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Chapter 4
Politeness and Translation
1 want to explore the relationship between translation and politeness. To
this end, 1will first discuss the sociocultural phenomenon o politeness and
critically review a number o recent conceptualisations with a view to their
applicability to translation studies. Second, 1 will address the issue o
cross-cultural and crass-linguistic differences in politeness norms; 1 will
here concentrate on the description and explanation of differences in
German-English norms as they have emerged fram my own work. Third,
1 will bring together politeness and translation by presenting a particular
model of contextual translation analysis with which to demonstrate how
equivalence of politeness can be achieved and assessed.
Politeness - Diff.erent Approaches
, ',.
Politeness is a sociocultural phenomenon, roughly t6 be defined as
showing, or appearing to show, consideration o others. Politeness can thus
be seen as one o the basic social guidelines for human interaction. The goal
o politeness can then be described as reflecting or realising the social or o
interpersonal function of language with politeness being 'a system of
. interpersonal relations designed to acilitate interaction by J!liDimisr\g.!he
potential for conflict and confrant.ation inherent in all human interchange'
(Lakoff, 1990: 34). While politeness concems human communicative
behaviour in general, 1 will here be concemed only with linguistic
behaviour. . , , \.
fprmany researchers, politeness is a feature of language in use. Thus
Brown and Levinson (1987) and Leech (1983) stress the i:nportance o
politeness as a contextualised phenomenon (although they use decon
textualised sample sentences to illustrate their theories). Further, it is
generally accepted that politeness is a pervasive eature in human
communication. Despite the recognised importance and omnipresence
o politeness in day-to-day discourse, it has proved enormously difficult
Politeness ond Tronslotion
to describe and explain the operation of politeness. As Thomas (1995: 149)
points out, there has been a lot of confusion in the vast literature on
politeness over tl'e past 15 years or so, and it has been discussed with
reference to a number of phenomena that must be kept separate conceptu
ally, such as (1) politeness as a real-world goal, (2) politeness as reflecting
social norms and (3) as a pragmatic phenomenon. 1 shall discuss each of
these in tumo
Politeness as a real-world goal
As a 'real-world goal', politeness is interpreted (psychologically) as the
genuine desire to be 'nice' to others. It relates to
and psychological state and is, as such, both inaccessible and .
uninteresting to linguists who have access only to what speaRers say and
how their hearers react. This view of politeness is therefore obviously of no
relevance to translation theory and practice.
The social-norm view ot politeness
The social-norm view o politeness (Fraser, 1990: 220f) reflects certain.
social and behaviouraI norms and rules (embodied, or instance, in manuals
of etiquette) holding in a given society, which one must observe in arder to
be in the sense o displayinggood manners. Politeness is here o
intimately connected with the realisatio-l speecl. styles and fqrmality,
and is often equated with deference. Deference is"ilso part and parcel of
certain languages such as Japanese, whose speakers are--rorced to make
certain moices; it is, however, also built into the system o languages
characterised by a 'TIV subsystem', e.g. 'du' and 'Sie' in German. Fraser
cIaims that the social-norm view o pliteness has ew adherents among
current researchers. Hwever, Watts etal. (1992) point out that a substantial
body o recent non-Westem (especially Japanese) research into politeness
(see, e.g. Ide et al., 1992) corresponds to this view o politeness, and should
thus not be dismissed prematurely. Watts et al. (1992) further point out that
looking at politeness as a of behaviour pattems prepragrammed as
social norms leads us to consider widersocial functions o Roliteness,
..-" ,. -...... / -..' --" - ,,'
e.g. in educational systems, prescriptive grammars and translation
tices. This is why 1think this viewof politeness is important fo' transiation
lfiem'y and pl'actice. \. of
The pragmatic-view ot politeness
.There are two major pragmatic views o politeness: politeness in terms
oi principIes and inaxims and politeness as themanagement of face.
..- -. .
