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Net Banking Mini Project

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1.1 Project Introduction

Looking for an online comprehensive solution to manage internet banking. This will be
accessible to all customers who have a valid user id and password. This system provides the
following facilities.

Balance enquiry.
Funds Transfer to another account in the same bank.
Request for cheque book.
Stop Payment.
Viewing monthly and annual Statement.

In India, a number of banks have either gone for Internet Banking or are on the verge of going
for it. Internet Banking System I am talking about is different from what was possible up to now
- off line information or few limited services. I am talking about the type that enables the
customer to transact business on line in real time.

The Internet Banking System provides the facilities like Balance Enquiry , Funds transfer to
another account in the same bank, Request for cheque book /change of address/stop payment of
cheques and Viewing monthly and annual statements. The Internet Banking System has
developed a new security infrastructure for conducting commerce on the Internet. The initiative,
called Bank ID, aims to become a national ID infrastructure supporting services such as
authentication and digital signatures for the entire authentication population.

Many researchers expect rapid growth in customers using online banking products and services.
The Internet Banking System allows customer contact through increased geographical reach and
lower cost delivery channels. Customers can reach a given institution from literally anywhere in
the world. Management must understand the risks associated with The Internet Banking System

before they make a decision to develop a particular class of business. Management should have
the skills to effectively evaluate internet banking technologies and products. Use the Internet
Banking System, the choice is yours. Make it wisely.



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Existing System:

Existing system is a manual system it will not provide the online system

Existing system does not provide the common login for the admin, employee and
user (customer) with security.

Existing system does not provide the online transaction facility and stop pending

This system does not give the update account information for the customer

Need For System:

Online integrated System and Transaction.

Security and Quick update.

Paperless work and Time saving Technique.


Faster Viewing and Retrieval of Data: - With this new system data will be viewed faster and data
will be retrieved as per the requirements. No information about anybody will be left out.

Systematic Work: - The work done with this system will be systematically and there will
be no data loss. With this system work will be done efficiently.

Less Effort: - With this system user will not get much stress on them effortless work will
be done and less effort will be given on user.
Faster and accurate reports and result will be easier to understand: - Whenever user needs
to take some important decisions with help of the records the user can take necessary
steps, accurate and easy to retrieve.
This project is helpful to reduce the time and complexity of maintaining the records.

System provides a user-friendly environment for maintaining the details of the Bank.


Feasibility study is a process to check possibilities of system development. It is a method to

check various different requirements and availability of financial & technical resources.

Before starting the process various parameters must be checked like:

Estimated finance is there or not?

The man power to operate the system is there or not?
The man power is trained or not?

All the above conditions must be satisfied to start the project. This is why in depth analysis of
feasibility is carried out.

There are three different ways feasibility can be tested:

1) Economical Feasibility

2) Technical Feasibility

3) Operational Feasibility.

Economical Feasibility:

In economic feasibility, analysis of the cost of the system is carried out. The system
should be only developed if it is going to give returned the current manual system
user can get the price only by purchasing the newspapers. In addition if he/she wants
to see archives of particular equity then he has to refer to all the old newspapers. For
research reports he has to buy another magazine. So Instead of buying no of
magazines user has to just go online and with a single click he can get whatever
information he wants. So our project of online share news passes the test of economic

Technical Feasibility:

It is basically used to see existing computer, hardware and software etc., weather it
is sufficient or additional equipments are required? Minimum System Requirement
is such that it can be affordable by of the user who is having computer. All the user
requires is compatible browser and .net framework installed so our system is fully
technical feasible.

Operational Feasibility:

Once the system is designed there must be trained and expert operator. If there are
not trained they should give training according to the needs of the system.

From the users perspective our system fully operational feasible as it just
requires some knowledge of computer. Operators only need add daily prices of
various equities and there are enough validations available so operator does not
require any special technical knowledge. So our system also passes the test of
operational feasibility.


Software Requirements :

Operating System : Windows XP/2003 or Linux

User Interface : HTML, CSS
Client-side Scripting : JavaScript
Programming Language : Java
Web Applications : JDBC, Servlets, JSP
IDE/Workbench : My Eclipse 6.0
Database : Oracle 10g
Server Deployment : Tomcat 5.x
Frame Work : Struts 1.x

Hardware Requirements:

Processor : Pentium IV

Hard Disk : 40GB

RAM : 512MB or more



An initialize of Hypertext Markup Language, is the predominant markup language for web
pages. It provides a means to describe the structure of text-based information in a document
by denoting certain text as headings, paragraphs, lists, and so on and to supplement that text
with interactive forms, embedded images, and other objects. HTML is written in the form of
labels (known as tags), surrounded by angle brackets. HTML can also describe, to some degree,
the appearance and semantics of a document, and can include embedded scripting language code
which can affect the behavior of web browsers and other HTML processors.

HTML is also often used to refer to content of the MIME type text/html or even more broadly as
a generic term for HTML whether in its XML-descended form (such as XHTML 1.0 and later) or
its form descended directly from SGML

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), the languages of the World Wide Web (WWW), allows
users to produces Web pages that include text, graphics and pointer to other Web pages
(Hyperlinks). Hyperlinks are underlined or emphasized works that load to other documents or
some portions of the same document.

