectable inside unit). Matching mains cable (1.7 m (5.5 ft.) (D-version 2.5 m (8.2 ft.) included. 15. **Two BNC connectors (in/out), for loop-through connection to other Multi-CCUs and Master PC. 16. 2 x Asymmetrical line output connectors (cinch-type) or 1 x Symmetrical line output for oor distribution to Public Address systems. 17. 3 indicators to indicate trunk-line overload (red LEDs).
Port 2 not applicable for LBB 3500/05 For 19 rack mounting see Chapter 4.12
FIG 4-2 LBB 3500/35 Multi Central Control Unit (front and rear)
Controls and Indicators (Illustrated version LBB 3500/35 (FIG 4-2) * Not applicable to LBB 3500/05 ** Not applicable to LBB 3500/05 and LBB 3500/15
Internal view:
See FIG 4-3
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Port 2 not applicable for CCU type LBB 3500/05 I/O Control Board
LBB 3500/35
10-pole Mains connector block 1 Printed Circuit Board TCB 4 (see Chapter 4.5) 10 See Chapter 4.4.1 DIP-switch S9 DIP-switch S14
10-pole Mains connector block 1 Multi CCU PCB LBB 3500/35 only (see Chapter 4.7 The Multi-CCU PCB is mounted on top of the TCB4 card 10 Smaller transformer in CCU type LBB 3500/05 See Chapter 4.4.1 DIP-switch S12 DIP-switch S14 on TCB4
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T 2A
/15 /35
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
NOTE: (D) versions applicable for North American market only. WARNING: Only replace with fuse of the same type (Rating and Breaking Capacity).
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location Chapter 4.3
X14 1
1 2 3
DIP-switch S14
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
All CCUs (LBB 3500/05, LBB 3500/15, LBB 3500/35) include an in-built Trunk Communication Board (TCB4) (see FIG 4-3 and FIG 4-5). The board installed in CCUs type LBB 3500/15 and LBB 3500/35 provides the CCUs with two similar high speed serial RS 232 ports (Port1 and Port 2). Port 1 is used for DIRECT connection to a DCN control PC (default) and Port 2 is used for either test/diagnostics or camera control (default). The board housed in the CCU type LBB 3500/05 provides the CCU with ONLY one high speed serial RS 232 port (Port 1). This port is used for either automatic camera control (default) or for test and diagnostics purposes.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 S14
15 Port 2
1 X14
NOTE: CCUs with TCB3 boards, can be upgraded for use with TCB4 boards using the
upgrade kit LBB 3519/20. For installation details refer to the Installation Instructions, supplied with the upgrade kit.
14 Port 1
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
ash in sequence, indicating the software is running. Red LED illuminates during system reset. S9 DIP-switches 1 - 8 (See Chapter 4.5.2 (Table 4-3:)) Yellow LED indicates Digital Signal Processing (DSP) software is running. Connector for multi-trunk board (used only in the multi-CCU) Sockets for inserting ash EPROM (even) Sockets for inserting ash EPROM (odd) SRAM back-up battery 3.6 V (life-time 5 years min.) Jumper X13 (See Chapter 4.5.3 (Table 4-4:)) Fuse 3.15 amp (delayed) Connector for multi-trunk board (used only in the multi-CCU) Serial RS232 Port 1 Serial RS232 Port 2
6 12 X13
2 3
10 9
4.5.1 Installation
1. See Safety Precautions at the front of this manual. 2. DIP-switch S14 must be set, to congure the communication protocol and baud rate used on Port 1 and Port 2 (see Chapter 4.6 ). 3. DIP-switch S9 must be set to congure the boards functionality (see Chapter 4.5.2 ). 4. Jumpers X13 and X14 must be set (see Chapter 4.5.3).
Key to symbols (FIG 4-5) : Jumper X14 (See Chapter 4.5.3 (Table 4-4:)) 1 S14 DIP-switches 1 - 8 (See Chapter 4.6 ) 2 S10 Push-button switch to reset the Central Control Unit during servicing. 3 Three LEDs (left to right) green/yellow/red. Normally the green/yellow LEDs 4
6 7 8
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switches 5 and 7 are RESERVED Must NOT be changed For location see FIG. 4-3 and FIG 4-5.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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4.6.2 LBB 3500/15 and LBB 3500/35 (TCB 4) - Port 1 : DCN Control PC Port 2 : Camera Control
In a single (stand-alone) CCU systems two serial COM-ports (Port 1 and Port 2) are available. Both ports can be individually congured. Default settings are; 8 data bits No parity check 1 Stop bit
Table 4-5: LBB 3500/05 Protocol settings DIP-switch S14D RA Port 11 Switch Switch DP-1 DP-2
Not applicable OFF Terminal OFF Not applicable ON Camera control* ON * default settings for LBB 3500/05 OFF ON OFF ON
Table 4-7: LBB 3500/15 and LBB 3500/15 Protocol settings DIP-switch S14 Port 1 Port 2RT Switch Switch Switch Switch DP-1 DP-2 DP-5 DP-6
Simple (Open interface) OFF OFF Terminal OFF ON Full ON* OFF* Camera control ON ON * default settings for LBB 3500/15 and LBB 3500/35 OFF OFF ON ON* OFF ON OFF ON*
Table 4-6: LBB 3500/05 Baud rate settings DIP-switch S14 Port 1 Switch Switch DP-3 DP-4
9.6 K OFF 19.2 K* OFF 57.6 K ON 115.2 K ON * default settings for LBB 3500/05 OFF ON OFF ON
Table 4-8: LBB 3500/15 and LBB 3500/35 Baud rate settings DIP-switch S14 Port 1 Port 2 Switch Switch Switch Switch DP-3 DP-4 DP-7 DP-8
9.6 K OFF OFF 19.2 K OFF ON 57.6 K ON OFF 115.2 K ON* ON* * default settings for LBB 3500/15 and LBB 3500/35 OFF OFF* ON ON OFF ON* OFF ON
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 S14 ON
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 S14 ON
Port 2 default
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 S14 ON
Port 1 default
NOTE: It is possible to select Full protocol on both Port 1 and Port 2. However this is NOT
recommended due to processing power and memory limitations.
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Multi-CCU card
DIP-Switch S13
The Multi-CCU card installed in the Central Control Unit LBB 3500/35 and LBB 3500/35(D) allows other Multi-CCUs (max.16) to be connected, thus extending the capacity of the DCN system. The multi-CCU card is connected and located on top of the Trunk Communication Board (TCB 4). See FIG 4-3 for location details.
NOTE: The Multi-CCU card is similar to the PC card used for Multi-CCU systems
LBB 3511/00 (see also Chapter 5.4).
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 S13 ON
04E0 HEX
CAUTION: The units power supply poses hazards of electrical shock to personnel and
damage to equipment. The unit should only be worked on by trained service technicians. When removing the housing to work inside the CCU, observe the precautions below: 1. To prevent personnel injury, rst switch off the CCU and disconnect the power cable. 2. When installing or removing the TCB4, handle the card carefully by its edges to pre vent damage. 3. Refer to Safety Precautions at the front of this manual
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
1, 2 and 3 FIXED DO NOT CHANGE !
D4 (Yellow) Indicates the master state of the PC card, D5 (Green) Indicates card has been initialized by the software, D6 (Red) Indicates power-on.
Multi-CCU card
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DIP-Switch S12
The decimal value assigned to each DIP-switch is as follows: Address Settings 0 to 31 Select a different address for every CCU installed. Use switch positions 4 to 8 only)
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 S12
SW 8 SW 7 SW 6 SW 5 SW 4 SW 3 SW 2 SW 1
ON = 1 ON = 2 ON = 4 ON = 8
S12 5
Switches 1,2 and 3 not available for selection (DO NOT CHANGE) 6 3 Jumper X32 (NOT PLACED)
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
1 X25
8 7 6 543 2 1 S13 ON
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ON
FIG 4-6 Multi-CCU PCB for CCU LBB 3500/35 (DIP-switch and jumper settings)
Bosch Security Systems | 04-2003 | 3922 988 43318 en Multi-CCU card
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The Central Control Unit can connect to the following external equipment: Recording equipment (Recording oor only) Public address system Telephone coupler Mixing desk
The interconnection facilities located at the rear of the unit (FIG 4-7) are as follows: 1. Two Cinch-type sockets, Input (In) and Output (Out) for connection to a tape/cassette recorder (Rec.). 2. Two cinch-type sockets for Asymmetrical line Input (In). 3. Two cinch-type sockets for Symmetrical/Asymmetrical line Output (Out).
Port 1
Rec. In
Line In
Port 2
Cinch socket
Line In
Signal +
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 4 - Central Control Equipment
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To set the CCU for the Mix-Minus mode Dip-switch S9 on the Trunk Communication Board must be set as follows:
To provide additional functionality in the CCU, the DCN software from release version 7.01 includes two new Audio Routing modes - MIX-MINUS and INSERTION mode. Both modes are selected by setting DIP-switches (S9) on the TCB4 card located in the Central Control Unit CCU (see Chapter 4.5.2).
DIP-switch S9 Switch-2
Off On
Off Off
Standard Mix-Minus
DCN System A
Mix-Minus Insertion OUT CH.14 Line-OUT Mix-Minus Insertion IN Line-IN Mix-Minus Insertion IN CH.14 Line-OUT Mix-Minus Insertion IN Line-IN
DCN System B
Delegate/Chairman microphones
IMPORTANT!: In the Mix Minus mode, a permanent audio channel is used for Line-Input.
Therefore the number of available interpretation channels is one channel less than in the standard mode (i.e. 10 channels instead of 11 channels as available in Stand-alone and Multi-CCU systems.
NOTE: For recording the total audio signal (i.e. Floor + Line-Input) use an Audio Media
Interface unit LBB 3508/00 on channel 0 (see Chapter 4.11). Using this mode of operation, the audio connection is considerably improved, and avoids Echo due to feedback as was experienced in the standard mode of operation. FIG 4-8 gives an example of Audio Routing in the CCUs and the external routing for connection of two DCN systems A and B.
CH.0 Master volume PC control CH.12
Master volume PC control Equalizer PA CH.12 Local PA (MCCU) CCU Volume CH.13 Delegate unit loudspeaker
NOTE: If connection is done via the Public Telephone Network, telephone couplers must
be used (not shown in FIG 4-8).
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To set the CCU for the INSERTION mode DIP-switch S9 on the Trunk Communication Board (TCB 4) must be set as follows:
DIP-switch S9 Switch-2
Off Off
Off On
Standard Insertion
1. 2. In INSERTION mode, recording of the Line-Input signal via the recorder output of the CCU is no longer available. For recording the total audio signal (i.e. Floor + Line-Input) use an Audio Media Interface unit LBB 3508/00 on channel 0 (see Chapter 4.11).
Interpreter Headphone CH.0 Unit loudspeaker Delegate Headphone Master volume PC control Equalizer PA Local PA (MCCU) CH.12
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Front view
The Extension power supply unit is remotely controlled by the CCU and enables systems to be extended. Used in combination with a central control unit, the unit is used to supply power for up to an additional 180* PCF points. *The gure stated represents the number of units rated with a Power Consumption Factor (PCF) of 1. For further information regarding the Power Consumption Factor refer to Chapter 10.1.1: System design fundamentals. The unit connects to the main trunk-line cabling using the loop-through cabling method and is switched on automatically when the CCU is switched on. A built-in trunk-line splitter enables the unit to be installed anywhere within the system cabling. All its outputs are protected against short circuit of the power supply lines.
The unit can only be rack-mounted when two Extension power supply units LBB 4106/00 are used. The units are attached to each other using a supplied metal plate used to join the units together at the front and rear. Once joined the unit can be mounted using the mounting brackets supplied with each unit. Mounting the unit is similar to CCU mounting (see Chapter 4.12 ).
Controls and Indicators (see FIG 4-10): 1. Power On indicator (green LED). 2. 1 x Trunk-line outlet connector for loop-through connection** (without regeneration) of the trunk-line plus indicator (red LED) to indicate trunk-line overload. The outlet is protected against short circuit of the d.c. supply lines. 3. 2 x Tap-off outlet trunk-line cable connectors** (with regeneration)***. Each outlet includes an indicator (red LED) to indicate trunk-line overload. Each outlet is protected against short-circuit of the d.c. supply lines. 4. Euro-mains socket with in-built fuse (a.c. mains voltage selectable inside unit). Matching mains cable (1.7 m (5.5 ft.) (D-version 2.5 m (8.2 ft.) included. 5. 2 m (6.5 ft.) long cable terminated with a moulded 6-pole circular connector for connection to the DCN network cabling. 6. 3 indicators to indicate trunk-line overload (red LEDs). Mains connection
For mains voltage selection, fuse rating and mains cable and plug and socket connections refer to the Central Control Unit LBB 3500/xx. (Chapter 4.4.1). A mains tally, showing the connection details is visible on one side of the unit once the top cover is removed. The fuse ratings are the same as used for CCUs LBB 3500/15 and LBB 3500/35 The unit must be powered via an earthed mains outlet. ** For connection of contribution, distribution, and interpretation units, incl. ext. power supplies. *** For more information on regeneration see Chapter 10.3.
Rear view
6 5
FIG 4-10 LBB 4106/00 Front and rear view Extension Power Supply unit
Bosch Security Systems | 04-2003 | 3922 988 43318 en LBB 4106/00, LBB 4106/00D Extension power supply unit
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 4 - Central Control Equipment
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4.11 LBB 3508/00 & LBB 3508/00D Audio Media Interface and Power Supply Unit
The Audio Media Interface Unit is remotely controlled by the CCU and enables external analogue equipment to be connected to DCNs digital network - such as broadcast, recording, and sound distribution equipment. The unit is equipped with four Digital to Analogue convertors with channel select switches for the selection of the oor or interpretation channels.The units built-in power supply for up to an additional 90* PCF points. Its built-in trunk-line splitter enables the unit to be connected to the trunk-line using the loop-through cabling method. *The gure stated represents the number of units rated with a Power Consumption Factor (PCF) of 1. For further information regarding the Power Consumption Factor refer to Chapter 10.1.1 System design fundamentals. The unit connects to the main trunk-line cabling using the loop-through method of cabling and is switched on automatically when the main Central Control Unit is switched on. The unit can be freestanding on a table top or with the use of brackets supplied with the unit (Chapter 4.12) can be mounted in to a 19 rack. Mounting the unit is similar to CCU mounting.
