Auto Kraz
Auto Kraz
Auto Kraz
In focus Western Africa The first demonstration area for heavy trucks testing in Ukraine AvtoKrAZ levels at Dakar! digest N3
Market s
AvtoKrAZ levels at Dakar The first demonstration area for heavy trucks testing in Ukraine. A photo-report from the demonstration area
History Pages
KrAZ-255B: 40 years in service FLN the Iranian partner of HC AvtoKrAZ. Guarantee of success!
Digest of AvtoKrAZ newspaper AvtoKrAZ newspaper is owned by AvtoKrAZ Holding Company. Copyright by press service of AvtoKrAZ HC and marketing department of JSC FTF KrAZ. Project director: Mrs. Natalia Orel ( Designed and published by PrintLux ( The digest is published in English, Spanish and French. Total edition 2000 copies. Reference to the digest is obligatory at its material republish.
JSC Foreign Trade Firm KrAZ, being an export subdivision of Holding Company AvtoKrAZ, is a kind of engine of the company and defines development strategy of the enterprise, produced vehicles design in conditions of rapidly changing global automobile market. Today sales efforts of Foreign Trade Firm KrAZ are directed to 16 priority markets in the countries of the Middle East, Asia, Africa and Europe. Our goal is to obtain a total share of 1% in the markets of these countries with 0.25% annual growth and we are resolutely approaching it. Properly elaborated sales politics, carrying out of active promotion and exhibition, extension of dealer network, as well as company maintenance centers network provided FTF KrAZ with possibility to extend the geography of sales. In 2006 traditional markets were enlarged owing to Bulgaria, Liberia, UAE, Ghana, Saudi Arabia. In 2007 Poland, Macedonia, Afghanistan, Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria and other countries were newly reopened. KrAZ vehicles sales growth in foreign markets is determined by favourable terms of payment for foreign customers, such as leasing, factoring, forfeiting etc. Among successful projects carried out by Foreign Trade Firm KrAZ this year is the establishment of joint venture in Poland together with Polish company and signing the contract for delivery of 50 KrAZ vehicles by the end of the year. JV KrAZ Motors Algeria found its further development in Algeria; signing the call-off contract for delivery of 100 KrAZ vehicles per year is confirmation of this development. We have concluded a contract for delivery of a large lot to Equatorial Guinea and successfully won a number of tenders for delivery of KrAZ vehicles to Egypt, Afghanistan, Angola and other countries. A short-term goal of FTF KrAZ is to launch assembling in Iran and India and open joint ventures in Ghana, Sudan, Yemen. Today among KrAZ vehicles the most merchantable in the foreign markets are fifth-wheel tractors (47% of the total delivery amount), dump trucks (25%) and chassis (26%). The most popular in the far-abroad markets are KrAZ-65055 and KrAZ-65032 dump trucks, KrAZ-6443 fifth-wheel tractor. KrAZ-6322 military cross-country truck and its modifications is the leader of sales. High competitiveness of this model and the company itself was proved by successful fulfillment of the contract (the largest in the automobile plants history and the third-large in the history of a military-technical collaboration of Ukraine with foreign countries valued at more than 110 USD mln.) for delivery of more than 2000 units of
Yuriy Oblog
digest N3
News The Egyptian military men have completed their training in KrAZ maintenance
Last year Holding Company AvtoKrAZ has concluded a contract for delivery of 29 trucks for the Ministry of Defence of the Egypt Arabian Republic (EAR). This cooperation was completed by the customer representatives training in operation, maintenance and operating repair of the KrAZ-6322 platform truck. The Egyptian military men have received theoretical knowledge which they have already applied in practice in the second half of their training. The training completed, the representatives of the Ministry of Defence of Egypt were awarded diplomas certifying the acquired qualification level.
Italian company Vehicle Engineering has bought a lot of all-wheel drive KrAZ-632 chassis. The president of the company, Mr. Marco Tockachelly, has shown his willingness to accept the vehicles on the spot and test them personally in off-roads conditions and in the soft ground. Having completed a test-drive Mr. Tockachelly admired high cross-country ability of all-purpose vehicles, their excellent dynamic behaviour and good maneuverability and expressed his interest in developing cooperation.
