Public Speak Work Book
Public Speak Work Book
Public Speak Work Book
Table of Contents
Public Speaking Workbook...........................................................................................................1 Table of Contents..........................................................................................................................1 Prelude To Getting Started........................................................................................................................3 Contract With Myself............................................................................................................................4 Introduction...............................................................................................................................................5 Obstacles to Success..................................................................................................................................7 Most Common Obstacles..............................................................................................................7 Conclusion...............................................................................................................................................11 10 Tips for Public Speaking....................................................................................................................12 Most Frequently Asked Questions..........................................................................................................13 Six Points of Contextual Therapy............................................................................................................14 BEGINNING LEVEL.............................................................................................................................15 Exercise One: Getting Started ............................................................................................................15 Exercise Two: Speaking while Standing ..........................................................................................16 Exercise Three: Gestures and Movement............................................................................................17 ................................................................................................................................................................17 Exercise Four: Demonstration ............................................................................................................18 Exercise Five: Narrative with Gestures and Movement......................................................................19 Exercise Six: Questions and Answers on Familiar Topic...................................................................20 Exercise Seven: Speak without Preparation Familiar Topic............................................................21 Exercise Eight: Speak without Preparation Current Events ............................................................22 Exercise Nine: The Prepared Speech..................................................................................................23 Exercise Ten: Prepared Speech..........................................................................................................26 INTERMEDIATE LEVEL......................................................................................................................28 Exercise One: Prepared Speech (Effective Use of Movement and Gestures).....................................28 Exercise Two: Prepared Speech Projection and Vocal Variety.......................................................29 Exercise Three: Questions and Answers on Topic of Expertise.........................................................30 Exercise Four: Rapid Fire Questioning...............................................................................................31 Exercise Five: Prepared Speech Energy and Enthusiasm................................................................32 Exercise Six: Prepared Speech - Persuasion ......................................................................................33 Exercise Seven: Reading Aloud .........................................................................................................34 Exercise Eight: Prepared Speech: Technical.......................................................................................35 Exercise Nine: Prepared Speech: Followed by Questions from Audience.........................................36 Exercise Ten: Prepared Speech in Question and Answer Format.......................................................37 ADVANCED LEVEL.............................................................................................................................39 Exercise One: Conversation ...............................................................................................................39 Exercise Two: Respond to Questions on an Array of Topics ............................................................40
Exercise Three: Defend Your Responses ...........................................................................................41 Exercise Four: The Debate..................................................................................................................42 Exercise Five: Defend Your Responses Under Pressure.....................................................................43 Exercise Six: Read for Meaning with Eye Contact.............................................................................44 Exercise Seven: Reading Aloud and Summarizing What You Read .................................................45 Exercise Eight: Lead Panel Discussion ..............................................................................................46 Exercise Nine: Prepared Speech with Visual Aids .............................................................................47 Exercise Ten: Prepared Speech (Putting it all Together) ..................................................................48 MASTER LEVEL...................................................................................................................................49 Exercise One: Rant .............................................................................................................................49 Exercise Three: Improvisation............................................................................................................50 Exercise Four: Explore Personal Conflict Present Case to Group...................................................51 Exercise Five: Speak without Preparation on a Social Issue...............................................................52 Exercise Six: Lead Seminar.................................................................................................................53 Exercise Seven: Risk Being Less than Perfect....................................................................................54 Exercise Eight: Confront Inhibition....................................................................................................55 Exercise Nine: Prepared Speech with Reading...................................................................................57 Exercise Ten: Prepared (Mini) Speeches ...........................................................................................58 SPECIALTY EXERCISES.....................................................................................................................59 Exercise One: Employment Interview.................................................................................................59 Exercise Two: Jury Duty.....................................................................................................................61 Exercise Three: Table Topics (Impromptu Speaking)........................................................................63 Techniques...............................................................................................................................63 Exercise Four: Social Interaction........................................................................................................65
What are my short-term goals? You must learn to walk before you can run. Short-term goals should be realistically attainable to insure success. For example, if your long-term goal is to make presentations at staff meetings at work, your short-term goals might include contributing brief comments in the support group, and progressing to presenting a short talk on a topic of interest. Select one or two specific short-term goals and write them in the space allotted. 1. ______________________________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________________________ Achieving your goals requires unwavering determination, and a willingness to stick to the program through thick and thin. Take a moment to make a promise to yourself that you will do whatever it takes to overcome your problem.