56 57
The Pragmatics of Translation
Politeness explained in terms of principies and maxims
One of the earliest proponents of this philosophical approach to
describing and explaining politeness is Robin Lakoff (1973). Lakoff posits
two basic 'interests' or strategies in human communic"aon, first a strategy
o:larity' (captured by the maxims of Grice's [1975] Cooperative PrincipIe
as a-Slueprint for 'rationallanguage use'), which guides the transmission
of information, and second a strategy_ oi )pport' (captured by Lakoff's
politeness rules). These two strategies are reminiscent of the two basic
functions of language, the cognitive-referential and the"'interpersonal
which have been suggestedbimany different linguists and philosophers
of language as characterising the two fundamental uses of language. On
the basis of these two strategies suggests two rules of pragmatic
competence: (1) Be Clear (essentially Grice's maxims) and (2) Be Polite,
which are often in conflict but can also reinforce one another. The maxim
'Be polite' consists of three 'rules of politeness (or rapport)', later referred
to as 'politenessstrategies' (Lakoft 1990: 35): (1) Don't impose (pistance),
(2) Give options (Deference) and (3) Be friendly (Camaraderie). "
The second major proponent of the philosophicat maxim-and-principle
approach to politeness is Leech (1983). Leech locates politeness inside his
schema of 'Interpersonal Rhetoric' where the four Gricean maxims and the
Cooperative PrincipIe as 'mega maxim' form one part of goal-directed
linguistic behaviour, and the Politeness PrincipIe as well as the Irony
PrincipIe making up another. Leech divides the Politeness PrincipIe into six
different maxims, among them the Tact Maxim (minimise the hearer's costs
and maximise her benefits) and the Agreement Maxim (minimise disagree
ment between yourself and others, maximise agreement between yourself
and others). Leech furthersuggests a number of different scales along which
each maxim operates, such as, e.g., the Cost-Beneftt Scale or the Indirectness
Scale. The social goal of the complex interaction of the six maxims is to reach
'comity' between the interactants at maximum benefit and minimum cost
.for speaker and hearer, with comity being related to different types
politeness such as Collaborative Politeness or Conflictive Politeness.
However insightfut Leech's conceptualisation of politeness seems
difficult to apply to concrete instances of discourse. As Thomas (1995: 167)
points out, Leech's approach is inelegant and unfalsifiable as there seems
to be no restriction to the number of maxims, i.e. it would, in theory, be
possible to produce a new maxim to explain every newly perceived
regularity in language use. Despite these inherent problems, Leech's
approach may still be useful for generating hypotheses explaining cross
cultural differences in politeness. For translation theory and practice,
Politeness and Translation
however, Lakoff's simpler and more elegant approach seems to me more
immediately applicable.
Politeness and the managemen"t of face
The face-saving view of politeness is aboye aH associated with Brown
and Levinson (1987). Theirs is essentially a biologicat psychosocial theory
in that it both distinguishes and identifies the language-user as an
individual and as a member of a group, i.e. it is a theory explaining the well
known drives: 'Keep your distance' and 'Come together'. Given this
biological basis, the theory will be universat premised as it is on the claim
that aH humans belong to one species biologically and that the roots of social
organisation and structuring are not themselves derived from existing
institutions, norms and structures.
Brown and Levinson's influential theory is based both on Grice' s maxim
theory and on Goffman's concept of 'face' as 'the positive social value a
person effectively claims for himself by the line others assume he has taken
during a particular contact' (Goffman, 1967: 5). Face can be likened to a
person's public self-esteem or self-image, which can be damaged, main
tained or enhanced in interaction with others. Brown and Levinson extend
Goffman's notion of face dividing face into positive face, which is similar
to Goffman's face, and negative face according to interactants' wants. A
person's positive face is reflected in his desire to be liked and appreciated
by others; his negative face equals the desire for freedom of action and
freedom from imposition. Deviations from Gricean maxims are motivated
by employing strategies to counteract so-called 'face-threatening acts'
(FTAs). By using these 'politeness strategies', speakers communicate both
their primary message and also the message that they intend to be polite,
which has the status of a Gricean conversational implicature.
Since nearly every speech act constitutes in a specific way a threat to the
positive or negative face of either of the two interactants, certain linguistic
strategies must be chosen from an elaborate repertoire of positive and
negative politeness in order to provide redressive action. The choice of
strategies depends on the speaker's judging the size of the FTA which is
assessed on the basis ,of the dimensions of Power, Distance and Imposition.
However, Brown and Levinson do not'provide any indication as to how
speakers are!o assess the values of these dimensions in any individual act.
Further, the notion of face seems to be derived from an Anglophone
individualistic notion of face closely linked to status and implying
competition and prestige. Watts et al. (1992: 9-10) remind readers that the
English language has a revealing metaphor 'to put on a good face', and that,
in a less competitive and individualistic socialgroup, status orprestige may
58 The Pragmatics of Translation Politeness and Translation
either be less important or be assigned to a person through the status she
occupies in the group. Still, on a basic biologicallevel the universality claim
is fuliy justified.
