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Inner Sunshine, How to Make More; The Simple Complexity of Our Unconscious, 2nd Ed.
Inner Sunshine, How to Make More; The Simple Complexity of Our Unconscious, 2nd Ed.
Inner Sunshine, How to Make More; The Simple Complexity of Our Unconscious, 2nd Ed.
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Inner Sunshine, How to Make More; The Simple Complexity of Our Unconscious, 2nd Ed.

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Who else wants to feel more loved on the inside? Inner Sunshine is a metaphor for this. Inner Sunshine is our capacity to feel bouncy and "light;" such that, the "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune" roll off us like "water off a duck's back." Neuro-transmitters (NTs) are the neuro-chemistry of Inner Sunshine.

A “seesaw” exists in our UNconscious. One on either end, “misery” and “sunshine” go up and down, back and forth. If you prefer imagine this as a tug-of-war, back and forth. As one gains strength, the other must weaken and vice versa. Misery blocks us from making Inner Sunshine. The game of Inner Sunshine can be conceived of simply: Release inner misery, nurture methods of self-connection; and, if you put in the time, more Inner Sunshine results.

The Outer Game of Inner Sunshine can be conceived of as physical support: high quality protein and clear metabolic pathways to assimilate it.

The mental-emotional aspect can be conceived of as:
- Willingness in our UNconscious to make more Neuro-transmitters while we sleep.

Two Energy Medicine aspects to address can be conceived of as:
- Willingness to release stress from our optical nerves where they connect with our brain stem and occiput brain Area.

- Feeling worthy in the UNconscious to see inwardly.

What I learned was my UNconscious was plenty smart enuf to block production of NTs if it feels either unsafe to make them; or, does not trust the purposes my conscious chooser Self will put more Sunshine to.

Lack of feeling safe between Conscious Self and Immune System Self stops production of NTs. Lack of trust in our unconscious about what uses more Inner Sunshine will be put to stops production of NTs. Fortunately, but little know to the public, innovative holistic practitioners have been addressing and resolving exactly these issues since 1985 (Babinetics.com).

We make the majority (80%?) of our neurotransmitters only while sleeping. This means 50% or more of how we make neurotransmitters (NTs) is unconscious, governed by “willingness” and “willingness to heal.”

This is the first book I know of written on NTs from the above perspective.

We all wish to make more Inner Sunshine. The fairy tale image of "spinning straw into gold" helps us grasp the process. As an individual takes their ordinary, hum-drum, routine, human experience--the "straw"--and works with it inwardly and creatively, we glean, thresh, distill, spin the gold of wisdom out of the ordinary, out of our mundane human experiences. This is the great potential of our ordinary human experiences (straw), to spin them into the gold of more Inner Sunshine.

For those who can self-test (Muscle Testing 2.0), self-assessment experiments are shred here Did you know you can test for, balance and increase your production of neurotransmitters and endorphins?

In both the 1980s and early 2000s even optimal diet and amino acid supplements did not produce expected NT production in about 50% of individuals. Only with self-connection and some form of self-testing can the other 50% of NT production deficits be reached: willingness to make and have more inner vision and Sunshine in our UNconscious.

A two-pronged approach is useful. Use iNtuitive Thinking to learn about about amino acids, metabolic pathways and the like. Use iNtuitive Feeling to sense internal parts, voices, feelings, listen to them, if they are burdened, unburden them, build more inner connections and positive frames on all aspects of inner vision.

PublisherBruce Dickson
Release dateOct 11, 2019
Inner Sunshine, How to Make More; The Simple Complexity of Our Unconscious, 2nd Ed.

Bruce Dickson

Thanks to his mother, Bruce is a second generation nutrition-health-metaphysical researcher. Since 2001 he worked professionally as a Health Intuitive. He has lived in seven intentional communities and visited several more. He's visited 25 US Waldorf school communities. He's MSIA, PTS, Waldorf, USM, NVC trained and IFS-educated. He recently studied Iain McGilchrist's new brain-lateralization topics and wrote a REader's Digest version for friends.. He's self-published several series of books-booklets: - Best Practices in Energy Medicine, - Holistic Brain Balance, - Best Practice in Group Process, - Growing Sustainable Children and Schools Worthy of Our Affection https://medium.com/search?q=%22bruce%20dickson%22 https://holisticbrainbalance.wordpress.com/ http://blog.GoetheanScience.net Booklet series: - Growing Sustainable Children and Schools Worthy of Our Affection (5 short volumes) - Group Process as an Art-form (3 books) - Holistic Brain Balance (7 books-booklets) - Best Practices in Energy Medicine (20 books-booklets) - Book series: Group Process as an Art-form (3) - Book series: Best Practices in Energy Medicine all others - Book series: New Directions in Holistic Brain Balance (7) - Team Human, a theme for Waldorf K-12's second 100 years (5) ONLINE https://HolisticBrainBalance.wordpress.com http://blog.GoetheanScience.net Gift initial sessions available by phone-Zoom if you have not worked with me professionally before.

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    Book preview

    Inner Sunshine, How to Make More; The Simple Complexity of Our Unconscious, 2nd Ed. - Bruce Dickson


    Inner Sunshine, How to Make More;

    The simple complexity of our unconscious,

    2nd Ed.


    Bruce Dickson, MSS, MA

    New Directions in Holistic Brain Balance vol. 5

    Tools That Heal Press



    eBook Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to the publisher and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.

    To Learn More:

    Bruce also recommends http://MSIA.org


    The thing we are looking for,

    is the thing we are looking with.

