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GCAS Student Handbook

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Student Handbook & Catalog

Vol. 2. No. 1 March 11, 2014 The Global Center for Advanced Studies

The Global Center for Advanced Studies 441 !road"oor Ave S# Grand $a%ids, Michi&an 4'(12

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Welcome to the Global Center for Advanced Studies. The Global Center for Advanced Studies is a ne3 hi&her education institution created over the %ast 4ear b4 over one hundred 3orld/reno3ned scholars dedicated to the inse%arabilit4 of theor4 and %ractice. 5ro" North A"erica to South Asia and fro" South Africa to 6estern #uro%e, the %rofessors and students of the GCAS have conver&ed to res%ond to the &lobal cor%orate ta7eover of the universit4 and "ore i"%ortantl4, to be&in to develo% alternatives to the nu"erous crises that have subverted the %o3er of critical thin7in&, intellectual e8%loration and active %ublic en&a&e"ent over the course of the %ast three decades. 9ere are a fe3 of the crises the GCAS see7s to be&in to address1 1/ 2/ ./ 4/ (/ ,/ S74roc7etin& tuition costs1 risin& 1,120: since 1' 0, 3hile real inco"e has declined. 1 S74roc7etin& student loan debt1 no3 over ;1,000,000,000.2 S74roc7etin& %ost&raduate une"%lo4"ent1 (..,: are no3 une"%lo4ed or undere"%lo4ed. . S74roc7etin& use of ad<uncts1 (: of facult4 are no3 lo3/%aid and te"%orar4. 4 S74roc7etin& use of ad"inistrators1 ad"inistrators no3 outnu"ber %rofessors b4 12(,000.( S74roc7etin& %a4 of ad"inistrators1 "ost are no3 %aid bet3een ;.00,000/.,000,00024r. ,.

=n addition to the "ore &eneral i"%act of short/si&hted %olic4 decisions, the overuse and over%a4"ent of ad"inistrators s%ecificall4, is one central force that continues to %ro%el s74roc7etin& tuition costs, student debt and the reliance u%on lo3/%aid, te"%orar4 ad<uncts in hi&her education. =t is also i"%licated in the "ountin& une"%lo4"ent and undere"%lo4"ent of recent colle&e &raduates, &iven that "an4 of these e8%andin& ad"inistrations have failed to listen not onl4 to their o3n %rofessors and students 3ho are %ositioned "uch closer to both the ever4da4 life of the classroo" and the realities of the %ost/crisis <ob "ar7et, but even the ver4 e"%lo4ers the4 clai" to refor" the universit4 in the interest of. =n a surve4 conducted b4 the A"erican Association of Colle&es and >niversities +AAC?>- <ust after the onset of the econo"ic crisis, 01: of e"%lo4ers said that critical thin7in& and effective co""unication s7ills 3ere the sin&le "ost i"%ortant tools the4 no3 sou&ht in a%%licants. This is hardl4 a sur%rise1 toda4, of course, the abilit4 to search out facts, fi&ures and definitions that 3ere once "e"ori@ed is available to an4one, re&ardless of education, 3hile technical abilities can often be acAuired on/the/<ob, 3hen needed. !ut those 3ho attain the abilit4 to criticall4 co"%are %ossible alternatives, to activel4 rather than %assivel4 en&a&e the 3orld and to anal4@e rather than onl4 cite facts, are also those 3ho are "ost ca%able of confrontin& the crises of the earl4 21st centur41 3hether on/the/<ob or %rotestin& in the streets. Bther s7ills ran7ed hi&hl4 in the AAC?> surve4 include Cinte&rative learnin&D, the abilit4 to Clocate, or&ani@e and evaluate infor"ation fro" "ulti%le sourcesD, understandin& the i"%lications of Cne3 develo%"ents in science and technolo&4D, and the Cabilit4 to innovate and be creative.D 5inall4, the need for an understandin& of C%ersonal and social res%onsibilit4D, the abilit4 to Cconnect choices and actions to ethical decisionsD, the ca%acit4 to Ccollaborate 3ith others in diverse &rou%s settin&sD, and to cultivate a sense of Cthe role of the >S in the 3orldD as 3ell as Ccultural diversit4 in A"erica and other countries,D all fi&ured hi&hl4 as 3ell. Ta7in& all of this into account then, the ironies clearl4 abound. 6hat the GCAS %ro%oses as an alternative is a ne3 "odel for hi&her education in 3hich the ad"inistration, not the facult4 or students, are called u%on to o%erate on a leaner bud&et. Cha"%ionin& the ne3, "ore hori@ontal "odel introduced b4 Bccu%4 6all Street, GCAS e8%ands u%on the best of 3hat the acade"4 has offered historicall4, 3hile introducin& ne3
1 2 . 4 ( ,

M. Ea"ris7o and =. Folet CCost of Colle&e Ge&ree in >S Soaars 12 5old1 Chart of the Ga4D Bloomberg Au&ust 1(, 2012. C. 6einber& C5ederal Student/Hoan Gebt Crosses ;1/Trillion ThresholdD The Chronicle of Higher Education Eul4 1 , 201. E. 6eiss"ann C(.: of $ecent Colle&e Grads are Eobless or >ndere"%lo4ed I 9o3JD The Atlantic, A%ril 2., 2012 Coalition on the Acade"ic 6or7force CA Kortrait of Kart/Ti"e 5acult4 Me"bersD Eune 2012 !. Ginsber& The 5all of the 5acult41 The $ise of the All/Ad"inistrative >niversit4 +B8ford1 B8ford >niversit4 Kress, 201.The College and University Professional Association for Human Resources,2012 1! Administrators in Higher "ducation #alary #urvey$ A"erican Association of Colle&es and >niversities C$aisin& the !ar1 #"%lo4ersL Vie3s on Colle&e Hearnin& in the 6a7e of the #cono"ic Go3nturnDAvailable1 htt%122333.aacu.or&2lea%2docu"ents2200'M#"%lo4erSurve4.%df

a%%roaches to ne3 %roble"s, both in %artnershi% 3ith the "ore innovative hi&her education institutions that currentl4 e8ist and inde%endentl4, on our o3n. 9ere are a fe3 of the 3a4s in 3hich the GCAS see7s to be&in to %rovide an alternative1 1/ 2/ ./ 4/ (/ ,/ Bur base tuition cost 3ill be ;(00 %er course, ;(,000 %er 4ear1 120th the cost of elite universities. Bur studentsL loan needs 3ill be "ini"al1 lo3 tuitionNlo32no loans. Bur %ost&raduates benefit fro" both in/stud4 internshi%s and after/stud4 %lace"ent assistance. 0 Bur facult4 are doubl4/secure1 "ost are alread4 e"%lo4ed as %rofessors e8ternall4 to the GCAS. Bur ad"inistration is "ini"al1 all ad"inistrators are C%rofessor/ad"inistratorsD. Bur to% ad"inistrators are %aid less than half the t4%ical ad"inistrative salar4.

