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Nanorobots To Perform Surgery

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This presentation abstract will describe a micro/nano scale medical robot that is within the
range of current engineering technology. It is intended for the treatment and/or elimination
of medical problems where accumulation of undesired organic substances interferes with
normal bodily function, such as:


Blood clots leading to stroke

Accumulation of scar tissue
Localized pockets of infection


While much speculation has been published on possible far-future applications of

nanotechnology using advanced materials and manufacturing techniques, relatively little
has been published on applying existing engineering technology to the problems in order to
create a solution that can be incrementally improved as the technology becomes available.
In this abstract, we will describe a mobile robot that can be created with existing technology
that can be used to seek out and destroy inimical tissue within the human body that cannot
be accessed by other means.
The construction and use of such devices would result in a number of benefits. Not only
would it provide either cures or at least a means of controlling or reducing the effects of a
number of ailments, but it will also provide valuable empirical data for the improvement
and further development of such machines. Practical data garnered from such operations at
the microscopic level will allow the elimination of a number of false trails and point the way
to more effective methods of dealing with the problems inherent in operation at that level.
We will address and propose solutions to problems such as size, method of entry into the
body, means of propulsion, means of maintaining a fixed position while operating, control of
the device, power source, means of locating substances to be eliminated, mans of doing the
elimination and how to remove the device from the body afterward.

An ideal nanobot consists of:
Transporting mechanism which helps it to manoeuvre around easily.
Internal processor which compiles the information received and computes
data for further movements.
Fuel unit that enables it to function and move around.

Molecular Sorting Rotors
Made up of carbon nanotubes with nanogears used to change the direction of movement.

It is used to drive forward against the blood stream.

Fitted along with the propellers used to propel the device.

Fitted externally and internally with the nanorobots to receive signals.

Fitted eternally to project images.

Metals cannot be used because they act differently on a nanoscale.
Researchers support humanoid design.
Fast moving legs create a quick and efficient machine.
Silicon as the base material:
o Best for delicate electronics.
o Can be successfully scaled down to a few hundred nanometres.
o Strong enough to last and conduct electricity.
Microscopic silicon components called transducers act as nanobots legs .

There are five main considerations scientists need to focus on when looking at nanorobots
moving through the body injection, navigation, power, detection and destruction of
unwanted particles or organisms in the human body.

We need to find a way of introducing the nanomachine into the body, and allowing it access
to the operations site without causing too much ancillary damage, which leaves us with a
number of considerations.
The first is that the size of the nanomachine determines the minimum size of the blood
vessel that it can traverse. Not only do we want to avoid damaging the walls of whatever
blood vessel the device is in, we also do not want to block it too much, which would either
cause a clot to form, or just slow or stop the blood flow, precipitating the problem we want
to cure in the first place. What this means, of course, is that the smaller the nanomachine
the better. However, this must be balanced against the fact that the larger the nanomachine
the more versatile and effective it can be.
The second consideration is an even simpler one; we have to get it into the body without
being too destructive in the first place. This requires that we gain access to a large diameter
artery that can be traversed easily to gain access to most areas of the body in minimal time.
The obvious candidate is the femoral artery in the leg. This is in fact the normal access point
to the circulatory system for operations that require access to the bloodstream for
catheters, dye injections, etc.

