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Is 307

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( Reaffirmed 1996 )

Indian Standard
Chairman Sgax S. N. LAEIRX Members SEW S. CL ROY (Alternateto Shri S. N. Lahiri ) Hyderabad Allwyn Metal Works Ltd, Hyderahad S-I J. RAJAN ALEXANDER Directorate General of Technical Development SHBI A. K. BOSE Pure Drinks ( New Delhi ) Pvt Ltd, New Delhi SEBI DALJIT SINt3E SHBI KISAN K. MEETA (Alternate) D~PUTP DIXBC~B RESEABCR Research, &signs & Standards Organization ( Ministry of Railways ) ( CHmv ) DIBI~CTOB, RADIO METEOBOLOOY Meteorological Department, Government of India Saar N. SESHADBI ( Alternate ) Directorate Gcncral, Ordnance Factories ( Ministry SHBI GAJENDRA SINUB of Dcfcncc ), Calcutta DB V. M. I. NAXBI~~AN ( Aftarnatc ) The Vanaspati Manufacturers Associaticn of India, SHBI J. P. KAPUB Bombay SHIII P. D. SHAH ( Alternate ) Hindustan Steel Ltd, Ranchi SHBI S. K. MANDAL SHRI T. A. SUBRAB~ANIAE~ ( Alternate ) Bombay Ammonia and Refrigeration Co Private SEBI MANMOBAN SINQH Limited, New Delhi SEBI G. J. RAO ( Alfcrnatc ) Gujarat Refinery Pr$jcct, Baroda SEBI M. M. MEHTA SHIU S. P. AHUJA ( Alttrnatc ) Hindustan Gas and Industries Ltd, Calcutta SHBI K. K. PATEAK E.I.D. - Parry Ltd, Madras SHBI K. RAJACU~ALAN Indian Lamp Factoria Association, Calcutta SEBI KUMAB K. ROHATOI Indian Oxygen Ltd. Calcutta SHBI B. L. %sN SEEI D. S. MADAN ( Altcrnatc ) Directorate General of Supplies 8 Disposals Snax N. C. SENQUPTA ( Conlinvl on page 2 ) Department Housing

Gases Sectional


CDC 38

R@rescnfing of Explosives 8~ Rehabilitation ( Ministry ) of Works,




( Continwdfrom pare 1 1 Members R*w#ntin~





( CSIR 1,

Jamshedpur The Asiatic Oxygen

and Acetylcnc

Co Ltd. Calcutta

DB SADOO~AL, Director ( Chcm)

Director General, IS1 (Ex-ofiio Meat&r) Sccnfar) DB A. K. BEIATTAOBABTA Deputy Director ( Chem ). ISI

Carbon Dioxide, Sul hur Dioxide, Ammonia and Chlorofluoro Hydrocar 1 on Subcommittee, CDC 38 : 3


Ltd, Madras




Aftrm& )

Ammonia and Refrigeration Co Privatt Limited, New Delhi Mettur Chemical and Industrial Corporation Ltd, Mettur Dam R.S.
Ltd. Calcutta

Pure Drinks (New Delhi ) Private Ltd. New Delhi

Hindustan Gas and Industries Voltns Ltd, Bombay Indian Oil Corporation


Ltd, Bombay

( .rlltwnak )
Sirdar Carbonic Gas Co Ltd, Bombay



Indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR CARBON DIOXIDE ( Second Revision)


0.1 This Indian Standard ( Second Revision ) was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution on 9 September 1966, after the draft finalized by the Industrial Gases Sectional Committee had been approved by the Chemical Division Council. 0.2 This standard was first issued in 1956 and subsequently revised in 1963. In the first revision the limits for acid and sulphur dioxide, phosphine and hydrogen sulphide in the material were prescribed. Also for carbon monoxide, a limit test was prescribed in place of the requirement of O-5 percent laid down earlier. The requirement of moisture was prescribed at 0.1 percent for all the end uses. 0.2.1 After the first revision, there was further consideration on the basis of suggestions from the industries that two grades of carbon dioxide, covering most of the end uses, were adequate. This revision had been made to cover the necessary requirements for the two grades of the material. 0.3 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with The number of significant places retained in the rounded off IS : 2-1960*. value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard..

