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Complete FASTER Guide

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Why is the

Right Solution for You?

Guide to

& Services

Why Choose FASTER?… ………………………………………………………… 1

How FASTER Supports Your Operation… ……………………… 5

FASTER Support Services… ………………………………………………… 9

About CCG–What Sets Us Apart?…………………………………… 11

Technical Information………………………………………………………… 15

Why Choose FASTER?

Improving Your Operation

Increase technician productivity.
Optimize equipment utilization.
Increase availability of equipment.
Improve communication with customers.
Increase service levels for customers.
Supervise more effectively with online tools.
Reduce administrative overhead.
Improve life cycle costing.
Manage fuel more efficiently.
Increase competitiveness.
Improve regulatory compliance.
Track warranties on equipment, stocked and non-stocked parts.
Control costs for just-in-time inventory management.
Improve PM scheduling compliance to reduce repairs and costs.

Overall Benefits
Improve informed decision abilities using accurate and timely information.
Improve customer service.
Compete effectively with the private sector.
Increase service levels for customers.
Communicate with customers and administrators.
Take advantage of ongoing training and learning opportunities provided by fleet
Access reliable, real-time information.

What Sets Us Apart

Off-the-shelf, user-friendly system based on state-of-the-art architecture and
Over two decades of experience providing responsive fleet management software
solutions to the industry.
A commitment to excellence that differentiates us from our competitors in the
Why Choose FASTER?
Trust us to be there. What

Customers Are Saying…

Customer support and services that set the industry
The City of Troy, MI
Every one of our staff members is an experienced purchased CCG’s FASTER
professional dedicated to helping you make a Fleet Management
System in 1998. We
difference. have approximately 500
pieces of equipment in
Focus on a Positive User Experience our fleet. The City runs a
two-shift operation, with
Process-driven program that is easy to use. two repair locations. We
have been very pleased
Fully integrated real-time information available with the perfor­mance of
across all application processes. the fleet software and
their technical support
Intuitive display for information. is excel­lent. The City
stocks approxi­mately
Support of benchmarking against industry 2,500 part numbers.
standards. We utilize the parts
Standard Windows user interface conventions (e.g., inventory module,
barcode module, all PM
drop-downs, scroll bars, tabs, searches, etc.). schedul­ing/tracking,
Flexible, site-specific setup options. equipment inven­tory,
fuel interface module,
Real-time access for all fleet personnel. etc.

When purchasing a fleet

Proven Technology software program, it is
very important to look
True three-tier client/server multi-threading beyond the software
architecture. pack­age itself to the
technical support (yearly
OLE DB-compliant using your choice of MS SQL or maintenance fee, yearly
Oracle. updates, regional user’s
meetings, yearly user’s
Standardized GUI interface across applets.
conference, 24-7 tech
Windows 32-bit application. support, remote desktop
support and ref­erences
with users of similar

—Samuel P. Lamerato
Motor Pool
City of Troy, MI

How FASTER Supports Your Operation

FASTER is an off-the-shelf package with a flexible design to support each organization’s

unique way of doing business. It is constructed around the work order process and
provides easy access to real-time data.

Asset Management
Comprehensive vehicle replacement feature
Flexible billing to recover costs for in-house maintenance, outsourcing and in-
Comprehensive historical information viewable by month, year-to-date and life-to-
Easy-to-use search and query options
Meter tracking
Component (parent/child) relationship tracking
Unlimited user-defined fields
Fuel and oil consumption and cost tracking
Equipment warranty tracking and cost recovery
Equipment ownership tracking for accurate billing
Ability to attach images or scanned documents to records (damages, pictures, etc.)
Centralized fleet usage with Motor Pool reservation/Quick Dispatch applications
Parts Management
Warranty tracking
Unlimited user-defined fields I am totally impressed
with the level of
Audit capabilities Technical and Customer
Service your company
Easy-to-use search and query options provides to us, your
Quick independent parts issue client. I feel so much
more con­fident handling
Simple one step order/receive/issue our FASTER prob­lems
knowing I can rely on
Inventory control and reconciliation your expertise and
experience. I cannot say
EOQ (Economic Order Quantitiy)/ABC analysis
enough good things
Easy viewing of comprehensive historical about your staff, their
information desire to help and their
ability to do so.
Bar Code application for parts issues and inventory
Ability to attach images or scanned documents —Richard Jacobs
(warranties, etc.) FASTER System
Work Order Management Palm Beach County
Sheriff, FL
Deferred repairs, PM schedules, recalls & campaigns
handled through easy-to-use shop floor manager
Direct and indirect shop floor labor tracking
Easy access for technicians to all work order history
for each piece of equipment
Equipment availability tracking with downtime
Ability to assign a repair to a specific technician
Notes capability
Ability to attach images or scanned documents (i.e.,
accident photos, etc.)
Inquire on parts availability

