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CelTools Training

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CelPlanner Suite 7.7

CelTools Training



CelPlan Technologies, Inc. 1835 Alexander Bell Drive / 200 Reston, Virginia 20191 Phone: 703.259.4020 Fax: 703.476.8964

Table of Contents
1 2 3 Introduction............................................................................................................................. 1 Samples Collection ................................................................................................................. 1 Calibration Procedure Description.......................................................................................... 3 3.1 Convert Drive Test Data ................................................................................................. 3 3.2 Filter Drive Test Data ................................................................................................... 10 3.3 Process Drive Test Data................................................................................................ 15 3.4 Calibrate Model ............................................................................................................ 20 4 Summary ............................................................................................................................... 33


1 Introduction
CelPlan supports a powerful and unique approach for processing RF measurements and automatically calibrating propagation parameters. CelPlan provides the tools required for making measurements and running accurate predictions, providing the most precise results in the industry. Propagation parameters are closely connected to the propagation model used. Generally speaking, the greater number of parameters used to predict a single path, the more precise the prediction model. The models used in CelPlanner provide very good results, not only matching the predictions to measurements of a site, but also presenting good reusability of parameters for similar sites. This reliability drastically minimizes the number of drive tests required and provides more confidence in the predictions performed without specific measurements. The following topic of this document provides a list of recommendations for gathering statistically valid samples. Section three provides a sample calibration procedure and the last part of the document describes each of the propagation models available in CelPlanner.

2 Samples Collection
Gathering RF propagation measurements for model calibration requires a great deal of care because obtaining accurate parameters from measurements is directly related to the quality of the predictions. Measurements used to calibrate a model should be very precise and representative of the area. Bad measurements lead to bad results. Before starting samples collection, engineers should consider several factors: Measurement Routes Planning - The route should cover as many morphologies as possible. Measurements should be taken at subscribers average speed during the busiest hour in an area. Study Terrain Databases and Note Discrepancies - Engineers should avoid measuring in areas that are not well represented by the terrain database. These areas include elevated highways, tunnels, or new buildings/developments that are not included in a database. If engineers perform measurements in these areas, they should take note and eliminate them when calibrating the model. Measure the Same Area More than Once - Slow fading can cause significant variations in an area. To avoid this problem, measure streets in both directions, driving in all lanes, if possible. Engineers should measure each street at least twice. Take Note of Measurement Conditions - Verify antenna height and local impairments, like body attenuation or car attenuation. Preferably, avoid these impairments as they can be added later on using user terminal configuration parameters in CelPlanner. Analyze Results after Each Collection - Analyze measurements and look for any inconsistencies. Analyze if the collected data makes sense. Sometimes, a site can be out of service and the resulting measurements around that site are invalid. The general rule is that better results come from careful measurement of a few sites rather than bad measurement of many sites. The following is a check-list for the verifying the validity of collected samples and calibration: Measurement coordinates are compatible with database coordinates; The measured site is properly characterized. Transmitter and antenna parameters were verified; The measured signal did not have interference and was assigned to the correct site (key off recommended when possible); Fast fading was filtered (average for every 40 );

Collected samples are properly located, that is, a signal measured on a street falls on this same morphology type in the GIS database; Samples collected in morphologies not represented on the GIS database (bridges, tunnels) were removed; Samples collected close (less than 3 times tower height) to the transmitter were eliminated because of the influence of antenna side lobes. Samples should be collected within the main antenna lobe; Neither noise floor nor saturation was reached; The area is evenly represented and measurements are evenly distributed (averages can be done over small grids (4m x 4m) to help in the distribution statistics); Streets were measured several times in different directions; After the first calibration, points with excessive errors were removed and the model was recalibrated.

This check-list is extreme important to make sure a good calibration is obtained. Failure to follow these steps may result in bad propagation parameters. It is better to assume standard parameters than to use parameters obtained through bad calibrations.