Mains connection
For mains voltage selection, fuse rating and mains cable and plug and socket connections refer to the Central Control Unit LBB 3500/xx. (Chapter 4.4.1). A mains tally, showing the connection details is visible on one side of the unit once the top cover is removed. The fuse ratings are the same as used for the CCU LBB 3500/05. The unit must be powered via an earthed mains outlet.
** For connection of contribution, distribution, and interpretation units, plus ext. power supplies. *** For more information on regeneration see Chapter 10.3.
FIG 4-11 LBB 3508/00 Audio Media Interface Unit (Front and rear view)
LBB 3508/00 & LBB 3508/00D Audio Media Interface and Power Supply Unit
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The Central Control Unit can be rack-mounted into a 19 rack or simply placed on a table-top or similar type surface close to the mains supply. When placing ensure that the unit has adequate ventilation (Refer to Chapter 12.). 19 Rack mounting brackets (Supplied with the CCU)
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 5 - Control using PC
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Serial ports (RS-232) for connection to: Chip card encoder/reader Label printer Error logging Printing microphone activity
NOTE: A PC with at least 4 serial ports is recommended if a direct CCU connection and
Chip-card encoder is used. Parallel Printer Port for connection to printer Connections for: Keyboard Mouse
1. If a DIRECT connection is made between the Control PC and the CCU, the operator has no connection to the PC for headphone or intercom handset. Additional DCN hardware is required for the operator if these functions are required. Use can be made of DCN table-top or ushmounted hardware depending on the requirements. 2. If the connection to the DCN control PC is via the PC-Network card, (installed in the DCN control PC) ONLY Windows 95 and 98 can be used.
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When installed into the 8-bit ISA-bus expansion slot of a personal computer (PC) running Windows 95 or 98 operating system, the PC network card provides the interface between a PC and the DCN system. The interface card includes a headphone socket for monitoring the oor and translation channels and an intercom handset socket for connection to an intercom handset used for vocal communication. When connected to the DCN network its input and outputs are optically isolated.
1. PC control is also possible via a DIRECT serial link between a COM-port of the DCN control PC and Port 1 (default) or Port 2 of the CCU (LBB 3500/15, LBB 3500/35 only) when used in Single CCU mode. 2. DIRECT PC control in Multi-CCU systems requires a serial connection between a COM-port of the DCN control PC and a COM-port of the Master PC (OS/2) for MultiCCUs . 3. Simultaneous use of the PC Network card and DIRECT PC control is NOT possible
FIG 5-2
X2 to select I/O address X3 to select Interrupt Request Number (IRQ)
C2 C2
13 14
Rear view
FIG 5-1
FIG 5-3
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5.2.1 Installing PC-Network card WARNING: Before connecting a computer to the DCN network cabling, ensure the
following: Refer also to the Safety Precautions found at the front of this manual. 1. The mains supply is OFF. 2. The voltage selection switch on the computer is set for the correct mains voltage. 3. Refer to the manual supplied with your PC on how to install a PC-card. Follow the recommended installation procedures.
Mains PC-network card LBB 3510/00 (FIG 5-2) Trunk-line 3 To previous unit 5 LBB 3555/00 Intercom Handset Mains Mouse 1 2
NOTE: The PC when tted with a PC-Network card LBB 3510/00, as with all other
DCN system units, can be connected to any convenient point within the trunk-line cabling. It can also be connected DIRECT to a Central Control unit (<15 m) . However, when connecting a PC to the trunk-line cabling no loop-through facility is available. To bypass the PC, a trunk-splitter or Tap-off unit can be used. For more information see Chapter 10.. Connecting Intercom handset To connect an intercom handset to the PC, locate the Modular jack socket (2) on the PC-Network card LBB 3510/00). and connect the intercoms modular jack to it. Connecting Headphones For operator monitoring, connect headphones to the 3.5 mm jack socket (1) located on the PC Network card (FIG 5-4).
FIG 5-4
Refer to relevant DCN software manuals. For available software packages refer to Chapter 1.
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The interface card LBB 3511/00 provides the interface between a master PC and interconnected CCUs type LBB 3500/35 only. The card is installed in a 16-bit ISA-bus expansion slot of a OS/2 personal computer. The interface card should be installed in a secondary PC, running OS/2 (3.0 Warp or higher), and not in the main DCN system control PC. Once the card and the Multi-CCU software package LBB 3586 is installed, the PC performs as the master network provider for all CCUs connected to the Multi-CCU network. A maximum of 16 CCUs can be connected to the card, in closed loop conguration, using the two BNC connectors on the card. Standard 75 Ohm coaxial cable is used to make the connection.
D4 (Yellow) Indicates the master state of the PC card, D5 (Green) Indicates card has been initialized by the software, D6 (Red) Indicates power-on.
Jumpers X32 When placed (indicated by LED D4) the Multi-CCU board is in its master state 4
(default: placed).
Not placed
DIP-switches (see Chapter 5.4.2) S12 DIP-switches 1 and 6 dene the priority functionality for the chairman 1
1 = ON, 6 = OFF (default settings) (default 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 = OFF (IMPORTANT: Fixed, must NOT be changed).
Denes the cards I/O address (default 1 = OFF, 2 = ON, 3 = OFF, 4 = OFF, 5 = OFF, 6 = OFF, 7 = OFF, 8 = 0FF) I/O address on delivery: 0200 HEX
5 6
5.4.1 Installing PC-Card for Multi-CCU systems WARNING: Before connecting a computer to the DCN network cabling, ensure the
following: Refer also to the Safety Precautions found at the front of this manual. 1. The mains supply is OFF. 2. The voltage selection switch on the computer is set for the correct mains voltage. 3. Refer to the manual supplied with your PC on how to install a PC-card. Follow the recommended installation procedures. The following steps are required to ensure correct operation: 1. Set the cards I/O address. The card installed in the PC is required to have its own dedicated address. This address is assigned on the PC card for Multi-CCU systems by DIP-switch (S13). See Chapter 5.4.2. 2. Set the cards functionality using DIP-switch (S12) . See DIP-switch settings Chapter 5.4.2. 3. Set Jumpers X24 (8) and X32 (4) accordingly
8 9
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 S13 ON
11 S13
FIG 5-5
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DIP-switch S13
Table 5-3: DIP-switch S13 LBB 3511/00 PC-card for Multi-CCU systems DIP-switches to dene the cards I/O address (default: 0200 HEX) I/O address SW 1 SW 2 SW 3 SW 4 SW 5 SW 6 SW 7 SW 8 0100 HEX OFF OFF ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF 0140 HEX OFF OFF ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFF 0200 HEX OFF ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF 0280 HEX OFF ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFF OFF
DIP-switch S12
IP switches to dene the cards digital input. Table 5-2: DIP-switch S12 LBB 3511/00 PC-card for Multi-CCU systems SW 1 SW 2 SW 3 SW 4 SW 5 SW 6 ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON OFF SW 7 SW 8 OFF OFF Chairman priority tone ON (default) Chairman priority tone OFF Reserved for cards Master Address (IMPORTANT: must NOT be changed) Reserved for cards Master Address (IMPORTANT: must NOT be changed) Reserved for cards Master Address (IMPORTANT: must NOT be changed) Reserved for cards Master Address (IMPORTANT: must NOT be changed) Active microphones and requests will be permanently switched OFF if the priority function of the chairmans unit is activated. Active microphones will be switched OFF temporarily if the priority function of the chairmans unit is activated (default) Reserved for cards Master Address (IMPORTANT: must NOT be changed) Reserved for cards Master Address (IMPORTANT: must NOT be changed)
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 S12 ON
Available addresses (HEX): 0100, 0140, 0200 (default), 0280. These addresses must be set with the DIP-switches and in the Cong.sys le of the OS/2 PC. Available interrupts IRQ: 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10 (default) and 12.
NOTE: These interrupts must be set in the Cong.sys le of the OS/2 PC.
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Connection PC to CCU
Two methods for connecting the DCN Control PC to the CCU are available: 1. DIRECT connection from a serial COM-port of the DCN Control PC to the serial COM-port of the CCU (not applicable for CCU type LBB 3500/05). 2. Using PC-Network card LBB 3510/00. (see Note 2). For installation details see Chapter 5.2.
1. This function is only possible when the Windows 95 or 98 operating system installed on the DCN Control PC. It is NOT possible when running under the Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 operating systems. 2. Simultaneous use of the PC-Network card LBB 3510/00 and DIRECT PC control is NOT possible.
The examples shown in this chapter are: 1. SINGLE-CCU system with control PC and Camera control 2. Multi-CCU System with control PC and Camera control For further information refer to Chapter 10.. Installation techniques
Connection PC to CCU
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Control PC with Windows 95, 98, NT 4.0 or 2000 NOTE: The number of required PC COMports depend on the number of permanent connections for peripheral devices (e.g. ID chip-card encoder, and serial printer). COM 2* COM 1 * The COM-port for CCU control is selected during DCN software installation. COM 2 is default when no ID chip card-encoder is used (COM 3 is recommended otherwise). Male
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
wire-to-wire Female
DIRECT DCN PC control - CCU Port 1 - Protocol: FULL - Baudrate: 115.2k see Note 2
LBB 3500/15
Port 1 In Port 2 Rec. Line In Trunk
DCN Trunk-lines (see also Chapter 10.7) The default functions of Port 1 and Port 2 can be interchanged or set for use with remote control devices or for Test/Diagnostic purposes instead of camera control by DIP-switch (S14) on the TCB4 card (see Chapter 4.5 and Chapter 4.6).
FIG 5-6
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IMPORTANT:The LBB 3510/00 PC Network card CANNOT be used in a PC running Windows NT 4.0 or 2000. Simultaneous use of the PC-Network card and DIRECT connection is NOT possible.
Control PC requirements: - Windows 95, 98, NT 4.0 or 2000 - Start-up software LBB 3590. - DCN software application modules as required. DIRECT DCN PC control - Master CCU Port 1 - Protocol: FULL - Baudrate: 115.2k
Control PC
COM 1 NOTES: 1. When using the DIRECT method the functions of the PC-Network card are NOT available (i.e. headphones and intercom). These functions are available on the DCN Concentus units or with the Multi-purpose connection unit LBB 3540/15. 2. The baud-rate setting of the Master CCU PC port and the corresponding Control PC port must be the same. The available baud rate settings are 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 and 115200. Baud rate setting on the Master CCU PC must be set in the CCU_CFG le (SERIAL SPEED I <baud-rate>). For more information refer to the README.TXT le of the Multi CCU software LBB 3586. Baudrate setting on the DCN Control PC must be set in the DCN.INI le. This le can be found in the WINDOWS or WINNT directory. [Server] SerialLink=Yes [Serial Link] ComPort=1 Baudrate=<Baudrate> FullProtocol=Yes
The COM-port for Master CCU control is selected during software installation. Select COM 1. By default an ID-chip card encoder is connected to COM 2. COM 2 settings can be changed in the dcn.ini le (see Table 5-11). e.g. Card encoder or serial printer etc.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Master CCU PC requirements: - OS/2 version 3.0 Warp or higher - Multi-CCU software LBB 3586 - UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) recommended Video switcher (if applicable)
ALLEGIANT Video System Power
Female Null modem Female 9-pole D-type cable connections For COM-port settings of the Master CCU PC (see Chapter 5.7) 1
Port 1 Port 2
See Chapter 6. for installation details 75 Ohm Coax cable LTC 8506/00
LBB 3500/35
Mult-CCU In Out In Rec. Line In Trunk Port 1 Port 2 Mult-CCU In
115V-T4A 230V -T2A
LBB 3500/35
Rec. In Line In Trunk Out
n (max.16)
FIG 5-7
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The example below show a typical PC network installation providing more operator control positions. For more information refer to the software manual supplied with the System Installation software LBB 3585. A typical example of a PC Network system is given in Chapter 10.7.1. 4 CLIENT PCs offer full DCN functionality. Up to 8 PCs offer limited DCN functionality. CLIENT PC requirements: - Windows 95, 98, NT 4.0 or 2000 - Start-up software LBB 3590. - DCN software application modules as required. SERVER PC requirements: - Windows 95, 98, NT 4.0 or 2000 - Start-up software LBB 3590. - System installation LBB 3585 - DCN software application modules as required. 9-pole D-type cable connections wire-to-wire CCU PC
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
In the CCU_CFG le , three items are reserved to control the serial COM-ports (Port 1 and Port 2) on the Master CCU (OS/2 PC) - SERIALPORT , SERIALSPEED and SERIALPROTOCOL . Both ports can be used to connect a control PC, Remote Controller, Allegiant video switcher or other peripheral equipment to the Multi-CCU. Table 5-4: Port number setting
SERIALPORT<number> <portnumber>
number 1 or 2 First or second logic port Turns off serial communication (default when NOT found or invalid port given. Serial port number of the Master CCU PC (OS/2) (COM1 - COM2) portnumber 0
SERIALSPEED<number> <baudrate>
1 or 2
19200 Valid values are: 9600, 19200, 57600 and 115200. Any invalid value will be decreased to the nearest valid value. Values below 9600 are set to 9600.
SERIALPROTOCOL<number> <type>
number type 1 or 2 TERMINAL SIMPLE FULL CAMERA First or second logic port The serial port is used with an ASCII interface (e.g. terminal for Test and Diagnostics on the CCU). The serial port is used with the SIMPLE feature protocol. The serial port is used with the FULL feature protocol. The serial port is used for connection to an Allegiant video switcher.
