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Colour Vision Conflict

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© 2009 B.D.


Colour Vision Conflict

We have all experienced the sensation that occurs when we close

our eyes while in bright sunlight and face towards the sun. The
light penetrating our eyelids produces a bright red glow over our
whole field of vision. Another common visual experience is the
phenomenon of 'after-images', the temporary shapes of colour
we see after looking at a bright object or light. These after-
images are usually in a complementary colour to that of the
bright object.

On a recent train journey from Melbourne to Sydney, the early

morning sun was streaming into the carriage as I reclined in my
seat, eyes closed. As the train sped along, the trees growing
close to the track repeatedly interrupted the sunlight shining
through the window with a random play of shadows. The result
was a sensation of flickering colours and shapes filling my eyes,
changing quickly from bright red to deep blue, green, purple,
crimson, and back to red again. The alternation of bright shapes
and coloured after-images produced a kaleidoscopic effect that
was wonderfully entertaining.

Theories of colour vision explaining such effects were first

proposed during the mid-nineteenth century by two rival
German scientists, Herman von Helmholtz (1821-1894) and
Ewald Hering (1834-1918). Drawing on earlier work by the
British scientists Thomas Young and James Clerk Maxwell,
Helmholtz put forward a three-colour theory of vision. The
Young-Helmholtz theory stated that the range of colours we see
arises as differing combinations of three primary colours: red,
green, and violet. Three types of nerve endings, each sensitive to

© 2009 B.D. Sommerville

one of these colours, line the retina of the eye, and when
stimulated by light of a suitable wavelength pass their signals to
the brain, where the corresponding colour combinations are
perceived. Thus the impression of yellow, for example, arises
from the stimulation of red and green sensitive nerve receptors.

This theory was challenged by Hering, who proposed an

alternative, and in some ways more elegant, theory. The retina
does indeed contain three types of nerve receptors, but each
responds to two colours, not one. Each nerve receptor can be in
one of two opposing states, depending on how it is stimulated,
or be in an intermediate state. Thus the three nerve receptors
represent the following six colours: red-green, yellow-blue, and
black-white. Hering's theory, then, recognised a fourth primary
colour, yellow. It also viewed white and black as fundamental
sensations, not merely as the sum of all primary colours, or as
the absence of colour, respectively.

The Young-Helmholtz theory explained negative after-images as

follows: the nerve receptors in the eye that respond to the colour
of the bright object soon become fatigued, more so than those
receptors which respond to other colours, and which remain
more active. Thus when the bright object is removed, and light
of normal intensity re-enters the eye, the more active receptors
create an image in a complementary colour to that of the original

Hering's theory, however, explained after-images in terms of two

related but opposing processes in the nerve receptors. Light
from the coloured object causes a chemical reaction leading to
the breakdown, and eventual exhaustion, of a visual substance in

© 2009 B.D. Sommerville

the nerve (dissimilation). After the stimulus is removed, the

depletion of the visual substance allows the opposite reaction, a
build-up of the visual substance, to predominate (assimilation).
This results in an after-image of a complementary colour to that
of the original object. When equilibrium is restored, neither
colour is perceived. For example, looking at a yellow object in
strong light for a few seconds causes dissimilation in the yellow-
blue receptor and thus the perception of yellow. On looking
away from the object, assimilation occurs, producing a blue
after-image. Eventually equilibrium is restored and the after-
image fades.

Moreover, the roles of the retina and the brain in our perception
of colour were also hotly debated. Helmholtz emphasised mental
inference or judgement in our colour sense, while Hering laid
stress on the state of nerves in the retina. For example, a bright
disc placed on a black background will produce a dark negative
after-image against a lighter visual field. This after-image is
surrounded by a border that is brighter than either the image or
the field. Helmholtz explained this light border as an illusion of
judgement caused by our tendency to mentally exaggerate
clearly seen differences in brightness. However Hering
countered that in the opposite case, where a black disc is viewed
against a white background, no dark border is seen around the
after-image, although the same conditions are present for an
illusion of judgement.

The clash between these two scientists and their schools

produced one of the great scientific controversies of the
nineteenth century, one which lasted well into the 1920s. The
shrewd and combative Hering, who had a dedicated band of

© 2009 B.D. Sommerville

followers among his students, took the fight up to Helmholtz.

Although a reluctant combatant, Helmholtz had a towering
intellect and reputation, as well as a larger group of supporters,
and held his ground.

