Beej Mantras
Beej Mantras
Beej Mantras
Beej Mantras are seed mantra. Each diety has a specific beej mantra. One could pick a beej mantra and repeat it in the mind as often as possible. In a way mental/conscious repetition will morph into unconscious repetition. Mind can be trained to focus. It will be good if a Guru can impart it. It is difficult to find a Guru who is genuine. Sit in front of a photo of Sri Dattatreya or Sai Baba or Sri Guru Raghavendra and offer dakshina and request their guidance in reciting the mantra and avoidance of mistakes. Beej mantras for Ganesh, Vishnu, Hanuman, Lakshmi and Saraswathi can be practiced by any one. But for Devi sadhanas where every syllable matters, caution needs to be exercised. OM OM is the symbol for the whole universe. It carries three basic sounds: A-U-M. These three basic sounds through which all the sounds have evolved. So OM is the basic trinity of sound, the synthesis of all the basic roots. That's why OM is considered the secret mantra, the greatest mantra, because it implies the whole existence, it represents the sound of soundlessness, the beauty of silence. OM represents the music of existence, the soundless sound, the sound of silence. OM represents the inner most music of our being, the inner harmony, the inner humming sound which happens when our body, mind, soul are in deep totality, when the visible and the invisible, the unmanifest and the manifest, the relative and absolute, the outer and inner are in deep togetherness. To become one with OM-the music of existence is to attain fulfillment. Ganapati: Gam For realization of Lord Ganapati, knowledge, wisdom, protection, fortune, happiness, health, wealth, elimination of all obstacles and all round success. Om Gam Ganapathaye Namah Hanuman: Fraum For realization of Lord Hanuman, unlimited strength,power, protection, wisdom, happiness, elimination ofbad spirits & ghosts, victory over enemies and every conceivable success. Vishnu: Dam For realization of Lord Vishnu, wealth, health, protection, happy married life, happiness, victory and all round success. Kuber: Dhham For realization of Lord Kuber, massive monetary gain,wealth, fortune and all round success. Mahalaxmi: Shreem For realization for Goddess Mahalaxmi, wealth, material gains, success in business or profession, elimination of ailments & worries, protection, gettinga beautiful wife, happy married life and all
roundsuccess. Saraswati: Ayeim or Aim For realization of Goddess Saraswati, knowledge, wisdom, success in exams, pleasure and all round success. Bhuvaneshwari: Hreem For realization for Goddess Bhuvaneshwari, getting everything including but not limited to Kundalini Jagran. The best and the most powerful. This mantra should be used for those who aspire to be leader of men and achieve every desire. It is important to remember to be reasonable for the mantra to be effective. Kali: Kreem For realization for Goddess Kali, health, strength, protection, elimination of enemies, solution of grave problems and all round success. Shiv: Hroum For realization for Lord Shiv, protection from deadlydiseases, immortality, moksh and all round success. Durga: Doom For realization for Goddess Durga, power, strength,protection, health, wealth, victory, wisdom, knowledge, elimination of enemies & grave problems, happy married life and all round success. One gets whatever one wants. Kamraj mantra: Kaleem Fulfills one's desires. Bhairav: Bhram For realization of Lord Bhairav, success in Mahavidya or Shakti sadhanas, strength, protection, victory,health, wealth, happiness, fame, success in courtcases, elimination of enemies, success in life and all round success. Offering Cashew Nut garland to the Lord is auspicious. Dhoomavati: Dhoom For realization of Goddess Dhoomavati, quick elimination of all adversaries, strength, fortune, protection, health, wealth and all round success. Bagalamukhi: Hleem or Hlreem For realization of Goddess Bagalamukhi, quick elimination of all enemies, fierce power, victory, fame, elimination of tantra badha, nullifying maranproyogs of enemies and all round success.
Tara: Treem For realization of Goddess Tara, unending monetary gain, unlimited wealth, fortune, fame,
happiness, victory and all round success. Check out Buddhist Mantras for Tara. Narsimha: Kshraum For realization of Lord Narsimha, quick victory overenemies, elimination of enemies, fortune and all round success. This mantra removes all sorrows and fears. Akash Tatva: Ham For activating the Akash Tatva (space element) in us which gets us siddhis and eliminates ailments related to this element. Activation of all elements leads to quicker awakening of Kundalini and enables a sadhak to access all supernatural powers. Agni Tatva: Ram For activating the Agni Tatva (fire element) in uswhich gets us siddhis and eliminates ailments relatedto this element. Activation of all elements leads toquicker awakening of Kundalini and enables a sadhak toaccess all supernatural powers. Vayu Tatva: Yam For activating the Vayu Tatva (air element) in uswhich gets us siddhis and eliminates ailments relatedto this element. Activation of all elements leads toquicker awakening of Kundalini and enables a sadhak toaccess all supernatural powers. Prithvi Tatva: Ksham For activating the Prithvi Tatva (earth element) in uswhich gets us siddhis and eliminates ailments relatedto this element. Activation of all elements leads toquicker awakening of Kundalini and enables a sadhak toaccess all supernatural powers. Shanti (Peace): Tam For getting rid of disease, worry, fear and illusions.
Some simple mantras are given which can be recited by anyone and help achieve what the sadhak wants. They have simple or no methodology associated with them. Panch Akshari - "Om Namah Shivaye" - It fulfills all desires.It leads to moksha and all sins are destroyed. It has no methodology assocaited and can be recited by anyone anytime. Asht Akshari - "Om Namah Narayanaya" - One can achieve and can be blessed with anything. Ganpati Mantra - "Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha" - It not only removes all obstacles but also gives success in one's efforts. Hanuman Mantra - "Om Hoom Hanumate Rudratamakaye hoom phut swaha" - There is no favour that Hanumanji cannot bestow. Hanumanji is the embodiment of all good qualities which he freely gives to his devotees. Saraswati Mantra - "Om Aim Kleeng Saum Saraswatiya Namaha" - It makes a person a
learned scholar and he attains high proficiency in education. This mantra should be recited in the morning. Dattatreya Mantra - "Om Hareem Parambraham Parmaatmane Hari Harbrahyendraya Dattatroyaye swaha" - Dattatreya can bestow everything on his followers.