FIG 5-8
PC Network system
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Table 5-7: Example CCU_CFG le for DIRECT PC and camera control Location: C:\DCN\MCCU (default)
COM-port functionality
Port 1: Remote control Port 2 Camera control
Remote control
Camera control
DCN PC Control
Not applicable
Port 1: DCN PC control Not applicable Port 2 Camera control Port 1: DCN PC control SERIALPORT1 2 Port 2 Remote control SERIALSPEED1 19200 SERIALPROTOCOL1 SIMPLE
The settings for each COM-port shall be present in the CCU_CFG le: (see below) CCU_CFG file settings
Master CCU PC
To CCU (Port 2)
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Table 5-10: DCN Printer and COM-ports for systems using PC-control with PC-Network card LBB 3510/00 (see Chapter 5.7 and Chapter 5.8)
LPT -1 (IRQ=7) SOFTWARE PACKAGE LBB 3590 Startup Windows Print Manager Error messages Printing Seat numbers Printing Channel assignment Printing LBB 3571 Synoptic Micro-
COM 1 (IRQ = 4) = ASCII + CR + LF
phone control
LBB 3570 Microphone
Microphone activity List Printing Microphone activity List Printing Database List Printing Voting le total* and individual* Printing (Real-time) Post-voting total* and individual* Printing
Microphone activity Real-time Printing Microphone activity Real-time Printing Label printing
Microphone activity Real-time to Aux. (Camera ctrl.) Microphone activity Real-time to Aux. (Camera ctrl.) Microphone activity Card encoder
LBB 3580 Delegate
*2 *4
*3 *5
LBB 3575 Parliamentary
For COM and LPT cable connections, refer to FIG 5-9 LPT1 Default settings COM 1 and COM 2 8- bit standard Baud-rate Data-bits Parity Flow control = = = = 9600 8 None None
* Change default COM-port assignments. (This can only be done in the dcn.ini le located in the Window directory) ** Change COM-port settings: (Using the Port program found in the Windows Control Panel. Only applicable for Micactlogging) * 1 Not possible * 2 Not possible * 3 Not possible * 3 Not possible * 4 Not possible * 5 Not possible
*1 [Errorlogging] Comport=2 *2 [MicActlogging] Prt-port=2 *3 [MicActlogging] Comport=1 ** Baudrate - 19200 *4 [Label printing] Comport=2 *5 [CardEncoding] Comport=1
LBB 3578 Attendance
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Table 5-11: DCN Printer and COM-ports for systems using DIRECT PC control (see Chapter 5.7 and Chapter 5.8) LASE RPRINTER MATRIX PRINTER CARD ENCODER/ AUX.- INTERFACE CENTRAL CONTROL UNIT
LPT1 (IRQ=7) COM 1 (IRQ = 4) = ASCII + CR + LF COM 2 (IRQ=3) = ASCII + CR + LF COM 3 (IRQ=* (free IRQ)
Windows Print Manager Error messages Printing Seat numbers Printing Channel assignment Printing
LBB 3571 Synoptic Microphone control LBB 3570 Microphone Management LBB 3580 Delegate Database LBB 3575 Parliamentary Voting
Microphone activity List Printing Microphone activity List Printing Database List Printing
*2 *2 *4
Microphone activity Real-time Printing Microphone activity Real-time Printing Label printing
*3 *3 *5
Microphone activity Real-time to Aux. (Camera ctrl.) Microphone activity Real-time to Aux. (Camera ctrl.) Chip card encoder
Voting le total* and individual* Printing * Depends (Real-time) Post-voting total* and individual* Printing
on whichmode selected
For COM and LPT cable connections, refer to FIG 5-9 LPT1 Default settings Default settings COM 1 and COM 2 COM 3 8- bit standard Baud-rate Data-bits Parity Flow control = = = = 9600 8 None None Baud-rate Data-bits Parity Flow control = = = = 9600 8 None HW
* Change default COM-port assignments. (This can only be * COM-port selected during software installation. done in the dcn.ini le located in the Window (Can be changed in the dcn.ini le located in the directory) Window directory) ** Change COM-port settings: (Using the Port program found in the Windows Control Panel. Only applicable for Micactlogging) * 1 Not possible * 2 Not possible * 3 Not possible * 3 Not possible * 4 Not possible * 5 Not possible
*1 [Errorlogging] Comport=2 *2 [MicActlogging] Prt-port=2 *3 [MicActlogging] Comport=1 ** Baudrate - 19200 *4 [Label printing] Comport=2 *5 [CardEncoding] Comport=1
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 5 - Control using PC
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
MATRIX printer (COM 1* or COM 2*) Connects via a serial port (COM1* or COM 2*) of a DCN Control PC, to provide a hard copy data for speaker logging and printing card labels. The print function within different DCN software packages can be activated.
CHIP-CARD ENCODER (COM 1* or COM 2*) Connects via a serial port (COM 1* or COM 2*) to encode delegate ID cards for use in the DCN system, as well as reading raw data on used cards. The encoder can be used in combination with DCN encoder software package LBB 3581/00 and Delegate Database software package LBB 3580, LASER printer (LPT1) Connects via a parallel port (LPT1) of DCN Control PC, to provide a high-quality hard copy data such as voting results, attendance registration and delegate lists. The print function within different DCN software packages can be activated. The printer should be equipped with a minimum 2 MB internal memory (4 MB recommended). *The default COM ports can be set by changing the dcn.ini le located in the DCN control PC (see Tables 5.10 and 5.11)
nSTROBE 1 DATA 1 2 DATA 2 3 DATA 3 4 DATA 4 5 DATA 5 6 DATA 6 7 DATA 7 8 DATA 8 9 nACKNLG 10 BUSY 11 CALL (PE) 12 SELECT 13 nAutoFd 14 GND 19 . . . . . . GND 30 nFAULT 32 nSelIn 36
25-pole D-type
36-pole Centronics
FIG 5-9
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Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 6 - DCN Camera Control
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19 rack height European version (220 - 240 VAC) 1U 1U 2U LTC 8100/50 LTC 8200/50 LTC 8300/50
Refer to the CCTV Systems Data Book for Allegiant Video switchers, versions LTC 8500, LTC 8600 and LTC 8800.
To provide DCN Automatic Camera Control Allegiant Video switchers (FIG 6-1) and their associated equipment are used. For use in DCN stand-alone or PC operator controlled systems, the Video switcher in combination with the relevant software modules allows video cameras to be congured for switching and directing towards speaking conference participants (i.e. delegates, chairman etc.) for display on monitor screens. The Allegiant Video Switchers control systems and control keyboards are controlled via the DCN software and programmable via a combination of the Allegiant keyboard and DCN GUI software modules for DACC in Stand-alone and PC-controlled systems. The maximum number of video inputs supported by the DCN software is 256. The following table gives the range of applicable Allegiant Video Switchers. Series LTC 8100 LTC 8200 LTC 8300 LTC 8500 LTC 8600 LTC 8800 No. of Video inputs 8 16 32 64 128 256 No. of video outputs 2 5 6 8 16 64 Max. No. of keyboards 2 4 4 8 16 32
NOTE: For preferred camera types, both xed and orientable, refer to the DCN Conference and Discussion Systems Data catalogue. Video displays, accepting composite video signals according to PAL B or NTSC standard are required for showing the picture to the operator and audience. A 14 or 17 monitor for the operator with high or at least medium video performance is preferred. This monitor must always be connected to video output No.1 of the used video switcher. For preferred monitor types refer to the DCN Conference & Discussion Systems Data catalogue.
The Video Switcher series LTC8200 for example provides 16 camera inputs, and 5 monitor outputs. Using the Video switchers signal distribution ports, connection to on-site receiver/drivers (AutoDome cameras with pan/tilt motors), provide operator control of pan, tilt, zoom, multiple pre-x positions, four auxiliaries, auto-pan and random scan. The following table provides a survey of type numbers for the range of compact (one bay) Allegiant video switchers:
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A maximum of 4 audience video displays can be connected to the Allegiant video switcher (not applicable for video switcher LTC 8100 series) using outputs 2 to 5. The actual number set is dened in the DCN Camera Control software LBB 3562 or LBB 3588. This option may save the need to use a video distribution amplier. Use of more than one video output for the audience may have a negative inuence on the system performance (response to events) for camera control. Audience video displays shall be selected in accordance with the requirements of the conference venue, e.g. large screen video projector(s), large screen monitors or TV-sets.
Code Out
Battery Low
CAUTION: When Installing and Operating the Allegiant Video Switcher/Control system, cameras and monitors refer to the documentation delivered with the equipment.
4 VIDEO 17 - 32
Connections to Allegiant Video Switcher Panel (see FIG 6-2 and FIG 6-3):
1. Using an RS232 cable terminated with 9-pole Sub-D connectors, connect the cable to the RS232 socket (Port 2 (default)) at the rear of the CCU to the 9-pole Sub-D socket marked (CONSOLE) at the rear of the Allegiant Video Switcher Panel.
Power Code Out Alarm Status Battery Low
FIG 6-3 shows the available RS232 cable connection for connecting the following congurations 1. Single CCU to video switcher 2. Installation PC to CCU and Video switcher 3. Connection OS/2 Master CCU to video switcher. (This cable can be ordered under type number LTC 8506/00) 4. Installation PC to OS/2 Master CCU and Video switcher.
CAUTION: To meet EMC requirements all connections made to the Port 1 output of the
CCU LBB 3500/xx or Port 1 and Port 2 of the CCU LBB 3500/05 or LBB 3500/35 must be screened cables, where at least one side of the screening is connected to ground.
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DACC for Camera Configuration only: Stand-alone systems LBB 3562/00 PC-Controlled systems LBB 3588/00
Code Out Alarm Status Battery Low Power
Up to 5 Monitor Outputs Up to 16 Video Camera inputs To CCU (PC controlled systems using LBB 3510/00 PCNetwork card)
Installa tion & Operatin g
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
9 pole D-type
Reference: To congure and set-up camera positions according to delegate/chairman microphone activity, DACC is available for Stand-alone DCN systems using DCN software package LBB 3562/00 and LBB 3588/00 for PC controlled systems. Refer to the relevant software manuals when programming the conguration for the DACC system.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
9 pole D-type
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
9 pole D-type
Video Switcher
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Connection Installation PC to OS/2 Master CCU and Video Switcher Temporary Installation PC COM1 OS/2 Master CCU COM 2 RS232 PC (male) COM2
NOTE: The PC must be installed with the following: 1. OS/2 operating system 2. Multi-CCU interface card LBB 3511/00 3. Multi-CCU software LBB 3586/00
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Camera Control
CCU = 1 // COM-port 1 . . 4 Video = 2 // COM-port 1 . . 4
NOTE: The default video switcher communication settings should NOT be changed 5. Communication settings:
1. Refer to DIP-switch S14 settings on the Trunk Communication Board (TCB4 (see Chapter 4.6). 2. For multi-CCU systems the correct settings must be present in the CCU_CFG le of the MultiCCU control software LBB 3586 (see Table 5-8: and Table 5-9:). 3. The default communication settings of the video switcher are the same as used in a DCN stand-alone system.
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DCD RD TD DTR GND DSR RTS CTS RI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
AutoDome Camera
1 GND 2 TXD 3 RXD 4 +BP 5 -BP 6 SHLD 7 +BP 8 -BP
With Direct Camera Control (DCC) it is possible to connect one AutoDome camera directly to a CCU. In combination with the relevant software DCC can direct the AutoDome camera towards speaking conference participants. The DCC can only be used in combination with: A BOSCH AutoDome camera A CCU with TCB 4 or higher DCN software 9.30 or higher
*1 AutoDome Camera A
terminal block
Single CCU
RS232 RS232 RS232
AutoDome Camera
NOTE: If the distance between camera and CCU or PC is more than 15 meters the RS232
signal must be converted to Biphase with an LTC 8784/50 converter. (For connection refer to FIG 6-4).
DCD RD TD DTR GND DSR RTS CTS RI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
AutoDome Camera
1 GND 2 TXD 3 RXD 4 +BP 5 -BP 6 SHLD 7 +BP 8 -BP
6.2.3 Installation
FIG 6-4 shows the required cables for the following connections: 1. Single CCU to AutoDome camera. 2. DCN control or temporary PC to CCU. 3. DCN control or temporary PC to AutoDome camera. 4. DCN control or temporary PC to CCU and AutoDome camera (2 COM ports) 5. DCN control or temporary PC to AutoDome camera via LTC 8784/50 data converter.
Single CCU
terminal block
DCD RD TD DTR GND DSR RTS CTS RI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Data Converter
1 12 VDC 2 GND 3 RX 4 TX 5 not used 6 12 VDL
AutoDome Camera
RS232 RS232
CAUTION: To meet EMC requirements all connections made to the Port 1 output of the
CCU LBB 3500/05(D) or Port 1 and Poet 2 of the CCU LBB 3500/15(D) or LBB 3500/35(D) must be screened cables, where at least one side of the screening is connected to ground.
Biphase (Rj-plug)
DCD RD TD DTR GND DSR RTS CTS RI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Data Converter
1 12 VDC 2 GND 3 RX 4 TX 5 not used 6 12 VDL
Single CCU
LTC 8784/50
AutoDome Camera
RS232 RS232
Biphase (Rj-plug)
CL 14155009_001 191101
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6.2.4 Set-up Camera Conguraion Reference: To congure and set-up camera positions according to delegate/chairman
DCN Software Manuals
8. Disconnect the CCU from the PC. 9. Connect the AutoDome to the CCU.
microphone activity, DCC is available for Stand-alone DCN systems using DCN software package LBB 3562/00 and LBB 3588/00 for PC controlled systems. Refer to the relevant software manuals when programming the conguration for the DCC system.
NOTE: Re-adjustments of the stored AutoDome prepositions can only be done with the AutoDome connected to the temporary or DCN control PC with virtual keyboard software.
To install and download the required software modules proceed as described in the following sections. For camera installation with stand-alone Camera Control software LBB 3562/00 a temporary PC connection is required. The minimum PC requirements are as follows: Pentium II processor 48 MB RAM Video card supporting at least VGA and SVGA resolutions Hard disk with a data access time of 14 ms 100 MB free disk space Ethernet network card for multi-PC systems Serial port (RS232)
NOTE: Re-adjustments of the stored AutoDome prepositions can only be done with the AutoDome connected to the temporary PC with Virtual Keyboard software.
