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Aims For University + Future

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Undergraduate Newcastle University Sociology Aim: 1.1/A First. Modules (For now) Year 1 Either SOC1032 Politics and Society or GEO2103 Globalisation, Culture and Develop ent ! leanin" to#ards the latter$ Year 2 SOC20%&' Spectacle, ( a"e and )edia SOC20&1 ' (ssues in *rban Sociolo"y Either SOC20+% ' Consu er Culture' ,ocal and Global Perspectives or SOC20-1 ' .or/, sel0 and society 1chec/ out other optional odules, too2 Year 3 it!er' SOC30+3 ' 45ace4, 5acis and Society, SOC30%& ' Sociolo"y o0 Evil and SOC30%% ' )a/in" People' 6nthropolo"y o0 7elon"in", ,i0e and Death8 #ith Dissertation on )i"ration9( i"ration$ ,oo/ into Optional )odules$ "# SOC30-: ' Student E;chan"e #ith either SOC30+3 ' 45ace4, 5acis Society or SOC30%& ' Sociolo"y o0 Evil8 #ith Dissertation on )i"ration9( i"ration$ ,oo/ into Optional )odules$ Nort!um$ria University Sociology Aim: 1.1/A First. %odules will $e decided u&on 'urt!er in'o. (ortsmout! University Sociology Aim: 1.1/A First. %odules will $e decided u&on 'urt!er in'o. and

(ostgraduate A )erman University (&ossi$ly University o' )*ttingen) Sociology (!+ A Scandinavian University ("slo, )ot!en$urg etc.) Sociology -areer (All o&en to a graduate o' Sociology) .ig!er education lecturer
<eed a "ood de"ree relevant to the sub=ect (4 to be teachin" in, usually up to PhD level, #ith evidence o0 teachin" and acade ic publishin" e;perience$

Furt!er education lecturer ("nly i' at ##-A, 'or a tem&orary &eriod only)
You need a de"ree or e>uivalent in the sub=ect you #ish to teach 1or substantial pro0essional e;perience2 and a diplo a in teachin" in the li0elon" learnin" sector 1D?,,S2 @ this could also be a PGCE, PCE? or Cert Ed$

Social researc!er
)ost e ployers no# e;pect prospective entrants to have a ore detailed /no#led"e o0 research techni>ues, #hich ay be ac>uired by ta/in" a tau"ht )asters course in social research ethods or by doin" a research de"ree$ Evidence o0 )aths s/ills is pre0erred$

)overnment social researc! o''icer

6 "ood 0irst or hi"her de"ree is needed in a social sciences sub=ect 1i$e$ Sociolo"y2, usually #ith a si"ni0icant statistics, research ethods or social policy co ponent$ (0 your under"raduate de"ree does not include trainin" in social research ethods, you could either pursue a 0urther de"ree or ta/e the relevant research odules o0 a hi"her de"ree$ Post"raduate diplo a courses are also available$ ?he Govern ent Social 5esearch 1GS52 Service introduced a ne# 0ast strea pro"ra e 0or "raduates in 2010$ develop ent

6lthou"h not essential, #or/ e;perience in an applied research settin" is desirable$

Graduates #ho have a de"ree #ith a >uantitative co ponent 1such as the social sciences2 ay have an advanta"e but those o0 any discipline are accepted$ ?he Govern ent Statistical Service 1GSS2 operates three entry routes8 Aast Strea 6ssistant Statisticians 16S28 ainstrea Statistical O00icer 1StO28 and ?e porary Statistical O00icers 1?SO2$ 6lternative >uali0ications such as a 0oundation de"ree, B<D or Graduate Diplo a in

Statistics a#arded by the 5oyal Statistical Society 15SS2 ay be acceptable$ (t is also possible to >uali0y 0or entry throu"h the 5SS >uali0ications o0 Ordinary Certi0icate, Bi"her Certi0icate, and Graduate Diplo a, #hich is the e>uivalent o0 a "ood honours de"ree$ Coinin" the 5SS or Statisticians in the Phar aceutical (ndustry 1PS(2 provides access to events, trainin", and in0or ative ne#sletters 0eaturin" =ob listin"s$