Nanotechnologists are looking at different options for each of these considerations, each of
which has positive and negative aspects. Most options can be divided into one of two
categories: external systems and on board systems.
External navigation systems might use a variety of different methods to pilot the nanorobot
to the right location.
o One of these methods is to use ultrasonic signals to detect the nanorobot's location
and direct it to the right destination. Doctors would beam ultrasonic signals into the
patient's body. The signals would either pass through the body, reflect back to the
source of the signals, or both. The nanorobot could emit pulses of ultrasonic signals,
which doctors could detect using special equipment with ultrasonic sensors. Doctors
could keep track of the nanorobot's location and manoeuvre it to the right part of
the patient's body.
o Doctors might also track nanorobots by injecting a radioactive dye into the patient's
bloodstream. They would then use a fluoroscope or similar device to detect the
radioactive dye as it moves through the circulatory system. Complex threedimensional images would indicate where the nanorobot is located. Alternatively,
the nanorobot could emit the radioactive dye, creating a pathway behind it as it
moves through the body.
o Other methods of detecting the nanorobot include using X-rays, radio waves,
microwaves or heat. Right now, our technology using these methods on nano-sized
objects is limited, so it's much more likely that future systems will rely more on other
On-board systems, or internal sensors, might also play a large role in navigation.
o A nanorobot with chemical sensors could detect and follow the trail of specific
chemicals to reach the right location. A spectroscopic sensor would allow the
nanorobot to take samples of surrounding tissue, analyse them and follow a path of
the right combination of chemicals.
o Nanorobots might include a miniature television camera. An operator at a console
will be able to steer the device while watching a live video feed, navigating it through
the body manually. Camera systems are fairly complex, so it might be a few years
before nanotechnologists can create a reliable system that can fit inside a tiny robot.

Just like the navigation systems, nanotechnologists are cons idering both external and
internal power sources. Some designs rely on the nanorobot using the patient's own body
as a way of generating power. Other designs include a small power source on board
the robot itself. Finally, some designs use forces outside the patient's body to power the
o Nanorobots could get power directly from the bloodstream. A nanorobot with
mounted electrodes could form a battery using the electrolytes found in blood.
Another option is to create chemical reactions with blood to burn it for energy. The
nanorobot would hold a small supply of chemicals that would become a fuel source
when combined with blood.
o A nanorobot could use the patient's body heat to create power, but there would
need to be a gradient of temperatures to manage it. Power generation would be a
result of the Seebeck effect. The Seebeck effect occurs when two conductors made
of different metals are joined at two points that are kept at two different
temperatures. The metal conductors become a thermocouple, meaning that they
generate voltage when the junctures are at different temperatures. Since it's difficult
to rely on temperature gradients within the body, it's unlikely we'll see many
nanorobots use body heat for power.
o While it might be possible to create batteries small enough to fit inside a nanorobot,
they aren't generally seen as a viable power source. The problem is that batteries
supply a relatively small amount of power related to their size and weight, so a very
small battery would only provide a fraction of the power a nanorobot would need. A
more likely candidate is a capacitor, which has a slightly better power-to-weight
External power sources include systems where the nanorobot is either tethered to the
outside world or is controlled without a physical tether. Tethered systems would need a
wire between the nanorobot and the power source. The wire would need to be strong, but
it would also need to move effortlessly through the human body without causing damage. A
physical tether could supply power either by electricity or optically. Optical systems
use light through fibre optics, which would then need to be converted into electricity on
board the robot.
External systems without tethers could rely on microwaves, ultrasonic signals
or magnetic fields. Microwaves are the least likely, since beaming them into a patient would
result in damaged tissue, since the patient's body would absorb most of the microwaves and
heat up as a result. A nanorobot with a piezoelectric membrane could pick up ultrasonic

signals and convert them into electricity. Systems using magnetic fields, like the one doctors
are experimenting with in Montreal, can either manipulate the nanorobot directly or induce
an electrical current in a closed conducting loop in the robot.

Next, we consider the case of internal sensors. When we say internal sensors, we mean
sensors that are an integral part of the nanorobot and are used by it to make the final
approach to the operation site and analyse the results of its operations. These sensors will
be of two types. The first type will be used to do the final navigation. When the device is
within a short distance of the operation site, these sensors will be used to help it find the
rest of the path, beyond what the external sensors can do. The second type of sensor will be
used during the actual operation, to guide the nanorobot to the tissue that should be
removed and away from tissue that should not be removed.