1. SCOPE 1.1 This standard carbon dioxide. prescribes the requirements and the methods of test for dioxide

1.2 This standard does not prescribe the requirements of carbon for medical use, which are covered by the Indian Pharmacopoeia, *Ruler for rounding off numerical values ( r&cd).

lsr307-;1966 2. GRADES 2.1 The gas shall be of two grades, namely: a) Grade 1, suitable for use as a reagent and for welding purposes; and b) Grade 2, suitable for beverages, fire extinguishers, refrigeration and general commercial purposes. 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 The material shall be odourless. 3.2 When tested according to the methods prescribed in Appendix A, the material shall comply with the requirements given in Table 1.

MBZEOD or Tim (REI TO CL ho. IN APPENDXXA ) (5) A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-6



RW.WIFWASBNT T_-_----~ Grade 1 Grade 2

ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) Carbon dioxide, M&l Carbon monoxide, Acid and sulphur Phosphine Moisture, percent percent by volume, ppm, Max dioxide sulphide Max by volume, ma, Max MUX 99.7 10 To pass test To pass test 0.001 0.5 5

(4) 99-o 10 To pass test To pass test 0.1 0.5 5

and hydrogen

Arsenic,mg/normal Oil, ppm by weight,



4.1 The cylinders shall conform to the Gas Cylinder Rules 1940, of the Government of India, with such modifications or relaxations or both, as may be ordered from time to time by the Chief Inspector of Explosives, Government of India, or other duly constituted authority. 4.2 The packing, marking, painting, labelling and transport of cylinders shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Gas Cylinder Rules 1940 with such modifications or relaxations or both as may be ordered from time to time by the Chief Inspector of Explosives, Government of India, or 4

IS:307-1966 other duly constituted authority. The cylinders shall also be marked as shown in Fig. 2 of IS : 1260-1958.. 4.3 The cylinders may also carry suitable tags, bearing the ISI Certification Mark for the contents of the cylinders.
NOTE -The use of the ISI Certification Mark is governed by the provisions of the Indian Standards Institution ( Certification Marks) Act and the R&J and Rc ulationa made thereunder. The ISI Mark on products covered by an Indian l tandard conveys the assurance that they have be&n produced to comply with the requirements of that standard under a well-defined system of inspection, testing and qualit control which is devised and supervised by ISI and operated by the producer. IS{ ma&d products are also continuously checked by ISI for conformity to that standard as i further safeguard. &tails of conditioti,under which a licence for the use of the IS1 Certification Mark may be granted to *anufacturers or processors, may be obtained from the Indian S&lards Institution.

5. SAMPLING 5.1 Scale of Sampling 5.1.1 In any consignment all cylinders charged during one work shift from one charging manifold shall be grouped together to constitute a lot. 5.1.2 Samples shall be testedfor each lot for ascertaining the conformity of the material to the requirements of this specification. 5.2 Method of Sampling 5.2.1 The number of cylinders to be selected from each lot shall be in accordance with co1 1 and 2 of Table 2.





Up 26 66 111 181 to 25 65 110 180 300

3 4 5 7 10

5.2.2 The cylinder shall be selected at random and to ensure randomness of selection a random number table, as agreed to between the purchaser and the supplier, shall be used. In case such a table is not available, the
*Code parts ). of symbols far labclling of dangerous goods. ( Since revised

and split into various

IS:307-1966 following procedure is recommended for use:

Starting from any cylinder in the lot, count them as 1, 2, :3..,..,, up to Y and so on, where r is the integral part of N/n ( N being the number of cylinders in the lot and ?l the number to be selected as sample ). Every rth cylinder thus counted shall be withdrawn to constitute a sample, till the required number of cylinders is obtained. 5.3 Number of Tests selected according to 5.2.2 two separate for all the

