Finishing Concrete Flatwork
Finishing Concrete Flatwork
Finishing Concrete Flatwork
WHAT is Finishing?
Finishing is the operation of creating a concrete sur-
face of a desired texture, smoothness and durability.
The finish can be strictly functional or decorative.
Finishing Concrete Flatwork
WHY Finish Concrete?
Finishing makes concrete attractive and serviceable.
The final texture, hardness, and joint pattern on slabs,
floors, sidewalks, patios, and driveways depend on the
concretes end use. Warehouse or industrial floors usu-
ally have greater durability requirements and need to
be flat and level, while other interior floors that are
covered with floor coverings do not have to be as
smooth and durable. Exterior slabs must be sloped to
carry away water and must provide a texture that will
not be slippery when wet.
Prior to the finishing operation, concrete is placed, con-
solidated and leveled. These operations should be care-
fully planned. Skill, knowledge and experience are re-
quired to deal with a variety of concrete mixtures and
field conditions. Having the proper manpower and
equipment available, and timing the operations prop-
erly for existing conditions is critical. A slope is neces-
sary to avoid low spots and to drain water away from
Complete all subgrade excavation and compaction,
formwork, and placement of mesh, rebars or other em-
bedments as required prior to concrete delivery. De-
lays after the concrete arrives create problems and
can reduce the final quality of flatwork.
General guidelines for placing and consolidating con-
crete are:
a. A successful job depends on selecting the correct
concrete mixture for the job. Consult your Ready
Mixed Concrete Producer. Deposit concrete as near
as possible to its final location, either directly in place
from the truck chute or use wheelbarrows, buggies
or pumps. Avoid adding excessive water to increase
the concretes slump. Start at the far end placing
concrete into previously placed concrete and work
towards the near end. On a slope, use concrete with
a stiffer consistency (lower slump) and work up the
b. Spread the concrete using a short-handled, square-
ended shovel, or a come-along. Never use a garden
rake to move concrete horizontally. This type of
rake causes segregation.
c. All concrete should be well consolidated. For small
flatwork jobs, pay particular attention to the edges
of the forms by tamping the concrete with a spade
or piece of wood. For large flatwork jobs, consoli-
dation is usually accomplished by using a vibrating
screed or internal vibrator.
d. When manually striking off and leveling the con-
crete, use a lumber or metal straightedge (called a
screed). Rest the screed on edge on the top of the
forms, tilt it forward and draw it across the con-
crete with a slight sawing motion. Keep a little con-
crete in front of the screed to fill in any low spots.
Do not use a jitterbug or vibrating screed with con-
crete slump exceeding 3 inches (75mm). Vibrating
screeds should be moved rapidly to ensure consoli-
dation but avoid working up an excessive layer of
mortar on the surface.
HOW to Place Concrete?
1986, 1990, 2001
1. LEVEL the concrete further using a bull float, darby, or
highway straightedge as soon as it has been struck-off.
This operation should be completed before bleed water
appears on the surface. The bull float or darby embeds
large aggregate, smoothes the surface, and takes out
high and low spots. Keep the bull float as flat as possible
to avoid premature sealing of the surface.
2. WAIT for the concrete to stop bleeding. All other fin-
ishing operations must wait until the concrete has stopped
bleeding and the water sheen has left the surface. Any
finishing operations done while the concrete is still bleed-
ing will result in later problems, such as dusting, scal-
ing, crazing, delamination and blisters. The waiting pe-
riod depends on the setting and bleeding characteristics
of the concrete and the ambient conditions. During the
waiting period, protect against evaporation from the con-
crete surface if conditions are hot, dry and windy. Cover
a small test portion of the slab to evaluate if the concrete
is still bleeding. General guidance regarding whether the
concrete has sufficiently set for final finishing operations
is when a footprint indentation of a person standing on
the slab is between 1/8 to inch (3 to 6 mm).
3. EDGE the concrete when required. Spade the concrete to
break any bond with the form with a small masons trowel.
Use the edging tool to obtain durable rounded edges.
4. JOINT the concrete when required. The jointing tool
should have a blade one-fourth the depth of the slab.
Use a straight piece of lumber as a guide. A shallow-bit
groover should only be used for decorative grooves.
When saw-cutting is required, it should be done as soon
as the concrete is hard enough not to be torn by the
blade. Early entry saw cutting can be done before the
concrete has completely hardened. See CIP 6 for jointing
practices and spacing.
5. FLOAT the concrete by hand or machine in order to em-
bed the larger aggregates. Floating also levels and pre-
pares the surface for further finishing. Never float the
concrete while there is still bleed water on the surface.
6. TROWEL the concrete when required for its end use.
For sidewalks, patios , driveways and other exterior ap-
plications, troweling is not usually required. Air entrained
concrete should not be troweled. If trowel finishing of
air-entrained concrete is required by specifications, ex-
treme caution should be exercised when timing the fin-
ishing operation. For a smooth floor make successive
passes with a smaller steel trowel and increased pres-
sure. Repeated passes with a steel trowel will produce a
smooth floor that will be slippery when wet. Excessive
troweling may create dark trowel burns. Improperly
tilting the trowel will cause an undesirable chatter tex-
7. TEXTURE the concrete surface as required after floating
or troweling. For exterior concrete flatwork (sidewalks,
patios or driveways) texture the concrete surface after
the floating operation with a coarse or fine push-broom
to give a non-slip surface. For interior flatwork texture
the concrete surface after final troweling. Concrete can
be finished with several decorative treatments, such as
exposed aggregate, dry shake color, integral color, and
stamped or patterned concrete. Decorative finishes need
much more care and experience.
8. NEVER sprinkle water or cement on concrete while fin-
ishing it. This may cause dusting or scaling.
9. CURE the concrete as soon as all finishing is completed
to provide proper conditions for cement hydration, which
provides the required strength and durability to the con-
crete surface. In severe conditions slab protection may
be needed even before finishing is complete. See CIP 11
for more information on curing concrete.
10.AVOID concrete burns to skin by following proper safety
1. Concrete in Practice (CIP) Series, National Ready Mixed
Concrete Association, Silver Spring, Maryland.
2. Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction, ACI 302.1R,
American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI.
3. Slabs on Grade, ACI Concrete Craftsman Series, CCS-1,
American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI.
4. Cement Masons Guide, PA122, Portland Cement Associa-
tion, Skokie, IL.
5. Residential Concrete, National Association of Home Build-
ers, Washington, D.C.
6. Sealing Effects of Finishing Tools, Bruce Suprenant, Concrete
Construction, September 1999.
7. Finishing Tool Primer, Kim Basham, Concrete Construction,
July 2000.
HOW to Finish Concrete?
Follow These Rules to Finish Concrete
1. Place and move concrete to its final location using procedures that avoid segregation.
2. Strike off and obtain an initial level surface without sealing the surface.
3. Wait until the bleed water disappears from the surface before starting finishing operations.
4. Use the appropriate surface texture as required for the application.
5. Avoid steel troweling air-entrained concrete.
6. Cure the concrete to ensure it achieves the desired strength and durability.