Bf course, ad"inistrative &ro3th is not the onl4, or even the "ost central cause of s74roc7etin& tuition costs, "ountin& student debt, reliance u%on lo3/%aid, te"%orar4 ad<uncts or risin& une"%lo4"ent and undere"%lo4"ent of recent colle&e &raduates. The "ain causes of the crisis in hi&her education are far "ore &eneral, derivin& %ri"aril4 fro" the neoliberal %olic4 a&enda and its idealist %resu%%ositions about ho3 econo"ies function. This then, is 3h4 GCAS see7s to o%erate fro" a %osition of the inse%arabilit4 of theor4 and %ractice. All of our students, re&ardless of 3hich foci the4 choose, 3ill %ass throu&h our &ate3a4 courses in critical theor4 and %olic4 anal4sis, so as to e"%hasi@e the lin7 bet3een "ind and "atter, %hiloso%h4 and the 3orld in 3hich 3e 3ill live the rest of our lives. Then, after %assin& throu&h in/residence courses and %rior to receivin& a di%lo"a, each GCAS student 3ill a&ain fore&round the inse%arabilit4 of theor4 and %ractice b4 roundin& out their studies 3ith an internshi%, arran&ed bet3een the student, a relevant institution and the GCAS ad"inistration. =n this 3a4, students beco"e %re%ared not onl4 for the realities of the %ost/crisis <ob "ar7et, but also beco"e ca%able of thin7in& throu&h, anal4@in& and transfor"in& the 3orld that created the situation in 3hich 3e all find ourselves toda4. At %resent, GCAS offers courses that are transferable for credit to3ards de&reeds throu&h our %artnerin& institutions and schools1 ho3ever, 3e are alread4 startin& the %rocess of beco"in& full4 accredited so as to issue our o3n MA2KhG de&rees. !e4ond that thou&h, the real value of GCAS lies in the o%%ortunities and the confidence of belon&in& to a co""unit4 co""itted to the ideas, the arts, literature, the social sciences, %hiloso%h4 and theolo&4 o%en us u% to fi&htin& for a better future for ever4one. That is 3h4 our &lobal social net3or7 alread4 %rovides o%%ortunities to chan&e the 3orld throu&h 3ritin&, activis", the arts, "edia, fil", <ournalis", teachin&, and creatin& ne3 3a4s to live a life dedicated to a vision of the 3orld in 3hich a better future that can be lived to&ether 3ith ho%e, co""unit4, and <ustice. 6e ho%e that 4ou 3ill <oin us. Gr. Eason Ada"s and Gr. Creston Gavis, Co/Girectors The Global Center for Advanced Studies

=ndeed, as one recent stud4 sho3ed, even 3hile onl4 0: on avera&e had done so, 00: of e"%lo4ers %refer recent &raduates to have co"%leted an internshi%. M. 6hite CThe $eal $eason Ne3 Colle&e Grads CanLt Get 9iredD Time Magazine, Nove"ber 10, 201.

Names of the Governing Bodies +State"ent of B3nershi%The Global Center for Advanced Studies is o3ned b4 The Global Center for Advanced Studies, =nc. Board of Directors Gr. Eason Ada"s ? Gr. Creston Gavis Interim President1 Gr. Gorothea Bl7o3s7i +Kh.G.Co-Directors1 Gr. Eason Ada"s +Kh.G.- ? Gr. Creston Gavis +Kh.G.Academic Dean1 Gr. Eason Ada"s +201./2014Dean of Student !acult" Affairs1 Gr. Creston Gavis +201./2014#reasurer1 Att4. $obert #. Goodrich Advisor" Committee1 Gr. Creston Gavis +Co/GirectorGr. Eason Ada"s +Co/GirectorAtt4. $obert #. Goodrich +Treasurer#he Structure of the Global Center for Advanced Studies $GCAS% and !acult" The Global Center for Advanced Studies is or&ani@ed to train and teach students to beco"e "asters of both critical theor4 as 3ell as in %olic4 studies. Critical theor4 trains students to not <ust thin7 criticall4 about lo&ic, the or&ani@ation of social, %olitical and econo"ic %o3er, histor4, ideolo&4, and various for"s of in<ustices functionin& in the 3orld toda4, but to also &ive students the tools to enact and a&&l" critical thin7in& into local and &lobal co""unities in 3hich 3e function. Thin7in& criticall4 is onl4 one &oal that 3e see7 to achieve, but left to itself it re"ains %o3erless unless it is a%%lied to concert situations and stru&&les for <ustice. That is 3h4 our curriculu" reAuires students to a%%l4 critical thin7in& in t3o 3a4s1 5irst b4 ta7in& a se"inar course, CTKS1 011 CThe =ntroduction to Kolic4 Studies, $esearch, and A%%lication.D Second, each student is reAuired to successfull4 co"%lete an internshi%. The GCAS not onl4 has the best facult4 in the 3orld for critical theor4, but also has a vast 3ealth of &lobal social net3or7in& resources to %lace students into uniAue and %recise internshi% e8%eriences that address social chan&e and &ives the student invaluable e8%erience a%%l4in& critical theor4 to ever4da4 realit4. The GCAS has or&ani@ed ei&ht institutes 3ithin our school and one co""on CThin7 Tan7.D These institutes reflect our desire to %rovide the 3orldOs best co"%rehensive &raduate school in critical theor4 and %olic4 studies as 3ell as s%eciali@ed a%%lied areas of research as reflected in our ei&ht institutions and areas of scholarshi%. 'Note( )e are currentl" develo&ing the S&orts Studies and Science Studies Institutes*. +1- Critical Khiloso%h4 +2- Kolic4 Studies +.- Media Studies +4- Critical Theolo&4 +(- Neuroanal4sis +,- Global Studies + - S%orts Studies +0- Science Studies GCAS Institute for Critical Philoso&h"
+3ith internshi%s in 9i&her #ducation Teachin&, 9i&her #ducation Ad"inistration and Kolic4 Anal4sis-

Eason Ada"s P Vidhu A&&ar3al P Alain !adiou P Go%al !ala7rishnan P Ganiel Coluccielo !arber PA&ata !ieli7/$obson P 6ard !lanton P Fevin !oileau P #lias !on&"ba P !runo !osteels P Arianna !ove P $osi !raidotti P Gre3 !ur7 P Eohn G. Ca%uto P Kaolo Cascone P Ania Chro"i7 P Eoan Co%<ec P Si"on Critchle4 P Cla4ton Croc7ett P Creston Gavis P Arif Girli7 P #nriAue Gussel P 5arhan& #rfani P !racha #ttin&er P To" #4ers P $occo Gan&le P Antonio Garcia P Kri4a"vada Go%al P Ada" Graves P Mi7e Gri"sha3 P Gave 9ale P A@far 9ussain P Michael Eac7son P Ean Ea&od@ins7i P Adrian Eohnston P $ichard Fearne4 P Faterina Folo@ova P 5rancois Haruelle P Alvin Chen&/9in Hi" P Catherine Hiu P Kaul Hivin&ston P Catherine Malabou P Eeff Mal%as P Eohn Maus P Achille Mbe"be P Nandita !is3as Mella"%h4 P Eohn Milban7 P Trac4 McNult4 P Tho"as Nail P Antonio Ne&ri P Saul Ne3"an P Gorothea Bl7o3s7i P Sa"son B%ondo P Keter Q. Kai7 P Gavide Kana&ia P Eussi Karri7a P Marcus Kound P Krasad Kannian P Genise Krince P Katric7 Krovost/S"ith Easbir Kuar P Michael BO$our7e P Fenneth $einhard P Eoshua $a"e4 P Carl $asch7e P Eeffre4 6. $obbins P Haurie $odri&ues P Keter $ollins P Avital $onell P Guane $ouselle P Mar4/Eane $ubensteinP Michael E. Sha%iro P 6olf&an& Schir"acher P Ganiel 6. S"ith P Fenneth Surin P Victor #. Ta4lor P Keter Tho"%son P T@uchien Tho P Noelle Vahanian P Gianni Vatti"o P 9ent de Vries $achel F. 6ard P Eanell 6atson P Santia&o Rabala P Slavo< Ri@e7 GCAS Institute for Polic" Studies
+3ith internshi%s in 9i&her #ducation Keda&o&4, 9i&her #ducation Ad"inistration and Kolic4 Anal4sis-

