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Common Data for Problems 1 to 5

The first five following problems concern a parallelepipedic enclosure f~, with boundary a, defined by:

] a a[
-2, +2

] c c[
-2, +2



-2, +2


The unit vector, normal to a and pointing out to the exterior of f~, is denoted by g (it is defined almost everywhere).

1. Eigenmodes for the Dirichlet Problem

Assume that the acoustic pressure satisfies a homogeneous Dirichlet condition along the boundary a of the propagation domain. Calculate the set of eigenfrequencies and normalized eigenmodes (eigenmodes with unit L Z-norm).

2. Forced Regime for the Dirichlet Problem

Let f ( x , y, z) be a harmonic (e -"~ source distribution located inside 9t and assume that a homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition is imposed on a. Establish the eigenmodes series expansion of the sound pressure p(x, y, z) which satisfies the corresponding non-homogeneous Helmholtz equation.

3. Green's Function for the Helmholtz Equation Inside a ParaHelepipedic Enclosure

Let GN(M,M'), GD(M, M') and GR(M,M') be the Green's functions of the Neumann, Dirichlet and Robin problems respectively, which are defined by: (AM, + k2)GN(M, M') = ~M,(M),

M E f~

ft. VGN(M, M') = O,

M Ca



(A M, + k2)GD(M, M ' ) GD(M, M ' ) - 0,

r M Ea

MEf~ M E cr

(A M, -+-k2)GR(M, M') - 6M,(M), ft. VGR(M, M ' ) - - - GR(M, M') = 0,


Find the eigenmodes series expansions of these Green's functions.

4. Green's Formula
Let pN(M), pD(M) and pR(M) be the solutions of the following boundary value problems: (A + k 2 ) p u ( M ) = f ( M ) ,
ft. VpN(M) = g(M),

M Ea


(A + k 2 ) p D ( M ) = f ( M ) ,
pD(M) -- g(M),

MEa M c:_gl


(A + k 2 ) p R ( M ) = f ( M ) ,
ft. V p R ( M ) - - - p R ( M ) -- g(M),


Mc:_ a

Using the Green's function GN(M, M ' ) (respectively Go(M, M'), GR(M, M')), show that p N ( M ) (respectively pD(M), p R ( M ) ) can be represented by a Green's formula similar to (2.114).

5. Green's Representations of the Solutions of the Neumann, Dirichlet and Robin Problems
Using the Green's representations established in Problem 4, give the solutions of the boundary value problems (*), (**) and (***).

6. Green's Kernel of the Helmholtz Equation in ~2

Show that the function G(M, S ) - - - ( c / 4 ) H ( o l ) ( k I S M I ) Helmholtz equation
(AM + k2)G(S, M ) = 6s(M)

satisfies the following

in ~2 and the Sommerfeld condition (3.2). This problem requires the knowledge of the fundamental properties of the Hankel function Ho(x), in particular: its

C H A P T E R 9.



behaviour in the neighbourhood of x = 0 and the asymptotic series expansion for x ~ c~. The proof starts by a change of variables to get the coordinates origin at S and, then, cylindrical coordinates are used.

7. Singular Solutions of the Helmholtz Equation in ~2

Show that the functions

H(1)(kp) exp (/n~) and

H(n2)(kp) exp (inq~):

9 satisfy a homogeneous Helmholtz equation in the complement of the coordinates origin; 9 satisfy complex conjugate Sommerfeld conditions. This problem requires the knowledge of the fundamental properties of the cylindrical Hankel functions: in particular, their behaviour in the neighbourhood of the origin and their asymptotic series expansion at infinity.

8. Singular Solutions of the Helmholtz Equation in ~3

Show that the (cos 0 )exp cm~b:

h(nl)(kp)pnlm I ( COS 0)

exp cm~b and

h(n2)(kp)pnl m I

9 satisfy a homogeneous Helmholtz equation in the complement of the coordinates origin; 9 satisfy complex conjugate Sommerfeld conditions. This problem requires the knowledge of the fundamental properties of the spherical Hankel functions: in particular, their behaviour in the neighbourhood of the origin and their asymptotic series expansion at infinity.

