Dermo Optical Sensitivi
Dermo Optical Sensitivi
Dermo Optical Sensitivi
From 1960 to the present, research conducted in the USSR, United
States, England and France, have showed that the skin is sensitive
to far infrareg invisible radiations of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Dermo-optical sensitivity refers to the human organism's capacity
to respond to colored surfaces, hidden ftom sight by being placed
under screens, even when the latter are held at some distance in
the dark.
Dermo-optical perception refers to the ability of subjects to
succeed in consciously differentiating these surfaces through their
hands by non-visual subjective impressions. It is estimated this
can only be done by one in six subjects. Controlled studies indicate
support for the theory of dermo-optical sensitivity and perception.
This finding provides a new potential confounding variable in color
research. (int j Biosocial Res., 7(2); 76-93,1985.)
What exactly is dermo-optical sensitivity?
Humans normally use their eyes to consciously distinguish the
colors of their environment. Let us remember, however, that color
is a sensation transmitted by the brain. It is provoked by the
perception of certain luminous radiations that make up the visible
spectrum between 380 and 780 nanometers (between violet and
red). (1) The sensation of color can only exist by the reflection of
visible light and when its radiation comes in contact with sight
cells. Our eyes are only sensitive to a very restricted part of the
electromagnetic spectrum.
The skin is sensitive to a broader portion of the electromagnetic
spectrum which we observe as a suntan caused by ultra-violet rays
serious attention.
Recent Studies of Dermo-optical Sensitivity
We had to wait for more than thirty years for the systematic study
of the ability of a subject in the U.S.S.R. to detect colors placed
under transparent or opaque screens for Romains' contentions to
be re-evaluated.
The phenomenon was termed dermo-optical sensitivity by
Professor A. S. Novomeysky(7), a psychologist at the Sverdlovsk
Pedagogical Institute in the U.S.S.R.
For more than twenty years, he conducted experimental research
with scientists in various fields including: physics, physiology,
psychology, pedagogy, and even architecture. Experiments were
carried out on school children and students from various
The working hypothesis was based on laws of physics.
In the United States, as early as 1963, Richard P. Youtz, Ph.D., a
teacher of psychology at Barnard College in New York, had tested
a woman who claimed that as a high-school senior she could
identify the colors of objects with her fingers. He performed similar
experiments with college students and blind subjects.(8)
Then, in 1966, Dr. B. Carroll Nash, Ph.D., a professor of biology
and a parapsychologists worked with subjects who, like Dr. Youtz's
subjects, wore a head-box to preclude visual cues, and he found
that thev " were able to distinguish black and red paper when
directly touched or when covered with cellophane, but not when
covered with glass. "(9a)
Thus, Dr. Nash concluded: " It seems unlikely that the targets
were identified by extra-sensory perception. " He attributed the
results to a " cutaneous color sensitivity " which, according to the
hypothesis of American psychologist W. L. Makous, Ph.D., " is
based on the detection of differences in emissivity of infrared
radiation of surfaces by their effects on the skin temperature ".
In Europe, Dr. Benson Herbert carried out experimental research
on dermo-optical sensitivity as early as 1967. He is still actively
involved in this work in his laboratory in the south of England.(10)
In France, about 1969, during the course of research on the
connection of color and other sensations, we found evidence that
Reactions were recorded as two types: subjective ones, in which
the subject becomes aware of his reactions through associated
impressions; and objective ones, in which unconscious dermooptical reactions were recorded and measured. First, we describe
the subjective method.
A Subjective Method
Our method of developing dermo-optical perception is based on
the associations expressed by the subject in describing the nonvisual impressions they received in trying to differentiate between
at least two colored surfaces.
The subjects, all volunteers, learn to direct their attention to
unusual and fugitive sensations in the tips of their fingers or in the
palms of their hands.(12) After a quarter of an hour, the
sensations tend to fuse with each other and the impressions fade
Health conditions and day to day preoccupations often prevent the
subjects from being able to concentrate, thus making it difficult to
reach stable conclusions.
The subject is seated in front of an experimental box with his forearms in
sleeves with elastic cuffs attached to the two openings in the box, the front of
which may remain open or be closed by a cover. The subject's hands alone are
inside the box.
Some preliminary tests permit the experimenter to find out if the subject
distinguishes stimuli more readily by impressions of heat or of weight, of
thickness, etc., and then if he regulary receives the same impressions for the
same color.
Thus a kind of code is established between the colors and the corresponding
feelings each subject reports.