Eason Ada"sP Creston GavisP A@far 9ussainP Faterina Folo@ovaP Tho"as Nail GCAS Institute for +edia Studies
+6ith internshi%s in 9i&her #ducation Keda&o&4, 9i&her #ducation Ad"inistration, !roadcast Media Mana&e"ent, Social Media Mana&e"ent, Kolic4 Anal4sis and Eournalis"-

Eason Ada"s P Arianna !ove P $osi !raidotti P Gre3 !ur7 P #nriAue Gussel P !racha #ttin&er P A@far 9ussain P Faterina Folo@ova P 5rancois Haruelle P Alvin Chen&/9in Hi" P Eohn Maus P Hisa Na7a"ura P Sa"son B%ondo P Gavide Kana&ia P Eussi Karri7a P Easbir Kuar P Avital $onell P Michael E. Sha%iro P 6olf&an& Schir"acher P Keter Tho"%son P Santia&o Rabala P Slavo< Ri@e7 GCAS Institute for Critical #heolog"
+3ith internshi%s in 9i&her #ducation Keda&o&4, 9i&her #ducation Ad"inistration and Kolic4 Anal4sis-

Alain !adiou P Ganiel Coluccielo !arber P A&ata !ieli7/$obson P Eohn G. Ca%uto P Si"on Critchle4 P Cla4ton Croc7ett P Creston Gavis P #nriAue Gussel P $ichard Fearne4 P Eohn Maus P Eohn Milban7 P Katric7 Krovost/S"ith P Fenneth $einhard P Carl $asch7e P Eeffre4 6. $obbins P Haurie $odri&ues P Keter $ollins P Avital $onell P Guane $ouselle P Mar4/Eane $ubenstein Michael E. Sha%iro P 6olf&an& Schir"acher P Ganiel 6. S"ith P Martin Strel P Fenneth Surin P Victor #. Ta4lor P Keter Tho"%son P Gianni Vatti"o P 9ent de Vries $achel F. 6ard P Eanell 6atson P Mar&aret Qoun& P Santia&o Rabala P Slavo< Ri@e7 GCAS Institute for Neuroanal"sis
+3ith internshi%s in 9i&her #ducation Ad"inistration, Counselin&, and Kolic4 Anal4sis-

Eason Ada"s Alain !adiou P 5ranco !erardi P Ganiel Coluccielo !arber P Gre3 !ur7 P Eoan Co%<ec P Cla4ton Croc7ett P !racha P Creston Gavis #ttin&er P $occo Gan&le P Mi7e Gri"sha3 P A@far 9ussain P Adrian Eohnston P Faterina Folo@ova P Catherine Malabou P Achille Mbe"be P Trac4 McNult4 P Saul Ne3"an P Marcus Kound P Fenneth $einhard P Eoshua $a"e4P Avital $onell P Guane $ouselle P Michael E. Sha%iro P Ganiel 6. S"ith P Fenneth Surin P T@uchien Tho PEanell 6atson PSlavo< Ri@e7 GCAS Institute for Global Studies
+6ith internshi%s in 9i&her #ducation Keda&o&4, 9i&her #ducation Ad"inistration, Kolic4 Anal4sis and =nternational Co""unication-

Vidhu A&&ar3al P Go%al !ala7rishnan P A&ata !ieli7/$obson P #lias !on&"ba P !runo !osteels P $osi !raidotti P Arif Girli7 P #nriAue Gussel P 5arhan& #rfani P Kri4a"vada Go%al P A@far 9ussain P Michael Eac7son P Faterina Folo@ova P 5rancois Haruelle P Alvin Chen&/9in Hi" P Catherine Hiu P Achille Mbe"be P Sa"son B%ondo P Gavide Kana&ia P Krasad Kannian P Easbir Kuar P Michael E. Sha%iro P T@uchien Tho P Noelle Vahanian P Santia&o Rabala GCAS Institute for S&orts Studies
+3ith internshi%s in 9i&her #ducation Keda&o&4, 9i&her #ducation Ad"inistration, S%orts Mana&e"ent, and Kolic4 Anal4sis-

Creston Gavis P Alain $obert P Martin Strel P Ga7ota Eones P Christo%her 9ale4 P6e are activel4 recruitin& %rofessional athletes and s%ort ? adventure s%ecialist. GCAS Institute for Science Studies
+3ith internshi%s in 9i&her #ducation Keda&o&4, 9i&her #ducation Ad"inistration, S%orts Mana&e"ent, and Kolic4 Anal4sis-

Catalogue of Seminars and Course Descri&tions( ,-./ Academic 0ear The GCAS is fir"l4 &rounded in both critical theor4 as 3ell as in %olic4 studies thus balancin& out both the theoretical as 3ell as the "aterial a%%lication of studies. The GCAS offers one di%lo"a in critical theor4 and %olic4 studies, but there are ei&ht different foci of stud4 corres%ondin& to ei&ht institutes 3ithin the GCAS. The student 3ill declare +or C"a<orD- in one or "ore foci includin&1 +1- Critical Khiloso%h4S +2Kolic4 StudiesS +.- Media StudiesS +4- Critical Theolo&4S +(- Neuroanal4sisS +,- Global StudiesS + - S%orts StudiesS and +0- Science Studies. Bur curriculu" functions in the follo3in& three +.- %hases1 +1- Gate3a4 Se"inarsS +2- Advanced Studies +focused electives-S and +.- Ca%stone Studies +thesis2e8a"2internshi%-. #ach student "ust ta7e three +.- Gate3a4 se"inars, 3hich unite and &round our curriculu" fir"l4 in both critical theor4 as 3ell as in %olic4 studies. After the student successfull4 co"%letes the Gate3a4 se"inars the4 3ill then ta7e five +(- electives in their focused concentration of stud4. 5inall4, the student 3ill consu""ate their studies b4 ta7in& one "ore course, and an internshi%. 5or the final CCa%stone courseD the student can either 3rite a thesis, or ta7e an advanced inde%endent stud4 3ith a reAuired e8a"ination. !ecause the GCAS believes that theor4 and critical thin7in& should not be isolated the student is reAuired to co"%lete their studies b4 co"%letin& an internshi%, 3hich includes a %a%er. Internshi&s1 Studies have sho3n that internshi%s dra"aticall4 increase e"%lo4"ent o%%ortunities in both traditional and non/traditional <obs. Therefore 3e are reAuirin& that all students see7in& a di%lo"a +3ith the e8ce%tion of %rofessors and facult4 fello3s- "ust co"%lete an internshi%. Gra3in& on our vast social net3or7s, the GCAS 3ill hel% or&ani@e tailored internshi%s for each student or&ani@ed b4 each studentOs &ifts, desires, and abilities as 3e "atch the" u% to social, %olitical, and acade"ic or&ani@ations includin& %rovidin& the resources for creatin& ne3 non/%rofit businesses and or&ani@ations. 9ere is an e8a"%le of the GCAS curriculu" %ro&ra"/outline for a di%lo"a, 3hich can be co"%leted 3ithin one 4ear or over the course of several 4ears de%endin& on the studentOs needs and schedule. This is also the outline for our Masters of Arts de&ree %ro&ra", u%on receivin& accreditation. Bur Goctorate in Khiloso%h4 %ro&ra" 3ill be based on this curriculu" %ro&ra" and is forthco"in&. Note( #he elective courses $i.e.1 2-.1 2-,1 2-31 2-/1 2-4% are $a% ta5en in residence6 and $b% are focused on the student7s focus $8ma9or:%1 i.e.1 Science Studies1 Polic" Studies1 Critical #heolog"1 etc. CTKS1 (011 Critical Theor4 11 A Surve4 CTKS1 ,011 Critical Theor4 21 The !rea7out CTKS1 011 =ntroduction to Kolic4 Studies, $esearch, and A%%lication 0011 #lective 1 0021 #lective 2 00.1 #lective .