HTML can be used to display any type of document on the host computer, which can be
geographically at a different location. It is a versatile language and can be used on any platform
or desktop.

HTML provides tags (special codes) to make the document look attractive. HTML tags are not
case-sensitive. Using graphics, fonts, different sizes, color, etc., can enhance the presentation of
the document. Anything that is not a tag is part of the document itself.

Basic HTML Tags:

<! -- --> specifies comments

<A>. </A> Creates hypertext links

<B>. </B> Formats text as bold

<BIG>. </BIG> Formats text in large font.

<BODY></BODY> All tags and text in the HTML

<CENTER>...</CENTER> Creates text

<DD></DD> Definition of a term

<DL>...</DL> Creates definition list

<FONT></FONT> Formats text with a particular font

<FORM>...</FORM> Encloses a fill-out form

<FRAME>...</FRAME> Defines a frame in a set of frames

<H#></H#> Creates headings of levels( 1 6 )

<HEAD>...</HEAD> Information about a document

<HR>...</HR> Creates a horizontal rule

<HTML></HTML> Contains all other HTML tags

<META>...</META> Meta-information about a document

<SCRIPT></SCRIPT> Contains client or server-side script

<TABLE></TABLE> Creates a table

<TD></TD> Indicates table data in a table

<TR></TR> Designates a table row

<TH></TH> Creates a heading in a table.

The preceding displays as HTML (pointing the cursor at the abbreviation should display the title
text in most browsers).


A HTML document is small and hence easy to send over the net. It is small because it does not
include formatted information.

HTML is platform independent.

HTML tags are not case-sensitive.


JavaScript is a script-based programming language that was developed by Netscape

Communication Corporation. JavaScript was originally called Live Script and renamed as
JavaScript to indicate its relationship with Java. JavaScript supports the development of both
client and server components of Web-based applications. On the client side, it can be used to
write programs that are executed by a Web browser within the context of a Web page. On the
server side, it can be used to write Web server programs that can process information submitted
by a Web browser and then update the browsers display accordingly

Even though JavaScript supports both client and server Web programming, we prefer JavaScript
at Client side programming since most of the browsers supports it. JavaScript is almost as easy to
learn as HTML, and JavaScript statements can be included in HTML documents by enclosing the
statements between a pair of scripting tags



JavaScript statements


Here are a few things we can do with JavaScript:

Validate the contents of a form and make calculations.

Add scrolling or changing messages to the Browsers status line.
Animate images or rotate images that change when we move the mouse
over them.
Detect the browser in use and display different content for different
Detect installed plug-ins and notify the user if a plug-in is required.

We can do much more with JavaScript, including creating entire application.

JavaScript Vs Java:

JavaScript and Java are entirely different languages. A few of the most glaring differences are:

Java applets are generally displayed in a box within the web document;
JavaScript can affect any part of the Web document itself.
While JavaScript is best suited to simple applications and adding
interactive features to Web pages; Java can be used for incredibly complex

There are many other differences but the important thing to remember is that JavaScript and
Java are separate languages. They are both useful for different things; in fact they can be used
together to combine their advantages.

JavaScript can be used for Sever-side and Client-side scripting.

It is more flexible than VBScript.
JavaScript is the default scripting languages at Client-side since all the
browsers supports it.


A markup language for organizing information in text files. XML stands for extensible Markup

XML File: A text file that contains information organized in a structure that meets XML

Here is how to create your first XML file.

1. Use any text editor to enter the following lines of text into a file:

<? Xml version="1.0"?>

<p>Hello world! </p>

2. Save this file with name: "hello.xml".

Congratulations! You have successfully created an XML file.

Features of XML:

Main features of XML:

XML files are text files, which can be managed by any text editor.
XML is very simple, because it has less than 10 rules.
XML is extensible, because it only specifies the structural rules of tags. No
specification on tags them self.


Initially the language was called as oak but it was renamed as Java in 1995. The primary
motivation of this language was the need for a platform-independent (i.e., architecture neutral)
language that could be used to create software to be embedded in various consumer electronic

Java is a programmers language.

Java is cohesive and consistent.
Except for those constraints imposed by the Internet environment, Java gives the
programmer, full control.
Finally, Java is to Internet programming where C was to system programming.

Importance of Java to the Internet

Java has had a profound effect on the Internet. This is because; Java expands the Universe of
objects that can move about freely in Cyberspace. In a network, two categories of objects are
transmitted between the Server and the Personal computer. They are: Passive information and
Dynamic active programs. The Dynamic, Self-executing programs cause serious problems in the
areas of Security and probability. But, Java addresses those concerns and by doing so, has
opened the door to an exciting new form of program called the Applet.

Java can be used to create two types of programs

Applications and Applets : An application is a program that runs on our Computer under the
operating system of that computer. It is more or less like one creating using C or C++. Javas
ability to create Applets makes it important. An Applet is an application designed to be
transmitted over the Internet and executed by a Java compatible web browser. An applet is
actually a tiny Java program, dynamically downloaded across the network, just like an image.
But the difference is, it is an intelligent program, not just a media file. It can react to the user
input and dynamically change.

