July 2013 Notices: Month of The Precious Blood
July 2013 Notices: Month of The Precious Blood
July 2013 Notices: Month of The Precious Blood
8 9.00am St Elizabeth of Portugal 9 9.00am St John Fisher & Thomas More, Martyrs 10 10.15am Preceded by Holy Hour & Benediction. 9.00am 10.00am
Seven Holy Brothers
11 12.10pm St Oliver Plunkett 12 5.30pm St John Gualbert then 6.00pm Young Adults group in hall 13 9.00am Mass then FATIMA DEVOTIONS & Benediction
14 7.30am & 9.30am & 11.30am 8th after Pentecost
15 16 17
9.00am St Henry, Empoeror, Confessor 6.30pm Our Lady of Mt Carmel preceded by Holy Hour & Benediction 5.30pm 6.15pm 10.15am Preceded by Holy Hour & Benediction. 9.00am 10.00am
St Alexis, Confessor
18 12.10pm St Camillus de Lellis, Confessor, Patron of the Sick 19 5.30pm St Vincent de Paul, Patron of Charitable Works 20 9.00am St Jerome Emilian, Confessor
21 7.30am & 9.30am & 11.30am 9th after Pentecost
22 23 24
5.30pm St Mary Magdalene, Penitent 9.00am St Apollinaris 10.15am Preceded by Holy Hour & Benediction. 9.00am 10.00am
St Christina
25 11.00am St James the Great, Apostle 26 6.30pm St Anne, Mother of Our Lady preceded by Holy Hour & Benediction 5.30pm 6.15pm 27 9.00am St Pantaleon, Martyr
28 7.30am & 9.30am & 11.30am 10th after Pentecost
29 30 31 August 1 2 3 5 6 7
9.00am St Martha, Virgin 6.30pm Fr Dowd OP Silver Anniversary Mass of Priesthood 10.15am Preceded by Holy Hour & Benediction. 9.00am 10.00am
St Ignatius Loyola, Priest & Confessor & Relic Veneration
12.10pm The Holy Machabees, Martyrs 6.30pm St Alphonsus preceded by Holy Hour & 1ST Friday Benediction 5.30pm 6.15pm 9.00am Mass & 1st Saturday Benediction
11th after Pentecost
9.00am Our Lady of the Snows 6.30pm Transfiguration preceded by Holy Hour & Benediction 5.30pm 6.15pm 10.15am Preceded by Holy Hour & Benediction. 9.00am 10.00am
St Cajetan
8 12.10pm St Mary MacKillop & St John Vianney 9 5.30pm Vigil of St Lawrence then 6pm Young Adults group in hall 10 9.00am St Lawrence, Martyr
11 7.30am & 9.30am & 11.30am 12th after Pentecost
CONFESSIONS: Heard before Mass on Sunday, weekday Masses and after if necessary. Please make the effort to go to confession during the week so that those only able to make Sunday Mass can go then. On Sundays please be there at least 10 minutes before Mass to go to confession otherwise may miss out. Please note that confessions at Belmont are heard in the oratory next to the church, enter via the outside door to the presbytery which is on the left side of the church. MASS IN BUNBURY: St Patrick's Cathedral, Money Street, Bunbury next dates: Sunday 21st July 3.30pm; Sun 25th Aug 3.30pm; Sun 15th Sept 3.30pm; Sun 20th October 3.30pm Monday 22nd July 8.00am Mon 26th Aug 8.00am Mon 16th Sept 8.00am Mon 21st October 8.00am Young Adults Group Friday 12th July & 9th August after 6.30pm Mass in Hall. Talk on How to make and keep friends by Fr Michael Rowe All young adults welcome. Fatima Devotions Thursday 13th July beginning 9.00am Holy Mass then exposition and benediction, rosary, litany & Fatima prayers; continuing on the 13th of each month until October. Confraternity of the Scapular of Our Lady of Mt Carmel: Feast of Our Lady of Mt Carmel Tuesday 16th July: All invited to attend 5.30pm Holy Hour then 6.30pm Mass followed by a supper (Please bring a plate) in hall in honour of Our Lady of Mt Carmel, Patron of the Confraternity. Confraternity of the Scapular of Our Lady of Mt Carmel: Parish devotions. All parishioners are welcome to attend the monthly Devotions and if you feel called to the cultivation of the Carmelite spirituality you are invited to join like-minded souls and become a member of the Confraternity. Next meeting held on Saturday 20th July after the 9:00 am Mass. Feast of St Anne, Patronal Feast, Mother of Our Lady Friday 26th July: Mass at 6.30pm with exposition and benediction beforehand Dinner to follow after at Harbour Seafood Restaurant. Shop 3/4 Belmont Village, Belmont Ave, Belmont. If possible please let Fr know for booking. All welcome. St Anne's Sacred Concert & Celebration of Parish Patron followed by Afternoon tea Sunday 28th July 2013: 2.30pm Lumina and parish choirs singing motets for reflection. Afternoon tea to follow at 3.30pm cooked by Fr Brian Limbourn. Collection taken to raise funds for choir costs and music programme at St Anne's Church.. All welcome. Sung Mass at St Anne's: Sung Masses on Sundays 9.30am and Major feast days. Fr Christopher Dowd OP Silver Jubilee: Solemn High Mass will be celebrated at: St Anne's Church, Belmont, 6.30pm Tuesday 30th July 2013 All welcome to attend. Please sign the card. Dinner and celebration to follow in hall. This is the actual date of Fr Dowd's ordination. Confirmation and First Holy Communion: Parents of children or other people interested in making either their First Holy Communion or Confirmation please see Fr Rowe to make arrangements. Silent retreat in Toodyay Sunday evening 6th October Friday afternoon 11th October 2013. Book Barrow: 28 Jul, 25 Aug, 22 Sep, 20 Oct, 24 Nov, 22 Dec after Sunday Masses. www.stritabooks.com (08) 9298 8569 Email addresses: If you wish to receive a copy of the bulletin and notices by email, please email the following address: latinmassbulletinwa@iinet.net.au Each month the notices will be emailed to you. Mantillas for sale: $12.00 available at the church. Holy water: Available from entrance to the church, please bring a bottle and help yourself. ANY QUERIES PLEASE CONTACT FR MICHAEL ROWE: Ph/Fax: (08) 9444 9604 PO Box 337 NORTH PERTH W.A. 6906 PLEASE TAKE THIS WITH YOU Email: latinmasschaplaincywa@iinet.net.au FOR FUTURE REFERENCE