0041 #lective 4 00(1 #lective ( '011 Ca%stone $esearch, Thesis '021 Ca%stone $esearch, =nde%endent Stud42#8a" '(01 =nternshi% PCTKS '''1 Creatin& a Non/Krofit =nstitution P B%tional The Gate3a4 Se"inars 3ill be tau&ht each acade"ic 4ear at least once. CTKS1 (011 Critical #heor" .( A Surve"TThis course 3ill serve as an introduction to Critical Theor4. The course 3ill identif4, characteri@e and develo% the basic the"es as 3ell as the historical conte8ts and ideas that sha%e Critical Theor4, Khiloso%h4, Theolo&4 ? $eli&ion, as 3ell as core conce%ts to Cultural Studies, Gender Studies, and Kolic4 Studies. =t 3ill be&in 3ith =""anuel Fant and conclude 3ith the 5ran7furt School. CTKS1 ,021 Critical #heor" ,( #he Brea5outTThis course is desi&ned to further develo% the studentOs 7no3led&e of the basic the"es and historical 7no3led&e of Critical Theor4, Khiloso%h4, Theolo&4 ? $eli&ion, as 3ell as core conce%ts to Cultural Studies, Gender Studies, and Kolic4 Studies. =t 3ill do chronolo&icall4 and the"aticall4 be&innin& 3ith the 5ran7furt School and conclude 3ith Kost/Continental +i.e., #uro/centric- studies 3ith %articular focus on Kost/Mar8is", Kost/Colonialis", Kost/Uueer, and Kost/ Gender and $ace theor4. CTKS1 011 Introduction to Polic" Studies1 ;esearch A&&lication TThis course is desi&ned to introduce students to researchin& %olic4 studies in such areas as sociolo&4, international la3 ? business, econo"ics, %olitics, <ournalis", "edia and co""unication, "ilitar4 interventions, and cor%orate "ono%olies. 0011 #lective 1Tse"inar Vin residenceW 0021 #lective 2Tse"inar Vin residenceW 00.1 #lective .Tse"inar Vin residenceW 0041 #lective 4Tse"inar Vin residenceW 00(1 #lective (Tse"inar Vin residenceW #lectives1 #lectives are ta7en as in residence se"inars of 3hich there are several o%tions each 4ear. 5or s%ecific o%tions see the GCAS acade"ic calendar schedule belo3. Students 3ill ta7e the se"inars 3ith a focus on their declared area of s%eciali@ation +i.e., critical theor4 ? %olic4 studies, critical theolo&4, neuroanal4sis, etc.-. After the co"%letion of %hase 1 +the Gate3a4 se"inars-, and %hase 2 +focused electives on a declared area of stud4-, students 3ill then co"%lete their studies in the follo3in& t3o 3a4s1 The first route is to ta7e '011 Ca%stone $esearch, Thesis. This %ath is a &uided research %ro<ect that results in a &raded C"asters thesisD. The "asterOs thesis is an ori&inal 3or7 of research +or eAuivalent artistic e8%ression-, 3hich is sub"itted in %artial fulfill"ent for the GCAS Critical Theor4 ? Kolic4 Studies di%lo"a. A thesis advisor4 co""ittee 3ill be co"%rised of the thesis director +to be chosen fro" the facult4-, and one or both directors +i.e., Krof. Eason Ada"s ? Krof. Creston Gavis-. A thesis "ust be at least .(,000 3ords in len&th +or eAuivalent deter"ined b4 the Acade"ic Gean- and a%%roved b4 4our thesis advisor4 co""ittee. The thesis 3ill be evaluated b4 the co""ittee and deter"ined if it +a- %assesS +bfailsS or +c- needs revision. =n so"e instances the thesis "a4 be reco""ended to %ass 3ith Cdistinction.D This honor 3ill be <ud&ed and beAueathed b4 the Acade"ic Gean.


The second route is to ta7e '021 Ca%stone $esearch, =nde%endent Stud42#8a". This %ath is a &uided inde%endent research stud4 directed b4 a chosen facult4 "e"ber and "ust "eet the reAuisite standards for three +.- credit hours of stud4. =n addition, as a re%lace"ent for 3ritin& a "asterOs thesis, the student 3ill ta7e a co"%rehensive e8a"ination that covers the &eneral field of Critical Theor4 ? Kolic4 Studies as 3ell as the s%ecific field the student declares. The student 3ill have four hours to co"%lete three essa4s e8a"ination Auestions, 3hich 3ill be &raded b4 the Acade"ic Gean. An4 Auestions about this e8a"ination should be directed to the Acade"ic Gean. After %hase three is co"%leted, the student "ust %ast the '(01 =nternshi% reAuire"ent 3orth three +.- credit hours. The =nternshi% is a crucial as%ect of the GCAS as it a%%lies critical theor4 to s%ecific and concrete situations. The =nternshi% can be desi&ned b4 the student or b4 the GCAS =nternshi% Assistant +and2or a cul"ination of both %arties-. =n either case, the =nternshi% "ust be a%%roved b4 the Acade"ic Gean. A reAuire"ent for the =nternshi% is a 3ritten reflection on the studentOs e8%eriences, the s%ecifications of 3hich 3ill be deter"ined b4 the Acade"ic Gean. Bnce the student has successfull4 co"%leted all three %hases of the %ro&ra", the4 3ill be a3arded a Global Center for Advanced Studies di%lo"a. =n addition, students are encoura&ed to consider ta7in& the CTKS1 ''' course, CCreatin& a Non/Krofit !usiness,D 3hich is voluntar4. Ta7in& this course 3ill &uide students into creatin&, or&ani@in&, and filin& for a Non/Krofit !usiness such as a (01 +c- +.- 3hich 3ill %ut into %ractice the GCAS "ission into different sectors of societ4 around the &lobe. Kossible #lectives1 CTKS1 11011 $adical Theolo&4TMarch 2/', 201.. Krofessors Eohn G. Ca%uto, Keter $ollins, Eason Ada"s, ? Creston Gavis The follo3in& schedule is contin&ent u%on a%%roval fro" the Michi&an Ge%art"ent of #ducation. GCAS Se"inar Schedule for 201./2014 201.1 Nove"ber1 A%%lication B%en for #nroll"ent