9. Expression of the Normal Derivative of a Double Layer Potential in [~3

In subsection 3.1.5 it was shown that the normal derivative of a double layer potential in R 2 has a value on the source support which can be expressed by convergent integrals (slightly restrictive conditions must be fulfilled). Consider the double layer potential radiated by a source supported by a closed surface. The Green's kernel is written as the following sum:
e ~kr

. . . . . + regular function 47rr 47rr The same steps as in 3.1.5 lead to (a) the singular term reduces to the solid angle from which the source support is seen; (b) under slightly restrictive conditions, the



value, on the source support, of the normal derivative of the double layer potential is expressed with convergent integrals.

10. Green's Representation of the Exterior Dirichlet and Neumann Problems

In Theorem 3.4 it is stated that the B.I.E. deduced from the Green's representation of the pressure field can have real eigenwavenumbers, in particular for the Dirichlet and Neumann problems. As stated in the theorem, show that, for these two boundary conditions, the second member, which corresponds to an incident field, is orthogonal to the eigenfunctions of the adjoint operator. (If A ( f ) = fo K(M,P)f(P)do(P) is an integral operator, its adjoint is defined by A(f) - ,[o K*(M, P )f(M) de(M), where K* is the complex conjugate of K.)

11. Interior Problem and Hybrid Potential Representation

Consider the Dirichlet and the Neumann boundary value problems for a bounded domain (interior problem) and look for the representation of the diffracted field by a hybrid layer potential. Show that the corresponding B.I.E. satisfy the same conditions of existence and uniqueness of the solution as the boundary value problem. (The proof is based on the remark that the hybrid layer potential satisfies a homogeneous Helmholtz equation and a Sommerfeld condition in the space region exterior to the propagation domain.)

12. Propagation in a Stratified Medium. Spatial Fourier Transform

We consider the following two-dimensional problem (O,y,z). Medium (1) corresponds to (z < 0 and z > h). Medium (2) corresponds to the constant depth layer (0 < z < h). Each medium (j) is characterized by a density pj and a sound speed cj. An omnidirectional point source S = (0, s) is located in medium (2). The emitted signal is harmonic with an (exp (-twO) behaviour. From questions (a) to (d), the parameters p/and c/are assumed to be constant. (a) What is the system of equations for the sound pressures in (1) and (2)? (b) A y-Fourier transform is applied to this system. What is the system obtained? (c) What is the general form of the solutions of the equations of propagation in (1) and (2)? How many coefficients are to be determined? What are the boundary conditions to determine them? (d) For which simple condition is the sound pressure the same at M -- (y, - a ) and M' = (y, h + a), for any a? (e) If the sound speeds c/are functions of z, how far can the previous method go? What is the difficulty? Answer the same questions if c/are functions of y and z.



13. Asymptotic Expansions

Let us consider the integral: J1 ( Z ) : bTr

exp (cz cos 0) cos 0 dO

J1 is the Bessel function of order 1. Find the asymptotic behaviour of J1 when z is

real and tends to infinity. Can a method of integration by parts be applied? Why? What is the first term of the asymptotic expansion obtained through the method of stationary phase?

14. Parabolic Approximation

Let us consider the two-dimensional Helmholtz equation with a constant wavenumber:
( A -+- k2)p(x, z) --- r z)


S = (0, s) is an omnidirectional point; the signal is harmonic (exp (-twO). The aim of this exercise is to compare the exact solution of this equation (with Sommerfeld conditions) and the expansion obtained from the parabolic approximation. (a) What is the parabolic equation obtained from (9.1) if p is written as p(x, z) = "r z) exp (ckx)? (b) The parabolic equation for ~b can be solved by using a z-Fourier transform. What is the expression for ~b? (c) Compare the exact solution and its approximation. For which conditions is the approximation valid?