You may feel silly affixing your signature to a non-binding contact to yourself; but, trite as it may appear, it is possibly the most significant resolution you can make to insure your success. Intelligence, talent and energy serve you well, but simply making up your mind to beat the problem and not giving up until you do, is, by far, the most important variable.
This book is a tool to help you overcome the fear of social interaction, speaking and/or performing in public. It is recommended you follow the order of the exercises and proceed in manageable steps at your own pace. The exercises are designed to expose you gradually to all the social and work related encounters you are likely to face. The tasks will become less intimidating and your comfort zone and confidence will increase with practice. It is extremely important to practice diligently and chart your progress. Improvement is the greatest motivator, but is often masked. Therefore, it is imperative you keep a record to quantify your progress. Space is allotted in the workbook to record your thoughts before and after each practice session. Fear is caused by your perception of a situation; but, with each success, you will gain confidence and your perception changes. The exercises should be approached as practice not performance! They are learning tools, and are not designed to test your abilities. You have not failed if you need to repeat an exercise. It simply means you need more exposure to that particular task. Expect to experience setbacks and detours on the road to recovery. However, with persistence, you will move steadily toward your goal. The optimum anxiety level for practice is no higher than 5, on a scale of 1 to 10 (0 = no anxiety; 10 = outright panic). If you are experiencing higher levels, the exercise may not be manageable at present, and a more workable one should be substituted. You should allow yourself to feel anxiety while practicing, learn to function with it and appreciate your accomplishment. The goal is learning to FUNCTION WITH ANXIETY, not eliminating it. Fortunately, a natural byproduct of this process is the gradual reduction of anxiety. Often, those with social or public speaking phobia experience repeated trauma by performing in situations they are not equipped to handle. Entering unmanageable situations is counterproductive and undermines confidence. Entering a situation convinced you will fail, with little past success to refute that theory, leads to catastrophic thinking. This fuels anxiety, and failure becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. In order to break the cycle, thinking must be changed from believing you cant, to entertaining the possibility you can. This is done with practice and by a series of small successes. Eventually, with enough work, you start believing your can. That belief is called confidence. However, thinking and perception change gradually and a systematic and sustained effort is required to make inroads. Each triumph is hard won, made in small manageable increments and a direct result of your courage and commitment. If you are willing to face the fear, exert the effort, and most importantly, stick with the program, you will be successful.
Remember, each step forward leaves the problem that much further behind. Do not be surprised or discouraged if you are very anxious about your first assignment. Facing fear is never easy, especially in a new and public environment. However, keep in mind that group members share the same feelings, will be supportive, and exercises will be manageable at all times. You will probably experience the most intense anxiety anticipating, and in the first few moments of the exercise. Allow yourself to feel the discomfort. Resisting only intensifies it. Once you are under way and your attention shifts from catastrophic thoughts to the task at hand, anxiety will recede. Experiencing this in a situation you may never have dared approach is a positive advance and very powerful motivator. It begins the process of altering feelings of helplessness to ones of hope.
Obstacles to Success
Resolving to finally confront your fear is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. If you are successful, it will change your life. Rest control of the difficult areas of your life and it becomes easier to gain mastery over less taxing ones. This course offers the insight, guidance and tools to aid you; but, ultimately, progress depends on your attitude and commitment. The fact that you sought help and paid hard earned money to enroll in the course means you are fed up with having fear limit your life and are ready to take action. The outrage and frustration you may be feeling at the injustice of your plight is not pleasant, but is a powerful motivator when harnessed properly. Use it to your advantage. You will need all the motivation it provides because you are about to declare war on your fear! Be forewarned. You are about to face one of the craftiest and most ruthless adversaries known to man. Unless you are prepared to be equally fierce and cunning, you will fall short of the mark. Develop a warrior like mentality in pursuing your fear by rooting it out and vanquishing it at every turn. Make it personal, and delight in each triumph. Vow to meet the challenge with gusto every time it rears its head, and dont give up until youve won. Look at the challenge as an adventure with a priceless treasure as your reward. Use your anger and frustration to drive you past any obstacle encountered along the way. But, be smart, systematic and diligent. This therapy is designed to expose you gradually to your fear in manageable steps. The term manageable should not be interpreted to mean easy, or devoid of anxiety. The road to success is strewn with seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Knowing what to expect will help you muster the character to forge ahead when you feel discouraged.