To satisfy numerous requests of construction organizations, Holding Company AvtoKrAZ has brought out to the market of building technology a truck-mounted concrete pump JXZ 37-4.16HP (JUNJIN Heavy Industry, Korea) on KrAZ-65053 chassis with 6x4 wheel arrangement. A new design enables to discharge concrete mix to the height of 37 m with high accuracy, it saves time, provides conveniences and additional opportunities when operated on the construction site. The concrete pump truck output is 20-158 cubic meter per hour. Concrete intake capacity is 600 l. A powerful multi-stage rotary water pump has output capacity of 120 l/m and operating pressure of 20 bar. The pump is equipped with automatic control system using radio remote control.
AvtoKrAZ jointly with the Telecard-Device Company (Odessa) created field communication system based on the two-axle all-wheel drive KrAZ-5233BE truck with 4x4 wheel arrangement. The truck is equipped with 330-h.p. engine Euro-2, 1350x550-533 tyres and provided with centralized tyre inflation system controlled directly from the cabin. Truck full mass with communication equipment room complex is 14.2 tons. Truck maximum speed is 80 km/h. Communication equipment complex (the so called shelter) is mounted on the shortened platform. This complex takes place of 7-8 earlier applied communication equipment rooms. It is noteworthy that similar products are produced only in 5 countries of the world. This complex has a great export potential since without it, it is impossible to control army in modern conditions.
digest N3
Holding Company AvtoKrAZ jointly with the company AUTOKRAZ POLSKA the exclusive representative in the territory of Poland took part in the International Exhibtion of Road Construction Autostrada-Polska 2007 that was held in the city of Kelts (Poland) in May. Annually the exhibition hosts on its area the leading European manufacturers of construction equipment, trucks, trailers and parts. This year more than 600 companies from all over the world took part in it. Holding Company AvtoKrAZ exposition was represented by: I all-wheel drive dump trucks with 6x6 wheel arrangement: KrAZ-65032-063 with load carrying capacity of 20 tons, equipped with a platform of 16 m3, and KrAZ-65032-65 on wide-section tyres Micheline with load carrying capacity of 18 tons, equipped with 12-cube platform. I four-axle KrAZ-7133C4 dump truck with 8x4 wheel arrangement, load carrying capacity of 25 tons and 12-cube platform. Ukrainian heavy trucks are widely known in Poland and enjoy the reputation of reliable and undemanding vehicles, therefore KrAZ exposition aroused a great interest among exhibition visitors. The representatives of construction and mining companies that had KrAZ vehicles in their truck fleet bought at the times of the Soviet Union spoke respectfully of their functional performance and stated they had not come across a more endurable truck. A good truck was the most frequent phrase pronounced by the guests of AvtoKrAZ exposition. One of the guests, Romeck Kirichin a driver with 20-years working experience of driving different types of KrAZ vehicles, said the following: The first time I drove KrAZ was in the army, that was KrAZ-260B fifth-wheel tractor that is used for fuel tanks transportation. I had a very good impression about that truck. Having a 20-years driving experience
Romeck Kirichin Polish KrAZ-driver with 20-years working experience During the exhibition Holding Company AvtoKrAZ jointly with AUTOKRAZ POLSKA conducted negotiations with management of mining and construction enterprises that resulted in concluding contracts for KrAZ vehicles delivery. It is scheduled to deliver to Poland not less than 50 KrAZ vehicles by the end of the year. Sales growth of KrAZ vehicles in the Polish market will be stimulated by the established AUTOKRAZ LEASING Company (Gutta Bank financial division) that will carry out leasing sales of KrAZ vehicles.