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Key to symbols
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. DCN trunk-line COM-port 2 Video OUT Video IN Control signals for camera system
Using the communication port (COM-port 2) of a PC, a wide variety of communication and switching options are available. For example, video cameras can be switched and directed towards speaking delegates when a VCS (Video Control Switcher) is connected to the PC. Using DCNs Microphone Management software LBB 3570, and/or Synoptic Microphone Management software LBB 3571, cameras can be switched corresponding to the status of delegates microphone actions. Directing a camera towards a speaking delegate is done using motor driven pan/tilt equipment, programmed and linked according to the microphone activity function which can be activated within the mentioned software packages.
NOTE: Using this method of switching options is a custom made alternative for Automatic camera control with Allegiant video switchers. The equipment required including the software are NOT supplied by BOSCH Security Systems. See also the DCN manual for External Interfaces.
FIG 6-5 gives an example, showing the method used to switch and direct video cameras using the PCs COM 2 port and a video control matrix. Using the PCs RS232 communication port, video recording equipment can also be switched. Table 5-10: and Table 5-11: show the default COM-port setting. The data format for RS232 communication Microphone on: $1 <SEAT NUMBER> CR LF Microphone off: Request on: Request off: All requests off: Priority on: Priority off: $2 <SEAT NUMBER> CR LF &1 <SEAT NUMBER> CR LF &2 <SEAT NUMBER> CR LF &3 0000 CR LF #1 <SEAT NUMBER> CR LF #2 <SEAT NUMBER> CR LF VIDEO CONTROL SWITCHER
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 7 - DCN Installation Accessories
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Chapter 7.
DCNs installation accessories allows system installation to be simplied with the use of ready made cables complete with connectors. Trunk-cable splitters allow trunk-lines to be split and run in diverse directions, allowing contribution units to be placed where needed within a conference room.The easy to connect accessories are used for both xed and portable installations.
LBB 4114/00
Trunk-line connector
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4 5 3
2 1 5
LBB 4115/00
Trunk-line connector 3
1 4 3 1 2 5
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Custom-made cables
For customising DCN system cable connections, refer to the table below.
Male Male
Cable-plug (Black) without locking screw (male) Cable socket with locking screw (female)
3 3 2 2 4
Female Female
Note: MAS 6100 cannot be used in the Trunk-splitter due to the length of cap. Therefore, use a Hirschmann plug without locking (MAS 60). NOTE: The screening of the DCN cable is connected to the earth tag of the Hirschmann cable plug/socket, and is potentially live. Therefore only use isolated sockets for extension cables, patch panels and oor boxes.
5 6 Male
1 6 Female
FIG 7-4 LBB 4116/05 Extension cable assembly (5m) (16.4 ft.)
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7.1.4 Connectors
The 6-pole moulded circular connectors, male and female include a plug locking facility for use with cable locking clamps LBB 4117/00.
When connecting connectors to extension cables, it is recommended that insulated metal shield connectors be used, rather than plastic to protect the connectors according to EMC specications. For connection details refer to Chapter 13.7.
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The data distribution board provides the communication interface between the DCN system and externally connected peripheral equipment - such as hall displays, remote switching panels and tailored conference solutions. The board is intended for mounting in the relevant equipment and includes an RS232 communication port with a baud rate of 9600 and 19200 baud - selectable by an on-board dip switch. The board can be powered by the system itself or from an external power source. Interconnection between the board and the DCN system is via a 6-pole circular connector.The board has no system loop-through facility, therefore a Trunk-splitter LBB 4114/00 or Tap-off unit LBB 4115/ 00 is used to bypass the board in a loop-through conguration. The board can be used as either a passive unit for reception of data , or as an active unit for transmission of data to the CCU.
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Electrical requirements
Supply voltage (optional):10 - 40 V d.c. Current consumption:< 50 mA @ 40 V
The Data Communication board includes a 10-pole and two 20-pole Micromatch at-cable connectors (female) and a 9-pin D-type connector (male) for serial data output. The pin conguration is of the D-type is shown below: PIN 1 PIN 2 PIN 3 PIN 4 PIN 5 PIN 6 PIN 7 PIN 8 PIN 9 Not connected RxD TxD Not connected Signal ground Not connected RTS CTS Not connected
Parallel output connector via 20 solder pads (open collector outputs). Initialization button with LED indicator to indicate the none initialized mode. Parallel output connector 20-pole Micro-Match connector. 10-pole Micro-Match connector for the external power supply. Initialization status output and initialization button. 13. 2-pole external power supply connector (2-solder pads) and a 2-pole screw connector. 14. 2 m (6.5 ft.) long cable terminated with a 6-pole circular connector for connection to the DCN trunk-line. DCN system supply Ext. power supply
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 3
6 7 8 9
14 13 12 11 5 10
7 4
OFF ON DIP-switch
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Electrical specications according to RS232 C standard. Further information concerning the Data Distribution Board is available on request.
Application 1.
Application 1, gives a typical solution when using the data distribution board in combination with an interpreter desk. The interpreter desk includes an external message key, this key when pressed can alert for example, some one in the secretariat via an LED indication panel or as a speak-to-fast indication to the chairman.
Application 2.
Application 2, shows a typical example using the DCN system as a transparent control path using two data distribution boards LBB 3512. Using this example a variety of switching solutions are possible- for example, to switch lights on or off, or even to drive a motor that will open or close curtains as used in large congress halls etc. APPLICATION 1 External message key Sectional view Interpreter desk LBB 3520/10 APPLICATION 2 External switching device Parallel input connector (PIN 1-15) DCN System cabling Passive mode address 255 Parallel output connector (PIN 1 - 15) Customized Remote indication panel
DDB LBB 3512 DDB 1 LBB 3512
0 0 0
1 0 1
0 1 1
1 1 1
Solder Pad L to R Vcc D00 D01 D02 D03 D04 D05 D06 D07 Gnd Vcc D08 D09 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 Gnd Micromatch connector 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Solder Pad L to R Vcc U00 U01 U02 U03 U04 U05 U06 U07 Gnd Vcc U08 U09 U10 U11 U12 U13 U14 U15 Gnd Micromatch connector 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
DCN System cabling Passive mode (Address: DDB 2 248 - 254) LBB 3512
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LBB 3500/..
Port 1 In Port 2 Rec. Line In Trunk
NOTE: The displayed time is derived from a built-in clock, and NOT from the DCN system itself.
RS 232
To DCN system
LBB 3512/00
Alphanumeric Display* fitted with Data Distribution Board LBB 3512/00 Address 249-250 Numeric Display fitted with Data Distribution Board LBB 3512/00 Address 248
Geographical Status Display* fitted with Data Distribution Board LBB 3512/00 Address 251
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Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 9 - DCN Peripheral Equipment
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Front view
The telephone interface is connected to the line INPUT and line OUTPUT of the CCU. Use of the MIX-MINUS mode of the CCU is recommended (see Chapter 4.9). The telephone interface can also be used for Remote interpretation in combination with the Analog Audio Input/Output module LBB 3513/00 (Refer to the Instructions-for-use for the Analog Audio Input/Output module code No. 3922 988 92511).
Rear view
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Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 10 - Installation Techniques
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The primary focus of this chapter is to provide system installation techniques, typical examples, and system limitations for stand-alone and PC- controlled systems using the range of equipment described in Chapter 2.. The cable attached to each DCN unit forms the trunk-line cabling (daisy-chain). This cable carries all the systems digital signals, up-down links and power supplies. Its versatility allows units to be tappedoff anywhere throughout an installation, meaning that systems can easily be expanded without the need to change the system cabling. The single cable handles as many as 16 up and 16 down high quality contribution, distribution and data channels or 15 up and 15 down plus four speech-quality intercom channels. Installation is simplied by the use of ready-made cables, and where needed trunk-line splitters and Tap-off units.
REMARK: Before attempting to install a DCN system read the following Chapter 10.1.1, System design fundamentals . This chapter introduces the reader to DCNs power handling requirements and its control limitations.
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PCF = 60 max.
Output 1 Output 2 Output 3 Output 4 Trunk Tap-off
Port 1 In
Line In
115 V-T4A 230 V -T2A
115 V-T4A 230 V -T2A
PCF = 90 max. LBB 3500/15 and LBB 3500/35 Central Control Unit
Port 1 In Port 2 Rec. Line In Trunk
PCF = 90 max.
PCF = 60 max.
FIG 10-1
REMINDER: The Central Control Unit type LBB 3500/05 has a maximum rated PCF
value of 90 PCF. Central control units type LBB 3500/15 and LBB 3500/35 have a maximum rated PCF value of 180 PCF.
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LBB 3508 Audio Media Interface Unit
Output 1 Output 2 Output 3 Output 4 Trunk Tap-off
115 V-T4A 230 V -T2A
11 30V - 5V T 4A 2 -T2
LBB 4114/00 Trunk-cable splitter LBB 4115/00 Tap-off unit Trunk-out
FIG 10-2
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Max. number of units connected in series (without the use of extension cables)
The maximum number of units connected in series to a Trunk outlet or Tap-off of a CCU (LBB 3500), Extension Power Supply unit (LBB 4106/00) and Audio Media Interface unit (LBB 3508/00) is:
Table-top units
- 50 x Delegate/Chairman discussion units with a PCF value of 1(see Limit 1)
- 40 x Dual Audio Interface units (see Limit 2), or 30 x Multi-purpose connection units (see Limit 2), or 50 x Channel selector units (see Limit 1), or 24 x Delegate/Chairman Concentus units including interpreter desks with a PCF value of 2.5 (see limit 2). Limit 1: The maximum cable length is 100 m (328 ft.). The length of cable attached to each unit is 2 m (6.5 ft.), therefore a maximum of 50 discussion units (50 x 2 m (6.5 ft.) = 100 m (328 ft.)) can be connected even though the maximum PCF value of 60 has not yet been reached.
1st Tap-off LBB 4114/00 Tap-off Trunk-line 3rd Tap-off LBB 4114/00 2nd Tap-off
Limit 2: The maximum total PCF value that can be connected to one outlet is 60. The Dual Audio Interface has a PCF value of 1.5 (40 x 1.5 = 60) and the Multi-purpose connection unit has a PCF value of 2 (2 x 30 = 60).
System overload Each outlet socket is protected against short circuit at the power supply lines, and each has a red LED indicator (FIG 10-3) to indicate when the trunk-line has exceeded its maximum PCF value. In an overload situation, when the LED is lit, the system has a built-in delay time of 30 seconds before scanning the system again for a repeat overload situation. If the overload has been corrected the LED goes out. Refer to Chapter 10.2 Power Handling Capacity.
Overload LED also applicable for LBB 4106/00 3rd Tap-off 5th Tap-off
115 V-T4A 230 V -T2A
Port 1 In Port 2
Line In
LBB 4114/00
4th Tap-off
FIG 10-3
Overload indication
FIG 10-4
Tap-off limitations
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NOTE: The Tap-off connector can handle up to 2.5 PCF per outlet (1x Concentus unit per tap-off)
1. The total cable length (using standard LBB 4116/xx cable) between the CCU and the last unit in any branch of the system must not exceed 250 m (820 ft.). This includes all extension cables and the 2 m (6.5 ft.) cable attached to each system unit. 2. The total length of the cable from the CCU to the rst regenerative tap-off (i.e. from Trunk Cable Splitter LBB 4114/00, Audio Media Interface Unit LBB 3508/00 or Extension Power Supply Unit LBB 4106/00 must not exceed 100 m (328 ft.). 3. The total length of the cable between regenerative tap-offs outputs must not exceed 100 m (328 ft.).
Port 1 In Rec. Line In Trunk
LBB 3500/xx Max. cable length = <100 m (328 ft.) Trunk-line Max. cable length = < 100 m (328 ft.) Max. cable length = < 100 m (328 ft.)
Tap-off outlet Regenerative tap-off LBB 4114 LBB 3508 LBB 4106
Tap-off outlet
Regenerative tap-off LBB 4114 LBB 3508 LBB 4106 Termination plug LBB 4118/00 (for use with Channel selector panels LBB 3524/10 and LBB 3526/10)
Trunk outlet
FIG 10-5
FIG 10-6
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Calculation Method
Using the PCF table (Table 10.1) and the graph (FIG 10-10) calculate the PCF value required for the system. If the PCF value exceeds 60, then more than one of the CCUs Trunk outlets must be used. Calculate the length of the cable for each Trunk outlet. Maximum cable lengths using Trunk outlets and Tap-offs when attaining the length of an extension cable. A unit with a regenerative tap-off should be placed every 100 m (328 ft.). This length includes the 2 m (6.5 ft.) cable length of each attached unit.
As stated, the length of cable used in a system has a direct inuence on the PCF of a system. In the example shown in FIG 10-7, the second in-line trunk-splitter has two extension cables connected to it, with lengths of 20 m (65.6 ft.) and 50 m (164 ft.) When determining the cable length of a trunkoutlet or tap-off connector, the longest extesion cable only is taken in to account - in this example, the 50 m (164 ft.) cable. Therefore, in this example the total extension cable length from a single trunk-outlet of the CCU is calculated as 20 (65.6)+10 (32) +50 (164)= 80 m (262 ft.). LBB 3500/xx Central Control Unit
Port 1 In Port 2 Rec. Line In Trunk
1. Using the graph, check for each CCU outlet that the cross-over point according to the extension cable length and the PCF value is within the approved system limits. The approved system limits are dened by the grey shaded area of the graph.
115V-T4A 230V -T2A
1. If only one CCU Trunk outlet is needed, step 2 is not applicable. 2. An Microsoft Excel based DCN calculation tool for use on a PC is available on request.
20 m (65.6 ft.)