5.3.1 From each of the cylinders samples of the gas shall be drawn.

5.3.2 All the samples of the gas shall be tested individually requirements given in 3.1, 3.2 and Table 1. 5.4 Criterion for Conformity to the requirements satisfy the relevant

5.4.1 A lot shall be declared as conforming specification if all the individual test results ments given in 3 and Table 1.

of this require-


CZmse 3.2)

OF REAGENTS and distilled water (see

A-l.1 Unless otherwise specified, pure chemicals IS : 1070-1960* ) shall be employed in tests.
NOTE- Pure chemicals s 41 mean affect the results or analysis.

chemicals [hat do not contain impurities which



DIOXIDE parts assem fol

A-2.1 Apparatus - The apparatus bled as shown in Fig. 1.

consists of the following modification


A-2.1.1 P$ttte (D - Semet Solvay the absorption &C%r 4 on dioxide.

*Specification for water,distilled quality

of hempel


( mired

( Since revised ,.


Burette Levelling bottle Three way stopcock Pipette Stahd FIO. 1


Cup Three way stopcock Pipette bulb Bulb





tube ( at the A-2.1.2 Burette (A) - of 100 ml capacity with a graduated top ) of capacity 1.0 ml graduated in O-05 ml beginning at the three way stopcock C. One branch of stopcock C communicates with the pipette D while the other branch with the sample to be analysed. The burette is enclosed in a jacket filled with water. A-2.1.3 Lewlling Bottle (B) - filled with acidulated water, saturated with the gas to be analysed and coloured red with methyl orange, to facilitate reading. A-2.2 Reagents 05 percent by weight of sulphuric hydro-

A-2.2.1 Acidulated Water -- containing acid. A-2.2.2 Potassium Hydroxide Solution xide in water and dilute to one litre. A-2.3 Procedure

Dissolve 360 g of potassium

A-2.3.1 Prefaration of .Apparatu.s-Make sure that the temperature of water in the jacket and the levelling bottle B is about the same as the room temperature. Grease the stopcock C of the burette A, and test the burette and connections for gas tightness. To do this, connect B to the burette A with a rubber tubing and draw in 100 ml of air closing the stopcock C and reading the volume. Raise the levelling bottle B to the height of C and keep it in that position for 3 minutes. Large leaks will be observed by the meniscus gradually rising while smaller leaks will be disclosed by again reading the volume of air at the end of 3 minutes. A-2.3.2 Turn the stopcock C so that the burette A communicates with the atmosphere through the left hand capillary and raise the levelling bottle B to force the air out of the burette A. When the water reaches the top of the capillary, close C by turning the stopcock through 90 degrees and then connect the left hand capillary with the vessel containing the sample of gas to be analysed. Lower B, open the connection to the sample reservoir and then open C drawing in about 25 ml of the gas. Close C while the gas is still entering. Then turn the stopcock C to connect the burette A with the right 1 :nd capillary. Drive out and discard the gas contained in the burette A as it usually contains some air. When water emerges from the top of the capillary, turn C to-connect again with the gas sample reservoir, lower B and draw into the burette A slightly more than 100 ml of gas. Close C and disconnect it from the gas sample reservoir. Allow the burette to drain for 30 seconds. Then raise B until the meniscus is at 100 ml mark. Pinch the rubber tubing with one hand and with the other open C momentarily to the air through the right hand ca illary tube and allow the excess gas to pass out bringing the gas in the Eurette A to atmospheric pressure. Immediately close C and bring the water in B and 8

ISr307-1966 Read and record in burette A exactly to the same level. The volume of gas should be 100 ml in the burette -4. the volume of gas.

