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Nanorobots in Heart Surgery

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remove the defects without human interference . In the

polluted billionth.
The evolution

environmen t most of


Using much

that of

the humans are affected by block. heart The

and revolution of Nanotechnology activities is increasing in all the area to fulfill the human applications. Nanotechnology is defined as a technology, which is used to

size of the Nanotechno logy is

highly used in biomedical field to

Nanotechno logy helped is to

produce the objects in nanometers (10^-9) that is one

reduce the

effect of heart block. In that case, Nanorobotics is an important one for this application. Nanorobotics is a robot, which enable to clear this blockage by



send to the affected area by means of injection to our human body. By this method , it is also used to reduce the allergy after the operation. In this

applying external control. Nanorobotics is designed to different techniques.

paper we are dealing with nanorobotics.



with m

and co Nanotechnology (or) molecular

and m



techniques used for producing the objects in atomic&molecular level are Dip Pen Lithography (DPN), Nanotweezers, Nanomanipulator, scanning probe microscopy (SPM),Atomic force microscopy(AFM).T his technology has become a next big technology to almost all technology at














present. Because of the molecular level operation it is used to produce our own DNA artificially in genetic

fantasy. Yet a transistor manufactured in atomic level. We get the Pc equal to (or) smaller than our hand size. The

research on nanopowders and nanomaterials are going in advance to produce the parts of human being.


Blood vessels play an important role in supply a blood to all parts of the body. Due to the fatty deposition on the

walls of blood vessels blood will not move freely to all parts of the body these leads to heart attacks and damage the vital organs.

In general the most

common methods of surgery used for heart attacks is

are risky and number of side effects. As a result patient became very weak. But a surgery-

By-Pass surgery

using nanorobot is very simple one. Doctors do their

Angio Plaster

NANOROBOTS IN HEART SURGERY :Both of the above methods

treatment even without touching the body.

( S t r u c t u r e o f N a n o R o b o t s )

The above figure shows the structure of the nanorobots. It is constructed with various nanomechanical devices and nanosensors like.

1 Molecular sorting rotors

2 Propeller

3 Fins

4 Sensors


nanotubes. Simply a sheet of carbon atom forms a carbon nanotube in that a

It is made up of carbon

roll having only one sheet of carbon

atoms thick is known as single


walled carbon word propeller in nanotubes (SWNT). ship is used to drive Thus the electrical forward the device properties of against water. Like SWNTs can be used that in nanorobots it to generate is used to drive mechanical motion forward against the from electrical blood stream. Fins energy. One of the are fitted along with main advantages of the propellers used these SWNTs is to propel the device. operating at the Sensors are molecular level. fitted externally and Nanotube internally with the substitutes with nanorobots to nanogears with axle receive the signal for used for changing correct guidance. the direction of movement. There are several techniques to

do the heart surgery

with the nanorobots.we have to know how to inject nanorobots into our body, how

to move it to the destination place, how to control and remove the device after surgery.


We have to find a way to introduce nanorobots into the body for surgery and allowing it to do the operation without ancillary damage. So we made the nanorobots smaller than the blood vessels as it

can travel. Femoral artery in the leg is considered to be a largest artery in our body. So we inject the nanorobot through this artery.


Every living thing needs area to move. Like fish to be moved in water nanorobots

use blood flow for its movement. It must be able to guide the device make use of the blood flow. The devices used for navigation is propeller, fins, jet

Get through the heart without stuck React with changes in blood flow

pump, electromagnetic pump. In order to move the nanorobots in blood flow following things are very important

Able to change the direction

Speed of blood

according to the blood stream

To satisfy the above consideration we have to make the nanorobots with electric motors turning propellers.

device. Several signals processing techniques are used to track this ultrasonic signal
(Navigation of nanorobots into blood vessels)

and finding the location at any time. Instead of ultrasonic wave we use infrared ray for


To know the location of nanorobots where it goes we use ultrasonic technique. Nanorobots must be able to produce ultrasonic waves by passing a signal to piezoelectric membrane, which is in built with the

signal processing.


To locate a blood clot (or) deposit of arterial plaque we use sensors of different types. Already preplanned route is available to reach operation site.

With the help of preplanned route we

reach the fatty deposited area.

(NanoRobots towards a destination)

control the nanorobots as per our wish fit the TV camera in the nanorobots and transmitting its

picture outside the body to a remote control unit. Solidstate television camera sensors are used to receive the signals from the remote station and do the operations according to signals send by remote control unit. There are preprogrammed microchips available to give appropriate signals so that nanorobots is initiated externally through a computer.

physically separate DESTRUCTION :the deposits from The fatty deposits (or) clots are removed using special blades fitted with nanorobots. Continuous (or) pulse signal is used to activate the blades. These blades Giving of power is very important for every operation to most efficient one in magnetic induction. (View of nanorobot removing the fatty deposit) It means that our body is full of magnetic field. Rotation of nanorobots cuts blood vessels. Care should be taken in removing the fatty deposits.Small deposits of these fatty materials without removing lead to big problem in future.

these magnetic field produce power based on faradays law. To take nanorobots from the body we use two methods one is retrace our path upstream another is making small surgery to remove. Automated nanorobots are advanced one, which is preprogrammed with the use of certain design equation related to our bloodstream. Nanorobots are designed using fluid mechanic technique, neural networks, ADVANCEMENT IN NANOROBOTS :and NCD simulators.



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