Kisssoft Tut 009 E Gearsizing
Kisssoft Tut 009 E Gearsizing
Kisssoft Tut 009 E Gearsizing
Rosengartenstrasse 4
8608 Bubikon
1 Task ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Task ................................................................................................................................................ 3
1.2 Starting gear pair calculation (cylindrical gear pair) ........................................................................ 3
2 Rough Sizing of a Cylindrical Gear Pair ................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Preparing the calculation ................................................................................................................ 4
2.2 Call the rough sizing function ......................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Modifications................................................................................................................................... 8
3 Fine Sizing ............................................................................................................................................. 11
3.1 Starting the fine sizing function ..................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Results of the fine sizing function ................................................................................................. 15
3.3 Sizing a deep tooth form............................................................................................................... 16
3.4 Further details about strength analysis ......................................................................................... 19
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1 Task
1.1 Task
A cylindrical gear pair is to be designed such that it has a service life of 5,000 h when transmitting a power of
5 kW at an input speed of 400 rpm (application factor = 1.25). The ratio shall be 1:4 (reducing speed) and
18CrNiMo7-6 is to be used as the gear material. The cylindrical gear pair is to be optimized to achieve the
best possible noise/contact ratio. Strength verification is to be performed as specified in ISO 6336 Method B.
In the "Modules" tab, click on the "Cylindrical gear pair" calculation in the module tree window:
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To open the example used in this tutorial, click on "File/Open" and select "Tutorial-009-Step1" (to "Tutorial-
009-Step5") or select it from the "Examples" tab. Each section in this tutorial describes which file you need
to open (as shown below).
Figure 3. Options for opening the example files used in this tutorial at different stages of progress
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Figure 4. Materials in the Basic data tab
The safety factors that are to be achieved can be specified in the module specific settings dialog in the
"Required safeties" tab.
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Then click "Calculation" "Rating" to open the Rating tab where you input the data for service life, power,
input speed and application factor, along with the calculation method for the strength verification.
To access this stage of the calculation directly, open the "Tutorial-009-Step1" file.
The most important is to define the required ratio (including the permitted variation as a percentage
here 5%). You can also predefine the required helix angle or center distance. The helix angle depends on
the type of bearing used with the shaft. The helix angle may be larger or smaller, depending on how much
axial force the bearings can support. The helix angle can be optimized later on during fine sizing. Here, in the
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rough sizing function, you should only input an approximate value for the helix angle, or "zero" for spur gear.
In the lower part of the "Rough sizing" input window you can enter additional data such as the range of
number of teeth on the pinion, the geometry proportions, and the center distance.
Figure 8. Rough sizing input window - Specifying the number of teeth, gear 1 and 2
When you click the Calculate button in rough sizing, KISSsoft calculates a number of different solutions for a
gear pair that meets the specified conditions. These solutions are then displayed in the list shown below.
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To select a particular solution (in this case with a center distance of 91 mm), select it from the list and click
the "Accept" button to transfer it, and then click "Close" to close the window.
To access this stage of the calculation directly, open the "Tutorial-009-Step2" file.
Figure 10. Normal module, number of teeth, width, profile shift and center distance shown as suggested by KISSsoft
2.3 Modifications
You can now modify the proposed values. For example, for the gear width you can input a pinion width of
30 mm and a gear width of 29 mm (directly in the appropriate fields).
In the tab "Reference profile" you can modify the reference profile in the drop-down list.
Figure 11. "Reference profile" tab, information about the reference profile
You can modify the profile shift of gear 1 (gear 2 is then sized accordingly) as follows: Click the Sizing button
in the figure below to open the "Sizing of profile shift coefficient" dialog window that displays proposed
values for a number of profile shift coefficients (see Figure 13):
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Figure 12. Open dialog window; Size profile shift coefficients
If you use different criteria, the KISSsoft system proposes suitable profile shift coefficients. In this example
you want to balance specific sliding. Click the "Radio Button" to display the required proposal on the right-
hand side and then click "OK" to accept it.
The profile shift coefficient x is then transferred to the input window of the "Basic data" tab, "Geometry"
group. Then, either click on the icon in the tool bar or press "F5" to calculate the complete geometry, the
root and flank safeties, the safety against scuffing, and the resulting contact ratio (see Figure 14 below). The
results should now look like this (however, minor variations are possible, for example in the calculated profile
shift coefficient):
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To access this stage of the calculation directly, open the "Tutorial-009-Step3" file.
Figure 14. Modified profile shift coefficient, results overview after calculation has run
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3 Fine Sizing
3.1 Starting the fine sizing function
Now that you have used the rough sizing function to define a gear pair that can transmit the required power,
you can optimize this gear's noise emission and strength characteristics. Just as for rough sizing, go to
"Calculation", then select "Fine Sizing" to open the "Fine Sizing" screen, where you can perform the fine
sizing functions.
Here you can define ranges (and intervals) for the following parameters. The KISSsoft system will then search
these ranges for a suitable gear pair solution.