Brown and Levinson's view of politeness as biologically anchored and
linked to the social-psychological concept of face is, it seems to me, not
easily or usefuliy applied to translation, where the interaction between the
hwnan beings involved (author, readers, translator) is hidden and indirect
such that psychosocial inferential processes are extremely difficult, if not
impossible, to assess. .
Despite their surface differences, the approaches to politeness discussed
here seem to be essentially compatible in that they capture different levels
of a comprehensive theory of politeness. This theory would explain the
tension between universal aspects of politeness and specific culture- and
language-conditioned aspects. It would operate on three levels: (1) a
biological, psychosocial level based on well-known animal drives; (2) a
philosophicallevel seeking to capture thebiological drives in terms of a
finite number of principIes, maxims or parameters; and (3) an empirically .
descriptive level concemed with the fact that in cultures 1-n. politeness
operates in terms of a particular (opencended) set of norms, tendencies or
preferences. .
Viewed in such a way, the universalist stance can be upheld if it refers
to levels 1 and 2 - an important conclusion for translation and translata
bility. At level 3, one might wish to distinguish between relatively
open-ended negotiable rules relating to the philosophical principIes
accepted at level2 and other normative rules that are relatively closed/ fixed.
The distinction relates to the question how far the language system itself
decrees or imposes certain politeness norms or choices (e.g. honorifics in
Japanese). Working top-down, then, one might wish to pose an intermedi
, ate level between levels two and tj:rree which one might call 'Negotiability'.
This 'mega-parameter' determines how flexible a culture is in terms of
degrees of freedorn conceming the realisation of certain maxims and
principIes; it is designed to explain why a particular parameter appears to
be so linguistically differentiated in culture A but inflexibly hide-bound in
culture B.' .
If one works bottom-up, one may well at principIes and maxims
that do not have universal validity. In practice, then, one may wel1 need a
theory akin to Chomskyan pririciples and parameter theory, which would
explain how 'exotic' a givenculture may be. Given this (admittedly sketchy)
first attempt to outline a theory of politeness which is particularly relevant
for translation in that it is capable of capturing both the universal aspects
of politeness and the possibility of cross-cultural variation, we are now in
a better position to make meaningful statements about the relationship
between politeness and translation. Befare bringing together politeness and
translation in a more systematic way, it is necessary, however, to look at
sorne empirically established (level 3) cross-cultural differences in polite
ness in terrns of social norms and maxims/principles, as these asswne
special relevance in the practical business of translation.
Cross-Cultural and Cross-Unguistic Differences in Politeness
PoJiteness as social norm viewed cross-culturally
Early pragmalinguistically oriented cross-cultural studies were con
ducted, e.g., by Fraser (1978) and Walters (1979), as wel1 as by House (1979)
and House and Kasper (1981). In these studies, the realisation of certain
speech acts as well as the perception of politeness by native-speakers and
leamers of particular languages (English and Spanish or English and
German) were compared and related to underlying societal norms of usage.
While Walters and Fraser worked with largely decontextualised data, the
data used in House and House and Kasper consist of contextualised
discourse data. In both approaches, surface linguistic forms were used as
indices of politeness norms.
Later studies include data-based cross-cultural investigations of the
impact of isolated social and context variables on norms of politeness. Thus
'Social Distance' was examined and found to influence.politeness in the
realisation of speech acts in a complex way (Wolfson et al., 1989). 'Social
Power' consisting of different culturally and situationally variable factors
was investigated not only under the rubric of interactants' relative position
in the social hierarchy (e.g. Takahashi & Beebe, 1993), but also with respect
to other factors such as gender (e.g. House, 1986, 1989a).
Apart from these cross-cultural investigations of the influence of social
variables on the enactment of politeness, specific features of speech acts
such as 'the imposition' incurred through the act have been contrasted: e.g.
for requests (Blum-Kulka & House, 1989; House, 1'989a); for apologies
(House, for complaints (Olshtain & Weinbach, 1993).
The complex interaction of the various contextual and participant
variables has also been contrasted: with reference to the realisation of
requests, for instance, Germans, Israelis and Argentinians were found to
perceive participants' rightsand obligations, the difficulty in performing
the speech act and the likelihood of the interlocutor's compliance in
The Pragmatics of Translation
markedly different ways (Blum-Kulka & House, 1989). Moving away from
isolating contextual variables, researchers have increasingly concentrated
on exploring the enactment of politeness in different discourse environ
ments, such as, e.g., everyday face-to-face interpersonal talk (e.g. House,
1996) or workplace cornmtUlication (Clyne, 1994).