Features of Java Security

Every time you that you download a normal program, you are risking a viral infection. Prior to
Java, most users did not download executable programs frequently, and those who did scan them
for viruses prior to execution. Most users still worried about the possibility of infecting their
systems with a virus. In addition, another type of malicious program exists that must be guarded
against. This type of program can gather private information, such as credit card numbers, bank
account balances, and passwords. Java answers both these concerns by providing a firewall
between a network application and your computer.


For programs to be dynamically downloaded to all the various types of platforms connected to
the Internet, some means of generating portable executable code is needed .As you will see, the
same mechanism that helps ensure security also helps create portability. Indeed, Javas solution
to these two problems is both elegant and efficient.

The Byte code

The key that allows the Java to solve the security and portability problems is that the output of
Java compiler is Byte code. Byte code is a highly optimized set of instructions designed to be
executed by the Java run-time system, which is called the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). That is,
in its standard form, the JVM is an interpreter for byte code.

Translating a Java program into byte code helps makes it much easier to run a program in a wide
variety of environments. The reason is, once the run-time package exists for a given system, any
Java program can run on it. Although Java was designed for interpretation, there is technically
nothing about Java that prevents on-the-fly compilation of byte code into native code. Sun has
just completed its Just In Time (JIT) compiler for byte code. The JIT compiles code, as it is
needed, during execution.

JVM (Java Virtual Machine)

Beyond the language, there is the Java virtual machine. The Java virtual machine is an important
element of the Java technology. The virtual machine can be embedded within a web browser or
an operating system. Once a piece of Java code is loaded onto a machine, it is verified. As part of
the loading process, a class loader is invoked and does byte code verification makes sure that the
code thats has been generated by the compiler will not corrupt the machine that its loaded on.
Byte code verification takes place at the end of the compilation process to make sure that is all
accurate and correct. So byte code verification is integral to the compiling and executing of Java

Overall Description

Java Source Java byte code JavaVM

Java .Class
Picture showing the development process of JAVA Program

Java programming uses to produce byte codes and executes them. The first box indicates that the
Java source code is located in a. Java file that is processed with a Java compiler called javac. The
Java compiler produces a file called a. class file, which contains the byte code. The .Class file is
then loaded across the network or loaded locally on your machine into the execution
environment is the Java virtual machine, which interprets and executes the byte code.

Java Architecture

Java architecture provides a portable, robust, high performing environment for development.
Java provides portability by compiling the byte codes for the Java Virtual Machine, which is then
interpreted on each platform by the run-time environment. Java is a dynamic system, able to load
code when needed from a machine in the same room or across the planet.

Compilation of code

When you compile the code, the Java compiler creates machine code (called byte code) for a
hypothetical machine called Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The JVM is supposed to execute the
byte code. The JVM is created for overcoming the issue of portability. The code is written and
compiled for one machine and interpreted on all machines. This machine is called Java Virtual

Compiling and interpreting Java Source Code

PC Compiler Interpreter
Java (PC)
Code Byte code
.. Macintosh Java
Compiler Interpreter
(Platform (Macintosh)
.. Independen

Compiler Interpreter

During run-time the Java interpreter tricks the byte code file into thinking that it is running on a
Java Virtual Machine. In reality this could be a Intel Pentium Windows 95 or SunSARC station
running Solaris or Apple Macintosh running system and all could receive code from any
computer through Internet and run the Applets.


Java was designed to be easy for the Professional programmer to learn and to use effectively. If
you are an experienced C++ programmer, learning Java will be even easier. Because Java
inherits the C/C++ syntax and many of the object oriented features of C++. Most of the
confusing concepts from C++ are either left out of Java or implemented in a cleaner, more
approachable manner. In Java there are a small number of clearly defined ways to accomplish a
given task.


Java was not designed to be source-code compatible with any other language. This allowed the
Java team the freedom to design with a blank slate. One outcome of this was a clean usable,
pragmatic approach to objects. The object model in Java is simple and easy to extend, while
simple types, such as integers, are kept as high-performance non-objects.


The multi-platform environment of the Web places extraordinary demands on a program,

because the program must execute reliably in a variety of systems. The ability to create robust
programs was given a high priority in the design of Java. Java is strictly typed language; it
checks your code at compile time and run time.

Java Database Connectivity

JDBC is a Java API for executing SQL statements. (As a point of interest, JDBC is a
trademarked name and is not an acronym; nevertheless, JDBC is often thought of as standing for
Java Database Connectivity. It consists of a set of classes and interfaces written in the Java

programming language. JDBC provides a standard API for tool/database developers and makes it
possible to write database applications using a pure Java API.

Using JDBC, it is easy to send SQL statements to virtually any relational database. One can write
a single program using the JDBC API, and the program will be able to send SQL statements to
the appropriate database. The combinations of Java and JDBC lets a programmer write it once
and run it anywhere.

What Does JDBC Do?

Simply put, JDBC makes it possible to do three things:

Establish a connection with a database
Send SQL statements
Process the results.