Figure 1 Signal level measurement samples


3 Calibration Procedure Description 3.1 Convert Drive Test Data

The first step in the calibration process is to convert all drive test data into a format recognized by CelPlanner. Users have two options of format: text (txt) and binary (med). Drive test data files (measurements) handled by CelPlanner use extension .MED; but the file can also be presented as text (TXT) to allow changes using a text editor. Drive test text files contain a header block with the transmitter description and a data block with the collected data. Header block

CelPlanner file identification code - [CelPlan DT MED];

Rbs Nam Obs Lat Lon Ota Tal Frq Pwr Aht Azm Tlt Ant Mah Mag nMe (Tx Code) transmitter identification code - up to 8 characters (Tx Name) transmitter name - up to 15 characters (Observation) up to 31 characters (Tx latitude) latitude in degrees, minutes, seconds, and hemisphere, tab delimited. (Tx Longitude) longitude in degrees, minutes, seconds, and hemisphere, tab delimited. (Override terrain altitude) use of the terrain altitude, disabled (0), or enabled (1). (Terrain altitude level) terrain altitude, in meters, only used if Ota=1. (Central frequency) central operation frequency, in MHz, from 30 to 6000 (ERP) effective power radiated by the antenna, in watts, from 0.001 to 50000 (Antenna height) antenna height, in meters, from 1 to 500 (Antenna Azimuth) antenna direction considering azimuth, from 0 to 359.9 degrees (Antenna Tilt) tilt in relation to the horizontal plan, from 45.0 to +45.0 degrees (Antenna type) type of antenna used, data file name (Mobile antenna height) average mobile terminal height, in meters, from 0.1 to 100 (Mobile antenna gain) mobile terminal reception antenna gain, from -30 to +60 dBd (Number of measurements) number of measurements records from 1 to 65536

One blank line separates the header from the data block. Data block Lat: latitude of the measured point, in degrees, minutes, seconds, and hemisphere, tab delimited. Lon: longitude of the measured point, in degrees, minutes, seconds, and hemisphere, tab delimited. Mea: (Measurement) value measured in dBm All other fields in the data block are automatically calculated by CelPlanner after the file is processed. (Predicted Value) predicted value in dBm (Corrected Predicted value) Corrected predicted value after input of the prediction adjustment factors in dBm Ttp (Type of terrain) type of terrain where measurements were performed Azm (Profile azimuth) direction of the profile defined by the line-of-sight between the measured point and the site. This angle is taken in relation to the geographic North, beginning at the site, until finding the profile line. Dst (Distance) distance of the measured point to the site in meters Prd Prc

Ptp (Prediction type) type of prediction. Provides information related to the prediction performed, for example, if there was any obstruction, the type of the obstruction, etc.

Figure 2 Drive Test Data Before Processing in CelPlanner

Figure 3 Drive Test Data After Processing in CelPlanner Using the text file, users can manually convert files generated with any measurement equipment. The edited text file can be re-imported into the tool through the Measurement menu.

CelTools provides an automatic conversion process for specific drive test equipment. Table lists equipment
currently supported along with the required file extension: CellScope CelScope2000 XTel X-136 and XTel Scanner Ericsson TEMS TDMA Ericsson TEMS GSM Champs Agilent GSM Agilent CDMA Grayson PageTracker Grayson Invex 3G Comarco WorkBench Table 1 Drive Test Equipment Supported by CelTools log gga dbf exp fmt cmp agl csv ptk sht cmo

Signal Pro Panther spr pnt

A sample procedure to use CelTools converter is provided next. In this procedure, a CellScope file (log) was used as example.

In CelTools
1) Create a new CelTools project.

Figure 4 New CelTools Project 2) Open the CelPlanner project to be calibrated

Figure 5 Open CelPlanner Project 3) As explained earlier in this section, drive test files in CelPlanner format, require a header containing the transmitter configuration. Users do not need to configure this information if the only purpose is to visualize the drive data; however, if the file is being used for calibration, the header must be as accurate as possible. During the calibration process, the transmitter information indicates to CelTools where the signal measured at each of the coordinates is coming from, allowing the tool to

determine the path loss. To configure the header, open the Measurement menu and select the Header option.

Figure 6 Header Option in Measurement Menu The header configured in this dialog box is stored in memory and automatically inserted into converted drive test files; therefore, if the collection data being converted belongs to different transmitters, a different header should be configure before converting each file. For situations where several drive test data files are associated to the same transmitter, the header only needs to be configured once. And all the files can be converted in batch. The header info can also be edited using CelPlanner (described later in this document).

