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( Reaffirmed 1998 )

IS : 4516 - 1968

Steel Tubes, Pipes and Fittings Sectional Committee,
Chairman SH~I J. G. Kaswmx Members SIW Burmah-Shell Refineries Ltd, Bombay S. L. ARANIIA SHIII M. R. NAGARWALW ( Alternate ) ASSISTANT DIREIXOR STANDARDS Ministry of Railways ( Loco ), LucKNow Hindustan Shipyard Ltd, Visakhapatnam SIIIII K. K. BANERJEE SARI S. SREENIVAS~N ( Alternate ) Superintendence Co of india (P) Ltd, Calcutta SHRI B. B. CWAKR4VERTI SHRI B. B. ROY ( Altemate \ Central *Water & Power Commission, New Delhi &IRIS. P. CHUCH Snnx R. U<WIVAISIY ( Alternutc ) Laboratory . ( CSIR), National Metallurgical SHRI P. K. GUPT~ Jamshedpur Indian Oil Co Ltd, Bombay SIIRI M. K. JAIN Jyati Limited, Brrroda SHRI P. L. JAIN SHRI K. S. PATEL ( AYrnate ) Kalinga Tubes Ltd, Calcutta SHRI JA~OII JoHi< SIIRTV. R. S. M~I ( Alternate) Laboratory Defence Metallurgical Research LT-CDR V . N. MA~HA~ tie P.O. Ichapur, ( Ministry of. Defence ), Nawabganj SHRI T. L. %I KRISEINA( Alternate ) Indian Tube Co Ltd, Jamshedpur SIiRI P. MIT%% Zenith Steel Pipes Ltd, Khopali SHR: J. N. RATHI SIIRI C. P. GUPTA (Alternate) Gujarat Steel Tubes Ltd, Ahmcdabad SHRI G. L. SHAH Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals SHRI C. R. SIRCAR (Inspection Wing) Tube Products of India, Avadi, Madras SHRI S. SUBKA~IANYA~ Hindustan Steel Ltd, Rourkela SI~I M. C. DE TARAFDAII SHRI C. DAS G~PTA ( Altcrnnte) Central Bailers Board (Ministry of Industrial SHRI D. V. VADERA Development Pr Company Affairs ) Indian Institute of M[ctzls, Calcutta SIIRI K. S. VAIDYANATHAX Director Gcnrral, IS1 ( Ex-&?cio Mzmbcr j DR A. K. CHAT~ERJEE, Director ( Strut 81 Met) Secretaty SHRI SANT SIIICH Assistant Director ( Strut & Met ), IS1 Rcfwesentillg Indian Tube Co Ltd, Calcutta





3:s: 4516 - 1968

Indian Standard

0.1 This Indian Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution on 29 February 1968, after the draft finalized by the Steel Tubes, Pipes and Fittings Sectional Committee had been approved by the Structural and Metals Division Council. 0.2 This standard has been prepared to encourage the use of elliptical tubes for structurals and heat exchangers ( including transformer cooling >. 0.3 This standard keeps in view the manufacturing and trade practices followed in the country as well as by reputed international tube manufacturers in this field. Assistance has also been derived from lSO/R 221-1961 Steel tubes, thicknesses. International Organization for Standardization. 0.4 This standard contains clauses which certain technical information at the time agreement between the purchaser and along with a reference to relevant clauses require the purchaser to supply of placing orders and also call for the supplier. Such information has been given in 13.1.

0.5 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, expressin? the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with 1s : 2-1960*. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.

1. SCOPE 1.1 This standard covers the requirements for welded and elliptical mild steel tubes for structurals and heat exchangers. 2. DESIGNATION 2Ll An elliptical tube conforming to this standard shall be designated by a symbol indicating its major axis, minor axis and thickness, and shall be preceded by the word Elliptical .
*Rules for rounding off numerical values ( recked) .


IS : 4516- 196%

A the supply of elliptical .I General requirements relating tU tubes shall conform to PS : 138?-1967*. 4. MANUFACTVl&



4.1 The tubes shall bc manufactured from mild steel made by any approved process, which, when analyzed in accordance with the methods sptcified in IS : 22%1959t, shail show not more than 0.060 percent of sulphur and not more than 0.060 percent of phosphorus. 4.2 The tubes shall be manufactured b) Hydraulic c) Electric e) Electric f) by one of the following processes: a) Hot finished seamless ( HFS ), lap welded ( HLW ), fusion welded ( EFW ), automatic

d) Elkctric arc welded ( EAW ), resistance welded ( ERW ), ), and High frequency induction welded ( HFIW

g) Hot finished welded ( HFW ). 5. DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS with other of tubes geometrical are given in

5.1 The standard sizes and weights of tubes properties shall be as given in Table 1. 5.1.1 Further Appendix A. 5.2 Tolerarrces details of geometrical properties

The following tolerances shall apply:

a) Outside Dimensions On sizes up to and including 50 mm &O*SO mm On sizes above 50 mm b) lhichws FOF all sizes c) Weight FOF quantities For quantities
*General requiremenrr

& I.0 percent f 10 percent

of less than 150 m of 150 m and above

i-8 percent I4 percent

r&&n ). &Gn carbcn zud iw,+alby materials (5.;:

for the auppiy of metallurgical

2mii)sls of pig irCmt Ca.sL iroil, ami tMethods oC &cmic~l steels ( mk? j. ( Since i-~3&2d m& +ie int0 W&W p~crts )_