Massive criticism has recently been directed at the universalist claims of
politeness inside the cross-cultural paradigm, e.g. by Ide et al. (1992), who
contrasted Japanese and English politeness norms claiming that there is in
sorne non-Westem languages an obligatory choice of 'formal' linguistic
forms and 'discernment', forcing speakers to use 'polite' expressions
because of certain social conventions, this being very different from the
Anglo-Saxon freedom of choice ('Volition'). However, given the three-level
theory of politeness suggested earlier, the universalist stance can be upheld
for the biologieal and philosophicallevels of politeness, and divergence of
norms and preferences across cultures is explainable at the empirical-de
scriptive level. In considering politeness at this third level, however, a
deeper knowledge and understanding of what needs to be, and actually is,
cornmunicated, and what is considered important in different languages
and cultures is absolutely essential, as is a recognition of the variability of
motivations for making politeness manifest. Recognition and knowledge
of these phenomena are also essential in translation.
Politeness in terms of maxims and principies cross-culturally
The general framework provided in the maxim-and-principle view of
politeness is useful for explaining cross-cultural differences in the enact
ment of politeness. Thomas (1995) gives a number of examples of
culture-specific realisations of Leech's politeness maxims. The TactMaxIl1(
fer instance, seems to be central to Westem notions of politeness in that
there is routine mitigation\ of speech acts as requests by offering
optionality. This is very differentin t1).eChinese conception of politeness
(Spencer-Oatey, 17). Further, referee to the Agreem.ent
which is related to 'indirectness' in speech aet and discoursebhaviour, can
generate hypotheses empirically established differences m
indirectness andpoliteness (see, e.g., House & Kasper, 1981 and Huse,
1989a, b; 1996). However, the relationship between indirectness and
politeness was found to be more complicated than had been predieted by
politeness models: while conventionally indireet requests realised by
preparatory strategies (such as can/could you ... and their German transla
tional equivalents) were rated as most polite, non-conventionally indirect
requests Le. hnts, although clearly much more indireet, were rated less
Politeness and Translation
polite, presumably due to the high processing load imposed on the receptor
(cf. House, 1986).
In order to exemplify both cross-cultural1y divergent social norms and
negotiable realisations of maxims and principIes, and to provide a better
basis for linking translation and politeness later, 1 will briefly surnmarise
my own cross-cultural work involving such a relatively 'close' language
pair as German and English.
An Example of Cross-Cultural Difference in Politeness in Terms of
Social Norms and Maxims/Principles
In a series of empirical contrastive pragmatic studies comparing the
discourse of German and English native speakers (for overviews see
Blum-Kulka et al., 1989; House, 1996), data were col1ected in open dyadie
role-plays often. fol1owed by retrospective interviews, and discourse
completion tests combined with metapragmatic assessment tests. Four
different discourse phenomena were analysed yielding the following
(1) Opening and closing discourse phases: German subjects tend to use fewer
conversational routines and there was less reciprocity in the use of
phatic moves.
(2) Discourse strategies: German subjects tend to use more content-oriented
(1 ;
strategies, e.g. introducing topies explicitly and expanding them; they
also use fewer interpersonally active strategies such as anticipatory
moves, e.g. availability checks or disarming moves. Germans also
prefer moves with explicit reference to self e.g. Kann ich ... versus
Would you like me to .... Further, there is more ad hoc formulation in
German and more on conversational routines in English.
(3) Gambits: Germans tend to prefer content-oriented and self-referenced
. gambits (e.g. 'starters' prefacing a speaker's message or 'underscorers'
used to emphasise the content of a message), whereas English speakers
prefer gambit types with which to explicitly address conversational
partners (such as 'cajolers' used to coax interlocutors into heightened
attention or sympathy).
(4) Speech acts: Requests, complaints and apologies were compared, and
different 'levels of directness' were suggested. German subjects were
found to ptefermore direct expressions.