Figure 7 Configuring the Header

4) Next, users may want to clean the raw measurement files for out of format and out of range values. Users can perform this function using the Clean Command in the Measurement Menu.

5) To start the conversion, select the Convert option (Measurement menu).


Figure 8 Convert Option in Measurement Menu 6) In the dialog box displayed, press the File button to select the file (or files) to be converted. A dropdown list of file types indicates all file extensions supported by CelTools, however, there is no need to select the specific one you are working with, the tool automatically recognizes what kind of file is being converted.

Figure 9 Converting Drive Test Data

CelPlanner or using a text editor.

The converted files always use the header configured in step 3; however the header can be modified later in

A sample of a raw data log file to be converted is shown below:

G522763-078.489981-00.2092281052282836 R5227640320F106100 96 R5227720321F100 97 96 R5227730321F 98 98 98 R5227890324F116114112 R5227900324F112111110 R5228520333F111110108 R5228540334F 76 74 73 R5228550334F 76 76 76 R5228560334F 76 75 75 R5228570334F 76 75 75 G522858-078.489814-00.2092781052292836 R5228600335F 56 54 52 R5228610335F 53 51 50 R5228620335F 57 54 52 R5228630335F 56 54 53 R5228650336F 95 91 89 R5228930340F 68 66 64


As an option, users can implement a differential GPS correction by separately gathering GPS values at a fixed location. The software, through the Analyze GPS Button (Convert Command, Data Conversion Dialog Box), will analyze the stationary GPS readings to calculate position (at least 10 hours of readings are required). Users can overwrite values by entering coordinates directly. The Conversion Process will then correct GPS readings using the variation of the stationary GPS as a reference. This option has become less necessary with the removal in year 2000 of the so called Selective Availability (SA) errors, which were intentionally introduced errors in the GPS system for security reasons. With the removal of SA errors, both the need for differential GPS and offline GPS corrections were greatly reduced.

The conversion process allows the interpolation of coordinates between GPS readings. This capability greatly improves the accuracy and significance of measurements locations. The following variables are relevant in the setup of the conversion and interpolation process: Min Signal: Defines the smallest signal value allowed to be in the converted file. Measurements points below this level will be removed. T1 (sec): Defined as Maximum time between GPS coordinates (1..15 sec), it is used to tell the tool the how to identify situations when the GPS signal is lost. For an illustration, a GPS receiver will normally obtain coordinates every 1 second. If more than one second is elapsed without readings, it means that the GPS signal was not received in that interval, and for accuracy purposes measurements in that period may be discarded. In the example of T1 = 15 seconds, and a vehicle moving at 50 km/h (aprox. 30 mph) this would mean to loose the signal for about 200 m (1/8 of a mile). T2 (ms): Defined as Maximum time between samples (40..999ms; same channel), it is used to tell the tool how to average multiple samples of a channel into one measurement point into the converted file. For instance, suppose that there are samples in the log file for a certain channel every 5ms, but T2 is configured in the example as 50ms, then the tool will average together every 10 samples into one measurement point in the output file. This works as a sort of short term fading filtering. Dist: Defined as Minimum distance in meters between coordinates (CelPlan output file). The tool will average together all points that are within Dist meters of distance from each other. This allows for basically two effects: (i) In addition to the parameter T2 explained above, it helps on eliminating fading effects, this time for shadow + multipath fading filtering together; and (ii) it helps to reduce the significance of certain locations that have been over-sampled (parking lots, red traffic lights) in comparison to the other measurement locations, making the measurement file more evenly distributed across the locations traveled.


The Conversion Process will generate one file for each frequency selected and name the output file automatically using the frequency as file name. If more than one file exists for the same frequency, users can automatically append the data to the same file (Append Option). At the same time, the software will filter signals by signal range, maximum time without GPS signal, time between samples, and minimum distance between samples.