Nove"ber1 $e&istration B%en for 2014 CTKS (01, CTKS ,02, CTKS 01 +S%rin& Ter" Se"inars-. Nove"ber1 $e&istration B%en for 2014 CTKS 1101 Nove"ber1 $e&istration B%en for 2014 Genver Su""er =nstitute = Gece"ber1 $e&istration B%en for 2014 Michi&an Su""er =nstitute == Eanuar4 11 $e&istration B%en for 2014 +$oc74 Mountain Se"inarEanuar4 11 $e&istration B%en for 2014 Karis Se"inars +Se%te"ber XX5ebruar4 11 $e&istration B%en for 2014 Hondon Se"inar +Se%te"ber XX 5ebruar4 11 $e&istration B%en for 2014 Fra7o3 Se"inar +XX5ebruar4 11 $e&istration B%en for 2014 CTKS 021 =ntroduction to Kolic4 Studies, $esearch and Anal4sis Se"inar


March 11 $e&istration B%en for 2014 Me8ico Cit4 Se"inar +XX20141 Eanuar4 March Eanuar4/Gece"ber March 2/' Ma4 Nove"ber Gece"ber CTKS1 (011 Critical Theor4 11 A Surve4 CTKS1 ,021 Critical Theor4 21 The !rea7out CTKS 011 =ndividual $esearch To%ics +inde%endent stud4CTKS 11011 $adical Theolo&4 CTKS '011 Advanced Critical Studies CTKS 0011 Critical Keda&o&4 CTKS 021 Kolic4 Studies

Eune/Eul41 Genver Su""er =nstitute in Critical Khiloso%h4 and Critical Theolo&4 Si"on Critchle4 5rancois Haruelle Faterina Folo@ova $osi !raidotti Gianni Vatti"o Gre3 !ur7 Creston Gavis Eason Ada"s Santia&o Rabala Keter $ollins Slavo< Ri@e7 Alain !adiou !runo !osteels S%ecific courses ? ti"es T!A Grand $a%ids Su""er =nstitute in Media Studies and Global Studies $oc74 Mountain2Khiloso%h4 ? Adventure se"inar1 Hate Eul4, 2014 Creston Gavis Karis Se"inars1 Se%t 1/21 Antonio Ne&ri, Creston Gavis, Eason Ada"s, T@uchien Tho, etc. Fra7o3 Se"inar1 Hast 3ee7 in Se%te"ber, 2014 Calendar of School <olida"s1 At %resent there are no scheduled holida4s =nrollment dates and entrance re>uirements for each &rogram. The GCAS has a rollin&/ad"issions %olic4. This "eans that 3e acce%t a%%lications ever4 da4 of the 4ear for ever4 %ro&ra". !ecause it ta7es ti"e to carefull4 revie3 each a%%lication 3e as7 that the student a%%l4 as earl4 as %ossible and no less than one )ee5 %rior to the start date of each se"inar or course. The start date 3ill be clearl4 identified on our 3ebsite ne8t to the reAuisite se"inar2course. !ecause the GCAS understands itOs nature as "ost funda"entall4 servin& the %ublic &ood, our se"inars are o%en to an4 a%%licant over the a&e of ei&hteen +10- +3ith fe3 e8ce%tions- and so lon& as the tuition is %aid and the student is in &ood standin&. A GCAS student is so"eone 3ho has enrolled in an4 se"inar and2or has %aid the annual tuition fees. Bur calendar 4ear be&ins Eanuar4 1 and ends Gece"ber .1, thus our acade"ic 4ear is identical to the calendar 4ear. There are different cate&ories for student enroll"ent includin& but not li"ited to the follo3in&1


Di&loma-See5ing Student1 this is a student 3ho see7s to co"%lete a di%lo"a issued b4 the GCAS. Students see7in& a di%lo"a "ust "eet the reAuire"ents for entrance into this %ro&ra". 5or entrance reAuire"ents %lease see belo3 +Ad"ission $eAuire"ents, %a&e 12-. Professional Develo&ment?!acult" !ello) 1 this is a !acult" !ello) 3ho see7s to co"%lete one or "ore se"inars for the %ur%oses of develo%in& or refreshin& their 7no3led&e in a %articular field of stud4 +i.e., %hiloso%h4, critical theor4, art histor4, etc.-. To beco"e a 5acult4 5ello3 an a%%licant "ust "eet the reAuire"ents for consideration. 5or these reAuire"ents %lease see belo3 +Ad"ission $eAuire"ents, %a&e 12-. General Public Interest1 This is a student or 5acult4 5ello3 3ho "a4 3ish to enroll in one or "ore se"inars for %ersonal develo%"ent and enhance"ent. The onl4 reAuire"ent for ta7in& a se"inar under this cate&or4 is that the a%%licant "ust be over ei&hteen 4ears of a&e +3ith fe3 e8ce%tions- and be in &ood standin& 3ith the GCAS. Student Note( The GCAS is not 4et authori@ed to &rant de&rees, but throu&h our %artnershi%s +such as our %artnershi% 3ith the =nstitute for Social Sciences and the 9u"anities/S7o%<e, %a&e '- students 3ho successfull4 co"%lete se"inars and courses offered at the GCAS "a4 as7 our %artnerin& credit and de&ree &rantin& institutions for credit and2or a de&ree. Bnce the GCAS has successfull4 co"%leted our accreditation assess"ent then the GCAS 3ill honor all successfull4 co"%leted 3or7 ta7en at the GCAS +and %artnerin& institutions-, se"inars and2or courses relative to MA2G.Khil.2Kh.G. de&rees. Polic" relative to absences1 leaves1 tardiness1 ma5e-u& )or51 and sus&ension for unsatisfactor" )or5 or attendance and re-entrance conditions Bur %olic4 for absences, tardiness, and "a7e/u% 3or7 3ill be clearl4 delineated on each se"inar2course s4llabus. =f a student see7s a leave/of/absence the4 "ust reAuest this in 3ritin& to the Gean of Students ? 5acult4. A GCAS student can be sus%ended for unsatisfactor4 3or7 if the4 fail to "eet the reAuire"ents delineated on the se"inar2course s4llabus. A for"er GCAS student "a4 a%%l4 for re/ad"ittance one 4ear after the4 have been dis"issed for not bein& in &ood standin& or other reasons. The re/ad"ittance decision 3ill be "ade b4 the Gean of Students ? 5acult4 Affairs. The a%%lication for re/ad"ittance 3ill be the sa"e one as the ori&inal a%%lication located on our 3ebsite. A student "a4 be dis"issed for violatin& the la3 or student conduct %olicies. A student "a4 a%%eal the decision of the Gean of Students ? 5acult4 Affairs. =n this case a co""ittee 3ill be for"ed fro" the volunteers of the GCAS facult4 3ho 3ill "eet and deliberate the studentOs case. The4 3ill "a7e a reco""endation to the Gean of Students ? 5acult4 Affairs 3ho 3ill then "a7e the final decision. Grading Student Performance =valuation