A-2.3.3 Place the pipette D on the stand E and adj*:st height. Fill the pipette D by pouring potassium hydroxide solution through a funnel inserted in the open stem of the bulb 3 sothat the meniscus of the potassium hydroxide solution is near the lower edge of the stopcock G. Before connecting the pipette D to the right hand capillary of the burette A put a little acidulated water in cup F of the pipette D and by turning the three way stopcock G allow acidulated water to fill the capillary tube completely, and then close stopcock G. Connect the pipette D with the burette A with a rubber tube, squeezing the rubber tube between the thumb and forefinger it over the capillary of the burette without introduring air. and slippin Raise B su Ei* crently to put the gas in the burette under slight pressure. Open C to connect to the right hand capillary and then cautiously turn G of the pipette to allow the gas to drive the water in the capillary back into cup F. When the gas reaches stopcock G turn it to communicate with pipette bulb H and pass gas into the pipette D by raising B until the water reaches the top of the burette A. Allow it to remain for 5 to 7 seconds and then lower B and return all the gas to the burette A. Repeat this process 3 to 4 times. Lower B and draw the gas back into the burette until the potassium hydroxide solution reaches its initial mark on the capillary below G. Turn G to connect with F and draw acidulated water from the cup through the capillary to G and close C. Allow the buret.e to drain for 30 seconds and take the reading of the burette. Repeat this operation by again transferring the gas to the pipette to ensure complete absorption. Two consecutive readings should agree within 0.05 ml. A-2.4 Clculation Carbon where v = volume VI = volume A-3, DETERMINATION in ml of the gas sample taken for the test, and in ml of the gas after absorption. OF CARBON M3NOXIDE hot rodinr to carbon compo. dioxide, percent by volume 100 ( v= -y-VI)

A-3.1 Method - A known volume of the gas is passed through pentoxide. Any carbon monoxide present is thus oxidized dioxide which is estimated by absorption in baryta solution. A-3.2 Apparatus - The apparatus shall consist nents assembled as shown in Fig. 2. A-3.2.1 Menmy Filled Bye-Pass Saftp

of the following

Vdrt (A)

X8:307-1966 A-3.2.2 solution.

Gas Scrubbers (B) -


40 percent



A-3.2.3 Gas Bubblers (C) - containing saturated solution of chromic acid (see IS : 559-1954* ) in concentrated sulphuric acid ( see IS : 266..1961t ). A-3.2.4 U-Tube - one limb (D) containing limb (E) containing magnesium perchlorate. A-3.2.5 A-3.2.6 A-3.2.7
U-Tube (F) -

soda asbestos pentoxide.


the other



Hot Bath (C) -

either air or oil, electrically reading

heated. to 0*5C.

Thermometer (H) -

up to 2OOC, graduated potassium iodide solution.

A-3.2.% Absorber (J) -


A-3.2.9 Carbon Lkoxide .4bsorbers (X) solution and fitted with a burette containing A-3.3 Reagents A-3.3.1 Standard Hydrochloric Acid -

tw+ each containing standard hydrochloric 0.02 N.

baryta acid.


A-3.3.2 Baryta Solution-Dissolve about 4 i of barium hydroxide in <Jose the flask and shake until the 2 COO ml of water in a large flask. crystals have completely disappeared and a light, insoluble powder ot Allow the solution to stand for two days, barium carbonate remains. until the barium carbonate has completeiy settled; siphon it in?<> :t I~cStrle assed through which a current of air ( free from carbon dioxide ) has bt.cn for 2 hours previously. Connect this bottle with a soda-lime tube snd with a burette as shown in Fig. 3.
A-3.3.3 Iodine Pentoxide Dissolve 5 q of g of potassium iodide

A-3.3.4 Potassium Iodide Solution crystals in 100 ml of water.

A-3.3.5 Phenolphthalein Indicator - Dissolve O-50 in 100 ml of rectified spirit ( see 1s : 323-1959~ ).




in each carbon dioxide absorber X A-3.4.1 Take 25 ml of barytasolutian Maintain the temperature of half its height. and add water to about Flush the apparatus with &out 5 litrts iodine pentoxide bath at 150%. of nitrogen. Pass the carbon dioxide mixed nitrogen at the rate of about 5 litres per hollr.