Figure 10 Displaying Drive Test Data

This example shows the conversion of drive test data collected using Grayson equipment. To visualize the file after conversion, click on the Overlay (files) tab, in the Presentation dialog box, and select the Measurement sub-tab. Enable drive test data display using the Measurement check box. Use the File button to select the desired file. Only one file can be displayed at a time on a view (visualization window); however, multiple views can be opened if desired.

Figure 11 Converted Drive Test Data

3.2 Filter Drive Test Data

After converting the files users can filter them using the Filter option (Measurement menu). Different criteria (signal, coordinates, and morphology) can be applied to enhance the significance of the measurements. Users can load measurements files in a view during the filtering process to overlay drive test data over maps and filter undesired areas, such as bridges and elevated highways.

In CelTools
This example covers three types of filters: signal range, distance from the transmitter, and azimuth. 1) To filter a file, choose the Filters option in the Measurement menu. In the dialog box displayed, select the Signal Range option, then configure the minimum and maximum values of samples within the file. Any sample whose signal level is higher than the maximum or lower than the minimum is discarded in this filter.



Figure 12 Signal Range Filter Use the Input File button to load the original file (to be filtered). In the Output File field, type in the name for the filtered file. If you use the same name as the input file, the original information will be lost because the file will be overwritten. If you do not select a name for the output file, the tool automatically selects a name based on the type of filter being applied.

Figure 13 Signal Range Filter Log File The log file window registers the name of the input and output files. If the filtered file is loaded for visualization, the title bar of the View window displays the number of samples contained in the file.



Figure 14 Drive Test Data Displayed After Signal Range Filter 2) After the signal range filter, apply the Distance filter. In the Coordinates tab (Filters dialog box), select the Cell Site Distance option, then configure the distance in meters. This distance represents the distance from the transmitter to the sample. Be careful to select the Output File Contents as selected area not included, this causes samples collected too close to the site to be eliminated. These samples can be deceiving in the calibration process because of the influence of secondary lobes of the transmitter antenna. To choose the distance to filter, consider the tower height and type of antenna being used.

200 m

All samples within this area are discarded

Figure 15 Distance Filter



Figure 16 Distance Filter Log File

Figure 17 Drive Test Data Displayed After Distance Filter 3) Next, still in the Coordinates tab (Filters dialog box), select the Cell Site Distance option and enable the Azimuth check box. Configure the distance, in meters, and azimuth, in degrees. The distance now represents the maximum distance from the transmitter for a sample to be considered, that is, any sample collected further than the distance configured in this field is discarded. The Azimuth configuration is based on the azimuth of the transmitter (header of the measurement file). The value configured in this field, represents the beamwidth of the antenna and is defines the main antenna coverage area. Half of the beamwidth is taken to the left of the azimu8th angle and half to the right. This time, select the Output File Contents as only selected area included, this causes samples collected outside of the area defined to be discarded. These samples can be deceiving in the calibration process because of the influence of side and back lobes of the transmitter antenna.



6000 m 200 m

30 ut im az

h 30

Only samples within the colored area are kept on the output file

Figure 18 Azimuth Filter

Figure 19 Azimuth Filter Log File

Figure 20 Drive Test Data Displayed After Azimuth Filter



3.3 Process Drive Test Data

The main step in the calibration process is the processing of drive test data. This step adds prediction information to the drive test file. For each sample collected, CelPlanner calculates the corresponding predicted value for that coordinate as well as the type and quantity of morphologies in the propagation path (transmitter to sample). This file is different depending on the model being calibrated; therefore and extension is added to indicate the model (lm1, lm2, lm3 for models 1, 2 and 3 respectively. There are six different propagation models available in CelPlanner: Model I: Enhanced Lee-Picquenard Model II: Korowajczuk Model III: Microcell Model IV: Stanford Model V: Okomura-Hata (baseline and fractional) Line of Sight The line of sight model does not require calibration as it depends solely on the existence of obstructions on the propagation path. All other models can be calibrated using drive test data.

In CelPlanner
Measurement files can be processed individually or in batch. This examples illustrates how to do a single file first and then explains how to execute files in batch. 1) Open the desired measurement file using the Measurement menu (Open option).