digest N3
KrAZ automobile machinery model range of the year 2007 includes 28 basic models, 62 modifications and about 300 sets of KrAZ vehicles among those are dump trucks, platform trucks and its chassis, fifth-wheel tractors, timber trucks and log trucks, motor-truck concrete mixers, military and civil vehicles of high cross-ability with single-type and doubletype wheels, arrangement of 4x2, 4x4, 6x4, 6x6, 8x4 and 8x6. Today company experts focus on the issues concerning KrAZ vehicles modernization and extension of model range, execution of technical decisions aimed at improving the level of quality and consumer characteristics of the produced vehicles. This year engineering team of the Kremenchug automobile plant will complete the development of working documentation for KrAZ vehicles family of
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range of 2007
valves freezing in brake system devices. Updated reducer differential suspension owing to introduction of additional pins has considerably improved its reliability. To provide KrAZ fifth-wheel tractors operation with dumping semi-trailers, it is offered to mount hydraulic system on KrAZ-6443 and KrAZ-64431 fifth-wheel tractors. In order to perform regulations of EEC, UN No 55 regarding the provision of operation with different trailers on KrAZ vehicles, where can be applied a towing gear of king pin-eye type. On the consumers demand KrAZ vehicles can be mounted with electrically heated rear-view and sideview mirrors that provide good visibility in winter time. The company has developed and produces currently bodies of various capacities (10.5; 12; 14; 16; 18 and 20) depending on types of transported goods. A steering wheel of the new design meets modern ergonomics requirements. A new seat design of the Pilot company with three-points safety belt fastening decreases vibroloading, makes the drivers working place more comfortable and increases safety. Progressive suspension can be of two types pneumatic and mechanical. In order to increase efficiency and safety of truck brake system, new air tubes with power batteries are introduced in all KrAZ vehicles models.
The companys politics towards more complete satisfaction of consumers demands presupposes extension of model range and quantity of options offered.
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In focus
The Republic of Ghana is well-known for its considerable potential of logging and woodprocessing industry. Annually more than 1.6 mln. m3 of timber, such as wawa, mahogany and sapele etc. are exported to various countries of the world. In order to satisfy Ghana logging complex needs, KrAZ-6433 fifth-wheel tractor set was designed at the end of 2006, being equipped with 3.5 in. fifth-wheel manufactured by the George Fisher Company. Trucks possess higher towing and dynamic characteristics in comparison with basic models equipped with twoinch fifth wheel. The development of fifth-wheel tractors with 3.5 in. pin was determined by the need of logging enterprises in a vehicle that had more possibilities at payload and towing characteristics. Last year in August those who possessed such characteristics started conquering the impassable jungles of Ghana. Powerful KrAZ-6443 vehicles linked to two-axle pole-trailers of local manufacturer were transporting logs of century-old fine wood through bushwhack. Loaded with gigantic logs of 1.5 m in diameter and total weight of about 50 t, KrAZ vehicles owing to all-wheel drive were easily moving across steeps, bumpy soil roads of Ghana equatorial forests. Ghana consumers also noted the ergonomics of the drivers seat PILOT with air suspension and three-point safety belts fastening that provided more comfortable conditions for drivers work. A huge advantage of HC AvtoKrAZ in its strategy of gaining consumer preferences in the market of African countries is provision of technical support and after-sales service of the supplied automobile machinery. Providing service support of KrAZ-6443 fifth-wheel tractors delivered to Ghana in last August, technicians of HC AvtoKrAZ were witnesses of the fact that owing to margin of safety implemented by the plant designers, the truck successfully sustains even intense overloads. The next lot of trucks is delivered to Ghana.
Holding Company AvtoKrAZ is confidently regaining its presence in the market of West African countries
The history of KrAZ automobile machinery delivery to Ghana goes back to the beginning of 1960. This country is a strategically promising and quickly developing market of heavy-duty trucks among African countries, it annually increases the volumes of bauxite, manganese, gold and fine wood extraction.
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Western Africa
Once again KrAZ vehicles have proved that it is within their reach to move across sail roads eroded by tropical rains, when there is a heavy earth mover or a grader on the three-axle semitrailer
Liberia is a country that possesses a considerable supply of natural resources (fine wood, diamonds, gold, ore fossils) but yet has much underdeveloped transport infrastructure disrupted by recent army conflicts. Lack of hard-surface roads, the need for a reliable and simple in maintenance truck, reasonable price all this resulted in choosing of the following KrAZ vehicles by the TIG company: KrAZ-6443 fifthwheel tractors (6x6) and KrAZ-65032-063 dump trucks (6x6) with the body of 16 m3. All-wheel drive, interwheel and interaxle lockable differentials, high and low gear of transfer case, 8-speed
gear-box and 330-h.p. turbo-diesel heart of the Kremenchug resident thanks to all this set of qualities these KrAZ vehicles are the first movers on the roads and helpmates of geologists and builders. Locals viewed KrAZ vehicles as something uncommon new trucks in the country could be counted on fingers, the remaining 10-15 year old trucks were from Europe and America. Liberians speak enthusiastically about KrAZ vehicles, since the trucks made a good showing when transporting crushed rock and soil for roads construction. Welcome to Liberia, KrAZ!