Chemical sensors can be used to detect trace chemicals in the bloodstream and use the
relative concentrations of those chemicals to determine the path to take to reach the
unwanted tissue.
o Spectroscopic
This would involve taking continuous small samples of the surrounding tissue and analysing
them for the appropriate chemicals. This could be done either with a high-powered laser
diode or by means of an electrical arc to vaporize small amounts of tissue.
o TV camera
This method involves us having a TV camera in the device and transmitting its picture
outside the body to a remote control station, allowing the people operating the device to
steer it. One disadvantage of this technique is the relatively high complexity of the sensors.
On the other hand, solid state television sensors are an extremely well developed
technology, and it should not be difficult to further develop it to the level needed. This could
be combined with the laser diode at low power used for illumination.
o UHF sonar for resolution, texture
This technique would involve analysing the return from an ultrasonic beam bounced off a
nearby surface. This would give relatively low detail, and is dependent on the tissues in
question having a sufficiently unique reflection. It would require either a great deal of onboard processing power or a very high communications bandwidth between the nanorobot
and the external systems; much more so than even the TV camera.

From the above it can be seen that the best choice for short-range sensors is the
spectroscopic technique, for the following reasons:

The equipment required is all solid state with no moving parts. While t here is a
certain power requirement, this can be met by using capacitors to store energy
over a period of time and discharge it quickly. Another advantage of this
technique is that simply by adding power to the diode beam we are destroying
the unwanted tissue, thus combining the sensory and treatment requirements
into the same equipment. Samples of the blood plasma can be tested inside a
closed chamber, which would give us the ability to do a chemical analysis that
could detect a wide range of compounds rat her than just one or two. Simply by
doing chemical tracking with the sampling door closed, and cell analysis with the
door open, we can combine both short range sensor requirements using one

This can be done in one of several ways. We can break up the clump of substance and rely
on the bodys normal processes to eliminate it. Alternately, we can destroy the substance
before allowing the body to eliminate the results. We can use the nanorobot to physically
remove the unwanted tissue. We can also use the nanorobot to enhance other efforts being
performed, and increase their effectiveness.
P h y sical removal:
This method can be effective in the treatment of arteriosclerosis. In this case, a blade, probe
or edge of some sort can be used to physically separate deposits of plaque from the artery
walls. The bloodstream would carry these deposits away, to be eliminated by the normal
mechanisms of the body. Since it takes years before the plaque build-up reaches dangerous
levels, the small amount not scavenged by the body can be regarded as not immediately
In the case of blood clots, the situation is not so simple. In this case, it is possible that the
action of physically attacking the clot could cause it to break away in large chunks, some of
which could subsequently cause blockages in the blood flow. If we are going to do this, we
need some means of preventing this from happening. We can simply send the device to the
site of the arteriosclerosis or blood clot, scoop away sections of it, and have the device carry
the tissue out of the body where it can be dissolved/destroyed. Repeated applications of
this technique could remove most or all of a tumour with minimal destruction to the
surrounding tissue and minimal spreading.

In the case of tumors, the problem is more serious. The act of physically shredding or even
just breaking loose clumps of cells can result in the cancer metastasizing throughout the
body. Since the mechanism of cancer spreading is unknown, this is a real danger. One
possible solution is, as in the case above, to filter the cancerous cells out of the blood
immediately downstream of the tumor. This leads us to the next alternative.

P h y sical t rauma:
Another way of dealing with the unwanted tissues is by destroying them in situ. This would
avoid damaging the cancerous cells and releasing chemicals into the bloodstream. In order
to do this effectively, we need a means of destroying the cell without rupturing the cell wall
until after it is safe. We shall consider a number of methods:
o Resonant microwaves
Rather than merely apply microwave/infrared or ultrasonic energy at random frequencies,
the frequency of the energy could be applied at the specific frequencies needed to disrupt
specific chemical bonds. This would allow us to make sure that the tumor producing
chemicals created by cancerous cells would be largely destroyed, with the remaining
amounts, if any, disposed of by the bodys natural defenses.
o Chemical
At first thought, chemical means do not seem too effective, since the device could not carry
large quantities of chemicals, and making many round trips to a chemical reservoir would be
difficult. However, further consideration will reveal several possibilities.
The first is to use chemical agents of extreme potency. Since we would be able to apply the
chemicals directly to the tissue in question, the side effects would be much less than i f we
rely on the bloodstream to carry the chemicals. A useful but not essential feature would be
that they have a greater effect on the undesired tissues than on normal tissue. While this is
the method used in chemotherapy for cancer, the side effects can be extremely debilitating.
By delivering the chemicals in small amounts directly to the site where they are required, we
could avoid most if not all of the side effects. This method could be used, although with
lesser effect, to dissolve blood clots, and to dissolve deposits of arterial plaque. While it
could be practical to release the chemicals at the operation site, it would not be practical,
for time reasons, to inject the chemicals into each individual cell.
Another possibility is to introduce the chemicals directly into the bloodstream, but have our
device affect the cancerous cells in such a way as to make them more susceptible than usual
to the chemicals in question. This would allow lower levels of chemotherapy to have the
same effect as the normal method, reducing the side effects and the strain on the patient.
There have been a number of experiments done with electrical stimulation of cell walls that

