Analysis of The Stand Up
Analysis of The Stand Up
Analysis of The Stand Up
World Tunnel Congress 2013 Geneva Underground the way to the future! G. Anagnostou & H. Ehrbar (eds) 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, London ISBN 978-1-138-00094-0
ABSTRACT: We present a computational method and dimensionless design diagrams for the estimation of the stand-up time of the tunnel face in a low-permeability, saturated, water-bearing soft ground. The design diagrams cover a wide range of typical soft ground parameters and apply to a shallow tunnel whose overburden is equal to one diameter. Under the considered conditions, the time-dependency of the face stability is caused by the consolidation and excess pore pressure dissipation process in the soil ahead of the face. Consequently, we analyse the ground response to tunnel excavation by means of hydraulic-mechanically coupled, spatial stress analyses. This approach is theoretically demanding both with respect to the failure criteria and to the numerical analysis scheme. The presented results are important from a tunnel engineering point of view, because a short stand-up time may require the implementation of costly and time-consuming auxiliary measures such as grouting, face reinforcement or ground freezing.
This paper investigates the time dependent stability of the tunnel face assuming that all time effects are due to the consolidation process of the ground. This assumption is reasonable for shallow tunnels crossing water-bearing soils. In the analysed problem, the unsupported tunnel face remains stable under the undrained conditions prevailing after excavation (short-term), but collapses before reaching the drained conditions prevailing at steady state (long term). The paper focuses on the transient conditions between these two extremes. The topic is important for low and medium permeability soils such as the glacial deposits which are widely present in Central Europe. The response of the ground to excavation under transient conditions is governed inherently by the strong interaction between seepage flow and soil deformation. For this reason face collapse cannot be investigated by the traditional approach based upon a kinematic assumption of the failure mechanism (e.g. Anagnostou and Kovri, 1994, Davis et al. 1980), but only through a fully coupled hydraulicmechanical stress analysis. Due to the complexity of the problem, few works have addressed this topic: Hfle et al (2009) investigated the stability of the unsupported face during on-going tunnel excavation, while Ng and Lee (2002) estimated the necessary face reinforcement as a function of the consolidation time. There is also relatively little research work on the similar problems of delayed failure of slopes and excavations (e.g. Holt and Griffiths, 1992, Potts et al., 1997, Vaughan and Walbancke, 1973).
Computational model
The numerical analysis is carried out using the FE program Abaqus (Dassault Systmes, 2011). Figure 1 shows the numerical model. The ground is discretized by 8-node brick elements (C3D8P). The element size varies from 0.5 m (close to the tunnel face) to 6 m (at the model boundary). The water table is taken equal to the elevation of the ground surface (Hw = H). No-flow conditions are imposed at the tunnel wall (which is true for a practically impervious lining) and at the symmetry plane. The hydraulic potential at the tunnel face is assumed equal to the elevation (seepage face).
Table 1. Assumed material constants Unit weight J' Youngs modulus E Poissons ratio Q Angle of internal friction M' Dilatancy angle \' Cohesion c Coeff. of lat. pressure K0 Permeability k [kN/m ] [MPa] [-] [] [] [kPa] [-] [m/s]
At the far field boundaries, the potential is fixed to its initial value (which is true if there is no drawdown of the water table). The tunnel lining is simulated in a simplified way by fixing all nodal displacements at the excavation contour. The initial stress field corresponds to the overburden pressure at each point. The analyses have been performed for two values of coefficient of lateral pressure (K0 = 0.5 and 1.0) corresponding to different degrees of consolidation of the soil. The ground is modelled as an isotropic, linearly elastic and perfectly plastic material obeying the MohrCoulomb yield criterion. Non-dilatant plastic behaviour is assumed. The Abaqus subroutine UMAT, which performs the integration of the elasto-plastic incremental equations, is according to Clausen et al. (2005). Table 1 summarizes the parameters considered in the analysis. The tunnel face stability under transient conditions is investigated by means of a numerical analysis of the consolidation process. The analysis starts by simulating the excavation as an undrained process. This is achieved by reducing practically instantaneously (i.e., in very short time intervals) the total face support pressure from its initial value (horizontal in situ stress) to zero. Atmospheric pressure conditions at the tunnel face are imposed during the consolidation process.
Failure identification
Since we wish to study the evolution of face stability over time, the ground parameters are selected such that the unsupported tunnel face will be stable under undrained conditions, but fail under drained conditions. Schuerch and Anagnostou (2012) show that the identification of failure in coupled problems is only possible by observing and evaluating simultaneously the time-development of the displacements, volumetric strains and effective stresses at certain control points (points A, B and C in Fig. 4). At the ultimate state, re-distribution of the stresses in the ground is no longer possible. At this time the effective stresses remain constant while the displacements continue to increase.