Then the stimuli to be differentiated are covered bv transparent or opaque
Analysis of the results reveals a distribution of impressions
described by the selected volunteers in the form of the dermooptical circle.
In daylight, thermal impressions were hot for red, cold for blue
with those caused by orange, yellow and green somewhere
between the extremes.
Under incandescent electric light, most subjects perceived light
blue and green as rough or hot compared to dark blue or red.
Though the subjective method depends upon the quality of the
irnpressions, rather than the intensity, statistical evaluations were
Brief Discussion
One might well ask how we managed to find volunteers for such a
monotonous series of experiments consisting of repetitious tests
required for statistical purposes.
They often came from long distances at regular intervals at least
twice a month and, some of them, for years, which is surprising
enough in a period when people are hard-working and generally
have little time for disinterested research.
However, some subjects find this temporary isolation from external
visual images very relaxing. Others found the dialogue between
hand and non-visible colored surfaces a new experience heretofore
Objective methods
These are the most important with respect to the explanatory
hypothesis of dermo-optical effects, as well as to their possible
We shall indicate but two of these methods based on the muscular
effects induced by non-visible colored surfaces.
The first one was proposed by Professor A. S. Novomeysky and
termed "color barriers " The second included our own
dynamometrical method.
In the part of this paper devoted to possible applications of this
research, we shall briefly describe other methods in which they are
directly based.
The Method of the Color Barriers
From 1960 until early 1970 a great number of investigations,
which were carried out in the Soviet Union's Urals, were devoted to
the question of an eventual relationship between the changes of
position of the hands in space and the colored stimuli presented
randomly to the subject under metal screens, while subjects were
In our studies, all the experiments were carried out double-blind.
The subject placed his hand at a height of one meter above the
stimulus, then lowered it along a measuring device, stopping when
he felt an apparent obstacle such as a layer of cold or warm air,
the so-called barrier.
The distance between the position of the hand and the stimulus
was automatically registered. The distribution of the reactions to
colors corresponded to the respective heights of the hand.
From numerous experiments, made with students of different
universities, it was found that, in natural daylight the color barrier
was the highest over a red stimulus, becoming lower overan
orange one, even lower over a yellow one, and was the lowest over
a green stimulus. Then the height of the barrier increased from
green to light blue to violet.
But in the experiments carried out incandescent light or in
darkness, this distribution was found to change. The maximum
height of the color barrier occurred over a green stimulus and the
colors at the extremities of the spectrum: red and violet presented
color barriers of minimum height.(15)
The Dynamometrical Method
Through repeated experiments, the French physiologist Charles
Pere had already shown that excitation of the sense organs
determines not only subjective effects but physiological reactions
The subject places his hands in the experiment box. With one of them, he
picks up,a piece of paper (16 x 12 cm Canson paper) from a randomly
constituted pile placed inside the box. In his other hand, he holds the
dynamometer, which is also inside the box. He squeezes it in response to the
effect of the color stimulus unknown to him.
The subject then replaces the papers in a pile in the same order in which he
had tested them.
All the tests are carried out double-blind. The hand dynamometer is connected
to a galvanometer outside the box and in front of the experimenter who has
only to write down the figures denoting the pressures induced by the different
colored papers.
Once the experiment is completed, the experimenter merely picks up the pile
and compares the order of the measurements with the corresponding order of
The subjects were unaware of exerting different degrees of pressure, but the
results showed that they did.
The results were collected slowly. Four or five trials by color were carried out
by the same hand. In the course of the experiment, the hand quickly becomes
tired by successive squeezing of the dynamometer.
About fifty subjects were tested and the results of those who made at least
thirty trials by color were statistically analyzed according to the student's t
-tesl Among those tested were five blind subjects.
Muscular effect was maximal on the dynamometer in natural
daylight when the subject held a piece of red or dark-blue paper in
his other hand. The muscular reactions lessened in the presence of
orange and yellow sheets and became minimal in the presence of a
green stimulus, increasing again in the presence of green to light
then dark blue. Maximum squeeze was induced by a black
But in conditions of half-light, or when there was incandescent
light in the room, the distribution of squeezes changed. For a
number of subjects the maximum squeeze was induced by colors
which were in the middle of the spectrum: yellow, green, light
blue, while the minimum effort was induced by colors which were
ln a number of investigations carried out in the Urals, it was found that when
ten-year-old school children performed an action, the speed of the movements
of the hands depended upon the color sample in an envelope of which the
surface was covered by a sheet of aluminum foil.
On this surface, the teacher randomly placed ten small squares and ten
rectangles made of cardboard.