2. Using the data obtained in step 1, (i.e. the PCF value and the length of extension cable) use the cable correction graph to calculate the PCF value for the relevant Trunk outlets. The PCF values with cable correction are shown within small white squares. Once done add the PCF value for each trunk-line. This summed total gives the system PCF value.
This method of calculation is used for all units with Trunk outlets and Tap-offs The maximum PCF capacities are: 60 PCF for each of the Trunk outlets and Tap-offs 90 PCF in total for the LBB 3500/05 Central Control unit 180 PCF in total for the LBB 3500/15 and LBB 3500/35 Central Control unit 90 PCF in total for the LBB 3508/00 Audio Media Interface unit 180 PCF in total for the LBB 4106/00 Extension Power Supply unit When usingTrunk-splitters orTap-off units, their PCF must also be taken into account (see PCF Table 1).
These examples are based on the system congurations shown in FIG 10-8 and FIG 10-9. These congurations show two systems using all three trunk-line connectors.
FIG 10-7
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Port 1 In
Line In
LBB 3505/05
Port 1 In Port 2
Line In
8 units 20 m (65.6 ft.) 7 units 9 units 5 units 2 units 10 m (32.8 ft.) 5 units 10 m (32.8 ft.) 7 units
5 units
5 units 20 m (65.6 ft.) 40 m (131 ft.) 5 units 5 units 5 units 6 units 6 units 10 m (32.8 ft.) 20 m (65.6 ft.) 40 m (131 ft.)
Table 10.2:
Trunk_Outlet Total cable length 1 40 m (131 ft.) 2 20 m (65.6 ft.) 3 80 m (26.2 ft.) PCF Value PCF Value (without Ext. cable correction) (with Ext. cable correction) 20 24 35 38 15 22 System PCF = 84
Table 10.3:
Trunk_Outlet Total cable length 1 40 m (131 ft.) 2 20 m (65.6 ft.) 3 80 m (26.2 ft.) PCF Value PCF Value (without Ext. cable correction) (with Ext. cable correction) 46 55 55 60 35 52 System PCF = 167
FIG 10-8
Example when calculating the PCF of a system using discussion units (e.g. LBB 3530/00)
FIG 10-9
Example when calculating the PCF value of a system using Concentus units (e.g. LBB 3544/00, LBB 3545/00, LBB 3546/00 and LBB 3547/00)
Calculating the PCF of a System with respect to cable length
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60 55
Port 1 In Rec. Line In Trunk
60 54 49 44 38 33 27 22 16 11 6
50 45 40 35 30 25 20 17 15 10
60 54 48 42 36 30 24 18 12 6
60 53 47 40 33 27 20 13 7
60 52 45 37 30 22 15 8
60 51 43 34 26 17 9
60 50 40 30 20 10
55 44 33 22 11
60 48 36 24 12
54 41 27 14
60 45 30 15
100 m (328 ft.) Regenerative Tap-offs 240 m (787 ft.) Max. PCF = 17 at 240 m (787 ft.) acc. to the graph. The first two Trunk splitters use 2 PCF, therefore the PCF value left at this point is 15. 250 m (820 ft.) (max.)
PCF value
FIG 10-10 Graph for calculating the PCF value of a system including extension cable length correction 10.4.2 Graph explanation
The Y-axis of the graph gives the PCF per trunk-outlet (max. 60 PCF) in relation to the X-axis, which gives the length of extension cable used (max. 250 m (820 ft.)). If the length of cable from the Trunk outlet exceeds 250 m (820 ft.), the graph shows that no units can be connected. At 240 m (787 ft.), the graph shows that a PCF of 17 can be connected. For an example of a single trunk-outlet limitation refer to FIG 10-11 and FIG 10-11. For typical PCF graph references in relation to Trunk outlets and Tap-offs for systems with and without extension cables refer to FIG 10-12. Trunk splitter LBB 4114/00
5 x 2 = 10 m (32.8 ft.)
Discussion units
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TT 1 TT 49 TS Tap-off TT 50 TT 59
TT = 59 x 1 PCF = 59 PCF TS = 1 x 1 PCF = 1 PCF TOTAL = 60 PCF
50 x 2 m = 100 m
9 x 2 m = 18 m
40 x 2 m = 80 m
30 x 2 m = 60 m
24 x 2 m = 48 m
TT Tap-off
TT 34
100 m 34 x 2 m = 68 m Ext. cable
100 m
DAI = 22 x 1.5 PCF = 33 PCF TS = 1 x 1 PCF = 1 PCF TOTAL = 34 PCF + Ext. cable = 60 PCF
22 x 2 m =44 m Ext. cable
100 m TS
MPC Tap-off
MPC = 17 x 2 PCF = 34 PCF TS = 1 x 1 PCF = 1 PCF TOTAL = 35 PCF = + Ext. cable = 60 PCF
Ext. cable
17 x 2 m = 34 m
CON 100 m TS
CON =13 x 2.5 PCF = 32.5 PCF TS = 1 x 1 PCF = 1 PCF TOTAL = 33.5 PCF = + Ext. cable = 60 PCF
Ext. cable
13 x 2 m = 26 m
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90 PCF (max.)
**Passive (distribution) units include: NOTE 1: The Dual Audio Interface Unit is controlled by the system as a single active unit, however two microphone inputs can be individually switched on or off. Therefore, when using the Dual Audio Interface Unit LBB 3535/00, up to a maximum of 480 microphones can be connected to a single Central Control Unit. NOTE 2: Up to 10,000 Channel Selector Panels LBB 3524/xx and LBB 3526/xx can be connected to a single Central Control Unit in combination with Extension power supply units and/or Audio Media Interface Units to provide the required power.
LBB 3500/15
Port 1 In Port 2 Rec. Line In Trunk
Control Capacity
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NOTE: The example below uses a Central Control Unit LBB 3500/05 having a total power
handling capacity of 90 PCF. Using a Central Control Unit LBB 3500/15 the power handling capacity is limited to 180 PCF (max. 60 PCF per output). CENTRALISED SYSTEM LBB 3500/05
Port 1 In Rec. Line In Trunk
LBB 3508/00
Output 1 Output 2 Output 3 Output 4 Trunk Tap-off
PCF 90 (max.) Tap-offs Trunk-line LBB 4114/00 Trunk-line To CCU DE-CENTRALISED SYSTEM
PCF 90 (max.)
LBB 4106/00
Port 1 In Rec. Line In Trunk
115 V-T4A 230 V -T2A
11 5V-T 4A 2 30V -T2A
PCF 60 (max.)
Output 1
Output 2
Output 3
Output 4
PCF 90 (max.)
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IN-DIRECT Connection using PC Network card LBB 3510/0 PC SYSTEM FOR 180 PCF PC PC Network Card LBB 3510/00 IN-DIRECT
DIRECT connection (see FIG 10-16). Using this method, the built-in RS232 port located at the rear of the CCU (LBB 3500/15 and LBB 3500/35 only) is used to connect the CCU to a COM-port of the control PC. See also Chapter 5. DCN Control using Personal Computers.
IMPORTANT: When using the DIRECT connection method between the Control PC
and the CCU, the central operator has NO facilities on the PC for using headphones or an intercom handset. Additional DCN units are then required to provide these functions. IN-DIRECT connection see FIG 10-17). Using this method, a Network card LBB 3510/00 (see Chapter 5.2) is installed in the central control PC. Using the cable supplied with the Network card LBB 3510/00, connect the 15-pole D-type connector to the 15-pole D-type socket located on the PC Network card, and connect the DCN 6-pole modular connector to the DCN trunk-line Cabling. Ensure the PC Network card is congured and set-up correctly. DIRECT Connection from CCU to PC PC SYSTEM FOR 180 PCF PC
LBB 4114/00
PCF 180
LBB 4114/00
NOTE: FIG 10-17 shows a PC system catering for a PCF of 180. Because the Network
card (PC) has no loop-through facility, a trunk splitter LBB 4114/00 is used.
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NOTE: The above example uses the IN-DIRECT method of connecting the PC to the DCN trunk-line cabling
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PCF 180
Ethernet requirements
Ethernet card (3Com recommended) These cards have to be installed on each PC on a free interrupt e.g 10. Microsoft Windows 95, 98, NT 4.0, 2000 or XP Professional. Connection between a server and a client PC: - UTP cable or - 50 Ohm coax cable with: - Two 50 Ohm T-pieces - Two 50 Ohm terminating plugs CLIENT PC SERVER PC
LBB 4116/xx
NOTE: The DCN software needed for this function must be version 6.0 or higher.
Ethernet Card
LBB 3508/00
Output 1 Output 2 Output 3 Output 4
Ethernet link
Trunk Tap-off
Client PC:
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PC dedicated for Multi-CCUs UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) recommended Multi-CCU Software LBB 3586 and OS.2
WARNING: Before connecting the computer or the CCUs to the Multi-CCU cabling,
ensure that the mains supply is off on all units, and the voltage selection switch on the computer is set for the correct mains voltage. Using the Multi-CCU BNC cables, connect the Multi-CCU cards OUT-port to the rst CCUs INport. The next CCUs IN-port must be connected to the previous CCUs OUT-port. The OUT-port of the nal CCU must be connected to the Multi-CCU cards IN-port (see FIG 10-20). The interpreter desks can be connected to any CCU if the Multi-CCU mode is selected. However it is recommended to connect all interpreter desks to one and the same CCU.
Port 1 Port 2 Mult-CCU In Out In Rec. Line In
LBB 3500/35
Trunk Port 1 Port 2 Mult-CCU In
115 V-T4A 230 V -T2A
LBB 3500/35
Rec. Out In Line In Trunk
16 (max)
115 V-T4A 230 V -T2A
Port 1 Port 2 Mult-CCU In Out In Rec. Line In Trunk
115 V-T4A 230 V -T2A
1.Ensure that the Multi-CCU cabling is always connected from an OUT-port of a unit to an IN-port of another unit. 2.The maximum cable length between interconnected CCUs is 100 m. (328 ft.):
Port 1 Port 2 Mult-CCU In Out In Rec. Line In Trunk
115 V-T4A 230 V -T2A
115 V-T4A 230 V -T2A
NOTE: For address selection see Chapter 4.7 and Chapter 5.4.
180 PCF
180 PCF
Multi-CCU system
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The DCN system provides a facility for connecting to a Remote controller. The remote controller can be custom built to your requirements enabling remote control of the following functions Microphone management Parliamentary voting Attendance registration Dedicated control panels or control devices such as touch screens for example (available from companies such as Creston and Panja) along with dedicated software interfaces can be used.
and the Remote controller should not exceed 5 m (16.4 ft.). Where longer distances are required an interface unit should be used to ensure correct transmission. NOTE: The communication protocol and a higher baud-rate for the serial COM-port can be adjusted as necessary (see Chapter 4.6 and Chapter 5.7).
1. The dedicated Remote control software package LBB 3587/00 MUST BE installed on an external (remote PC). This remote PC must be installed with the operating system DOS 5.0 or higher and connected to the CCU using an RS232 cable (see Installation). 2. The DCN embedded software version MUST BE 7.00 or higher.
10.9.1 Installation
The remote control interface software LBB 3587 can be installed in a Single or a Multi CCU system. During installation, options are available for changing the COM-port settings of the remote PC.
protocols refer to the user documentation delivered with the Remote control software package LBB 3587/00. Extended information is available on request.
1. Single CCU System (LBB 3500/15 and LBB 3500/35 (FIG 10-21)
CCU types LBB 3500/15 and LBB 3500/35 have two RS232 serial ports (Port 1 and Port 2) located at the rear of the unit. An RS-232 cable with 1 to 1 wiring (RS232 extension cable) is used to connect the CCU to the remote controller. Note that these CCUs uses hardware handshaking with the CTS and RTS signals. All other handshake signals are internally chained together in the CCU to form the appropriate signals for the remote controller. The maximum cable length between the CCU
Remote Controller
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PC dedicated for Multi-CCUs UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) recommended Multi-CCU Software LBB 3586 and OS.2 PC card LBB 3511/00 75 Ohm coax cable (RG 59) RS232 1
Port 1 Port 2 Mult-CCU In Out In Rec. Line In Trunk Port 1 Port 2 Mult-CCU In
115 V-T4A 230 V -T2A
1. The COM-port settings for a Multi-CCU system can be changed. Refer to the Readme.txt le associated with the LBB 3586 Multi-CCU software package. 2. The RS232 COM-port on the slave CCUs is disabled when used in a multi-CCU system 3. The communication protocol and a higher baud-rate for the serial COM-port can be adjusted as necessary (see Chapter 4.6 and Chapter 5.7). Remote control software LBB 3587 INSTALLED
n (max.16)
Rec. Out In Line In Trunk
RS232 2
Port 1 Port 2 Mult-CCU In Out
Mult-CCU In
115 V-T4A 230 V -T2A
180 PCF
Rec. Line In Trunk In
Remote Controller
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NOTE: The maximum number of channels available in a PC based system is 15. However
when using 15 interpretations, it is recommended to use two CCUs, one for contribution and one for interpretation. The maximum number of channels available in a system where one CCU is used for both contribution and interpretation is 11.
Desk 1
Booth 1
Booth 8
Booth 2
Booth 9
Desk 1
... ...
Booth 7
Booth 15
FIG 10-24 Interpretation system layout using trunk-cable splitters and tap-off units
Bosch Security Systems | 04-2003 | 3922 988 43318 en Interconnecting Interpretation Equipment
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1. Wired
The distribution of interpreted languages through language channels can be handled using the standard DCN system cabling. Delegates with contribution units tted with channel selection facilities can listen to the language channel of their choice. Stand-alone channel selector units type LBB 3524/ xx and LBB 3526/10 are available for use in both portable and xed installations. In xed installations the channel selector units can be installed in to table-tops or armrests.
2. Wireless
For those delegates with no access to a channel selector, an infra-red wireless distribution system can be used. Using this system infra-red signals carrying language channels are transmitted from wall or ceiling mounted radiators, and received by delegates using personal infra-red receiver units. The infra-red language distribution system comprises of an IR transmitter, a Multi-channel Audio Interface Unit LBB 3423, one or more radiators and personal IR receivers with channel selectors for selection of the required language channel.
