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Kisssoft Tut 014 E Compression Springs

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KISSsoft 03/2012 Tutorial 14

Analyzing compression springs according to DIN EN 13906-1

KISSsoft AG Uetzikon 4 8634 Hombrechtikon Switzerland Tel: +41 55 254 20 50 Fax: +41 55 254 20 51 info@KISSsoft.AG www.KISSsoft.AG

1 Starting KISSsoft ...................................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Starting the software ....................................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Selecting a calculation .................................................................................................................... 3 2 Analyzing Compression Springs .............................................................................................................. 4 2.1 Task ................................................................................................................................................ 4 2.2 Inputting operating data .................................................................................................................. 4 2.3 Inputting the geometry and selecting materials .............................................................................. 5 2.4 Calculation ...................................................................................................................................... 6 2.5 Inputting your own spring data ....................................................................................................... 9



1 Starting KISSsoft
1.1 Starting the software
You can call KISSsoft as soon as the software has been installed and activated. Usually you start the program by clicking "StartProgram FilesKISSsoft 03-2012KISSsoft". This opens the following KISSsoft user interface:

Figure 1.

Starting KISSsoft, initial window

1.2 Selecting a calculation

In the Modules tree window, select the "Modules" tab to call the calculation for compression springs:

Figure 2.

Selecting springs, compression springs



2 Analyzing Compression Springs

2.1 Task
To analyze a cold formed compression spring 4 x 40 x 235 made of spring steel. Search for this data:

Spring rate R Shear stress k2 at F 2 =300N Spring travel difference sh

This tutorial then describes how you input the following data: Wire diameter d Coil diameter D Effective coils n Spring length L0 Material Ends of spring Tolerances
Figure 3. Geometry.

4.0 mm 40.0 mm 12.5 mm 235.0 mm Wire C (DIN 17223-1), untreated even DIN EN 15800 Quality standard 1

Spring force F1 Spring force F2 Operating temperature Stress Support

Figure 4. Operating data

150 N 300 N 20.0 C dynamic fixed/ fixed

2.2 Inputting operating data

As shown below, you can input operating data directly in the input window. Here you can input either the forces or the travels.

Figure 5.

Input window, "Operating data" group

The types of support are displayed in a help graphic that you open by clicking next to the Support field. The support coefficient v is used for calculating the buckling spring travel sk. If the buckling safety factor is not reached then the spring must be guided, otherwise it will buckle. If the spring must be guided, the KISSsoft system issues a warning message when you perform the calculation to inform you of this fact.



Figure 6.

Warning shown if the spring will buckle and must be guided

Figure 7.

Support types with the corresponding support coefficients

2.3 Inputting the geometry and selecting materials

The KISSsoft database includes a wide range of different compression springs, all of which comply with the specifications in DIN 2098, Supplementary Sheet 1. This example uses a spring selected from this list. However, if the spring you require is not present, simply select "Own input" and input your own parameters for a spring. You will find more detailed information about this below. To find a suitable spring, first click "Update". The system now calculates and displays values that match your input, such as spring travel, spring forces. This helps you make the best possible choice. Click the right-hand mouse button in the spring selection list to determine which values are to be displayed.

Figure 8.

Input window: "Geometry" group - selecting a spring



You can then either select or input the shape of the spring ends, the manufacturing method, and the tolerances, in the area below the table.

Figure 9.

Clicking the right-hand mouse button to select the values to be displayed

You can select the material either from a drop-down list or input your own values. If you set the flag in the "shot peened" checkbox, the calculation will take into account the fact that the spring has been shot peened.

Figure 10.

Selecting the material

2.4 Calculation
After you have input all the necessary data, either click then display the values. in the tool bar or press "F5" to calculate and



Figure 11.

Calculating a compression spring

The results show, among other things, the relevant spring rate. These values are displayed in the lower right-hand part of the graphic. The system provides a graphic for the force travel diagram and, for dynamic loads, displays the Goodman diagram (if a suitable diagram is not present, one will be approximated). To increase the scale of the graphic, click the zoom button (outlined in orange on right).

Figure 12.

Force-path diagram

Figure 13.

Goodman diagram

To get an overview of all the values, create a report by either clicking

or pressing "F6".

Compression springs [F010]

Calculation method: DIN EN 13906-1:2002




Spring geometry Wire diameter (mm) Tolerance according to DIN 2076 C:1990 Coil diameter (mm) Inner diameter (mm) External diameter (mm) Length of relaxes spring (mm) Effective coils Stiff coils Total number of coils Spring ends Bearings coefficient [d] [Tol_d] [D] [Di] [De] [L0] [n] [nu] [nt] surface flattened (mm) 4.000 0.025 40.000 36.000 44.000 235.000 12.500 2.000 14.500 0.500

Material Material wire C (DIN 17223-1) cold shaped not shot peened Shearing modulus at 20C (N/mm) [G20] 81500.000 Tensile strength (N/mm) [Rm] 1740.000 Shearing Modulus depending on temperature (1/C) [alphaE] -0.00028

Load Lower spring force (N) Higher spring force (N) Operating temperature (C) dynamic loading [F1] [F2] [TB] 150.000 300.000 20.000

RESULTS: Spring rate (N/mm) [R] 3.260 Maximal usable length (mm) [Ln] 77.113 Maximum spring travel (mm) [sn] 157.887 Sum of minimal distance [Sa] 18.750 Shear stress at Fn (N/mm) [taun] 819.192 Force for maximal spring-travel (N) [Fn] 514.713 Theoretical force at length of block (N) [Fcth] 575.838 Block length (mm) [Lc] 58.363 (- 0.362) Shear stress at block length (N/mm) [tauc] 916.475 Permissible shear stress at block length (N/mm) [tauc_zul] 974.000 Stress coefficient [kappa] 1.135 Travel tension [taukh] 270.994 Permissible travel tension (N/mm) [taukh_zul] 321.103 The spring is safe for buckling in the used range Spring travel for buckling (mm) [sk] 101.548 Spring force for buckling (N) [Fk] 331.047 Shear modulus at service temperature (C) [G] 81500.000 Diameter increase (mm) [DeltaD] 0.698 Eigen frequency (Hz) [fe] 72.548 Mass (g) [mass] 181.184

Load 1 Spring force (N) Spring travel (mm) Spring length (mm) Shear stress (N/mm) Adjusted shear stress (N/mm) [F1] [s1] [L1] [tau1] [tau1k] 150.000 46.012 188.988 238.732 270.994

Load 2 Spring force (N) Spring travel (mm) Spring length (mm) Shear stress (N/mm) Adjusted shear stress (N/mm) Relaxation (F2,48h) (%) Spring force after 48h (N) [F2] [s2] [L2] [tau2] [tau2k] [Rx] [F2Rx] 300.000 92.025 142.975 477.465 541.987 1.132 296.605



Utilization of shear stress (static) Utilization of shear stress (dynamic)

0.490 0.844

Tolerances according to DIN EN 15800:2009 Gtegrad 1 Permissible deviation from Coil diameter (mm) Lower spring force (N) Higher spring force (N) Spring length (mm) Perpendicular line (mm) Parallel line (mm)

[AD] [AF1] [AF2] [AL0] [e1] [e2]

0.300 11.300 12.800 3.050 7.050 0.660

2.5 Inputting your own spring data

If you want to analyze a special spring, or a spring that is not already present, click "Own input" and input your own values. Here, you can also use the spring rate (R=F/s) to size the wire diameter and the effective coils.

Figure 14.

Inputting spring geometry

Figure 15.




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