digest N3
Presenting the project of Holding Company AvtoKrAZ for participation in the rally Dakar
digest N3
located on the area of 10600 m2 and comprises a ity, vehicles dynamic characteristics. The obstacles are
range of obstacles and special zones which enable to conduct testing of cross-country ability, maneuverabilchosen in such a way, as to create marginal (in many cases extreme) load both on the vehicle as a whole axles, steering etc. and on its units and components: frame, suspension,
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The scheme of the obstacles zone 1st sequence arrangement in the HC AvtoKrAZ demonstration area for heavy trucks testing
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KrAZ-6322 on Concrete Humps a chain of concrete blocks with 1.5x1.5 m dimension and 2.2 m distance between blocks (the height of the first row of blocks is 0.2 m, the height of the subsequent blocks is 0.4 m). This section is designed for testing the geometrical crosscountry ability of the truck, simultaneously the frame, the suspension and the truck axles are exposed to heavy loading.
All-wheel drive KrAZ-65033 (6x6) dumper negotiates the Hill of Pipes: 10 concrete pipes of 0.8 m in diameter make up the hill of 1 m in height. The section is intended for testing the geometric cross-country ability of the truck, checking of the frame, the suspension and the truck axles in the cyclic load conditions.
KrAZ-5133BE overcomes the obstacle Railroad Embankment (the height from the embankment foundation to the upper part of the rails is 0,9 m). It is designed for testing the geometric cross-country ability of the truck in difficult road conditions, as well as checking of the frame, the suspension and the truck axles.
KrAZ-6322 is tested on the cross-country ability through the Sandy Area (the width of the strip is 6 m, the length is 34 m, the depth of the sandy layer is 1 m).
KrAZ-65033 dumper for difficult operating conditions on the Multi-step Ledge a stepped symmetrical concrete climb, where the 2 low steps are per 0.2 m high each and the upper step is 0.4 m. The total height of the obstacle is 0.8 m. Tested are the frame, the suspension and the truck axles.
digest N3
When KrAZ-6322 overcomes the section Obstruction from Beams Located Aslant, tested is not only the truck geometric cross-country ability, but also the steering, the frame, the suspension and the truck axles in the conditions of heavy oscillatory loads. 8 concrete beams (0.4 m in height and 0.4 m in width) are located at an angle of 300 to each other.
KrAZ-6322 rushes out of the Pool intended for testing vehicles on fordability up to 1.75 m.
KrAZ-6322 in flight from the Spring-board of 0.5 m high. Tested on the influence of extremely heavy load are the frame, the suspension and the truck axles.
KrAZ-6322 on the Hill of 10 m high. Located on the hill slopes are sections with 60% ramp (or 310) for vehicles gradeability testing; with 20% ramp for testing the parking brake system of single vehicles; with 12% ramp for testing the parking brake system of the road-train trucks.
KrAZ-6333PE evacuator at the obstacle Uphill Slope with 200 cross slope (the uphill slope length is 15 m): tested on the resistance to side dumping.