If you do not know where you are going, it is virtually impossible to get there. You must have something concrete to strive for and your goals must be tangible and attainable. By setting and attaining short-term goals, you stoke the motivational fire that keeps you striving toward the longerterm goals. The workbook will aid you in systematic goal attainment, and by quantifying your achievement you have measurable evidence of your progress. This course is not a panacea for anxiety. If that is your expectation, you are setting an unrealistic and unattainable goal, which will only frustrate your efforts. The aim of the course is to teach you how to function with anxiety. As you gain confidence in your ability to function, even while anxious, fear actually begins to subside
Lack of Commitment
A certain degree of commitment is required in order to be successful at anything, yet the rate of attrition is always high in endeavors of self-improvement. The breakdown of resolve follows an all too familiar pattern. You reach a breaking point and finally see long needed help. You are flooded with hope and enthusiasm when you find there is a name for what ails you and a way to get over it. You sprint out of the gate and tackle your first assignments with gusto. You make progress, but are unable to appreciate the gains, and focus on all the things you are still not capable of doing. Enthusiasm wanes when you realize it is not a miracle cure and each step forward requires effort and resolve. You start finding excuses to miss class, progress stalls and motivation dwindles even further. At this point, you either get into the habit of not attending, or ingrain the habit of attending the sessions by pushing yourself through the lull and rekindling desire. Those who keep at it, continue to make progress and the ones who dont - - dont. This is true of exercise. It is true of dieting. It is true of learning. And is especially true in overcoming fear. THE ONLY WAY TO OVRCOME FEAR IS TO FACE IT DOWN RELENTLESSLY. The effort must be organized, manageable and consistent over time. 3. Impatience
If your first question is how long will it take? you are off on the wrong track. How long does it take to get in shape physically? One month? Six months? A year? Okay, so now that you are in shape, do you stop exercising? No, you keep exercising to stay in shape. Battling fear in no different. Does this mean you will be attending the sessions until you are 90 years old? Of course not; but you should be constantly increasing your comfort zone by facing new challenges. The course is not an end in itself. It teaches you how to function with fear and break down any task or situation into manageable steps. This gives you a solid foundation to carry over into other arenas. Paradoxically, the more patient you are, the more rapid your progress. The less patient, the greater the likelihood frustration will throttle motivation and doom the endeavor. 4. Progress & Setbacks
Interestingly, progress can be as debilitating as a setback if not monitored correctly. Progress is very difficult to define or quantify. What feels like a major accomplishment in the initial stages, may be taken for granted further along in the therapy; and focusing on things you cannot do is always more compelling than appreciating your triumphs.