*Specification fw chromill!:, !I .-wide ( chromic acid ). analytical SCTICYI by 1 S : 330 - 1963 5pcc.l1c :icitm hr cilromirun trioxick. (FM tSprcification for s!llrhilric acid ( rrrurcd). $Specification for r-ctificcl zplrit ( reuistd).

wage*\?. [Sim rev&nJ



FIG. 3


the gas by a suitable device and record the temperature and atmospheric pressure at regular intervals. Pass 10 litres of the carbon dioxide, keeping the temperature and pressure of the gas constant. Titrate individually with standard hydrochloric the baryta solution m both the absorbers acid using phenolphthalein as indicator. Find out the total volume of snndard hydrochloric acid used in the two titrations. A-3.4.2 Carry out a blank &ution used for absorption. titration 12 with an equal volume of baryta

IS:307-1966 A-3.5 Calculation

Carbon monoxide, by volume where V1 = volume in ml of standard hydrochloric acid used for the blank titration of baryta solution in A-3.4.2, acid used for the v* = volume in ml of standard hydrochloric titration of baryta solution in A-3.4.1, f = average temperature in degrees centigrade, 3v = normality of standard hydrochloric acid, and p = average pressure in millimetres of mercury. ppm 3098*0( =--V, V,) (273++) N







A-4.1 Apparatus A-4.1.1

A-4.2 orange

Kessler Tubes -

50 ml capacity.

Methyl Orange Indicator Solution-Dissolve in 100 ml of water. Standard Hydrochloric Acid 0.01 N. 0.01 g of methyl


A-4.3 Procedure - Take 50 ml of carbon dioxide-free cooled water in a vessel of such diameter that a hydrostatic column of 12 to 14 cm is produced. Pass carbon dioxide equivalent to 1 000 ml at normal temperature and pressure, through the water using a delivery tube having an orifice about 1 mm in diameter and extending to within 2 mm of the bouom of the vessel. Regulate the flow of gas so that about 15 minutes After passing the gas, transfer the liquid to ara taken for passing the gas. a I\iiessler tube and add 0.1 ml of methyl orange, indicator solution. Carry out u control test in another llessler tube, adding 50 ml of carbon dioxide acid and O-1 ml of methyl free water? 1 mm of standard hydrochloric orangk indicator solution. A-4.3.1 The material shall be taken intensity of red colour of the test solution control-test. A-5. A-5.1 TEST FOR PHOSPHINE AND to have passed the test if the is not greater than that in the



Reagents Silver flitrate Solution 10 percent. 13


rs:307-1966 A-5.1.2 Ammonium Hydroxide 1 : 1 ( v/v )

A-5.2 Procedure - Pass carbon dioxide equivalent to I 000 ml at normal temperature and pressure through a mixture of 25 ml of silver nitrate solution, 5 ml of ammonium hydroxide and 20 ml of water.

A-5.2.1 The material shall be taken to have passed the test if no turbidity is produced and the solution is not darker than an equal quantity of test solution through *which no gas has been passed. A-6. DETERMINATION OF MOISTURE consists of the following parts assem-

A-6.11Apparatus - The apparatus bled as shown in Fig. 4.


FIG. 4



Gas Meter -


to 1 percent. containing phosphorus The one near to the gas from backing into the first

A-6.1.2 Absor@ion Train - three U-tubes pentoxide connected in series to the gas meter. meter will serve as a guard to prevent moisture two tubes.

A-6.2 Procedure - Connect the 3 tubes in series to the inlet of the gas meter and connect the free end of U-tubes to the gas sample. Allow the gas to flow through the train for a while to saturate the water in the gas meter with the gas as well as replacing the air in the first two U-tubes. Stop the gas flow, close the stopcocks of the U-tubes and weigh the first 14

two U-tubes. Connect again, record the meter reading. Pass the gas through the train at the rate of 1Ohtresper hour for 4 to 5 hours. Close the gas supply and record the meter reading. Remove the first two U-tubes and wergh. - Convert the volume of gas taken for the test to normal temperature and pressure. From rhe increase in weight, calculate the volume of moisture present on the basis that 1 g of water is equivalent to l-244 litres of water vapour at normal temperature and pressure and express the result as percentage by volume. A-7. TEgT FOR ARgENIC A-7.1 Apparatm shown in Fig. 5.
A-6.3 Chhlatlon