+i&lomatic Services o&erational o''icer

Open to anyone #ith a ini u second@class honours de"ree$ 6pplicants are sub=ect to Ddeveloped vettin"E security chec/s$ 6pplication to the Diplo atic Service is via online recruit ent 4co petitions4 that ta/e place once or t#ice a year$ ?he process be"ins #ith an online aptitude test 0ollo#ed by the co pletion o0 a co petency@based application$ 6pplicants #ho are success0ul are invited to an assess ent centre and 0inally as/ed to another selection event #here they are re>uired to a/e a presentation and have a 0inal in@depth intervie#$ 7ecause o0 the security vettin" procedures, the recruit ent process ay ta/e up to 12 onths$

ducation administrator
6s/ed 0or a D"oodE honours de"ree, accordin" to the 6ssociation o0 *niversity 6d inistrators ! Sociolo"y is on the list o0 D"oodE de"rees$ S/ills@based >uali0ications, such as the European Co puter Drivin" ,icence 1ECD,2, also be re>uired$ ay

6 pro0essional >uali0ication or hi"her de"ree, particularly one that is directly related such as an )76 in Bi"her Education )ana"e ent, ay help in pro"ressin" to the hi"her "rades$ Aor so e roles, pre@entry 0or al o00ice e;perience ay be essential$ Aor senior "rades, a ini u o0 three years4 e;perience in an ad inistrative capacity is usually re>uired$

/roadcast &resenter
Post"raduate study can be use0ul 0or "ainin" relevant practical and technical s/ills and industry contacts, especially i0 you have an unrelated 0irst de"ree$ Care0ul research into course content, tutors, accreditations by relevant o00icial bodies and li/ely outco es is advisable be0ore you co it to 0urther study$ Aurther study and e;pertise in politics, 0inance, or econo ics can also help$ (t is o0ten about bein" in the ri"ht place at the ri"ht ti e, #ith the ri"ht 0ace or voice 0or the occasion$ Pre@entry #or/ e;perience is vital$ ?his i"ht be throu"h on@ca pus events, such as student ne#spapers and radio$ edia activities and

#adio &roducer
6lthou"h a post"raduate >uali0ication is not essential, a post"raduate diplo a or )asters in radio production ay be use0ul, particularly i0 your de"ree is in an unrelated sub=ect$ ?#o@ thirds o0 all radio #or/ers have a de"ree or post"raduate >uali0ication$ Creative S/illset' ?he Sector S/ills Council 0or the Creative (ndustries accredits a ran"e o0 hi"her education courses in radio$ ?he 7roadcast Cournalis ?rainin" Council 17C?C2 also accredits courses in broadcast and radio broadcast =ournalis $

0uality and diversity o''icer

6 Sociolo"y de"ree i proves y chances o0 "ettin" the career$ 6 pre@entry post"raduate >uali0ication in race e>uality, policy develop ent or e>uality and diversity ay be help0ul$ 6 bac/"round in teachin", social #or/, hu an resources, #el0are ri"hts, youth #or/ or la# is also help0ul to the pro0ession$ 5elevant e;perience can be ac>uired at university throu"h e>uality and diversity co or related societies$ ittees

Sho#in" an on"oin" interest in the e>uality and diversity area #ill also be help0ul so /eep up to date #ith e er"in" le"islation and ne#s by consultin" or"anisations such as the E>uality and Bu an 5i"hts Co ission 1EB5C2$

1nter&reter (re0uires 2nowledge o' anot!er language)

?his area o0 #or/ is open to all "raduates #ith a hi"h level o0 lan"ua"e /no#led"e$ Entry is possible 0or "raduates #ho have an unrelated de"ree but possess the re>uired lan"ua"e s/ills$ Specialist /no#led"e in science, en"ineerin", the environ ent, business, econo ics, la# or politics can be help0ul, as interpreters #or/ 0or a #ide ran"e o0 clients and understandin" specialist vocabulary and concepts to a hi"h level is essential$ 6 post"raduate diplo a or )asters in interpretin" techni>ues is usually e;pected$ (n addition, con0erence and court interpreters ust be con0ident about spea/in" in public and have a clear and pleasant spea/in" voice$

3ranslator (re0uires 2nowledge o' anot!er language)