From these results derived from a series of German
English pragmatic analyses based on different data and subjects, in a variety
of everyday situations, a consistent pattem emerges: German subjects tend
to interact in ways that are more direct, more explicit and verbose, more
The Progmafics of Translafion
self-referenced and more content-oriented; they are also less prone to resort
to using verbal routines than English-speakers. The consistent pattero of
cross-cultural differences in communicative norms emerging from these
analyses can be displayed along five dimensions, as in Table 1. The
oppositions represent end-points on different clines, with German subjects
tending to give preference to positions on the left-hand side of these
Table 1 Dimensions of cross-cultural difference (German-English)
Directness H Indirectness
Orientation towards self H Orientation towards others
Orientation towards content H Orientation towards addressees
Explidtness H Implicitness
Ad-hoc formulation H Verbal routines
Given these cross-cultural differences in social norms which reflect
politeness standards, one can hypothesise that the Gricean Maxims of
Q.uantity and Relation tend to be interpreted differently in the German and
Anglophone linguacultures, Le. supplying just as much andno more
information as the occasion requires and being 'relevant' to perceived
purpose of the discourse tends to vary across these two linguacultures in
my samples. The tendency in German to explicate content may then well
set up different conditions for the performance of inferencing operations,
Le. the mechanism of 'conversational implicature' that interprets utterances
deviating from the maxims.
Within the frame of reference provided by Lakoff (1973; 1990), it seems
to be the case that a11 three rules of politeness are interpreted differently in
the German and Anglophone linguacultures: the politeness rule 'Don't
impose' is given different values in German due to a preference for higher
directness levels in the realisation of certain speech acts. The Rule 'Give
options' is also interpreted differently due to a preference for higher .
directness levels and explicitness of content in German. The rule 'Be
friendly' in particular is interpreted and realised differently in the
German linguaculture given a preference of (explicated) content over
addressees, self-referencing over other-referencing, reduced reliance on
conversational routines and greater directness in speech-act realisation
(House, 1996).
Polifeness and Translafion
Differences in linguistic and cultural norms of usage and politeness as
exemplified for the case of German and English are immediately relevant
for translation theory and practice, as will be demonstrated in the next
Polifeness and Translafion
How can one make sure in translation that politeness as exhibited in the
original is 'carried over' in the translation? How can one go about reaching
'politeness equivalence' in translation? Given a theory of politeness in
which - along the levels suggested earlier - both the universality stance
Cl!.'d cross-cultural variation in the realisation of politeness are accounted
for, the concept of politeness most useful in translation studies must be a
broad and general one, which will cover the concepts of politeness
deemed relevant for translation, but willlalso be extended to capture the
_broader perspective of language functions, specifically the interpersonal
function assuggested by Halliday. Extending the noticm of politeness such
thatit embraces the Hallidayan interpersonal function is compatible'with
the scope of a translation theory (House, 1997) whlhTwill now briefly
Translation is a cross-linguistic sociocultural practice, in which a text in
one language is replaced by a functionally equivalent text in another. The
fundamental characteristic of a translation is therefore that it is a text that
is doubly bound: on the one hand to a text in the source language, the
'source text' or the original and, on the other hand, to the communicative
linguistic conditions holding in the culture to which the addressees belong.
This double bind is the basis of the equivalence w_hich, in turn, is
the basis has been an important aim of
linguistic-textual approaches to translation to specify the equivalence
relation by distinguishing a number of different frameworks of equivalence
(d. Koller, 1996), such as, for instance, extralinguistic circumstances,
connotative values, audience design or norms of usage that have emerged
from research in contrastive rhetoric, contrastive pragmatic analyses, and
from empirical investigations of pairs of translations and originals and
parallel texts in different languages. Equivalence is thus never to be
but rather as inherentIy relatiye emerging 'from the
context of situation a'sdefined by the intrplay of many different factors
and has no existence outside that context' (Ivir, 1996: 155).
In my own theory of translation (House, 1997), 1assume that the most
important requirement for translation equivalence is that a translation have
equivalent to that of its original, and that 'functional equivalence'
(in its different forms and types) can be established and evaluated by
65 The PraQmatics of Trans/ation
referring original and translation to the context of situation enveloping the
two texts, and by examining the interplay of different contextual factors
both reflected in the text and shaping it. One of these factors to be taken into
account in making and evaluating a translation is 'politeness' - an
important element in achieving 'interpersonal equivalence'. Interpersonal
equivalence must not be equated with what Tabakowska (1989) has
referred to as 'attitudinal translational equivalence', .e. the rendering of the
original author's attitude to the propositions that make up his text.
Interpersonal equivalence (which together with ideational equivalence
makes up functional equivalence) in translation should be conceived as
more comprehensive than merely relating to authorial stance: rather the
operation of a number of pragmatic dimensions is to be seen as contributing
to interpersonal functional equvalence with politeness being relevant on,
several of these dimensions.
The dirnensians are used to 'open up' the original text such that ts
textual profile which characterises the function of the text can be revealed.