Fuel Management & Operations Cost Tracking

Support for transactions from manual, automated,
commercial and credit card systems
Perpetual tank inventory tracking for all fuels/fluids
Flexible fuel pricing using cost of last receipt or
moving average
Ability to track multiple fuel types for each piece of
Flexible billing capabilities for fuel taxes and markup
How FASTER Supports Your Operation

Fuel usage tracking by employee, equipment and company

Comprehensive search capability for historical transaction details

Getting Information Out of FASTER

FASTER makes important information easily available in a variety of timely and reliable
ways. From simple, yet comprehensive search and query options to more than 100
standard management reports and customized reporting solutions, the information you
need is only a few clicks away. At all levels, data and reports can be displayed, printed or
exported to Microsoft Excel.

Searches provide an immediate answer to a simple or general question. The information
displayed can be sorted and/or listed using standard Windows conventions.

Queries provde more specific information about your fleet through the use of multiple
criteria searching, which can often eliminate the need to run a report.

FASTER Standard Reports

FASTER comes standard with over 100 reports designed to provide you with information
about costs, workflow processes and overall performance. These reports support all levels
of the fleet operation.

Our management reports are designed to provide critical information about industry
level performance measures for the fleet manager. This includes, but is not limited to,
information on utilization, availability, PM compliance, technician efficiency, inventory
discrepancy, warranty recovery, customer returns, vehicle replacement information,
fuel usage, meter exceptions and total cost information.
Mid-level managers have access to reports that provide detailed information about
specific areas of your operation such as technician and overall shop productivity,
downtime, scheduled versus non-scheduled repairs, inventory management,
warranty tracking, surplus and obsolescence, and inventory turns.
Shop floor personnel have access to critical day-to-day information such as detailed
repair history, deferred maintenance and parts availability.

Customized Reporting Using Crystal Reports

You can also license and use Crystal Reports to create custom reports for use with the
FASTER system. Crystal Reports also allows you to modify existing standard reports to suit
your unique operational needs.

Trust us to be there.

FASTER helped our site

come to grips with
mechanic utilization. We
had no way of knowing
what utilization was
before FASTER. It has
definitely helped us in
tracking and completing
PM maintenance. We
review PM maintenance
reports daily and now
call the customer to
schedule PM’s. No longer
do we have to rely on
the customer reading
the sticker on their

FASTER has been a

great asset to our
stockroom and
inventory management.
It has also enabled us
to implement a “pay as
you go” billing system
for our departments and
we have used FASTER
repair data to implement
changes to our spec
process, as well as track
downtime and repair
orders “real time.” There
are many off-the-shelf
re­ports and tracking
systems that come with
FASTER and we get great
support for changing
reports to meet our
FASTER Service Center specific needs.

The FASTER Service Center is a casual user piece for the —Marv Duncan
FASTER system. It runs on your organization’s intranet Fleet Manager
and is accessed via a web browser. The Service Center Sedgwick Co. Central
provides your customers access to information on their Fleet Management
Wichita, KS
vehicles and equipment. They can check on the status
of a current work order, review past work orders and
view any related pictures, or check when their next PM
is due. The e-Request feature allows your customers to
electronically request and schedule appointments for
maintenance, repairs or PM’s. In addition, department
managers can use the Service Center to review costs,
previous work order history and billing information.

FASTER Support Services

CCG sets the industry standard for service and excellence. We strive for responsive
solutions and providing a maximum return on your investment.