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10.11.2 Installation
Distribution of the interpreted languages to conference delegates can be distributed by using a wired or wireless language distribution system.
The Electronic Channel Selector Panels LBB 3524/xx and LBB 3526/10 can be directly connected to the trunk-line in a loop-through chain, or connected to the trunk-line using a trunk-splitter LBB 4114/ 00 or tap-off unit LBB 4115/00. LBB 3524/xx LBB 3524/xx Tap-offs Trunk-line Trunk-line Trunk-line Tap-offs Trunk-line LBB 3524/xx LBB 3524/xx
LBB 4114/00
Discussion Units
LBB 3524/xx
LBB 3524/xx
FIG 10-27 Connecting Electronic Channel Selector Panels LBB 3524/00 using trunk-cable splitters and tap-off units
Language Distribution Equipment
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Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 11 - System Set-up and Operation
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NOTE: After the initialization process, it is recommended that the function of each active
unit installed is checked individually. LBB 3500/xx
Active Micro's Operation Equalizer Loudspeakers System
On Busy Start
On the CCU locate the push-button and the small recessed switch (Start) under Equalizer. Using a small pointed device (e.g. paper-clip) insert the device into the recess hole (3) and activate the switch while holding down the equalizer Start switch and Equalizer push-button for at least 10 seconds after switching on the CCU (1). Ensure its power LED is lit. (2). DCN units with LC-display show the rmware release version of the unit itself and not the CCU rmware release version Bosch Security Systems B.V. Release : x : xx
FIG 11-1
De-initializing CCU
STEP 2. All unit addresses have been cleared and the LEDs on all active units illuminate after completing step 1. NOTE: If this is not the case resume at step 1 again or remove the unit. STEP 3.
To initialize an individual unit press the units microphone key while the units LEDs are lit (for interpreters desk press the Mute key, the Dual Audio Interface Unit and the MultiPurpose Connection have their own de-init , but can also be initialized by pressing the microphone key of a connected microphone). Once pressed the units LEDs go out. The unit is now recognized in the system by the CCU. Repeat this procedure for all active units installed in the system one by one. Initialize all units one by one (not simultaneously) to eliminate addressing problems. conict, press the DE-INIT switch of the relevant unit (see Chapter 2.).
STEP 4. To clear the individual address of a delegate/chairman unit in the event of an address
The Dual Audio Interface unit can be linked to two seat numbers even though the CCU during initialization assigns it with a single address.
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2. .Override mode
When the Override mode is selected, delegates activate their microphones by pressing the microphone button on their delegate units. If the number of active microphones is four and the number of current speakers is three then the delegate can join in the debate without interrupting the group of speakers. However if the number of current speakers is four and a new delegate now presses his microphone button to join in the debate, the microphone unit of the rst speaker in the group will be switched off (FIFO First-In-First-Out), allowing the new delegate to join in the discussion. Using the override mode, no Request-to-speak list is available.
Microphone management using various microphone operating procedures, Voting procedures using the basic parliamentary voting procedure, Interpretation facilities, Intercom to the Intercom Operator.
The programming of the interpretation system (i.e. interpreter desk) in a stand-alone system is done manually (see Chapter 11.11 Programming the interpreter desk).
NOTE: In Open and Override mode the chairman can, at anytime, switch on his microphone.
1. Open mode
When the Open mode is selected, delegates activate their microphones by pressing the microphone button on their delegate units. The number of delegates permitted to speak at the same time is limited to the number of active microphones selected. This means for example, - that if 4 Active Micros have been selected and four delegates are currently speaking, no other delegates may join in the debate. If a fth delegate wants to join in the debate, this delegates joins a Request-to-speak list However, if one of the current speakers switches his microphone off, the next delegate to switch on his microphone can join in the debate. The maximum number of delegates in the Request-to-Speak list is 20. Push-button
On Busy Start
FIG 11-2
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NOTE: The DCN PC software will terminate if the maintenance mode is selected.
The maintenance menu sets the internal settings for the CCUs stand-alone operation and can only be entered when the CCU is running in stand-alone mode (either Single or Multi-CCU). The maintenance menu is entered by pressing and holding down for at least 3 seconds, one of the following button-combinations. Active Micros + Operation button or Active Micros + Equalizer On button or Operation + Equalizer start button.
1. Switching a CCU to Single-mode is only possible when the OS/2 master software is not running. 2. When switching OFF the master PC (Multi-CCU) all system mode LEDs will begin to ash, indicating that selection of the Single-CCU mode on the CCU is possible. Connected units are disabled when their is a ashing LED.
Once the maintenance menu has been entered into, all units equipped with an LC-display (except Interpreter units) will display the Maintenance Menu. Once displayed all congress activities will stop and all CCU control panel LEDs will ash. While in the Maintenance Menu select a unit to set the menu options. The unit chosen will set the menu options for all connected units. Once a button on the selected unit has been pressed, then LCdisplay of all other units will be cleared.
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When the selected units <RETURN> softkey has been pressed the CCU reverts back into the congress operational mode. To access the settings of the Maintenance menu on another unit, the Maintenance Mode should be started again.
The displays below shows the units LC-display once the CCU has been entered into the Maintenance Menu.
4. To select and conrm the default language press the <ENTER> key when the required language is selected. Conrmation shows the default language enclosed in square brackets i.e. [LANGUAGE]. 5. The changed default language takes effect when the <ENTER> key is pressed.
NOTE: When installing DCN software, 6 languages are available for selection.
These languages can be selected in the MAINT. menu.
2. To select another language press keys < to show the previous language and press the key > to show the next available language.
NOTE: Once the Intercom operators position has been set, no further indication is given
3. The selected language is shown between arrowed brackets i.e. < >. 2. The default system intercom operators position will only take effect when the CCU reverts back to the congress operational mode.
Maintenance Menu
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1.The frequency response of a room is dependent on the position of microphone and loudspeaker used, particularly if a microphone is relative close to a loudspeaker. Switching between a microphone-loudspeaker combination and another can result in an entire different frequency response. Therefore, equalization has primarily an advantage if the microphone is in the diffuse eld of the loudspeaker, for example if a separate PA system is used. 2.The equalizer is only active on the delegate loudspeaker channel and the equalized PA output. The equalized PA output is only available on the Audio Media Interface LBB 3508/00, channel 12.
NOTE: Channels 12 (line-output) and channel 13 (delegate/loudspeakers) only will be equalized. See
Chapter 13.8 Available Audio Down Link Channels.
To Equalize the system proceed as follows: NOTE: Before carrying out the equalization process, it is recommended that the surrounding area be kept as quiet as possible. The number of microphones which can be selected for the auto-equalization measurement process can be selected by the user. Proceed as follows: 1. Press the equalizing recess switch Start located on the front of the CCU to enter the microphone selection mode (FIG 11-1). Entry into this mode is indicated by an illuminated busy LED. 2. The chairmans microphone will automatically be selected for the auto equalization procedure, however, the user can select up to 8 microphones to gain better performance. To select additional microphones simply press the ON/OFF button of the relevant microphone. If a chairman unit is not connected to the system, a delegates microphone will be switched on. 3. To activate the auto-equalization procedure press the equalizing recess switch Start once again. A noise will be heard and the busy LED will begin to ash, indicating automatic equalization is being processed. After the measurements, the lter settings are calculated (this may take a few minutes).
11.5.2 Loudspeakers
The three rotary loudspeaker controls located on the front panel of the Central Control Unit are used for setting the overall system gain/volume of the DCNs contribution unit loudspeakers. Control (FIG 11-2 (6) ) sets the overall volume/gain level of the discussion unit loudspeakers in 1.5 dB steps throughout the entire system.
NOTE: When turned fully anti-clockwise the audio signal to all system units, with the exception of the interpreter desk is switched off.
1. Control (FIG 11-2 (5)) sets the overall system treble control of the contribution unit loudspeakers. 2. Control (FIG 11-2 (5)) sets the overall system bass control of the contribution unit loudspeakers.
1. To abort the auto equalization procedure press any button on the CCU. Aborting restores the previous equalization settings. 2. Selecting the auto-equalization measurement process is only possible when in the Single CCU mode. 3. The equalizer function can be used with or without DCN software running. However, the Auto equalizer facility will not function if the DCN software is running.
Sound Management
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NOTE: For details on how to conduct a voting session using the chairman unit, refer to
Chapter 11.7.3: Operation Chairmans unit LBB 3547/00. The voting mode available with stand-alone systems is the Parliamentary voting procedure.This mode of operation allows delegates to register a No, Abstain or Yes.
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LBB 3530/xx
LBB 3531/xx
LBB 3533/xx
LBB 3534/xx
LBB 3546/00
LBB 3547/00
FIG 11-4
FIG 11-3
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11.7.2 OPERATION Delegate Units LBB 3544/00, LBB 3545/00, LBB 3546/00
Microphone ON indicator** ID Chip-card reader
Loudspeaker (muted when microphone is ON) XLR Socket for pluggable microphone LBB 3549/xx (not shown)
Side view Graphic LC-display with back-lighting (see page 11-9) Numeric LC-display for language channel select indication Headphone volume control Headphone volume control
** The unit has three microphone status indicators. Two located on the unit itself and the other a light-ring indicator (red) located
on the installed pluggable microphone LBB 3549/00 or LBB 3549/50 (not shown). All three are illuminated when the microphone is ON. When a microphone/headset is inserted into its jack socket, the pluggable microphone and its illuminated light ring are automatically switched OFF. The bi-colour LED illuminates as follows: red = microphone ON, green = request-to-speak, yellow = initializing Softkeys for voting and Microphone functions Microphone Language channel selection
Microphone headset located at the left side of the unit only (microphone must be electret type only) Not applicable LBB 3544/00
Headphone sockets and volume controls located at both sides of the unit, catering for two delegates.
Access control
FIG 11-5
Operation CONCENTUS (conference) Delegate units LBB 3544/00, LBB 3545/00 and LBB 3546/00
Delegate/Chairman unit operation (Conference units only)
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OPERATION Delegate units LBB 3544/00, LBB 3545/00 and LBB 3546/00
* ** ***
Not applicable LBB 3544/00 Not applicable LBB 3545/00 Not applicable LBB 3544/00 and LBB 3545/00
Response Response mode active button
Microphone functions
1. Press the microphone key marked microphone ON. to switch units
For use in PC operated systems only, the ID-card reader ensures that only authorized users can use the unit after rst inserting an ID-card.
Flashes when Response button pressed. LED stops ashing = Microphone ON (operator control) or cancelled by the delegate, pushing the Response button again.
Microphone Microphone status active key indication (red) Three microphone indicators show the status of the microphone: 1. Light ring indicator on pluggable microphone (red = ON) 2. An indicator located at the top of the at-panel loudspeaker (red = ON). 3. Bi-colour LED above mIcrophone push-button (red =ON, green = request-to-speak).
VOTING* (see page 11-10) Voting sessions are initiated by the chairman. Depending on the application software, the units ve softkeys can be used as voting buttons with conrmation indicators (yellow LEDs), enabling participation in voting procedures: e.g. PRESENT, NO, ABSTAIN, YES (Parliamentary voting)
Response button
LED stops ashing = Microphone ON (operator control) or cancelled by the delegate, pushing the Response button again.
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MESSAGE MESSAGE (only displayed if message sent from PC-operator)
( Applicable to units with an intercom handset only) To communicate with the system operator, lift the handset. If in use a busy tone is heard. Replace the handset and try again. Units with an LC-display, display ALL INTERCOM LINES BUSY. If not in use CALLING OPERATOR.... At the same time INTERCOM CALL is shown on the LC-display of the intercom operator. INTERCOM LED status 1. LED ashes when being called 2. LED ON (steady) when connection is made 3. LED OFF when Intercom handset placed back on to its cradle Press RETURN to return to the previous menu.
Key to voting symbols P : Number of participants present - : Number of participants voting NO ? : Number of participants ABSTAINING + : Number of participants voting YES # : Number of participants voting NOT YET VOTED
- Audience response voting: (Rating scale - -, -, 0, +, ++) - Multi-choice/opinion poll voting: (Numerals 1 - 24) (1 - 5 numerals: LBB 3544/00 & LBB 3545/00)
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Loudspeaker (muted when microphone is ON) XLR Socket for pluggable microphone LBB 3549/xx (not shown) Side view Graphic LC-display with back-lighting (see page 11-12 ) Numeric LC-display for language channel select indication Headphone volume control Headphone volume control
Priority key
** The unit has three microphone status indicators. Two located on the unit itself and the other a light-ring indicator (red) located
on the installed pluggable microphone LBB 3549/00 or LBB 3549/50 (not shown). All three are illuminated when the microphone is ON. When a microphone/headset is inserted into its jack socket, the pluggable microphone and its illuminated light ring are automatically switched OFF.
Microphone headset located at the left side of the unit only (microphone must be electret type only)
Headphone sockets and volume controls located at both sides of the unit, catering for two delegates.
Access control
FIG 11-6
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to switch units
The ID-card reader provides a chairmans unit access function This function ensures that only authorized users may use the chairmans unit by inserting an ID-card.
A yellow LED ashes (adjacent softkey 4) , if a message has been sent by the PC operator (via the message application software). MESSAGE appears in the MAIN menu. Press softkey marked (4) MESSAGE to display the incoming message. Press the softkey RETURN to stop displaying the message (LED =OFF).The option MESSAGE remains in the display until cleared by the PCoperator and can be recalled for instant viewing by pressing the softkey (4) again.
NOTE: The chairmans functions described are dependent on the software applications installed on the DCN control PC.
The MICROS menu provides a microphone management function enabling its user to display the status of the participants microphone. Under SPEAKER the number of participants speaking is displayed (Screenline can be displayed if only one participant is speaking), Under REQUESTS the number of delegates waiting to speak is displayed. Press the softkey marked CANCEL ALL to cancel all activated microphones and microphones from the delegates requesting to speak-list.
