RA 6675- GENERIC DRUG ACT OF 1988 Generic name- identification of drugs with scientifically and internationally recognized active ingredients. Brand name- propriety name given by manufacturer Essential drug list- list of drugs prepared by DOH on the basis of health conditions in the Phils as well as internationally accepted criteria. 2. RA 9165- Comprehensive Dangerous Drug Act of 2002 Prohibited acts: 1. Sell, administer, deliver or distribution and transport of prohibited drugs 2. Importation of prohibited drugs 3. Den or drive 4. Employees or visitors of dens 5. Manufacture 6. Use and possession 7. Culture of plants 3. RA 953 NARCOTIC DRUG ACT registration and imposition of license on all persons who deal in narcotic drugs and the control of the legal traffic in narcotic drugs. Narcotics- drugs which produces insensibility, stupor, melancholy or dullness of mind, habit forming Prohibited drugs- drugs with opium, coca leaf, heroine, morphine,LSD Regulated drugs- self-inducing sedatives, secobarbitals, hypnotic drugs 4. RA 6425 -Dangerous Drug Act provision of S2- code for selected doctors who can prescribe narcotic drugs 5. RA 7877- Anti Sexual Harassment Law - authority, influence or moral ascendancy over another demands, requests or requires any sexual favors a. Work related b. Education related c. Training related 6. RA 9262- Anti Violence against Women and their children violence against women and children means: any act or series of acts against a woman a. wife or former wife; b sexual relationship or dating relationship c. with whom he has a common child d. against her child, legal or illegal 7. RA 7658- an act prohibiting the employment of children below 15 years of age 8. RA 6809-Emancipation law - lowered majority age from 21 to 18 years old 9. RA 3573- an act providing for the prevention and suppression of dangerous communicable diseases 10. RA 7305- Magna Carta of Public Health Workers has provisions on the benefits, rights and responsibilities of public health workers
Entitlement and protection: 1. Discrimination is prohibited 2. Understaffing and overstaffing not allowed 3. Due process observed 4. Normal hours of work, overtime pay, night shift dif, salary scale 5. Payment of salaries in legal tender 6. Hazard allowance 7. Right to self organization 11. RA 8749- Phil Clean Air Act of 1999 Declaration of policy: 1. Right of people to a balanced and healthful ecology 2. Promote and protect the global environment 3. State recognizes the principle that polluters must pay 4. State recognizes that a clean and healthy environment is for the good and concern of all 12. RA 6713- Code of conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees - public officials and employees shall at all times be accountable to the people and shall discharge their duties with utmost responsibility, integrity, competence and uphold public interest 13. RA 8344 - an act penalizing the refusal of Hospitals and medical Clinics to administer appropriate initial treatment and support in emergency cases 14. 7160- Local Government Code - general features include decentralization and local autonomy - the Local chief executive have the power over: Budgets for health, Implementation of programs Personnel appointment 15. RA 2644- Philippine Midwifery Act - registered nurses may practice midwifery through passing the midwifery exam and has completed 20 actual deliveries 16. RA 2382- Practice of medicine by a Nurse 1. during epidemics or national emergencies, 2. whenever services of duly registered physicians are not available 3. through special authorization given by the DOH and automatically ceases when epidemic is terminated 17. RA 7600- Rooming in and breastfeeding Act of 1992 Policies include 1. preparation of mothers for breastfeeding, 2. latching on ( baby to suck 30 minutes after delivery), 3. rooming in 30 minutes after delivery, 4. breastfeeding for 4-6 months, feed per demand 18. RA 7432- Senior Citizens Act= 20% discount on all medical supplies and drugs to elderly aged 60 and above 19. RA 8423- Established the traditional and alternative health care B. PRESIDENTIAL DECREES- an order of the president in his capacity to act as legislator
