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Normal Work: Key Points

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Daily sleep requirements should be divided • Our vocations should be able to sustain NORMAL WORK

into two or three split doses; afternoon sleep… us... fulfil our basic physical needs; they need
siesta… is so very important. never cater to our mental greeds.
Activities that are Every activity can
BREATHING EMOTIONS executed in an be transformed into
ENERGY DEPLETORS: ENERGY ENHANCERS: unscientific fashion an art, or a science.
or without artistry, When we do so, we
Unconscious C o n s c i o u s N e g a t i v e Positive emotions deplete the body- enhance our body-
breathing patterns breathing creates a emotions like anger, energy. energy.
like courage,
de-energise the special natural rhythm, jealousy, fear, hatred,
selfishness, compassion,
physical body. which energises the key points
suppression, rigidity oneness, frankness
Unconscious physical body. • We should be ever conscious of ... even
etc., de-energise the etc., energise the
breathing supplies C o n s c i o u s the minutest aspects... of all the work we do.
only oxygen, but not physical body physical body.
breathing allows for • Try to understand the reason, the logic,
the most required tremendously.
inflow of cosmic and the beauty behind everything in the routine
cosmic energy. energy. day-to-day life.
key points
• Emotions should never be suppressed; THINKING
key points
we should always express ourselves. ENERGY DEPLETORS: ENERGY ENHANCERS:
• Indulge more and more in conscious
breathwatching. This is called as Anapanasati. • Allow others to express their own Unscientific Scientific need-
emotions freely. unnecessary thinking based thinking
• Six hours of unconscious sleep is equal
PHYSICAL-TOUCH depletes the body- conserves the body-
to one hour of conscious sleep…i.e.,.. meditation energy totally. energy.

LIVE-VOCATION Unconscious and Friendship-based key points

unnecessary touch physical touch • Always learn to think scientifically i.e.,
C h o o s i n g patterns de-energise patterns energise the
C h o o s i n g
v o c a t i o n s the physical body. physical body. • Thinking, should be resorted to... only
vocations in which we
commensurate with when it is absolutely necessary.
are not exactly keen
de-energise the our aptitudes energise • When active thinking is not urgently
physical body. the physical body. key points warranted, relax and indulge in some games/
• Children should be fondly hugged. sports.
key points
• Pet animals must be fondly hugged.
• “ Find out what you most want to do; and
• Shaking hands in a vigorous fashion is
then go and do it ! ”
always good.
Brahmarshi Patriji VARIOUS ENERGY-DEPLETING and • Fasting • Don’t go for style! Go for clarity!
ENERGY-ENHANCING FACTORS Set aside one full day, once a week... for

EATING liquid food only.
• Vitamins and Minerals
Purposeless, Purposeful
BODY Always maintain a high supply of vitamins
U n n e c e s s a r y, Scientific, need- unnecessary and scientific, need-based
based, and conscious and minerals in the physical body.
ENERGY unscientific,and uscientific seeing seeing patterns
unconscious food- food-intake patterns WATER IN-TAKE patterns de-energise conserve the energies
AMPLIFICATION intake patterns are a increase the energy the physical body. of the physical body.
TECHNOLOGY burden to the levels of the physical ENERGY DEPLETORS: ENERGY ENHANCERS:

physical body. body. Unscientific and Scientific and key points

All the activities of an individual are unconscious water conscious water
key points consumption patterns • Open your eyes only when you have work
governed by the single most important factor drinking patterns de-
called energy. It is the lack of energy which energise the physical energise the physical to be done through your eyes, or when there
• No animal food
propels an individual to think and to act in body. body. are wonderful natural surroundings to be
Animal food is extremely harmful to the
improper ways. watched (80% of our energy is used up in his/
human body; be a strict vegetarian; eat more of
key points her seeing activity).
Body-Energy-Amplification fruits and vegetable salads.
Technology ... may be defined as the • Drink water as frequently as possible. • While talking, look straight into the eyes
• Eat only when needed
technology by which we can enhance the energy • Drink water as much as possible; water of the other person you are talking to.
and maintain it at a peak level, at all times, Eat when you are very hungry; stop eating
constitutes 65% of the physcial body.
quotient of the physical body, so that it may when you are still a little hungry; maintain a SLEEP
• Drink water as consciously as possible.
enable us to act in the most appropriate manner, marginal hunger in the physical body!
• No cooked food in the refrigerator Unscientific and Scientific sleep
People over-burden themselves by ENERGY DEPLETORS: ENERGY ENHANCERS:
excessive sleeping
Take freshly prepared, hot food; avoid patterns energise the
indulging in various things which are actually, Purposeless and patterns de-energise
storing cooked foods in the refrigerator. Purposeful and physical body.
not at all required to be done. Invariably, people unscientific speech the physical body..
end up.. spending more time than is absolutely scientific speaking
• Masticate well communication
necessary for a particular work to be done. patterns de-energise patterns energise the
Spend more time in mastication. key points
the physical body. physical body.
Energy is always dissipated.. or lost... • Observe the breath
because of one’s improper physical and mental • Food should be tasty
key points At the end of the day… when you finally
patterns, tendencies and inclinations. However, Whenever you cook, show all the
decide to go to sleep… do so.. observing your
when one conserves energy and takes the right artistry…, go for the tastiest food; one must be • Speak only when absolutely necessary;
breath consciously.
measures to enhance and sustain it at a high able to cook for maximum taste. maintain verbal silence as much as possible.
level... through recognising and cultivating Speak briefly, and always to the point. • Posture
proper physical life and mental life patterns, • Split the food dose
• Speak always in simple and easily Learn to go into sleep in sitting posture.
tendencies and inclinations..then the quality of Total daily requirements of food should be
work done is tremendously bettered. divided into as many split doses as possible. understandable language. • Split doses

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