IS : 4516 - 1968 6. FREEDOM FROM DEFECTS

6.1 All tubes shall be free from harmful defects and shall be of good commercial finish as regards smoothness and freedom from loose scale and rust. Tubes shall be reasonably straight, free from cracks, surface flaws and laminations. The ends of the tubes shall be cut square unless otherwise specified. 7. LENCTHS 7.1 Tubes shall normally be supplied in random lengths from 4 to 7 m. If ordered in exact lengths as agreed to between the supplier and the purchaser, tubes shaI1 be subject to a plus tolerance of 6 mm. 8. HYDRAULIC TEST

8.1 Normally the tubes shall not be hydraulically tested. When tubes are ordered for heat exchanger use, actual hydraulic pressure shall be indicated in the order and all such tubes shall be tested to 14 times the working The pressure shall be applied by approved means and pressure specified. The testing maintained sufficiently long for proof and inspection. apparatus shall be fitted with an accurate pressure indicator and provision shall be made for its accuracy to be verified by the purchaser, if required. 9. MECHANICAL TESTS One test

9.0 The following tests shall be carried out on the selected tube. for each batch of 500 tubes shall be carried out.

9.1 Tensile Test--The test shall be carried out in accordance with The test shall show a minimum ultimate tensile strength IS : 1894-1962. of 34 kgf/mm2 and a minimum yield stress of 21.5 kgf/mm2. Elongation percent on a gauge length cf 5.65 dx ( where S, is the cross-sectional area of the test specimen ) shall be not less than 9.50 divided by the ultimate tensile strength in kgf/mm of the test specimen, subject to a minimum of 20 percent. 9.2 Bend Test - The finished lubes shall be capable of withstanding the bend test without showing any signs of iracture or failure when carried out in accordance with IS : 2329-1963t. 9.2.1 The tube shall be capab!e of being bent cold with major axis in the plane of bending without cracking, through 90 round a former having a radius at the bottom of the groove, equal to four times the outside length The tube shall not be filled for this test. of major axis of the tube.
*Method for tensile tMethod

testing of steel tubes ( Since revised ). 5

for bend test on steel tubes.

IS : 4516 - 1968 9,2.2 Tuber shall be capable of being bent at red heat without cracking, through 90 round 8 former having a radius equal to twice rhe outside length of ma_jor axis of the tube.

any one of the test pieces first selected fail to pass 9.3 Retest -Should any of the tests specified, two further samples shall be selected for testing Should the test pieces from both of these in respect of each failure. additionai samples pass, the material shall be deemed to comply with the requirements of that- particular test. Should the test pieces from either of these additional samples fail, the material represented by the test samples shall be liable for rejection. 10. OILING AND PAINTING

I-0.2 All tubes shal!, unless otherwise specified, be varnished, painted or Ifthese are to be.painted in accordance with any special oiled externally. requirement, this shall be arranged between the supplier and the purchaser. 11. PACKING Il.1 Where tubes are-to be bundled for transport, these shall, unless otherwise specified, be secured together by rope or soft steel wire or by similar means. If other packing is required, it shall be agreed to between the supplier and the purchaser.

12.1 Each tube shall have-the name of the manufacturer tion suitably marked on it. 12.2.1

and size designaMark.

Tubes may also be marked with the ISI Certification

NOTE - The use of the IS1 Certification Mark is governed by the provisions of the Indian Standards Institution ( Certification Marks) Act and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The ISI Mark on products covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have been produced to comply with the requirements of that standard under a well-defined system of inspection, testing and quality control IS1 marked which is devised and supervised by IS1 and operated by the producer. products are also continuously checked by IS1 for conformity to that standard as a further safeguard. Details of conditions under which a licence for the use of the. IS1 Certification Mark may begranted to manufacturers or processors, may be obtarned from the Indian Standards Institution.




13.1 The purchaser shall state in his enquiry or order: aj The dimensions of tubes required ( 5.1); b) The length in which individual tubes are to be supplied ( 7.1); c) Working pressure desired, if any ( %.I ); dj Special requirements of painting, if desired ( IO.11) ; and e) Any special packing, if required ( Xi.1 ). 6

IS:4516- 1968

APPENDIX ( Clause 5.1.1 )




Area of cross-section Weight ( kg/metre )

,Tor X-X axis

= A

= 0.785398 (-b,k,--6iki

) in cm2

= W = O-785 A in cm2

Moment of inert% Elastic modulus ofsection Radius of gyration

= I, =

= O-049 087 ( b~k~s--6ik~3 ) in cm4

) in cm3

& = 0.098 175 ( b,k,-biki2

= R, = 0.25

For Y-Y axis

Moment of


= 1,

= 0.049 087 ( kab,3-kibi3

) in cm4

Elastic modulus of section = &, IO*098 Radius of gyration


175 ( kabG2-kibi2 ) in cm3

h,ba3 - kibi3 in cm k,b, - kibi
dimensions arc the same as those

= R, = 0.25

Letter symbols denoting used in Table I.

AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO IS:451601968

JULY 1983


(Page 3, oZau8e 4.1) - Substitute the following for the existing clause: '4.1 The tubes shall be manufactured from mild steel made by any approved process, which, shall show not more than 0.060 percent of sulphur and not more than 0.060 percent of phosphorus. 4.1.1 The analysis of steel shall be carried out either by the method specified in 1s:228* and its relevant parts or any other established instrumental/ chemical method. In case of dispute the procedure given in 1~~2284 and its relevant parts shall be referee method. However, where the method is not given in 1s:228* and its relevant parts, the referee method shall be agreed to between the purchaser and the manufacturer.'
with t mark) - Substitute (Page 3, foot-note the following for the existing foot-note:

ttMethods for chemical analysis of steels.'

(SMDC ?2)


Unit, ISI, New Delhi, Indlr

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