In order to determine the function of a text - consisting of an ideational
and an interpersonal functional component - which must be kept equiva
lent in translation, the original text is analysed at the levels of Language,
Register and Genre. The relationship between these three levels can be seen
in terms of semiotic planes which relate to one another in a Hjelrnslevian
'content-expression' way with genre being the content-plane of register,
and register being the expression plane of genre. Register; in tum, is the
content-plane of language, and language is the expnission plane of register.
Register is divided into Field, Tenor and Mode.
The dimension Field refers to the subject matter and the nature of the
social action that is taking place. Along the dimension Tenor, the author's
temporal, geographical, and social provenances are analysed, as is the
author's intellectual and emotional stance (his 'personal viewpoint')
vis-a-vis the content he is\portraying and the cornrnunicative task he il'
engaged in. Tenor also capturesthe social role relationship both between
author and addressee and between fictive characters in the text as well as
the 'social attitude', .e. formal, consultative and informal style levels. Mode
refers to both the channel - spoken, written and transitions between the
two- and the degree to which potential or real participation is allowed for
between author and addressee(s). Along Mode, the distinctons between
involved versus informational text production, explicit versus situation
dependent reference, and abstract versus non-abstract of
information are further taken into account.
The establishment in the analysis of linguistic-textual correlates of Field,
Mode and Tenor and the Genre they realise yields a textual profile of the
Politeness and Trans/atian
original, which characterises its textual function (ideational and interper
sonal), which is to be kept equivalent.
Equivalence of function differs markedly in the two types of translation,
overt translation and covert translation, posited in the model. An overt
translation is (norrnally) called for whenever the original is source-culture
linked and has independent status in the source-Ianguage cornrnunity; a
covert translation is(norrnally) chosen when neither condition holds. In the
case of overt translation the translation embeds the text in a new speech
event in the target culture, with the translation operating in a new frame, a
new 'discourse world'. An overt translation is a case of 'language mentian',
similar to a citation or quotation (see Gutt: this volurne). An original and
its overt translation are equivalent at the level of Language and Register as
well as Genre. At the level of the individual textual function, however,
functional equivalence, while still possible, is of a 'removed' nature: it
enables access to the function which the original text has (had) in its
discourse world or frame. As this access is realised in the target linguacul
ture via the translation, a switch in the discourse world becomes necssary,
.e. the translation operates in its own discourse world and can thus reach
only what 1have calleda 'second level equivalence'. This type of functional
equivalence is achieved through an equivalence at all three analytic levels
(Language, Register and Genre), which together facilita te the co-activation
of the original's frame and discourse world. In this way, members of the
target linguaculture may eavesdrop, as it were, .e. be enabled to appreciate
the original textual function, albeit at a distance.
In overt translation the work of the translator is of crucial mportance, .
as her work is clearly visible or 'marked' in the sense posited by Hickey
(this volume), .e., the translation is quite 'overtly' a translation. It is the
translator's task to allow persons in the target culture access to the original
and its cultural impact on source-culture members; the translator must
therefore manage to put target-culture mernbers in a position to observe
and up_on by the original text's function.
In terms of politeness as evidenced in the original, specifically along the
dirnension of Tenor)l1e ,translator cannot but leave the originallinguistic- .
textual choicesas:'mta(as possible given the transfer operatons necessary
in translation, i.e. whatever the politeness portrayed in the original,
cOmInunicatvely equivalent choices must be made. Cross-cultural differ
ences in politeness norms are thus not relevant in this type of translation as
the original is, in a sense, 'sacrosanct'.
The sihiation is quite different in the case of covert translaton: here the
translator attempts to re-create an equivalent speech event and to repro
duce or represent in the translation text the functon the original has in its
The Pragmafics of Translafion
linguistic-cultural framework, Le. 'real' functional equivalence is aimed ato
A covert translation operates quite 'overtly' in the different frame and
discourse world set up by the target culture without wishing to co-activate
the discourse world in which the original had unfolded. Covert translation
is thus at the same time psycholinguisticalIy less complex than overt
translation and more deceptive. The translator's task is, in a sense, to cheat,
and remain hidden behind her feat of deception, the transmutation of the
original. She employs a 'cultural filter' with which she makes allowances
for differences in social norms and differences in politeness norms. The
cultural filter is often so expertly integrated into the fabric of the text that
the seams do not show. Since functional equivalence is aimed at, changes
at the levels of Language and Register may, if necessary, be undertaken,
and the result may welI be a very real distance from the originat which is
the reason for the fact that covert translations are often received as though
they were original texts.