15. Method of Images

Let us consider the part of the plane (0, x, y) corresponding to (x > 0, y > 0). S is an omnidirectional point source, located at ( x s > 0 , y s > 0 ) . The boundaries (x>0,y=0) and ( x = 0 , y > 0 ) are described by a homogeneous Dirichlet condition and a homogeneous Neumann condition respectively. (a) What is the expression of the sound pressure p? Is it an exact representation (check that it satisfies the right Helmholtz equation and the boundary conditions). (b) If A is the amplitude of the source, what is the level measured on the wall at M = (x > 0, 0)? (c) Is the expression of p still valid if the boundaries are of finite length L? Comment.



16. Integral Equation and Fourier Transform

Let us consider the sound propagation in the half-plane (z > 0). The boundary (z = 0) is characterized by a reduced specific normal impedance. An omnidirectional point source is located at S = (y = 0, z~ > 0). (a) What is the y-Fourier transform of the sound pressure p(y, z)? (b) What is the integral equation obtained for p by using the Green's formula and the classical Green's kernel? (c) By applying the y-Fourier transform to the integral equation, give the expression of b(~, z). Check that both methods lead to the same expression.

17. Born Method

Let us consider the equation:

p"(z) + k2nZ(z)p(z) : 0
with n2(z) =

for any real z if z > 0 if not

1 + a tanh (kz/2s) 1

a and s are parameters, a is 'small'. p(z) represents the sound pressure emitted by an incident plane wave. (a) p(z)can be written:

p(z) -

exp (~kz) + RE exp (-~kz) TE exp (~kz)L(z)

if z < 0 if z > 0

L(z) is known explicitly but its expression is of no interest here. Why can p(z) be expressed like this? What are the expressions of the coefficients RE and TE? (b) An approximate expression of p can be written p(z) ~ exp (Lkz)



for z i> 0

Functions pn(Z) can be expressed as pn(z) = exp (-~kz)Fn(z)/2~k What is the equation satisfied by each Fn? Give a representation of Fn as a function of p,_ 1.

18. Diffraction by a Thin Screen

Let p be the sound pressure diffracted by an infinitely thin screen described by a homogeneous Neumann condition. Show that the Green's formula applied to p and

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the classical Green's kernel leads to a double layer potential on one side of the screen.

19. Integral Equation

Let p be the sound pressure emitted by a point source above the plane (z = 0). The plane is described by an impedance condition. Write the integral representations of p obtained by applying Green's formula to p and the following Green's kernels: (a) G1 solution of the Helmholtz equation in the whole space and satisfying Sommerfeld conditions. (b) G2 satisfying the homogeneous Neumann condition on (z = 0). (c) G3 satisfying the same impedance condition on ( z - 0). (d) Write the corresponding integral equations and comment. What are the advantages of each one?

20. Method of Wiener-Hopf

Let us consider the following two-dimensional problem. In the half-plane (y > 0), an incident plane wave impinges on the boundary (y = 0) which is described by a reduced normal impedance (1 on (x < 0) and (2 on (x > 0). (1 and (2 are assumed to be constants. (a) By using Green's formula and partial Fourier transforms, write a WienerHopf equation equivalent to the initial differential problem. The solution can be found in ref. [24] of chapter 5. (b) For the particular case of (1 = 0 and (2 tends to infinity, find the expression of the Fourier transform of the sound pressure.

21. Neumann Condition

Give the expression of the sound pressure emitted by an omnidirectional point source above a plane described by the homogeneous Neumann condition. Show by a detailed calculation that this expression is the solution of the Helmholtz equation and satisfies the boundary condition. Can this solution be used to find the solution in the case of a non-homogeneous Neumann condition?

22. Integral Equations in an Enclosure

A point source S=(xs, ys) is located in a rectangular enclosure (0 < x < a, 0 < y < b). Each boundary Nj is characterized by an impedance c~j. (a) Write an integral equation to evaluate the sound pressure by applying Green's formula to the sound pressure and the classical Green's kernel.



(b) Let us assume that Oz2, OL3 and O~4 have the same value/3. Which kernel, denoted L, must be chosen to obtain the following integral representation for p:

p(M) = pgnc(M) + f
J E1

K(M, P)p(P) d~2(P)

What are the expressions of Pine and K versus L. How can this kernel L be calculated? Is it easier to obtain than p?

