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Marriage and Family: The Betrothal System

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ensure on the basis of equality of men and women the right to enter into marriage the same rights and responsibilities during marriage the same rights for both spouses in respect of ownership, acquisition, management, administration, enjoyment and disposition of property, whether for free of charge or for valuable consideration.CEDAW [ARTCILE 16] The social rights of women in Islam and Somali Culture are best expressed in marriage traditions and the institution of the family.

THE BETROTHAL SYSTEM According to Islam, women have the right to accept or reject marriage proposals. Her consent is a prerequisite for the validity of the marital contract according to the Prophet's teaching. "Ibn Abbas reported that a girl came to the Messenger of God, Muhammad, and she reported that her father had forced her to marry without her consent. The Messenger of God gave her the choice ... (between accepting the marriage or invalidating it)." (Ahmad). In another version, the girl said: "Actually, I accept this marriage, but I wanted to let women know that parents have no right to force a husband on them." [Ibn Majah] A woman can stipulate, not to be married with in her marriage contract. The scholars have differed on whether such stipulation would invalidate the marriage. In the Somali culture marriage is conducted in accordance with Islamic teachings and more specifically on Shaafici school of thought. For this reason there is no special xeer (Customary agreement) between different kinship groups for marriage procedures. But there are factors that influence marriage such as social norms, local customs and folkways, mostly based on bond of affinity between families and agnatic groups resulting from the marriage contract between the two persons. In Somali society, marriage has both individual and commercial aspects (I.M.Lewis.1994, p, 67). It is the duty of the girl's family to help her marry. Parents and other agnates therefore exercise considerable influence in the choice of a bride. Brides are chosen or rejected in the interest of the families and concerned kinship group (I.M.Lewis, 1994,33). Despite this group interest, young people have considerable room for free choice. Marriage itself is a right of every young couple. Under the Somali tradition, young females and males can meet whilst herding live-stock, either during the daytime, or at nights inside the nomadic hamlet, where they can dance or talk together. Older people, especially the religious, often



disapprove of these meetings, particularly the songs and dances. (I. M. Lewis ,1994,p, 34).These social encounters were good opportunities for young people to get acquainted with each other, and would sometimes lead to marriage. Many young couples eloped if their respective families objected to their marriage. However, in most cases, young couples were married through a system of marriage transaction whereby the respected fathers would agree on a price for the bride. In giving family heads the authority to accept or reject the marriage transaction, much power is invested in them. Most families preferred this system because it promoted links between families and also engendered positives for both families, in bride wealth and a healthy marriage dowry. According to Hadraawi, a renowned Poet and expert on Somali culture, this arrangement is also a source of pride and honour for the girls. According to Muse Cali Faruur and Cumar Nuur Cusmaa (Aare), the power of the father and other senior family male members or agnatesover the girl's right to choose her spouse was counter-balanced by the power the girl exercised over the family in choosing to elope if they objected to her relationship. Muse Cali Faruur and Mr. Aare noted another system that, in rare cases, allowed a girl who passed the normal age of marriage to present herself to a nomadic hamlet for marriage to a man. Mr. Muse continued to point out that sometimes the woman used to select a particular man, the house of whom she took refuge in. This was a symbolic request to marry her. This custom belongs to the remote past and is not something practised today. Another old practice, according to Mr Muse Cali Faruur and Mr Aare, saw a father promise his infant girl in marriage to another man upon her reaching maturity. This system is known as (Xudun-xid) or child betrothal system. Both Muse and Aare confirmed that this custom has almost disappeared. Islam celebrates the special and exclusive function of marriage- procreation- and extends this celebration of marriage to motherhood. The Qur'an advocates reverence for mothers. O mankind: Reverence your Guardian Lord and (reverence) the wombs (that bore you) for Allah ever watches over you (Qur'an 4:1). Mothers are also accorded a special place of honour in the Prophet Sayings . A man came to the Prophet Mohamed asking: O Messenger of Allah, who among the people is the most worthy of my good companionship? The Prophet said your mother. The man said then who is next: the Prophet said, your mother, the man further asked, and then who is next? The Prophet said, your mother. The man further asked, and then who is next? Only then did the Prophet say, your father. (Muslim/Bukhari)



Kindness to parents (especially mothers) is next to worship of Allah: Your lord has decreed that you worship none but Him and that you be kind to parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in your life say not to them a word of contempt nor repel them but address them in terms of honour (Qir'an 17:23). And we have enjoined on the human (to be good) to his/her parents: in travail upon did his/her mother bear him/her and in years Twain was his/her waning: (hear the command) show gratitude to Me and to your parents: to Me is (your final) destiny. (Qur'an 31:14)

Marriage is not only a binding contract between two persons, but also involves a wider relationship between their respective kin's (I.M.Lewis1994, p.42). Two customs, reflecting the commercial character of marriage in Somali pastoral society, are called Dumaal and Xigsiisan. The former (widow inheritance) is a custom in which a man is to marry the widow of his brother or his close cousin (inadeer) who has no brother. The latter is also a custom where a man is to marry his deceased wife's sister.