Figure 21 Opening Drive Test Data File



Figure 22 Drive Test Data Loaded in CelPlanner 2) Choose the Configure option (Measurement menu) and, in the dialog box displayed, check the header information for consistency.

Figure 23 Measurement Menu


3) Choose the Configure option (Measurement menu) and, in the dialog box displayed, check the header information for consistency. Make sure you select the Model and Parameter table you want to calibrate.

Figure 24 Configuring the Measurement File Header The box on the upper right corner of this dialog box indicates that this file has not being processed yet because the Prd column has no information. To use the processed file for calibration it is necessary to generate a log file during processing. Enable the Generate Log File check box and press the Process Measurement button.



Figure 25 Processed Measurement File After processing, the Measurement dialog box should fill in the Prd column on the right upper corner of the dialog. Make sure you save the file before opening the next one, otherwise the processed information is lost.

Figure 26 Processed Measurement File


4) If the header information of all your files is already correct, you can choose to process the files in batch instead of individually. In the Measurement menu, choose the Batch Execute option.

Figure 27 Batch Execution of Measurement Files In the dialog box displayed, select the Open option. The Selection Mask is automatically changed to *.med. This means that only files with extension .med will be processed regardless of how many files you have on the selected directory. Select the directory where the files to be processed are stored. Check the Execute and Save boxes.

Figure 28 Processed Measurement File


The select the model and parameter tables to be calibrated. Also, make sure you check the Generates Log File check box (both of them). These configurations will apply to all files executed. Other fields of the header information can also be modified using this dialog box, however they will also be applied to all processed files. Therefore it is not advisable to use the Batch Execution dialog box to configure transmitter data, unless all drive test files are associated to the same transmitter. After configuring the desired information, press OK. All files stored in the selected directory are going to be converted and automatically saved with an .lm* extension in the same place.

3.4 Calibrate Model

The processed drive test files is all the information CelTools need to calibrate the propagation models.

Many mathematical algorithms can be used to calibrate propagation parameters with the objective of reducing the average error to zero, while, at the same time, minimizing the standard deviation. If the parameters suggested by the algorithm are out of range that means that there is something wrong with the calibration set up. Errors are usually found to be related with the database or measurements. The first step in the calibration process is to establish a matrix that associates path loss equations with the measured samples as shown in Figure 29.

Path loss for measurement 1 Path loss for measurement 2 Path loss for measurement 3

measurement 1 measurement 2 measurement 3

Path loss for measurement n

measurement n

Figure 29 Measurement path loss matrix The unknowns in this matrix are the propagation parameters. The path loss equations are statistically solved to define these parameters. Parameters that are weakly represented should not be considered. These parameters can be obtained from other measurements or can be estimated by users.


When using fractional morphology models, this matrix can be assembled using signal level information related to different sites because the intention is to calibrate morphologies and not sites. Figure 30 shows the calibration dialog box used in CelTools for the Korowajczuk model.

Figure 30 Propagation parameters calibration The list of propagation parameters associated with each of the morphology types is referred to as a parameter table. This table can be applied to sites/sectors on an individual basis. Average error and standard deviation are derived from it according to equation (1). The statistics of these parameters are important to characterize the prediction error. S = S + A + A(p) + ((p))(p) Where A: Average of the average error A: Standard deviation of A : Average of the standard deviation : Standard deviation of An important verification of the quality of the model and its calibration is the reusability of propagation parameters. The comparison of predicted results to measured values should result in consistent results. The average error should be less than 1 dB and the standard deviations should be in range of 4 to 6 dB. (1)



In CelTools
This example shows the calibration process using a single log file, however, an actual calibration can be based on multiple files. To do this, simply select multiple files using the shift key when prompted to select the log file for calibration. 1) Open the Calibration menu. This menu has no secondary options available, thus the Calibration dialog box should be immediately displayed.

Figure 31 Calibration Menu 2) In the Calibration Machine dialog box press the File button and select a log file (or multiple files) to be used for the calibration. Then minimize CelTools.

Figure 32 Calibration Menu



In CelPlanner
3) CelTools needs the morphology types and the initial propagation parameters used when processing the measurement files. This information is available in CelPlanner and can be easily obtained through the Prediction Parameters dialog box (Project menu, Configure option, Prediction Parameters button).