Priority key
The Priority key marked when pressed, mutes all currently active microphone units for the duration the key remains pressed, or mutes all active microphone units and clears the request-tospeak list (see 11.7.2). An attention tone is heard when this function is activated. This attention tone can be switched on or off in the microphone application software and in the CCU or Master CCU (PC-card LBB 3511/00).
The voting menu is selected in the MAIN menu by pressing the voting softkey. In the voting menu press the softkey START to start the voting session. Once started the display invites participants and chairman to cast their votes. To temporarily hold the voting session press the HOLD softkey. To restart the session press the RESTART softkey. All voting functions are once again available. To end the voting session press the STOP softkey, the display returns to the START voting menu.
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LED status during voting procedure ON FLASHING Press key
Incoming MESSAGE Indication (yellow ashing) from PC operator. Press softkey to display message. Press softkey RETURN to stop viewing the message. (LED =OFF). Press softkey(4) again to re-view message. MESSAGE option remains in MAIN menu (until cleared by PC operator).
XX = Denes number of participants Key to voting symbols P : Number of participants present - : Number of participants voting NO ? : Number of participants ABSTAINING + : Number of participants voting YES # : Number of participants NOT YET VOTED but registered their presence
* Press RETURN to return to the previous menu.
This MENU is shown for 3 seconds only. Returns to VOTING MENU with results for 1 minute when START is not pressed.
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11.8.1 Microphone
Press the microphone (6) button to switch on the microphone. If the request-to-speak is granted (depending on the Operation mode and the number of Active Micros selected) the units red LED indicator ring (1) will illuminate and the mic. bi-colour LED (7) illuminates red. If the microphone request has not been granted, the mic bi-colour LED (7) will ash green, indicating that the unit is in the request-to-speak mode. Refer to microphone operational modes.
NOTE: In Voice mode, the LED indicator ring is always off (default*) and the red bi-colour LED (7) always illuminates. To mute the units microphone press the microphone on/off button. * See Chapter 2.3.1 Adjustment setting discussion units to change default.
Headphones: Two sockets (4) allow a single or two sets of headphones to be connected to the delegate unit for listening to the oor speaker. The volume control (5) is used to adjust the headphone listening level. Connecting headphones mutes the units loudspeaker. 1 LBB 3530/xx LBB 3531/xx (illustrated) 1
NOTES: (applicable to chairmans unit LBB 3533/xx and LBB 3534/xx only)
1. The priority function can be set at the CCU (S9 see Chapter 4.5) to temporarily or permanently mute active microphones. In the temporarily mode, active microphones are muted for as long as the priority button is pressed, once released the muted microphones become active again. 2. In the permanent mode, active microphones are permanently muted including those on the request-to-speak list and cannot be switched on again until their users press their microphone buttons. 3. The optional chime tone can be switched on or off at the CCU (Internal setting).
4 2
4 5
4 2
4 5
11.8.3 Language channel selection (LBB 3531/.. and LBB 3534/.. only) Use the units numeric LC display (2) in combination with its select up/down keys to select the desired simultaneous interpretation language channel. The headphone volume control (5) can be
used to adjust the volume listening level.
7 6
7 9 6
FIG 11-7
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11.9 Interpretation
The interpreter desk has two functional modes: the operational mode and the programming mode. In the operational mode the interpreter desk is divided into two main working sections: the listening section and the speech section. The listening section at the left side of the unit includes headphone and loudspeaker monitoring facilities for listening to the oor or other translations.The speech section at the right of the unit includes controls for the outgoing translation channels. In its programming mode, operational functions can be set before a conference begins. The programming mode under a menu driven display enables audio channels to be assigned to specic languages, the selection of the interpreters A and B output translations, as well as providing an override and interlock facility between and within booths.
11.9.5 Override
If programmed, the Override function allows all interpreters assigned to the same output channel, to switch-on their microphones and access the output channel on a First-In-First-Out basis - thus switching off already active microphones. This function therefore, assures that only one microphone at a time is active on a channel.
The interlock function permits only one microphone on a channel to be switched on at any time, thus preventing other interpreters from using the same output channel. The Interlock function therefore operates on a First-In-First-Served basis.
When programmed None, interpreters assigned to the same channel can switch on their microphones simultaneously.
NOTE: In PC-based systems the Override, Interlock and None facility can be programmed for within booths or between booths. In stand-alone systems the Override, Interlock and None facilities are only active between booths.
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Alphanumeric LC-display
LBB 3520/10
Loudspeaker volume control (oor only)
Intercom call-key to chairman/operator Out-going language B-select keys Microphone Mute key Microphone status indicator (red) Floor LED indication Incoming oor key Auto-relay indicator Channel engaged indicators (yellow) Microphone On/Off key
Floor loudspeaker
9 Japanese
12 Indonesian
Outgoing channels
FIG 11-8
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Incoming Channel personal pre-select keys a, b and c A Japanese A French A German A English
FIG 11-9
B English Japanese
A French
A German
A English
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The display below shows the interpreters desk in its operational mode, displaying three incoming language channels. Channel 2ENG, channel 3FR, and Channel 4GER. For a list of language abbreviations refer to Table 11.1, (PAGE 11-25).
9 J
The following display gives an example of the language Quality Indication function. The display indicates that Channel 2ENG is the original oor language, while Channel 4GER (German) (+) is a direct translation based on the original FLOOR language, whereas Channel 3FR (French) (-) is an indirect translation based on a translation of a translation of the original FLOOR language.
Channel engaged indicators Microphone status indicator Microphone On/Off key Microphone Mute key
+ 4GER
9 J
A- Output
The A-channel is normally reserved for the interpreters most familiar outgoing language. Press the AChannel select key to output on the A-Channel, its associated red LED illuminates.
A+B- Output
As well as using the A-output as described above, the interpreter can also select a second outgoing language for distribution on channel B (if programmed), by using the desks B-select up/down keys. Pressing the B-Channel select key, activates the Outgoing B-channel, while switching off the Outgoing A-Channel. Their associated red LEDs act accordingly.
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When programmed None, no override or interlock facility is available, this means that interpreters assigned with the same outgoing channel are able to access the output channel and switch on their microphones simultaneously.
NOTE: In a stand-alone system their is no Interlock or Override facility available within a booth. The system default is set to None. In PC-based systems all functions are available either between booths or within booths. Microphone operation
To activate the microphone place the microphone activating key forward, the microphone status LED bar and light-ring illuminates. To switch the microphone off pull the microphone switch towards you, the microphone status LED bar extinguishes. If access to the output channel is denied, the system may be interlocked. In such a case, wait till the relevant engaged LED extinguishes, then release the microphone activating key (if on) and switch on again. The Mute key when pressed temporarily switches the microphone off (if on).
9 Japanese
12 Indonesian
Engaged LEDs
The A and B outgoing channel engaged LEDs, indicate when the relevant channels are occupied. A ashing engaged LED, indicates that this desks and other interpreter desk(s) microphones are switched on to the same channel. A ashing engaged LED (depends on the microphone interlock selected) indicates that the desks microphone activating key is in the ON position, but the microphone is not activated. A constant illuminated LED, indicates an attempt to access an occupied channel while the desks microphone activating key is in the OFF position. All indications disappear as soon as the channel is unoccupied.
The Call push-button when pressed opens the intercom communication channel, between the interpreters and the intercom operator.
Message distribution
When the central operator distributes a message using the Message Distribution Software Package LBB 3582, the message is shown on the top-line of the display, using additional screens if the message is longer than one screen.
NOTE: In the software application module Simultaneous Interpretation LBB 3572, the
option Flashing microphone LED bar when engaged can be enabled. If enabled, the microphone LED bar above the microphone switch will ash together with the Engaged LEDs giving improved engaged status visibility. This option remains also active when the Simultaneous Interpretation. software LBB 3572 or the PC is switched OFF. Disabling this function is only possible via the software module Simultaneous Interpretation LBB 3572.
Intercom operation
In a system, interpreter desks tted with a handset can be used for intercom communication with the intercom operator. To use this facility proceed as follows: 1. Lift the handset to open the intercom communication line 2. At the operator position, an LED illuminates indicating an incoming intercom call. 3. If the intercom-line is in use, a busy-tone is heard. In this case replace the handset and repeat the above steps after an appropriate delay. In PC-based systems running the DCN software package Intercom LBB 3573, participants using a unit with an installed handset can also participate in private two-way communication. An incoming intercom call is indicated by a text on the top-line of the display.
In the desks programming mode, the desks can be programmed to provide an Override, Interlock or a None function.
The override function enables interpreters on the same channel to override each others microphone on a First-In-First-Served basis. To activate the microphone when overridden, switch the microphone on/off key to off and switch on once again.
The interlock function if programmed permits only one microphone, on one channel, at a time to be activated between and in booths.The interlock function therefore prevents other interpreters located in different booths from using the same Outgoing channel at any one time until the active microphone has been switched off.
NOTE: The intercom function can also be performed with the units microphone and the headphone.
NOTE: Note:To activate the microphone in an interlock situation, wait till the engaged LED
extinguishes, put the microphone on/off key to off and then switch on again.
None Bosch Security Systems | 04-2003 | 3922 988 43318 en Operating the Interpreter Desk
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In PC based systems only the Menu b (Select booth number) and the Menu c (select desk number) need to be programmed manually on each desk. All other menus are programmed from the PC. When in the programming mode some of the desks keys are re-dened as programming keys. The following is an explanation of the redened keys.
Menu a Menu b Menu c Menu d Menu e Menu f Menu g Menu h Menu j Menu k Menu l END
Select user language (System) Select booth number (Desk only) Select desk number (Desk only) Select number of channels (System) Select language list (System) Select language Channels (System) Select outgoing channel via A-output (Desk only) Select outgoing channel(s) via B-output (Desk only) Select number of auto-relay supply booth(s) (System) Select auto-relay supply booth (System) Select Microphone locks between booths (System) End, use keys b and B to return to operational mode
NOTE: PC based systems using the DCN Simultaneous software package LBB 3572 have
extended control and preset facilities as compared to a stand-alone interpretation system. The B-channel, auto-oor function, and interlock function of individual desks can be overruled by the PC. The operator can preset and update the language channel routing on both outgoing A and B outputs on all interpreter desks installed in the system, and assign free or xed selection of output channel numbers on outgoing output B. 4
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STEP 3. NOTE: Only one desk can be programmed at the same time. STEP 4.
To enter the desk in to its Programming mode proceed as follows:: 1. Press the key Pre-select b and the Outgoing B keys simultaneously. The Installation mode is shown as follows:
knob to select option and B - select <> keys to select next or previous function
NOTE: Due to the length of the opening message, the message is displayed over additional screens. The message in full is as follows:
Installation mode, press Floor to enter or Mute to clear, use Relay select knob to select option and B-select <> keys to select next or previous function.
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Procedure: Select Menu b, Select booth number as described in step 2 (Programming procedures).
The following Menu is displayed:
Select booth number: <1> 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Select user language: <ENGLISH> FRANCAIS DEUTCH ITALIANO ESPANOL NEDERLANDS a
a b c A a b c A B B
2. Rotate the Relay select knob to scroll and select the required user language as described in Programming procedures Step 3. 3. To enter the selected language press the Floor. Refer to step 4.
1. Rotate the Relay select knob to scroll and select the required booth number as described in Programming procedures Step 3. 2. Press the Floor key to enter the required booth number. Refer to step 4.
NOTE: The booth number selected can be different from the channel number.
c A B
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Procedure: Select Menu c, Select desk number as described in step 2 (Programming procedures). The following
Menu is displayed:
Procedure: Select Menu d, Select number of channels as described in step 2 (Programming procedures). The
a b c A B
1. Rotate the Relay select knob to scroll and select the required booth number as described in Programming procedures Step 3. 2. Press the Floor key to enter the required desk number. Refer to step 4.
c A B
1. Rotate the Relay select knob to scroll and select the required number of channels as described in Programming procedures Step 3. 2. Press the Floor key to enter the required number of channels. Refer to step 4.
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Procedure: Select Menu e , Select language list as described in step 2 (Programming procedures). The following
Menu is displayed:
NOTE: if no channels where selected in Menu d, this menu will be bypassed and the next
programming menu, Menu g will be displayed.
Procedure: Select Menu f, Select language for channel as described in step 2 (Programming procedures).
The following Menu is displayed:
c A B
1. Rotate the Relay select knob to scroll and select the required language list as described in Programming procedures Step 3. 2. Press the Floor key to enter the required language list. Refer to step 4.
NOTE: Refer to Table 11.1. for the lists of languages and their abbreviations.
1. Rotate the Relay select knob to scroll and select the required language as described in Programming procedures Step 3. 2. Press the Floor key to enter the required language to the required channel number.
Refer to STEP 4.
3. If more than one channel needs assigning, use the B-select Up key to select the remaining channels. Refer to Table 11.1. for the lists of languages and their abbreviations.
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Procedure: Select Menu g, Select outgoing channel via A-output as described in step 2 (Programming
procedures). The following Menu is displayed:
Albanais SQ ALB Albanian ALB ARA Arabic ARA Arabe AR BUL Bulgarian BUL Bulgare BG CAT Catalan CAT Catalan CA CHI Chinese CHI Chinois ZH CZE Czech TCH Tchque CS DAN Danish DAN Danois DA DU Dutch HOL Hollandais NL ENG Dutch ANG Anglais EN FIN Finnish FIN Finnois FI FR French FR Franais FR GER German AL Allemand DE GRE Greek GRE Grec EL HEB Hebrew HEB Hbreu IW HUN Hungarian HON Hungrois HU IND Indonesian IND Indonsien IN ITA Italian ITA Italien IT JAP Japanese JAP Japonais JA KOR Korean COR Coren KO MAL Malay MAL Malais MS NOR Norwegian NOR Norvgien NO PER Persian PER Persan FA POL Polish POL Polonais PL POR Portuguese POR Portugais PT ROU Romanian ROU Roumain RO RUS Russian RUS Russe RU SER Serbian SER Serbe SR SPA Spanish ESP Espagnol ES SWE Swedish SUE Suedois SV TUR Turkish TUR Turc TR ... .......... ... .......... ... ... .......... ... .......... ... ... OFF...... ... ARRETTE ... IN = Incoming language channel abbreviations OUT = Outgoing language channel text
c A B
1. Rotate the Relay select knob to scroll and select the required channel number as described in Programming procedures Step 3. 2. Press the Floor key to enter the required channel number. Refer to step 4.