JDBC Driver Types

The JDBC drivers that we are aware of at this time fit into one of four categories:

JDBC-ODBC bridge plus ODBC driver

Native-API partly-Java driver
JDBC-Net pure Java driver
Native-protocol pure Java driver


If possible, use a Pure Java JDBC driver instead of the Bridge and an ODBC driver. This
completely eliminates the client configuration required by ODBC. It also eliminates the potential
that the Java VM could be corrupted by an error in the native code brought in by the Bridge (that
is, the Bridge native library, the ODBC driver manager library, the ODBC driver library, and the
database client library). The JDBC-ODBC Bridge is a JDBC driver, which implements JDBC
operations by translating them into ODBC operations. To ODBC it appears as a normal
application program. The Bridge implements JDBC for any database for which an ODBC driver
is available. The Bridge is implemented as the Sun.jdbc.odbc Java package and contains a native
library used to access ODBC. The Bridge is a joint development of Innersole and Java Soft.

JDBC connectivity

The JDBC provides database-independent connectivity between the J2EE platform and a wide
range of tabular data sources. JDBC technology allows an Application Component Provider to:

Perform connection and authentication to a database server

Manager transactions
Move SQL statements to a database engine for preprocessing and execution
Execute stored procedures
Inspect and modify the results from Select statement base
A database management system (DBMS) is computer software designed for the purpose of
managing databases, a large set of structured data, and run operations on the data requested by
numerous users. Typical examples of DBMSs include Oracle, DB2, Microsoft Access, Microsoft
SQL Server, Firebird, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, FileMaker and Sybase Adaptive Server
Enterprise. DBMSs are typically used by Database administrators in the creation of Database
systems. Typical examples of DBMS use include accounting, human resources and customer
support systems originally found only in large companies with the computer hardware needed to
support large data sets, DBMSs have more recently emerged as a fairly standard part of any
company back office.

DBMS Description

A DBMS is a complex set of software programs that controls the organization, storage,
management, and retrieval of data in a database. A DBMS includes:

A modeling language to define the schema of each database hosted in the DBMS, according
to the DBMS data model.

The four most common types of organizations are the hierarchical, network, relational
and object models. Inverted lists and other methods are also used. A given database

management system may provide one or more of the four models. The optimal
structure depends on the natural organization of the application's data, and on the
application's requirements (which include transaction rate (speed), reliability,
maintainability, scalability, and cost).

The dominant model in use today is the ad hoc one embedded in SQL, despite the
objections of purists who believe this model is a corruption of the relational model,
since it violates several of its fundamental principles for the sake of practicality and
performance. Many DBMSs also support the Open Database Connectivity API that
supports a standard way for programmers to access the DBMS.

Data structures (fields, records, files and objects) optimized to deal with very large
amounts of data stored on a permanent data storage device (which implies relatively slow
access compared to volatile main memory).

A database query language and report writer to allow users to interactively interrogate the
database, analyze its data and update it according to the users privileges on data.
It also controls the security of the database.
Data security prevents unauthorized users from viewing or updating the database.
Using passwords, users are allowed access to the entire database or subsets of it
called subschemas. For example, an employee database can contain all the data about
an individual employee, but one group of users may be authorized to view only
payroll data, while others are allowed access to only work history and medical data.
If the DBMS provides a way to interactively enter and update the database, as well as
interrogate it, this capability allows for managing personal databases. However, it
may not leave an audit trail of actions or provide the kinds of controls necessary in a
multi-user organization. These controls are only available when a set of application
programs are customized for each data entry and updating function.

A transaction mechanism, that ideally would guarantee the ACID properties, in order to
ensure data integrity, despite concurrent user accesses (concurrency control), and faults (fault
It also maintains the integrity of the data in the database.
The DBMS can maintain the integrity of the database by not allowing more than one
user to update the same record at the same time. The DBMS can help prevent

duplicate records via unique index constraints; for example, no two customers with
the same customer numbers (key fields) can be entered into the database. See ACID
properties for more information (Redundancy avoidance).

The DBMS accepts requests for data from the application program and instructs the operating
system to transfer the appropriate data.

When a DBMS is used, information systems can be changed much more easily as the
organization's information requirements change. New categories of data can be added to the
database without disruption to the existing system.

Organizations may use one kind of DBMS for daily transaction processing and then move the
detail onto another computer that uses another DBMS better suited for random inquiries and
analysis. Overall systems design decisions are performed by data administrators and systems
analysts. Detailed database design is performed by database administrators.

Database servers are specially designed computers that hold the actual databases and run only the
DBMS and related software. Database servers are usually multiprocessor computers, with RAID
disk arrays used for stable storage. Connected to one or more servers via a high-speed channel,
hardware database accelerators are also used in large volume transaction processing

DBMSs are found at the heart of most database applications. Sometimes DBMSs are built
around a private multitasking kernel with built-in networking support although nowadays these
functions are left to the operating system.

Structured Query Language (SQL) is the language used to manipulate relational databases. SQL
is tied very closely with the relational model.

In the relational model, data is stored in structures called relations or tables.

SQL statements are issued for the purpose of:

Data definition: Defining tables and structures in the database (DDL used to create, alter and
drop schema objects such as tables and indexes).

Data manipulation: Used to manipulate the data within those schema objects (DML Inserting,
Updating, Deleting the data, and Querying the Database).