Figure 33 Prediction Parameters Button


4) Once the Prediction Parameters dialog box is opened, select the table used for processing the files (Parameter tables in the measurement file header, see section 3 of this document, steps 3 and 4).Click on the CelPlan logo at the left upper corner of this dialog box and choose the option Copy.

Figure 34 Prediction Parameters Dialog Box



In CelTools
5) In CelTools, press the Paste button. This causes the information to be transferred to the Calibration Machine dialog box.

Figure 35 Prediction Parameters in CelTools 6) Select the Unconstrained option and press Calibrate. The unconstrained option finds the mathematically optimal solution for the set of equations determined by the path loss calculated for each sample on the log file. Even though this solution is mathematically optimal it does not necessarily provide reasonable propagation parameters. It is important, however, to calibrate the model first as unconstrained to find out what the best possible standard and average deviation are.



Figure 36 Unconstrained Calibration 7) After obtaining the unconstrained calibration values, press the Deviation button. In the dialog box displayed, select the Analysis option and press Analyze. The last line of the results table provides the standard and average deviation for this calibration.

Figure 37 Deviation Calculation


You can also visualize the errors for this calibration using the Measurement chart view (Calibration Machine dialog box). The title of this chart displays the number of samples in the file and the standard and average deviation values for the current calibration.

Figure 38 Measurement Chart View 8) Switch then to the Constrained calibration method (Calibration Machine dialog box). When the Constrained option is selected, the tab Ranges is displayed for configuration of the constraint parameters. The parameters presented in this tab change according to the propagation model being calibrated. The right side of this tab is used to configure a valid range for the propagation parameters of each morphological type. Default parameters are available through the Restore Defaults button.



Figure 39 Constrained Calibration Ranges The Parameters configured on the lower left corner of the Range tab, configure the algorithm used in the Calibration Machine. Four different optimization methods are available: Smart (or Quick Start) Simulated Annealing, Smart Blind Random Search, Dumb (or Slow Start) Simulated Annealing, and Dumb Blind Random Search. The main difference between smart and dumb algorithms is the starting point of each of them. Smart algorithms start form a clipped version of the optimal solution and converge faster; whereas dumb algorithms start from a random solution, that is, they are not polarized to any local minimum, but take longer to converge. SA-QS: Simulated Annealing Quick Start SA-SS: Simulated Annealing Slow Start BRS-QS: Blind Random Search Quick Start BRS-SS: Blind Random Search Slow Start The Simulated Annealing Algorithm is an abstraction of the annealing process used in metallurgical and glass industries. In the glass industry, to shape the glass it is necessary to first heat the material to very high temperatures. After this, the material goes through a rapid cooling phase but the temperature is still very high, at approximately 1050 degrees Fahrenheit. That is when the annealing phase begins.


Annealing is the process by which the stress in the glass (or other material) is relieved and the molecules are allowed to cool and arrange themselves into a solid, stable form. Unlike many substances, glass does not melt or harden at a single temperature. Instead, it gradually softens and hardens as the temperature changes. The annealing zone is the phase in which the transition from liquid to solid occurs. There are three critical points within this zone: the upper annealing point, where the glass begins to return to the solid form; the annealing point, where the molecules optimally realign themselves evenly through the glass; and the strain point, where the glass solidifies. In theory you can relieve the glass of stain and anneal at any temperature in the annealing zone, but the closer you are to the actual annealing point, the more efficiently annealing will take place. Every type of glass has a different annealing temperature and zone. Tests can be performed to determine these points, but, even for the same type of glass, they differ slightly, depending on the color or other variables. If the fused item uses many types of glass, it may have many different annealing points and zones, making the process extremely complicated. Because the Simulated Annealing Algorithm is an abstraction of this problem, many of its parameters are compared to the temperature variable. The Simulated Annealing method is a global minimum search method like hill climbing; however, it uses randomness to remove problems of local minima found with strict hill climbing. This method has several strengths, being able to walk over and around peaks of different heights and of different widths with the same step size. Because it explores solution vectors even if they increase the cost function, it can reach many peaks from one starting position, thus avoiding being limited by its starting point or by a local minimum. This means that it may start on one hill and eventually climb an adjacent hill. At each outer-loop iteration (a full cycle of steps), the system temperature is decreased by a factor, i.e., the system is cooled very slowly. In other words, the algorithm starts with a large temperature (kT), with high probability of hill climbing. Every time the temperature is reduced, the algorithm becomes more and more selective about accepting hill climbing. Within each outer-loop iteration, there is an intermediate loop where steps are incremented (P3) and an internal loop of random neighborhood searches (inner iterations) within each step. For example, if P3 = 10, the initial search starts in 0.1 (1/P3) of the ranges allowed, and grows in steps of 0.1 until it gets to full range. 9) After determining the ranges, switch back to the Calibration tab and press Calibrate. The log file indicates the status of the calibration, showing the number of iterations and the cost function values obtained at each of them.