20. PD 603- CHILD AND YOUTH WELFARE CODE highlights the role of the nurse which include1. registration of births2. childs health3. freedom of expression4. childs inherent right to life5. basic health services. it includes the rights and duties of parents over their children- parental authority - joint - grandparents - eldest brother or sister - nearest next of kin - guardian appointed by the court 21. PD 48 four (4) children with paid maternity leave privilege 22. PD 69 four (4) children for personal tax exemption 23. PD 223 Creation of Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) in 1973 24 . PD 442 New Labor code 25. PD 491 Nutrition program --the nutrition program, being concerned with human resource development, is a vital and integral part of social reform and economic development 26. PD 541 Former Filipino professionals allowed to practice their respective professions in the Philippines 27. PD 568 Role of Public health midwives expanded under the RHCDS; Restructuring of the Philippine Health Care Delivery System; Deployment of midwives to improve rural situation (1 PHMid = 5,000 pop.; 1 PHNurse = 10,000 pop; 1 RHPhysician = 20,000 pop) 28. PD 603 Child and Youth Welfare Code 29. PD 628 Employee Compensation & State Insurance Fund 30. PD 651 Birth registration following delivery (all health workers shall identify and encourage the registration of all births within 30 days following delivery) 31. PD 825 Anti- improper garbage disposal (provides penalty for improper disposal of garbage) th 32. PD 851 13 month pay 33. PD 856 Code of Sanitation provides for the control of all factors in mans environment that affect health including the quality of water, food, milk, control of insects, animal carriers, transmitters of diseases, sanitary and recreation facilities, noise, pollution, unpleasant odors and control of nuisance. 34. PD 965 Family Planning and responsible parenthood instructions prior to issuance of marriage license 35. PD 996 September 16, 1976 Compulsory immunization for all children below eight (8) years old against six (6) immunizable diseases 36. PD 1063 Muslim Holidays 37. PD 1204 Amends PD # 79B. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS 1. A.O. No. 114 s. 1991 Revised/updated the roles and functions of the Municipal Health Officers, Public Health Nurses and Rural Health Midwives C. EXECUTIVE ORDER - A rule or order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law 38. E.O 51 - The Milk Code - is a law that ensures safe and adequate nutrition for infants through the promotion of breastfeeding and the regulation of promotion, distribution, selling, advertising, product public relations, and information services artificial milk formulas and other covered products. 39. E.O 119 - Reorganization of Department of Health - affirming that the Ministry of Health is the governments main instrumentality for responding to health concerns 40. EO 180 Guidelines on the right to organize of government employees
- this Executive Order applies to all employees of all branches, subdivisions, instrumentalities, and agencies, of the Government, including government-owned or controlled corporations with original charters. For this purpose, employees, covered by this Executive Order shall be referred to as "government employees" -all government employees can form, join or assist employees' organizations of their own choosing for the furtherance and protection of their interests. They can also form, in conjunction with appropriate government authorities, labor-management committees, works councils and other forms of workers' participation schemes to achieve the same objectives 41. EO 203 List of regular holidays & special days -the terms "legal or regular holiday" and "special holiday", as used in laws, orders, rules and regulations or other issuances shall now be referred to as "regular holiday" and "special day", respectively 42. EO 226 Command responsibility -strict and effective management and control of an organization by the supervisor is critical in ensuring responsive delivery of services by the government, especially in police matters 43. EO 503 Provides for the Rule and Regulation Implementing the Transfer of Personnel Assets, Liabilities and Records of National Government -the Code stipulated that the transfer of basic services and facilities shall be accompanied by the transfer of the national personnel concerned and assets to ensure continuity in the delivery of such services and facilities
Declaring the period of September 16 October 14, 1998 as the Ligtas Tigdas Month 45. Proc. # 6 April 3, 1986 United Nations - Universal Goal on Child Immunization by 1990 46. Proc. # 46 September 16, 1992 Reaffirming the commitment of the Philippines to the Universal Child and Mother Immunization Goal of the World Health Assembly 47. Proc. # 118 Professional regulation Week June 16-22 48. Proc. # 539 - Nurse week every last week of October 49. Proc. # 147 March 3, 1993 Declares April 21 and May 19, 1993 and every 3rd Wednesday of January and February and thereafter for 2 years as National Immunization Days 50. Proc. # 773 March 28, 1996 Every 3rd Wednesday of April and May as the Knock-out Polio Day