?his area o0 #or/ is open to all "raduates #ith 0luency in t#o or ore lan"ua"es$ Aor sta00 translator posts in European *nion 1E*2 institutions, a de"ree is essential, as is a thorou"h /no#led"e o0 at least t#o European lan"ua"es in addition to your other ton"ue$ 6ll three lan"ua"es ust be o00icial lan"ua"es o0 the E*$ 6 post"raduate de"ree, 0or e;a ple an )6 or )Sc in translation or translation studies, can considerably increase your chances o0 e ploy ent, especially #ith international or"anisations$ Aor details o0 courses see the 6ssociation o0 ?ranslation Co panies 16?C2$ ?he European Co ission ?raineeships O00ice 17ureau de Sta"es2 advertises a ran"e o0 in@ service traineeships /no#n as 4sta"es4$ (t includes traineeships at the Directorate General 0or ?ranslation 1DG?2$

3our manager
One route into this #or/ is to train as an apprentice in the leisure, travel and touris 0or e;a ple as an overseas resort representative$ sector,

6 "ood #or/in" /no#led"e o0 0orei"n lan"ua"es is usually re>uired 0or overseas #or/, especially Arench, (talian, Spanish, Portu"uese or Gree/$ E;perience o0 livin" and #or/in" overseas is also desirable 0or =obs abroad$ 6ttend trade 0airs and e;hibitions to a/e contacts and to "et an insi"ht into the industry$ ?he (nstitute o0 ?ravel and ?ouris 1(??2 or"anises a variety o0 events, #hich enable e bers to learn ore about their industry and to net#or/ in both 0or al and in0or al

settin"s$ Good health and physical 0itness are vital to cope #ith the de ands o0 the =ob and lon" #or/in" hours$ 6 0irst aid >uali0ication ay be help0ul$

3ourism o''icer
Personal >ualities, s/ills and relevant e;perience, particularly o0 #or/in" #ithin a custo er@ 0ocused or touris role, are o0ten cited as ore i portant than your de"ree sub=ect$ (0 your 0irst de"ree is not directly relevant, a touris 9 ar/etin" >uali0ication ay increase your chances o0 e ploy ent, particularly i0 co bined #ith relevant e;perience$ ?he ability to drive and9or a #illin"ness to travel is essential$ Sta ina is re>uired to #or/ under pressure and cope #ith lon" hours and, on occasion, physically de andin" #or/, particularly in transportin" publicity aterial and lea0lets$

3rans&ort &lanner
6 sociolo"y de"ree ay be help0ul$ ?here are any post"raduate courses relatin" to transport plannin" in the *F and they are o0ten sou"ht a0ter by e ployers as they help to provide the speci0ic s/ills re>uired$ ?he courses are typically vie#ed as bein" o0 a hi"h standard #orld#ide$ Course details can be 0ound on ?ransport Plannin" Society 1?PS2 and ?he Chartered (nstitute o0 ,o"istics and ?ransport 1C(,?2 *F$ Post"raduate >uali0ications in to#n plannin" are also acceptable$ So e e ployers o00er paid su o00er unpaid e;perience, #hich er place ent sche es$ Consultants are o0ten happy to ay lead to a =ob on "raduation$

6cade ic #ritin" courses provide teachin" in the technical aspects o0 #ritin", but creative talent is ore valuable than >uali0ications$ 6 "ood "roundin" in "ra ar and the structure o0 lan"ua"e, and /no#led"e o0 the 0ield you #ant to #or/ in, are o0 hu"e bene0it$ 6 pre@entry post"raduate >uali0ication is not essential, but i0 you decide to do so e post"raduate study, it is #orth notin" that any )asters de"ree courses ai ed at potential #riters re>uire only port0olio entry and the sub=ect o0 your 0irst de"ree ay be irrelevant$ (0 you plan to #rite 0or the edia, a short course in script #ritin" or creative #ritin" is #orth considerin" and practical television and 0il courses ay be help0ul$ Pre@entry e;perience in the industry is an advanta"e, but not obli"atory$ (0 you intend to #rite 0or television, 0il or radio, you #ill need to have /no#led"e o0 the re>uire ents and technical constraints o0 the ediu $ )any #riters brea/ into the pro0essional by #innin" local or national #ritin" co petitions$ ?hese include 0iction, poetry, screen and play#ritin" and usually can be 0ound by a si ple #eb search o0 4creative #ritin" co petitions,4 or 4screen #ritin" co petitions$4 Ainally, so e publishers run co petitions to 0ind ne# talent$ Aor e;a ple, the children4s 0iction publishers Chic/en Bouse, in con=unction #ith ?he ?i es, run an annual children4s 0iction co petition$

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