For covert translation, the notion of a cultural filter is crucial, and it is
essential that the cultural filter be based on empirical research of the type
described earlier. In the case of the language pair German-English, the filter
has been given some substance in my own work on communicative and
politeness norms. In the folIowing I will give some examples of the
operation of this filter demonstrating how politeness is affected in
English-German translations.
In the case of a commercial circular written by the president of an
investment consultancy firm -later revealed as fraudulent - (cf. House,
1981; 1997), the president informs the shareholders about changes in the
company that will not exactly be to their advantage. Dimensional changes
on the parameter Tenor transform the English original's carefulIy orches
trated evasive and distantly polite tone into a more direct and undiplomatic
tone in the German The analysis revealed that the translation
frequently fails to contribute to the interpersonal functional component in
a manner equivalent to the orlginat e.g. as you know is rendered as
bekanntlich - which avoids addressing the recipients of the circular
personalIy and has a different value with regard to the politeness principIe
'Be friendly, make A feel good'. __ "."
, ' . ,)
Compare the folIowing:
In order to avoid the possibility of accidental misdirection'of your
certificate ... your assistance is required. We have enclosed a,'Dividend
Instruction Form' for your completion; this should be retumed in the
pre-addressed envelope
Polifeness and Translafion
Um zu vermeiden, daB Thre Zertifikate versehentlich fehlgeleitet
werden ... bitten wir Sie, das beigefgte Dividendenzustellungsfor
mular auszuflIen und in dem ebenfalls beigefgten adressierten
Umschlag zurckzuschicken ...
In the German translation the addresser appears to be more forceful,
active and direct, while the original expresses the action to be done by the
addressees more abstractly and indirectly (nominalIy). The utterance in the
English original seems to have the illocutionary force of a subtle suggestion:
in the translation it has become a request. And while the original tries to
suggest that it is not the company that wants something done but rather
sorne external necessity proposes a course of action to the shareholder, the
translation is less subtle and more explicit. The German translation of Your
bank (or broker) should indicate as 5ie mssen die Bank (oder einen Makler) bitten
confirms this analysis: the translation is more direct, more explicit than the
original. The social-role relationship between author and addressee(s) is
also changed, so is the politeness portrayed in the original; alI three of
Lakoff's maxims: Don't impose, Give options, Be friendly seem to operate
differently in the role relationship created in the translation. But this
difference in the translation is in keeping with the directness, explicitness
and content-focus discovered in German politeness norms as opposed to
Anglophone ones (as discussed earlier). In other words, in the interests of
reaching functional equivalence, the translator may well have employed a
cultural filter in order to accommodate in a pattemed way the target
group's different presuppositions about communicative norms and polite
To take another example: in the German translation of an English
journalistic text (House, 1981; 1997) on an anthropological topic, the
original is changed substantially along the dimensions of Tenor and Mode.
The interpersonal functional component, which is strongly marked in the
original, is considerably weakened in the translation, with the ideational
functional component being strongly upgraded such that a lightly
entertaining, popularised and trivialised scientific English text is changed
into a sober, serious and factual German document that is more content
and instruction-oriented and less oriented towards 'making the reader feel
good'. For example: a whole paragraph, in which the reader is asked to feel
around his mouth to establish differences in human and ape anatomy, is
simply omitted in the translation. Furthermore, the translator often chooses
neutral and impersonal German es- or Mensch constructions for English
utterances featuring personal prortouns in direct address. Simple everyday
words and vague pillases in the English original are consistently rendered
more precise and 'scientific', as in the following
69 The Pragmatics of Translation
This length makes an ape's face projecting ...
Die Liinge der Molaren bedingt ...
Anything on the human side
Arten mit Ansatzen von menschenartigen Merkmalen.
In producing a covert, functionally equivalent translation, the translator
of this joumalistic article has evidentIy applied a cultural filter making
allowances for the differences in Gennan and English politeness norms:
Lakoff's Camaraderie principIe (Make A feel good) is clearly interpreted
and realised differentIy in the German translation, as the translation is
clearly interpersonally far less potent (Le. the original's popularisation and
dramatisation of the scientific material, which makes the text interesting
and easily digestible for its readers, is not realised in the translation to the
same degree because the German text concentrates on the transmission of
scientific facts. These changes in the translation are, however, in keeping
with the empirical findings with regard to German and English differences
in interactional and politeness norms (see earlier).
In the case of texts suggesting an overt transla'tion, the cultural filter and
changes in politeness norms have, as 1 have previously argued, no 'place.