List of SQL statements that can be issued against an Oracle database schema are:

ALTER - Change an existing table, view or index definition (DDL)

AUDIT - Track the changes made to a table (DDL)
COMMENT - Add a comment to a table or column in a table (DDL)
COMMIT - Make all recent changes permanent (DML - transactional)
CREATE - Create new database objects such as tables or views (DDL)
DELETE - Delete rows from a database table (DML)
DROP - Drop a database object such as a table, view or index (DDL)
GRANT - Allow another user to access database objects such as tables or views (DDL)
INSERT - Insert new data into a database table (DML)
No AUDIT - Turn off the auditing function (DDL)
REVOKE - Disallow a user access to database objects such as tables and views (DDL)
ROLLBACK - Undo any recent changes to the database (DML - Transactional)
SELECT - Retrieve data from a database table (DML)
UPDATE - Change the values of some data items in a database table.


Servlet provide a Java-based solution used to address the problems currently associated with
doing server-side programming, including inextensible scripting solutions, platform-specific
APIs, and incomplete interfaces.

Servlets are objects that conform to a specific interface that can be plugged into a Java-based
server. Servlets are to the server-side what applets are to the client-side - object byte codes that
can be dynamically loaded off the net. They differ from applets in that they are faceless objects
(without graphics or a GUI component). They serve as platform independent, dynamically
loadable, pluggable helper byte code objects on the server side that can be used to dynamically
extend server-side functionality.

For example, an HTTP Servlets can be used to generate dynamic HTML content. When you use
Servlets to do dynamic content you get the following advantages:

Theyre faster and cleaner than CGI scripts

They use a standard API (the Servlets API)
They provide all the advantages of Java (run on a variety of servers without
needing to be rewritten).
Attractiveness of Servlets.

There are many features of Servlets that make them easy and attractive to use. These include:
Easily configured using the GUI-based Admin tool
Can be loaded and invoked from a local disk or remotely across the network.
Can be linked together, or chained, so that one Servlets can call another Servlets,
or several Servlets in sequence.
Can be called dynamically from within HTML pages, using server-side include
Are secure - even when downloading across the network, the Servlets security
model and Servlets sandbox protect your system from unfriendly behavior.

Advantages of the Servlet API

One of the great advantages of the Servlet API is protocol independence. It assumes nothing

The protocol being used to transmit on the net
How it is loaded
The server environment it will be running in

These qualities are important, because it allows the Servlet API to be embedded in many
different kinds of servers. There are other advantages to the Servlet API as well. These include:

Its extensible - you can inherit all your functionality from the base classes made
available to you.
Its simple, small, and easy to use.

Features of Servlets:

Servlets are persistent. Servlet are loaded only by the web server and can maintain
services between requests.
Servlets are fast. Since Servlets only need to be loaded once, they offer much better
performance over their CGI counterparts.
Servlets are platform independent.
Servlets are extensible. Java is a robust, object-oriented programming language,
which easily can be extended to suit your needs
Servlets are secure.
Servlets can be used with loading Servlets:

Servlets can be loaded from three places

From a directory that is on the CLASSPATH. The CLASSPATH of the JavaWebServer

includes service root/classes/ which is where the system classes reside.

From the <SERVICE_ROOT /Servlets/ directory. This is *not* in the servers class path. A
class loader is used to create Servlets from this directory. New Servlets can be added - existing
Servlets can be recompiled and the server will notice these changes.

From a remote location, for this a code base like http: // nine.eng / classes / foo / is required in
addition to the Servlets class name. Refer to the admin GUI docs on Servlet section to see how to
set this up.

Loading Remote Servlets

Remote Servlets can be loaded by:

1. Configuring the Admin Tool to setup automatic loading of remote Servlets

2. Setting up server side include tags in. shtml files
3. Defining a filter chain configuration

Invoking Servlets

A Servlet invoker is a Servlet that invokes the "service" method on a named Servlet. If the
Servlet is not loaded in the server, then the invoker first loads the Servlet (either from local disk
or from the network) and the then invokes the "service" method. Also like applets, local Servlets
in the server can be identified by just the class name. In other words, if a Servlet name is not
absolute, it is treated as local.

A client can invoke Servlets in the following ways:

The client can ask for a document that is served by the Servlet.
The client (browser) can invoke the Servlet directly using a URL, once it has been
mapped using the Servlet Aliases section of the admin GUI.
The Servlet can be invoked through server side include tags.
The Servlet can be invoked by placing it in the Servlets/ directory.
The Servlet can be invoked by using it in a filter chain.

Java Server Pages (JSP)

Java server Pages is a simple, yet powerful technology for creating and maintaining dynamic-
content web pages. Based on the Java programming language, Java Server Pages offers
proven portability, open standards, and a mature re-usable component model .The Java
Server Pages architecture enables the separation of content generation from content
presentation. This separation not eases maintenance headaches; it also allows web team
members to focus on their areas of expertise. Now, web page designer can concentrate on
layout, and web application designers on programming, with minimal concern about
impacting each others work.

Features of JSP

Portability: Java Server Pages files can be run on any web server or web-enabled application
server that provides support for them. Dubbed the JSP engine, this support involves recognition,
translation, and management of the Java Server Page lifecycle and its interaction components.