It is important to become a friend to yourself. If a friend were bravely combating fear, you would support and encourage them. Yet it is difficult to extend the same courtesy to yourself. The ability to go easy on yourself and appreciate your accomplishments is the most elusive element of the therapy. Measure success by the spirit with which you are willing to face the fear, not by how well you perform. Yet, not matter how courageous the effort, you will inevitably face a setback. You may suddenly be stricken with terror doing the same exercise you sailed through the week before. A natural response is to feel despondent and brand the therapy, or yourself, a failure. The more enlightened choice is to get back up, shake it off and start over again. This is not an easy thing to do; however, with each subsequent success, you realize the setback was disheartening but not catastrophic and being to perceive it as a speed bump rather than a road block on your way to recovery. There is usually a reason for an attack of nerves. Perhaps you did not prepare sufficiently, or entered the situation in stress overload. Uncovering the reason will help you avoid the same set of circumstances in the future. Be realistic in your expectations. This is a system designed to help you function with fear not eliminate it. With practice, you develop confidence that you can function with high levels of anxiety. In time, this conviction lessens overall anxiety. 5. Boredom
Believe it or not, it is possible to bet bored combating fear. Some of the exercises are repetitive in nature, and you will be an observer a good portion of the time. It is important to learn from the efforts of others and constantly take on more challenging, yet manageable exercises. You learn more effectively, and are more likely to attend regularly, if you are having fun. Therefore, we try to keep the atmosphere light as well as interesting. The emphasis is on participation rather than endless discussion of the problem. I you approach it as an opportunity to interact and communicate with others in a supportive environment, the experience can be enjoyable as well as therapeutic. If you view it strictly as therapy and are impatient for results, this attitude will adversely affect your progress. However, boredom may also signal the time for you to begin weaning yourself from the group to begin facing new challenges. 6. Finances
Is the program worth the financial investment? That, of course, depends on the return, which is entirely dependent on your efforts. However, as opposed to traditional talk therapy, this program offers quantifiable results at a fraction of the cost. 7. Time Management
You cannot do everything. If you add an activity to your busy life, you may have to sacrifice another. If your favorite television program airs the same time the group is scheduled, you will have to decide if
the pleasure and relaxation garnered from the show outweigh the benefits of the training. If so, it is better not to make the commitment, because a half hearted effort will yield far less than half the results. Note that, although the therapy decreases anxiety in the long run, initially your stress level will rise. Facing fear is never easy. You may feel uncomfortable doing the exercise and suffer anticipatory anxiety often days before the sessions. If you are already overloaded with stress, you may need to eliminate a stressor from your life before making the commitment. This ware is won in a series of small battles, not by onslaught. Just getting yourself to the group will be a battle each and every time. Given a choice of facing anxiety or fleeing from it, the human animal will naturally choose the latter. An anxiety free evening with the pleasures of hearth and home is an irresistible lure. Thee same hesitation and temptation will be there every single week. And every week you will have to muster the character to resist. However, if you are successful at fighting this weekly battle, you will be successful in the therapy. Getting yourself to the group is the most difficult and most important variable in the equation. Thats right! Just SHOWING UP is the most important variable. It is more important tan how much you learn or how well you do the exercises. All of those things will fall into place eventually if you just get yourself there, week in and week out. There is nothing difficult about the program. Anyone can do it. Getting to the sessions on a consistent basis is the challenge. 8. Performance vs. Practice
When you follow someone who has done a particularly interesting or entertaining exercise, the inclination is to feel pressure to elevate your performance. This is the time to remind yourself you are not competing in a talent contest. Perceiving your efforts as performance rather than practice undermines the process. It is natural to want to do well and gain the respect of your peers. However, you should focus on the doing of the exercise rather than the outcome. Some of the exercises are not inherently entertaining from an audiences1 standpoint. You must be willing to be less than scintillating in order to get the most from what you are learning. Ironically, focusing on the task rather than the outcome is more effective. 9. They Dont Like Me
It is very difficult to be comfortable in an environment where you feel unappreciated, and tough to continue if those feelings persist. Below are suggestions to avoid facing that unpleasantness: 1. Man an effort to acknowledge others before and after the session. Just saying hi and bye sends a totally different message than darting in and out of class. 2. As a member of a support group, you should willingly offer support, as well as receiving it.
3. Bring a degree of enthusiasm to your work. Your attitude is one of the most important variables and has a potent affect on those around you.
The term audience is used very loosely in this context. An audience usually implies a group waiting to be entertained. Fellow members are there to support, not judge you.