Figure 40 Constrained Calibration Log File At the end of the constrained calibration process, the log file shows a summary indicating the final propagation parameters calculated, as well as the standard and average deviations.



Figure 41 Final Propagation Parameters and Deviation in Log File

Figure 42 Final Propagation Parameters


10) After obtaining the constrained calibration values, press the Deviation button. In the dialog box displayed, select the Analysis option and press Analyze. The last line of the results table provides the standard and average deviation for this calibration.

Figure 43 Deviation Calculation You can also visualize the errors for this calibration using the Measurement chart view (Calibration Machine dialog box). The title of this chart displays the number of samples in the file and the standard and average deviation values for the current calibration.

Figure 44 Measurement Chart View


11) This calibration process can be repeated many times, varying the types of filters, ranges, and amount of samples considered. When you are satisfied with the propagation parameters suggested and the deviation, press the Copy button in the Calibration Machine dialog box. Then minimize CelTools.

In CelPlanner
12) In CelPlanner, open the Prediction Parameters dialog box (Project menu, Configure option, Prediction Parameters button). Once the Prediction Parameters dialog box is opened, select the table where you want to keep your calibrated propagation parameters (you can rename the tables if desired). Click on the CelPlan logo at the left upper corner of this dialog box and choose the option Paste, and then press OK.

Figure 45 Calibrated Propagation Parameters


13) Make sure you are using the correct propagation parameters on your sites. Open the Radio Base Station dialog box and check the configuration of Model and Parameters table, it should match the configuration you selected on the header of the measurement files used for calibration.

Figure 46 Propagation Model Selection

4 Summary
Convert Drive Test Data In CelTools - Create a new CelTools project. - Open the CelPlanner project to be calibrated - Edit Header (optional) - Clean (optional) 33

CELTOOLS TRAINING Convert from raw data (optional, alternatively, user may format TXT data in Excel directly into format accepted by tool). [ Result from steps above is a set of .MED or .TXT measurement files in CelPlanner/Celtools format] Filter Drive Test Data (optional) In CelTools - Filter by signal range, average in grid, etc. - Filter by distance - Filter by polygon drawing on area - Filter by morphology (e.g. points on water). Process Drive Test Data In CelPlanner
Open the desired measurement files, select model to calibrate and generate log files (.LMx, where x corresponds to the number of the model chosen for calibration), by using the Measurement|Configuration menu or the Batch option.

Calibrate Model In CelTools

- Open the Calibration menu. Open .LMx file to calibrate.

In CelPlanner (optional)
From Propagation Parameters table, copy table with names of morphology types. (Optional) Paste name of morphology types on calibration table. Alternatively, use the button Copy from MFL when this information is available from the morphology files. Perform unconstrained calibration for a hint of minimum achievable standard deviations. Optionally, visualize calibration results with charts by distance and by measurements. Perform Constrained calibration for a realistic set of parameters (physically acceptable for the model of choice). This calibration process can be repeated many times, varying the types of filters, ranges, and amount of samples considered. When you are satisfied with the propagation parameters suggested and the deviation, press the Copy button in the Calibration Machine dialog box. Then minimize CelTools.

In CelTools

In CelPlanner - In CelPlanner, paste table of calibration prediction parameters.


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