seem to have such an effect. In fact, we could combine the two techniques by bringing
chemicals to the site and then applying an electrical stimulus to the surrounding area,
enhancing the effectiveness of the chemical.
o Heat
The deleterious effect of heat on cells is well documented. Consequently, the use of heat to
destroy cancerous tumors would seem to be a reasonable approach to take. There are a
number of ways in which we can apply heat, each with advantages and disadvantages of
their own. While the general technique is to apply relatively low levels of heat for prolonged
periods of time, we can apply much higher levels for shorter periods of time to get the same
effect. This is more practical for us, since the scale of our nanorobot is small enough to
make applying heat over a large area for a long time difficult.
o Microwave
This is a popular method used in diathermy and other techniques. Microwave radiation is
directed at the cancerous cells, raising their temperature for a period of time, causing the
death of the cells in question. This is normally done by raising the temperature of the cells
to just enough above body temperature to kill them after many minutes of exposure. In our
case, this would require a means of generating a strong enough microwave signal in a
package that is, frankly, pretty small.
o Ultrasonic
An ultrasonic signal, which can be generated by a piezoelectric membrane or any other
rapidly vibrating object, is directed at, and absorbed by, the cells being treated. This energy
is converted to heat, raising the temperature of the cells and killing them as previously
described. This has a number of advantages for us over the microwave technique, including
small size and simplicity of the generator. This would not be very effective against either
blood clots or arterial plaque, neither of which is very susceptible to prolonged low heat.
Electrical resistance heating In this case, two electrodes would be placed in contact with a
tumor, and a high electric current would be induced between the electrodes. This would
literally cook the cancerous cells. It would not be very effective against arterial plaque or
blood clots, neither of which is very conductive. It could, however, as mentioned earlier, be
used to enhance the effect of chemotherapy as well.
o Laser
This would involve using a high-powered laser diode to burn away cancerous cells, arterial
plaque and blood clots by vaporizing the unwanted materials. This is the method that would
have the best chance of success against blood clots and arteriosclerosis as well as cancer
cells. Of course, when I say heat in this case, I mean enough heat to vaporize tissue, not
merely to warm it.

Surgical nanorobots are introduced into the human body through vascular systems and other
cavities. Surgical nanorobots act as semi-autonomous on-site surgeon inside the human body
and are programmed or directed by a human surgeon.

Tumors & cancerous cells

We must be able to treat tumors; that is to say, cells grouped in a clumped mass. While the
technique may eventually be used to treat small numbers of cells in the bloodstream, this is
normally done effectively by white blood cells and antibodies, and this technique is not
intended to replace that. The specified goal is to be able to destroy tumorous tissue in such a
way as to minimize the risk of causing or allowing a recurrence of the growth in the body. The
technique is intended to be able to treat tumors and cancerous cells that cannot be accessed
via conventional surgery, such as deep brain tumors. However, since the technique is
extremely effective and much less debilitating than conventional surgery, it should be used,
if possible, as a replacement for conventional surgery in this application.