The apparatus shall consist of the following parts as

A-7.1.1 Evolution Flask - ca acity 100 to 125 ml and scrubber with glass wool attached to the reaction Pask by ground joint. A-7.1.2 Arsenic Absorber - With a calibrated mark at 4 ml. This is connected to the scrubber by means of ball and socket joint through the side capillary tube of the absorber. A-7.1.3 S@ctrophotomcter - with lo-mm cells. A-7.1.1 Dwschel Bottle -with A-7.1.5 Gas Me&r, Wet Tyfi A-7.2 Reagentr - Only arsenic free reagents should be used. A-7.2.t water.
Laad Ace&a&Solution -

fitted tube.

Dissolve 10 g of lead acetate in 100 ml of

A-7.2.2. Silver Dieth ldithiocarbamate-Pyridine Solution - Dissolve 1-O g of pure dry silver diethy i dithiocarbamate in 200 ml pyridine, store in amber coloured bottle. A-7.2.3 Potassium Iodide Solution 100 ml distilled water. Dissolve 15 g of potassium iodide in

A-7.2.1 Standard Arsenic Solution - Dissolve l-320 g of arsenious oxide in the tidmum volume of 1 M sodium hydroxide solution, acidify with dilute hydrochloric acid and make up. to one litre in a volumetric flask. One mihilitre contains 1 mg of arsenic. Dilute to get a solution containing 1 pg per ml. A-7.2.5 Concentrated Hydrochloric Acid ( SnCI,. 2HsO ) in 100 ml concentrated
A-7.2.4 Stannous Chloride Solution -Dissolve

40 g of stannous hydrochloric acid.



FIG. 5 A-7.2.7 A-7.2.8



Powder 500 to 850 lo particle 0.1 N.



Potassium Hydmxlde Solution -All glasware r~sed sl~wld bc

ted sulphuric acid or biling concentrated vater, and then with acetone.

thoroughly clrancd with either hot concrntr: nitric acid, followed by rinsing with distillc

A-7.3 Procedure
A-7.3.1 Impregnate the glass wool ( purified ) in the scrubber with lead Charge the absorption tube with 4.60 ml of silver acetate solution. diethyldithiocarbamate reagent.

A-7.3.2 Prepare a calibration curve by pipetting suitable aliquots of the diluted standard arsenic solution into a series of clean evolution flasks. Cover the range 0 to 10 pg of arsenic. To each add 5 ml of concentrated 16

ISr367-1666 hydrochloric acid, 2-O ml of 15 percent potassium iodide solution and 8 drops of stannous chloride solution. Swirl the contents of the flasks and allow them to stand for 15 minutes to ensure complete reduction. Add 5.0 g of zinc and insert the hydrogen sulphide scrubber immediately. The evolution of arsine is 99 percent complete in 30 minutes and virtually complete in 40 minutes. If necessary, dilute the liquid in the arsine absorber with pure pyridine to the 4-ml mark and pass gentle stream of air through the absorber to mix the solution. Transfer the absorbing solution to a IO-mm cell and measure the transmittance at 540 rnp in the spectrophotometer. Repeat the prdcedure with the remaining flasks. Plot the transmittance of each aliquot ( less that of the blafik ) against its arsenic content in pg. A-7.3.3 Pass 25 to 50 litres of carbon dioxide through 25 ml of @l N potassium hydroxide solution in 100 ml dreschel bottle at the rate of 10 litres per hour. The gas is measured by the gas meter placed after the bubbler. The water in the gas meter is saturated with the gas prior to the experiment. A-7.3.1 Take an aliquot from the treated potassium hydroxide in A-7.3.3 to give about 5.0 pg of arsenic and follow the same procedure -as in A-7.3.2. From the transmittance obtained at 540 rnp evaluate the arsenic content of the sample by reference to the calibratibn graph A%. METHOD A%.1 Apparatus A8.1.1 A%.I.2 Two Gage Bubblers Dreschel Bottle Metershown in Fig. 6. FOR THE DETERMINATION OF OIL

250 ml capacity. to measure 200 to 2 000 ml +f carbon dioxide

A8.1.3 Flow per minute.