Components : It was mentioned earlier that the Java Server Pages architecture can include
reusable Java components. The architecture also allows for the embedding of a scripting
language directly into the Java Server Pages file. The components current supported include Java
Beans, and Servlets.

Processing : A Java Server Pages file is essentially an HTML document with JSP scripting or
tags. The Java Server Pages file has a JSP extension to the server as a Java Server Pages file.
Before the page is served, the Java Server Pages syntax is parsed and processed into a Servlet on
the server side. The Servlet that is generated outputs real content in straight HTML for
responding to the client.

Access Models:A Java Server Pages file may be accessed in at least two different ways. A
clients request comes directly into a Java Server Page. In this scenario, suppose the page
accesses reusable Java Bean components that perform particular well-defined computations like
accessing a database. The result of the Beans computations, called result sets is stored within the
Bean as properties. The page uses such Beans to generate dynamic content and present it back to
the client. In both of the above cases, the page could also contain any valid Java code. Java
Server Pages architecture encourages separation of content from presentation.

Steps in the execution of a JSP Application:

1. The client sends a request to the web server for a JSP file by giving the name of the JSP
file within the form tag of a HTML page.

2. This request is transferred to the JavaWebServer. At the server side JavaWebServer

receives the request and if it is a request for a jsp file server gives this request to the JSP
3. JSP engine is program which can under stands the tags of the jsp and then it converts
those tags into a Servlet program and it is stored at the server side. This Servlet is loaded
in the memory and then it is executed and the result is given back to the JavaWebServer
and then it is transferred back to the result is given back to the JavaWebServer and then it
is transferred back to the client.

JSP Model 1 and Model 2 Architectures:

The early JSP specifications presented two approaches for building web applications using JSP
technology. These two approaches were described in the specification as JSP Model 1 and Model
2 architectures. Although the terms are no longer used in the JSP specification, their usage
throughout the web tier development community is still widely used and referenced.

The two JSP architectures differed in several key areas. The major difference was how and by
which component the processing of a request was handled. With the Model 1architecture, the JSP
page handles all of the processing of the request and is also responsible for displaying the output
to the client.

In direct comparison to the Model 1 approach, in the Model 2 architecture, the client request is
first intercepted by a servlet, most often referred to as a Controller servlet. The servlet handles
the initial processing of the request and also determines which JSP page to display next.

As you can see from the above figure, in the Model 2 architecture, a client never sends a request
directly to a JSP page. The controller servlet acts as sort of a traffic cop. This allows the servlet
to perform front-end processing like authentication and authorization, centralized logging, and
possibly help with Internationalization. Once processing of the request has finished, the servlet
directs the request to the appropriate JSP page. How exactly the next page is determined can vary
widely across different applications. For example, in simpler applications, the next JSP page to
display may be hard coded in the servlet based on the request, parameters, and current
application state. In other more sophisticated web applications, a workflow/rules engine may be

As you can see, the main difference between the two approaches is that the Model 2 architecture
introduces a controller servlet that provides a single point of entry and also encourages more
reuse and extensibility than Model 1. With the Model 2 architecture, there is also a clear
separation of the business logic, presentation output, and request processing. This separation is
often referred to as a Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern. While the Model 2 architecture
might seem overly complicated, it can actually simplify an application greatly. Web applications
built using the Model 2 approach are generally easier to maintain and can be more extensible
than comparable applications built around the Model 1 architecture.

All of this doesnt mean that applications built using the Model 1 approach are incorrectly
designed. The Model 1 architecture might be the best decision for smaller applications that have
simple page navigation, no need for centralized features, and are fairly static. However, for more
larger enterprise-size web applications, it would be more advantageous to utilize the Model 2

Eclipse IDE

Eclipse is an open-source software framework written primarily in Java. In its default form it is
an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Java developers, consisting of the Java
Development Tools (JDT) and the Eclipse Compiler for Java (ECJ). Users can extend its
capabilities by installing plug-ins written for the Eclipse software framework, such as
development toolkits for other programming languages, and can write and contribute their own
plug-in modules. Language packs are available for over a dozen languages.

The basis for Eclipse is the Rich Client Platform (RCP). The following components constitute
the rich client platform:

OSGi - a standard bundling framework

Core platform - boot Eclipse, run plug-ins
the Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) - a portable widget toolkit
JFace - viewer classes to bring model view controller programming to SWT, file buffers,
text handling, text editors
the Eclipse Workbench - views, editors, perspectives, wizards

Eclipse's widgets are implemented by a widget toolkit for Java called SWT, unlike most Java
applications, which use the Java standard Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) or Swing. Eclipse's
user interface also leverages an intermediate GUI layer called JFace, which simplifies the
construction of applications based on SWT.

Eclipse employs plug-ins in order to provide all of its functionality on top of (and including) the
rich client platform, in contrast to some other applications where functionality is typically hard
coded. This plug-in mechanism is a lightweight software componentry framework. In addition to
allowing Eclipse to be extended using other programming languages such as C and Python, the
plug-in framework allows Eclipse to work with typesetting languages like LaTeX, networking
applications such as telnet, and database management systems. The plug-in architecture supports
writing any desired extension to the environment, such as for configuration management. Java
and CVS support is provided in the Eclipse SDK.