u [m]
1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1.0 2
u A,x
u B,x
u C,x
4 6 8 10 12 t [h]
Hvol [-]
0.10% 0.05% 0.00% 0 -0.05% 2 4 6 8 10 12
t [h]
Figure 2. Time development (a) of the displacements (ux,uz) and, (b), of the volumetric strain (Hvol) at points A, B and C of Fig. 4 (c=20 kPa, M = 25, K0 = 1.0, other parameters acc. to Table 1)
A constant effective stress field means that the elastic volumetric strains also remain constant. As the assumed plastic behaviour is non-dilatant, the volumetric strains are equal to elastic ones and, consequently, they also remain constant at collapse. Consider, for example, the time development of displacements and volumetric strains for a numerical example (Fig. 2). According to Figure 2a, the displacements increase rapidly after 9 hours and tend to infinity at about 11 hours. The rapid evolution of the displacements indicates that the system is approaching the ultimate state. According to Figure 2b the volumetric strains tend to a constant value at 10.2 hours. Figure 4 shows that at this time the plastic zone reaches the ground surface. Although both the extent of the plastic zone and the magnitude of the displacements consistently indicate that the system approaches the ultimate state at about ts = 10.2 hours, it should be noted that the quality of the numerical solution decreases close to collapse and that at this time the numerical solution becomes unstable. For this reason the values do not reach a constant value (Schuerch and Anagnostou, 2012).
The time-dependency of the stability of the tunnel face was investigated by varying systematically the ground parameters according to Table 1. For dimensional reasons and due to the structure of the equations underlying consolidation theory, a dimensionless stand-up time can be defined tskE/(J'D2) which is a function of the normalized cohesion c/(JD) and of the other parameters (, K0, \, Q, H/D, Hw/H, Jw/J). Note that if the permeability or Youngs modulus is higher by a factor of ten, the stand-up time will be ten times shorter. Figure 3 shows the dimensionless stand-up time as a function of the normalized soil cohesion for three values of the friction angle and for K0 = 0.5 or 1.0. The marked point of every line indicates the limit of validity of the numerical solution. (For higher values of c/(JD) the numerical solution becomes unreliable because tensile stresses develop in the model.) According to Figure 3, the stand-up time depends strongly on the cohesion and on the friction angle of the ground (cf. Schuerch and Anagnostou 2013). It is interesting to note that the stand-up time depends considerably also on the coefficient of lateral pressure, although this parameter does not have any influence on the safety factor in the uncoupled problem (Vermeer and Ruse, 2001). Figure 4 shows the contours of the short-term plastic zone (i.e., the one developing under undrained conditions) for a coefficient of lateral pressure K0 of 0.5 or 1.0. For K0 = 0.5, the plastic zone is more developed toward the surface than for K0 = 1.0. This is because under undrained conditions the shear resistance of the ground depends essentially on the mean initial stress (Broms and Bennermark, 1967), which is higher in the case of K0 = 1. Consequently, a low coefficient of lateral pressure is unfavourable with respect to the time-development of stability. At failure, however, the extent of the plastic zone is very similar for the two values of K0 (Fig. 5).
Application example
Figure 6 shows the stand-up time as function of the permeability for an application example. The diagram was obtained from the dimensionless design diagram of Figure 3 by means of simple calculations for given cohesion, unit weight, friction angle, Youngs modulus of the ground and tunnel diameter (see inset in Fig. 6). According to Figure 6, for a permeability of k = 10-8 m/s, the stand-up time varies between about 10 hours and 4 days depending on the coefficient of lateral pressure.
K0 = 0.5 0.05
ts k E J ' D2
ts k E J ' D2
M' = 35
0.03 0.06
M' = 35
0.02 0.04
M' = 25
M' = 25
0.01 0.02
M' = 15
0.00 0.05
M' = 15
0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
0.00 0.05
> @
> @
Figure 3. Dimensionless diagrams for the determination of the stand-up time of the tunnel face (\=0, Q=0.3, H/D=1, Hw/H=1, Jw/J=1)
Closing remarks
The tunnel face may be stable in the short term, but collapse after a certain time period. This happens more or less rapidly depending on the permeability, the Youngs modulus, the coefficient of lateral pressure and the effective shear strength parameters of the ground. The stand-up time of the tunnel face is important in engineering practice, especially in medium- and low-permeability water-bearing ground. Numerical analyses provide useful indications regarding the stand-up time, but their results may be mesh sensitive. This issue is subject of ongoing research.
This paper evolved within the framework of the research project "Tunnel face stability and tunnelling induced settlements under transient conditions". The support given to this project by the Swiss Tunnelling Society (STS) and the Federal Road Office of Switzerland (FEDRO) is greatly appreciated.
Ground surface C
z A 0 5 B 10 15
K0 = 0.5 K0 = 1.0
Figure 5. Contour of the plastic zone at ultimate state (c=20 kPa, M = 25)
10 years
1 year
K0 = 1.0
E' = 20 MPa c' = 20 kPa Q = 0.3 M' = 25 \ '= 0 J ' = 10 kN/m3 D = 10m H/D = 1 Hw /H = 1 J w /J ' = 1
10 hours
1 hr 1.E-11
k [m/s]
Figure 6. Stand-up time ts of the tunnel face as a function of the ground permeability k
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