A-8.1.4 Wet Gas Meter -calibrated

for 1 or 2.5 litres per revolution. to measure at q46 IL.

AS.1.5 Infra-Red Spectrometer and Accessories A-8.2 Reagents

The Ag.2.1 Carbon Tetrachloride - Distilled, analytical reagent quality. i&a-red absorption at 3.46 p of each fresh supply of this reagent should be determined before the use to ensure that it is of suitable quality. AS.2.2 Standard 011 Solution-Dissolve 0.020 0 g of liquid paraffin, m carbon tetrachloride and dilute to exactly 100 ml with more cart+ tetrachloride. One millilitre of this solution contains 200 (*g of oil.





14/23 JOINT (814)

i 150


lO*O-* *5-

/iHEATh E, ROW OF 10 HOLES, lmm DIA .

l.Ot.1 + ORIFICE 4.0 9 ORIFICE

All dimensions
Fro. 6

in millimctres.




Is:30711966 A-8.3 Procedure A-8.3.1 About 800 to 1 000 g of material is needed for each determination. A set of small sampling cylinders of l-5 to 2 kg capacity with one valve at each end may be used for containing this amount of gas
NOTB A set of cylinders used for other purposes.

should preferably

be retained

for sampling

for oil and not

A-&3.2 Preparation of Test Solution - Place 100 ml of the carbon tetrachloride in the dreschel bottle and 25 ml in each gage bubbler. Connect the weighed sampling cylinder, supported vertically with the dip tube at the top to the evaporator and thence to the absorption train, flow meter and wet gas meter in series using short rubber connections. Alternatively, for this determination the sample cylinder may be cupported vertically with the dip tube valve at the bottom; when this is done, omit the evaporating device and connect the absorption train to the top valve of the cylinder so that gaseous carbon dioxide can bewithdrawn. A-8.3.3 Totally expand the contents of the cylinder through the absorption train at the rate of about 1 000 ml per minute and read the volume of gas passed; this serves as a check on the amount of carbon dioxide used for the test.
evaporation of the carbon tctrachloride will take place. If this is ILOTE -Some excessive, stop the gas flow and refill the absorption bottles notmg the volume of carbcn tctrachloride added.

A-8.3.4 Reweigh the sampling cylindei taking care to use the same valve fittings as at the first weighing. Dismantle the lower cylinder valve and wash the inside of the cylinder with 25 ml of carbon tetrachloride. Wash the interior of the evaporating device and valves with carbon tetrachloride and combine this solution with the cylinder washings and the bubbler Adjust the combined solutions to some suitable definite volume, contents. after previous evaporation, if this is considered necessary for the particular infra-red spectrometer to be used. This is the test solution. A-8.3.5 Preparation of Corltrol - Evaporate a volume of carbon tetrachl.oequal to the total volume ( including any additions ) of carbon tetrachloride used in the absorption train plus tvashings to the volume of the combined solutions and subsequently treat it in the same way as the test solution. If there is definitely no blank on the carbon tetrachloride, it is suf5cient to prepare a control of volume equal to that of the final test solution.

A-6.3.6 Preparation of Calibration Chart - Prepare suitable dilutions of the standard oil solution to cover the range of values within which the we$ht Measure the optical densities of oil in the sample is expected to be found. Prepare a calibration chart Qf this series of solutions as described above. by plotting the weights of oil against the corresponding optical densities. 19

Al.33 Mwvrrrnrni of In+-Rd Absorptionof the Test So&on - Following the manufacturers instructions for the operation of the particular inrtrumcnt used, determine the optical densities of the test solution and control at the wave length of maximum absorption ( approximately 3.46 p ). From the calibration graph compute the weights of oil present in the total volumes dboth test solution and control,
A-a.4 c&U&ions Oil content, ppm .by weight where WI W - W. 8

W, = weight, in pg, of oil in test solution, W, = weight, in pg, of oil in the control, and W, = weight,
in g, of sample taken.


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