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Nurse-Patient Interaction: (Requirement in Related Learning Experience)

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Western Mindanao State University

Zamboanga City


Submitted to:

Hazel T. Ututalum, RN, MN

Clinical Instructor

Submitted by:

Orpiano, Blessy Gaile B.


Name: Sarah Dada
Age: (not mentioned)
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Married
Diagnosis: (not mentioned but based on the title of the video, patient is suffering from

(Describe the setting: location, time, space and the environment where the interaction
took place.)
The nurse-patient interaction took place in the doctor’s clinic. Based on the background
shown in the video, it seems like it happened during daytime since daylight is visible in
the background. In my own opinion, the environment inside the clinic where the
conversation took place is safe for patients suffering from depression just like Sara
because it is secluded and there aren’t a lot of people who would be able to listen to the
conversation that they are having. It would also enable Sarah to share her thoughts freely.


Mental Health
Patient Communication Analysis of Behavior
Techniques Used
“Good Morning, I’m “Good Morning,  Giving Mental illness
Doctor Jad, I will be doctor!” (shakes recognition Mental illness refers
seeing you today” doctor’s hand and to a wide range of
(allows patient to walks toward the disorders that affect
enter the client and chair with head mood, thinking and
shakes patient’s down) behavior. It can affect
hand) anyone regardless of
 Giving age, gender, social
“Can you please tell “Sara Dada” (can’t recognition standing, religion or
me your name?” maintain eye contact race/ethnicity. People
and posture is with mental illness
disturbed *slouched*) often experience
distress and problems
 Asking open- functioning at work,
“Tell me Sarah, what “I don’t know what’s ended questions home and in social
is troubling you?” wrong with me. All situations. Mental
my body aches. My illness is not
head, my stomach, my something the person
knees, and sometimes can “overcome with
I have a strange willpower,” and can
tingling sensation in be caused by
my left cheek” (can’t biological factors such
maintain eye contact) as genes or brain
 Asking open- chemistry, trauma and
“Uhum, Is there “I’m worried it might ended questions abuse, and family
anything else be cancer. I am not history of mental
bothering you?” eating well and I’ve illness.
(maintains eye lost about 5kg this
contact) past month.” (can’t Based on the scenario
keep eye contact) shown in the video,
 Providing general the doctor practiced
“I can see you are “No. Not at all.” lead, showing the basic principles of
worried. Do you mind (shakes head) respect, and psychiatric nursing
if I ask you a few making such as: (1) accepting
questions to better observations patients exactly as
understand what they are. The doctor
you’re going conveys to the patient
through?” (maintains as a respect for her as
eye contact) an individual with
 Providing general individual rights. (2)
“Do you have any “No. I don’t take any leads Seeking validation
medical illness?” medications. I was from the patient by
(maintains eye fine until one month giving meaning to the
contact) ago.” (shakes head, patient’s feelings and
keeps head down and behavior according to
can’t maintain eye her own point of
contact) view. (3)
 Providing general Reassurance, the
“How did all of this “Well, I don’t know if leads, silence and doctor makes sure that
start one month ago?” this is related but 3 active listening he gives full attention
(nods and maintains months ago, my to matters that are
eye contact) husband lost his job important to the
and we had to move patient and that he
in with my in-laws. shows complete
(eyes wander as awareness and
patient thinks and acceptance of how she
keeps head down actually feels. And,
while answering (4) Consideration of
quations) No! I think reason for behavior by
it was 5 months ago! I viewing patient’s
don’t know what is behavior objectively
happening. I keep on which is important in
forgetting things. understanding why
Anyway, they are nice the patient behaves in
people but their house a specific way. When
is small and I have 3 dealing with patients
children. I work all with mental illness
day long, and I’m not analysis and study of
eating well. I am also symptoms is
very worried about necessary to reveal
my husband. He is their meaning and
having a hard time their significance to
finding a job. Before I the patient. Two
knew it, I was not patients showing the
eating well or same symptoms may
sleeping well and be expressing two
started having pain all different needs. In
over my body.” (can’t psychiatric nursing
keep eye contact, field, many methods
often looks down are adapted to
when talking and individual needs of
holds both hands the patients, but the
together) underlying nursing
 Asking open- scientific principles
“Besides pain, have “Like what?” ended question remain the same.
you noticed anything Some nursing
else?” (maintains eye principles to be kept
contact) in mind are: safety,
 Providing general comfort, privacy,
“Like bleeding or “No. Nothing like leads maintaining
cough or fever for that” therapeutic
example.” (maintains effectiveness,
eye contact and uses economy of time,
hand gestures) energy and material.
 Focusing
“You said that the “No. It comes and Throughout the video,
pain is all over your goes especially when it is observable that
body, does it hurt I get angry with my the patient is very
more in any specific children. (inhales anxious about her
area?” shakily) I feel like my situation. She can’t
head is going to maintain eye contact
explode and my hands with the doctor, her
start shaking.” (can’t posture is quiet
maintain eye contact, disturbed, and her
keeps head down and eyes often wander as
palms on thighs) she answers the
 Active listening, questions. This action
“Hmm, okay. So the (answers question focusing of the patient may be
pain gets worse when with shaking voice her defense
you are angry. Are and wandering eyes) mechanism since she
you often getting “Only at my children. herself is quiet
angry lately?” (shows I feel so bad. I don’t disturbed and
understanding by know what is disappointed with
nodding and happening with me. I how she deals with
maintains eye was never like that. life as of the moment
contact) They are children, of and of the guilt she
course! They want to feels as a result of her
play and run around. actions towards her
My little girl is only children.
one. I hardly feed and
clean her. I don’t talk
to her or play with her
anymore. Not only
that. I am not cooking
or cleaning the house
either.” (face
indicates that patient
is in the verge of
crying and voice is
 Empathy,
(Starts crying) “Sorry focusing, active
“I can see how much if I am crying. I don’t listening, making
this is affecting you. mean to get angry observations,
Would you like to tell with them but I just exploring
me more about it?” can’t control it. I feel
(maintains eye so bad. Then I started
contact) crying and blaming
myself.” (keeps head
 Accepting
“Almost every day. I
“No need to feel that my heart is
apologize. It is fine to so heavy. Anything
cry here! Are you can make me cry.”
crying a lot lately?” (keeps head down)
(maintains eye
contact)  Providing general
“My husband tries to leads
“When you are upset, help me but nothing
who comforts you?” really works. I feel
(maintains eye like nothing can really
contact) get me out of this
sadness. When I think
about the future, I feel
like I have no hope.”
(often looks down,
can’t maintain eye
 Seeking
“I keep thinking of all Clarification
“Can you explain to the bad things that
me what you mean happened to me in the
when you say ‘I have past. I don’t seem to
no hope’?” (maintains be able to enjoy
eye contact) anything. I wonder
how this is going to
be better in the future.
(shakes head) I don’t
know if there is a
future.” (looks down)
 Providing
“I do wish sometimes information
“Sometimes when a to sleep and never
person goes through wake up but I would
such a hard time she never end my own
might think that it life. (exhales deeply
would be easier to die. and shakily) It is
Are you thinking against my religion
about that?” and who would take
(maintains eye care of my children?”
contact) (often looks down)
 Asking open-
(looks down) “No, not ended questions
“Do you often wish really. It is just that
that you’d never wake sometimes it gets hard
up?” (maintains eye to handle. I don’t
contact) know how I would be
able to manage if it
wasn’t for my
husband.” (keeps
head down)
 Seeking
“He is a good man. I clarification
“So your husband is don’t know how he
an important support can stand me these
for you?” (shows days. I’m sure no one
understanding by else would.” (keeps
nodding of head and head down)
maintains eye  Asking open-
contact) “My family. But they ended questions
live far from here. I
“Besides your was telling my
husband, is there any husband that I would
other person that you like to take the
feel can give you children and go to my
support?” (maintains parents for a while.”
eye contact) (keeps head down)
 Providing general
“I think so. But I leads
haven’t given it much
“Would that be thought.” (shakes
possible?” (maintains head)
eye contact)  Providing general
(shakes head) “No.” leads