Heart bypass surgery & Arteriosclerosis

Heart bypass surgery, also known as coronary artery bypass surgery, aims to replace
damaged arteries in the heart. Arteriosclerosis is caused by fatty deposits on the walls of
arteries. The device should be able to remove these deposits from the artery walls. This will
allow for both improving the flexibility of the walls of the arteries and improving the blood
flow through them. In view of the years it takes to accumulate these deposits, simply
removing them from the artery walls and leaving them in the bloodstream should allow the
bodys natural processes to remove the overwhelming preponderance of material.

Blood clots
They cause damage when they travel to the bloodstream to a point where they can block the
flow of blood to a vital area of the body. This can result in damage to vital organs in very short
order. In many if not most cases, these blood clots are only detected when they cause a
blockage and damage the organ in question, often but not always the brain. By using a
nanorobot in the body to break up such clots into smaller pieces before they have a chance
to break free and move on their own, the chances of ensuing damage are reduced greatly.

Kidney & liver stones

As anyone who has ever been plagued by kidney stones can attest, they are extremely painful,
as well as being difficult to treat. In most cases, the pain must be endured until the stones
have been passed. Attempts can be made to break up the stones by means of high intensity
ultrasonics, but these attempts are difficult and not very successful.

By introducing a nanorobot of the type described in this paper into the urethra in a manner
similar to that of inserting a catheter, direct access to the kidney stones can be obtained, and
they can be broken up directly. This can be done either by means of ultrasonics direc tly
applied, or by the use of a laser.
Liver stones accumulate in the bile duct, and while they are nowhere near as painful as kidney
stones, they can still cause serious health problems. Nanorobots of the above type can be
introduced into the bile duct and used to break up the liver stones as well.

Gout occurs when the breakdown products of various fats cannot be removed from the
bloodstream by the kidneys. These by-products tend to crystallize at or near the joints,
notably in the lower extremities, and cause excruciating pain to those who suffer from it.
When a nanorobot is in the bloodstream, it can locate these deposits by means of a
combination of chemical sensors and external tracking, and can break up the crystals, allowing
the bloodstream to carry them away. Of course, this will in no way prevent recurrence of the
problem, but it will alleviate the symptoms for a time.

Burn and wound debriding

The nanorobots can also be used to clean wounds and burns. Their size allows them to be
very useful for removing dirt and foreign particles from incised and punctured wounds, as
well as from burns. They can be used to do a more complete and less traumatic job than
conventional techniques.

Parasite removal
The nanorobots can also be used to attack other life forms in the body. For example, they
would be well suited to deal with such parasites as heartworms (hopefully in pets rather than
humans), liver flukes (definitely in humans). As the sensor technology improves, they could
be used to attack various bacteria and other smaller organisms as well, although this would
probably require the introduction of large numbers of the units into the body. In essence, this
would be creating artificial antibodies, and while this is the logical extrapolation of the
technology, it will not happen for some time.

Remove or break down tar, etc. in lungs

If the units are operating in maintenance autonomous mode, they could be very useful for
the treatment of dirty lungs. This could be done by removing particles of tar and other
pollutants from the surface of the alveoli, and placing them where the natural processes of
the body can dispose of them. Alternatively, the unwanted substances could be vaporized or
otherwise reduced to their component elements. This would require a nanorobot capable of
moving within the lungs, on alveolar surfaces as well as over the mucus layer and over the
cilia within the lungs.

When a new technology is developed, its main role is to overcome on the drawbacks of the
previous technology. In the same way, nanorobotics will aim to overcome the drawbacks of
todays technology, which are:

Incision harms tissue layer which takes time to heal.

Painful anaesthesia can be used to limit the pain to great extent, yet it is only for a
short time.
Delicate surgeries such as eye surgery still do not have 100% success rate.
In any of the invasive techniques, the patients life is totally in the hands of the

The future of medicine is to plan to defend the body from the inside rather than curing the
body from the outside. That is where medical nanorobotics comes in. The major advantages
this technology provides are:

Minimal or no tissue trauma.

Considerably less recovery time.

Less post treatment care required.
Continuous monitoring and diagnosis from the inside.
Rapid response to sudden change.

Also treatment can be started before the medical condition escalates. Some added features
of nanobots will also enable us to do the following:

Store and process previous saved data, identity patterns and hence, help to predict
the offset of an ailment.
Guide nanobots externally or as programmed, targeting specific location.
Deliver payloads such as drugs, or healthy cells to specific site.