4. Dont be selfish. You create resentment if the group becomes about you. Respect the time restraints, and keep comments brief and pertinent. 10. Future Thinking
The most uncomfortable aspect of social phobia is the anticipatory anxiety of the dreaded event. If you were able to limit anxiety to the time in which you actually speak, rather than obsessing about it for weeks in advance, the problem would be greatly minimized. Anticipatory anxiety is the result of future thinking (projecting into the future). The word anticipate implies a future expectation. An assessment is made of how you will perform in an upcoming situation based on past experience. If those experiences are negative you will anticipate a negative future outcome, resulting in heightened anticipatory anxiety. The less manageable you feel the task to be, the more anxiety you will experience anticipating it. Anticipatory anxiety is the bulwark of phobic avoidance. The natural tendency is to look ahead; however, focusing on the here and now is most effective in reducing anxiety. The best way to deal with future thinking is to prepare well, and then get involved in other activities that shift attention from obsessing about the upcoming event. Each small success increased confidence, reduces dread and the inclination to ruminate over the outcome.
Any one of the obstacles outlined above can easily derail the most committed person. Taken together, they are formidable. Whenever you think you have one under control, another will surface to challenge your resolve. It is a constant battle, but develop the habit of consistently facing your fear in manageable steps, and the struggle becomes less taxing. Identifying the obstacles beforehand aids your plan of attack and steels you against them. Setbacks and disappointment are diminished with the awareness that they are part of the process of moving forward. Read the preface over from time to time, for it is easy to lose sight of exactly what is required in order to achieve your goals. You have chosen a difficult path requiring a courageous and sustained effort, but the rewards far outweigh the sacrifice. Remember, you will be successful if you stick to the program. I wish you the very best in your endeavor. Charles di Cagno
A. Obviously, that varies with the individual. However, there is a direct correlation between motivation and commitment, and the speed with which you see results. With that said, the more patient and diligent you are, the more fruit your efforts will bear. In this race, the tortoise almost always beats the hare. Q. Does it work?
A. Again, that depends on you. In our experience, the people who get better are the ones determined to do so. If you work diligently, in manageable steps, and show up even when you would rather not, you will make dramatic progress. You either get into the habit of attending regularly, or reinforce avoidance. Sounds a lot like exercise doesnt it? Each session will challenge you to do things you were not able to do the session before. Q. Will it get rid of my anxiety?
A. The goal is learning to function with anxiety and appreciating the accomplishment. Fortunately, with practice, you gain confidence that you can function regardless of fear, and anxiety does actually recede. Q. If I get comfortable in the group, which is a safe environment, how will that help me in the real world? A. This program is designed to teach you how to expand your zone of comfort. The more you know about what drives your fear, and the more skill you acquire in public speaking and social interaction, the more likely you are to face new challenges in your daily life. When you are ready, you will be encouraged to move on to other arenas such as Toastmasters2, acting class, participation in community groups, etc., which may be too intimidating at present.
Toastmasters International is an organization that provides a forum in which to practice public speaking.
This reaction is automatic now because of past experiences. 2. WHEN FEAR ARISES, WAIT AND LET IT BE.
Do not try to stop fear from coming or try to push it away. 3. FOCUS ON AND DO MANAGEABLE TASKS IN THE PRESENT.
These are tools that can help you control fear. 4. LABEL YOUR FEAR LEVEL FROM 0 TO 10.
Study what makes your fear go up and down. Your emotional reaction is affected naturally by thoughts and by other changes in the situation. 5. FUNCTION WITH A LEVEL OF FEAR AND APPRECIATE YOUR ACHIEVEMENT.
You are now controlling the process that generates fear. This is the road to recovery. 6. EXPECT, ALLOW AND ACCEPT THAT FEAR WILL REAPPEAR.
Getting well is a learning process that takes time, marked by periods of advances and occasional setbacks. The most important factors in getting better are making a commitment and sticking to it.