Many experiments in colour contrast were performed, and

devices such as the colour wheel invented, to decide the issue.
Colour wheels served a variety of experimental purposes. Most
are familiar with the fact that a disc made up of seven equal
sectors, each showing a different colour of the spectrum, appears
white when spun rapidly. This also occurs with a disc of three
coloured sectors: red, green, and violet. Conversely, a white disc
with certain black markings on it produces a faint colour
spectrum when spun. A plausible theory of colour vision must
explain these facts.

Colour wheels were used also to study colour blindness for clues
to the nature of the colour sense. By varying the relative areas
on a colour wheel occupied by the primary colours, and
comparing the shade perceived when the wheel was spun rapidly
with a standard grey produced by black and white sectors
around the perimeter, the amount of each colour contributing to
the viewer's perceptions could be measured (see Figure 1).

© 2009 B.D. Sommerville

Figure 1. A colour wheel designed to test colour blindness. The

coloured sectors can be slid over or under each other to vary the area
of each colour exposed. (To see the effect of after-images, stare at
the centre of the disc for about 30 seconds, then look at a white
surface. The complimentary colour of each sector will appear.)

One problem for the Young-Helmholtz theory was that people

who are red or green colour blind still report seeing yellow and
blue. How can this occur if yellow results from the stimulation
of red and green sensitive nerve receptors? The loss of either red
or green perception should result in the loss of yellow also.
Hering's concept of a separate yellow-blue process in the retina
accommodated this fact. Helmholtz's school originally held that
the inconsistency arose from a confusion of terms, and that the
'yellow' colour seen by red colour blind people was really a
bright green. The Young-Helmholtz theory eventually was
modified to cover the anomaly.

On most points, however, there was little to choose between the

two theories. Indeed, the Helmholtz-Hering controversy is a

© 2009 B.D. Sommerville

good example of how different scientific theories can often

explain the same facts equally well, and present day ideas of
colour vision draw on both theories. Recent 'zone' theories
suppose that the three nerve types, or cones, in the retina send
signals to a special area in the visual system of the brain, where
six different nerve types magnify and compare them. Thus the
modern version has features of both the Young-Helmholtz
theory, and Hering's theory.

Despite the dazzling effect of sunlight shining through our

eyelids, we rarely, if ever, perceive a pure undiluted colour. This
is because light entering the eye stimulates not only the
receptors most sensitive to that colour, but also other receptors,
albeit to a lesser extent. Even light from a sheet of paper of a
strong red colour, for example, also stimulates the receptors
sensitive to blue and green. The net result is a slight whitish
dilution. Something approaching a pure colour, however, can be
seen in the following way.

Take a large sheet of paper of a strong primary colour; say, red.

Now place on top a smaller square of paper of a strong
complementary colour; say, green. Mark a dot in the centre of
the green square and look at the dot fixedly under a bright light
for about half a minute. This fatigues the nerves in the eye and
brain that perceive the colour green, but only over the area
equivalent to the green square.

Now remove the green square and look at the red sheet
underneath. It will appear to contain a square of red colour much
purer than the colour around it, since the diluting effect of green
cannot now be sensed over that area of the retina. A variety of

© 2009 B.D. Sommerville

different effects can be produced using paper of different colours

(yellow and blue, or black and white, for example), and makes
an interesting weekend diversion.

And next time you take a train in the early morning or late
afternoon along a route where the trees grow close to the track,
sit on the sunny side of the carriage, and close your eyes, for the
psychedelic trip of a lifetime.

B. D. Sommerville

© 2009 B.D. Sommerville


Abney, Capt. W. de W. 1895. Colour Vision, Being the Tyndall

Lectures Delivered in 1894 at the Royal Institution, Sampson
Low, Marston & Co., London.

Boynton, Robert M. 1975. “Color, Hue, and Wavelength”, in

Edward C. Carterette and Morton P. Friedman (eds.), Seeing,
vol. 5 of Handbook of Perception, Academic Press, New York,
pp. 301-347.

De Valois, Russell L., and Karen K. De Valois. 1975. “Neural

Coding of Color”, in Carterette and Friedman, pp. 117-66. See

Turner, Steven R. 1994. In the Eye's Mind: Vision and the

Helmholtz-Hering Controversy, Princeton University Press,

von Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig. 1925 [1856-67]. Treatise on

Physiological Optics, 3 vols., James P. C. Southall ed. Optical
Society of America, Menshasa, Wisconsin.

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