    ~ Ernest Holmes, Founder of Religious Science

    The future is already here;

    it’s just not very well distributed yet

    ~ William Gibson, author, Neuromancer

    Inner Sunshine, How to Make More, 2nd Ed

    The simple complexity of our unconscious

    New Directions in Holistic Brain Balance, Vol. 5

    Copyright © 2019 and published on Smashwords by Bruce Dickson

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.

    First Printing 2019: completely revised from 2016 version


    (Smashwords assigned)

    Other publisher inquiries welcome



    Tools That Heal Press booklist – short version

    Resources for the Hero’s Journey of Self-healing; Self-healing as if soul & spirit mattered

    All books below available in PAPER with diagrams-charts; or, eBook without most images. All written with humor by a practicing Health Intuitive.

    New Directions in Holistic Brain Balance

    New, shorter booklets

    1) Holistic Neurology, Our Two Nervous Systems, Head-spine and enteric (gut) brains, Neurology for purposes of personal growth, Physiological basis for Self-esteem and Self-concept

    2) Four Quadrants of our etheric head

    3) Reactivity Is Our Best Friend

    4) Forgive from Your Soul, Slow-Motion Self-Forgiveness, the Missing Manual (99 cents)

    5) Inner Sunshine and How to Make More; Assessing neurotransmitter production with self-testing; The simple complexity of our unconscious

    6) Practical Epigenetics, Best Practices in Belief Change Work,

    7) Self, Others, World, God, Our Four Categories of Relationship and Support Support

    Best Practices in Energy Medicine Series

    Meridian Metaphors, Psychology of the Meridians and Major Organs (a best selling title in this series).

    The NEW Energy Anatomy: Nine new views of human energy; No clairvoyance required (a best selling title in this series).

    Self-Healing 101! Seven Experiments in Self-healing, You Can Do at Home to Awaken the Inner Healer, 2nd edition.

    Shadow Hero Workbook, Lessons to purify the Hero archetype in you; Healthy vs. Unhealthy Hero behavior; Unconscious Patterns 201

    Balance on All Levels PACME+Soul; Finally, a general holistic experimental method; The Three Sciences we use everyday; Holistic Psychology 2.0

    Adequate and Sufficient Psychic Self-protection; For Healers and Energy Medicine Practitioners

    Expanding Human Senses from 5 to 12; Rudolf Steiner’s 12 Senses to VAKOG to KAVOG

    Enteric~Cerebral, Our Two Nervous Systems; Psychology of our TWO neurologies; Gut-brain psychology put aright

    Muscle Testing for Success; Muscle-testing exercises applied to success topics. Simultaneously published as Success Kinesiology, Dowsing for Success and Muscle Testing for Success.  All editions virtually the same except for unique covers.

    Unconscious Patterns 101, Tools for the Hero’s Journey of Self-healing. Picking up where NLP metaprograms left off, expanding the topic in the context of ‘God is my Partner.’

    Muscle Testing as Spiritual Exercise; Building a Bridge to Your Body’s Wisdom. Muscle testing training redesigned with ‘God as your Partner’

    Breast Cancer & Over-giving; Therapeutic Metaphors for Women’s Issues (99 cent long article)

    Your Habit Body, An Owner’s Manual Our habits are our best friends; why then, do we make the same errors over and over again?

    "Willingness to heal is the pre-requisite for all healing" revised edition coming 2014

    The Inner Court: Close-up of the Habit Body

    Radical Cell Wellness—Especially for women! Cell psychology for everyone; A coherent theory of illness and wellness

    The Five Puberties, Growing new eyes to see children afresh

    How We Heal; and, Why do we get sick? Including 35 better, more precise questions on wellness and healing, answered by a Medical Intuitive

    You have FIVE bodies PACME; Spiritual Geography 101

    The Meaning of Illness is Now an Open Book, Cross-referencing illness and issues

    Rudolf Steiner’s Fifth Gospel in Story Form Topics include the TWO Jesus children and the active participation of the Buddha in the Christ event.


    Table of Contents

    Tools That Heal Press booklist – short version

    Why not start here? - First and Second Order Science aspects

    Chapter One - Adequate-sufficient NTs is two things, not one

    Chapter Two - More metaphors for Inner Sunshine

    Chapter Three - WILLIGNNESS to make raw materials into Inner Sunshine

    Chapter Four - Brief review of Outer Game of NTs

    Chapter Five - Misery as dysfunctional habits PACME

    Chapter Six - Bruce, how did you clear your misery?

    About the Author - Connect with the Author

    Booklist Descriptions

    Why not start here?

    Inner sunshine is a lot of things. It's a poetic metaphor for many things actual and real--yet not visible to the naked eye.

    Inner sunshine can be:

    - Our entire immune system in all aspects,

    - Our vitamin D metabolic activity (may overlaps 90% or more with our immune system),

    - The health of our self-esteem,

    - The health of our self-concept,

    - The health of our self-confidence (the sum of self-esteem and self-concept),

    - Our Loving Heart Center, especially when thru creative visualization, we expand it to fill the interior volume of our body.

    - Possibly other things you can add. I’m sure seven billion ways exist to define Inner Sunshine. How do you define it?

    Your starting place

    The topic of expanding awareness of your Inner Game of Inner Sunshine, will make more sense if you already have some background in mainstream understandings of the topic. Good starting places are reading Mood Cure or Googling: neurotransmitters (NTs).

    After several larger re-frames for the topic, Chapter Four here repeats some of the basic info on MTs.

    I first heard the phrase Inner Sunshine from Julia Ross, author of Mood Cure, in a radio interview she gave.

    Her bigger frame is Diet

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