Exercise One: Getting Started
OBJECTIVE: Use your descriptive powers with and without visual cues. EXERCISE: While seated, describe your surroundings. As you begin to feel more comfortable, describe something familiar, such as your car, pet, or family member. NOTE: Take your time. Simply look at what is in front of you and identify it. Make no attempt to be humorous or engaging. If you get stuck identifying an object, skip it and go on to the next. This is not a test to see if you can name every object in the room, but a means to break the ice and allow you to begin to feel comfortable hearing your own voice in public. When describing something from memory (i.e., your car), take time to visualize it first. Once you have the image clearly in mind, simply describe what you see. Alert the instructor if your anxiety gets too high at any point during the exercise. Comments: Anxiety Levels Anticipating Exercise
OBJECTIVE: To get comfortable speaking while standing in front of a group. EXERCISE: The entire group will stand up, and one by one, each person will be asked to sit while you remain standing, responding to simple questions. Eventually, as your anxiety subsides, you will be the only one left standing. You will continue responding and then discuss any anxiety or physical discomfort you experienced. NOTE: The questions will be elementary, and should not present a problem. Keep your comments brief, get to the point, close and move on to the next question. If you are thrown by a question, do not linger, admit it and move on to the next one. Your verbal skills are not being tested here. You are merely getting used to speaking while standing up. Do not be discouraged if this exercise presents problems. You may feel exposed, find your body tensing and be unsure of what to do with your hands. Stay with it. All these issues will be resolved in future exercises. As perception changes, you will begin to view standing as a position of power, rather than one of vulnerability. Comments: Anxiety Levels Anticipating Exercise
Learn how to select a topic, outline and present a speech. Select a topic, outline, review and present to the group.
NOTE: Settle on a topic but do not prepare anything before hand. You will outline and present the speech in class. Dont panic. It is much easier than it sounds. In fact, the point of this exercise is to show just how easy it is to design and present a basic prepared speech. Select a topic that interests you. If you love basketball, talk about basketball. Incorporate a personal experience, i.e., the first time you beat your dad in one-on-one, or watching Michael Jordan play in person. BASIC OUTLINE 1. 2. OPENING BODY A. Point One Example that Illustrates Point One. B. Point Two Example that Illustrates Point Two 3. CONCLUSION
This is the basic structure for most speeches. Then just fill in the blanks with concise memory tags. Using the Michael Jordan example you might script the following: 1. 2. OPENING BODY A. Amazing physical gifts What sets Michael Jordan apart from all other basketball players.
Example: Describe how he jumped from the foul line, glided past the opposing team, switched hands in mid-air and jammed the ball through the rim. B. Poise
Example: Describe how he demanded the ball with seconds on the clock, and scored the winning basket. 3. CONCLUSION When a player can match his physical prowess with unshakable confidence, you have the makings of a champion.
The outline is your road map. Keep the points concise and to the point. The less your write, the more spontaneous and engaging your delivery will be.
CONGRATULATIONS! You have now completed the Beginning Level in the workbook, and should have a solid foundation for moving onto the Intermediate Level. Continue to attend regularly and move forward in manageable steps, and you will progress steadily. You may find your anxiety increasing as the tasks become fore difficult. That is a natural part of the process. Keep in mind, you are learning to FUNCTION WITH FEAR, not attempting to abolish it. Each time you do so, the fear will become less daunting. It is also common to suffer setbacks at this stage of the process; and although it is very discouraging to make progress, experience practice sessions of moderate to low anxiety, and then unexpectedly suffer panic levels during the next session, this does not mean you are regressing. Inform the instructor when this happens. You may simply be giving a bad day, or may need to ease back to a more comfortable exercise temporarily. The best way to handle the inevitable setback is to identify it, reflect on what might have contributed to it, learn from the experience and move on. This is difficult to do since a setback usually dampens motivation. But this is exactly where desire and character factor prominently into the equation. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back to work on the problem, even though you may not particularly feel like it. Keep fighting, never quit and you will be rewarded. Perseverance is the key to overcoming the problem.
NOTE: This exercise may change your perception of the prepared speech forever. For most, the give and take of question and answer sessions is more manageable than the open-ended formality of the public address; therefore, it makes sense to take advantage of that format to render speech making less daunting. Just as in a Q&A session, a question will be asked to which you will respond without having rehearsed the response; only instead of an audience member asking the question, you will read it from your outline and respond accordingly. You defeat the purpose of this exercise by writing out or rehearsing responses, since that luxury is not available in the normal Q&A format. If you have selected a topic you know well, it should not be difficult to trust yourself to answer intelligently without having scripting answers. If you are more comfortable with Q&A, and are able to get the same feel and flow from this exercise, use it to your advantage in future talks by utilizing this format.