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 11 - System Set-up and Operation
en | 11-26
NOTE: If NONE is selected the Menu k is bypassed. Procedure: Select Menu j, Select number of auto-relay booths as described in step 2 (Programming
procedures). The following Menu is displayed:
Procedure: Select Menu h, Select outgoing channel via B-output as described in step 2 (Programming
procedures). The following Menu is displayed:
c A B
c A B
1. Rotate the Relay select knob to scroll and select NONE or ALL as described in Programming procedures Step 3. 2. Press the Floor key to enter the required choice. Refer to step 4.
1. Rotate the Relay select knob to scroll and select NONE or 1, 2 or 3 as described in Programming procedures Step 3. 2. Press the Floor key to enter the required choice. Refer to step 4. NOTES : 1. When selecting the number of booths providing an auto-relay function, it must be noted that this function will not be available if the required desk within the selected booth has not had its B-output programmed for auto-relay. 2. Using DCNs simultaneous interpretation software package LBB 3572 (from release 8.10) it is possible to set the number of auto-relay booths to 15 (max). However when using the menu on the desk itself, the settings done using the software package LBB 3572 (from release 8.10) will be deleted allowing a maximum of 3 auto-relay booths only to be set.
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 11 - System Set-up and Operation
en | 11-27
Select Menu j, Select auto-relay booth n as described in step 2 (Programming procedures). The following Menu is displayed:
Procedure: Select Menu l, Select microphone locks between booths as described in step 2 (Programming
procedures). The following Menu is displayed:
Select auto-relay booth 1: <Booth 1> k Select microphone locks between booths: <NONE> OVERRIDE INTERLOCK l
c A B a b c A B
1. Rotate the Relay select knob to scroll and select the booth number as described in Programming procedures Step 3. 2. Press the Floor key to enter the required choice. Refer to step 4 or repeat the above steps for the next booth.
1. Rotate the Relay select knob to scroll and select NONE, OVERRIDE or INTERLOCK as described in Programming procedures Step 3. 2. Press the Floor key to enter the required choice. Refer to step 4.
c A B
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 11 - System Set-up and Operation
en | 11-28
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 12 - Environmental Conditions & Maintenance
en | 12-1
NOTE: Acoustic feedback, causing Larsen effect (howling), is possible when connected
headphones/headsets reproducing the oor channel with a high volume, come too close to an activated microphone. The minimum distance recommended between microphone and headphones/headsets to avoid the Larsen effect, depends on the type of headphones/ headset, the volume setting and if worn or laid down on a desk or table. User should be instructed to keep sufcient distance or to set the volume level not louder than necessary.
WARNING: Damage to the power cable may cause re or a potential shock hazard.
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 12 - Environmental Conditions & Maintenance
en | 12-2
12.5 Ventilation
Maintain good ventilation. Ventilation holes are provided on top of the central control units. Place the units on a hard and level surface and position at least 4-inches from walls to ensure proper ventilation.
12.6 Cleaning
Do not use alcohol, ammonia or petroleum based liquids or abrasive cleaners to clean the equipment. Unplug and clean with a soft cloth slightly dampened with mild soap and water solution. Allow to dry completely before operating the relevant unit.
12.7 Storage
Disconnect the mains supply from all mains supplied units, if the units are not to be used for an extended period of time. Store in a dust free dry area with adequate ventilation. Do not store in areas affected by direct sunlight or in high or extreme cold conditions. See Technical data Chapter 13.. t is recommended that contribution and interpreter desks are stored in their relevant suitcases.
Interpreter booths
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 13 - Technical Data
en | 13-1
13.1.2 Mounting brackets (included with type No.s LBB 3500/xx, LBB 4106/00, LBB 3508)
Mounting brackets used for mounting central control equipment, and extension units.
Mechanical data
Metric/imperial Conversion
mm in 3 0.11
80.1 0.310.1
3 0.11
FIG 13-1
Mounting brackets
Mechanical data
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 13 - Technical Data
en | 13-2
13.1.3 LBB 4106/00 and LBB 4106/00 (D) Extension Power Supply Unit
Mounting : : : :
Free standing on a table-top or mounted into a 19-inch rack. (Requires 2HE - 0.5 width) See Chapter 4.12. 19Rack mounting DCN control units 100 x 220 x 308 mm (3.9 x 8.6 x 12.1 in) excl. plugs 348 mm (13.7 in) 8.3 kg (18.2 lb)
13.1.4 LBB 3508/00 and LBB 3508 (D) Audio Media Interface Unit
Mounting Dimensions H x W x D Width including brackets Depth including handles Weight : : : : : Free standing on a table-top or mounted into a 19-inch rack (Requires 2HE). 100 x 440 x 308 mm (3.9 x 17.3 x 12.1 in) excl. plugs 483 mm (19. in) 348 mm (13.7 in) 9.1 kg (20. lb)
Interpreter desk : LBB 3520/10 Mounting : Free standing. Dimensions H x W x D : 87 x 300 x 125 mm (3.4 x 11.8 x 4.9 in) excl. plugs Length when microphone is placed in its transportable position: 340 mm ( 13.34 in) Weight : approx: 1kg (2.2 lb)
Table-top units
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 13 - Technical Data
en | 13-3
50 40
580.3 2.28 1160.3 4.56 180.2 (2x) 0.70 (2x) 69.20.3 2.72
mm in
34.60.3 1.36
Cable holes (only when required) To previous unit To previous unit (alternative)
FIG 13-2
FIG 13-3
Table-top units
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 13 - Technical Data
en | 13-4
Dimensions H x W x D Weight
: :
Dimensions H x W x D Weight
mm in 3 0.11
: :
mm in
3 0.11
58 2.28
58 2.28
1.20.2 0.04
1100.2 4.33
8 0.31
8 0.31
300.2 1.18
35.5 1.39
2.40.1 0.09
1000.2 3.93
3 0.11
118.5 4.6
FIG 13-4
FIG 13-5
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 13 - Technical Data
en | 13-5
13.3.3 LBB 3537/00 and LBB 3537/50 Microphone with FM Control Panel
Mounting : Flush mounting using the units click-to-t mechanism in a metal panel with a thickness of 2 mm, or ush mounting in a wooden surface using the units screw mounting facilities (2 screws provided). 120 x 40 mm ( 4.7 x 1.5 in) 30 mm (1.1 in) 165 g (0.36 lb) LBB 3537/00 : 310 mm ( 12.2 in) extended LBB 3537/50 : 480 mm ( 18.9 in) extended
: : : :
: : : :
mm in 3 0.1
1100.2 4.33
50.2 0.19
26.5 1.04
300.2 1.18
32.40.2 1.27
1.20.2 0.04
2.40.1 0.09
1100.2 4.33
1000.2 3.93
50.2 0.19
FIG 13-7
300.2 1.18 32.40.2 1.27
2.40.1 0.09
1000.2 3.93
Dimensions H x W x D Weight
: :
FIG 13-6
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 13 - Technical Data
en | 13-6
13.3.6 LBB 3537/20 and LBB 3537/50 FM Microphone Control Panel for microphones LBB 3549/00 and LBB 3549/50
Mounting :
Dimensions L x W Built-in depth Weight Microphone height : : : :
Flush mounting using the units click-to-t mechanism in a metal panel with a thickness of 2 mm, or ush mounting in a wooden surface using the units screw mounting facilities (2 screws provided). 120 x 40 mm (4.7 x 1.5 in) 30 mm (1.1 in) 125 g (0.3 lb) 310 mm (12.2 in) extended
: : :
26 1.02
mm in 1.20.2 0.04
1100.2 4.33 50.2 0.19
1100.2 4.33
50.2 0.19
300.2 1.18
32.40.2 1.27
700.2 2.75
68.40.2 2.69
2.40.1 0.09
1000.2 3.93
2.40.1 0.09
1000.2 4.33
0.80.2 0.03
FIG 13-8
FIG 13-9
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 13 - Technical Data
en | 13-7
Dimensions H x W x D Weight
mm in 3 0.11
: :
Dimensions H x W x D Weight
mm in 3 0.11
: :
30 1.18
23 0.9
220.60.2 8.68
4.70.2 0.18
7 00.2 2.75
1100.2 4.33 50.2 0.19
720.2 2.83
300.2 1.18
32.40.2 1.27
2.40.1 0.09
2300.2 9.05
2.40.1 0.09
1000.2 3.93
FIG 13-10
FIG 13-11
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 13 - Technical Data
en | 13-8
Dimensions H x W x D Weight
mm in 3 0.11
: :
81 3.49
1.20.2 0.04
1100.2 4.33
50.2 0.19
300.2 1.18
32.40.2 1.27
2.40.1 0.09
1000.2 3.93
FIG 13-12
Installation Accessories
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 13 - Technical Data
en | 13-9
Interpreter headphones LBB9095/30 Impedance:2 x 720 Ohms Frequency response:250 Hz to13 kHz (-10 dB) Max. power:200 mW Sensitivity:97 dB SPL/Earpiece at 0 dbV/* 96 dB SPL/Earpiece at 1 mW/* Weight:78 g (0.17 lb) Colour:black/grey * = System Single earphone LBB 3442/00 Impedance:32 Ohms Frequency response:100 Hz to 5 kHz (-10 dB) Max. power:5 mW Sensitivity:114 dB SPL at 1mW/* Weight:25 g (0.06 lb) Colour:dark grey Dynamic headphones LBB 3015/04 and LBB 9095/30 Impedance:360 Ohms (LBB 9095/30 2 x 720 Ohms) Frequency response:250 Hz to 13 kHz (-10 dB) Max. power:200 mW Sensitivity:97 dB SPL at 0 dBV/* 96 dB SPL at 1mW/* Weight:90 g (0.19 lb) Colour:black/grey
Pluggable microphones LBB 3549/xx Overload microphone level : 110 dB SPL Nominal microphone level : 85 dB SPL2dB (1kHz) Typical frequency response ; 100 - 16000 Hz External microphone for CONCENTUS units Element : Electret condenser Polar pattern : omni-directional Operating voltage : 5V d.c. Sensitivity : -62 dB (0 dB = 1V/bar, 1000 Hz) at load 1.2 KOhms Frequency response : 100 Hz - 14 kHz
13.5.2 Headphones
Light weight stereo headphones LBB 3443/00 Impedance : 32 Ohms Frequency response : 50 Hz - 20 kHz (-10 dB) Max. power : 98 dB SPL/Earpiece at 1 mW/Earpiece Weight : 70 g (0.16 lb) Colour : Charcoal with silver Under the Chin headphones LBB 3441/00 Impedance LBB 3015/04:300 Ohms Frequency response:50 Hz - 15 kHz (-10dB) Max. power:60 mW Sensitivity:107 dB SPL/Earpiece at 0 dbV/* Weight:33 g (0.07 lb) Colour:black
Electrical data
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 13 - Technical Data
en | 13-10
NOTE: The maximum operational temperature for ALL operational contribution units with LC-display is 40C. The maximum operational temperature for the Ext. Power supply unit LBB 4106/.. is +40C.
Safety Standards for North America Approvals (CSA, C and USA):CAN/CSA E65 -94 UL 6500
Typical frequency response Front-to random sensitivity index Rated equivalent sound pressure level due to inherent noise Total harmonic distortion at overload Crosstalk attenuation
Electrical data
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 13 - Technical Data
en | 13-11
3 2 2
5 6
1 6
System limitations
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 13 - Technical Data
en | 13-12
13.7.8 Jack-plug
1. TIP: 2. RING: 3. Sleeve: Signal (live) Signal (return) Electrical earth/screen) 3 2 1
lightring control (active low) lightring +5V microphone signal electrical ground shield
1 5 2 4 Top view 3
3 5 2 4
3.5 mm
tip sleeve
Connection details
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 13 - Technical Data
en | 13-13
+ = Audio outputs
LBB 3500/.. Channel 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Description Floor Interpret 1 Interpret 2 Interpret 3 Interpret 4 Interpret 5 Interpret 6 Interpret 7 Interpret 8 Interpret 9 Interpret 10 Interpret 11 Floor Floor Floor *Intercom Remark Interpretation Distribution 1 Distribution 2 Distribution 3 Distribution 4 Distribution 5 Distribution 6 Distribution 7 Distribution 8 Distribution 9 Distribution 10 Distribution 11 Line output equalized Delegate loudspeakers equalized Line output +
Audio Outputs
LBB 3508/00 LBB 3513/00
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + **
1. 2. When in Multi-CCU mode, only channels 1 - 11 can be assigned as interpretation channels. Local oor audio of all contribution units connected to a CCU LBB 3500/35 is available via channel 12. This signal can be used for group recording, or for systems requiring speech localization. Channel 12 audio signal output is available via the Audio Media Interface Unit LBB 3508/00 and LBB 3508/00(D) or via the Analog Audio Input/Output Module LBB 3513/00
Channel 15 is assigned as the intercom channel. Each audio channel assigned to intercom can actually accommodate up to 4 separate intercom channels with limited audio frequency characteristics. For more information refer to the software user manual for System Installation LBB 3585. The Table opposite shows the basic conguration. Other congurations can be assigned using the DCN application software.
* Intercom channels not suitable for distribution ** Available for interpretation when channels 1 - 15 are assigned for interpretation.
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 13 - Technical Data
en | 13-14
CAUTION: First check the dimensions against the actually printed template dimension before attempting to use the template. Centre Line for R495.5
CHECK DIMENSION ! This template is for use in making a cut-out in a desk or table-top for ush-mounting CONCENTUS units.
R5 .51 2x 1
2003 Bosch Security Systems B.V. Data subject to change without notice 04-2003 | 3922 988 43318 en