The key to the seamless integration of tools with Eclipse is the plug-in. With the exception of a
small run-time kernel, everything in Eclipse is a plug-in. This means that a plug-in you develop
integrates with Eclipse in exactly the same way as other plug-ins; in this respect, all features are
created equal.

The Eclipse SDK includes the Eclipse Java Development Tools, offering an IDE with a built-in
incremental Java compiler and a full model of the Java source files. This allows for advanced
refactoring techniques and code analysis. The IDE also makes use of a workspace, in this case a
set of metadata over a flat file space allowing external file modifications as long as the
corresponding workspace "resource" is refreshed afterwards. The Visual Editor project allows
interfaces to be created interactively, hence allowing Eclipse to be used as a RAD tool.

The following is a list of notable projects and plug-in for the Eclipse IDE.

These projects are maintained by the Eclipse community and hosted by the Eclipse Foundation.

1. Core projects: Rich Client Platform (Platform) is the core framework that all other Eclipse
projects are built on. Java Development Tools (JDT) provides support for core Java SE. This
includes a standalone fast incremental compiler.

2. Tools projects: C/C++ Development Tools (CDT) adds support for C/C++ syntax
highlighting, code formatting, and debugger integration and project structures. Unlike the
JDT project, the CDT project does not add a compiler and relies on an external tool chain.
Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) allows developers to build standalone graphical tools.
Example use includes circuit diagram design tools, activity diagram editors and WYSIWYG
document editors.

3. Web projects: J2EE Standard Tools (JST) extends the core JDT to include support for Java
EE projects. This includes EJBs, JSPs and Servlets. PHP Development Tools (PDT). Web
Standard Tools (WST) adds standards compliant web development tools. These tools include
editors for XML, HTML and CSS.

4. Modeling projects: Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) a modeling framework and code
generation facility for building tools and other applications based on a structured data model,
from a model specification described in XMI. Graphical Modeling Framework (GMF) is a
generative component and runtime infrastructure for developing graphical editors based on
EMF and GEF.

5. Other projects: Test and Performance Tools Platform (TPTP) which provides a platform that
allows software developers to build test and performance tools, such as debuggers, profilers
and benchmarking applications. Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools Project (BIRT),
an Eclipse-based open source reporting system for web applications, especially those based
on Java EE.

Proposed System


The development of this new system contains the following activities, which try to develop on-
line application by keeping the entire process in the view of data base integration approach.

Customer must have a valid user ID and password to login to the system

If a wrong password is given thrice in the session, that account will be locked and
the customer will not be able to use it. When an invalid password is entered a
warning is given to the user than the count going to get locked.

After the valid user logs in he is shown the list of accounts he has with the bank.

On selecting the desired account he is taken to a page which shows the present
balance in that particular account number. User can view his monthly as well as
annual statements. He can also take print out of the same.

User can transfer funds from his account to any other account with this bank.

If the transaction is successful a notification should appear to the customer, in

case it is unsuccessful, a proper message should be given to the customer as to
why it failed.


In this system registered users can view the case details by opening the site. They can log
a complaint from home itself.

User Friendliness is provided in the application with various controls provided by system
Rich User Interface.

The system makes the overall project management much easier and flexible. It can be
accessed over the Intranet.

The registered users files can be stored in centralized database which can be maintained
by the system. Authentication is provided for this application only registered users can

To Facility easy maintenance of record of the franchisee, partners and administration


To check details of various records thought quick search provided in the application.

Quick access to all records.

Reduce manual work.

Generation of quick report.

Prevent and reduce human error.


Functional Requirement:

The system should have user friendly user interface.

For updating profile information link button should be there.
It should take less time to perform action.
The complete database resides in Server.

Operational Requirement:

Proper validation checking at input time.
Password is in encrypted format.
For each role, the authentication (using Login ID and Password) is checked.

Performance Requirement:

The system should be such that it stores the user input in an efficient and secure
way and make data available in a proper format on the screen.

Design Constraints:

The design should be such that the UI supports the proposed hardware for the
The user can navigate to the home screen from anywhere.
Each screen should contain the menus to move anywhere.

Acceptance Criteria:

Before accepting the system the developer must demonstrate the system work
The developer will have to show through test cases that all conditions are working.

Analysis and Design














The system after careful analysis has been identified to be presented with the following modules:

The Modules involved are

1. Administrator.

2. Customer.

3. Employee.

4. Security and authentication.

5. Reports

Description for Modules:


Administrator can add the customers (users) and provides some username and password for the
customer. Administrator can accept the cheque book requests, view all the transactions and
provide loans information and branch details.


User can make a funds transfer to another account in the same bank. User is provided with a
transaction password which is different from the login password. User applies the cheque book
requests; view all the loan information, sub branch details.

User can transfer funds from his account to any other account with this bank. If the transaction
is successful a notification should appear to the customer, in case it is unsuccessful, and a proper
message should be given to the customer why it failed.


Employee can add the customers (users) and provides some username and password for the
customer. Employee can accept the cheque book requests. He can give check books, can update
checkbook, stop payments requests.

Security and authentication:-

1. User registration

2. Login as a user or administrator

3. Change password

4. Forgot password


The software testing is the critical element of software quality assurance and represents the
ultimate review of the software design and coding. The main objective of testing is to find an
error and to uncover the errors that are not yet discovered.