Exercise One: Conversation
OBJECTIVE: To sharpen conversational skills by interacting with a cross section of people. EXERCISE: Approach a group member, greet and engage them in conversation. The instructor will signal when to proceed to the next person. NOTE: Begin by discussing what you have in common (i.e., social anxiety), and progress to what you know or want to know about the person you are speaking with. You probably know many of the people in the group by now, have heard them speak and know a bit about their interests. Ask the gentleman who mentioned his passion for the slopes if he has been skiing lately. Or talk about travel with the lady who has just returned from vacation. You are most effective when focused on what interests you. Sustain the conversation by asking a follow-up question or commenting on the reply. Keep questions and comments succinct and resist the temptation to be charming. This is not an exercise to gage your charisma, but to afford you the opportunity to speak with receptive people in a supportive environment. Making an effort to turn on the charm creates undo pressure and derails the effort. The fear of not knowing what to say worries people most about this exercise. Try not to let that interfere with your effort, since there is no downside to going blank in the group setting. If it happens, simply alert the instructor and he will work you through it.
Exercise One: Rant
OBJECTIVE: Break down inhibition and gain freedom of expression using emotion. EXERCISE: Address and react viscerally to an issue of common annoyance. The exercise is over only when you are sufficiently fervent in your appeal. This is a particularly good exercise if you have difficulty expressing anger, and the instructor will prompt you if you have trouble getting untracked. NOTE: Let loose! Dont worry about getting the words right. Tap into gut feeling and let the message gush out. Work yourself into frenzy over the topic and see what happens. Talk about the rude person who ruined your commute home by talking incessantly on his cell phone. Or ruminate on why the transit authority cannot seem to build a subway seat that can accommodate a normal sized person. If SUVs polluting the environment makes you crazy, tell us about it in no uncertain terms. Select an issue that truly annoys you to really get yourself going. Experiment. Let the emotion soar and communicate your angst through voice, body and gestures. It is much more difficult to be fearful when genuinely angry or enthusiastic, and by sending energy outward you diffuse tension and anxiety. This is a breakthrough exercise for many, once they realize empowering emotions can displace their performance anxiety.
Freedom breeds growth, but with it comes responsibility. It is fine to explore unrestrained behavior within bounds in this exercise, but in the real world, always respect your audience and exercise discretion when pushing the envelope.
Exercise One: Employment Interview
OBJECTIVE: To learn how to present yourself most effectively in an employment interview. EXERCISE: Simulate an employment interview (with a partner) in the field of your choice. NOTE: The employment interview presents many obstacles, most of which are eliminated by proper preparation. The first step is to research the company and the position you are applying for. Without this information it will be difficult to answer coherently why you are interested in the opportunity. This does not require exhaustive research. You are on good footing if you understand what the company does and the job requirements. The research should not take long, just as long as you understand what the company does, and what the job requirements are you are on good footing. You should anticipate and prepare for the questions you are most likely to be asked. Some standard questions are: Tell us about your strengths and weaknesses. Why do you want the position? Talk about your prior work experience. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Always be ready for the generic questions, but anticipate several others related specifically to the position in question. Applying for a position as a corporate attorney you should be prepared to answer questions on your experience with contracts. As a computer programmer looking for work, you will likely be asked about your proficiency in the most popular programs of the day. Once you have identified the questions, script your responses in outline form and practice them. Answers should be organized, concise, full of information, and most importantly, answer the question asked. Do not regurgitate the information on your resume. A resume reads like a laundry list of accomplishments and if they want the information they can read it. The best way to showcase your enthusiasm and knowledge of the field is by using the same outline format you have been using in the prepared speech. Illustrate your response with a personal example from your bank of experience. Therefore, asked about leadership skills, rather than listing the leadership positions that appear on your resume, select a particularly gratifying experience where you used those skills to motivate people to get the job done in record time. For example, if you organized a committee to cut down on absenteeism, give details on how you delegated responsibility and were able to increase productivity. A graphic account of the action you took energized your response and is far more interesting than a list
of accomplishments. And it is always easier to deliver a narrative rather than having to remember items on a list. Your response, including example should be organized, detailed, yet, concise. Remember the twominute rule. Get to the point and wrap it up within two minutes or you run the risk of losing your listeners attention. Along with your responses you should also prepare a short list of questions to ask the interviewer. Asking questions demonstrates assertiveness and an interested in the job. Use common sense here and limit the questions to the nature of the work, and not vacation time. You can iron out those details if you make it past the first round of the interview process. Ultimately you want to project a poised and competent demeanor, and the more prepared you are the more likely it will be that you will do so. You have worked diligently to this point on eye contact, speaking forcefully and clearly with a measured unrushed pace, and sitting/standing up straight without fidgeting. The employment interview is the time to put all of these elements into play because your demeanor is as important, if not more so, than the content of your responses. Finally, the job interview is a formal situation requiring a degree of rectitude, however, try to be natural within the parameters dictated by the circumstances.