RESPONSIBILITY In Islam, the husband is responsible for the maintenance, protection, and overall welfare of the family (qiwamah) within the framework of consultation and kindness. Men are the protectors and maintains of women because Allah has given the one more (strength) than the other and because they support them from their means. Qur'an 4:34). Islam also sought to establish symmetry between the respective rights and obligations of men and women. And women shall have rights Similar to the rights against them, according to what is equitable. Qur'an 2:228). Prophet Muhammad instructed respect for women. To demonstrate that respect, the Prophet helped in household chores in spite of his busy schedule and encouraged men to consult with their spouses and children in family matters. The Prophet said, The best to you is the best to your family (wife) Islam obliged women to accept the authority of the husband within the family. The righteous women are obedient and protect (the husband's interest) in his absence, as Allah has protected them. (Qur'an 4:241)

The normative relations of husbands and wives in Somali culture are highly similar to those under Islam. The husband is the head of the family. He is responsible for the security



and the relationship of his family to others. The wife is in turn responsible for the day today management of family affairs.

DIVORCE AND CUSTODY Islam stipulates the husband's right to divorce, while recognising the wife's right to ask for it. The wife can initiate divorce through a process called khul--divestiture. The Somali culture permits the mediation of marital disputes by the relatives. Otherwise, the Shari'a is used to resolve disputes between husbands and wives. The priority for custody of young children (up to the age of about seven) is given to the mother. A child later chooses between his mother and father (for custody purposes). Custody questions are settled in a manner prioritizing the interest and well being of the child.

HONOUR AND MORALITY Notions of honour and sexual morality in Islam and Somali culture are similar and are sources of gender bias against women, and restrictions on their freedom of movement. In Islam, the movement of women requires the permission of husbands or male guardians, and in traveling she requires the permission of her Muhram (husband, father, brother, first uncle). Such restrictions are not imposed on Somali women. Islam permits a maximum number of four wives at a time. However, guidelines are provided for just and equal treatment of cowives. The Qur'an explicitly places conditions on the practice of polygamy. If you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans marry women of your choice-- two or three or four; but if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly (with them) then only one ... (Qur'an 4:3) There has been an upsurge in polygamy, where men, who have no means to look after one family, are marrying other women. This practice is the most frequent cause of divorce. In Somaliland, polygamy has had devastating psychological effects on women, causes economic hardship for the family, and is the source of conflict between siblings of different mothers.

VIOLENCE OR ABUSE AGAINST WOMEN Violence against women is often based on erroneous notions of men's authority over women. Under no circumstances does the Qur'an encourage, or condone physical abuse or cruelty towards women. The maximum allowed in extreme cases is a gentle tap that does not even leave a mark on the body while saving the marriage from collapsing. Even in this last respect the historical context needs to be applied.



In the event of a family dispute with the problem relating to the wife's behaviour, her husband may exhort her and appeal for reason. In case the problem continues, the husband may express his displeasure in another peaceful manner by sleeping in a separate bed from hers. If that don't solve the problem the husband may resort to another measure best described as a gentle tap on the body, but never on the face, making it more of a symbolic measure than a punitive one. As to those women on whose part you fear disloyalty and ill conduct, admonish them (first), (next) refuse to share their beds (and last) beat them (lightly); but if they return to obedience seek not against them means (of annoyance): for Allah is Most High, great (above you all). (Qur'an 4:34) As defined by the Hadith, it is not permissible to strike anyone's face, cause any bodily harm or even be harsh. In addition, early jurists interpreted light beating as a (symbolical) use of the miswak (a small natural toothbrush). However, the Prophet Muhammad discouraged these measures. Among his sayings: "[Is it not a shame that], one of you beats his wife like [an unscrupulous person] beats a slave and maybe he sleeps with her at the end of the day."( Riyad Al Saliheen) in another Hadith, the Prophet said "How does anyone of you beat his wife as he beats the stallion camel and then he may embrace (sleep with) her?" (Bukhari)in addition he Prophet (Pbuh) never raised his hands to his wives. The Shari'a (Islamic Law) has long co-existed with Somali customary law (Xeer), despite apparent contradictions between the two. The Shar'a is more progressive than Somali customary law. It grants women rights in inheritance and ownership, stipulates procedures for settling divorce, initiating marriage and maintaining widows and orphans. The customary law that is practised often denies women their share of inheritance in camels, land and farms by families, in order to protect the property of the patriarchal family. Somali customs and practices also include arranged marriages in which the consent of the women involved is not sought, and not adhering to the strict conditions attached to multiple wives.

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