23. Propagation in a Waveguide

Let us consider an infinite tube of rectangular cross section (0 < x ~<a; 0 < z < d) with the axis parallel to the y-axis. The boundaries (0 < x < a, z = 0) and (x = 0, 0 < z < d) are described by a homogeneous Dirichlet condition. The other two are described by a homogeneous Neumann condition. (a) Give the expressions of the eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes in x and z. Give the general expressions of the sound pressure if the source is an incident plane wave. (b) What is the condition for which all the modes are attenuated except the first one? (c) If a point source is located in the tube, give the expression of the sound pressure.

24. Propagation in a Layer

Let us consider the sound propagation in a layer of fluid of constant thickness. A point source is located in the layer. Describe the methods which can be used to obtain an exact or approximate expression of the sound pressure. Comment on their respective advantages and conditions of validity (frequency band, source, sound speed, boundary conditions, ...).

25. Fourier Transform and Separation Method

Let us consider the case of propagation between two parallel planes. One plane is described by a homogeneous Dirichlet condition, the other one by a homogeneous Neumann condition. Show that the method of spatial Fourier transform and the method of separation of variables lead to the same solution.

26. Integral Equations

Let us consider an integral equation on a straight line written with the classical Green's kernel. Check that the elements Agy of the matrix of the equivalent linear

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system are functions of l i - j l . this?

Which property of the kernel is responsible for

27. Geometrical Theory of Diffraction

Show that when the sound speed profile of a medium is a linear function of depth z, the trajectories of the rays are circular. This case is studied in ref. [18] of chapter 5.

28. Elastically Supported Piston in a Waveguide

Let us consider a system similar to that of Section 8.1: an elastically supported piston is located at x = 0; the half-guide x < 0 contains a fluid characterized by a density p and a sound velocity c; the half-guide x > 0 contains a different fluid characterized by p' and c'. Do the same analysis as in Section 8.1 and comment on the results for the two cases pc > p'c' and pc < p'c'.

29. Roots of the Dispersion Equation

Consider the dispersion equation (8.33"). (1) Prove that it has two complex roots which are symmetrical with respect to the imaginary axis. (2) Using the light fluid approximation, evaluate the roots for k > A.

30. Infinite Fluid-loaded Plate with Two Different Fluids (a)

The system is almost the same as in Section 8.3: an infinite plate separates the space into f~-, which contains a fluid characterized by (p, c), and f~+, which contains a fluid characterized by (p', c'). Write the dispersion equation and analyse the positions of the roots. Assuming that both fluids are gases, calculate the roots by a light fluid approximation.

31. Infinite Fluid-loaded Plate with Two Different Fluids (b)

The system is almost the same as in Section 8.3: an infinite plate separates the space into [2- which contains a fluid characterized by (p, c), and 9t + which contains a fluid characterized by (p', c'). As in subsection 8.3.2, analyse the reflection and the transmission of a plane wave p+(x, y, z) = e ~k~xsin 0- z cos 0). Comment on the results for the two cases pc > p'c' and pc < p'c'.



32. Fluid-loaded Baffled Plate: Eigenmodes

(1) Prove that the eigenmodes defined by equation (8.51) satisfy the orthogonality relationship
(Un, Um) - 2r
or U m) --- 0

a(Un, Urn) = 0

for m -7r n for m -7(= n

(2) Establish the expansions (8.52).

33. Fluid-loaded Baffled Plate: Light Fluid Approximation

Consider a rectangular baffled plate with a simply supported boundary. (1) Using the method of separation of variables, determine the set of the in vacuo resonance frequencies and resonance modes. (2) Using the light fluid approximation, calculate the fluid-loaded baffled plate resonance frequencies and resonance modes (first order approximation). (3) Assuming that the system is excited by an incident plane wave p+(x, y, z ) = e~k(x sin 0 - z cos 0), give the expressions of the plate displacement and the reflected and transmitted acoustic pressure fields. (4) Write the corresponding computer program.

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