Disassemble and get excreted after completion of tasks, if required.


They will penetrate living cells and accumulate in animal organs and can perhaps
enter the food chain.

There is no regulatory body to check its potent and powerful growth.

Change in the proteins due to presence of nanoparticles in the bloodstream could
trigger dangerous side effects like blood clotting.

Reactance of humans and existing environment to these nanoparticles and their

acceptance is not known.

A significant challenge posed today by nanobots designers is related to our
understanding of physics at nano scale level.
o F o rces changes completely :
The various forces on the nanotubes at the nano scale level are completely different
compared to forces at the macro level.
o V i scosity a nd electrostatic dominate over conventional forces:
Fluid effects such as viscosity and surface effects such as electrostatics dominate over forces
due to mass, which is negligible. Viscosity is about 5 orders of magnitude greater.
Coefficient of friction is load and velocity dependent (which is not the case for classical
o N a n obots exhibit Brownian movement:
Since Nanobots are about the size of molecules in which they swim, they behave as if they
are 'pseudo molecules'. Thus, they are affected by thermally triggered collisions between
molecules, which is known as Brownian Movement.
o N a n otubes u ndergo deformations:
They cannot be considered as classical rigid bodies, they tend to undergo deformations due
to the relative large amount of forces they are subjected to (about 1021 collision per
seconds). Deformation also means change in characteristics of the body, mainly due to
change of center of masses. So deformed nanobots need to re-learn how to move.

o E m bedding artificial intelligence is difficult:

It is clearly difficult or almost impossible to embed artificial intelligence in the nano scale
level. Biological bots may provide a solution to rigidity due to the fact that they would be
made by molecular self-assembly and strong inter-molecular forces will render them
practically rigid.
o M o vement of n anobots:
These challenges pose a lot of difficulties to the movement of nanobots. But inspiration
from Mother Nature seems to be the best way forward. In nature, we can see all microbes
executing asymmetric motion. This is pretty much evolution at its best. Organism like
bacteria develop flagella or cilia which helps in movement. Thus asymmetric motion is more
effective in nano scale than symmetric motion.


Developing engineering materials for the manufacturing of nanobots using NEMS or NEMSlike technology also poses a good amount of challenge for nanobots.


One of the main technological challenges today for developing useful nanobots is the
generation and storage of power. Effective ways of power generation still have to be figured


A much bigger challenge is on board storage (for NEMS bots) or continuous generation (as in
case of biological bots).


Their role cannot be explained in single presentation.
They can be used in Central Nervous System (CNS) to cure cancer.
They can help people suffering from Motor Neuron Diseases as well as Paralysis.
They could be used to deliver drugs specifically to the tumour only, thus preventing
the peripheral impact of the drug.

As can be seen from the above, most or all of the engineering technologies to create a series
of practical and effective nanorobots already exist. Rather than keep our eyes fixed on the far
future, let us start now by creating some actual working devices that will allow us to cure
some of the most deadly ailments known, as well as advance our capabilities directly, rather
than as the side effects of other technologies. A concerted development effort could have a
working model of the nanorobots ready within a year or two, and this would certainly advance
the development of nanotechnology. The distinct features seen in the making of this
presentation are:
Nanobots can be used pretty much anywhere in conjunction with human physiology.
They provides numerous advantages over conventional medicine such as lower cost,
quicker rehabilitation, low or almost no invasion.
In an age of inter-disciplinary activity, we hope that we will soon witness a great
revolution in medicine, comparable to the industrial revolution which reshaped the
We could realistically be free from disease in the next few decades, with life
expectancy which is unheard of today.


Swapnil Bagal - 111410129

Antarish Deshpande - 111410130
Prashant Khandelwal - 111410137
Amit Dhotre - 111410139
Salil Tawde - 111410147
Daunichwa Lyngdoh - 111410149
Gariel Langstieh - 111410150
Tejas Belgamwar - 111410152
Akash Pawar - 111110150

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