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History Pages
The history of KrAZ-255B truck creation is rather interesting. In 1961 the USSR State Committee on the defense equipment worked out and approved the tactical and technical requirements to the military truck. The design of this vehicle was charged over the Kremenchug automobile plant. The truck was completely new for the plant. It had an independent wheel suspension and was equipped with the new wide cross-section tyres of alternating pressure with 1300x530-533 dimension. Apart from this the truck had a centralized tyre inflation system which could be controlled on the run by the driver directly from the cabin. The unique tyre was created by three organizations: the scientific and research institute of the tyre industry of the USSR, the Voronezhskiy tyre plant and, of course, KrAZ. The tyre VI-3 designally permitted the operation with different pressure ranging from 3.5 atm. to 1.0 atm. that considerably increased the truck crosscountry ability in off-roads conditions. When the truck moved across snow, sand and marshland, the tyre decompression up to 1.0 atm. increased its print and contact area by 50-60%. Both models of KrAZ-253 and KrAZ-255B trucks were tested on the state level together with the KrAZ-214B and Ural-375 serial vehicles from May 1964 to June 1965. The testing results were the following: both new models of KrAZ vehicles surpassed by their characteristics the existing military trucks. At the beginning of 1967 KrAZ-255B was put on the assembly line and the same year it was added to the Soviet Army armoury. In 1967 KrAZ-255B obtained an arms-companion KrAZ-255V fifth-wheel tractor. At maximum 8 tons load on the fifth wheel, the truck was able to tow semitrailers of the full mass up to 26 tons. The front driving axle of KrAZ-255B was absolutely new. The application of new tyres, load increase on the axle required the alternation of the wheel center, the axle case cast beam, differential axles, as well as of all the parts of the equal rotational speed joint. The wheel center and differential axles were also changed on the middle and rear axles. Shaft support bearings were forced in the transfer case. The cardan drive was new as well. Cardan shaft cross-pieces and yokes had an increased dimension-type. The truck steering system was new. Unlike other models that had an air booster, KrAZ-255B had a hydraulic booster arranged into one unit a distributor and a main cylinder.
What is KrAZ-255B? This is a brand of the automoblie brand of the Soviet Union. In KrAZ-255B. Can any other automobile be proud of such a fact?
Kremenchug automobile plant, or rather an the middle of 80-s of the previous century plant or any other company in the world 57 countries of the world were armed with
In 1967 KrAZ-255B started its triumphal KrAZ vehicles were first supplied to the abroad that received KrAZ-255B for its army Republic. was the German Democratic Warsaw Pact countries. The first country
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40 years in service
Owing to the new steering system, designers managed to raise the maximum speed of KrAZ-214B from 55 km/h to 71 km/h. Modernized were other components of the three-axle truck as well, but it is noteworthy that KrAZ-255B truck at the 19675 kg full mass was able to transport up to 7.5 tons of cargo. Being slightly modified, having received new tyres and centralized tyre inflation system, the truck, in military experts opinion, was equated with track-type machines by its cross-country ability. Apart from electric two-tone sound signals, two-tone air signal C40B was installed on the cabin LH side plate of KrAZ-255B vehicle and was initiated by the driver in emergency pressing a separate button. In 1976 all the vehicles of the second KrAZ family,
established in 1969 when in May came off the assembly line the first KrAZ-255L timber truck a civil variant of the military KrAZ-255B truck. All the three trucks from with high cross-country ability had one and the same chassis, they differed from each other only by superstructures: side platcase of the timber truck. the three-axle all-wheel drive family trucks
including KrAZ-255B, KrAZ-255V, KrAZ-255L were equipped with two-circuit braking system which enabled to increase the truck operating safety. A new pontoon-bridge park (PBP) was developed especially for KrAZ-255B truck and was estimated as the best in the world. A heavy mechanized bridge based on KrAZ-255B chassis enabled to build a temporary bridge for wheelbase and track-type equipment (tanks) not only through water obstacles, but also through ravines. From 1979 to 1982 the Kremenchug automobile plant supplied annually about 4-5 thousand of military trucks. The highest level was reached in 1981, when the USSR Ministry of Defense and the All-Union Association Avtoexport KrAZ shipped 5591 units of KrAZ-255B1 trucks. Within this period the Kremenchug automobile plant produced 197155 units: KrAZ-255B/B1 platform trucks and their chassis 160732; KrAZ-255V/V1 fifth-wheel tractors 6957; KrAZ-255L/L1 timber trucks 29466. Within 23 years the Kremenchug automobile plant has produced and supplied to the Soviet Army, the Warsaw Pact countries, as well as to the armies of other countries of the world nearly 82 thousand military KrAZ-255B/B1 trucks. If we take into account the fact that in January of 2006 the plant produced its 800-thousandth vehicle, nearly a quarter of the produced vehicles total quantity falls to the share of the famous model.
KrAZ-255B/B1 vehicles manufacture was intensified from year to year. Other machine building plants of the Soviet Union developed and produced on the chassis base more and more new products: various airfield and fire trucks. These were military trucks, but at the engineering vehicles, cranes, excavators, beginning of 70s of the previous century
digest N3
digest N3
1. Reducermultiplier
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