The children were then asked to separate the squares from the rectangles by
finger-tip touch so that on the left side of the screen squares were placed in a
column, and on the right side rectangles. The teacher records with a
chronometer the speed at which this regrouping is accomplished. Both children
and teachers were unaware of the fact that in the envelopes covered with an
alununum sheet there were papers of contrasting colors.
Psychologically, the children had the impression of sorting out the shapes with
equal speed in the various trials.
Results showed that it took 13 to 18 percent longer to regroup
squares and rectangles when there was black paper under the
aluminum sheet than when there was a yellow.(18)
Other experiments showed that in daylight, red and violet slowed
down the regrouping, while green and yellow quickened the
In incandescent electric light the speed of movements changed in
the reverse order.(19)
The same effects have been observed when the children have had
to perform more complex tasks such as sorting out four kinds of
geometrical shapes: squares, rectangles, lozenges and triangles.
In infant schools, these exercises might be presented as games
and win develop the swiftness and the preciseness of the
movements of the children.
For typewriting. Experiments, in daylight, with one of our subjects,
showed that a screened yellow paper increased switness and
preciseness of typewriting while a black paper slowed it down.
For the response to a sound signal. From experiments we carried
on with a chronoscope, it appears that this speed greatly
depended upon the color of the paper which was under an
aluminum screen lying at the subject's forearm.(20)
Writing or Reading Braille Characters.
We asked a blind subject to punch words on blue, green, yellow,
orange, red, black, or white sheets of paper. In all, he punched
twelve lines of randomly chosen words on 145 different sheets of
15 x 10 cm Canson papers randomly presented to him. The
punching speed was recorded.
These texts were randomly given to three other blind subjects to
be read. When the trials were completed, the colors of the sheets,
placed in a pile by the subjects, were noted side by side with the
different speeds.
The Braille writing experiments were carried out in daylight, but
the Braille reading experiments were carried on in incandescent
electric light only.
Braille writing slowed down on orange-red and blue-violet papers
and quickened on green and vellow sheets (in daylight).
Braille reading was the quickest on a red paper, then on a blue
one, and the slowest on a yellow paper (in electric light).
Other activities for blind rehabilitation would be made easier
thanks to the colored surface effects. For instance, the modelage
speed is in relationship to the colors used.(21)
Mental Activity
The method of retinal effects
In a number of investigations carried out in the Urals in 1970, nonvisible colored surfaces were found to act, not only on the skin, but
also on the eye.
Two small sheets of colored paper, red or green, were introduced to a large
number of subjects. They were place under an opaque screen consisting of a
square sheet of lead, or of black rubber.
The subject gazed at the center of the dark square, unaware that there was a
colored paper below. Then the dark screen and the colored paper were
removed and the subject was asked to stare at a sheet of white paper lying on
the table.
Consecutive vivid retinal images of very light square spots
appeared on this sheet.
The experiments showed that the duration of this effect depended
on what.colored surfaces had previously been under the dark
In full daylight, the retinal images lasted much longer if there had
been a sheet of red paper under the screen rather than a green
one. The duration of the effect changed exactly in accordance with
the dermo-optical circle.(22)
(Note: In the second half of 1970, experiments carried out with
school children showed that non-visible colors acting on the retina
led to a change in the children's mental activity)
The " Counting " Method
The subject, silently, counts various geometrical shapes. These squares and
rectangles, are mixed together on the surface of the aluminum screen, under
which there is a paper of one color or another. The subject holds his hands
behind his back, counting by eye.
From a great many experiments carried on in various Sverlovsk
universities, it appears that the response of the hand to a green
stimulus has been stronger than to a red one, the subjects being
in darkness during the experinents.
The same effects appeared when the inner colored cavity of the
cones was screened by an aluminum foil of 14 microns. When
three layers of aluminum foil of a total thickness of 42 microns
were used, the difference of the reactions of the hand to red and
green stimuli increases.(26)
It has been observed that the intensity of infrared radiation of the
palm, as a response to non-visible color stimuli, was different in
the evening than in daytime. This was true if students were in an
emotional state, for instance, just following an examination. They
reacted to colors in the reverse order as in the daytime or during
the period when there were no examinations.(27)
Dr. Novomeysky termed these reactions as " paradoxical ". He
predicted that thermoscopy might become a method of registering
the degree of fatigue of an individual.