FASTER Technical Support

Toll fee 24-hour support year round.
Customized onsite consultative visit annually.
Guaranteed maximum three (3) hour response time.
Remote access through iLinc® for improved troubleshooting and diagnostics of your
Application demonstration via iLinc® .
Remote reconfiguring of your system via iLinc®.
FTP access to upload your site’s files for analysis.
Support tools such as user manuals, interactive tutorials, data dictionary, user website
and more.
All new enhancements as part of ongoing support.
Online access to download patches and updates as soon as they become available.
Overnight delivery at no extra charge.

I recently had a meeting
with our site’s computer
support personnel
about buying a new
server in prepara­tion
for our upgrade to
SABER. I’ll also upgrade
several clients in the
process. When the
assistant director asked
about support for the
upgrade to SABER, the
system analyst said it
will not be a problem
because CCG is the best
third-party vendor he
has ever worked with.
He went on to say he
works with a lot of
third-party vendors for
the University and he
wished they all were as
good as CCG.

—David Strom, CAFM

Fleet Operations Support Manager of
Transportation Services
Bi-monthly FASTER News newsletter since 1987. Iowa State University
Ames, IA
Quarterly For Customers Only newsletter since 1995.
Monthly Tech News newsletter since 1999.
User website providing online access to
documentation, fleet publications technical support,
event calendars, online registration and more.
Access to process documentation, updated with
each release including annotated diagrams and
Customized consultative services.

Training and Educational Opportunities

Annual National Conference since 1987.
Annual regional training workshops since 1991.
Training opportunities offered bi-monthly.
Tutorial CD’s, Manuals and Job Aids.

About CCG–What Sets Us Apart?

Our Purpose
To make a positive difference in all the areas we serve.

Our Mission
To provide superior software and phenomenal service.

Our Seven Abiding Values

Commitment to Serve
Open Communication
Learning Environment
Innovation & Change

Our History
CCG Systems, Inc. is a company driven by its purpose,
mission and values. Our mission keeps every single
We are very active with
member of the CCG team focused on a holistic approach our use of the FASTER
to working with customers. At CCG, we understand that system. We went live
having software that is comprehensive and effective is with the system in 1999
only the beginning. and have never looked
back with any regrets.
The real and long-term benefits include: No system is perfect,
but I will tell you where
CCG stands heads
How the outcomes (real-time information and reports) assist above its competition
the fleet operation in meeting objectives. is in customer support.
No matter what time
How fleet processes are explored and served via technology. of day or night, a CCG
How well every employee understands and utilizes the employee answers the
information available. phone. Every release
makes the system better.
I use the system and my
CCG Systems, Inc. started in 1982 with three employees. staff can make it sing
BOS FASTER was first developed for a large city and and dance.
was successfully installed on an IBM Mainframe. It was
ported to a microcomputer environment for installation In my opinion CCG is the
best program for the
at a medium-sized city in 1983. In 1995 CCG Systems,
money and they have
Inc. began development of its client-server version, the best support staff
FASTER. With the advent of FASTER, CCG Systems, Inc. in the nation. Since I
has assumed all of the responsibilities for both the BOS teach fleet management
FASTER and FASTER versions. From the beginning, its around the US, I have
design was tailored to meet the needs of mixed fleets of spoken with hundreds of
organizations that have
various sizes and compositions. purchased different
fleet maintenance
As of 2006, CCG is headquartered in Norfolk, VA, with software systems and
regional office locations including Bailey, CO, Naples, have heard the horror
FL, and Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX. Our system is installed at stories of what they
locations all across the United States and Canada, with have experienced. I have
never had a problem
several additional sites in various stages of the pre-
with CCG that was not
installation process. The majority of our installations are openly discussed or a
municipal governments with fleets varying in size from solution not found. I
50 to over 11,000. highly recommend the
CCG FASTER system.
Through the years of growth, the CCG philosophy has
been one of constant, controlled growth. In 1987, we —Bill DeRousse
had 14 customers. By the year 2005, we had over 275! Fleet Manager,
City of Everett, WA
We are meeting the challenge of growth through the
better use of technology, as well as additional staff. At
the core of everything we do is the understanding that
technology, though an aid, does not make the vital
difference—people do. Our motto at CCG is, “If all you
want is a product, any fleet program will do…if you’re
looking for a partner, join with CCG Systems. Together we
can make a difference.”

About CCG–What Sets Us Apart?