If you are not selected your service ends at this point and you go home. If you are, then you face other challenges. As the attorneys present their cases your listening and concentration skills will be tested. If you are faced with highly technical and complicated information, try to relax and absorb what you can. There is no need to remember everything. You can always have the court transcript read back to you if you have any questions. Interacting with your fellow jurors is another challenge. You will be together for many hours a day, over the course of several weeks possibly. Avoiding conflict whenever possible, and being cordial and considerate even to those who irritate you makes the adjustment easier and reduces overall stress. If the case is not settled and you must deliberate, more challenges await. At this point you should have digested the basics of the case and be ready to discuss them. A vote is taken and if the decision is unanimous, the judge renders the verdict and your work is done. However, if there is just one dissenting vote, the discussion begins. Now it is time to put your ego aside, focus on the details of the case and keep an open mind. You must listen to and respect the arguments put forth by others, but also, be ready to explain your vote. After some time, another vote is taken and if there is still no unanimity, the discussion goes on. With no end in sight, your anxiety may increase. Stay in the present; try to keep focused on what is happening, and pace yourself for an extended deliberation. Discussing complicated technical issues for an extended time can be taxing, especially when you are not used to it. Keep in mind you are not required to be an attorney, an expert on the subject, or to remember every detail. Your only responsibility is to use your judgment to reach a fair verdict. Therefore, try to adopt a relaxed attitude, absorb what you can, and concentrate on the big picture. You are also not expected to be a debating champion, but only to offer your opinion on the case as it was presented. Have a notepad handy, allow yourself to refer to your notes, and as always, keep comments concise and to the point. Discussion with diverse people with differing views can get confrontational at times. Here it is critical to keep the interchange on a non-personal level; which is difficult when being challenged in an aggressive manner. Employ the facts, reason, logic, and as much diplomacy as you can muster to keep the proceedings civil. Your responsibility is to reach a fair and equitable ruling on the case, not to win the debate. As you can see jury duty is a challenging enterprise. This exercise will prepare you for the experience. Comments: Anxiety Levels Anticipating Exercise Comments: Feelings After Completing Exercise
Define If you are really stuck, buy some time by defining the subject. For instance, if you are asked about the economy in Greenland and havent much to say on the subject, you might start by defining Greenland as an island in the northern hemisphere with a very cold climate. This allows you to begin speaking while gaining time structure your response. At this point, if you really have nothing further to say on the issue, you could incorporate the following technique. Segue - When all else fails, segue to a related, yet more familiar topic. For instance, once you have exhausted your resources defining Greenland, you might carryover and talk about the book you just read on arctic exploration, or the film you saw on penguins. While this technique is useful in surviving a Toastmasters table topics session, it is important to use common sense when implementing it in the real world. If you boss asks you why your sales decreased in March, it is not recommended you segue too far a field and respond that your local Toyota dealer is running a clearance sale in the same time period. Politicians and attorneys are adept at steering responses away from the intended tone of the question. This technique, although useful when used judiciously, can appear deceitful when abused. Comments: Anxiety Levels Anticipating Exercise Comments: Feelings After Completing Exercise
Comments: Anxiety Levels Anticipating Exercise Comments: Feelings After Completing Exercise