In carrying on our subjective method, we also observed these
paradoxical reactions often arose as a result of fatigue. During the
numerous tests we carried on with students, they rose during the
examination period.(28)
Ecological Applications
We have considered the influence of non-visible colors on sensory,
motor, and mental activity. We might point out that problems of
the ecological expediency of color in architecture and decoration
seem related to applications of dermo-optical methods.
Experiments at the " Centre d'Eclairagisme "
Since 1969 the experiments we carried out in the "Centre
d'Eclairagisme " continue to confirm the relationship of dermoptical research to ecology.(29) These studies were conducted
under the direction of Mr. M. Deribere who was recently succeeded
by Mr. Lambert.
A blind subject was placed in the center of a room in which the colors of the
walls could be changed by the use of a special electric installation.
Forty subjects were tested, and it was found that muscular and
subjective reactions changed in accordance with:the colors of the
In relative darkness: light blue, golden yellow, and especially
bright green produces an irritating effect on the organism. These
colors should not be used in bedrooms, for they tend to influence
the reactions to an even greater extent in the absence of visual
Ideally, the walls of bedrooms should be painted purple, red,
orange, or dark blue, for these colors have a weak imact on the
dermo-optical receptors in darkness.
If the walls of a bedroom are of a color unpleasant in daylight,
they should be covered with plywood. Draperieg, carpets and bed
covers should be also in colors that are restful in darkness.
Truck lnteriors
The color of materials used in the driving compartment of trucks is
of particular importance, given the small space involved that
reinforces dermo-optical effects on the organism and hence upon
the reflexes.
A truck's driving compartment should therefore be covered with a
thin metallic layer of darkish gray, under which there is a thick
green or yellow paper for daytime driving. For night driving, the
under paper should be red, violet, or dark blue.
The driver will be in a neutral environment while the hidden
underlayer of color effects his muscular and mental reactions,
rendering them faster and more efficient.
In order to correct, insofar as possible, the influence of variations
in lighting cushions, seat-covers and carpeting in dark blue or red
should be placed on the seat at the end of the day, if the truck is
driven in daytime.
Anxiety Disorders
There are two possibilities:
When individuals are in an excited or manic state, relaxing colors
are certainly advisable.
For individuals in a depression, it is advisable to have them spend
part of the day in rooms with red or orange hidden beneath
plywood panels. The patient's psychic activity will thus be
After pointing out the role of dermo-optical effects and their
connection with visual effects, their importance in various forms of
artistic expression must be considered.
The fugitive impressions of heat and cold, of roughness and
smoothness, of heaviness and lightness, which we perceive when
looking, for example, at a painting, are perhaps what provide it a
certain " depth " that has been difficult to define.(34)
These synthetic effects are far from imaginary, for they are the
result of constant interactions between man and his environment
which future research in physics and physiology need to explain.
Whatever that may be, the results of experiments in dermo-optical
The author wishes to thank the Parapsychology Foundation, Inc., of New York,
N.Y., and Professor Novomeysky of the Sverdlovsk Pedagogical Institute in the
1.Geslin, R.C. "Le rayonnement electro-magnetique ". Les couleurs
visibles et non visibles, ouvrage couectif. Rocher. Monaco, 1984,
pp. 27-28.
2.Novomeysky, A.S. "Modifications of the dermo-optical sensitivity
according to lighting variations ". Questions of complex
investigation of dermo-optical sensitivity, scientific notes.
Sverdlovsk Pedagogical lmtitute (USSR), 1968, pp. 844.
3.Geslin, R.C "Couleur et spectrance des objets". Les Couleurs
visibles et non visibles, ouvrage collectif . Rocher. Monaco, 1984,
pp. 252-2S3.
4.International Lighting Vocabulary Common to the CIE and IEC,
Third Edition. Paris (France), no.45-05-210,p.24.
5.Romains, J. "La Vision extra-retinienne et le sens paroptique",
nouv. edit. Gallimard: Paris - [English translation] Eyeless Vision,
Putnam: New York, 1964.
6.Duplessis, Y. "Jules Romains, precurseur des recherches actuelles
sur la sensibilite dermo-optique." Bulletin des Amis de Jules
Romains. Universite de Saint-Etienne (France) English translation: Jules Romains, Forerunner of Research on
Dermo-Optics. Parasychology Review, arapsychology Foundation
Inc., New York, 1(3):1975.
7.Novomeysky, A.S. "The nature of the dermo-optic sense."
Problems of Psychology. Sverdlovsk (USSR) No 5, 1963 - English
translation: Int. Parapsychology Parapsychology Foundation Inc.:
New-York, 7(4).341-367, 1965.