Fleet Services and IT

How Are We Different?
recently de­ployed the The CCG FASTER team stands alone in the expertise
FASTER Fleet Manage­ with which all our employees and partners serve our
ment Information
System. This was a major customers and support the FASTER system. Our core
software deployment staff have been serving customers for more than a
which affected all decade. During that time, the company has experienced
Fleet Services employ­ significant and consistent growth. To support our
ees down to the line customers as we grow, CCG consistently places our
mechanic. The stakes
were high but the
highest priority on growing our frontline customer
payoff was worth it. It support personnel first.
has been said, “If you
can’t measure it, you In addition to highly-qualified support specialists,
can’t manage it”. Along systems analysts, software engineers and trainers, we
with an automated offer several fleet professionals (with more than 150
work order system, years of collective fleet experience) on staff who provide
Fleet Services can now
produce management outstanding onsite training and support. In addition,
reports and track these team members lead our project management and
inventory with detail implementation services team and assist in directing
and precision. Before, our annual onsite consultative visits with each customer.
this was either not
possible or performed CCG’s dedication to the fleet industry is evident in
by hand with pencil and
our degree of staff involvement in all aspects of fleet
paper. The success of
the project is directly management, including serving on various boards,
attributed to the working with certification programs and speaking at
teaming between Fleet numerous local, regional and national fleet learning
Ser­vices, IT and CCG sessions.
Systems, Inc.
In 2004, CCG employees began the process of becoming
—Kevin B Gunn
Director of Information
a 100% employee-owned corporation by adopting an
Technology Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP). As an owner,
City of Killeen, TX each employee shares in CCG’s success and challenges.
This reality creates a company-wide emphasis on
customer satisfaction and operating effectiveness.

Ownership also fosters innovation, high morale, loyalty

and a continuous drive for improvements in all areas.
Every single CCG team member takes great pride in
ensuring each customer feels valued and served.

Trust us to be there.

Benefits of Employee Ownership

Successful implementation of our business plan providing superior software with
phenomenal service.
Attracting, developing, and retaining sought-after professionals with in-demand
Being the employer of choice with the lowest turnover in the industry.
Creating a competitive advantage for CCG based on customer satisfaction.

Technical Information

The Architecture of FASTER

FASTER is a three-tiered Windows‑based application comprised of a client interface,
application server module and data storage. The client features a standardized graphical
user interface (GUI), operates on a Windows® 2000 or XP Professional based PC and
communicates through a local gateway connection to the application server module.

The FASTER application server module resides on a Windows® 2000/2003 server and is
partitioned into a named pipe service providing a heritage interface to the COM+ objects,
which provide business rules and logic. This module controls the input/output processes
to the Relational Database Management System (RDMS) via an OLE DB connection.

A Windows® domain controller or member server with maintained user accounts provides
the Microsoft authentication required for client access to the both the FASTER Server and
client applications. The simplest configuration locates the users and server objects in the
same domain. FASTER is also successfully deployed in Novell® based networks running
the TCP/IP protocol where Microsoft® authentication is gained by linking the Novell®
and Microsoft® user accounts. This avoids multiple user logins for each account to access
all authorized network resources and reduces the network security and support teams’
administrative tasks. Server computers must be configured with static IP addressing,
while the workstations may use DHCP for IP assignment.