The GCAS believes the traditional &radin& s4ste" +A, !, C etc.- is too i"%ersonal and too susce%tible to dishonest feedbac7 about a studentOs %erfor"ance, &ifts and abilities 3ith res%ect to the se"inar "aterial. As a conseAuence, the GCAS &radin& s4ste" 3ill be based on a detailed 3ritten evaluation of the studentOs stren&ths and a detailed anal4sis on as%ects that the student could i"%rove u%on. The student 3ill be infor"ed if her or his %erfor"ance did not satisfactoril4 "eet the reAuire"ents. These reAuire"ents 3ill be clearl4 identified on each s4llabus and %rovided to the students at the be&innin& of each se"inar and course. ;ules of student conduct and conditions for &robation or dismissal


A GCAS student "ust conduct the"selves 3ithin the %ara"eters of decenc4 and res%ect and be in &ood standin&. =f a student violates the la3 the4 "a4 be dis"issed. >nder so"e conditions if a studentOs conduct is thou&ht to be out of order the4 "a4 be %laced on %robation. A studentOs %robation 3ill be s%elled out clearl4 to the" b4 the Gean of Students ? 5acult4 Affairs. Whether credit is allo)ed for &revious education and training >nder so"e conditions a student "a4 be allo3ed to sub"it %revious course 3or7 for GCAS credit, 3hich 3ill be considered b4 the Acade"ic Gean. The Acade"ic Gean "a4 &rant %revious 3or7 as credit for GCAS se"inars2courses. Certified transcri%ts are reAuired alon& 3ith %revious course s4llabus2s4llabi and "ust be su%%lied to the Gean of Acade"ic Affairs for her2his consideration. If a student see5s a GCAS di&loma the" ma" not transfer other &reviousl" ta5en courses +3ith fe3 e8ce%tions-. =>ui&ment to be furnished b" the school $or rented% The GCAS 3ill co""onl4 and routinel4 rent out classroo" or lecture hall s%ace for assi&ned se"inars. =n each instant, the GCAS 3ill %rovide a venue that has been certified b4 %ublic officials and re&ulators as a desi&nated safe s%ace, unless such la3s do not a%%l4. Certificate Di&loma

A student or attendee receives a GCAS Certificate b4 successfull4 co"%letin& CTCS (01 Critical Theor4 =, CTCS ,01 Critical Theor4 ==, and at least one se"inar course 3ith one or "ore of our facult4 "e"bers. =f the attendee is enrollin& as a Krofessional Gevelo%"ent25acult4 5ello3, CTCS (01 and CTCS ,01 reAuire"ents "a4 be 3aived, at the discretion of the Acade"ic Gean, thereb4 %otentiall4 reducin& the overall cost. At &resent1 the tuition cost for a GCAS certificate is @.,4- +3ith one se"inar course1 additional se"inar courses are assessed at a rate of ;(00 each-, unless contracts 3ith our %artners reAuire hi&her fees. =n such cases, students "ust also %a4 the difference bet3een the GCAS base tuition rate and the increased tuition rate resultin& fro" our contract, in order to attend those se"inar courses. A student &raduates 3ith a GCAS di%lo"a b4 successfull4 co"%letin& CTCS (01 Critical Theor4 =, CTCS ,01 Critical Theor4 ==, and si8 residential se"inar courses 3ith our facult4 "e"bers. These "a4 be done either 3ith an established GCAS concentration +Critical Khiloso%h4, Critical Theolo&4, Cultural Studies, Media Studies, etc.-, or b4 asse"blin& 4our o3n concentration, 3hich "ust be a%%roved b4 the Gean of Student and 5acult4 Affairs. The di%lo"a beAueaths the reci%ient 3ith lifelon& "e"bershi% to the GCAS. At &resent1 the tuition cost for a GCAS Di&loma is @4---, unless contracts 3ith our %artners reAuire hi&her fees. =n such cases, students "ust also %a4 the difference bet3een the GCAS base tuition rate and the increased tuition rate resultin& fro" our contract, in order to attend those se"inar courses. After an enrolled student successfull4 co"%letes and has %aid tuition for a se"inar course the4 3ill receive a certificate that reflects three +.- credit hours of &raduate level 3or7. The4 can then deliver this certificate to one of our credit &rantin& %artnerin& schools to receive credit fro" that institution, so lon& as that s%ecific course is reco&ni@ed b4 the %artnerin& school. 5or those a3aitin& the full accreditation of GCAS in order to receive an MA or KhG Ge&ree, additional fees 3ill li7el4 a%%l4, to cover thesis or dissertation su%ervision, a"on&st other services. Com&laints1 6e understand that cause for filin& a co"%laint "a4 arise. =n this event it is our intention to resolve all co"%laints internall4 to the GCAS. 6e 3ill do our best to de"onstrate fairness. 9o3ever, if the student


or attendee believes the co"%laint is not resolved the4 "a4 file a co"%laint 3ith the State of Michi&an at1 ))).michigan&s.net. =nrollment +atriculation into the GCAS

=n order to be enrolled as a student at the GCAS a %ros%ective student "ust a%%l4 +see the online GCAS a%%lication on the 3ebsite-. Bnce a student has a%%lied, their a%%lication 3ill be carefull4 revie3ed and evaluated. The student 3ill nor"all4 be infor"ed if the4 have been ad"itted into the GCAS 3ithin t3o 3ee7s of a%%l4in&. Bnce the student has been infor"ed that the4 have been offered acce%tance into a GCAS %ro&ra" +or %ro&ra"s- the4 3ill have one 3ee7 to res%ond and t3o 3ee7s to send in a chec7 of ;(00 +or via Ka4Kal or Credit or Gebit Card-. This 3ill secure a %lace as a GCAS student. A student 3ill have u% to one 3ee7 to a%%l4 these funds to3ard their first se"inar +or indicate to us in 3ritin& +e"ail-about their %lans for ta7in& se"inars 3ith the GCAS. Bnce a student has re&istered for a se"inar course or certificate or di%lo"a %ro&ra", the4 3ill be considered a full4/"atriculated "e"ber of the GCAS and an enrolled student. =f a student is acce%ted under %rovisional ter"s, the sa"e %rocedure as stated above 3ill a%%l4. ;efund Polic"1 The GCAS does not char&e an a%%lication fee. After tuition and fees are %aid b4 the a%%licant, he or she "a4 reAuest the" bac7 in full u%on reAuest, if that reAuest is "ade in 3ritin& or verball4 3ithin three business da4s after si&nin& a contract 3ith the school. All refunds 3ill be returned 3ithin .0 da4s. ;efund &olic"1 CAll tuition and fees %aid b4 the a%%licant shall be refunded if the a%%licant is re<ected b4 the school before enroll"ent. There is no a%%lication fee. All tuition and fees %aid b4 the a%%licant shall be refunded if reAuested 3ithin three business da4s after si&nin& a contract 3ith the school. All refunds shall be returned 3ithin .0 da4s.D ;efund &olic" additional information1 After . da4s, a student that reAuests a full refund "ust do so in 3ritin& +via e"ail- to the Gean of Students ? 5acult4 Affairs. The Gean 3ill ta7e the studentOs reAuest into consideration. An4 reAuest that is "ade after three +.- da4s of si&nin& the contract and 3ithin three +.- 3ee7s of the start of the course, the student 3ill not be refunded under "ost conditions. Klease director 4our corres%ondence to1 directors)&lobaladvancedstudies.or&. The =SS9/S and the GCAS1 A Kartnershi% The =nstitute of Social Sciences ? 9u"anities +S7o%<e- +=SS9/S- have %artnered 3ith the GCAS to offer an accredited MA de&ree for our students. The =SS9/S is a full4 inde%endent institute in S7o%<e, Macedonia directed b4 the 3orld/reno3ned theorist, Krof. Gr. Faterina Folo@ova. =SS9/S is full4 accredited b4 the National !oard of Accreditation and #valuation of the 9i&her #ducation of the $e%ublic of Macedonia 3hich, as a #> accession countr4, is full4 inte&rated in the #uro%ean 9i&her #ducation Area +or the !olo&na Krocess-. =n other 3ords, the le&islation and the functionin& of the relevant hi&her education related institutions in the countr4 +the !oard of Accreditation and the Ministr4 of #ducation and Science- are full4 har"oni@ed 3ith the #uro%ean He&islative Co""unit4 AAuis +the cor%us of %an/ #uro%ean He&islation-. Kracticall4, this "eans that an4 di%lo"a issued b4 =SS9/S has eAual le&al and for"al value as the di%lo"a of an4 accredited hi&her education institution in an4 #> countr4 +includin& the #> accession countries-. This "eans that an4 di%lo"a, certificate or courses ta7en 3ith the GCAS 3ill be full4 and easil4 transferable to =SS9/S for such a de&ree +3ith reference to the GCAS environ"ent in 3hich such courses 3ere attained-, <ust as it 3ould be bac7 to an4 other e8istin& universit4 or colle&e, &raduate or under&raduate %ro&ra" that acce%ts the GCAS credits. An4 MA de&ree obtained throu&h the GCAS2=SS9/S 3ith concentrations related to the =SS9/S foci of Cultural Studies, Kolic4 Studies and2or Gender Studies +all of our core concentrations are transferable- 3ill therefore be reco&ni@ed b4 the hi&hest de&ree of international credibilit4.