“Sarah, did you talk to

anyone about what
you are going
through?” (maintains  Reflecting
eye contact) “I don’t know. I heard
on the radio the other
“Sarah, what do you day that if you feel
think is happening tired and you lose
with you?” (maintains weight it might be
eye contact) cancer. So I came to
see you.” (can’t keep
eye contact)
 Providing general
“No.” (shakes head) leads

“Do you have any

other explanation for
what is happening to
you?” (maintains eye  Asking open-
contact) “No. That’s about it ended questions
doctor. What do you
“Is there anything else think I have?” (often
that you would like to looks down)
share with me?”
(maintains eye  Respect
contact) “Sure!” (keeps head
“We will discuss that
soon. If you don’t
mind, I still have a
few questions to ask
then I will do a
physical exam and
afterwards we will
talk. Is that okay with
you?” (maintains eye  Providing general
contact) (looks at the doctor in leads
disbelief) “No, of
“Do you drink course not!”
alcohol?” (maintains  Giving
eye contact) (exhales deeply) “No. information
I don’t like
“Sorry! I didn’t mean medications at all”
to offend you. It is
just a routine question
that we ask everyone.
I have to ask you
more routine
questions as well. Do
you use any
medication to calm
yourself?” (maintains  Exploring
eye contact) “No.” (shakes head)

“Okay one last

question. You
mentioned that you
have a one year old
baby. Do you
breastfeed her?”
(maintains eye


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