Switched Ethernet is the optimal LAN topology providing a minimum of 10 mbps

throughput to the desktop. Fiber connections are preferred to supply high speed
connections to the user LAN(s) across the MAN/WAN. Wireless, Microwave and other
transmission methods are also used in successful WAN/MAN installations. Capability and
consistency of high speed transmission over the local
area network (LAN) and wide area network (WAN) from
the server to the client has significant ramifications
on response time. Bandwidth requirements must be I just wanted to
scaled to anticipated user load to ensure acceptable commend your staff
performance. for the wonderful
customer support I
have received over the
Server Requirements years. No mat­ter when
I call, no matter what
FASTER requires a Windows® 2000 or 2003 Server with
the problem, someone
all operating system critical updates and service packs is always eager to help
applied, Microsoft® .Net Framework v1.1, Microsoft me resolve my problem
MDAC v2.8 and client access licenses equal to the in a timely, professional
number of users. manner. Technology
continues to advance
Coresident server applications should be discussed with at a mind-boggling
pace and CCG Systems,
the CCG Systems support team to ensure compatibility Inc. continues to keep
with the FASTER application. Microsoft® SQL 2000 pace, of­fer a qual­ity
Standard Technical Edition is the recommended SQL prod­uct (that I would
database version for a FASTER implementation. Small highly rec­ommend to
Business Server 2003 Premium Edition is an optional anyone in need of fleet
man­agement software)
bundled server suite that may be advantageous to
and ex­cel in cus­tomer
smaller sites and those with limited server and network support. A perfect blend
support. It includes Windows® 2003 Server, MS SQL of modern technology
2000 Standard Edition and other server applications to and good, old-fashioned
support sites of up to 75 users. For sites preferring an customer support. Thank
Oracle® RDMS, FASTER supports Oracle® 9i Release 2. The you.
RDMS may be installed on the site’s server platform of —Alan Savarese
choice. Fleet Manager
City of Miami
When selecting servers, specific configurations are General Services
dictated by user load and server utilization. Database Administration, FL
or combination use servers should include multiple,
redundant hard disks configured in RAID arrays with
CPU and memory scaled to meet user load. CCG
employs certified systems and network engineers
to assist sites in selecting hardware and networking
solutions to meet their needs by working closely with
the local IT support team.

Installation Deployment Types

Full Client
Thin Client
Application Hosting

Technical Information

It’s not often in business

Full Client
that a company will A full client installation consists of all client software
be so caring towards being loaded and configured on the local workstations.
their customers. When
our server went down
Full client installations can require a single server or sev-
and I was at my wits eral servers depending on user load, hardware configu-
end after spending the ration, selected RDMS or method of deployment.
entire night trying to get
it up and running, the Sites with less than 20 users can achieve satisfactory
CCG support member
results utilizing Microsoft® SQL server and the FASTER
casually and calmly
helped me through application server module residing on a single server.
it…They’ll never know Larger sites with more than 20 users and sites utilizing
how much I appreciated an Oracle RDBMS must deploy separate servers for the
the calm, caring attitude RDBMS and FASTER application server module.
and the help provided…
I want CCG to know that The FASTER Server functions seamlessly with data
they have my undying centrally contained in an enterprise database
gratitude. management system shared with other databases.
FASTER is also in production at sites utilizing NAS and
—Michael Scanlon
Specialized Systems SANS storage devices and can be successfully installed
Support Engineer and configured on virtual environment server platforms
Fleet Services Division such as VMWare. Placement of the application and
Broward County Sheriffs database servers is critical. There are generally two
Office, FL recommended configurations:

A locally contained environment deploys the

server(s) and user workstations in the same local area
network (LAN) with network infrastructure capable
of supporting 10/100 Mbps rates to the desktop.
A centrally managed server environment is
maintained by co-locating the application and
database server(s) at a data center connected via
high-speed WAN link to the user LAN(s).

Thin Client
A thin client solution features applications executing
in a server environment accessed through user
sessions. Content of the user sessions or access to
resources can be customized for individual users or
user groups. Minimal application software is installed
on the workstation PC. FASTER is deployed in a thin
client environment utilizing Terminal Services and/or
Citrix Metaframe. The thin client solution supports
minimally configured PC’s running Windows 95/98,
Windows 2000 or XP, or network terminals (WinTerms).
Terminal Services is integrated into Windows 2000/2003
Server and can be utilized with or without the CITRIX
Trust us to be there.

Metaframe operating system layer. Additional Terminal Services licensing is required for
this configuration. Deploying in a thin client configuration may also require the addition
of a terminal services server computer(s) to service the client sessions.

In some cases, the best solution is a customized combination of the Full and Thin
installation options. In these instances, the CCG Systems, Inc. Project Management
team will work closely with your site to devise the best configuration and necessary
requirements for your needs.

Application Hosting
Mercury Associates, Inc. (www.mercury-assoc.com).This partnership provides FASTER
subscribers with commercial-grade application hosting infrastructure, Application
Hosting Internet access, and professional platform support services.
Technical Information

More and more fleet operations are considering outsourcing the housing and
maintenance of their fleet software and data.There are several considerations to evaluate
before making this decision. Application hosting can be an ideal fit for sites with any of
the common issues listed below.

Overburdened or inadequate information services resources.