9ere is a brief descri%tion of the =SS9/S1 =SS9/S7o%<e ai"s to not onl4 contribute for the better understandin& of the societies of Macedonia, #uro%e and &loball4, but also to the research fields in 3hich it is active as 3ell. =n other 3ords, its lon&/ter" &oal settin& the tra<ector4 of its %ro&ra""atic develo%"ent in ter"s of research is t3ofold1 / +a- to %roduce convincin& inter%retation of the societ4 +in its cultural/%olitical and &endered co"%le8it4-, based on solid ar&u"entation and e"%iricall4 soundl4 corroborated, on the basis of 3hich // +b- %olic4 solutions shall be created %ro"otin& and enablin& institutional and cultural transfor"ation to3ard an inclusive and social <ustice co""itted societ4. The challen&e to inter%ret concrete social realities and invent %lausible and feasible %olic4 solutions to counter the realities in Auestion 3ill be also a challen&e to test the theoretical %ertinence of conce%ts or conce%tual a%%aratuses e"%lo4ed in social and hu"anities research. =n other 3ords, the a%%lied research 3ill itself ai" to conce%tual innovation b4 servin& as a %rovocation to test "a<or ideas %ossessin& the status of stron& authorit4 in the acade"ia. Scholarshi&s1 The GCAS is %roud to announce that 3e 3ill be offerin& ei&ht scholarshi%s. Scholarshi%s1 +.- The Alain !adiou Scholarshi%1 This scholarshi% a3ards full tuition re"ission. +2- Critical Theor4 Scholar A3ard +full/tuition re"ission+.- The 9u"anities Scholar A3ard +half/tuition re"ission-. The GCAS is activel4 see7in& su%%ort for future scholarshi%s and &rants, 3hich 3ill be "ade available in due course. =t is %ossible for 4ou to a%%l4 and a ne3 &rant and2or a scholarshi% 3ill beco"e available so 3e encoura&e students to inAuire 3ith the GeanOs office. #uition !ees

The GCAS thin7s education should be free and that is a vision 3e are 3or7in& to3ard in ho%es of acco"%lishin& this &oal as soon as %ossible. 6e nevertheless "ust face the realities of %rovidin& the best &raduate education in the 3orld toda4. As a result 3e need to char&e tuition for attendin& the GCAS at least in the short ter". Tuition has risen to i"%ossible hei&hts in the >nited States since the 1'00s, but the GCAS is brea7in& 3ith the "odel that onl4 %erceives the student as a co""odit4, usin& the" as a "eans fro" 3hich to "a7e a %rofit. !4 contrast, the GCAS is a non/%rofit or&ani@ation. So 3e do have to char&e tuition, 3hich 3ill be ;(,000 %er acade"ic 4ear for a full/ti"e, di%lo"a/see7in& student. This "eans that a student can co"%lete the di%lo"a se"inar reAuire"ents for a ;(,000 tuition fee for a Masters de&ree &ranted b4 one of our %artnerin& institutions and2or universities, unless contracts 3ith our %artners reAuire hi&her fees. =n such cases, students "ust also %a4 the difference bet3een the GCAS base tuition rate and the increased tuition rate resultin& fro" our contract. 5or all non/contracted, inde%endent studies throu&h the GCAS, the tuition for all students 3ill be a "a8i"u" of ;(,000 %er acade"ic 4ear +i.e., Eanuar4 throu&h Gece"ber- for a full ti"e student. This a"ounts to a cost of ;(00 %er three +.- credit hour se"inar2course for ten +10- courses %er 4ear. Bnce 3e are full4 accredited, our %ro<ected KhG %ro&ra" 3ill function as follo3s1 once the student co"%letes their course 3or7 for the doctorate de&ree +i.e., G.Khil +,0 credit hours - and2or Kh.G. +i.e., ,, credit hours- the4 3ill need to enroll in one or "ore 2000* level Thesis Girection courses, 3hich 3ill be ;1,2(0 in tuition %er acade"ic 4ear until the4 co"%lete their thesis throu&h a defense. 6hat this "eans is that a student enrolled in a future three/4ear doctoral %ro&ra" 3ould onl4 %a4 ;11,2(0 for this de&ree %rovided the4 finish in three 4ears +and e8clusive of costs for courses2se"inars that "a4 char&e a hi&her