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(1) Set to 300
(2) Define the required ratio (4) and permissible error (2%)
(3) Click the Sizing buttons to have KISSsoft propose sensible ranges for the "Normal module",
"Helix angle", "Center distance" and "Range for profile shift coefficient" parameters
(4) Specify whether the center distance is to be fixed or variable
For this example, make the settings shown in Figure 16. Then click "Calculate" (button at the bottom) to call
the sizing function. The algorithm then finds all possible gear combinations that match the values you have
Once the calculation process has finished, you see a list of all the solutions the system found (see
Figure 17). In this example, the aim is to find a gear pair with low noise emissions. You can now sort the
results by the required criterion (e.g. , , or ), to find the best solution (depending on the selected strategy
and if possible as whole numbers or if possible as a whole number). Double-click on the required
variant or click "Accept" to transfer and calculate the result. If the result produced is not the optimum solution,
you can always select a different variant until you find the best possible result.
In this case, solution 52 has been selected.
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Figure 17. List of all the solutions found in the particular parameter range
Press the "Report" button to evaluate the most important properties of this solution in a report.
Analysis of the results (Assessment of important characteristics)
No. = Number of the variant
diff_i = Deviation from the nominal ratio in %
kg = Weight in kg
Slide = Specific sliding (maximum value)
v.Slide = Sliding velocity (m/s, maximum value)
AC/AE = Begin working depth AC / working depth AE
del_cg = Variant on the stiffness during rolling (N/mm/mym)
1-eta = Losses in % (1.0-total efficiency)
Safety = Safety (Tooth root and flank, 0 = high, 1 = medium, 2 = low)
(SF-min: 0.60/ 1.20/ 1.40 SH-min: 0.60/ 0.90/ 1.00)
Summary = Overall assessment (weighted)
(50.0%:del_cg 20.0%:diff_i 100.0%:kg 35.0%:Slide 0.0%:v.Slide
0.0%:AC/AE 10.0%:1-eta 100.0%:Safety)
(For this table it can be said in general: the smaller the value the better!)
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50 0.000 4.192 0.747 0.196 0.418 0.265 1.268 1.183 0.550
51 1.087 4.228 1.331 0.184 0.503 0.256 1.352 0.963 0.472
52 1.087 4.216 1.076 0.196 0.457 0.256 1.352 1.096 0.525
Important note: The description of the method of approach here has deliberately been kept as short as
possible. In practice it is very important that you carefully read through the "Analysis of results" list in the
fine sizing function. It is quite likely that the second or third best solution (in terms of noise emission) should
be preferred for other reasons. Displaying the variants as graphics in the "Graphics" tab can also help you
make the right decision:
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This graphic can help you find the best possible solution more easily (in this case, in terms of tooth root/flank
safety). You can then select it under "Results" and transfer it to the calculation.
To access this stage of the calculation directly, open the "Tutorial-009-Step4" file.
Figure 20. Results of fine sizing (profile shift, helix angle, number of teeth)
The resulting tooth form is then displayed in a graphics window under "2D geometry". Here, you can either
click the button or double-click the left-hand mouse button in the gray area to make it into a floating window
and enlarge it:
Figure 21. Resulting tooth form (base circles and path of contact shown in red)
To display the stiffness curve above the meshing, click "Graphics" "Evaluation"Theoretical contact
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Figure 22. Course of theoretical meshing stiffness
To size a deep tooth form, call the Fine Sizing function again and then set the flag in the "Sizing of deep
tooth form" checkbox under "Conditions III". Then click the Calculate button to calculate new values.
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Figure 24. Settings in Fine Sizing, select "Sizing of deep tooth forms"
Now the best solution in terms of noise emission is solution number 46. You can now select this variant by
clicking "Accept" to transfer the toothing data for this variant. When you now size a deep tooth form, the
reference profiles have been changed.
The gear data now appears again in the main screen (changed number of teeth, helix angle, profile shift) and
the new results calculated immediately when they are accepted:
To access this stage of the calculation directly, open the "Tutorial-009-Step5" file.
Figure 25. New toothing data and results, in particular contact ratio
The resulting tooth form is then displayed in a graphics window under "2D geometry". Here, you can either
click the button or double-click the left-hand mouse button in the gray area to make it into a floating window
and enlarge it:
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Figure 26. Resulting deep tooth form
Figure 27. Viewing the reference profile for a deep tooth form in the "Reference profile" tab
The resulting contact ratio is now very close to 3, which results in very even contact stiffness:
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Figure 28. Theoretical contact stiffness curve across the contact
Figure 29. Inputting lubrication data and calling the input window for the face load factor
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You can select the lubrication type as well as the lubricant itself directly in the drop-down list (shown here on
the left and right). You can also use the database tool to add to the list of lubricants.
Click the Plus button (lower right-hand marking in the Materials and Lubrication group, see Figure 29) to
specify the lubricant temperature.
Input the operating and ambient or housing temperature in the "Operating backlash" tab (see the marked
texts in the next figure).
Important note:
If the strength analysis or service life calculation is relevant for evaluating the variant calculated by the fine
sizing function, you must input the values listed above before you perform fine sizing.
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