Concerns about security, viruses and worms.
A limited capital budget for hardware purchase and maintenance.
An Enterprise information solution that does not meet your fleet information needs.
Concerns about regular and reliable backups.
Inadequate support or commitment from IT.
Overburdened or inadequate information services resources .

Application hosting can address these issues offering the following benefits.

Minimal IT expertise needed on staff or from another internal department.

Minimal hardware requirements for all client machines.
Seamless upgrades.
Ensured daily backups.
Trust us to be there.

Guaranteed data security and integrity. I wanted to drop you a note and let
Continued ability to interface with other you know how much I appreciate
CCG’s commitment to customer
software applications, as needed.
support. When we placed a new
server on­line, the changeover went
Servers for Application Hosting very well, but things began to
deterio­rate the following week and
Mercury’s servers are manned 24x7, then came to a screeching halt. We
provide on-demand network bandwidth, were unable to write to the server,
comprehensive facility and server security, inquiries worked but no adds or
and multi-tier infrastructure redundancy. The up­dates would go through. It was,
Level(3) data center facility provides redundant in effect, raining locked computers.
I tried a few things to get a handle
power, HVAC, card-key and biometric scan on what was happening and quick­
security access, security guards, and hands-on ly recognized I needed real help.
support around the clock. Servers are mounted
in industry-standard racks with combination Your staff took the information
locks on each cabinet. All racks are bolted to I had and gave me clear calm
direction on what to do. In the
the raised-floor tiles, which in turn are secured middle of carry­ing out those
to the floor pedestals. instructions, I got a call from
another CCG support per­son
The data center is designed to ensure (Brian) who was taking over the
uninterrupted service to Application Hosting reigns—it was 5 p.m. He was calling
subscribers, with full redundancy. Redundant to familiarize himself with the situ­
UPS systems are deployed in an N+1 parallel, ation and offer help. It just so hap­
pened I was on the phone with our
failsafe configuration. Backup power IT department, we were executing
generators provide for up to 100 percent of the plan and together we got the
peak load with an onsite fuel supply and a job done. Viola, it worked!
provision for refueling contracts in the event
of an extended power failure. An Automatic Our use of technology and sound
management has made this orga­
Transfer Switch (ATS) provides a smooth nization prosper in efficiency and
transition from the UPS/battery backup to the quality production. When one of
generator backup. Another notable attribute the foundation stones looks to be
of the data center in which FASTER is hosted crumbling, it’s well...scary. We can
is its bandwidth capacity (i.e., the amount of operate without FASTER but all our
polish is tied to the functionality
data that can be moved from the data center of our fleet management system.
to our clients at any one time). The center uses Thanks to CCG’s commitment to
an OC-192 connection, which is the largest excellence, expert support team
commercially available network bandwidth and able support on the hardware
capacity available in the world–boasting data side, we were back in business. I
thought you should know again
transfer rates of 9.95 gigabytes per second.
why CCG is the best friend a sys­tem
Essentially, this means that our subscribers administrator can have.
will never experience problems with system
response time as a result of insufficient —W. Kent Carneal
bandwidth and throughput capacity at the Fleet Maintenance Supervisor
data center. Additionally, the data center Loudoun County Central Garage
Leesburg, VA
provides multiple routes for data to travel over
the Internet, which provides reliability and
increased performance.
Technical Information

For the last seven years

ISP, Network & Workstation Standards
that we have been doing for Application Hosting
business together, the
CCG team has never In order to utilize FASTER, subscribers should have a
ceased to amaze me broadband Internet connection with a speed of at
with their outstanding least 128 Kbps. Other acceptable alternatives are:
dedication to customer Bonded ISDN OC-x, T1 DSL and DS3/T3 cable modem.
service, training and
Although dial-up connections via modem can be used
to access FASTER, this is not recommended except when
—Rick Longobart users process limited numbers of work orders, parts
Equipment Supervisor transactions, or other activities. While system response
City of Inglewood, CA times can be very satisfactory at connection speeds of
as little as 28 Kbps, there often is inconsistency with dial-
up connection speeds. A dial-up connection to an ISP
can provide data transmission speeds of anywhere from
14.4 Kbps to 50.4 Kbps–depending on factors. Wireless
connections can also be used, including WI-FI hotspots,
CDPD, CDMA, and other high-speed wireless solutions.
However, CCG must verify the security protocols for all
proposed wireless users.