An example of what 1would consider a 'misplaced filter' is to be found in
the translation by Harry 20hn of Walter Benjamin's famous essay 'Die
Aufgabe des bersetzers'. Analysis of original and translation (see House,
1997) has revealed that there are changes along the parameterTenor, which
result in differences in the social role relationship between author and
addressees. The role relationship in the original is highly impersonal and
characterised, for instance, by the total absence of first and second person
personal pronouns. The translation is often rendered less impersonal
through the use of pronouns as in the following examples:
rOer Zusarnmenhang] darf ein ... natrlicher genannt werden
We may call this connection
Die Geschichte der groBen Kunstwerke kennt ...
The history of the great works of art tells us about ...
The interpersonal functional component is altogether more strongly
marked in the translation than in the original, and the politeness principIe
'Don't impose' (Distance) is given a different value in the English
translation. Further, the distantly formal style of the German original is less
formal in the English translation due, not only to the use of personal
pronouns, but also to a lack of syntactically complex focusing devices such
as the placing of subordinate clauses before main clauses, as in the
following example:

Politeness and Translation
DaB eine bersetzung niemals etwas fr das Original zu bedeuten
vermag, leuchtet ein
It is plausible that no translation ...
These changes might haye been made due to the of a cultural
filter, which would in this case also be in linewith the empirical findings
about cross-cultural differences in cornmunicative preferences and polite
ness norms. However, if one believes, as 1do, that Benjarnin's essay is a case
for overt translation (i.e. providing readers of the translation with an
unadulterated view of the original), then such cultural filtering is to be
Another example (see House, 1997, for details) of what 1believe should
be treated as a text for overt translation is Daniel Jonah Goldhagen's
bestselling Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Gerrnans and the Holocaust.
In the original, the author clearly demonstrates his strong personal
involvement in the subject he is treating: he frequently uses intensifiers,
superlatives, emotive-expressive metaphorical lexical items, as well as
structures featuring multiple repetition, iconic linkage and foregrounded
rhematic structures for strong rhetorical effects. The text's Medium is
'written to be read', and although 'explicit' and 'abstract', it is also
characterised - which is marked for this medium - as 'highly involved'.
The text has therefore both a marked ideational functional component and
a strong interpersonal one. The translation retains the ideational functional
component but substantially changes the interpersonal one because the
devices used to mark the original interpersonally are not rendered
equivalently in German. In particular, the haunting repetition of the word
German and the various collocations with German such as ordinary Germans
are not kept up in the translation, and other key terms such as antisemitism,
genocide, eliminationist are not repeated with the same frequency. The style
level in the German translation is more formal, the social distance markedly
greater, and along the parameter' Medium the translation is much less
involved, considerably toned down, flattened in its perlocutionary force
and altogether more sober and factual than the original. Due to a lack of
those emotive and rhetorical devices characterising the original, the
translation is also more monologous.
One rnight put forward the explanatory hypothesis that we are here
again confronted with a legitimate application of a cultural filter in which
(empirically established) cultural differences between English and Gennan
cornmunicative and politeness norms are taken into account transfonning
a strongly interpersonally active English text into a more content-based,
academic-scientific Gerrnan one, with the politeness maxirns 'Don'tim
70 The Pragmatics of Translation
pose' and 'Give options' being aliocated different values in the German
translation. However, mview of the particular meaning this text has for
German readers and their particular involvement, consideration of their
reactions may have played a role in toning down the unbearablystrong
accusatory light the author throws on them.
On the other hand, given the status the author and his work have
acquired, one might argue, as 1certainly would, that an overt translation is
clearly more, appropriate in this case. Such a translation would give the
German readers direct access to the original, enabling them to judge for
themselves, The changes imposed on the original Goldhagen text may,
however, also have altogether clifferent reasons (see House, 1997, for a
discussion), i.e. political and marketing reasons, which it is not the place to
distuss here.
These examples of covert and overt translations and the dlfferential
legitimacy the application of a cultural filter has in these two translation
types have shown that politeness is an important component of
cross-cultural differences. 1have demonstrated the role politeness plays in
translation using German-English translations, because my own English
German contrastive research can most fruitfully be applied in these cases.
However, as far as tJ:1e model for translation analysis and the two translation
types are concemed, 1 believe the remarks here are generaliy applicable.
Still, there is a great need for empirical cross-cultural research into
communicative and politeness norms and preferences involving different
language pairs. Oniy a solid basis of cross-cultural empirical studies can
provide translators with the instruments necessary to transcend accidental
intuition and personal prejudice.
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