After completion of system analysis, design and coding through testing of the system was carried
out in a systematic approach.

The main objectives of the Testing the systems are:

To ensure that the operations of the system will perform as per the specification.
To make sure that the system meets the user requirements during the operations. To
cross check the when current input are fed into the system outputs are correct.
To make sure that during the operation incorrect inputs and the outputs will be
In testing process the number of strategies have been used as mentioned below,

Unit Testing
Integration Testing
Validation Testing
Black Box Testing
User Acceptance Testing
Unit Testing:

Unit testing focuses verification efforts on the smallest unit of the software design. Using the unit
test plan, prepare in the design phase of the system development as a guide, important control
paths are tested to uncover error within the boundary of the module. The interface of each of the
module was tested to ensure proper flow of information into and out of the module under
consideration. Boundary condition was checked. All independent path were exercised to ensure
that all the statement in the module are executed at least once and all error handling path were

Integration Testing:

Data can be lost across an interface, one module can have a adverse effect on another, sub
function when combined may not produce the desired major function, global data structure can
present problems. Integration testing is a symmetric technique for constructing the program
structure while at the same time conducting test to uncover error associates with the interface. All
modules are combined in this testing step. Then the entire program was tested as a whole.

Validation Testing:

At the culmination of the integration testing the software was completely assembled as package,
interfaces have been uncovered, and a final series of software validation testing began. Here we
test the system function manner that can be reasonably expected by the customer, the system was
tested against system requirement specification.

Black Box Testing:

After performing validation test, the next phase is output test of the system, since no system code
is useful if it does not produce the desired output in desired format. By considering the format of
the report/output, output/report is generated or displayed and tested. Here output format is
considered in two ways, one is on the screen and other is on printed form.

User Acceptance Testing:

User acceptance test of a system is the key factor for the success of the system. The system under
consideration was listed for user acceptance by keeping constant touch with the perspective user
of the system at the time of design, development and making change whenever required. This is
done with the regards of the following points:

Test Case:

Title: Test case for Login.

Objective: To check that user properly logged in.
Prerequisite: The application should be installed properly & accessible




It is not possible to develop a system that makes all the requirements of the user. User
requirements keep changing as the system is being used. Some of the future enhancements that
can be done to this system are:

As the technology emerges, it is possible to upgrade the system and can be adaptable to
desired environment.
Because it is based on object-oriented design, any further changes can be easily
Based on the future security issues, security can be improved using emerging
super admin module can be added


The Internet Banking System was successfully designed and is tested for accuracy and quality.
During this project we have accomplished all the objectives and this project meets the needs of
the organization. The developed will be used in searching, retrieving and generating information
for the concerned requests.


Reduced entry work.

Easy retrieval of information
Reduced errors due to human intervention
User friendly screens to enter the data
Portable and flexible for further enhancement
Web enabled.
Fast finding of information requested


Technical up gradation: The system requires to be up graded at regular time interval as

market for such software is very competitive.

Manuals: Various manuals are to be prepared such as user manuals, system manuals. It
needs time, human labor and are subject to change drastically as the technology changes.

Money refund or recovery technique not Implemented.

This system only work online. So Internet connection is mandatory to access the site..


This study attempted to identify key quality attributes of internet banking services by
analyzing internet banking customers & their comments on banking experience. The findings of
this study show that despite of many advantages of online banking. People still consider it as an
alternative for analyzing their bank records. Although every bank today provides the facility of
online banking but most of people use it only once a month.

This reason is that in case of internet banking interpersonal interaction with customers is seldom
possible. Identification & measurement of customers expectations of the internet banking
services provide a frame of reference & their related quality dimension.

The main factors which persuade people to use online banking are comfort & convenience & the
facility which attracts them most is quality& quantity of information. Therefore the
implementation of quality initiatives should begin with defining customers need & preferences
& their related quality dimensions.

There is still a lot needed for the banking system to make reforms and train their customers for
using internet for their banking account. Going through the survey the main problem lies that still
customer have a fear of hacking of accounts and thus do not go on for internet banking. Banks
are trying their level best by providing the best security options to the customers but then to there
is lot of factors which betrays a customer from opening an internet bank account.

Banks are providing free internet banking services also so that the customers can be attracted. By
asking the bank employs we came to know that maximum numbers of internet bank account
holders are youth and business man.

E-Banking is an innovative tool that is fast becoming a necessity. It is a successful strategic

weapon for banks to remain profitable in a volatile and competitive marketplace of today. If
proper training should be given to customer by the bank employs to open an account will be
beneficial secondly the website should be made friendlier from where the first time customers
can directly make and access their accounts. In future, the availability of technology to ensure
safety and privacy of e-transactions and the RBI guidelines on various aspects of internet
banking will definitely help in rapid growth of internet banking in India

The visibility of the online Banking handling solution is now increasing

dramatically worldwide in recent years. Online Banking make transactions more robust
and quick. Online Banking is a tool to specify decision criteria, issue on line tenders

and evaluating responses using this methodology. In all these cases the feedback
was extremely positive and the users claimed they had . Much care has been taken in
designing the database so that users can make transaction secure.


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