Local area networks (LAN) of 10 Mbps or faster are

supported. The local area network should be TCP/IP
based. Other network protocols, such as SPX/IPX, are
supported, but these require additional configuration
and support services. CCG must be notified of the
proposed use of LAN’s that do not support TCP/IP.

With a FASTER subscription, end user workstations do

not host any FASTER-related application software or data.
The workstation is used only for network connectivity,
web browser functionality, printing, and communication
with the Application Hosting platform. Workstation
minimum requirements are: Windows 95 Video card–
256 bit color; 800x600 resolution 100 MHz Processor
Mouse and Keyboard 64 MB RAM 50 MB free disk space
Network card with LAN/WAN connectivity .

System Administration
System Setup & Maintenance
CCG’s mission is to provide superior software and
phenomenal service. We partner with every customer
to ensure the smoothest installation and most
comprehensive support. System administration
and maintenance for the full, thin and mixed-mode
deployments (including all desktop/server hardware

Trust us to be there.

and operating systems, RDMS Server software, network infrastructure, supplemental

software programs and applications), however, are the responsibility of the customer site
personnel. These services are vital to providing a stable and efficient environment for the
FASTER system and may be contracted from an outside local vendor.

Supporting this world-class data center is a team of highly trained systems

administrators, database administrators, and network engineers, who proactively
manage the platform and respond to system issues that can affect system availability and
performance. Access to Application Hosting platform support staff is available by e-mail,
instant messaging, telephone, and facsimile.

Report Administration
The standard reports provided with the FASTER application are created in Crystal Reports.
Crystal Reports software is not required to execute the run-time compiled reports;
however, some sites prefer the ability to create and modify reports. This product and
licensing cannot be obtained through CCG Systems, Inc. but may be obtained from most
resellers or directly from Crystal Decisions (www.crystaldecisions.com).

Please contact CCG prior to purchasing Crystal Reports to verify the current
recommended version. CCG also provides report writer training on the FASTER database
via regional training sessions and/or onsite specialized training.

Disaster Recovery
CCG provides a CD with the FASTER application programs and standard reports to the
site, which can be used to reload a workstation or server as necessary. The database file
that stores the fleet information is typically housed on a SQL Server (or Oracle server)
separate from the application and should be scheduled to automatically back up at
least once daily via a SQL Server (or Oracle) maintenance plan utility. This data file can

Technical Information

A Management Audit
was performed in
early 1996 on the
City of Galveston
Maintenance Facility
and a poor evaluation
was given. The facility
was reorganized and the
CCG FASTER software
was researched,
purchased, installed
and utilized later that
year. This move was
the key ingredient that
assisted in improving
the operation. In fact,
a second Performance
Audit was completed
in 2000, and the
Maintenance Facility
received an impressive
and outstanding
evaluation. The
audit’s conclusion line
contained the following
state­ment: “The
operation of the City
Mainte­nance Facility
is one of the finest
ob­served in a municipal
goverment. The City and
the employees of the
facility should be proud
of this opera­tion.”

We appreciate the be used to restore the fleet information. Your site’s

FASTER software and network policies dictate the frequency of full server and
CCG’s supportive staff workstation backups in addition to this data file backup.
for their assistance with CCG recommends that the data file be stored off site or
our project. written to removable media as an added precaution.
—David A. Smith With appropriate precautions and full assistance from
Fleet Manager the CCG support team, the site can quickly recover from
Municipal Garage Facility catastrophic failure. The backup and recovery process
City of Galveston, TX is designed in the pre-implementation phase and
configured during installation.

For application hosting sites, CCG via Mercury

Associates will provide daily system backups to ensure
data recovery in the event of a disaster. CCG shall
maintain the ability to recover all data input into the
application database in the 24 hours immediately
preceding a disaster. All customer data will be archived
in a secure off-site location(s) at least once a week.
Software. Expertise. Service.

CCG Systems, Inc.

2730 Ellsmere Avenue
Norfolk, VA 23513

voice: 1.800.753.2783
fax: 757.625.5114
email: ccg.marketing.web@ccgsystems.com
web: www.ccgsystems.com

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