tuition fee as e8%lained above-. A student 3ill need a thesis director 3ho 3ill &uide the student throu&h the dissertation 3ritin& %rocess +i.e., Thesis Girection course-, 3hich the4 can choose fro" our facult4 +u%on a&ree"ent of the facult4 "e"ber in Auestion, or throu&h consultation 3ith the GCAS can reco""end a different thesis adviser, 3hich the GCAS 3ill see7 to acAuire-. There are no enroll"ent fees or a%%lication fees at the GCAS. Additional Costs1 The GCAS is absolutel4 co""itted to %rovidin& an un%aralleled &raduate education in critical theor4 and cultural studies. 6e see7 to %rovide the students 3ith the best resources available 3ith as little or no e8%ense as %ossible. 9o3ever there are so"e instances, o3in& to the nature of our uniAue school that additional fees "a4 a%%l4. 5or e8a"%le there "a4 be e8tra fees for the cost of a venue +i.e., lecture hall or classroo" s%ace-. >nder nor"al circu"stances there 3ill be no additional cost a%%lied, ho3ever, because 3e 3ill have se"inars in different locations, securin& an a%%ro%riate venue +si@e, Aualit4 etc.- "a4 result in an e8tra fee char&ed for the reAuisite se"inar course. 6e 3ill do our ver4 best to avoid this b4 infor"in& the student ahead of ti"e. =n addition so"e se"inar courses 3ill have si&nificantl4 less tuition cost, such as Critical Theor4 1 ? Critical Theor4 2. The tuition for these se"inars 3ill be ;(00 each, or ; (0 for both. =n the circu"stance that a se"inar course or courses associated 3ith the GCAS cost "ore than ;(00 the student 3ho %a4s for these se"inars 3hich e8ceeds the %er course cost of ;(00 3ill be a3arded credit throu&h future tuition re"ission or additional tuition costs for advanced courses i.e., Thesis Girection +2000* level-. As "entioned above, this "a4 ha%%en as the GCAS is %artnerin& 3ith universities and institutions located around the 3orld, institutions 3hich "ust char&e the standard tuition in accordance 3ith their standin& %olicies. =f 4ou are a co""unit4 or&ani@er, a social activist, or e8/"ilitar4 4ou can also Aualif4 for u% to (: off tuition costs. Admission ;e>uirements for GCAS Ad"ission reAuire"ents var4 de%endin& on ho3 4ou enroll. There are three 3a4s to enroll. 1. 2. Gi%lo"a/See7in& Student1 student see7in& certificate for &raduate credit +transferable for credit 3ith our %artici%atin& %artnerin& institutions2universitiesKrofessional Gevelo%"ent25acult4 5ello31 to a%%l4 as a 5acult4 5ello3 4ou "ust be e"%lo4ed as a facult4 "e"ber of an e8istin& accredited universit4 and2or colle&e. This is the onl4 ad"ission reAuire"ent. General Kublic =nterest1 %ersonal enrich"ent.


=f 4ou are a%%l4in& for a certificate for &raduate credit then 4ou "ust "eet the follo3in& reAuire"ents1 Advanced student in an accredited bachelor de&ree %ro&ra" +at a "ini"u"1 usuall4 &raduate credit certificates 3ill be %ursued b4 those 3ho are alread4 &raduate students at a universit4 or colle&e, or those 3ho enroll in one of our MA or KhG/de&ree &rantin& %artner institutions, such as =SS9/S-. An advanced student is so"eone 3ho has co"%leted at least t3o 4ears of under&raduate credit nor"all4 at least si8t4 +,0- credit hours. =f 4ou are %resentl4 enrolled or onl4 have t3o 4ears of under&raduate credit co"%leted at the ti"e 4ou are a%%l4in& to the GCAS, then 4ou "ust sub"it a 3ritin& sa"%le. This 3ritin& sa"%le "ust be sent to ad"issions)&lobaladvancedstudies.or& and be a research %a%er of at least five %a&es in len&th +double/s%aced- and focused on a to%ic related in so"e "anner to critical theor4 or cultural studies +i.e., #n&lish, Art/9istor4, Khiloso%h4, $eli&ion2Theolo&4, 9istor4, Media Studies, etc.-. =n


addition to sendin& in 4our %a%er 4ou "ust have a reco""endation fro" a %rofessor sent via e"ail to ad"issions)&lobaladvancedstudies.or&. Klease tell 4our %rofessor to clearl4 indicate 4our na"e in the e"ail sub<ect headin&, i.e., CEane !. Goe1 $#CBMM#NGAT=BND. !ecause all GCAS se"inars2courses are &raduate level, 3e need to assess 4our s7ills in order to %ro%erl4 &au&e 4our 3ritin& and research abilities. Qou 3ill not be ad"itted if 3e believe 4ou 3ill not %ass a &raduate level course. =f 4ou have alread4 co"%leted 4our !A2!S de&ree in an accredited universit42colle&e %lease tic7 the a%%ro%riate bo8 on the a%%lication. =>ui&ment The GCAS 3ill be usin& eAui%"ent strictl4 conducive to acco"%lishin& the learnin& &oals of each course2se"inar includin& +but not restricted to-1 Ka%er, %encil, Ha%to%, co"%uter +des7to%-, 3hite2blac7 board, chal7, lecture %odiu", des7s, chairs, a venue +classroo" that is officiall4 a%%roved as safe to occu%4 accordin& to the 5ire Marshal-. Personnel >ualification for all official GCAS &osition-holders( Kresident, Co/Girector, Krofessor Kresident1 Kersonal ? %rofessional Aualifications include1 / 0/ '/ 10/ A ter"inal de&ree, 3hich is a Goctorate in Khiloso%h4 +Kh.G.- fro" an accredited >niversit4 Teaches at least one se"inar course at least once ever4 t3o 4ears $e%orts to the directors, Eason Ada"s ? Creston Gavis +Co/Girectors- ever4 4ear Activel4 su%%orts the &oals, "issions, and ai"s of The Global Center for Advanced Studies.

Co/Girector1 %ersonal ? %rofessional Aualifications include1 / 0/ A ter"inal de&ree, 3hich is a Goctorate in Khiloso%h4 +Kh.G.- fro" an accredited >niversit4. Teaches at least one se"inar course at least once ever4 t3o 4ears

Krofessor1 %ersonal ? %rofessional Aualifications include1 1/ 2/ ./ A ter"inal de&ree, 3hich is a Goctorate in Khiloso%h4 +Kh.G.- or a Masters of 5ine Arts +M.5.A.fro" an accredited >niversit4, unless other3ise a%%ointed b4 the Co/Girectors +Eason Ada"s ? Creston GavisGenerall4 su%%orts the &oals, "issions, and ai"s of The Global Center for Advanced Studies. Teach +or be 3illin& to teach- one se"inar course at least once ever4 t3o 4ears.

Polic" of Non-Discrimination The Global Center for Advanced Studies +GCAS- does not discri"inate on the basis of se8, disabilit4, race, a&e, reli&ion, color, national or ethnic ori&in, ancestr4, "arital status, veteran status, se8ual orientation, &ender identit4, &ender e8%ression, &enetic infor"ation, %h4sical characteristics, or an4 other cate&or4 %rotected b4 federal, state, or local la3, in its educational %ro&ra"s, ad"issions %olicies, financial aid, scholarshi%s, fello3shi%s, e"%lo4"ent, or other school/ad"inistered %ro&ra"s. The %olic4 is reinforced b4 The Global Center for Advanced Studies, and 3here a%%licable, federal la3s such as Title =X of the #ducation A"end"ents of 1' 2, Title V== of the Civil $i&hts Act of 1',4, Section (04 of the $ehabilitation Act of 1' ., and the A&e Giscri"ination Act of 1' (. GCAS is an eAual o%%ortunit4 educational institution. =nAuiries re&ardin& co"%liance 3ith these statutes, and referrals to desi&nated coordinators under the AGA2Section (04, Title =X, and the A&e Giscri"ination Act "a4 be directed to the directors of the Global Center for Advanced Studies at *1 +,1,- 4.'/1..0, 44 1 !road"oor Avenue S#, Grand $a%ids, Michi&an 4'(12, or to the Girector of the Bffice for Civil $i&hts, >.S. Ge%art"ent of #ducation, 400 Mar4land Avenue, S6, 6ashin&ton, G.C. 20202/1100, 1/000/421/.401, TGG1 0 /(21/ 21 2.


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